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Paala-ala lang para sa beloved nga tanan: There are three tsunamis. First ang Japan as forewarning. Already occurred. And magsunod, two megatsunamis. Both will occur 12-21 according to prophecies. One is water tsunami, sea tsunami to be triggered by the passing of renegade planet Niburu. Ang hagjung sa Planet X, as Nibiru is also called, will cause our Earth which is smaller than Nibiru, only 1/3 the size of Niburu, to shake causing global quake and global tsunamis. The quake can cause the earth's plates to shift, causing some place to sink, some place to rise. Scientists know this but are not telling people. Only one solution: "If my people pray and humble themselves, then, I will hear and will save them." Mao nay wordings sa song ni Jamie Rivera based on the Old Testament statement of our Lord to King Solomon and the Israelites. Mao nay ijang saad nato, beleivers of Christ, the spiritual Israelites. Ang third tsunami or second mega tsunami maoy dili mapugngan: it has to come. According to both spiritual prophecies and science, it will also come December 21. What is this tsunami? It is not water tsunami. It is light tsunami, fire energy from the sun, not our sun, but the central sun of our galaxy, milky way. This solar or sun storm of light and fire, also called solar flare, will hit the Earth 12-21. Scientists are already sending information about this, if you are diligent in searching the internet. Do not depend on mass media. Many things, yes, many things cannot be reported in the radios, TVs, because, if you know, this is the world of what the book of Revelation called Beast government and whore church... and I think it is Paul's epistle to the Ephesian where he called Satan as the prince or controller of the air or airwaves, hence, mass media. Revelation says Satan is the deceiver of the world. Therefore, without the internet, we cannot get the most important news. We will just be entertained or diverted by other news, to move our minds away from the important news. The technique is not so great but very subtle: He will simply divert our attention, or attract our attention. That s why Jesus warned in Matthew 24: The end time will be like the days of Naoh, people eating, drinking, merrying, marrying. So, we ask, what is wrong with that? The only time it becomes wrong is when such activities interfere or stop us from praying, practicing charity, or being kind to the poor or being compassionate to each other. Maghinubra ang self ba kay sa love for neighbor or fellowman. It should be balanced. That is the key to overcome or pass the coming tsunami. It is both the apostle Paul and Peter who told us that the end time will be judged by fire and that Paul said, We will be made to go through fire to see if we, our character, is made of wood (hence, can be burned) or of gold, or diamond, hence, cannot be burn, but able to pass the fire. I believe fire here means trials and also the coming solar tsunami. So, what is our taming, our defense? Not to remain uninformed, because not forewarned means not forearmed. And FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. The

government and churches are not right if they will not admit what is coming and warn us. So, you are now warned. Warned is armed. You are now forewarned. Forewarned is forearmed. Most important: DO NOT ALLOW FEAR BECAUSE FEAR IS OPPOSITE TO FAITH AND LOVE. A PERSON OF FAITH IN GOD AND CHRIST IS BRAVE BECAUSE HE/SHE TRUSTS IN THE MOST POWERFUL BEING OF THE UNIVERSE, GOD. AND HE IS FEARLESS BECAUSE HE LOVES GOD. TO LOVE GOD MEANS, TO HAVE HIS PROTECTION. AND IF HE PROTECTS US, WHO CAN HARM US. Therefore, the apostle John says, Love casts away fear. There is no fear in love. So, there you have it. We need to know about the coming threats, the two mega tsunamis and also the great quake of Revelation 16, which will be triggered by Nibiru's coming. But again, like what we have done with the previous storms and other calamities, the key secret is PRAYER. DO NOT FEAR. BUT HAVE FAITH AND INTENSIFY YOUR LOVE! That's the most correct position we are to take as December 21 approaches. #####

Arnulfo Laniba Just for your information and investigation. In the Gospel According to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, it is written: "No one knows the hour and day, not even the Son, but only the Father." This is pertaining to the end time, or His second coming. But... But in the Gospel According to Jesus Christ, (take note there is one book not included in the New Testament by its compilers during the council of Nicaea, A.D. 325, organized by emperor Constantine and led by Roman bishops), this book, 7,500 pages, 25 volumes and can be downloaded from and does not contain the verse "No one knows the hour and day, not even the Son, but only the Father"! It is not in Jesus' own version of the gospel! Finally, take note that emperor Constantine hired a family, the Roman Piso family, to doctor the New Testament. So could it be that Mr. Piso added this verse, so we will not bother noting the date or at least the year or month, if not the exact hour and day, and so we fall into the trap of eating, drinking, merrying, marrying, which Jesus warned us against? Jesus said, "The end time will be like the days of Noah, people eating, drinking, merrying, marrying". In other words, no thought, not concerned about their relationship with the Father. It is enough for them to have human fathers, namely: pope, priest, and biological father whom they love and no longer have they love for the true Father in heaven. See? Diverted. Our heart is being diverted. The enemy succeeds if he is able

to direct our heart, our love, which includes obedience, away from the true Father, and into the wrong fathers, or lesser fathers. See? ****


