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The Borde.n Company, Nutritional Research Laboratory, Elgin, Illinois

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

The controversy over the merits of generous vitamin feeding rages unabated. Spies ( 1 ) has pointed out widespread nutritional deficiency, and has recommended, among other corrective measures, that all mar garine be fortified with vitamin A. Takenouti (2) has pointed out that generous levels of all vitamins protect against infection. On the other hand, the experimental feeding of vitamin supplements to nor mal subjects did not produce any measurable benefits (3, 4, 5). The American Medical Association has opposed indiscriminate use of vita min concentrates, and their Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (6) has published a list of comparative costs of commercial vitamin mix tures. Hamilton & Hogan (7) have reported on the hamster's need for vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Chemical studies.-Deuel and co-wor,kers (8) have shown that neo--carotene has a biological provitamin A activity equivalent to about 38 per cent of that of natural -carotene. Since the neo- carotene U studied contained one double bond in cis configuration, the authors suggest that only those molecules which are rearranged to the usual all-trans--carotene can be activated in the body. Further work on the cis-trans isomerization applied to a-carotene isomers was reported by Nash & Zscheile (9). Isomerization was produced by the application of heat or by the iodine-light method. Optical prop erties of the various isomers were recorded. It has also been shown ( 1 0) that isomerization of -carotene increases its optical density at 326 mll. This fact must be taken into consideration when determining the correction values to be used for vitamin A analyses by spectro photometric methods. It is generally recognized that the usual crude carotene determina tion may not give a true measure of the provitamin A activity of a sample. Kemmerer and co-workers ( 1 1 , 1 2, 1 3) have reported the



composition of the crude carotene of some forages. Typical data from their report are summarized in Table I.
fjMaterial Carotene* . Neo-fjCarotene U*

CONSTITUENTS OF IHE CRUDE CAROTENE OF SOME FORAGES Carotene B* Impurity A* fj.Cargtene Equivalent*

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

Dormant grasses . . . . . . . Silages .


Fresh grasses . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

72 . 7 51 . 1 28 . 9

12 . 1 15.6 14.2

8.8 7.8 5.9


25 . 5 51 . 0

77 . 1 55.8 31.8

The values represent percentages of the total crude carotene content.

It has been demonstrated that the carotenols, luteol, and zeaxan thol do not possess vitamin A potency for growing chicks ( 14). Popper has used fluorescence microscopy to study the distribution of vitamin A in animal tissues (IS). This application of the fluo rescence measurement (16) opens a new approach to' studies on the distribution of vitamin A and on factors influencing concentration 'and distribution. Vitamin A fluorescence was not demonstrable in the epithelium where the first morphological signs of vitamin A deficiency appear. Even in extreme deficiency, vitamin A did not completely disappear from the retina. The difference in intensity of fluorescence under ultraviolet light has been used as a means to analyze mixtures of free vitamin A and vitamin A esters ( 1 7 ) . The method is not applicable if carotenoids are present, because these compounds reduce transmission of ultra violet light and also display fluorescence of their own. Suitable means of separating these carotenoid pigments have not been worked out. By this fluorescence technic various fish liver oils were found to con tain 49 to 63 . 5 per cent of esterified vitamin A. These results have been chalIenged ( 1 8) because other methods indicated that about 95 per cent of the vitamin A in fish liver oils and their distilIed concen trates was present in the esterified form. Solvent fractionation and chromatographic methods for the quantitative separation of alcohol and ester forms of vitamin A have been described, and their limita tions noted ( 1 9) . The alcohol and ester forms are apparently about equal in biological activity (20). Photochemical destruction of carotene occurs in the presence of chlorophyll, methylene blue, eosin, and uranyl acetate (21). The de tails of the reaction have not been determined, but a carotene peroxide is postulated as an intermediate product of the photolysis.



The preparation of vitamin A aldehyde by oxidation of vitamin A alcohol with aluminum propoxide has been described (22). Fu rther work has been reported on the "cyclization" of vitamin A and allied compounds (23), and the name axer6phthene has been suggested for the dehydration product formed by the action of alcoholic hydrochlori c acid on vitamin A alcohol (24). Attempts to interconvert u- and carotene by heating with sodium isopropoxide proved unsuccessful
Assay methods.-Assay methods for vitamin A and carotene re ceived considerable attention during the year. This attention is well considered since much of the published work has been handicapped by the use of analytical methods which were not sufficiently accurate when applied to food products. Criticism of the International Stand ard and of the U.S.P. Reference Cod Liver Oil No. 2 have prompted many investigators to use crystalline vitamin A as a reference stand ard. A report from The NetherlaJ)ds claims that the International Standard has lost 21 per cent of its potency since 1935 (26). The reaction with antimony' trichloride has been used as the basis for several improved methods of assay. Usually the original Carr Price technic gives results in good agreement with those obtained by spectrophotometric methods when applied to fish oils. However, in terfering substances-which either inhibit color development or them selves react to produce a blue color-sometimes prevent good agree ment (27,28). The use of the unsaponifiable fraction and the plotting of results in terms of extinction ratios (E>./E328 mIL) rather than extinc tion coefficients (El :;',. at 328 111!-l-) has served to make the spectro photo met ric method more dependable for use with low potency fish oils. Where the ultraviolet absorption curves of the unsaponifiable extracts of food materials are not typical of vitamin A, Oser, Melnick & Pader (29) recommend the use of an antimony trichloride technic modified to correct for color inhibitors, color and turbidity of extract, etc. Good agreement with the U.S.P. bioassay is claimed when this method is applied to foods and various pharmaceutical preparations (30). The Carr-Price reaction has been much used for work with blood plasma and similar materials containing both carotene and vitamin A (31, 32). A simple method for the separation of carotene from vita min A is based upon the differential solubilities of the two in ethyl alcohol. The carotene is precipitated from absolute ethyl alcohol solu tion by dilution, and separated from the vitamin A by filtration. The
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.


528 vitamin A in the filtrate.


separation is sufficiently complete for the subsequent determination of While the antimony t richloride

method solves some problems,


Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

anhydrous and accurately measured volumes must be dispensed quickly because of the unstable color produced. This problem is solved by the u s e of suitable dispensers such as those described by Oser and co wo rkers (29) and by Swain (33 ) . While the spectrophotometric values for many low potency vitamin A samples tend to be higher than those obtained by the U.S.P. bio assay technic, there is more than
a: suspicion that many colorimetric values tend to be too low. Benham

still leaves others for future work. The reagent must be kept strictly

(34) suggests that low values are more likely to be due to faulty technic in extraction, washing, and drying, than to decomposition of the vitamin A. The destructive irradiation technic to obtain a reference base for
comparison of ultraviolet absorption values was studied in some detail

(35) ,

and applied to determination of the vitamin


(36) .

