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This is part of my chat by email with Don Croft, inventor of Chembuster (which he calls it Orgonite Cloudbuster).

I do prefer to use the term Chembuster because it prevents misunderstanding it with the original Cloudbuster invented by Wilhelm Reich which is a dangerous device. Don Croft was gentleman enough to reply to my emails and provide his answers. In his speech he is talking about Death Towers or in other words Cell Phone Towers and states that we need to focus on that much more than Chemtrails since these towers direct the bad energy directly to the ground and to human. Even though I value his concerns, however I personally believe that we need to act both against Chemtrails and death towers. For the definition of death towers please visit: A quote from the above URL made by Don Croft states: The difference between HAARP and your neighborhood death tower is that HaARP shoots the DOR up into the atmosphere and the neighborhood towers direct it down at the surrounding population. But I would add that HAARP can also shoot to the ground causing earthquakes and can also be used to shoot at human for mind control purposes. For more information on the definition of DOR or Deadly Orgone (the negative polarity of orgone energy) see: Here it is part of our conversation: Davoud Tohidy: Dear Don, As part of my fight against Chemtrails, Project Blue Beam and NWO, I am promoting the Chembuster or as you call it Cloudbuster stated at: which I believe has the ability to disperse Chemtrails and transmute toxins to non-toxin substances by encouraging the presence of Sylphs as stated at: .

I would like to request from you to please provide your official opinion about the effects of the Chembuster on Chemtrails and toxins located at: which I believe is the same thing as you are offering at: Don Croft: David, we prefer the term, 'orgonite cloudbuster,' mainly because disabling chemtrails is not the primary purpose of the device; it's a balancer for the upper atmosphere. The seeded clouds that the omnipresent chemtrail jets now generate may be toxic for a few minutes but since they don't come to ground and since ordinary ultraviolet light disables organic toxins quickly I can't credit the CBs with destroying it all, though they do seem to generate or enhance a negative-charged static field in the upper atmosphere, which also detoxifies organic pathogens. The CBs are certainly responsible for the chemtrails no longer coming down to the ground, at least, but I don't really know why--maybe a function of the healthier static field?... Davoud Tohidy: Hi Don, I appreciate the quick reply and the info. As I mentioned I am promoting the Chembuster mentioned at: and I have created a business card and I have handed out to people in Ottawa, Canada believing that it is a Safe device and can destroy Chemtrails question is that, Can the Chembuster at the above url be dangerous? Don Croft: Davoud, these orgonite cloudbusters [Chembusters at the above url] are absolutely harmless and can only create positive effects. They have prevented flash floods because when rain is ionized it soaks into the ground. They also reduce the size of thunderheads consistently so rain is gentler in general. The more pressing need, now, is to disable the millions of death towers that suddenly proliferated over the whole planet and even on the sea floor after 2001. People who only focus on the upper atmosphere because of chemtrail disinformation websites seem too distracted to notice the worse problem, on the ground.

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