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Installing MVMA for Sun Solaris

1. Copy the installation package from the CMS to the monitored system. 2. Change the permissions of the executable. Execute chmod +x 3. As root execute ./ The interactive installation prompts you for The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the Central Management Server (CMS) The communication protocol: http or https The communication port NOTE: Perform an unattended installation by invoking ./ <CMS FQDN or IP address> (http|https) <port> (yes|no) In our case : ./ https 443 yes For details refer to Appendix D. The installation of MVMA Creates the user hpmvma Creates the group hpmvma Makes the user hpmvma part of the group hpmvma Creates the package HPmvma Optional: Tests connectivity to the Central Management Server (CMS)

Unattended installation for Sun Solaris

1. Copy the installation package to the monitored server as described in section 3-7-2. 2. Change the permissions of the executable. Execute chmod +x 3. For an unattended installation execute ./ <FQDN or IP address> (http|https) <port> (yes| no) where <FQDN or IP address> is the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the CMS (http|https) is the connection protocol between the monitored server and the CMS <port> is the connection protocol port on the CMS (yes|no) indicates if a connectivity check is executed after installation The agent will be left in a running state unless errors are encountered. The final parameter determines if a CMS connection test is to be done. If the test fails, the installation remains, but the agent is not started and a non-zero exit code is returned.

Unattended un-installation
There is a 'uninstall' script at /opt/hpmvma/bin/uninstall. The packages may be removed directly, but this will result in the user and group remaining. The uninstall script can be run interactively or unattended. To run it interactively, run with no

arguments. To run unattended the arguments are: /opt/hpmvma/bin/uninstall (yes|no) (yes|no) The parameters determine if the user and group respectively are to be removed. The script can only be invoked as root.

To start the agent in a console execute /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma console To start the agent as a daemon execute /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma start To stop the agent execute /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma stop To stop the agent and then start it again execute /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma restart To send a test message to the CMS execute /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma stop /opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma test IMPORTANT: You must stop the agent before sending a test message.

To indicate if the agent is running execute

/opt/hpmvma/bin/hpmvma status

(Re)-sets the parameters for communicating with the CMS. It may be run interactively or unattended. To run interactively, no arguments are provided. To run unattended, the parameters are as for AIX/Solaris installation (see above). The agent is halted when this is run. If the operation completes successfully, the agent will be returned to its original run-state (halted if originally halted, running if originally running).

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