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1 - 2. STHAANA BALA - UCHCHABALA: Now about the strengths by classes positional, temporal, etc.

(Firstly,Uchchabala forming part of positional strength or Sthaanabala). Deduct from thelongitude of the planet its (deep) debilitation point. If the sum is less than 6 signs, consider it as it is; if it exceeds 6 signs, deduct the same from 12 signs. The sum so got be converted into degree etc. and divided by 3 which is the planet's Uchchabala or exaltation strength (in Virupas). 2-4. SAPTAVARGAJA BALA: If a planet is in its Moolatrikona Rasi, it gets 45 Virupas, in own Rasi 30 Virupas,extreme friend's Rasi 20 Virupas, friend's Rasi 15 Virupas, neutral's Rasi 10 Virupas, enemy's Rasi 4 Virupas, and in extreme enemy's Rasi 2 Virupas.Similarly, viz. Hora, Decanate, Saptamamsa, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa, and Trimsamsa. When all these are added together the planet's Saptavargaja Balaemerges. 4 1/2. OJHAYUGMARASIAMSA BALA: Each of Venus and the Moon in even Rasis and others in odd Rasis acquire a quarter of Rupa (i.e. 15 Virupas). These are applicable to such Navamsas also. 5. KENDRADI BALA: A planet in an angle gets full strength while one in succedent house gets half and the one in cadent house gets a quarter (or Rupa)(as Kendradi bala). 6. DREKKANA BALA: Male, female, and hermaphrodite planets respectively get a quarter Rupa according to placements in the first, second, and third decanates. 7-7 1/2. DIGBALA OR DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH: Deduct the 4th house (i.e. Nadir) from the longitudes of Sun and Mars; the 7th house (i.e. descendant) from that of Jupiter and Mercury; the 10th house (i.e.meridian) from that of Venus and the moon; and lastly the ascendant from that of Saturn. If the sum is above 180 degrees deduct the sum from 360. The sum arrived in either way be divided by 3 which will be the Digbala (or directional strength) of the planet. 8-9. KAALA BALA OR TEMPORAL STRENGTH - NATHONNATHA BALA. Find out the difference between midnight and apparent birth time which is called Unnata. Deduct Unnata from 30 ghatis to obtain Nata. Double the Nata in ghatis which will indicate identical Natha bala for the Moon, Mars, and Saturn. Deduct the Natha from 60 to know the Unnatha bala of the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus.Mercury, irrespective of day and night, gets full Nathonnatha Bala (i.e. of 1 Rupaor 60 virupas). 10-11. PAKSHA BALA: Deduct from the Moon's longitude that of the Sun. If the sum exceeds 6 signs,deduct the same from 12. The product so obtained be converted into degrees etc.and divided by 3 which will indicate the Paksha bala of each of the benefic planets. The Paksha bala of benefic should be deducted from 60 which will go toeach malefic as Paksha bala. 12. TRIBHAGA BALA:

