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Wominion by Hannah Faye

Copyright 2011 by Hannah Faye

All rights reserved under Copyright laws. This book was published in the United States of America and no copies or distribution shall be made without the written consent of the author. Visit for more information and to connect with Hannah Faye.

Wominion by Hannah Faye

Look around you. The world is changing. With each new day, it changes more and more. Depending on whom you ask you will get several different opinions about this "change" and whether it is good or bad. A few months ago news sources informed us of how the world's population was changing. They informed us that it has now reached seven billion. I am not going to bother commenting on the details of that number, because I am partly a conspiracy theorist and I hardly believe the number increase period, let alone any specific data which may accompany it, especially when it comes to race and sex. However, if you walk into any park district, stand on any street corner or go to any other public place and observe the kind of people there long enough, it may give you a general idea of the demographics for that particular region. Personally, no matter where I go I see predominantly females in the area. Now, think about what you've seen recently. Despite what our so called "experts" on population may claim, I am in strong belief that there have always been more women on the earth than men. And I believe what I have experienced more so than what I have heard or read. If I consistently see more women than men in any area over a certain period of time, then I can conclude there are more women no matter what people say. In order for me to believe men outnumbered women, strong...very strong evidence would have to be presented, not just percentages presented by male experts. For far too long, I believe male experts have kept real population data from us...and if so, why? Could it be because they know there is strength in numbers? Could it be because they think if we (women) knew we outnumbered them, it may give us ideas, like the ones I'm about to express in this book? You won't have to look too far back in his-story to see that every since men were able to physically record information they have repeatedly placed Woman second to them. We have been their mothers, second to their throne as queens, concubines, maidens, mistresses, prostitutes, and even their slaves, etc. Today we continue to serve them in the most popular positions as secretaries, assistants, counselors and advisers. But very rarely have we risen to positions of authority that require a secretary, assistant or adviser. What's going on here? Are men holding us 3

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down? Are we holding ourselves down? In case we are elevated to a leadership position, why might we find ourselves being scrutinized? Yet, every few decades there seems to be a trailblazer: a woman who dares to cross new territory for females everywhere. In the last century, we earned the right to vote. That was huge. It opened up so many doors for us that still haven't closed. In this century, I am proud to say women are continuing to rise to political positions of power and authority throughout the world, including in science, technology, law, politics and clergy. Collectively, we're not in the same position as we were long ago. We are rising...everyday and it is evident. So I suppose we can be proud of the progress we have made. However, by no means should we be complacent. As women, we must keep on demanding change. We must keep on pushing for equality in every aspect of life. We must keep on taking on positions of power until we can claim the entire earth. Why must we gain control over the entire earth? Is it really that serious? Yes, because for far too long this earth has been neglected by the ignorance of men. What do I mean by this "ignorance?" Let me start off by asking some questions. What gender do you mainly see in power or control today in any country? What sex mainly makes the decision to go to war? What gender takes up most of the room in the oval office yet doesn't seem to ever get anything accomplished? What sex takes up most of the room at the United Nations? What gender most often portrays themselves as superheroes and yet, in reality, they are true villains? Who is responsible for creating and increasing taxes? Who is responsible for creating biological and nuclear weapons that have the potential to destroy life? And why would anyone want to do that, right? Why would anyone want to create weapons like that? It is ignorance. Why would anyone want to invent something that could hurt someone period? Speaking of which, what sex invented the gun? What gender invented the rules that would allow people to carry these deadly instruments around? It is pure ignorance. What gender is mostly responsible for bringing harm to the earth's physical atmosphere? What sex is to blame for pollution to our air, food and water? Who invented cars before they even had roads to drive them on? Who makes the decision to keep pumping petroleum into our gas tanks? What sex keeps accidentally spilling it out into the ocean? What sex is responsible for giving more funds to research outer space than to people and social security? Who owns most insurance 4

