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Epithets in Homer
Epithets in Homer. A characteristic of (An ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs) Homer's style is the use of recurring (Descriptive word or phrase) epithets, such as the rosy-fingered dawn or swift-footed Achilles. These epithets were metric stop-gaps as well as mnemonic devices for the aoidos (bard), both signs of the deep oral tradition that preceded the written codification of the (A Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the siege of Troy) Iliad and the (A long wandering and eventful journey) Odyssey. A name plus an epithet constitute a formula which exactly fits the (A system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic) metric structure of the verse. The use of formulas is characteristic of ancient (Poetry celebrating the deeds of some hero) epic poetry.

List of epithets in Homer

(A mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles' heel') Achilles son of Peleus swift-footed (podas kus) god-like (dios) (additional info and facts about Aias) Aias son of Telamon bulwark of the Achaeans (herkos Achain) ((Greek mythology) the king who lead the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War) Agamemnon son of Atreus leader of men (anax andrn) (Goddess of love and beauty and daughter of Zeus in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Venus) Aphrodite laughter-loving (philommeids) golden (chrus) (Greek god of light; god of prophesy and poetry and music and healing; son of Zeus and Leto; twin brother of Artemis) Apollo far-shooting, who strikes from afar (hekbolos or hekatbolos) ((Greek mythology) Greek god of war; son of Zeus and Hera; identified with Roman Mars) Ares man-slaying (androphonos) brazen (chalkeos) ((Greek mythology) goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare; guardian of Athens; identified with Roman Minerva) Athena

bright-eyed, owl-eyed (glaukpis) ((Greek mythology) the winged goddess of the dawn in ancient mythology; daughter of Hyperion; identified with Roman Aurora) Eos (Dawn) rosy-fingered (rhododaktulos) early-rising (rigeneia) golden-throned (chrusothronos) fair-throned (euthronos) ((Greek mythology) a mythical Trojan who was killed by Achilles during the Trojan War) Hector son of Priam helmet-flashing (koruthaiolos) glorious (phaidimos) breaker of horses ((Greek mythology) the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leda who was abducted by Paris; the Greek army sailed to Troy to get her back which resulted in the Trojan War) Helen Argive (from Argos) lovely-haired (eukomos) born from Zeus (Dios ekgegauia) ((Greek mythology) the lame god of fire and metal-working in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Vulcan) Hephaistos with the two strong arms (amphigueis) (Queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno) Hera ox-eyed (bopis) white-armed (leuklen) ((Greek mythology) the king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; brother of Agamemnon; husband of Helen) Menelaus son of Atreus fair-haired, blond (xanthos) good at the war-cry (bon agathos) ((Greek mythology) a famous mythical Greek hero; his return to Ithaca after the siege of Troy was described in the Odyssey) Odysseus resourceful (polumtis) much-enduring (polutlas) sacker of towns (ptoliporthios)

(The capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce) Paris (Alexandros) son of Priam lord of the fair-haired Helen (Helens posis eukomoio) (additional info and facts about Patroklos) Patroklos son of Menoitios with the great heart (megathumos) ((Greek mythology) the god of the sea and earthquakes in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and Hades and Hera; identified with Roman Neptune) Poseidon earth-shaker (enosichtn) (A division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land) Sea (pontos) wine-colored (oinops) ((Greek mythology) one of the 50 Nereids; mother of Achilles by Peleus) Thetis silver-footed (arguropeza) lovely-haired (eukomos) Zeus cloud-gatherer (nephelgereta)

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