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State-Space System Identification-Toward MIMO Models for Modal Analysis and Optimization of Bulk Power Systems
Innocent Kamwa, Membec IEEE, and Luc Gkrin-Lajoie Abstract-This paper provides an introduction to a reducedorder, small-signal identification approach to modal analysis and control of large power systems. Being based on system-wide responses to low-energy pulse excitations generated using cnnventional time-domain simulation software such as PSSIE or EMTSP, it readily takes full advantage of the large built-in model database. The proposed multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) minimal realization reveals naturally the dominant modes attached specifically to a given device, as well as the transfer functions relating selected measurement and observation sites. It plays a complementary role to direct computation of the full-scale linearized model using a comprehensive program such as MASS. After a summary of the theoretical work initiated at Hydro-QuBbec in the early 1990s to promote this approach and put it into routine use, we present the main challenges in developing a production grade computer code. Detailed examples inspired by actual network studies at HydroQ d h e c are discussed,the most complex of them involving the identification of a 125th order MIMO model with 26 inputs and 26 outputs. Index Terms-Interarea oscillations, modal analysis, power system control, power system simulation, power system stabilisers, small-signal stability, state space system identification. the stabilizer, as long as the latter does not interact with them owing to its geographical location. In this context, modal analysis by ineans of time-domain experiments in a power system simulation program, [3], 171, [91-[13] appears as an attractive and competitivc alternative, since it allows us to get straight to the target, using a tool that is alreddy familiar to the typical user (ST600, PSSE, ). This idea, first popularized by Hauer [71 under the name Prony Analysis, happens to be very well adapted to the systematic optimization of system controllers [IO], [21] without detracting too much from current hardware and software practices. Working along the same lines, bul with a different conceptual engine which emerged from the system realization theory [SI, [191, others have easily extended the identification-based approach to the multivariable case, thus making it feasible to take proper account of the interaclions among all the variables involved in alarge-scale study [91,1221. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the work achieved since then at Hydro-QuBbec, emphasizing realistic MIMO applications that have been successfully implemcntcd. Recently, the original program has evolved iuto a stable, mature and fully operational code, now in use in the utilitys power system planning department 1201. The presentation starts by introducing the reader to the so-called Experimental Modal Analysis 1151 insisting in due course on its intimate linkage with our main purpose of small-signal analysis of bulk power systems. Then, the most prominent technical challenges hampering its large-scale computer implementation in the MATLAB environment are discussed and illustrated with practical figures of merit reported. Finally, after a detailed validation example is applied to a known 4 x 4 MIMO system, we discuss in depth two case studies that illustrate the relevance of the experimental modal analysis for quantitative assessment of small-signal stability as well as low-order black-box model identification, for damping-controller analysis and tuning [101-i131, [201-[221.

VEN THOUGH the use of dedicated software such as MASS [I], [2] or DYNPACK [5] is unavoidable when thc objective is to compute all thc power system eigenvalues comprehensively for analytical or frequency scanning purposes, it remains quite clear that such an extensive knowledge involving thousands of modes is not often required. Most of the time, access to detailed results is not even suitable, with provision included for eliminating the numerous subsidiary modes of less relevance that tend to obscure the major phenomena. A typical situation wherc it may be sufficient to know only a limited number of modes is that where it is desired to optimize the PSS parameters at one generating station only, or at several stations but sequentially (i.e., a single station tuned at a time). In this case, the only modes that matter are those involving substantial participation of the station under study. Whatever their number, the other modes are without interest for the purpose of tuning


State-space identification aims at determining a black-box model of the system in the following form:

Manuscript received July 1, 1997: w i s e d April 24, 1998. I. Kainwa is with the Institut de Recherche $1-lydro-Qudbec, IKEQ, 1800 Lionel-Baulet, Vareones, Quebec, Canada J3X I S 1 (e-mail: L. GCrin-Qjoie is with Hydro~QuCbec, TransEnergie, Direclion Plvns et Programmes dEqoipcment de Transport. Complcxe Desjardins, MontrM, Qudbcc, Canada HSB 1H7. Publisher Item ldentiiier S 0885-8950(OO)U1891-5.

= FZi, +Gun.