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companies? Who's responsible for the condition of health care in this country? What gender currently holds the world record for attempting to solve as many problems as they create? What sex holds the highest number for the most murders and crimes committed? Who's taking up most of the jail space right now? Who were the inventors of pornography? Was it a female or a male writer of the biblical text that encourages us to dare refer to God as He? Who invented and invested so much time in perpetuating racism? Who thinks fighting is a sport? What gender gets the most joy out of watching someone hurt someone else? It's time to face! The answer to all these questions is men. And I challenge the reader to make a fool out of me. Predominantly men are responsible for all the problems we are presently experiencing in the world right now and that cannot be denied. It isn't the devil and it isn't a coincidence. And for far too long their crimes have collectively gone unnoticed. They have been allowed to continue feeding into their ruthless behavior. Now, I'm not saying all men are totally bad. They are good for many things. I'm just saying that nine times out of ten, you can count on them to fuck up a situation. They desired to rule the world, conquered it and now they're overcome by the responsibilities that come with it. They have consistently proven they are unable to successfully run a society and that is why it is time for change. I do not propose we eliminate them by using our rising status to remove them completely from the equation as some of them have done to us; for we need them to a certain degree; their dominant competitiveness has its place. And in case you need to be reminded of what dominant competitiveness looks like, watch Michael, a character played by Steve Carell in a couple episodes of the Office or Stewie on Family Guy. Aside from getting a good laugh, you get to see how both of these male characters have an extreme case of dominant competitiveness! What's not funny is that in reality, it is a huge headache dealing with personalities of this type. Because of this attribute, I propose we encourage men to stand down by understanding women are in a better place to nurturer the earth until we can all become better nurturers. Again, I am not saying men are completely not nurturers or women are completely not dominant or competitive. However, I am saying that each sex seems to gravitate toward one attribute or the other. And since the earth is in need of an emergency nurturing right now, due to the fact that it has been consistently damaged by man's egotistical, dominant nature and competitiveness, it is only right that women inherit their 5

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responsibilities. It is time for them to fall back in such a way that it allows them to have a mental rest, which is long over due. If you examine men collectively and their behavior it is likened to a person who has gone without sleep. They appear somewhat incoherent at times and are unable to make the simplest decisions. Perhaps, they have been trying to "run the show" for too long now. Many of them have lost their speed, their desire and their efficacy. Perhaps, they have been running for so long their shoes are wearing away. They are exhausted and the evidence is all around us. The world is presently economically failing because men have lost their mojo. And so, it is woman's time. It is time for you and me to rise up and take our rightful place in the world's leadership arena. It is our time. Whatever your spiritual beliefs are, hold on to them because in the next one hundred years things are going to drastically change. We must prepare ourselves and our daughters. And it isn't because we are picking up where men left off. No, no. Don't get it twisted. It isn't about picking up their sloppy seconds or trying to be like them in anyway. It's about doing what they neglected to do...take care of the earth. We must learn from their mistakes. We must examine their denials. We must acknowledge their efforts and have mercy on them. Perhaps, men didn't know to what extent they would harm the earth by constantly competing against one another and taking on their ridiculous projects. They had no idea the irreversible harm they would impose on the world by trying to dominate one another. They are afraid of us; intimidated by us in the same way the government is by the independent minds of the people. However, I believe the Universe has spoken and it is time for a shift in power. In Wominion, I will attempt to present to all women everywhere, female chauvinists or not, a 21st century guide on how they may successfully rise to positions of power in their personal lives first; because women must gain dominion over their own lives before they can move collectively toward the goal of dominating the world.

Wominion by Hannah Faye

"There is a time coming...I believe it is now here, when Destiny will give women complete rule over the earth." -Member of the Maui Grandmother's Council, 2010

Wominion by Hannah Faye

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1: WOMINION....................9 2: WOMINION IN DATING...12 3: WOMAN OF THE HOUSE...15 4: WOMANAGER....................19 5: WOMAN & GOD.................21 6: DOMINIONEND.....................25

Wominion by Hannah Faye

What is dominion? As defined in the Webster's Dictionary, a book of definitions written predominantly by men, the first definition reads: "to rule over or to control." Now, say the word dominion, pronouncing it slowly. What do you hear in the second syllable? I hear the word "men." I also hear the word men in the following words: predominantly, dominion, dominative, dominates, and dominance. Coincidence? Perhaps. But let's look at these words: manipulation, command, manage, manager, demand, administer, and minister. Why is it that words which primarily have to do with authority, include the words or sounds of men or man? It happens far too often to be a coincidence. Could it be that male word scientists have taken this control-thing so seriously as to even produce words that subliminally produce submission in the opposite sex? Could this be the reason why many of us believe so strongly that only men are capable of doing certain things? I don't mean to make you paranoid, but every time we use the word "many" what is it doing to our subconscious mind? Because the word means "a lot" of something and contains the word "man", could it somehow subliminally make us all believe there are more men on the earth than women? Even the words woman and female contain the words "man" and "male." Again, what is this imposing on the subconscious mind? Is it telling the woman that she is not able to exist without the man? Is it telling the female that she is unable to exist without the male? And what effect does this have on her thinking? How does this effect her interaction with the opposite sex? What does it ultimately do to her self-esteem? Ever been called Miss or Misses? Consider the definition of miss and these words which either have the words or the sounds of miss and her in them: submissive, submission, missile, mistake, misunderstand, hurricane, wither and sepulcher. Why is it that the words containing miss or her all have to do with submitting 9

