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Item IMport FRONT END PROCESS Front End Steps of Item Import In Navigatory Inventory Vision Operations (USA)

{ left side} select any one (right side)

select the Items then select Master Items Item Descrption : xx_ja_1 : jameel item

in Unit of Measure (UOM) Primaty Each pricing Priamary then Save it by control+s Transaction completed 1 record appied and saved -------on the left side click the Organization assigment Just Enable the M1 by clicking in Assigned and scrolling down Save it Transaction Complete: 1 Records applied and saved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How we will check the backend Item Number select * from mtl_system_items_b where segment1='xx_ja_1' control +enter in Toad----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______________________________________________________________ What are WHO Columns in Oracle Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. LAST_UDPATED_DATE LAST_ UPDATED_BY CREATION_DATE CREATIED_BY

______________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Checking the items by Using Front end 1 Navigator Inventory Vision Operations 2. Select the Items 3. Select the Master Item 4. Mention the cursor into the item feild press F11 5. Type the Name xx_ja% 6. Press Control+F11 to execute

******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************** Item Import BACK END PROCESS ( ITEM IMPORT PROJECT)

see the excel file for information __________________________ Validation of Item Import __________________________ Item Description has NO Validation ---------------------Validation of UOM ( Units of re if it is null then if it is not null then if it is exits then then it is not exits then ---------------------Validation of Description If It is null if it is not null ---------------------Validation of Template If it is null If it is exist It it is not exit ---------------------Validation of Master_orgn_id If it is null Base table org_organization_definations Base table of Template is mtl_item_template then error then Valid then error then error then valid Measure) error valid valid valid base table of UOM is mtl_units_of_measu

then error

if it is exists if it is not exists ----------------------

then valid then error

Validation of Child_ogn_id If it is null if it is exits it it is not exists ---------------------Validation of Item Number if it is null if it is exits in child not exits in child ert into child

Base Table : org_organization_definations

then error then valid then not valid

base table mtl_system_items_b then error then error then check in master if it is exit in master if it is not exists

then ins then ins

ert into master and child

________________________ Validation of UOM ONly ________________________ declare cursor c1 is select rowid,xj.* from xx_jamil xj where err_flag is null; v_errflag varchar2(1); v_errmsg varchar2(2000); v_uom mtl_units_of_measure.UOM_CODE%type; begin for r1 in c1 loop v_errflag := null; v_errmsg := null; ----------------------- validation of UOM ----------------------------------if r1.uom is null then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := 'UOM Is Null'; else begin select uom_code into v_uom from mtl_units_of_measure where uom_code = r1.uom; dbms_output.put_line('The UOM Code is '||v_uom); exception when no_data_found then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg||'UOM has no Data Found In System '; when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y';

v_errmsg :='UOM has too many rows in System'; end; end if; ----------------- Update of Staing Table ------------------------------------if v_errflag is not null then update xx_jamil set err_flag = v_errflag, err_msg = v_errmsg where rowid = r1.rowid; end if; end loop; commit; end; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ***************************************************************************** COMPLETE CODE OF ITEM IMPORT PROJECT ************************************ declare cursor c1 is select rowid,e. * from xx_jamil e; v_master org_organization_definitions.ORGANIZATION_ID%typ e; v_child e; v_m_c v_item v_item1 v_uom v_temp v_m_c_item v_errflag v_errmsg begin for r1 in c1 loop v_errflag := null; v_errmsg := null; ------------------- Validation of Master_orgn_id -------------------------if R1.MASTER_ORGN_ID is null then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg|| 'MASTER_0RGN_ID is Null'; else begin select organization_id into v_master from org_organization_definitions where organization_id=R1.MASTER_ORGN_ID; exception when no_data_found then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg ||'MASTER _ORGN_ID is Invalid'; when too_many_rows then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := 'Too Many rows found in Master Organization'; end; end if; --------------------- Validation of Child --------------------------if R1.CHILD_ORGN_ID is null then mtl_parameters.MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID%type; mtl_system_items_b.SEGMENT1%type; mtl_system_items_b.SEGMENT1%type; mtl_units_of_measure.UOM_CODE%type; mtl_item_templates.TEMPLATE_ID%type; varchar2(1); varchar2(1); varchar2(2000); org_organization_definitions.ORGANIZATION_ID%typ

