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Space "Communication" Earth

Illustration: The tree-of-life is primitive in cells, to interface the elements of space and earth. Since the spark of a bubbled-up ego sought means to escape, and generated the complex unique identity Illustration: from clones, in the making of survivors. As pencils=cardinal axes, in the fodder to the living species for an transformation of a soap inexhaustible recycling element. complex at bubble into a toroidal tube. the stage of evolution to the mind. Derived from an early flaw, at the
The writer expresses an esoteric detailed chronology of psychic experiences, through the thread of a down to earth story on how the mind functions. He is committed to improving readability and understanding of such a controversial subject that is a lifetime thesis to show the interactive shadow of the living against a background of immaterial with the aim to reach the 7 to 77 old. the tree's foliage is cosmic, from which the firework of ideas, and the trunk as communication spine from the taste of roots of the earth

stage of a single sphere in the chain of evolution, which is the domino-effect changing the clone of a sphere into the ball of its unique identity. It comes when the soap-bubble effect of the ball is flawed, by applied pressure at opposing poles and metamorphoses the ball into a toroidal tube. Emerging in color and materialistic realization predefined monster a musical reverberation through the woven fibers, threaded through the eye of the toroidal tube that lies in the swamps. The flaw of a breaks off from the mass, in an integral virtual bubble bearing a toroidal tube, for the spine to a higher and physical touch at the knowledge bank. In the mind, the tree-of-life has reached its outer evolved limits, inside the virtual and esoteric bubble in which every individual evolves, our private space and communicate in our ancestral mode, when our feet were rooted into the earth. engineered to communicate, the soul found a place in the bubble, to exchange data, and find conditions. Whether it is the earth informing the knowledge bank, from scooped roots, to sustain the genetic life bearing in-leaf canopy swell, to bear the fruits as they evolve from a flower to maturity. the bubble fits that model in the evolution of the species, with the nerve center threaded by venous fiber through the eye of the toroidal, Yin. Spreading a mirror image to the radicle rooting an amalgam of sensor through the earth. The spirit, a local conscious of the photosynthetic exchange of about the worst and best weather conditions. The earth still inspires us, but we are not readily susceptible to believe in the strange phenomena, to which without prejudgment, animal are more susceptible to react. Though, we have remained closer in contact with the knowledge afloat in space. As puppets of our soul, we hear voices, dream, have visions, with always that same and unique purpose to communicate between space and earth of which we are an element. As a consequential of the dynamics of a sphere, the bubble which has the qualities of the Yang. The Yin came by a pressure exerted, squeezed by the atmosphere onto the earth. With that same soap-bubble effect by which comes to be the bubble, the toroid lie afloat on the water glaze with the eye through which are threaded every fibers of the spinal column, and sustain by the trunk of a vertical growth against the pressure of gravitation.

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