Wilkie & DeWitt


content of mar

compared the colorimetric and

the spectrophotometric methods for the assay of vitamin A in


garine. To purify the extracts, they employed chromatographic ad sorption, using a column of celite and magnesium oxide. Sodium hy drosulfite layers were placed at the top and bottom of the column to guard


oxidation, and all operations were carried oilt in the

presence of a



Passage of the vitamin A through


column was followed by observing fluorescence under ultraviolet light. These workers found that the spectrophotometric values, using the destructive irradiation technic, tended to be higher than those obtained by the


bioassay while the colorimetric assay results tended to

be lower.

attention. In one of these methods (38) the determination is based on the quantity of vitamin A stored in the livers of rats previously sive days. On the fourth day the rats were killed and vitamin A was determined in their livers by the Carr-Price method. The method was found to be as accurate as the curative growth test. The other method (39) is based on changes caused by vitamin A depletion in the cellular
contents of the vagina. Refinements in technic are credited with im depleted of this vitamin, when the test material is fed on two succes

Two modified bioassay procedures have come to the reviewer's

proved accuracy over that obtained in previous attempts to utilize this phenomenon for assay purposes. The rats are ovariectomized,



and when squamous cells predominate in the vaginal smears the rats are considered depleted. The doses of standard and sample are fed for two successive days, and the response is taken as the number of days required for the cellular contents of the vagina to change to leucocytes and return to predominately squamous cells (depleted state) . The possible use of certain clays which give a blue color with . vitamin A as test reagents for the vitamin has been suggested (40 ) . Schrenk and co-workers (41) presented a method for the determi nation of vitamin A in dehydrated eggs, using a spectrophotometric technic with suitable corrections for absorption of ultraviolet irradia tion by the carotenoid pigments present. Refinements in the technic for the determination of carotene have been suggested to reduce losses during assay and to simplify the technic (42 to 45). In reports by Mann (46) and by Kemmerer (47) meth ods are outlined for the separation and estimation of the various com ponents of the crude carotene determined by usual methods. The problem of chemical determination of total vitamin A activity in milk and similar products containing both preformed vitamin A and carotene is necessarily complicated. The simplest solution is the use of the bioassay technic, but this is not always practical because of limitations' of time or materials. A rapid method for the extraction and determination of vitamin A and carotene in milk has been de scribed (48 ) . Two volumes of milk are mixed with three volumes of alcoholic potassium hydroxide and allowed to stand three hours at room temperature. The mixture is then extracted twice with ethyl ether. Carotene is determined by light absorption at 440 mft in pe troleum ether. The solvent is evaporated from the colorimeter cell. The residue is taken up iri chloroform and antimony trichloride re agent added for determination of the vitamin A. Good agreement with results obtained by longer methods is claimed. A critical study of methods for the determination of vitamin A and carotenoids in butter fat has been reported by Zscheile and co-workers (49, 50 ) . Inter ference of azo dyes was studied. These can be removed in the carotene determination by extraction with aqueous methanol or diacetone alco hol, but this technic is not applicable in the vitamin A determination. Since the dyes do not seriously interfere, the antimony trichloride reaction is the preferred method available for butter containing such dyes. Correlation with bioassay results was not as good as desired. The authors conclude that more extensive purification of the vitamin

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.



A fraction is needed, especially for application of irect spectropho tometry. Stability.-Bailey (51) discussed the stability of vitamin A during household storage of medicinal oils. He pointed out that oil in capsules is much more stable than in bottles, and that the latter needs to be protected against light and oxidation. Silker and co-workers (52) recommended various treatments to stabilize the carotene in alfalfa during the drying process. They urged preliminary blanching and found that the addition of antioxidants or of chemicals to inactivate enzymes was also helpful. Diphenylamine and hydroquinone were the most effective antioxidants tested, while thiourea and sodium cyanide were the most effective enzyme inactivators. The value of low te111 perature storage was stressed. The value of preliminary scalding prior to dehydration of vegetables was also pointed out ( 53). Bickoff & Williams (54) found it necessary to protect carotene in oil added to solid carriers. They found diphenylamine superior to hydroquinone as an antioxidant. When mineral oil was used as a carrier, the stability of the carotene was usually better than when vegetable oils were so used. It has been reported that the material from which the can was made had no effect upon the stability of carotene in canned foods ( 55). Milk fat could be stored for several months even at 600 C. without loss of vitamin A or carotene provided the fat had been degassed and tightly sealed in completely filled light-proof containers. Laquered tin cans were no better than plain cans. The study suggests that a relationship exists between the ability of the fat to resist oxidation and the stability of the vitamin A activity (56). When butter oil was oxidized under controlled conditions (57), carotenoid destruction pro ceeded rapidly during the initial stages of peroxide formation. Some materials treated to remove fatty acid peroxides still retained a marked ability to destroy carotene (58) , and vitamin A and carotene were destroyed before rancidity, as measured by peroxide formation, be came apparent ( 59). The destruction was attributed largely to sur face oxidation. Lovern (60) did not consider any antioxidant satisfactory for use with dried foods containing vitamin A and carotene, although a number tested were very helpful when applied to solutions. A patent was obtained (61) for stabilizing vitamins through the use of seed meal extracts as the carrier for the vitamin bearing oil. Taub & Simone (62) found that a mixture of inhibitors stlch as lecithin, a-

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.


53 1

tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and niacin exert an interlinking antioxidant action. Further work on the antioxidant activity of the tocopherols and the relation to vitamin. A will be discussed later in this review under vitamin E. A study of the effect of spray drying and subsequent storage of eggs by De nton et at. has ju st appeared (63). These workers found no loss during the drying p rocess. Vitamin A was lost rapidly from the stored product, while the potencies of vitamin D and riboflavin were not lowered by storage. Symptoms of vitamin A deficie ncy . Extensive use has been made of dark adaptation measurements in attempts to ,diagnose human vita min A deficiency. Isaacs and co-workers (64) concluded that the Hecht adaptometer was more reliable for the determination of dark adaptation thresholds than the biophotometer. Dark adaptation tests are useful to detect the general vitamin A nut ritional level (65), but most workers urge caution in interpretation of tests (66 to 69) . In veterinary practice; the use of vaginal smears for the diagnosis of vita min A deficiency is recommended (70) . In many attempts to produce experimental human deficiency the depletion is not continued long enough to bring out the usual symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. It has been po inted out that the time re quired to change nutritional status is related to the body storage of the factor in question (71 ) . Getz (72) found the symptoms of human vitamin A deficiency, in the order of their appearance, to be as follows: (a) Conjunctival changes which occurred in thirteen weeks on theJow vitamin A diet. This symptom was practically cleared in about seven months on a normal diet. (b) Night blindness which developed in twenty-four to twenty-eight weeks of vitamin A fasting. Normal vision was not completely restored in eleven months on a normal diet. (c) Skin changes which occurred after forty-six weeks. The skin changes were reversible and cleared within one month on a normal diet. (d) Lowered plasma vitamin A. Using dark adaptation measurements, Batchelder & Ebbs (73) found a daily intake of approximately 5000 International Units (LU ) of vitamin A daily (74 to 84 LU. per kg.) just sufficient for main tenance near the normal threshold. Sevringhaus (74) also placed the adult requirements at 5000 units per day. Requirements of 25 to 40 LV. per kg. were suggested by one group of investigators (75, 76) , but most workers prefer to recommend vitamin A intake above rather than below the generally accepted standard, of 5000 units per day

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.