Y b = GZb + D1 7k


with E E L, E %nx, C E Rtxn and U t ?VX. G The input and output vectors Tin E Rmxl and yn E ?JPX1 are



problem-dependent. From a given empirical impulse response sequence, { U b i , 12 = 0,I , . ", N , obtaiued by experimentation on the system, the objective is to build a state-space representation in the form of (l), which has an impulse rcsponse identical to the measured sequcnce { f f k } , Once the discrete system (.F, ,C , 11)is obtained, up to a similarity transformation evenG tually, its continuous equivalent (A,B , C , U ) is reconstmcted using the bilinear transform [IS], for instance. A. Impulse Response-Based Zdentificution The algorithm we are putting forward has its roots in the state-space realization theory [XI, [19]. Knowing that the iinpulse response of (I) is formally given by I i o = U , H e = Cl#& 1 G , k = 0,1, . ", N , this approach starts with a data matrix having a special topology, a so-called Hankel matrix:

where the symbol -1 denotes the pseudo-inverse. From (3), thc control input matrix is given by the first m columns of G,.,whilc the output matrix is equal to the first p lincs of 0 , . Formally, wc obtain:

1/ 2



c = E,



where = [ I , U]and E: = [r, O] arc two special matrices consisting of null and unitary submatrices of appropriate dimensions. Finally, it should be recalled that, when required, I) = No,where Ilo is a nonnull matrix if the system is not proper, and null if it is.

B. Transition to a Pulse Excitation

Obviously, achieving the exact impulse response of the power system required i n the previous section is beyond our reach, Hi, t b t j . even by simulation in a time-domain simulation program, since = o,a"-'c, (2) wc would then need to inject into the network an excitation signal of infinite amplitude for a vcry short duration. In pracwhere ir, I = I , . , , , 7 , j , , 1 = 1, . . , , B are arbitrary integers tice, we are bound to approximate the ideal impulse by a pulse. and However, thc selection of the best pulse duration raises sevr C i eral problems rclated to the fact that the spectral conlent of the pulse is closely rclated to this parameter [Fig. 2(a)] (cf. Smith's discussion of 1121): as the pulse shrinks, its spectrum sprcads. Given a typical power system model with four inpiits and four c,= [ G /..i,G . . , Fi.-lG], (3) outputs referred to in [22], we computed the pulse response for are generalized observability and controllability matrices. various excitation durations. The results, illustrated in Fig. 2(b), A simplc idea suggested by (2) and extensively exploited reveal substantial spectral discrepancies: at worst, a modc can in Experimental Modal Analysis [ 151 consists in building disappear completely if, coincidentally, it is located precisely at beforc-hand two time-shifted Hankel matrices which, in a a "null" of thc spectrum [Fig. 2(a)l, On the other hand, the larger compressed form, contain all the information rclevant to the the pulse, the stronger the low-frequency excitation while in the opposite case, a pure impulse excitation spreads thc input cnergy system state matrices: throughout the useful Nyquist band, which practically tends to lrll(s,,.)= O S , and f121(8,v,) = O,FC,.. (4) favor high-frcquency modes of the system [Fig. 2(b)l 1161. Our procedure for analyzing the pulse responses parallels that If ( G I j , ) > n = dim( P), singular value decomposition the of Trudnowski et al. IlO]. First, let u s assume a description of can be partitioned as follows [15], 1251: (SVD) of H1l(,, the MlMO system ( A ,H ,C ,U )by its transfer matrix consisting of p lines (output numbcr) and m, columns (input numbcr):

where E, contains the n. dominant (>0) singular values and lJ:, TI,, = VXV, = I,, with I , , , the nth order unitary matrix. Comparing the dccomposition ofH,l(,,,.) in (4) and (S),it appears that the estimates of the observability and controllability matrices with minimum dimensions are given by:
I /

This partial-fraction expansion assumes I3 = 0 and n distinct values, without any substantial loss of generality. In the Laplace domain, the pulse response of system (1) is given by:



0, 11, =





Y ( s )= I I ( S ) V ( 8 )

Now using the expression of Illl(8,v) (4) and taking the in orthogonality of U, and V , , into account, the state matrix is obtained a s follows:




Fig. 1. Pulse excitation: normalized shape in the time and frequency domains.
(a) ExclalbnallnpWNo.4

o.&: I 0.3 - li


In summary, the algorithm for the state-space identification of multivariate pulse responses may be outlined as follows: I) Sequentially apply a normalized pulse excitdtion of width a at each of the n1 target inputs and record the p resulting responses. 2) Assutningthat the tailof thesepulseresponses,Y(t)lt>,, are the impulse responses of a fictitious linear system, identify the latter by applying the algorithm in Sec. . tion IIlA. A state-space realization {A: 3, is thus obtained. which corresoonds to the { B i ) coefficients. The latter can be determined by first diagonalizing the system { A , B ,
~ ~