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one's self, destruction, error or death? Now, I'm not saying all words with man or men point to dominance and all words with miss point to submission, however my point for bringing it up is that a great many of them do. Think about words and what they have to do with one's destiny. Let's examine the word teacher. Could this be part of the reason why we expect female teachers over male ones? Now back to the word dominion, which on behalf of the first paragraph of this book and woman's rise, I will now change to wominion. Stop trying to correct me Microsoft Word! I mean it exactly as I typed it out. So how can you obtain wominion in your life? First of all, what is it? How can we, women use it to gain control over our spiritual lives, our family life, our careers, and ultimately our whole world? We must redefine dominion and wominion because within the word wominion there is much more than simply taking over a situation or having control over it. If you are a woman and you attempt to "take over" or "control" anything without having the respect of the people than you are no different from man. You will be classified as nothing more than a bitch. We must not desire dominion in the same way that Webster, a mere man defines it. This kind of dominion is dangerous. Trying to have this is man's first mistake. He believes that in order to have dominion, someone or something must be completely taken over and controlled. When you think about it, the word is forceful and inhumane. We should not want this kind of dominion. We do not want to repeat man's mistakes by attempting to control anyone or anything. God has given every human being free will; and even God does not tamper with that free will. So why should we try to control anyone? This is why man always finds himself in competition because he is forever trying to reduce free will. He is forever challenging it. Why not just leave it alone? Why not find a way to use it to make the world a better place? But this is his idea of dominion. However, wominion is much different. Having wominion means eliminating competition and the need to control. Within wominion there is freedom; no one desires to control anyone else. In wominion, there is a need for change and someone is set up to produce that change in the most efficient way. In wominion no one tells another person what to do or attempts to control another person's thinking, instead the people are nurtured and guided as to how they should think and what they should do. For example, if you have risen to a position of authority in your work place, having wominion, you do not 10

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hand out orders to people and expect them to get done. This is man's way of handling things. Instead, you meet together with them to decide what needs to be done. Then, according to each person's understanding, ability and willingness you give out individual responsibilities. You might even give them help or points to achieve the desired results. In wominion, this nurturing aspect of your personality is used to attain respect amongst all and in every aspect of your life. Remember: everyone needs to be nurtured. Everyone needs to know that they are cared for. These are attributes that do not flow as easily through men as they do through women. Simply put, this is why the world is in the state that it is in. Men are obsessed with competition. They are not really concerned with nurturing or caring for anyone or anything; sometimes they even neglect themselves. Taking care of others is something men have to remember and think about doing. This is why so often things like our health and environment get neglected by government officials who were raised by the people they now treat unfairly. But for women, to nurture is automatic. We naturally allow our affection to shine through. And now the world needs our affection more than ever to help save the depleting earth. When you allow the naturally nurturing aspect of your personality to blossom then people will not only respect your leadership but they will look forward to it. It will be like a breath of fresh air from the dominating, egotistical and arrogant ways of man. Remember: having wominion is not the same as having dominion. Dominion is controlling others. It is outward and cold. Wominion happens inwardly first. It is having control over one's self enough to lead and guide others into the desired goals. Having wominion does not mean walking like a man, talking like a man or desiring to do anything like a man because we now realize they have been in error. In order to mature wominion you must practice it. This takes time and patience. It's important to understand you will make several mistakes, but each one will help you advance to a greater wominion. But before you nurture anyone else you must first learn to nurture yourself in every way. Participating in spiritual activities such as yoga, exercising and eating fresh, organic foods, planting a garden and challenging yourself to take care of it, and taking the time to listen to others are great ways to practice having wominion in every area of your life. Adding drugs and alcohol, depriving yourself of sleep and not eating right will only lead you into dominion, which will undoubtedly lead to your demise. 11

