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Allison Smith Objective 1.

1 1 The first day of my Human Resources career was January 14th, 2008, well into my masters program by almost a year and a half. By this point in the program I had learned a great deal about theories related to the human resources field, but had not been given the chance to put any of those theories into practice. The position that I took was with a small non-profit in Westminster, MD, Target Community and Educational Services, Inc., as the companies Training Coordinator. I would be the first Training Coordinator the company had ever had and I was encouraged to make the position my own. I think of this as my first leap towards a career in human resources and the first opportunity I was given to use the knowledge and skills that I had learned in that first year and a half of the program. This is why I feel this entry is appropriate for my first personal entry. Included is an analysis paper written about my own work experiences and the theory that I believe fit best at the time it was written. This analysis has allowed me to view myself from an outsiders perspective and I believe that it was a key element that helped begin to establish the career path that I am now on. In my original analysis paper I used Hollands Theory of Types to better explain my work experiences and how they have taken me on a journey through my education and career choices. After reflecting on this piece again, I would have to also say that I can relate my past experiences to Frank Parsons Trait and Factor Theory. This theory states that in order to choose a career path, a person must have an understanding of what their abilities consist of, what their interests are, and what they are able to do. (Sharf, 2006). I believe that my experience with in the Human Resources Development program gave me the opportunity to absorb the knowledge necessary to grasp major HR concepts and better understand what working in the HR field would bring. While reflecting on my

Allison Smith Objective 1.1 2 past work experiences I strongly agree with Parsons theory because the main components of the jobs I held in the past are the same factors that I looked for in my current position and will continue to look for in the future. Parsons theory also says that Every occupation is made up of factors required for the successful performance of that occupation. (CCDF, 2006) My past experiences, which I reflected on in the analysis paper, show my desire for a leadership position and the opportunity to help the company I work with to improve in any way possible. I feel that the traits that are exemplified in the human resources field are trait that I also exhibit. My new experiences within the field have also given me the opportunity to gain knowledge about the area and encouraged me to continue towards the world of human resources. The Training Coordinator position that I currently hold has given me a glimpse into the world of human resources. I have become familiar with the importance of employee relations, organized training, state regulations, and organizational assessment and change. I have also become familiar with programs such as HRonline, a program similar to PeopleSoft, which has become essential in my position as the Training Coordinator. I have also gotten a chance to see some of the challenges of that human resources professionals can face on a day to day basis. Parsons theory dictates that my experiences in this position, if they share similar characteristics with my personality, should lead me towards this career field, and I would have to agree. I find the field of human resources to be challenging, rewarding and gives me the opportunity to become a leader in my workplace. The experience in this position and the Human Resources Development program has given me the knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve my workplace. These experiences have also given me the confidence to take on large

Allison Smith Objective 1.1 3 projects that have an effect on the company that I work for. In my current position I have taken on the task of rewriting the training policy in order to make it more encompassing and understandable for employees. I have been able to use the assessment tools learned in the HRD program and the employee relations skills I have improved in the work place to better understand what employees feel they need and what is best for the company. Examining my past experiences in the attached analysis paper and my more recent experiences as the Training Coordinator have shown me that, like parsons theory, human resources is a career path that I plan to pursue further and excel at. The feedback that I continue to get at my current job and my success in the HRD program gives me the confidence that I will continue to be successful in this area. Cumming and Worley define continuous improvement as a philosophy of designing and managing all aspects of an organization in a never-ending quest for quality. (2005) My goal in the field of HR is to continually improving the organization I work for with the knowledge I continue to gain, and the education I have already had the opportunity to take advantage of. I believe that the experiences I have had over the past two years have been essential to my future success in the field of human resources.

Allison Smith Objective 1.1 4 Works Referenced

Canadian Career Development Foundation (2006). Big Picture of Career Development Theory. Retrieved September 4, 2008 Website: Cumming, T. Worley, D. (2005). Organization Development and Change. SouthCincinnati: Western College Publishing. Sharf, R.S. (2006). Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling. (4th Ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing.

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