for normal adults. Increased needs for vitamin A during pregnancy were stressed by Lund & Kimble (77 ) , who recommend in addition to a good diet 5000 LD. daily during the second trimester and 1 0,000 during the third trimester. Evidence has been presented to show that the minimum requirements are scarcely being met by persons in the low income groups (78) and that Europeans under war time food restrictions are receiving far less than their requirements (79 ) . Bovine requiremen ts . Numerous investigators have pointed out the large seasonal variation in the vitamin A content of milk and milk products, and the influence of feed upon this variation (80 to 88) . Wide variation in the vitamin A content of beef fat was also shown to be caused by variation in carotene intake (89 ) . In one study (90 ) the numerical values expressed as mg. of carotene per 100 cc. were nearly the same for blood plasma and for milk fat produced at that time. Such a direct relationship, of course, would not be generally true under varied conditions. Hilton and co-workers (91 ) placed the require ments for preformed vitamin A at 200,000 LD. daily when the source was fish liver oil. While workers are agreed that the vitamin A content of milk can be increased by vitamin A feeding, there is disagreement regarding the effect of vitamin A feeding upon the quantity ,of milk produced. Fountaine & Bolin (92) found vitamin A feeding to have no effect upon milk or butterfat production. This is in contrast to the results of extensive work summarized by Wilson (93) . Under some condi tions the addition of fat causes an increase in milk production (88) . The finely divided globules of fat which remain with the skim milk and with the whey contain seven and eleven times, respectively, as much carotenoids as the original milk fat (94). Moore & Berry (95 ) found the colostrum essential to raise the plasma vitamin A and carotene in calves. When colostrum was with held and whole milk substituted, the calves' plasma levels showed little increase and most of the animals died of infection. The blood plasma vitamin A levels were quite low at birth (2 . 4 to 4 . 2 !lg. vitamin A and 1 . 5 to 3 . 4 f.1g. carotene per 100 ml.) but showed a fivefold increase with the intake of colostrum during the first twenty-four hours and reached maximal levels at about three days of age. Improved health and slightly better growth was observed following the addition of cod-liver oil to the rations fed to calves to six months of age (96). For feeder cattle it was reported (97) that 450 mg. of carotene per 100 lbs. live weight was not sufficient to maintain life,

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.



that a daily intake of 1500 mg. per 100 lbs. was the minimum level, and that a daily intake of 2000


2500 mg. per 100 lbs. was

. mended. Lewis & Wilson (98) found that a daily intake of 64 units of preformed vitamin A per kg. body weight was the minimum that would permit maximum growth of dairy calves. If this were consid


the requirement for growth of market


it would be equivalent

to about 29,000 units per 1000 lbs. live weight. For maximum blood vitamin A levels these workers found it necessary to feed 512 units

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

per kg., and for substantial liver storage


units per kg. per day.

Utilization of carotene.-Some of the complications arising from

the use of carotene as a reference standard for vitamin A have already been reviewed (16). there seems to be a Aside from possible effects due to vitamin E,

species difference

in the utilization of


While the rat, at least with ample vitamin E intake (99), is generally supposed to be an efficient converter of carotene into vitamin A, one has only to check the feces to note that 10 to 15 per cent of the -caro tene administered in small doses is excreted unchanged (100) . Shaw

& Deud (101) observed that the rate of absorption of carotene from
the rat

intestine is

proportional to the dose


and as rapid as the

absorption of vitamin A per se.

Man does not absorb carotene efficiently (102) and this should cast doubt on the suggestion that alfalfa be prepared as a vegetable

(103). Getz (72)

described experimental work on humans in which

he used a diet low in vitamin A but high in carotene. The carotene content of the blood rose to 900 to 1100 f1g. per 100 m!. of plasma, but


vitamin A levels




above 170 LV. per 100 m1. These

were the maximum levels reached with an intake of carotene per day.


I.U. of

The data indicated relatively poor conversion of A. Getz estimated th is

carotene to vitamin


at 15 to

20 per

cent. Carotene is efficiently utilized by the chick (104), rabbit (105), and lamb (106). The horse is reported to be inefficient in converting carotene to vitamin A, and the normal plasma vitamin A level is only about




lAg. per

100 m!. (107). (91),


For the dairy cow, vitamin differences

A from fish liver oil was found to be nearly three times as effective as


in dehydrated alfalfa



found in

the utilization of carotene in oil solution or from alfalfa (108).

treated with vitamin

(around 4. I.V. per

Acetonemia.-Acetonemia in dairy cattle has been successfully A (109, 110, 111). Chemical studies indicated

that cows with acetonemia had


low blood vitamin A levels

100 cc.

of plasma) and exceptionally high blood



carotene levels (average, 1035 LD. per 100 cc. ) (112) . These obser vations suggest that acetonemia may involve poor conversion of caro tene to vitamin A. Administration of large doses of vitamin A by mouth produced marked improvement in the cow's condition, accom panied by increased blood vitamin A and decreased blood carotene levels. This is in line with previous reports which have shown that high vitamin A intake tends to lower the carotene levels (87, 92) . It must be kept in mind that some of these cows ( 1 1 0, 112) were kept under conditions where their intake of vitamin A was exceptionally low, and further work is required to show clearly that vitamin A defi ciency per se, or loss of ability to convert carotene to vitamin A due possibly to deranged liver function, is the primary cause of all cases of acetonemia. Human blood vitamin A is low in cases of liver damage (113, 114, 1 1 5) . Functions in health and disease . S teigmann & Popper (116) found that the shape of the tolerance curve is similar for vitamin A alcohol and sters, while ingestion of carotene has little effect upon the plasma A levels. The shape of the tolerance curve is not neces sarily related to the fasting plasma vitamin A level and is not in fluenced by administration of vitamin E. Some cases of abnormal blood protein pictures are helped by administration of vitamin A ( 1 1 7 ) . Thrombocyte count is not influenced by vitamin A, although vegetable oils used as carriers in some vitamin A preparations do cause an increase in thrombocytes (118). Carotene appears to activate insulin and may participate in cellular oxidation processes (119 ) . It is suggested that carotene solution should be administered to supple ment insulin therapy in diabetes. Vitamin A is concerned in glandular function (120 to 123 ), but the exact nature of the role which vitamin A plays is not known. Prolonged deficiency of vitamin A increases sus ceptibility to parasites (124, 125) , and to dysentery (126, 1 27 ) . Vita min A is not a detoxifying agent, but deficiency lowers resistance to toxic agents (128) . With diets suboptimal in vitamin A, the addition of 40 mg. per cent of atabrine did not cause a further reduction in the growth rate of experimental rats (129). This is in contrast with studies on riboflavin and protein. When vitamin A was injected with solutions of diben zanthracene the toxic action of the latter was reduced (130) . Vitamin A administration had little effect upon renal function (131), except that massive doses did produce a slight increase in filtration rate. Katz and co-workers (132) found vitamin A did not influence hypertension

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.



in the dog. This is in line with work previously reviewed (133), and in contrast to the favorable observations of Villaverde (134). Getz and co-workers (135) noted that patients suffering from tuberculosis had normal blood carotene levels and abnormally low blood vitamin A levels. They postulate that patients with tuberculosis may need additional amounts of vitamin A. A review dealing with the administration of massive doses of vitamin A in tuberculous diabetes has recently appeared (136).