One Rupa is obtained by Mercury (if birth is) in the first one third part of day time,by the Sun in the second one third part of the day and by Saturn in the last thirdpart of the day. Similarly, the Moon, Venus, and Mars get full strength (of one Rupa) in the first,second, and last one-third parts of the night. Jupiter gets this strength at alltimes. 13. VARSHA-MAASA-DINA-HORA BALA: 15, 30, 45, and 60 Virupas are in order given to Varsha lord, Maasa lord, Dina lord, and Hora lord. Naisargika bala (or natural strength) has already been explained. 14. NAISARGIKA BALA (NATURAL STRENGTH): Divide one Rupa (or 60 Virupas) by 7 and multiply the resultant product by 1 to 7 separately which will indicate the Natural Strength due to Saturn, Mars, MercuryJupiter, Venus, the Moon, and the Sun, respectively. 15-17. AYANA BALA: 45, 33, and 12 are the Khandas for calculating Ayana Bala. Add Ayanamsa to the planet (for which Ayana Bala is required) and find out the Bhuha (distance from the nearest equinox). Add the figure corresponding to the Rasi(of the Bhuja) to the Bhuja. The degree etc of the Bhuja (devoid of Rasi) be multiplied by the figure corresponding to the higher of the the left out Khandas and divided by 30. Add the resultant product to the sum obtained earlier. Convert this into Rasi etc. If the Moon and Saturn are in Libra or ahead add to this 3 Rasis, and if in Aries to Virgo reduce from 3 Rasis. Similarly it is reverse for the Sun, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter,(i.e. addition or deduction is converse). For Mercury 3 Rasis are always additive.The resultant sum in Rasi, degrees and minutes be divided by 3 to get the AyanaBala in Rupas. 18. MOTIONAL STRENGTH FOR SUN AND MOON: The Sun's Cheshta Bala (or motional strength) will correspond to his Ayana Bala.The moon's Paksha Bala will itself be her Chesta Bala. 19. DRIG BALA (ASPECTUAL STRENGTH): Reduce one fourth of the Drishti Pinda if a planet has malefic aspects on it and add a fourth if it is aspected by a benefic. Super add the entire aspect of Mercuryand Jupiter to get the net strength of a planet. 20. PLANETARY WAR: Should there be a war between the starry planets (i.e. between 2 planets from Mars to Saturn, in a given horoscope), the difference between the Shadbalas ofthe two should be added to the victor's Shadbala and deducted from the Shadbalaof the vanquished. 21-23. PLANETARY MOTIONS (MARS TO SATURN): Eight kinds of motions are attributed to planets. These are Vakra (retrogression),Anuvakra (entering the previous sign in retrograde motion), Vikala (devoid ofMotion or in stationary position), Manda (somewhat slower motion than usual),Mandatara (slower than the previous mentioned motion), Sama (somewhat increasing in motion as against

Manda), Chara (faster than Sama), and Atichara(entering next sign in accelerated motion). The strengths allotted due to such 8motions are : 60, 30, 15, 30, 15, 7.5, 45, and 30. 24-25. MOTIONAL STRENGTH FOR MARS ETC: Add together the mean and true longitudes of a planet and divide the same bytwo. Reduce this sum from the Seeghrocha (or apogee) of the planet. The resultant product will indicate the Chesta Kendra (or Seeghra Kendra) of the planet from 12 signs., The Rasi, degrees and minutes so arrived be converted into degrees, minutes etc. and divided by 3 which will denote the motional strength of the planet. Thus there are six sources of strength called Sthaana Bala Digbal, Kaalabala, Drigbala, Cheshta Bala, and Naisargika Bala. 26-29. BHAVA BALAS: Thus I explained about the planetary strengths. Deduct the 7th house (longitudeof descendant) from the bhava happens to be in Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, or the first half of Sagittarius. If Aries, Taurus, Leo, or the first half of Capricorn or the second half of Sagittarius happen to be the bhava, deduct the 4th house (Nadir) from it. Should the Bhava be in Cancer or in Scorpio, deduct from it the ascendant. And deduct the 10th house (meridian) from the bhava happening to fall in Capricorn second half or Pisces. Convert the product so obtained (in the respective case) into degress etc. and divide by 3 to get the strength of the bhava. If the balance in the process of deducting the Nadir, Meridian, ascendant,Or descendant exceeds 6 signs, deduct it again from 12 signs before converting into degrees and dividing by 3. The product after division should be increased by a fourth if the bhava in question has a benefic aspect on it. And a malefic's aspect will entail one fourth reduction. If Jupiter or Mercury aspect a bhava, add the planet's aspectual strength also. And then superadd the strength acquired by thelord of that Bhava. This will be the net strength of that Bhava. 30-31. SPECIAL RULES: The bhavas occupied by Jupiter and Mercury will each get an addition of 1 rupa while each of the bhava occupied by Saturn, Mars, and the Sun suffer 1 rupareduction. 15 Virupas will have to be added to the bhavas falling in Seershodaya Rasis if birth happens to be in day time, to the bhavas falling in dual (or common)Rasis if birth happens to be in twilight and to the bhava falling in PrishtodayaRasis if birth be in night. 32-33. SHADBALA REQUIREMENTS: 390, 360, 300, 420, 390, 330, and 300 Virupas are the Shadbala Pindas neededfor the Sun etc. (up to Saturn) to be considered strong. If the strength exceeds, the planet is deemed to be very strong. 34-36. Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun are strong if each of their Sthaana Bala,Digbala, Kaalabala, Chesta Bala, and Ayana Bala are respectively 165, 35, 50,112, and 30 Virupas. The same required for the Moon and Venus are 133, 50, 30,100, and 40. For Mars and Saturn these are 96, 30, 40, 67, and 20. 37-38. BHAVA EFFECTS: O Brahmin, thus the various sources of strengths be gathered together and effects declared. Whatever yogas or effects have been stated with respect to a bhava will come to pass through the strongest planet. 39-40. ELIGIBILITY TO ISSUE FRUITFUL PREDICTIONS:

