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702 Park Lane, Santa Barbara CA 93108 the of Bgimingin thespring 1979, author with in conjunction thepenonandhis assistants nel and facilitiesof theSuzDats,spiritualand a ccnmunityconstructed ptototype agricultural Aftera one N geneBlorfdr'testandevaluation, evolution and year pcriod of mechanical in rcfinement, serious testing commenced paiameter be to August 1980.The important dlag associated is considered the mechanical of of with theoroduclion anincrement electsical poo'et which is extacted from spaceby the ,machine. of consisted the N Figue I ' in generalor as machine, diagammcd the by a drive motor. SPecifically, N driven generalor Fovided (asshownin the illustrais on tion) wi$ twelvebrushes theaxlewhichconract theedgeof the disc, 1i The disc brushesarc afl"nged in three gr,oups four on th hio sidesand top of the of of arc disc. Theade brushes in two groups six, placed symmeticallyon the two sidesof the arE mouittplate.Thebrushes I " x front bearing gaPhitecdbon l " rectangular The beadngs arE fitted with an oil aod lubricationsystem lhe machheis balanced with fiber glass to run without and wound vibration at 6000r.p.m. The bearingsupports of and the suroundings the machine wood to andbmss avoidtheppximity of iroo or other draginto whichwouldinduce material magnetic the machinewith the withdnwal of current' 40 Thedrivemotoris a standard H.P., 400 phase unit.Motorspeed v.a.c.,60 c.p.s.,tbrce is rated3485r.p.m., maximumdlaw is raled at 50.5 arnperes full outPut. The motor is by to coonected $e N machine a doubledrive is pully diameter 9 7/8" andthe belt. Themotor TIIE EXPERIMENT -Tffipetit"dilset"P pully diameter 5 3/4". Thisgivesa is gnemtor to ratio of 1.72x lhe motorspeed rctate step-up of speed 6000r.p.m. at the gonerator the dosigo LNPTIT .{ND OUTPUT CALCULAII9NS tre of widr initial startuD themachioe, inertial loadoi,rthedrive iotor resulsin a 200amof peresulgeprphase thedrivemotorcurent. dle sped drivemotor operating After attaining at currentis 15 anperes 440 v.a.c. asrneasuted model 30 affneter clamped with a Triplefi aroundone of the input phasewires of the motor, of Calculation the moor power.input ftiction and windage brush to required overcome r.p.m.: at losses 6000 15 x 440x .7(p.f.)x 1.73(pwr.corr30) = H.P. watts= 10.07 7900 is of h a number tdal runstheN generato! run up !o s@ @ 6000r.p.m. andthebnrshes wi& the discandfriction. by areheated contact hot, With thebrushes theirintemalvolttgedrop over rcduced resistance much are andtheirseries the "cold" condition. is The outputof the N generator regulated of the elec[omagnet.Maximum by confol at magnetcurrentis 20 amperes 200 v.d.c. as power supply and provided by a sepan{e rctifier bridge conEolledwith a variac from operating the200v.a.c.line. is The electical ouFut of tlle N machine passingthe curEnt throughtwo by measured The in shunts Parallel. shunts rared 800 ampere I style920-22, mted50 arcHickokInstumetrts, m.v. for 800 anperespassingthroughthem. Two shuntsin parallel, mountdon the front plate absorb outputof the the bearingsupport machine.The currentis contlolledby a large

U'S A Page13 Rt. UDlimited, 4, Box 288,LosLunasNM 87031 ENERGYLNUN IED #8, EDrgy

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Page 24

ENERCY Liiillt{ITED NO. 5, ENERcyUNLIUITED, Rr. 4, Box 288, Los Lunas NM 97031 USA


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copperknife switch locatedirnmediatelybehind the shuntswhich contol the current picked up by the l2 brushes riding on the outer edgeof the N generatordisc.

voltage:Unive6al AVOMETER model8, 17o accumcy acrwacy. current;Triplett model 630-NS, l DISCUSSION ----ne-figues

irswrs or srxrxrar,nuxs
After the apparatusis started and lhe N generator attains the 6000 r.p.m. speed, the magnet is eneryized alld the generatoroutput switch is closedto dirEctthe ouFut currentinto the load consistingof theparallelcombination of the two 800 amprcshunts.The output of the machineis indicated 50 miuivoltsappearing by actoss the shunts for every 1600 amperesof cu[Ent ggno|atedby t]re machine. Voltage is measuredby a sparatcvoltage pickup brush located under the fto baling suppon. The results of six runs of tho oxperiment; machine sped 6000r.p.m. drive motor qrrlent no load 15 amDeres drive motor curent incFase when N machineis loaded t{ ampere max.

voltageoutputno load 1.5volts d.c. voltageoutputloaded L05 v.d.c. curent outputof N generator 7200 arnperes (225m.v. across shunt 50 m.v./1600 amp.) @ Poweroutput N machine 7560watts= of 10.03 H.P. power ratio = (7560 wattsout)/ Incremental (268wattsin) = 28.2 iniemal rcsistance 62.5micro-ohms Generator Reduction of the above data gives as the equivalent cindt for fte machine: R(int) 62.5micro-ohms r(brush) 114.25 micro-ohms R(shun0 31.25 micro-ohms
The measlEement insfiurnents for the voltage and curent werc:

