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MutationandGeneticDrift M tation and Genetic Drift Todaysquestions: T d ti I.Howdoesmutationcausechangesinallele I H d i h i ll l frequencies? II.Howdoesgeneticdriftcausechangesinallele II H d ti d ift h i ll l frequencies?



A.Howoftendomutationsoccur? p ( ) y DatafromArabidopsisthaliensis (amustard).Theycanself. Experimentaldesign:Startwith1individual;letitgrowin optimumconditions(soil,light,moisture,space)andself ( l l h ) lf fertilize. Choose1seedatrandomtobethenextgenerationletit g grow,choose1seedatrandometc.totalof30 , generations5lines(replicates)

B.Howdomutationsaffectfitness? B How do mutations affect fitness? Sequencetheentiregenomeatgenerations1and30 Estimateanaverageof7x109 mutationsperbaseper generation Haploidgenomesizeis~1.2x108 bases 1.Whatistheaverage#ofmutations/haploidgenome?
You multiply the above two #s will give you about .84 mutations per haploid genome.

Since there are two haploid in the diploid, you can say it is twice the # of mutations will give you 1.68 mutations.

Takehomemessages: IfA.thalianahas20,000genes,thenmutationchanges If A th li h 20 000 th t ti h allelefrequencies~4.2x103%/generation 3.Howmanygenerationswouldittaketocreatea1% changeinaparticulargene? g p g


mutations don't necessary cause evolution, it helps creates new alleles for selection.

BUT Therearenew Th


new allele.

B.Howdomutationsaffectfitness? B How do mutations affect fitness? Prediction: DatafromanexperimentonC.elegans (similarsetupto A.thaliana=mutationaccumulation)

Controllines(large populations,lotsof populations lots of competition,lotsof selection) Lifespan Time

Experimentallines (noselection, (no selection, mutationsaccumulate)

II.Howdoesgeneticdriftchangeallelefrequencies? A.Drifthappens:ChancevariationinRSsamplingerror...luck

Experiment1:Startingpopulationsize=2 Mom:AHAT M A Dad:A D d AHAT

freq(A ) freq (AH) =freq(AT) = freq (A ) ( ) Kids(F1s) #1:#3:#5: #2:#4:#6: freq(A )=freq(AT) = freq (AH) = freq (A )=

Experiment2:Startingpopulationsize~500 Moms:AHAT M A Dads:A D d AHAT freq(AH)=freq(AT)= Flipacoinoruse2littlepiecesofpaperonewithH andonewithTtomakeyourF1 offspring Clickers: 1. AHAH 2. AHAT 3. ATAT freq(AH)= freq(AT)=

Punchlines: Isdriftmoreimportantinsmallpopulationsorlarge I d ift i t ti ll l ti l populations?

It's effect is stronger in smaller populations compared to bigger populations. This is due to sampling error.

Whathappenswhendriftcontinues,generationafter What happens when drift continues generation after generation(especiallyinsmallpopulations)?

Loss (fr=0) or fixation (fr=1) of an allele.

Manyeventscancausedrift y DuringtheVietNamwar,U.S.soldiersboardedahelicopterand cameunderfireafterliftingoff.Oneguygothitandkilled. g g yg

Small effect: but the alleles don't get passed on.

WhentheGrantswereworkingontheGalpagos,theyobserved When the Grants were working on the Galpagos they observed asmallgroupofG.magnirostris arriveonDaphneMajorandstart anewpopulation.
Small sample from source population, founder effect.

WhenwhitesbroughtsmallpoxandmeaslestoNorthAmerica,up to90%ofNativeAmericansinsomecommunitiesdied.
Only 10% of the allele remains, there was a certain randomness to which Native Americans that die. However, they were also under selection for disease resistant allele. Genes not under selection were subject to drift.

Considerthefollowingexperiment:100fruitfly populationsinthelab,eachconsistingof4femalesand4 l ti i th l b h i ti f4f l d4 males.Inthisstartingpopulation,allelesA1 andA2 areeach atfrequency0.5. at frequency 0 5 yp Letthembreed.Randomly pick4femaleand4male offspringtoformthenextgenerationineachpopulation. Note:thisisaTINYpopulation. Repeatforatotalof16generations,ineachofthe100 populations. Plotthenumberofpopulations(totalof100)thathave Plot the number of populations (total of 100) that have alleleA1 atvariousfrequencies,from0(lost)to1.0(fixed).

C.Consequencesofgeneticdrift f d f 1.Withrespecttofitness,drift 1 With respect to fitness drift

It is random with respect to fitness. Alleles get lucky, whether they are beneficial or deleterious.

It lowers overall genetic variation.

Because the population is smaller, so they're more susceptible to sampling error.

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