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**************************************** Install Date: 11/11/0112 20:37:26 Started logging **************************************** 20:37:26 Install Location: D:\Games\FIFA 13\ 20:37:26 Install

Locale: en_US 20:37:26 Initialized installation config. 20:37:26 CommandLine: install -locale en_US -installPath "D:\Games\FIFA 13" -au tologging 20:37:26 OS: Microsoft Windows 8 Professional 20:37:26 Data reader initialized. 20:37:26 Data reader config: LOCALE = en_US 20:37:26 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION = D:\Games\FIFA 13\ 20:37:26 Data reader config: INSTALL_LOCATION_DOUBLE_BACKSLASH = D:\Games\FIFA 13 20:37:26 Data reader config: 32BIT = 1 20:37:26 Data reader config: 64BIT = 0 20:37:26 Processing EAIN file 'D:\games\FIFA 13\__Installer\Touchup.dat'. 20:37:26 Installation registry missing. Game not yet installed. 20:37:26 (Config)Studio: EA Sports 20:37:26 (Config)Game Name: FIFA 13 20:37:26 (Config)Display Game Name: FIFA 13 20:37:26 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 0 20:37:26 (Config)Updating ForceUninstallAllFiles to: 1 20:37:26 Start redistributables install phase 20:37:26 Installing DirectX 20:37:26 Launching process: Command: D:\games\FIFA 13\__Installer\directx\redist\dxsetup.exe /silent Working directory: D:\games\FIFA 13\__Installer\directx\redist\ 20:38:08 Process exited with exit code 0. 20:38:08 Successfully installed DirectX runtime. 20:38:08 Installing VC2010 version: 1004021901 20:38:08 Installed VC2010 version: 1003031901 20:38:08 Installing x86 VC runtime: vc\vc2010sp1\redist\vcredist_x86.exe 20:38:08 Launching process: Command: D:\games\FIFA 13\__Installer\vc\vc2010sp1\redist\vcredist_x86.exe / q /norestart Working directory: D:\games\FIFA 13\__Installer\vc\vc2010sp1\redist\ 20:38:22 Process exited with exit code 3010. 20:38:22 x86 VC runtime install requested system reboot later on! 20:38:22 dotnet35sp1 runtime already installed. 20:38:22 End of redistributables install phase 20:38:22 Setting up uninstall data ... 20:38:22 Installing GDF ... 20:38:22 Installing D:\Games\FIFA 13\GDFBinary_en_US.dll ... 20:38:22 Alternate GDF game name FIFA 13 20:38:22 IGameExplorer2 for windows 7 20:38:23 GameExplorerInstall returns 0 20:38:23 Successfully installed 'D:\Games\FIFA 13\GDFBinary_en_US.dll'. 20:38:23 Successfully installed GDF 20:38:23 Installing Firewall exception ... 20:38:23 Start Adding Application To Exception List 20:38:23 Successfully installed Firewall exception 20:38:23 CREATE_DESKTOP_ICON is nil ... 20:38:23 CREATE_STARTMENU_ICON is nil ... 20:38:23 Setting up registry ... 20:38:24 Calling touchup_SetUninstallRegKey 20:38:24 Creating shortcut 'Read Me' at: D:\Games\FIFA 13\Support 20:38:24 Without argument

20:38:24 20:38:24 20:38:24 20:38:24 20:38:24 20:38:29

Successfully created shortcut at: D:\Games\FIFA 13\Support\Read Me.lnk Touchup returning 3010 Installer finished with exit code: 3010 Shutting down data reader. Installation requires a reboot! Rebooting machine!

**************************************** 20:38:29 Stopping install logging ****************************************

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