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Remember: having wominion is having control over one's self enough to lead and guide others into fulfilling the desired goals. Having wominion is to adopt a kind, but firm spirit and using this part of your personality to nurture the subjects in question. True wominion is contagious. The people who you are around will love you and want to emulate you because you have learned the power of treating them as you would want to be treated. When you find a person you are seriously interested in exploring on all levels then you must first take the time to get to know their personality. The only way to do this is by spending time with them. There is no way around it. In dominion, you will notice, almost every time in the relationships, either the man or the woman takes the lead. In wominion, no one leads and no one follows. In wominion, you nurture the person you are dating. You take care of them, but not physically. They must learn to take care of themselves just as you have. Learn how to guide their thinking. For example, if they express a desire to "see you tonight" and you are tired, in submission, you make an excuse. In dominion, you tell them the truth without acknowledging their feelings. In wominion, you acknowledge their feelings and you tell them the truth. Do you see the difference between the three? Here's another example. You decide premarital sex is not a problem for you. Your partner wants you to be on top of them. However this may be uncomfortable for you. In submission, you do as they say. In dominion, you physically take control over their body without acknowledging their desires and do as you please. In wominion, you have learned to clearly communicate your desires to your partner and decide whether or not it is appropriate to make a compromise. And if communicating your desires to your partner during sex dampens the mood or goes unnoticed then I suggest you seriously 12

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think about that person and whether or not it's someone you want to spend time with. In wominion, it is okay to be selfish to a certain degree because you must learn to think of yourself first. It is okay to think about what you want first and then what others want. Remember: in wominion, you must not forget to nurture yourself first. When dating while in wominion, you must remember how to guide your partner. You are not there to physically lead them more than you are there to mentally guide them. If you control a man's thinking you will not have to ask him to do anything...he will already know what to do. You determine what the next step will be in the relationship. You determine if there will be a next step period. Then you communicate your thoughts honestly because you know who you are. You are woman. You have taken the time to be true to yourself and so now you are true to others. As woman, you have a responsibility to nurture your partner and treat them with care. You have a responsibility to be fair, but firm. You must be willing to compromise, but yet you must remain firm. Let spiritual guidance and your inner self tell you when you should compromise or not. Remember: man must learn to admire you. If you compromise with him in every situation then you have lost his respect. When you believe you should then you should stand firm. If he does not respect your decision, he will learn to respect the firmness of your decision. He must learn that no means no and yes means yes. He must learn the appropriate way to deal with you. He must learn what you will accept and what you will not accept. In wominion, you must take on the mind set: "I have taken the time to nurture you by giving you a thorough reason on why I should or should not do this. I have made my decision. There is nothing else to discuss." And with that you should go into one of the most powerful actions...complete silence. You have nurtured the cause and taken the time to nurture the individuals mind about the cause. After that, there is nothing else to say or do. In wominion, there is no room for debate. Now you might get a little confused here. But I want you to understand and meditate on this: wominion is a bitter-sweet cross between a democracy and a monarchy. As in a democracy, at all times you should listen to what other people have to say. You will take all aspects of their speech into consideration, however when it comes to execution, as in a monarchy, you mentally retreat and decide if it is what you want or not. Remember, you are woman. You know what is best because you are 13

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better equipped to know what is best. You have all sorts of invisible antennae and senses men know absolutely nothing about. On top of that, nature applauds your capabilities. If you want, you are even able to produce milk in your breasts! If your man is willing to practice, he will learn to build confidence in you only as he sees that, more often times than not, you are right. And the reasons are clear. You are more organized than he is. You are more experienced than he is. Even as children, you developed nearly two to three times as fast as he did. When he was still playing with transformers and pretending to be a Ninja Turtle, your body had already started preparing for reproduction. He knows it. That's why he can't seem to stop singing about you. If you are able to reason with your partner successfully and they are comfortable with wominion than you may decide it is time to take that leap into marriage because this is the kind of person you want to marry. You want to marry someone who respects you as woman and will listen to what you have to say. As mentioned before, not all men are dominative or competitive. Men who are sure of themselves and confident value women who are the same. Congratulations! You have found one. You're lucky to have your own Dr. Huxtable from the Bill Cosby Show or Jim from the Office. Now, if he's taking longer than you expected to pop the question then ask him. In wominion, there is nothing wrong with a woman asking a man for his hand in marriage first. Perhaps part of the reason why most people feel a man should initiate engagement is because "men" is hiding within the very word. Subliminally, people have been hoaxed into believing it is something a man should do. But if you ask me, in wominion, it is better if you ask him because you have initiated the thing you desire. Instead of waiting for him to make the decision when to give you what you want, you gave you what you wanted when you wanted it. This is a wonderful thing. If they say "no" do not be angry or upset. This is man's way of handling things. Be mature. Be nurturing. Inquire. But if you take the time to get to know your partner well and you pop that question at just the right moment, there will be no room for an answer of "no." In any case, please do not expect to go into a wominative marriage having had a submissive or dominative dating relationship. In the next chapter I'm going to tell you how to have a productive, wominative marriage and family life. 14