Marie Naire Nobody knows when will be the end of the world. Posting in social media about calamities n tragedies that might happen in the near future or next days could'nt really help and save us.It's just a way of saying that you don't have FAITH and TRUSt in GOD,why just dont PRAY whole heartedly instead and enjoy this holiday season with our loveones...:) Like Share 35 minutes ago near Chong Pang, Singapore 3 people like this. Steve Lamshed Well Said!!!!... I have read the end of the good book and we still have a long way to go yet... 24 minutes ago Like Arnulfo Laniba For those who understand, calamities or tragedies are nothing but results of our human errors. For example: storms or hurricanes have two man-made causes we did not understand before Science matured. First cause: we burned fossil fuels by our factories, vehicles and other machines, the CFC smoke went up, and displaced/replaced the ozone layer. Result: holes in ozone or depletion of ozone. Result: the Ultraviolet rays of sun, very hot, strike the oceans. Result: like takuri (teapot), bukaw, boiling. Name: whirlwind, which after attracting enough clouds and waters, result to storm, hurricane. That's the first man-made consequences. Second cause of storms or hurricanes or tornadoes: cutting of trees. The forest has invisible forces that maintain the balance. If you cut the trees, you destroy the balance. Result: the winds whirl. Whirlwind. If it pulls clouds and waters, result: tornado or storms. Unscientific? Well, trace most recent tragedies like the Ormoc flooding, the Cagayan flooding, the Iligan flooding, and the Davao flooding. See if there was no tornado that fell in the upland before the great floods. What do you prefer: ignorance and perish? or forewarned so you can be forearm? It is your choice. Nobody will blame you. ***********

Year 2012 is not the end of the world but the beginning of our journey
Cirilo Piscos Year 2012 is not the end of the world but the beginning of our journey!! Just comment if you are agree.,. Arnulfo Laniba: Just a clarification. Since this is a subject only God and angels are authoritative to say, therefore, we read Their messages and base our statements on their messages. Their messages are posted in,,, etc. What is their message? Answer: the world will end, but the planet will not get destroyed. World means the system, the bad system. Example: the system of land ownership is very bad. You see, the natives and the 'sinsoro' who are the eyesores (beggars) in most cities, look, they are the descendants of the owners of this land called Philippines. And look what happened to them, just because the Spaniards et al had the long guns and the native ancestors had to run up into the mountains, abandoning the plains and fertile valleys, result: landless. See? This capitalistic system of land owning is bad. Unfair. This is one of the world or systems to be put to an end. Another is the medical or treatment system or Pharmaceutical system. Their medicine is poisonbased, chemical-based, chemicals are poison. God's healing system is herbs and Word or Advices for healthful living. What is the result of today's Pharmaceutical system? Cancers spreading from rich and adults long time ago, to the poor and children today. This is true with diabetes, heart attack, stroke, eye disease. Also this chemical system, world system today, using chemicals are resulting to new dreadful diseases never known or little known before: autism, Alzheimer''s, Parkinson's, etc. Autism is a result of vaccinations. These are just two examples of what the world is and how wrong it is. This world will end starting 12-21, but the planet will proceed to become paradise, as you call "the beginning of our journey." It is going to be Day, a beautiful day, but after we pass 12-21-12 which is midnight. Dawn and Day will only come after the midnight has passed by. So, hold on to God's Love, so you can pass the midnight, so you can survive, be there at the Dawning of the new Day, and enjoy that eternal Day, Paradise on Earth. **** Arnulfo Laniba


Humongous solar 7.13.2012 - The wave of charged northern lights flare erupts in our direction. strongest solar storm of the summer so far could send a particles toward our planet that could supercharge displays, NASA scientists say.