{ A , 0, C}



,/'-'E, CT} = {A, h,



!# -0.3 - c ,
2 4
8 8
IO lIms(s1





with A = diag(X1, X a , " . , X,)l(X, = p x f juk), the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues of A; and T = [tl l a . . tn]t RrLXX", corresponding left-eigenthe vector matrix. The matrices-of Eesidues { E l i } associated with the MIMO system { A , E , C } are thus given as Bi = i)h(i;), where the notations (; i ) and ( i ; )designate the ith column and the ith line, respectively. 3) Given the { B i ) ,the residues {I&} of the actual system are obtained from (14). It is then possible to reconstluct a state-space model of the real physical system by modal realization of the transfer function matrix (12):




Fig. 2. Response discrepancies as a function of pulse duralion. Sampling frequency: 60 Hz. (a) Excitation at input no. 4 and (b) excitation spectra for a one pointlcycle-sampling rate.

c =c.


It results in the following inverse transform matrix:

However, the above model has the minor shortcoming of being expressed in complex number algebra, but this can be alleviated by means of well-known transformations, which convert the model into a real block-diagonal form. In addition, it is possible to balance the lattei using the balrral approach available in MATLAB or any other applicable method.
C. Example of a Known MIMO System

whereu-l(t) andul(t-a) designatetbeunitstepappliedatthe time 1 = 0 and t = a , respectively. If we restrict our attention to the tail of the above response (i.e., 1 2 U ) , we obtain:


where T = 1 - a is a time shift allowing the time origin to be placed at the end of the pulse. When {Bi}is known, { Q i } and { R i } are derived as follows:
uBi Qi = (1 - e - h . n )

Rj = XiQi = (I aXi& - .-La)



The system chosen to assess theoretically and illustrate the proposed concept is the equivalent model of a four-machine system, all hydxaulic and equipped with fast static exciters but no stabilizers. Its 14th-order state-space model was initially derived in [22]. Table I gives the natural modes of this MIN40 system with foiir inputs (voltage regulator set points) and four outputs (rotor speed shifts from nominal). Note the presence of a 0.056-Hz mode, milch lower therefore than usually reported for interarea phenomena [1]-[6]: it is the natural mode associated With the speed governing system of hydro-turbine generators. The closed-loop modes result from the installation of four speed-sensitive stabilizers with a wide frequency range whose optimal gains were determined by Simo et al. [21]. The identification of the open-loop system was performed for several excitations. includinr the ideal imoulse and pulses with a 0.4 and 0.8-s durations respectively. In all cases, the natural modes obtained by identification were exactly the same as the true natural





EmifationSI lnpul No. 3


Open loop
1.2616 1.1085

0.12006 0.00154

Closed loop
1.4478 1.2487 1.6147 0.6365 0.0754 1.0187 1.4273

Machine 1 Machine 2 Mechine 3 Machine 3 Machine 3 Machines 1-2 Machine4
250 200 -

0.42123 0.30847 0.32994 0.20667 0.30865 0.05051 0.55095

0.7395 0.0562 1.1049 0.8899

0.12036 0.18979 0.04434 0.11660


iwx io"

50 r

1' 0

1 2

0.4-spuIS~ Q.B*Plke

Pig. 4. Direct validation of Ihc 4 x 4 MlMO identiticahn of a known benchmark system.

10 Excliallon si inpui NO.3

.. ._

- 0

1 2


limo (a)

Fig. 3. Time-dointiin validstion of the identiiicd 4 x 4 MlMO model of known benchmiirk system.



modes of system, up to six significant digits. For this reason, they are not shown. However, careful comparison of the curves from the various excitations reveals that the 0.8-s pulse-based model matches least with the empirical data (Fig. 3). Therefore, even if the natural modes (or system poles) are prccisely located, the same is not true for the zeros. The same discreoancies also show on (he frequency responses (Fig. 4) where the 0 4 s pulse based modcl is confirmed as the hest. An even more convincing way to demonstrate the adequacy of an identified model, especially with regards to control applications, is to compare its closed loop with those directly measured on the system 1111, P21. Fig. 5 confirms that all the identified models are satisfactory from this standpoint. Again, the superiority of the 04s pulse over other Candidate excitation shapes is obvious for this specific benchmark system. The relative failure of the 0.8-s pulse to cxcite the system adequately comes from the fact that a "null"