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Remember: having wominion is...? In case you're still reading that was your cue to stop and give me a response. You may be too disgruntled to give me one by now. Try to close your eyes and think about what wominion looks like though. You must be able to picture it in your mind on a daily basis. When you think about it, it really is a beautiful thing. You just have to give it a chance. It encourages everyone to be involved and in control despite their sex. Everyone must feel nurtured and respected. Everyone shares responsibilities equally and they look to you for guidance as to how they should be successfully carried out. Call it wominion; call it whatever you want, as long as everybody is happy it doesn't even really have to have a name. I just call it that because I think it gives rise to a woman's self-esteem and purpose. Switching subjects, shortly after man's creation of the television, perhaps he realized it could also be used as a mental weapon. Soon there came a plethora of TV shows, commercials, and movies which indirectly demonstrated how mainly male producers and directors believed people should dress, live and interact with one another. When you get a chance look up some of these old shows that came out shortly after the invention of the television and observe the role of the woman in: Father Knows Best, the Rifleman, Leave it to Beaver, the Brady Bunch, Dennis the Menace, etc. In all of these shows you will notice woman has the same role. She is always cooking, doing the laundry, babysitting, sewing, and taking care of any other home duties. She is rarely ever seen outside of the house and when she is, she is almost always shopping or taking care of something for her husband. She is always submissive and only briefly questions her husband if there is a concern. What is this? This is how the mainly male producers and directors of the shows wanted it and so that's how they portrayed it to viewers, and whether it was planned or not, we all picked the idea right up. Man's influence has trickled into all aspects 15

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of media and entertainment, including in books, music and most recently, on the internet. Most publishing companies are headed by men. And so what do they do? They publish what men want to read because they believe men make the most money. They produce and play songs that men want to hear. They pay top dollar to publish what only men want to see. And sense they are obsessed with competition they are willing to put any thing out there which brings them financial gain. However, we, women know better than that. We know that there is more to life than financial gain. We know that there are innocent women out there, including ourselves who have become victims of media and entertainment influenced by little boys who still haven't grown up. It is time for a change. Until women can completely guide the entertainment industry into displaying wholesome material in the way we can all benefit from it (thinking wominionly), we must guard ourselves against it. We must stop allowing men to tell us how to act and dress. In wominion, you must always question the source of information and judge whether or not it is biased. In your home, you should teach your children how to do this as well. Your children must grow up understanding the importance of sharing responsibilities without regard for sex. A woman should not be in the kitchen cooking all day any more than a man should be. A man should not walk around the house giving out orders any more than a woman should. A woman should not be out taking care of a man's duties anymore than a man should be out taking care of a woman's duties. Now, if you want to share responsibilities that's fine. But your children should see you and your partner interacting in a way that does not show one person leading or one person following, but in a way that shows equality amongst you both. When you are ready, you should introduce wominion into your family in such a way that your family hardly even notices it, but appreciates it. Wominion should never be spoken of. You must never confess to it or make it obvious because when you do men will become suspicious of you due to the fact that they don't understand the purpose of womination. They will only compete with you because they will think you are trying to control them but you are not. In wominion, you are taking control over yourself in order to lead and guide others to fulfill the desired goals. After all, why should you go around talking about wominion? People will only think you're crazy and laugh at the idea of women taking 16