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

It has been shown that nutrition is a conditioning factor predis posing to rheumatic fever (137), and that at the onset of the disease there is a fall in the level of plasma vitamin A (138). The plasma carotene level was not significantly altered. Whether the disturbed vitamin A metabolism is a causative factor or merely a result of the process remains for further investigations to determine (139). In a study on the relation of vitamin A to color vision (140), du bious improvement occurred in one out of thirteen persons tested. Vitamin A treatment relieved eye strain in a small percentage of the cases of presumed deficiency (141). Nutrition of the fetus.-Both carotene and vitamin A pass through the placenta, but only in limited amounts (142). Evidence has also been presented to show that the levels of these in fetal blood cannot be raised appreciably by feeding vitamin A to the mother (143, 144). A report of normal blood vitamin A levels at birth (145) raised the question whether the cord blood should be considered as representative of the newborn. Lower levels were found during the following three days. Warkany & Schraffenberger (146) reported congenital mal formations of the eyes induced in rats by maternal vitamin A defi ciency. A review has recently appeared which discussed rather fully the dietary causes of congenital abnormalities and clinical studies on prenatal nutrition (147). Liver storage and depletion.-The long time required for deple tion of human body stores of vitamin A has already been stressed. Other studies have shown that 1200 LV. stored in a rat's liver can be depleted in twenty-four weeks on a vitamin A deficient diet (148), and that some storage can occur in previously depleted rats when they are fed doses of 8.4 LV. daily (149). Clayton & B aumann (150) found that hepatic storage of vitamin A was comparatively independent of other processes taking place in the liver. Among the factors found not to influence the rate of storage or depletion of vitamin A might be noted the following: carcinogenic agents, vitamin K, coumarin deriva-


contrast with others reported else

tives, accumulation and flushing out of fat deposits, and choline de

fic i ency. Some of these findings

where in this review.

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

Hypervitaminosis.-It has been shown that excess vitamin A has no effect on dark adaptation ( 151). While there is little danger of overdosage of vitamin A under normal conditions, a number of reports do point out the dangerous possibilities. Rodahl & M oore (152) at tribute the toxicity of bear and seal livers to their high vitamin A c on tent. Ingestio n of large quantities of high potency fish liver or liver oils would likewise be dangerous. Telang livers were found by Herbst and co-workers ( 1 5 3 ) to have a higher vitamin A content than normal

th an

beef liver. When this was fed to young rats at levels supplying more

15,000 LU.

per day it proved to be toxic.

Identical symptoms

were produced by feeding similar levels of crystalline. vitamin Light and co-workers min istration


noted that overdosage of vitamin A r e


of vitami n K. This treatment, of course, has no effect upon other symptoms due to hypervitaminosis A. Josephs (155) in a review of the literature on hypervitaminosis A and carotenemia points out that large intakes of carotene are comparatively harmless. How ever, high ca rotene intake can cause intense skin pigmentation ( 156) . Vitamin A and farm animals. V itami n A deficiency has been blamed for development of paresis ( 120) and cardiac failure in swine ( 157) . Studies of feeding methods to meet the requirements of grow ing pigs (158) and to raise the content of vitamin, A in colostrum (159) have been reported. Ellis (160) points out that if the breeding stock has ample vitamin A, pigs weaned from such sows will not

sults in a hypoprothrombinemia, which can be corrected by daily ad

usually show vitamin A deficiency during the growth and 'fattening

period. A similar protection is afforded in the case of beef cattle. Such deficiencies of vitamin A as may develop do not seriously affect the efficiency of feed utilization. An apparently greater need was pointed out in the earlier work of Barron (161) . The importance of vitamin A for poultry was accentuated by the recent shortage of this factor. Allowances recommended by the Na tional Research Council ( 162) are expressed as follows in terms of International Units of vitamin A activity per pound of feed: starting chicks, 1200; laying and breeding hens, 3300; poults, 2500; turkey breeders, 4000. Distribution and concentration Reports have appeared on the distribution of carotene in various plants and feedstuffs ( 163 to 166) ,


5 37

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

in corn distillers' by-products (167), and in Rhodotorula (168). Pol, len was reported to have considerable vitamin A activity (169, 170). Data on the vitamin A activity of canned foods were accumulated by Pressley and co-wor.kers (171). Preparations of carotene rich foods from aquatic plants has been suggested as a means to combat vitamin A deficiency in India (172). A method for industrial preparation of carotene concentrates from vegetable leaf wastes, with recovery of 85 to 95 per cent of the carotene, has been described by Wall et at. (173). The methods, in general, follow principles in use for assay of carotene, with modifications to adapt them for large scale operation. Porpoise livers were found to contain both carotene and vitamin A in substantial but variable quantities (174). Data on vitamin A and D contents of South African fish products were accumulated by Rapson et at. (175, 176). S pri nger &, French (177) found liver oil samples from sharks and rays of the Florida region to vary in vitamin A po tency from 35 to 34 0,000 U.S.P.units of vitamin A per gm. Their re sults are tabulated according to species. The use of xylene as a sol vent for extraction of oil and vitamin A in routine examination of shark livers was recommended by Sycheff (178). It was not neces sary to remove the xylene prior to testing by the Rosenthal-'WeItner reaction (179). The color developed by the latter is reported to be stable for twenty to thirty minutes at room temperature, and this represents quite an advantage over the unstable colors developed by the usual antimony trichloride method.

A ssay. Vari ous attempts have been made to replace the biological assay methods with chemical procedures. Shantz (180) studied the antimony trichloride reaction with vitamin D, using crystalline calcif erol as the test material. To obtain reproducible results he found that the conditions of concentration, time, light, and temperature must be rigidly controlled. Peterson & Harvey (181) used the color develop me nt when concentrated sulfuric acid was added to a carbon tetra chloride solution of ergosterol to measure the concentration of this provitamin. Absorption spectra (182) do not offer much hope for an assay method applicable to food products. Beall & Grant (183) de scribed a color reaction with ferric chloride in sulfuric acid. The vita min D was added in chloroform solution. A green color was produced. The method offered some promise of a means to distinguish between vitamins D2 and Da because there was less color produced with vitamin