Fig. 5. c~osed-~oop valiilation of the 4 x 4 MIMO idcntiiication

of the spectral density fnnction or the excitation is located at 1.25 Hz [cf. Fig. 2(a)], which is very close to the 1.26-Hz natural system mode in Table 1 (machinc #l),


In implementing the previous identification method into a production-grade computer code, the curseofdiinensionality inherent in all power systcm-relatcd computations 111, 171 should not be overlookcd. After a careful assessment or this issue, we found that the main constraint of the prcsent algorithm is bound



to the mcmory requirements of the SVU function, with the total amount of physical memory needcd in double precision bcing:


where m is the number of inputs, p is the number of outputs, and NI, = i, = j , is the index used to set the dimensions of the Hankel matrix I I k l ~ d ,[cf. j s ~ It is also the SVD function , , (2)1. that consumes most the CPU time during the algorithm execution, since, basically, there is no other heavy numerical operation implied. Even though a graphical comparison of the system and the identified model responses (Fig. 3) allow a sufficient assessment of the identification quality in all cases, automatic selcction of the best identiiication between several alternative scenarios does not lend itself to such a qualitative approach. As mentioned in Section 11-A, singular values of the Hankel matrix can be used to select the minimal order of the system. However, when Hankcl matrices of very large siac are used in the identification (as in the present work), this SVD based criterion lost its sensitivity (due to numerical errors) and tends to yield oversized minima-order system. In addition, model accuracy is not a function of the chosen realization order only, but also of several other identification paramcters such as decimation factors n,i and n j , number of data points involved in the analysis, etc. That is why we attempted to develop a total-distortion measure in order to quantify the discrepancy between the actual signals and those generated by the model ( A , n, C , U ) ,in terms of all the various influcncing parameters, including the system order. For a system with p outputs, this yields:

2x2 (no PSS) 3x3 (no PSS)

0.12 p.u.




n.nit D.U

(lx8(w*_~ 8x8 (no PSS)

10x10 (no PSS)





0.11 p.u 0.084p.u

0.156p.u 0.152p.u

10x10 (no PSS)


16000s 138

26x26 (with PSS) 160


NH = i, = i,

and ni

= nj = 1 i thematrix Hkl(i j ') (eq 2). n n

b. With or without PSS on the tested machines (i.e., Le number of inputs).

intrinsically coded in quadruple precision (64 bits). It also pays to mention that the migration from SUN to CRAY was made easier by the fact the main computational engine is the SVD, which can be highly vectorized, thanks to advances in numerical analysis and mathematical software [25].

where ruis(z) is the root mean square value of the signal gj , the j t h system output. In order to simplify this calculation as much as possible, our definition of the distortion makes use one input only, that at which the pulse excitation has been applied specifically for the purpose of identification validation. For multiple-input system, the total distortion is obtained by adding partial distortions computed separately for each input. Table I1 suminarizcs some results with rcspect to various identification settings. A few observations are in order: * 5 x 5 system: the distortion criterion shows that the system order is between the 20th and 30th. However, due to a lack of data or to a low sensitivity of this distortion measure, the appropriate system order is somewhat ambiguously dcfined. 10 x 10 system: the model quality improves slightly when the statc-space realization order increases from 35 to 55. 26 x 26 system: at 138 Mb, the required physical memory is high, as is the computation time which increases on a Sparc-20, to about4 hours. In ordcr to facilitate the routine solution of large-scale problems, thc algorithm was reccntly ported on a CRAY type vector processor. This resulted in a decrease of the CPU time by a factor of about 20, in addition to a substantial accuracy gain, owing to the fact that, on the CRAY machine, the arithmetic functions are

We will now present two detailed practical examples to demonstrate the power of the new tool for modal analysis by time-domain experimentation in power system simulation software.