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over...that is until wominion hits home. And how well have men managed to keep their dominion a secret from us? Anyway, within wominion, you must not be dominative over your husband or your children, especially if they are young adults. Your husband will have to be reminded not to be dominative because he is naturally competitive; he can't help himself. He must be reminded that the children will only rebel against him if he tries to dominate them. Instead, use your naturally nurturing spirit to guide them into the decisions they should make. Your children, regardless of sex, must learn how to make their own good decisions. Do you want to mentally cripple them by making all decisions for them? No. You want to teach them how to operate with free will responsibly; for we know what happens to children who haven't been given the opportunities to practice free will. They become over-stimulated by the sudden freedom they are exposed to and end up on a crash course. Your goal is not to make them perfect individuals, but to lead them in a way so that they have room to make mistakes and learn from them. Give them a chance to become a better person on their own. You should teach your daughters about the naturally nurturing side that nature gave them and you should lead them as to how they may take full advantage of it. Your sons, which will become future men, will begin respecting women with you first. So it is very important that you set the example for what a woman should be like. Your children will observe the interaction between you and your husband. If your son sees your husband giving you orders and you carrying them out most of the time than these are the type of men you are going to produce. Men who expect women to follow their orders. You and your husband must set the example for what kind of relationships you want men and women to have in the future. In wominion, you think like this: "I want to produce a man that listens to a woman. I want to produce a man that respects a woman. I want to produce a woman who listens to man. I want to produce a woman that respects a man." What we don't want is a never-ending cycle of prejudices and biases. We do not want to produce a world where women are dominative over men. We want to produce a world where women are allowed to nurture the earth in the way nature intended for them to. We want to gain placement in positions of authority only because we are better equipped to take care of this world in the way it needs to be. 17

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As the woman of the house, you are organized and efficient. You meet with the members of your household as often as needed and you take the time to listen to their thoughts and needs. You spend time and energy making sure everyone understands their share of responsibilities. Take the time to nurture your family by making sure they understand the importance of completing their individual chores and the natural consequences that will result from not completing them. Do not occupy yourself with the stress of handing down punishments unless absolutely necessary. Do not hold yourself completely responsible for cooking food, taking care of laundry or any other household responsibilities. If your husband was cooking for himself before he met you and washing his own clothes before he met you than he can complete these responsibilities afterwards. You both should take turns completing these chores for your children until they are old enough to learn how to do it themselves. In wominion, you spend time doing more important things like making sure your family is enjoying life to its fullest. But you must first make sure you are enjoying life to its fullest. If you believe that being married is falling submissively under the ideas of your husband or vice versa than you are setting yourself up for a miserable marriage. A marriage is a partnership. Your husband is your partner, not your master or vice versa. You do not need to ask him for permission to do anything anymore than he needs to ask you. You are both adults. You are not children. He is not head over you and you are not head over him. You make choices and decisions together fairly and you know how to appropriately handle disagreements by listening to one another. In wominion, there is no need for debate so please stop screaming, yelling, throwing pots and pans across the room, and causing other embarrassing displays of violence. Take responsibility over your energy. Remember: in wominion, you have control over yourself first which allows you to lead and guide others into fulfilling the desired goals.


Wominion by Hannah Faye

When you are a woman and you have been given authority over an individual, a company, a community, city or nation there are several things you need to keep in mind in order to have a lasting wominion. First of all, you need to make sure you remember that we are only living in the 21st century, and even though women have made much advancement we have hardly scratched the surface for what we ultimately plan to achieve...the world. You must acknowledge that although it may not be a big deal for you to be a woman and "in charge" many baby boomers, born in the 1950's, which grew up watching Father Knows Best, still believe it is. They are in shock that after all these years of having male CEOs and Presidents and Executives that "he" is now being replaced by a "she." Perhaps they are indignant. Perhaps they are on fire to get you fired! Maybe there is a small celebration inside of them every time you make a mistake, especially if they are looking for proof of your incompetence. I could tell you to try not to make any mistakes. I could tell you to educate yourself as much as possible about your position in order to be successful at all points. I could tell you to try to measure up to those who preceded you. But I will not. Instead, I simply encourage you to do the best you can. I encourage you to be exactly who you already are. And I encourage you to demand respect. Keep the people in mind who seem to take joy out of mocking your abilities and instead of plotting ways to fire them, allow them to challenge you. This is your opportunity to challenge their thinking. This is what we want. We want opportunities to change people and how they think about women. Are you going to toss this opportunity out the door by eliminating them? No. You have already surprised them by taking on the responsibilities that normally a man would take on. You have also surprised them by not firing them immediately for their insults. This is how men handle employees who insult them. They believe that by firing them they have "taught" them a lesson. They are competitive and believe 19