D2. However, the report did not clearly indicate how to distinguish between the lesser color due to vitamin D2 and concentration of vitamin Da. A color reaction is given by vitamins D2 and Da on, addition of glycerol dichlorohydrin or related compounds in the presence of acetyl chloride or other halides of acid nature (184). Distinguishable color reactions were given by ergosterol and by 7-dehydrocholesterol, but apparently identical reactions are given by vitamins D2 and Da. While these and other chemical methods are applicable to nearly pure sterols, there is as yet no substitute for the use of biological assays to measure the vitamin D activity of food products or even of usual high-potency concentrates of the vitamin. A number of attempts have been made to improve and simplify the bioassay methods, but none that have come to the attention of the reviewer can be considered to represent funda mental changes in either the principles or the results obtainable. Jones & Elliot (185) advocated the use of growth response of chicks as the criterion for assay of vitamin Da. This requires care in selection of the rachitogenic diet and standardization of conditions, but may not require as much mathematical calculation to evaluate the results. Motzok & Hill (186) studied factors influencing the chick vitamin D assay. They concluded that freezing the bones lowered ash content while storage in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol was without effect, that crush ing the bones prior to solvent extraction had no effect upon the results, that immersion in boiling water for more than one minute lowered the bone ash, and that ashing for one hour at 8500 C. was adequate. Some of these conclusions are at variance with others that have been reported (187). If any cleaning is done prior to immersion of the leg section in boiling water, the entire purpose of the cooking is lost, and this step might well be eliminated. Its use does, however, speed up the opera tion to a marked extent, and properly applied does not interfere with the accuracy of the method. Evans & St. John (188) found that good results could be obtained by ashing the toes of assay chicks, either with or without prior solvent extraction. They found the toes slightly more sensitive than the tibiae. Comparable results were obtained by using the per cent ash in the shaft, distal cartilage, extracted toe, unextracted toe, or tibiae. The study was extended to turkey poults with good results (189). Work has been done on the use of crystalline vitamin Da as a standard for the chick vitamin D assay (190), and Kennedy (191) has reported the following activity of the pure vitamin Da when as saved . against U.S.P. reference cod-liver oil No.2:

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Collaborators' evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . Free hand response curve . . . . . . . . . . . Log dose response curve . . . . . . . . . . . . By least squares method . . . .. . . . . . . . Grand average, collaborative data . . . . Separate DuPont data . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

47,541 A.O.A.C

units per milligram

50,828 A.O.A.C units per milligram 47,262 A.O.A.C units per milligram 51,255 A.O.A.C units per milligram 49,222 A.O.A.C units per milligram 48,939 A.O.A.c. units per milligram

More uniform response to the vitamin Da was claimed.

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Oser (192) has commented on the variations within the chick vitamin D assay. Within any one week, using chicks from one uni
form source, different laboratories found as much as 7 per cent differ ence in the bone ash content of chicks in the negative control groups. The increment in bone ash due to the addition of 10 A.O. A.C. units of vitamin D per 100 gm. of diet ranged from 2 to 3 per cent up to as much as 7 to 9 per cent. The variation between laboratories was much greater than between lots of chicks w i thi n any one laboratory. Oser suggested that attention be focused upon conditions within the labora tories, such as: variations in diet composition, size of cages, feeder space, temperature, illumination" ventilation, training of chicks to eat, dose range used, and interpretation of the data. Willgeroth and co-workers ( 193) suggested the use of turkey poults for the assay of vitamin D because the bone ash range was ap proximately twice as great as that of chicks and the variations within groups were no greater than with chicks. With no vitamin D the per cent of ash in the dry, fat extracted tibiae was 23 . 97 to 26 . 77 and an increase of about 20 per cent ash was obtained with 6 0 to 75 A.O.A.c. units of vitamin D per 100 gm. of diet. In simultaneous assays, essen tially the same results were obtained with poults and with chicks on the various samples tested. Wallis ( 194) suggested that low potency samples be incorporated in the basal diet for assay by the U.S.P. rat curative method, and that the mineral intake be appropriately adjusted so that the intake of min erals is the same in the regular rachitogenic and in the supplemented diet as consumed by the rats. Using this technic for testing cows, Wallis found that the vitamin D potency per gram of butterfat de creased as lactation progressed but that the percentage of butterfat

increased so that the vitamin D content per quart of milk remained quite uniform for each cow studied. Only about 0.5 to 1 .5 per cent of the ingested vitamin D was recovered in the milk. Stability. -The relatively unstable nature of vitamin D is now gen erally recognized. Huber & Barlow ( 195) have contributed studies



on the crystalline vitamins D2 and Da, and they suggest that the esters are more stable than the free vitamins Reports by Milby & Thomp son ( 1 96, 1 97) indicate that care must be exercised in mixing D-acti vated animal sterols with poultry feed ingredients. Fortunately most of the common ingredients were not found especially detrimental to the added vitamin D, but contact with minerals should be avoided as much as possible. Premixing with minerals causes rapid loss of the vita minD. Relation to other factors.-Sulphur added to poultry diets at levels of 2. 5 to 5 per cent raised the birds' vitamin D requirements from 50 to bet,,;"een 175 and 200 AO.A.C. units per 100 gm. of diet (198) . Sunlight or ample dietary vitamin D will prevent "sulphur rickets" ( 1 99 ). IVlagnesium salts were reported to have a beneficial effect on experimental rickets in rats (200). The addition of 20 per cent yeast to the diet caused rickets in pigs ( 201 ) . T he rickets could be completely prevented by addition of vitamin D, or partially prevented by addition of calcium The authors suggest that the rachitogenic effect of yeast is not entirely explained by its high content of available phosphorus. The addition of choline to the basal diet improves the uniformity of healing of rickets in the rat (202). Sli ghtly imp rov ed utilization of vitamin D is claimed. This is in line with a reported need for choline to insure normal vitamin A metabolism (203). . Physiological effects . Lambs are born with enough vitamin D to protect them against rickets for about six weeks (204), and rickets do not develop unless there is a moderate degree of growth together with seru m calcium levels below 7 mg. per 1 00 ml. Vitamin D may act to stimulate the formation of an active compound of phosphorus, named phosphagen, and distinct from the true inorganic phosphorus which is reported to remain relatively constant during development and cure of rickets (205). Administration of vitamin D to rats on a diet low in phosphorus and high in calcium resulted in pronounced hypercalcemia The data are interpreted (206) to favor the view that vitamin D acts to increase absorption of calcium from the intestines and to emphasi ze the impor tance of the calcium-phosphorus concentration product of the serum in calcification. VitaminsD2 and Ds were effective in dosage as low as 1 LU. per gm. of diet, and the dihydrotachysterol was much less ef fective. MeIlanby (207) suggests that vitamins A and D work to gether in bone growth: 'vitamin A controls the activity of the osteo. . .

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blasts which lay down the soft bone; vitamin D then governs the depo sition of calcium phosphate to harden the bone. Maternal vitamin D deficiency (208, 209) caused congenital skeletal malformations in 45 per cent of the young. Bones were curved and shortened, and some times ribs wcre thickened. The symptoms were not typical of rickets. The incidence of keel bone deformity in young chickens varied in versely with the level of vitamin D supplied