A. Selective Modal Anulysis of a Large Network

The base case corresponds to the planned 1996 Hydro-QuCbec grid for the summer load (25000 MW), weaken by the outage of two 735 kV-lines in the eastern and western corridors. The peak winter load is normally 35 000 MW. Other characteristics of the study are the following: 503 buses, 651 lines, 86 machines modeled in detail. Fig. 6 highlights three main geographic areas in the network. They can be further divided into eight smaller areas which are relatively coherent at the electromechanical level. In order to excite all the system modes, seven control inputs were assigned: the first three are voltage references at the excitation system input of three major generating stations (I1 = LG2, I2 = Manic-5, I3 = Churchill Falls) while the remaining four are the voltage references at the four synchronous. condensers in the network (I4 z Levis: 2 x 250 MVA, I5 = Abitibi: 2 x 250 MVA, I6 = Duvernay: 2 x 250 MVA, I7 = Manic: 2 x 250 MVA). The system outputs are the phase shifts between each area pilot phasor, and the reference zone pilot phasor (Montreal area). To be specific, the angle (amplitude) of a pilot phasor, is obtained by averaging this quantity at all transmission buses present in that area (from 120-735 kV voltage levels).



00 .2
? ,

8' D 3
( 3 r



6 4.04 4.06-



3 0.04Fig. 6. S k e t c h o f a 7 x 7MIMO systemdistributed inthleegeographicalarcas.





. , . , . .. . SC-LEVIS .__ SC-ABITIIBI





Mode : 0.80425 Hz

Fig. 9. Coiitmllilbility ofiiiputs (14-17) and obscrvability of outputs (03-07) for U given interarea mode: (a) controllability shape and (b) observability shape.

-. .

Fig. 11. Frequency rcspunses of the pilot phasur #S with respect to thc setpaints or t k foul synchronous condenscrs.

.._ g 3 0.2 I e

10 units

1 unit













! iA 2O


I -

02 .

Fig. 12. System representation for coordinated PSS tuning at two major hydro-gettertition centers.

0 0



04 . 0.5 0.8 Natural Modes (Hz)


08 .


Fig. IO. Controllability and uhnervability of thc lowest frequency range in 4-input x 4~0ulpulscenisio.

the observed modes. Besides, under the hypothesis that the remote synchronous measurement is allowed and technically feasible, the best overall control signal would be the pilot phasor of areas 4 and 5. These conclusions are unambiguously confirmed by the selected frequency response plots on Fig. 1 I : with the exception of the 0.8-Hz mode, for which the Manic condenser seems more effective, Duvernay turns out to be the best damping-controller site, especially if 0.07 and 0.5 Hz are the modes of interest [26].
%. MIMO Models for PSS Tuning

11 identically sized units. The usual techniques of adjusting power system stabilizers [23] tend to ignore a practical aspect that inay result in serious operating problems: intra-station (or inter-machine) oscillations involving one unit of the powcr house against the other 12, - I units [24]. In effecl, although inherently stable, the within-a-station mode can be destabilized by a bad adjustment of the PSS that blindly focuses too much on the so-called local mode (all station units against the rest of the world) [ I Q Therefore, we suggest that a safer approach would be to base the PSS tuning on a model which, by contrast with the classical Mello-Concordia or Heffron-Phillips models 1231, clearly exhibits the inter-machine mode of thc stations. This is achieved by splitting each study station into ( I ) and ( n - 1) groups of machines a s illustrated in Fig. 12. Therefore, the inputs of the targel model are the four voltage references:

Fig. 12 describes a reduced network configuration with two generating stations respectively equipped with 16 and

= [I/,.ef49,

K.Pj449, V,.,/SY,





Exclation st machine No.48: Wllhout PSS 4xB-MIMO Model

EYCltsllon SI machlne NO. 48: With PSS

. .


. .

. . .
0 1 xi04 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 1 0

___ 8

4xa-MIMOModel ST600 actus1slgnal Disioi~ion: 0,088182


x 10.

5 Time (SI


ST600 actus1 signal


Time (SI

5 6 Tlme (SI


Tlme (SI

Fig. 13. Direct validation of a 4 x 8 MIMO model for PSS tuning according to Fig. 12.

Fig. 14. Closed-loop validation ol tlic 4 x 8 MIMO model lor conrdinatcd

PSS tuning.

As a general mle, we can choose as model outputs, the speed and acceleration power of the same groups of machines:
1 = [1wds, Iacc44~, a c c 6 9 , pacc159, w 4 9 , 1 p
w449, w50, wlB91.

