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The purpose of this memo is to emphasize the need for, and benefits of, extendin g existing business over

the internet. Today the business model is expanding to include e-commerce. Shoppers expect con venience and online sales growth continues at double-digit rates. The growth rat e of traffic to retail sites is increasing at twice the rate of the rest of the Internet (Trites, and Boritz 38). That points to consumers becoming more and mor e comfortable with the online shopping experience. Merchants integrating brick-n-mortar stores and e-commerce sites are experiencin g increased repeat purchase rates and higher levels of customer satisfaction. In any multi-channel retail consumer interaction, traffic and sales are being driv en from one channel to the other. In "web-to-store" or "store-to-web" situations , the limitations of one channel are mitigated by the strengths of the other (Sm ith, 3). The e-business model will not have a minimal impact on a firm s operations as it hel ps increase sales, stay competitive, improve customer service, and expand the bu siness globally. Some of the potential revenue-maximizing opportunities related to e-business consideration are as follows: It makes it possible to achieve an increase in margins through a number of diffe rent ways such as positioning of new markets, prospecting new clients, increasin g customer loyalty, and increasing the efficiency of internal functioning. It results in better customer satisfaction as e-Business favors a drop in prices in connection with an increase in productivity, improved listening to clients, products and services that are suitable for the clients' needs, and a mode of fu nctioning that is transparent for the user. For instance, Ordering online and pi cking up at physical store avoids heavy crowds at the checkout counter. It provides capability to interact with buyers, customers and clients from all o ver the world whenever they have the time to surf the Internet. Additionally, us ing the Internet to sell goods can be more cost-effective than traditional busin ess especially when in consideration of the cross-marketing opportunities availa ble online. Besides this, email is predominantly used as a mechanism to drive we b-store promotions. The great thing about being online is that one doesn t have to invest in a real esta te contract. Moreover, during the initial stages, there is no need for investing too much in additional inventory. The different practices can be tested to find out what's going to work. Implementation Implementing an e-Business project necessarily involves the deployment of an ent erprise network through which enterprise-specific services are accessible in cli ent-server mode, generally via a web interface which can be queried by using a s imple navigator. The concept of e-Business is nonetheless very flexible and covers all possible u ses of information and communication technologies for any and all of the followi ng activities: Making the relationships between the enterprise and its clients and different pa rtners (suppliers, authorities, etc.) more efficient Developing new business opportunities Facilitating the internal flow of information Controlling the different processes of the enterprise such as production, wareho using, purchasing, and sales, human resources, etc. Conclusively, in today s competitive world where technology is changing business tre nds, it s very important to integrate existing business models with available techno logy.

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