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FOOD AND COOKING Describing food: Moist: slightly wet, especially in a way that is pleasant or suitable.

Rich: rich food contains a lot of butter, cream or eggs which make you feel full very quickly. Sticky: made of or covered with a substance that sticks to surface. Classic: having all the features that are typical or expected of a particular th ing or situation. Delicious: very pleasant to taste or smell. Sth that is delicious tastes very go od and you enjoy eating or drinking it. Savoury: 1) (BrE) savoury food tastes of salt. 2) a savoury taste or smell is st rong and pleasant but not sweet. Tasty: food that is tasty has a good taste, but it is not sweet. Appetizing: Food that is appetizing looks and smells very good, making you want to eat it . Excellent: extremely good or of very high quality. Healthy: good for your body Nourishing: food that is nourishing makes you strong and healthy. SYN. Nutritiou s. Substantial: large in amount or number. Wholesome: likely to make you healthy. Crisp: adj. sth that is crisp is hard, and makes a pleasant sound when you break it or crush it. Crunchy: food that is crunchy is firm and makes a noise when you bite it usually used to show approval. Fresh: fresh food has recently been picked or prepared, and it is not frozen or preserved. Creamy: 1) thick and smooth like cream. 2) containing cream: creamy milk. Piquant: having a pleasant spicy taste. Spicy: food that is spicy has a pleasantly strong taste, and gives you a pleasan t burning feeling in your mouth. SYN hot. Sweet: containing or having a taste like sugar. Sour:1) having a sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon or a fruit that is not ready to be eaten. 2) milk or other food that is sour is not fresh and has a bad taste. Turn/ go sour. Tangy: tang: a taste or smell that is pleasantly strong or sharp. (aroma) penetr ante. (Taste) cido. Thick: almost solid, and therefore flowing very slowly, or not flowing at all: f or a thicker gravy, add more flour. Chunky: chunky food has large pieces in it. Clear: easy to see through, rather than coloured or dirty. SYN transparent. Hearty: a hearty meal is very large. Thin: a liquid that is thin flows very easily because it has a lot of water in i t. Quantifier: Clove: 1) one of the separate parts that form a garlic plant. Fillet: a piece of meat or fish without bones.. Knob: a small piece of sth. Pinch: a small amount of salt, pepper, etc that you can hold btwn your finger an d thumb. Rasher: a thin piece or bacon or ham. Sprig: a small stem or part of a branch with leaves or flowers in it. Stick: a long thin or round piece of sth. Wedge: a piece of food shaped like a wedge. A wedge is a piece of wood, metal, e tc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keepi ng a door open or for splitting wood. Preparation: Sprinkle: (sprinkle sth with sth) to scatter (esparcir) small drops of liquid or small pieces of sth. Grate: to rub cheese, vegetables, etc against a rough or sharp surface in order

to break them into small pieces: grated cheese. (queso rallado) Beat: (beat/whisk) to mix food together quickly with a fork or other tool. Whisk: to mix liquid, eggs, etc very quickly so that air is mixed in, using a fo rk or a whisk. Gut: a type of strong string made from the intestine of an animal, and used for musical instruments, such as violins. v. to remove the organs from inside of a fish or animal in order to prepare it f or cooking. Skin: 1 the natural outer layer of a persons or animals body. 2) the skin of an an imal, sometimes including its fur, used to make leather, clothes etc. Chop: a small piece of meat or a bone, usu cut from a sheep or pig: a grilled po rk/lamp chop Cube: a solid object with six equal square sides. Dice: a small block of wood, plastic, etc that has six sides with a different nu mber of spots on each side, used in games Marinate: to put meat or fish in a marinade, or to be left in a marinade for som e time. mar i nade / mrned, mrned / noun [ uncountable and countable ] a mixture of oil and spices in which meat or fish is put for a time before being cooked

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