O Maitreya, the words of one who has achieved skill in mathematics, one whohas put in industrious efforts in the branch of grammar, one who has knowledge of justice, one who is intelligent, one who has knowledge of geography, space and time, one who has conquered his senses, one who is skillfully logical (in estimation), and one who is favorable to astrology, will doubtless be truthful.

Calculations of Planetary Vedic astrology S trengths in

Indian Vedic astrology is a scientific study of the heavenly bodies, the positions which are mapped in

the form of an Indian horoscope. Vedic astrology based on planetary system.Modern astronomy and Vedic astrology have been able to calculate the movement and direction of planets very precisely and accurately. There are number of books available dealing with Indian Vedic astrology and horoscopes. One important factor which normally is not taken into account at the time of delineation of horoscope is the strength of the planets and the houses.Shadbala is the system of calculating the strength of the planets in Vedic astrology. The nine planets are constantly in motion. At any given time, they occupy a certain place in the heavens i.e. being placed in a particular sign, in a particular house and also forming angles with other planets. This gives them a certain amount of strength or weakness. These are six different kinds of strength that a planet can obtain. These are: 1. Sthana Bala or positional strength 2. Dig Bala or Directional strength 3. Kaala Bala or Temporal strength 4. C heshta Bala or Motional strength 5. Naisargik Bala or Natural strength 6. Drik Bala or Aspectual strength A compilation of these six different sources of planetary strength is called Shada bala in Indian Vedic astrology. It is the Shada Bala of a planet which tells us whether a planet is strong enough to fulfill its role in a given horoscope. A planet strong in a Shada Bala has the propensity to give good or bad results depending on its nature. On the other hand, a weak planet will give diseases and difficulties and will not be able to give results.Shada Bala measured in Rupabala or Rupas.Rupa=60 shashtiamsha or 60 virupas. The Shada Bala of the two shadowy planets-Rahu and Ketu is not calculated. To evaluate the strength of Rahu and Ketu, there are two schools of thought. As per the classical dictum, the strength of Rahu is the same as that of Saturn and the strength of Ketu is like that of Mars.Rahu and ketu represent the lord of the sign in which they are placed. Thus if Rahu is present in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, the strengths of venus and mars, the lords of Taurus and Scorpio respectively, will present the strengths of Rahu and Ketu. Sthana Bala (positional strength)-This is the strength that a