v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg ||'Child _orgn_id is Null'; else begin select organization_id into v_child from org_organization_definitions where organization_id=r1.child_orgn_id; exception when no_data_found then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg :=v_errmsg||'Child_orgn_id is Invalid'; when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errflag :='Too Many rows found in Child Organization'; end; end if; ------------------------- Comparision of Master and Child -------------------------begin select master_organization_id into v_m_c from mtl_parameters where organization_id=r1.child_orgn_id; exception when no_data_found then v_errflag:='Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg ||'Child Is Not Valid'; when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg := 'too Many rows found in Child Organization'; end; ------------------------------ Validation of Item Number ---------------------------------if r1.item_number is null then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg||'Item Number Is Null'; else begin select segment1 into v_item from mtl_system_items_b where organization_id=v_child and segment1 = r1.item_number; v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg||'Item_number is Already exits in Master and child'; exception when no_data_found then begin select segment1 into v_item from mtl_system_items_b where organization_id = v_master and segment1=r1.Item_number; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('Insert into both Master a nd child'); v_m_c_item := 'a';

when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg := 'too many rows found in Item Maste r Organization'; end; end; end if; -------------------------------------- Validation of UOM --------------------------------------------if r1.uom is null then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg ||'UOM is NUll'; else begin select uom_code into v_uom from mtl_units_of_measure where uom_code=r1.uom; exception when no_data_found then v_errflag:= 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg||'UOM is Invalid'; when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg :='Too many rows found in UOM _code'; end; end if; -------------------------- Validation of Template -----------------------if R1.Template is null then v_errflag := 'Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg || 'Template is Null'; else begin select template_id into v_temp from mtl_item_templates where template_name=r1.template; exception when no_data_found then v_errflag:='Y'; v_errmsg :=v_errmsg||'Template is Invalid'; when too_many_rows then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg :='too many rows found in Template'; end; end if; ----------------------- ITem_description --------------------------------if r1.item_description is null then v_errflag :='Y'; v_errmsg := v_errmsg||'Item Description is null'; end if; ---------------------- Update of Staging Table -------------------------if v_errflag is not null then update xx_jamil set err_flag = v_errflag, err_msg = v_errmsg where rowid =r1.rowid; end if; ---------------------------- Inserting into Master --------------------------if v_errflag is null and v_m_c_item ='a' then insert into mtl_system_items_interface(

set_process_id, process_flag, transaction_type, organization_id, segment1, primary_Uom_code, template_id, description) values (1201,1, 'create' , v_master , r1.item_ number, v_uom, v_temp, r1.item_ description); end if; ---------------------------- Inserting into Child ----------------------------if v_errflag is null then insert into mtl_system_items_interface( set_process_id, process_flag, transaction_type, organization_id, segment1, primary_uom_code, template_id, description) values (1201,1, 'Create' , v_child, r1.Item_ number, v_uom, v_temp, r1.item_ description); end if; end loop; commit; end; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ******************************************************************************** ************************************************ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Front End Steps oF Item Import Login : Operations Pass : Welcome

Navigator Inventory Vision Operations Then Select Third Option i.e., View after File Edit from Oracle Application Vis ion From VIew Select Request Click on Submit A request then Single Request the Ok Name : Import Items Click ON Paramters then OTher Window Opens Paramters: All Organizations Validate Items Process Items Deleted Process Rows Process Set ( Null for all) Create or Update Ok Submit then no Yes Yes Yes Yes 1201 1

[Set Process Id]

then Find then Refersh Data

wait till completed

----------------------------------For Checking purpose Backend select * from mtl_system_items_interface select * from mtl_system_items_b where trunc(update_date)=trunc(sysdate); select * from xx_jamil; For checking Item from front end __________________________________________ Navigator INventory Vision Operations Items --------- Master Item --------- F11 (query Mode) ---------Item en control+F11 Execute the Query ja% th

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