(210). Removal of the

preen gland of chickens had no effect upon the development of rickets

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on a diet lacking vitamin D (2 1 1 ). After administration of vitamin D, the blood sugar curve reaches its maximum more quickly following ingestion of glucose and also re turns to normal more rapidly ( 2 1 2 ). This is attributed to accelerated absorption from the intestines. action of vitamin D to be restricted to the effect upon intestinal absorp Irving ( 2 1 3 ) did not consider the

tion. He found that the calcification of the teeth was dependent upon vitamin D, and that the teeth were more sensitive and responded more quickly to vitamin D than did the epiphyses. On the other hand, Day ( 2 14, 2 15) found a very low incidence of dental caries in children with rickets and women with osteomalacia, which led him to conclude that vitamin D deficiency was not a factor in the etiology of dental caries. Previous work ( 2 16 ) has shown vitamin D to be a factor in tooth formation in the rat. However, the work on animals has not been related to that on humans ( 16 ). Large doses of vitamin D were not detrimental. While large doses of vitamin D were more toxic to adrenalecto mized rats ( 2 1 7 ), there was no evidence that such doses increased the activity of the thyroids. Toxicity was noted in doses as small as 300 LV. administered daily to growing rats, and females seemed to be more susceptible than males. McChesney ( 2 1 ) has studied further 8 the toxicity of various activated sterols using mature rats. He found the following dosage, expressed as milligrams per kilogram per day, . permitted a median twenty-day survival period: 3.60 of vitamin D2, 2 . 30 of vitamin Da, and 1 . 00 of dihydrotachysterol. Heywang ( 2 1 9 ) found that hens receiving generous dietary vitamin D produced eggs with significantly poorer hatchability when they were also exposed to direct sunlight. It is not entirely clear whether this can be considered due to excess vitamin D, or possibly to other factors not well under stood. McChesney (220 ) has shown that vitamins D2 and Da are more effective in the chick when administered by intramuscular or intra-



venous injection than when given by mouth. The reasons for the greater effectiveness are not explained, but may be related to efficiency of absorption from the digestive tract. Lecoq (221, 222) believes that mineral imbalance, resulting in alkalosis, rather than a poor ratio of calcium and phosphorus per se is the cause of rickets. Although the acid-base balance has received con siderable attention (223), few workers consider it of first importance in the etiology of rickets. Little has appeared recently on human requirements for vitamin D. Clausen (224) has recommended the administration of 800 1.U. daily for prophylaxis-the vitamin preferably in concentrated form. This is within the usual range recommended in this country (225). Vitamin D requirements of domestic species . Supplying the vita min D requirements of four-footed animals does not impose a heavy economic burden since all forms of vitamin D are apparently well utilized by such animals (226, 227). For poultry nutrition, however, vitamin D2 is relatively ineffective and the cost of supplementing ra tions with vitamin D is considerable. The situation is further aggra vated because poultry are less likely to receive sufficient exposure to ultraviolet radiation and because their body stores of vitamin Dare usually small. It has been reported that fish-liver vitamin D is less effective for turkey poults than D-activated animal sterols (228) or irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol (229, 230 ) . These reports conflict with other data (193), and with practical experience which prompted the Na tional Research Council to recommend allowances as low as 360 A.o.A.C. units per pound of feed for poults without specifying the source of the vitamin D ( 162). It is difficult to understand these re ports because we have considered the vitamin D activity of fish oils, especially when fed to poultry, to be dependent almost entirely upon the vitamin Da content of these oils. On this premise it is difficult to see how or why pure vitamin Da should be more effective than the same quantity of vitamin Ds in the form of fish oil. Further work is required to clarify the situation. In the meantime it is apparent that vitamin D requirements of the poult are influenced more than we for merly thought by the mineral content of the ration. It has been shown that minimum levels of phosphorus raise the vitamin D requirements (231), and that not all forms' of phosphorus are equally well utilized ( 232, 233). When minerals are lacking, vitamin D cannot prevent rickets (234) .

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Table II illustrates the effect of varying the mineral content of the poult's diet when the vitamin D intake is kept constant at 70 A.O.A.C. units from tuna-liver sources. This is a minimum level, according to all reports in the literature, and normal calcification was obtained only with mineral intake above the usual levels (235). There is some evi dence, too, that the lesser effectiveness of fish oils is most apparent at the lower mineral intake, although it is difficult to see how mineral bal ance could influence the relative effectiveness of different SOlll;"ces of vitamin D.


Calcium* Phosphorus Bone asht Wt. gaint

Supplement to Diet

None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 % CaC03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% CaCO s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% CaC03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% CaC03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Bone meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% CaC O s + Z% Bone meal 4% CaC03 + 2% Bone meal 6% CaC03 + 2% Bone meal 3% CaC03 + 3% Bone meal
, . . . . . *

0 . 35 0 . 74 1 . 14 1 . 53 1 . 92 0 . 93 1 . 72 2 . 50 3 . 28 2 . 39

0 . 60 0 . 60 0 . 59 0 . 59 0 . 58 0 . 87 0 . 87 0 . 87 0 . 87 1 . 00

22 . 0 8 24 . 12 26 . 92 34 . 73 38 . 41 28 . 88 33 . 53 40 . 27 43 . 2 1 38 . 43

67 100 99 160 141 76 100 124 133 110

Values represent per cent in diet. t Values represent percentage in dry, fat free bones. :j: Grams gain during three week test period.

Sources and distribution of vitamin D activity.-Ziegler & Keevil (236) found that irradiation of milk to enrich it with vitamin D caused a loss of 5 to 8 per cent of the riboflavin. In view of other processing losses this cannot be considered serious. Oppel reported Russian work showing that photochemical transformation of ergosterol into vitamin Dz is apparently a unimolecular reaction (237), and described efforts to prepare hydrosols of vitamin D for parenteral administration. Approximately 1 per cent of ergosterol has been found in dry Peni cillium mycelium of several species (238, 239). This might indicate that the mold could be irradiated as a practical source of vitamin D2 Fluorescent lights were found to emit radiation which promoted calcification in the chick while ordinary inside frosted incandescent bulbs did not promote calcification ( 240).



Determination and chemical studies.-Emerson & Evans (24 1 ) have attempted to standardize and improve the accuracy of the bioas say method for vitamin E. Low fat, purified rations were superior to the usual high fat ration, and feeding the supplement over a period of several days provided a more sensitive test than did the single dose technic. When determining tocopherol with ferrous iron salts and ' a, a -dipyrine, a blank can be obtained by acetylation (242) which de stroys the activity of the tocopherol and allows the measurement of in terfering substances. For analysis of wheat-germ oil and similar sources, removal of interfering material with Frankonit S has been rec ommended (243 ) . Bleaching earths containing large amounts of alum inum oxide should not be used since these may remove tocopherol. Minot (244) has adapted the dipyridyl method to the determination of tocopherol in blood serum. Tocopherol concentrates may be prepared by high vacuum distillation (245) or by low temperature crystallization technics (246) from suitable tocopherol bearing oils. Relation to hormones.-In castrated animals large doses of vitamin E have a weak progesterone effect (247), which is probably due to an indirect effect on the adrenal cortex. Vitamin E is involved in the func. tioning of the corpus luteum hormone (248) . It appears to stimulate the maturing of the primordial follicles in the ovaries (249 ) . It has also been reported that vitamin E does not act directly on the ovary, but rather by way of stimulating the gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary (250 ) . Ershoff (25 1 ) has reported degenerative changes in the corpora lutea of vitamin E deficient rats as early as the sixteenth day of pregnancy. Body storage.-Lundberg and co-workers (252) used the antioxy genic effect of a-tocopherol as a measure of tocopherol content of ab dominal fats. The induction period prior to absorption of oxygen in a standard Warburg apparatus was noted. The amounts of tocopherol found indicate that the fat deposits may at times be major sites of stor age. Maximum deposition was not noted until seven to ten days after feeding a single SO mg. dose. Tocopherols as stabilizing agents.-It is well recognized that the tocopherols can be used as antioxidants for fats, and that vegetable oils (253) or concentrates made from them (254) are effective in preserv ing animal fats largely because of their tocopherol content. a-Tocoph erol may be used as an antioxidant to preserve vitamin A in fish oils

