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news | sportsman's association

Sportsman's Association News

March 2012 by Secretary, Mike Wells

British Firearms Law Handbook

A new book is to be launched on 24th February 2012. This is a must for all police firearms officers, lawyers and any one who shoots. Laura Saunsbury and Nick Doherty have written this new publication assisted by Barrister Helen Dobby. Laura and Nick are the leading firearms lawyers in the UK. Laura acts as Solicitor and Nick as Barrister in many of the countries high profile firearms cases. I am pleased to report that yours truly had a hand in proof reading and editing the book. There are references to my case regarding a Browning Buckmark rifle sold to the Kensington Rifle & Pistol Club, of which I was acquitted, also a reference to the successful appeal of Sportsmans Association Director Savvas Tofexis being granted a six shot .44 magnum revolver unrestricted for the humane dispatch of larger species of deer and wild boar. The book is written in laymans English and easy to understand. It is most informative and covers all aspects of the laws pertaining to firearms, appeals, revocations, and also covers clubs and Registered Firearms Dealers. I give the British Firearms Law Handbook a 5 star rating as alternative bedtime reading. Published by Sweet & Maxwell ISBN number 9780-414-04498-2 also available from the Sportsmans Association - price 27.95 + 2.00 p&p

Lawyers Laura Saunsbury and Nick Doherty have written this new publication assisted by Barrister Helen Dobby

Nick Doherty, specialist in firearms law, and coauthor of this important book

The new British Firearms Law Handbook a must for all police firearms officers, lawyers and anyone with an interest in guns

Our Bill to the Bill

In May 2011 Inspector Paul Eyden of the Metropolitan police applied for a warrant to search my home, incorporating the Sportsmans Association office and seize all computers, mobile phones, back up hard drives and USB sticks. The warrant was unlawful; the Association paid for legal representation and had to purchase a new computer, mobile phone and memory devices in order to carry on trading until the return of our property, although we had no data base, as Inspector Eyden had the back up hard drive. When the SA Director Alan Westlake telephoned Inspector Eyden and advised him of his error, and demanded the return of our property Inspector Eyden hung up, he refused to answer any further phone calls. Inspector Eyden had unthinkingly seized our data base, prohibiting this Association from trading, he was also in breach of the Data Protection Act. He has now been accused of being over zealous, and abusing the process. Inspector Eyden kept our property for two weeks, causing the association and myself considerable distress. No explanation has been offered for the police raid. I am pleased to say that lawyer Laura Saunsbury got our gear back. We have submitted our invoice and await settlement. Should this remain unpaid we shall sue the Metropolitan Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe.

Newark Pistol Petitions

The Newark shooting show is on for the fourth year at Newark Showground on February 25th -26th, and the Sportsmans Association shall be there. I notified you of the e-petition by SA member Dave Derrick in previous newsletters for the re classification of .22 pistols as section 1 firearms. One of our members suggested that we collect signatures at Newark; I have contacted the show organizer and many of the exhibitors to have petition clipboards at the show, so if you are attending, get all your mates to sign. The goal is for 100,000 signatures by 8/8/2012, at the last count we had 10,000 signatures, so we have a long way to go. Please get everyone you know to go on line and sign it. Go for it; make the Government take notice.




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