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they have won by eliminating the insulter. But we, women know better. We understand that eliminating the insulter does not mean we have eliminated the way they feel about us. We want to change the insulters way of thinking because we understand they've been brainwashed. We must change how they view women and give them a chance to show respect. In wominion, we must view insults as opportunities to make changes in individual's lives. If a person insults you, allow the nurturing side of you to take control over your anger and frustrations. Then, with that understanding, let them verbally have it! And you shouldn't fire them or physically assault them when you're done. In fact, it is best to keep them around so that others will remember how you handled them. Take the time to understand them and why they are saying and doing the things they are doing. This is your chance to show them that woman is just as capable as man is in all aspects of human nature. It has been consistently argued that man is physically stronger than woman. However, this statement depends on many variables. I haven't seen any men giving birth lately. Besides that, men are encouraged to pump while women are encouraged to fit into a size 8. Women have been trained to look for a larger, muscular figure. Men have been trained to desire a smaller, softer figure and there is much propaganda to maintain both ideas. If women spent as much time as men did in the gym who knows? We might be calling on each other to move heavy items just as much as we call on men. Perhaps, the previous manager spent most of his time speaking, you, on the other hand, take the time to listen and understand your employees. Perhaps, the previous executive barely spoke to his employees. However, you take the time to smile, laugh and talk with them on a daily basis. You take delight in showing up to places they've invited you to and you enjoy passing out small gifts during the holidays. The previous male governor was unorganized, but you have it together. You are different from the previous President because you are not just authoritative, but you are young, nice to look at and also kind. And before you know it, your employees, your subjects, your citizens will bend over backwards to support you. They may still be unsatisfied with some aspects of their job, their government or their way of life, but they will love you because they know you are working hard to change that and in the meantime, you are nurturing them in the best way you can. 20

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If you are an Atheist, than I respect your feelings and you may choose to skip this section. However if you count yourself a believer, then this section may be quite helpful to you because I believe there is a great misunderstanding when it comes to God's relationship with woman. In a most recent conversation I had with my mother's Pastor of ten years, an eighty-seven year old male, who resides over a very strict church where right today women are not allowed to wear pants or earrings during services, I was censured for my non-frequent attendance. My relationship with God was also judged by him and I was told: "God has given men the duty of preaching his word and his people have a responsibility to come and hear it." Two errors exist within this sentence, which by the way, I dared not to bring up at the moment, because I felt I had already disagreed with him enough. However, can you pick the errors out? One, I believe that God gave the duty of speaking the word to both men and women. Two, man cannot preach his word to his people because God is not a man and therefore, it is an error to refer to God as he or him. This is an error which is so common and deeply embedded into the hearts of people you have no choice but to frequently forgive it. By continuing to refer to God as he or him, you may be subconsciously training your mind to believe God is a man. In John 4:24 it clearly states: God is a Spirit. God cannot be a man or a woman and although that fact has been repeatedly established, you will notice how the male writers of the bible continuously refer to God as a man. It is not coincidental. Let's look a bit deeper into this. It is not coincidental that there are hardly any female writers of the bible for Christians or of the quran for Muslims. In fact, there are hardly any female writers or historians acknowledged in world history period. Don't be surprised when you discover a woman did something great; for 21

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women have always been doing great things. Apparently, they weren't important enough for men to mention. Could it be because he subconsciously believes the only things worth mentioning are things that men have done? Both books point to the man as the source of God's creation. In fact, the writers even take it a step further to claim that woman was birthed from a very small part of man, his ribs. So, in man's opinion, we are only copies of him. Now instead of viewing this as an insult and questioning the idea, we are encouraged to go right along with it. Both books consistently give man reason to have dominion over all beings because the male writer claims it is simply supposed to be that way. According to these holy books, women are only supposed to dress a certain way and act a certain way. Even the small amount of women who are found in positions of authority within the scriptures, disappointingly submit themselves to men. According to these religious books, God has placed woman as second. Repeatedly God does not acknowledge woman in the same way God acknowledges man. Most of the prophets are men. Most of the priests are men. Most of the evangelists and disciples are men. Most of the people God used were men. Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Isaac, Ishmael, Elijah and all the other chief people respected throughout religion are mostly men. Most of the speakers of the church are men. In fact, the bible even advises women in 1 Peter, chapter three, to be meek and quiet in the church. Now, go back because they are blatantly told in the very first scripture of this chapter to be in subjection to their husbands! Surely this isn't what God wants, but what the male writer wants. It is the male writers' suggestions which have led to our regurgitation. The male writer even claims that Jesus is the Son (male) and God is the Father (male). I'm not saying it isn't so, but would you accept Jesus as a woman? What if God sent a woman to die for the sins of the world? Is the idea totally ridiculous to you? If so, please ask yourself why. Is it preposterous to even think of God using a woman in such a way? What if everything began with women and the male writers turned everything around? What if the male writers were disobedient to God? The fact is, no one truly knows. In wominion, you are not afraid to think outside of the religious box. You are unafraid to challenge the age old laws, ideologies and traditions which were created primarily by men. You are no longer subject to a man's thoughts and you do not wait anxiously for his next proposal. In 22