Rslsllve Modal ConlrollsbllllyMeasure


(21) Given these conditions, the modal analysis was conducted adopting thc following parameters: 1) Sampling rate: one point every two cycles (30 Hz). 2) Excitation: 0. I % pulse applied for 0.5 s, a single machine at a time. 3) Decimation factors: n = 2 and nj = 1. i 4) Hankel matrix size: NI{ = i,. = j , = 400. The identification results for a 36th order realization are illustrated in Fig. 14. Obviously, the model matches the data nearly perfectly. However, as mentioned in Section 11, a more stringent test consists in comparing the closed-loop responses of the actual system and the identified model. Fig. 15 shows that this cross-validation is also conclusive, since the pulse responses computed on the transient-stability program compare very well with those predicted by the model in the MATLAB software using the same PSS settings. To assess whether the above 4 x 8 MIMO model actually exhibits the so-called intermachine modes [24], as hypothesized initially, we plotted the controllability shapes of the four groups of machines at four selected natural frequencies in Fig. 15. The picture suggests thc following comments: At the common low frequency, 0.065 Hz, the four groups are nearly in phase, although inachine 59 is much more effective in controlling it. 0.69 Hz is an interarea mode involving the western group (49,449) against the eastern (59, 159). Since 49 and 449 are in phase opposition at 1.4 Hz, with the latter absent in the east, it is concluded that 1.4 Hz is the intermachine mode within the western generating station.

f 0.4 z 0.2

8 0.6

.. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . , . . ... . . ... ......


Modal Conlmllablliiy Angle

2 PSS Iooallon NO. 3

Fig. 15. Controllability shapes of hour selected madcs. PSS I , 2, 3, and 4, are an machines 49.449,59, and 159, respectively.

By a similar reasoning, 1.6 Hz is the castern intermachine mode. Finally, Fig. 16 represcnts an iidditional application of the 4 x 8 MIMO model identified in the root-locus assessment of the existing PSS performance. It follows that these controllers, currently in the field, are very well optimized, especially with respcct to the damping of the local mode involving the whole power house against the rest of the word, as well as the dominant 0.69-Hz interarea mode. However, it is noted that further improvement of the tuning is prevented by the unfavorable location ofthe system open-loop zeros. In particular, Fig. 5(c) shows







.......-. .............. ........ :..,


-_".. .

.......\........I -


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Pig. 16. Application of the 4 x 8 MIMO model in root-locus andlysis and design (a single loop closed at a time): (x) closed-loop pole at nominal gain: (*) open-loop pale; ( 0 ) open-loop z e m

that it is equally possible to add damping to intermachine modes, as long as proper account of them is Vdken by developing a relevant model prior to PSS tuning.

V. CONCLUSIONS System identification through time-domain experiments is increasingly establishing itself as a useful complement to comprehensive small-signal stability software such as MASS [l], [2] and DYNPACK [5]. Since it relies on a power system simulation program (EMTP, EMTSP, PSS/E, ST600, etc.) already familiar to the average user, the leaming curve of the experimental modal analysis is reduced accordingly. It is also able to make full use of the huge model database, often systern-specific, that has been developed over the years for nonlinear time-domain studies. Furthermore, by confining the required identification experiments to preassigned stations and buses, this approach greatly simplifies the association of given natural modes with the power system devices that most probably induce them. With respect to PSS tuning using the modern theory of optimallrobust control, another strength of the minimal realization-based identification approach is that it naturally yields state-space models of comparatively low-order, when considering the large size of the network. For example, on realistic networks with more than 1000 buses and 100 machines, we have consistently obtained satisfactory frequency responses from their MIMO model of 30th order or less. For scalar or SISO models, the realization order can often be halved to 15 without scarifying too much of the precision. From the transfer functions thus obtained, root-locus plots as a function of the PSS gain allows the PSS effect on the various oscillation modes to be represented in an illustrative manner.



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Innocent Kamwn (S'83-MXX) has been with the Hydm-QuCbcc Research lostitiiie, IREQ, sincc 1988. Hc is an Assuciatc PiofessorofElcctricnI Ungineeriiig at Lava1 University in Quebec, Canada. Kilmwii rcccivcd his B.Eng. and Ph.D. Dcgrees in Elcctriciil Engineering from Lava1 University in I984 and 1988 respectively. A member al the IEEE Power Bngineering and Canirol System societies, Kamwti is a registered engineer in the province of Quebec and is cumently active "11 sevcral PES subcommittees and working groups.

responsihilities include modal analysis, uptimiintion i ~ n d coriivol coordination, 81s wcll as electromagnetic phcnoinena and andlytic studics icliiteil to the pcrformencc u l static VAR compcnsaturs on the bulk transmission systcm.

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