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Vertebrates&Inverterbrates Name:Dina Caran s/o Vijayan Class:2Setia Subject:Science Folio School:Smk Junjung

1.1 The variety of living organisms 1.1.1 The Diversity of living things 1.1.2 The Classification of living things 1.2 Classification of animals 1.2.1 Vertebrates 1.2.2 Invertebrates 1.3 Classification of plants 1.3.1 Flowering plants and thier groups 1.3.2 Non-flowering plants 1.4 The importence of biodiversity to the environment

1.What is diversity of living organism?

Biodiversity is the variety of different types of living organism in a particular area.

2.What is classification of living thing organism?

The classification is the grouping of objects into sets according to one or more common properties or characteristics.

Classification of animals
-Animals can be also be classified into two group: (a) Vertebrates (b) Invertebrates -Animals with backbones are called vertebrates -Animals without backbones are called invertebrates

-Vertebrates are divided into five main groups. five groups are fish,bird,mammals reptiles and amphibians.


Characteristic of fish. -Their bodies are covered with hard and slimy scales for protection. -They are cold-blooded as thier bodytemperature changes according to the surroundingtemperature. Examples:Eels,Seahorse and Clownfish


-Birds are the only animal with feathers. -They are warm-blooded,that is,their body temperature does not change with me environment -Birds breathe with their lungs Examples: a)Owls b)Ducks c)Chicken d)Sparrows


Characteristics of Mammals
-Mammals are warm-blooded animals. Their bodies are covered -Their bodies are covered with fur or hair. -They breath with their lungs. -Examples:Bats,Whales,Dolphins,Cows


Characteritics of Reptiles
-All reptiles are have dry,scaly,skins to prevent their body from losing too much of water to the environment -Reptiles are cold blooded and breathe through lungs. -Examples:Crocodiles,Snakes,turtles and lizards


Characteristics of Amphibians
-They ussualy have loose ad moist skin. -Amphibians are called cold-blooded animals. -Examples:Frogs,Toads,Salamanders and Newts


-Invertebrates can be broadly classified into two groups. -The two groups are those with jointed legs and those without jointed legs

Invertebrates with jointed legs

Invertebrates without jointed legs -Worm like -Non-worm like

Clasification of Plants

-Plants are classified into two groups: a)flowering plants b)non-flowering plants -those with flowers are called flowering plants

Flowering plants

Characteristics of flowering plants

-Produces flowers under the right conditions. -Have roots,stems and leaves

Flowering plants group

Characteristics of Monocotyledons.
-The stem re soft and not woody. -Have fibrous roots. -The leaves are parallel veins. -Examples:Maize, Lily and Orchid.

Flowerig plants groups.

Characteristics of Dicotyledons.
-have main roots and a lot of branching roots. -the stems are hard and woody. -The leaes are have a network veins. -Examples:Balsam,Sunflower and Rose.

Non-Flowering plants

Characteristics of Non-Flowering. -Do not produces flowers.

-Reproduces by seds or spores

The importance of biodiversity to the environment.

-Biodiversity contributes or wealth of resoures such as food,fuels,timber,shelter,spices,herbs, clothing and maintenance. -It also maintains natural cycles like the cabon cyle,the oxygen and the water cyle. -The importance of biodiversity are: a)Source of medicines and herbs. b)source of raw clean water. c)source of raw materials d)source of fresh air. e)source of food. f)source of genetic diversity.

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