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but it is doubtful if the antioxidative behavior of crude fish-liver oils is due predominately to a-tocopherol naturally present (25 5 ) , and sol vent extracts of crude vegetable oils appear to be more effective than their vitamin E content would indicate (256) . The effect of vitamin E on the utilization of other vitamins has been reviewed by Hickman ( 1 6), but numerous papers have appeared on the subject during the past two years. vVhen fats low in tocopherol are used in the basal diet for assay of vitamin A, the growth is dependent upon the vitamin E supplied (257) , and the utilization of carotene varies according to the vitamin E con tent of the material tested (99 ) . While vitamin A added t o carotene i n oil promotes bleaching b y aera tion, the addition of vitamin E preserves the carotene because the vita min A acts as a pro-oxidant while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant (71 ) . Simultaneous feeding of vitamin E with the vitamin A to dairy cows is reported to prevent the drop in carotene levels in the bl ood and milk, by a similar action within the cow. A series of reports from the Distillation Products Laboratory (258, 259, 260 ) summarize our pres ent knowledge of the sparing action of the tocopherols on vitamin A and carotene. Probably the sparing action is due chiefly to p revent ion of oxidation in the digestive tract (99, 260 ) , and more carotene and other oxidizable substances can be recovered in the feces following ad ministration of tocopherol simultaneously with the carotene. Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-tocopherols are equally effective, and there is some evidence that a mixture of the tocopherols may be more active than any one alone. The free tocopherols are more effective than their esters. Chick cxpcrimcnts.-Dam (26 1 ) has shown that the symptoms of I vitamin E deficiency in the chick-exudative diathesis and encephalo malacia--can be developed or suppressed by changing dietary factors other than the vitamin E content of the diet. Purified diets containing only traces of fat rarely produce either symptom. Other species do not show these symptoms. Fatty acids from cod-liver oil, lard, and linseed oil, as well as commercial unsaturated C20 acids added to tle diet tend to produce exudates, whereas fatty acids from hog liver tend to pro duce encephalomalacia. The most unsaturated fraction from hog liver (262) proved to be especially toxic to chicks, 0 . 5 to 0 . 6 per cent being effective in producing symptoms and 4 per cent causing a rapid devel opment of encephalomalacia and death. The toxic action was counter acted b)l administration of a-tocopherol. Feeding of a-tocopherol did not influence the deposition of choles terol in the aorta in either chicks or rabbits on high ch olesterol diets

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(263), but did prevent high mortality in the latter species. Dam has also shown (264) that generous levels of vitamin E in the diet of rats increases the survival time of this species on protein deficient rations. apparent that vitamin E has a profound influence on general health and body processes, but it is not clear whether this influence is due to con trol of oxidation within the body or to other functions as well. Patrick & Morgan (265) observed that on a vitamin E deficient rat i on the efficiency of feed utilization was influenced to a marked de gree by the feeding of dl-a-tocopherol. They believe that field encephal omalacia is probably a vitamin A deficiency caused by destruction of the vitamin A and carotene in the feed (59). Patrick (266) criticized the following technics used to produce vitamin E deficiency : ( a) ferric chloride may destroy factors other than vitamin E ; (b) rancidity may destroy factors other than vitamin E-encephalomalacia may develop on rancidity diets ; (c) simplified diets may be deficient in factors other than vitamin E, and on such diets general edema develops. For the production of the crazy chick syndrome, there must he 80 to 1 00 units of vitamin A in the liver when the chick is hatched. If there is less stor age, death occurs without specific symptoms. Patrick & Morgan (267) conclude that vitamin E, per se, is not required by the chick during the first eight weeks of life, and that any value of the vitamin E is due to its preservation of vitamin A and carotene. They also point out that addition of vitamin E to a ration may not be desirable. The vitamin E may be oxidized to a quinone which in turn may act as a pro-oxidant for vitamin A. Medical applications. - It has been shown that the addition of heated lard to a ration produces paralytic symptoms (268), but it is not clear whether or not this merely increases the requirement for vi tamin E. The normal human serum levels have been given as 0 . 19 mg. per 1 00 cc. for men and 0 . 22 mg. for women (269). Somewhat higher levels were observed by Couperus (270) in studies which indi cated that human creatinuria, muscular dystrophy, and amylotrophic sclerosis were not influenced by administration of vitamin E. Minot & Frank (27 1) found that children with muscular dystrophy had serum tocopherol values of 0 . 73 to 1 . 28 mg. per cent, a range fully equal to their ' normal controls, and that these patients did not respond to vita min E therapy. Yow (272) has also questioned whether clinical mus cular dystrophies can be considered as due to vitamin E deficiency. Somewhat more encouraging results have been obtained by the use of
The interpretation of these observations is somewhat obscure.

It is

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vitamin E to combat sterility (273, 274) and to prevent abortion (275, 276 ) . I n rat experiments, Aloisi (277) found that muscular dystrophy of the mother leads to abortion. Kaunitz and co-workers (278) noted that administration of 0 . 5 to 1 . 0 mg. of dl-a-tocopherol to the off spring of vitamin-E-depleted mothers had a protracted effect as meas ured by the time required before testicular degeneration became appar ent. Damage to the rat's reproductive system by vitamin E deficiency was described (279) , and induced sterility in the male was not cured by vitamin E feeding (280). The rat's ability to work was improved more by administration of a-tocopherol than by feeding wheat-germ oil (281 ) . Work increased atrophy of testicles in vitamin E deficiency. In the vitamin E deficient rabbit, the sudden death in advanced mus cular dystrophy is due to myocardial failure (282) . Such rabbits show greatly increased sensitivity to posterior pituitary extracts. Sweeten (283) d es cribed uterine discoloration in rats with chronic vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E was not curative unless accompanied by suc cessful pregnancy. Vitamin E has been used with apparent success in treating diph theria (284) . Its antiparalytic and antitoxic effects are the bases for its use. VITAMIN K
New forms.-Various water-soluble forms of vitamin K have been prepared with various results as regards activity and stab ility ( 1 6). A bisulfite addition product (285) was prepared by heating 2-methyl l ,4-naphthoquinone with a 10 per cent solution of sodium bisulfite for two to three hours at 60 , and the product was claimed to have equal antihemorrhagic activity with less toxicity than 2-methyl-l ,4-naph thoquinone. Other work (286) indicates that this derivative is some what more toxic than tetrasodium 2-methyl-1 ,4-naphthaquinol diphos phate hexahydrate which was even more active on an equimolar basis, Further work has been reported on vitamin Ka, obtained from the corn stigma (287, 288), but clai ms for activity superior to that of other known antihcmorrhagic factors need confirmation. Vitamin K3 is claimed to speed up the coagulation of normal blood, but it has been shown that other vitamin K products also render plasma hypercoagu lable when administered in doses above 10 mg. per kg. (289) . Physiological action in the body.-It has been shown that vitamin K activates trypsin (290 ) . Vitamin K is essential for proper function



of the liver cell in the formation of prothrombin (291 ) . Richert (292)

showed that rabbits and chickens were able to convert such antihemor rhagic compounds as 4-amino-2-methyl- l -naphthol, 2-methyl- l ,4-naph l ,4-naphthoquinone. Compounds with labile methyl g rou p s, such as choline, were found to have a slight sparing action on vitamin K (293 ) . Emmel & Dam (294) produced hypoprothrombinemia i n chicks with out histological evidence of liver damage, either by feeding a vitamin K-free ration or by adding d icumarol to a standard commercial d iet. Other dietary deficiencies may explain liver damage reported in earlier work. A relationship between vitamin K, plasma protein (295 ) , and complement function (296) has been suggested. Treatment with vita min K may prod uce an abnormal agg lutination which should be watched in blood transfusions (297 ) . Shemyakin and co-workers thohydroquinone diphosphate, and 2 -methyl- l - tetralone into 2-methyl

