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'Daughters of a Much Lesser God!

In our childhood we heard from our Grandmothers that when cruelty increases on Earth, the 'Kalki' avatar of Vishnu will descend upon Earth to save us! Hmmm, while humanity let itself become cruel, we are yet awaiting the elusive 'Kalki' avatar! Will He really descend or was this too a figment of imagination of a weak civilization influenced and controlled by religious leaders. The past few days have seen Indians (with some exceptions) awake from a deep slumber. The December 16 Delhi incident jolted a nation. But more than that it seems to have forced us yet again about our beliefs, teachings , religion, God and of goodness itself. Everyday we ask ourselves - Are we failing as a society ? Why are we electing 'impotent' gvernments ? Why , Why . . . . . ? A question which flashed my mind as I write this - What would have been Government's reaction if the girl had been a Union Minister's daughter? The very basis of the sermons on goodness, fairness and justice are faltering - nay crumbling. While every Indian seeks justice and demand the harshest of punishment for the criminals, a thought which comes to my mind is - why did this happen in the first place? In our younger days we were made to believe that if we are good and fair to others, good things will happen to us ! Try telling this to the victim who suffered physically and mentally for two weeks before dying. I presume people , especially daughters in India are children of a much much lesser God who does not take care nor does he care about them. Hundreds of such dastardly acts occur every year at every corner of the country and not only us mortals but the Gods too are mute , impotent spectators . If someone gets justice, it is more probably by chance and certainly not due to His justice. As a mere mortal, I should safely assume that God's justice cannot and should not be random. Else the very basis of His justice evaporates. I am hoping against hope that the anger and frustation among us does not die down. While many placards in public demonstrations suggest death for the criminals or castration of the criminals, will it not be 'just' to demand 'Rape the Rapists'? Yes to some of you , it may sound inhuman or barbarious but then what the criminals did was also exactly that!

India's Daughters have been subjected to injustice , violence , physical and mental torture throughout centuries. In yesteryears these may have had religious sanctity but today , as a society , we are beginning to shed off 'wrong' religious teachings and started realising the 'randomness' of God's justice. It is actually only upto us, the lesser mortals, to bring peace and happiness and not wait for an elusive 'Kalki' avatar to descend upon us to save us- simply because the avatar may have been yet another convenient answer of our religious forefathers to difficult life questions posed by many like us. It is my strong belief that the new year 2013 will take us more towards reality and give us the wisdom to ignore 'wrong' teachings so that as a society we achieve peace and happiness. Heaven is not a place but a condition of being! CA Rajiv D Khatlawala

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