planet acquires due to its placements in a particular sign. A planet may be exalted or debilitated; in its own sign or that of a friend, enemy or neutral; it may be in its Moola trikona (positive) sign or its own Vargas (signs in divisional charts).It may be in a quadrant or succedent or cadent house. All these positions give it some strength which is collectively called Sthana bala.It is made of five sub-parts. 1. Uchcha Bala(exaltation strength) 2. Sapta vargiya bala (Strength due to Sapta Varga) 3. Ojayugma bala(odd even strength) 4. Kendra bala(quadrant strength) 5. Drekkana bala(Decante strength) Dig bala-Dig or Drik means direction in Indian astrology. The four Kendras in a horoscope represent the four cardinal directions. In Vedic astrology each planet is powerful in one of these four directions and powerless in a opposite direction. Dig bala is thus the strength acquired by a planet due to its placement in a particular direction. A planet gets full strength of 60 shashtiamansha when placed in the house where it is powerful and 0 shashtiamansha when placed in the horoscope where it is powerless. Themid point of a horoscope house is always its most powerful point. if the planet is placed in between(as is generally the case),the dig bala has to be calculated proportionately at the rate of one shashtiamansha for every 3 degree of longitude. Kala Bala- Kaal means time and time is measured in hours, days, months and years in Vedic astrology. Thus Kaala bala is the temporal strength of a planet based upon the time of birth. C heshta bala (Motional strength)-C heshta means retrogression. All these five planets from Mars to Saturn become retrograde when placed at a certain distance from the sun. The strength obtained by them due to retrogression called C heshta bala. The earth revolves around the sun. The longitude of the sun is geocentric, it is always increasing and it does not appear to be retrograde at any time. The moon revolves around the earth and since it also moves in one direction, its longitude also seem to be increasing always. When the longitudinal distance of a planet is more than a certain limit, as viewed from the earth, the planets seems to start moving backwards and is said to become retrograde. This is not applicable to the luminaries (as has been explained in many Indian Vedic astrology books) and also to the nodes Rahu and Ketu,(as they are always moving in the reverse direction).A planet generally becomes retrograde when they are near the earth. There are eight different kinds of motions (speeds) which a planet can have (the planets included are Mars, Mercury,

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Drik bala or dig bala (aspectual strength)-Drik or dig means Drishti or aspectIndian astrology explains that a planet in the horoscope, or a house (Bhava), an upgraha,a, a node, a saham or any other sensitive points like beeja or kshetra sphuta or Bhrigu bindu. The planet which is being aspected is called the Drushya graha in Vedic astrology. The planet which is aspecting is called the Drishti graha in Vedic astrology. The aspects of the nature of the astrological planets are as follows: The 3rd/10th/5th /9th /4th /8th and 7th houses as aspected by the planets with an increase in the aspects by (one quarter each, respectively). The planets fully aspect a point 180 degrees away from them (opposite or 7th house).This is 100% aspect. A planet starts aspecting another placed 30 degree ahead of it. Between the planet and 30 degrees, the aspect is nil. At 60 degrees the aspect is one fourth or 25 degrees. At 90 degrees, three fourth or 75%.At 120 degrees it is half or 50%.At 180 degrees, the aspect is full or 100% as mentioned earlier. It then decreases gradually; at 210 degrees it is three fourths or 75%;at 240degrees it is half or 50%;at 270 degrees it is one fourth or 25 degrees and at 300 degrees it becomes nil or 0%.The aspect remains nil upto 360 degrees and also from 0 degree to 30 degrees as mentioned above. Vedic astrology explains that all the planets fully aspect the 7th house in a particular horoscope. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn fully aspect the 4th /8th /5th /9th and 3rd /10th houses respectively.Ishta bala and Kashta bala-The Ishta bala and kashta bala show the benefic and malefic tendencies of the planets, according to which their periods give good or bad results. If the Ishta bala of the planet is more, it will give good effects and will be helpful to the native in its period. If the kashta bala is more, the planet is likely to give adverse results. To calculate the Ishta bala and Kashta bala, astrologers need to know two kinds of rays for each planet-the exaltation rays or Uchcha Rashmi and the C heshta Rashmi. Bhava Bala-Bhava bala is the strength of a horoscope house. There are twelve houses in the horoscope which represent specific things and have special functions. If a horoscope house is reasonably strong, the native will feel the results promised by the Bhava, otherwise not. Shad bala pinda-The Shadbala pinda is the total strength of each planet. It is obtained by adding together the SthanaBala, Digbala, Kaalabala, chestabala and Naisargikbala.The driga bala is added or subtracted depending upon whether it is a positive or negative figure. The result gives astrologers the net strength in shashtiamansha.Each planet requires a certain amount of minimum strength to provide results. The strengths taken into account here are Sthana Bala, Dig bala, Kaala bala (without Ayan bala).chesta bala and ayanabala.If these planets have obtained the required amount of strength, they will be able to give their full results in their respective periods. Vimshopaka bala-The Vimshopaka strength is the twenty point strength obtained by a planet due to its placement in various Vargas in