The solar flare peaked at 12:52 p.m. EDT (1652 GMT) as an X-class sun storm, the most powerful type of flare the sun can have. "It erupted from Active Region 1520, which rotated into view on July 6," NASA officials said in an alert. Active Region 1520, or AR1520, is a giant sunspot currently facing Earth. Potential Impacts: An enhancement in the energetic portion of the solar radiation spectrum may indicate increased biological risk to astronauts or passengers and crew in high latitude, high altitude flights. Additionally, energetic particles may represent an increased risk to all satellite systems susceptible to single event effects. This information should be used in conjunction with the current Solar Radiation Storm conditions when assessing overall impact. 05.13.2012 - DESPITE WARNINGS ELSEWHERE ON THE WEB, THERE WAS NEVER ANY CAUSE FOR CONCERN FROM THIS MOST RECENT ERUPTION MAY 9, 2012. HOWEVER THE SUN IS ON A RAMPAGE AGAIN AND EVERYONE SHOULD SET THIS AS THEIR HOMEPAGE FOR NOW ON AND CHECK BACK A COUPLE TIMES DAILY (WHEN POSSIBLE) OVER THE NEXT 10 MONTHS. 04.27.2012 - THE RECENT SOLAR STORM ACTIVITY HAS CALMED DOWN FOR NOW. HOWEVER NEW STORMS ON A MASSIVE SCALE CAN ERUPT WITHOUT WARNING AS THERE IS NO EXACT SCIENCE TO PREDICT THE NEXT BIG SOLAR STORM. SUN WATCHERS SHOULD CREATE A SHORTCUT ON THE SCREEN OF THERE SMARTPHONE TO THIS PAGE AND CHECK BACK EVERY 12 HOURS, OR A LEAST ONCE A DAY UNTIL MARCH OF 2013. 04.26.2012 - THE SUN ONCE AGAIN GOES ON A RAMPAGE. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE CHECK BACK HOURLY FOR EARLY WARNINGS AS THIS CURRENT SOLAR STORM COULD GET WORSE AT ANY TIME. 03.11.2012 - YET ANOTHER POWERFUL SOLAR STORM ERUPTED AROUND NOON EST. NEWS AGENCIES ARE NOT REPORTING ON THIS STORM AT THE TIME OF THIS NOTICE. AS YOU CAN SEE, THE FURTHER WE GET INTO 2012, THE MORE FREQUENT SOLAR STORMS ARE BECOMING. WE ARE WORKING TO RELEASE OUR SOLAR STORM GUIDE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. 03.09.2012 - MASSIVE 6.4 X-CLASS SOLAR STORM NOW HEADED STRAIGHT FOR EARTH ONCE AGAIN. USA TODAY SAYS IT MAY KNOCK OUT POWER, WORLD COMMUNICATIONS, NAVIGATION SYSTEMS, ETC. IMPACT IN LESS THEN EIGHT HOURS. 03.07.2012 - MASSIVE SOLAR STORM NOW HEADED STRAIGHT FOR EARTH. USA TODAY STATES IT MAY KNOCK OUT POWER, WORLD COMMUNICATIONS, NAVIGATION SYSTEMS, ETC. IMPACT IN LESS THEN EIGHT HOURS. GETS A LOT WORSE COULD CAUSE TRANSPORTATION TO BREAK DOWN. 02.15.12 - Another massive Solar Storm Slams Into Earth yet again just weeks later! Airlines yet again are forced to reroute northern plane routes during storm. 01.22.12 - Massive Solar Storm Slams Into Earth. Airlines forced to reroute northern plane routes during storm. Source: NASA UPGRADES 2012 SOLAR STORM WARNING - LEARN HOW TO PREPARE NASA upgrades solar storm warning public, To Prepare For A Once In A Lifetime Solar Storm Event. Is NASA's warning to little to late?

Arnulfo Laniba


We have a very alarming update and are still working to have more details ASAP. News that even has the full attention of the National Academy of Sciences along with NASA and other world scientist are quite concerned as they are not sure just what to expect, if they do, they are not talking. Simply said... the earth will soon start to cross through the absolute center of the dark rift of the Milky Way "plane" which is (not to be confused with the center of the Milky Galaxy Way itself) around 12.21.12. The rift is dark because it's littered with lots of space debris that consists of stationary rocks and boulders, even asteroids, and some objects which are planet size. This "dark rift" is the galactic gravitational plane of the Milky Way which traps all of this space debris. As the Earth passes through this plane, we may very well see a meteorite storm producing thousands of rocks that come raining out of the sky with hundreds, possibly thousands of meteorites making it all the way to the ground. We will just have to see what really happens. Keep in mind that countries around the world have long since built massive deep underground survival bunkers for 2012 and beyond. See Milky Way photo above. Additionally, solar scientist are concerned that this gravitational plane (that is the backbone to the Milky Way's dark rift) may send the sun on a rampage which sets off powerful x-class solar storms and CMEs. (coronal mass ejections) It's these xclass storms that have the ability to generate an EMP event (electromagnetic pulse) like the one that hit the Earth in 1859. Once that happens again with today's technological world of electronics, the United States will go dark in about three minutes or less, along with the rest of the world. Food trucks will no longer be able to supply stores with food, cell phones and computers will no longer work, and without power from the grid most factories will no longer work. Within three days or so, what food that's in your local store will be gone. Since most cars and trucks today require electronic ignition to work, most likely most vehicles will not work, however non-electric trains most likely would continue to work. It's estimated that it will take at least six months to repair the grid. But the National Academy of Sciences estimates it will be closer to five years to repair it all. However populations in third world countries are use to growing their own food and should survive such an event much easier. Source: Like Share Promote 10 minutes ago

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