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1. A ticket based method for detecting the misbehave users in anonymity network 2. Secure architecture for Traceability of misbehavior and accomplishing anonymity 3. Path diversity using the tree based algorithms to replica replacement 4. Privacy-Preserving Updates to Anonymous and Confidential Databases 5. Online Password Guessing Attack protocol to make restriction 6. Trade-offs between storage cost and rekeying cost for secure multicast using Hybrid key management algorithm 7. Blind Authentication: A Secure Crypto-Biometric Verification Protocol 8. An Architectural Approach to Preventing Code Injection Attacks 9. Authenticated Group Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing 10. Beyond Output Voting: Detecting Compromised Replicas Using HMMBased Behavioral Distance 11. Flexible and Rollback recovery for grid environment 12. Accurately Measuring Denial Of Service 13. Credit card fraud detection using hidden Markov model


1. A Privacy-Preserving Remote Data Integrity Checking Protocol with Data Dynamics and Public Verifiability 2. Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Response System for Relational Databases 3. Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache 4. Mining Group Movement Patterns for Tracking Moving Objects Efficiently 5. Efficient Periodicity Mining In Time Series Databases Using Suffix Trees 6. Endorse multistep nearest adjacent search 7. An-Evaluation of semantic parallelism between words using web search engine 8. Data Leakage Detection 9. Detect disease Treatment Relations in short texts for machine Learning Approach 10. Text: Automatic guide infusion from assorted web pages 11. An Intrusion-Detection Model Based on Fuzzy Class-Association-Rule Mining Using Genetic Network Programming 12. Closeness: A New Privacy Measure for Data Publishing 13. Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases 14. Towards an Effective XML Keyword Search 15. Bridging Domains Using World Wide Knowledge for Transfer Learning 16. Personalizing web directories with the aid of web usage data 17. Filter-Based Data Partitioning for Training Multiple Classifier Systems 18. FiVaTech: Page-Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages 19. Histogram-Based Global Load Balancing in Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems 20. Interactive Correction and Recommendation for Computer Language Learning and Training 21. Optimal Lot Sizing Policies for Sequential Online Auctions 22. Intrusion Detection System based on Data Mining 23. Exact Knowledge Hiding Through Database Extension

1. Neural-Based Learning Classifier Systems 2. Building a Multiple-Criteria Negotiation Support System 3. An Exploratory Study of Database Integration Processes 4. COFI approach for Mining Frequent Item sets 5. Online Random Shuffling of Large Database Tables 6. A Flexible Content Adaptation System Using a Rule-Based Approach 7. Efficient Revalidation of XML Documents 8. Practical Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Similarity Search in Massive Graphs 9. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Clustering with Spectra Analysis 10. Efficient Monitoring Algorithm for Fast News Alerts 11. Top-k Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks 12. Frequent Closed Sequence Mining without Candidate Maintenance 13. Maintaining Strong Cache Consistency for the Domain Name System 14. Efficient Skyline and Top-k Retrieval in Subspaces 15.Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: A Sequential Covering Approach 16. Fast Nearest Neighbor Condensation for Large Data Sets Classification 17. Wildcard Search in Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks 18. Efficient Process of Top-k Range-Sum Queries over Multiple Streams with Minimized Global Error 19. Discovering Frequent Agreement Sub trees from Phylogenetic Data 20. Watermarking Relational Databases Using Optimization-Based Techniques 21. Extracting Actionable Knowledge from Decision Trees 22. A Requirements Driven Framework for Benchmarking Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems 23. The Threshold Algorithm: From Middleware Systems to the Relational Engine 24. Rank Aggregation for Automatic Schema Matching 25. Evaluation for Mining Share Frequent item sets Containing Infrequent Subsets

26. Efficient Computation of Iceberg Cubes by Bounding Aggregate Functions 27. A Note on Linear Time Algorithms for Maximum Error Histograms 28. Toward Exploratory Test-Instance-Centered Diagnosis in HighDimensional Classification 29.An Entropy Weighting k-Means Algorithm for Subspace Clustering of High-Dimensional Sparse Data 30.A Method for Estimating the Precision of Place name Matching 32.Customer Profiling & Segmentation using Data Mining Techniques 33.Efficient Frequent Item set Mining Using Global Profit Weighted (GPW) Support Threshold 34.Fast Algorithms for Frequent Item set Mining using FP-Trees 35Mining Confident Rules without Support Requirement 36.Mining Frequent Item set without Support Threshold unified framework for utility based measures 37.An Adaptation of the Vector-Space Model for Ontology-Based Information Retrieval 38.The Google Similarity Distance 39.Reverse Nearest Neighbors Search in Ad Hoc Subspaces 40.Quality-Aware Sampling and Its Applications in Incremental Data Mining 41.An Exact Data Mining Method for Finding Center Strings and All Their Instances 42.Negative Samples Analysis in Relevance Feedback 43.Bayesian Networks for Knowledge-Based Authentication 44.Continuous Nearest Neighbor Queries over Sliding Windows 45.The Concentration of Fractional Distances 46.Efficient Approximate Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Networks 47.Ontology-Based Service Representation and Selection 48.Compressed Hierarchical Mining of Frequent Closed Patterns from Dense Data Sets 49.Semi-supervised Regression with Co-training-Style Algorithms 50.Evaluation of Clustering with Banking Credit Card segment 51.An efficient clustering algorithm for huge dimensional database

52.Novel approach for Targeted Association Querying 53.Hiding Sensitive Association Rules with Limited Side Effects 55.A Relation-Based Search Engine in Semantic Web 56.Classifier Ensembles with a Random Linear Oracle 57.An Efficient Web Page Change Detection System Based on an Optimized 58.Hungarian Algorithm Mining Nonambiguous Temporal Patterns for Interval-Based Events 53.Peer-to-Peer in Metric Space and Semantic Space 54.Adaptive Index Utilization in Memory-Resident Structural Joins On Three Types of Covering-Based Rough Sets 55.Discovering Frequent Generalized Episodes When Events Persist for Different Durations 56.Efficient and Scalable Algorithms for Inferring Likely Invariants in Distributed Systems 57.Mining Closed Frequent item set using CHARM algorithm 58.Integrating Constraints and Metric Learning in Semi-Supervised Clustering 59.Foundational Approach to Mining Item set Utilities from Databases Fast Frequent Pattern Mining

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