Shadvarga, Sapta Varga, Dasha Varga and shodas varga.The Vimshopaka bala in the shodas Varga is as follows; The Hora, Drekkana and trishamsha. There are number of views expressed by astrologers in Vedic astrology. Shad Varga, being convea part of the Vedic astrology, is bound to have its share too.Shada bala was not given much importance in the olden days because of the tedious calculations involved. These days also, many astrologers choose not to see the strength of the planets either due to ignorance or lack of time. There are lot of different opinions on certain aspects of shadbala.It is left to the research minded students of Vedic astrology to come to a definite conclusions. C omputers are an integral part of our life now and the seemingly never ending calculations of Shadbala can be obtained within a few minutes.Shadvarga plays pivotal role to reckon planetary strength while horoscope readings are done by astrologers. Vedic astrologers while make predictions about horoscope charts, they have to keenly observe the all subsidiary sixteenth models (Shodas Varga) charts to assess their Predictions accurately. If astrologers are perfect in astrology chart readings through assessing Shadvarga methods, they make predictions accurately. You can avail our astrology Readings services being in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, C anada, Germany or any part of the world.

Shad Bala
Shadbala is a powerful source for calculation of planetary strength. It is described in chapter 27 of Hora Shastra. Shadbala consists of 6 different sources of strength. Each source represents an aspect of strength, such as planetary placement in zodiacal signs or aspectual strength. Signification Planetary strength is important for chart prediction. Strong planets will have auspicious effects during their time of influence (Dasas, transits). Weak planets will have inauspicious effects. Strength of Rasi resp. Bhava lords is another important aspect of the chart. Bhavas will have effects according to their strength and the strength of their lords. Some sources of strength give hints for special purposes: e.g. Digbala gives informations about directions having positive or negative effects. Calculation The complete Shadbala is the sum of all Balas. Balas are calculated in Rupas or Virupas. One Rupa has 60 Virupas. Most sources of strength have values between 0 Virupas (very weak) and maximum value of 60 Virupas (very strong).Other sources (like Drekkana Bala) have only a maximum value of 30 Virupas. Parasara gives required values of strength for each planet. Planets meeting these requirements are considered to be strong. These planets will have favourable effects. Planets without strength will prove inauspicious.

Types of Shadbala

There are 6 main types of Shadbala. Sthana Bala and Kala Bala have several sub-Balas. The hierarchy (including translation of Sanskrit terms) is shown below. Please follow the links. 1. Sthana Bala - positional strength 1.1 Saptavargaja Bala - strength of exaltation 1.2 Uchcha Bala - divisional strength 1.3 Ojhajugmariamsa Bala - strength related to placement in odd/even Rasis and Navamsas 1.4 Kendradi Bala - strength of placement in angle, succedent or cadent houses 1.5 Drekkana Bala - strength according to Drekkana placement of planets 2. Dig Bala - directional strength 3. Kala Bala - temporal strength 3.1 Nathonatha Bala - diurnal/nocturnal strength 3.2 Paksha Bala - strength related to Lunar phase 3.3 Tribhaga Bala - strength related to portions of the day/night 3.4 Varsha-Masa-Dina-Hora Bala - strength of astrological year, month, day and hour 3.5 Yudhdha Bala - strength caused by planetary war 3.6 Ayana Bala - equinoctial strength
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4. Cheshta Bala - motional strength 5. Naisargika Bala - natural strengt

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