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wominion, he no longer has control over you. You are free because you have freed yourself. He cannot even point to God and say that God has given him authority over you by these books, because now you know they represent man's feelings more than God's. If the bible or the quran say a man can have more than one wife then you must not be afraid to object and ask why a woman shouldn't be allowed to have more than one husband. In wominion, the bible, the quran and any other religious books written by men, are no longer enough to justify a man's ignorant actions. I, myself have taken matters into my own hands by attempting to rewrite the whole bible. I am currently working on an interpretation which will be non-sexist and non-racist. Perhaps, you do not feel empowered to take on such a project as I have done, but within your own home and within your own community you have the power to make simple changes. Take a stand if you can. Band together within your own communities with other women and become one mind. Introduce these ideas to them, move collectively and stop submitting yourselves to men. Teach your daughters to do the same. What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. Always stand for what is right and you will never be wrong. You are sure of your relationship with God. You only become unsure when someone comes along to tell you differently. But I say, do not allow anyone to tell you what your relationship with God should be like, especially a mere man. You are stronger than that. You are woman. God gave you an inner strength that no one can take from you. Do not let a man tell you how you should eat, dress or act. Rebuke his dominative ways! First they appreciate seeing our cleavage. Then they get saved, turn around and tell us to cover it up so their penises won't get hard or if they're too old, they don't have to be reminded that their penises are no longer working. Now, I'm not telling you what to do with your cleavage. I'm telling you, you shouldn't be pushed or pulled by anyone in any direction for any reason at anytime. Free yourself from the abuse. Free yourself from manipulation. If you move, it should be because you have a reason to move yourself. Examine the scriptures and question them always. Always remember these books were written by predominantly men a long, long time ago to lead and guide you into their truths. More importantly, remember the spirit in which they were written. If the scriptures were written by men 23

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then you can bet they were written in the spirit of dominance and competition and it will be reflected in the scriptures. If you examine the scriptures thoroughly, you will see that even God is presented to us in a dominant and competitive way. But as women, we must know better. God does not have to control anyone or anything because God already has complete power. God has nothing to prove to anyone. God does not need to be competitive because God has already won. In wominion, we must remember to follow God's true example, not the one man has ignorantly presented to us.


Wominion by Hannah Faye

Man's reign is coming to an end. His turn is over. The evidence is all around. Whether it was purposefully birthed or by accident, the death of dominion is sure. Look around, Nature says so. I call it dominionend because it is certainly an end to their dominion. No longer must the world suffer while men attempt anxiously to take over or control what little of it is left. There is no need for any further competition because there is hardly anything left to fight over. However, the earth calls out! It has spoken. After taking such a blow from men, there is need of emergency nurturing and women are the only ones equipped to fulfill that need. It is time for man to take his rest. He has done enough damage. Who will place a band aid on the earth's Ionosphere? Who must now work to restore clean air, food and water to all humans everywhere? Who will work to end war? Who has the heart to eliminate all weapons of all kinds? Who will establish effective programs for the world's population? Who will destroy the need for petroleum and gas period? Who will make sure every child has food to eat, clean clothing to wear and a roof over their heads? Who will listen to the people long after their reign? Who will finally treat them the way they need to be treated? Who will abolish ridiculous laws, traditions, and ideologies which only prevent human beings from moving forward, collectively together? Whose nurturing spirit will re-establish the economy and place leaders in power who will work together for the overall progress of the world? Only a woman is capable of doing these things. Only women are able to give the earth restoration. Only women are able to make the change. And they will do that by establishing wominion...first in their own homes and communities, followed by the world.


Wominion by Hannah Faye


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