c-learlyspeak for thernselves. During testingwhen the cumentoutput of the N ruachinewas altematively switchedoff andon: therc was no discernable mechanicalchaage in the condition of the apparatus, i.e., the to machinerydid not appear slow in anyway and thp attitude of the belt and pully systemdid not alter, showing evidence of any additional mechanical toque being tansmitted to the loaded N generator. The increasein ddve motor cunent was consistant a.rd consisted of a very small discemable [pvement of thc ammeterneedle which was exactly at half scale on the 30m amperErange. The Dext improvement in lhe sJstem would be to $bstltute a centrifugsl nercury decurrnt colledor system of coNrventlonal If w coodder srlch e systen the ftiction sign. losses and heating associated with sliding contscts ls eliminated. The electricalrcsistance can b madelry low with sucharrangements. Assumingthe electricalresistalceof the extemal cilcuit is madezero thrcughsuchmeansthenwe can exPecr: = N generatoroutput with zero load resistance 23,00Oamperes equivalent H.P. = 46.25 It is clear the power output is limiid by th intenal Esistance of the N generatn axle and disc. Eadier experimentswith the same machine gave as an intemal rcsistance19.2 micro-ohms. Due to the heat liberated in the operationof the experimentalmachineprcbably some oxide has fomed on the shaft ard disc thereby raising the internal rcsistanceon the machhe. Liquid mets.lsliding contactscan be hermetica[y sesledto eliminate this problem. Further evidenceof the low drag of the N generatorwas evidencedwhen the drive motor was tumed off and the machineallowedto coast

1.5 Y.d.c,

N generstor

15 Rt. NM U.S.A.Page Udimited, 4, Box288,l,osLunas 87031 #8, UNLIMITED EDergy ENERGY

down ftom tlle normal6000 r.p.m. operating and opening closcorditions Underthese speed. to interrupt ing the curent contol knife switch the flow of the 7200 ampercoutPutcurrent in caused vlsibleeffec't the slowingdownof no theculrentwasflowingo! whether the apparatus along constructed for not. Of cours, a generator linessucha testwouldlesultin an conventional immediate anesting of the lotation of the load was machineas 10 H.P. of electrical thrownon themachine. From the viewpoint of PhYsics,the of point is: wbat is the mechanism interesting I have thought the drag of an N mschlne? when The abouttheProblem. dragonly aPPean genemtor disc. the cunentis drawnfmm the N simplywith the presence No dragis associated or absenceof the magnetic field of the elecfomagnet. of with thewithdrawal clrnent Whatoccurs field is themachine thatthe magnetic lines ftom which are normally parallel to the axis of into arc rotationof themachine distorted a sPilal in field created thedisc by 0rccircularmagnetic I feel it is thelorque of by withdrawal cunnt. interaction fis spiralfield with a frespace of penrEability with a non-zepintriosicmagnetic which is resultingin lhe slight drag which is will measured.More p!cise measuements clarify this interFetation. in Finally, no change the cunentsupplied occurswhether cuflentis to the electlomagnet or from themachine not.This beingwithdrawn of with theoperation conventional is comistrnt generato$ wherein field excltatron the electrical of currentis not alteredby withdrawal cllrrent from these machines. CONCLUSION --ard neg-Oessoi tttelatermechanical electo whichcan be made the trical improvements the of the N generator, point has construction that beenproved the energywhichis extracted^ can directly from ryaceby sucha machine be obtained witbout the drag penalty of the machineconfucted s.longtle conventional ### lines.

BATIERY BRDAKTIIROUGHS brakingsystem"hasbeen A "regererative inventedby a Swedish engineer, Bjom Orterheim. His sysbmallowsar clectricvehicleto put 70%of theenergy used dcceleration for back battery. conventioml In vehicles into thestorago the bnking lorgy is wastedas ftiction heat. braking systen has atady The regenerative mil beeninstalled the 'Silentia'electlic autos, on Thesearc usedin the iron mincsin Swedish Lapland.The Silentiacanget 55 milos on one Eack in the chargeon its 'rcllcr-coaster-like' mine tuonels. The Silentia uses ordinary lead-acidbatteriesthat comprise25Eoof the vehicle's total weight. The energydensityof these batteriesis only 25-30 watt-hous per kilogram. Intematiqnl Nickle Co, (hco) of Canada hasdeveloped new venion of the iron-nickle a storagebatteryoriginally inventdby Thomas Edison. Its rcsearchlabs in Birmingham, England, came with a rugged, up highlyrcliable powerpack an almost with unlimitd tifetime. lt hasbntesGd 5,000deepdischarge for cycles. newbanery ben has The energy darcityof this increasd E0wh/kg (ftom a low 20-25wh/kg) to efriciency been has raised from andthebattery's 65-70%to morethan90%.Thebattery contains plastic sheeslessthan0.002 inch thick which with electrochemical deposits iron of arecoated or nickle which are about0.005inchesthick. The company will startproducingthe battery in The commercially late l98l in England. AGA alld the ESB (Edison companyof Sweden Co. both of StomgeBatteries) of Philadelphia, by which arenowcontrolled theEnglishparent company, alsoprcduce battery. will the "Casseftes"weighing U4 of a ton are plannedfor orE-tonvehicles, which shouldbe It ableto go 250miles on onecharge. will take less than four minutes to rcplace a spent powerpack.It is expected that the very high energydensity(geater than200wh/kg) of the of new banerywill makeperformance vehicles equippedwith it equal to that of equivalent powered intemalcombustion vehicles. Scuce:SpbtJqrt, Jan.19,1981. ###

NM U.S.A.Page l7 Rt. Unlirnited, 4, Box288,LosLunas 87031 #8, UNLIMITED EIreEy ENERGY





TINLIMITED Energy 16 #8, Page ENERGY Unlimited, 4, Box288,LosLunas 87031U.S.A. Rt. NM

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