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formed from the various active analogs. Karrer & Koller (299 ) , how ever, were unable to obtain vitamin K activity from the phthalates. Medical aspects of vitamin K.-The medical applications of vita min K have been reviewed by Dam (300) and by Larsen (30 1 ) . Dam & Doisy have summarized the uses in medicine to which vitamin K expected (302 ) . In rats made hypertensive by wrapping both kidneys with silk, 2-methyl-l ,4-naphthoquinone was effective in lowering blood pressure while 2-methyl- l ,4-naphthohydroquinone diphosphoric acid ester tetrasodium salt was not effective (303 ) . Beneficial results fol lowed administration of v i tami n K to patients with essential hype rten sion ( 304) . The prophylactic administration to newborn infants (305, 306, 307) and for older children (308) , especially in cases of gastro intestinal disorders (309 ) , has met with widespread approval. Intra muscular injection is preferred to oral administration ( 3 1 0 ) . Prophy lactic administration to the mother is recommended (31 1 , 3 1 2 ) . A scale for grading hypoprothrombinemia has been proposed ( 3 1 3 ) . For the human adult a dose o f 0 . 01 gm. was effective intramuscularly. Vitamin K prevented hemorrhage in a' dog with biliary fistula (314) . Vitamin K was not effective in checking diarrhea ( 3 1 5 ) or hemor rhagic tendencies (316) in patients suffering from tuberculosis. Dis turbance of vitamin K equi libri um within the body is reported to . cause ulceration of the intestinal mucosa (317) , Antivitamins.-Vitamin K appears to be effective against hypo prothrombinemia from any cause, but a number of compounds are a bl e
has been put and have indicated what further developments may be

(298) continue to consider the actual vitamin K to be phthalic acid



to counteract its effect. Kornberg and co-workers ( 3 1 8, 3 1 9 ) have studied the production of vitamin K deficiency by administration of sulfonamides, and they conclude that inhibition of intestinal bacterial synthesis of vitamin K is the dominant factor in such production of vitamin K deficiency. Exposure to tropical heat makes animals, and probably humans, more prone to develop vitamin K deficiency and in creases the dietary requirements for this vitamin of 3,3'-methylenebis

(3 20).

The action

(4-hydroxycoumarin) in producing hypopro

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thrombinemia is accentuated by vitamin C deficiency (321 ) . Deriva tives of 3,3' -methylenebis (4-hydroxycoumarin) show much lower hemorrhagic activity than 3,3' -methylenebis ( 4-hydroxycoumarin) The ( 322) and may even have antihemorrhagic properties (323 ) .

salicylates have been shown to have hemorrhagic activity (289, 324 ) , and 1 mg. of 2-methyl-l ,4-naphthoquinone will counteract about 1 gm.
of acetyl salicylate (325 ) . The failure of Lester ( 326) to find salicylates

in the urine of rats fed 3,3'-methylenebis (4-hydroxycoumarin) seems to indicate that the latter is not hemorrhagic because of a breakdown to salicylates.

Further work on the antistiffness factor ( 13 3 ) indicates that a de ficiency of this factor produces a muscular dystrophy which is not ac companied by creatinuria (327 ) . This serves to distinguish the condi tion from that produced by avitaminosis E. Scharf & Slanetz (328) have confirmed their earlier findings that soybean lecithin contains an unknown factor essential for the utilization of vitamins A and E. This is at variance with the view of Jensen and co-workers (329) that the vitamin A enhancing property of soybean phosphatides is due primarily to its tocopherol content, but it is in essential agreement with the results of Patrick (264) . Patrick says that the soybean phosphatide factor seems to merely act as an antioxidant to protect vitamin A and enhance the antioxidative activity of vitamin E. Patrick made no claims for a new vitamin or vitamin-like factor.

A possible new vitamin of the fat-soluble group has been described


Bunzell (330) as a constituent of wheat-germ oil. The new factor

speeds up the tyrosinase oxidation of p-cresol, a function not per formed by vitamin A or vitamin E. Vitamin K does have this prop erty, but it is ruled out as the active prin<!iple because of its extremely low concentration in wheat-germ oil.



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495-96 (1944) 182. HUBER, W., EWING, G. W., AND KRIGER, J., A bstracts of Papers, 106th meeting Amer. Chern. Soc., 2B ( Pittsburgh, 1943) 183. BEALL, D., AND GRANT, H. G. A., A bstracts of Papers, 106th meeting, A mer. Chern. Soc., 2 B (Pittsburgh, 1943) 184. SOBEL, A. E., MAYER, A. M., AND KRAMER, B ., Abstracts of Papers, 107th meeting, Amer. Chern. Soc., lSB-16B (Cleveland, 1 944) 185. JONES, J. L M., AND ELLIOT, J. F., Biochem. J., 37, 209-14 ( 1 943 ) 186. MOTZoK, I., AND HILL, D. C., J. Assoc. Official Agr. Chern., 2 6 , 5 16-21

cil Meeting (Washington, October 26, 1944) 192. O S ER , B. L., Paper presented before Animal Vitamin Research Council Meeting (Washington, October 26, 1944) 193. WILLGEROTH, G. B., HALPIN, J. L., HALLORAN, H. R., AND FRITZ, J. c., J. Assoc. O.fficial Agr. Chern., 27, 289-95 ( 1 944) 194. WALLIS, G. c., J. Dairy Sci., 27, 733-42 (1944) 195. HUBER, W., AND BARLOW, O. W., J. Bioi. Chem., 149, 125-37 (1 943) 196. MIL1!Y, T. T., AND THOMPSON, R. B., Pou ltry Sci., 22, 357-60 (1943) 197. MILBY, T. T., AND THOMPSON, R. B., Poultry Sci., 23, 405-7 (1944) . 198. SHERWOOD, R. M., COUCH, J. R., JAMES, L, AND CARTER, C. W., Texa.;, Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 633, 9 pp. (1943) 199. GOFF, O. E., Poultry Sci., 23, 551-52 (1944) 200. M IGUE L , E. J., DE MIGUEL, A. R., AND ARMAND-UGON, N., Anales asoc. quim. argentina, 3 1 , 82-83 (1943) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38, 571 (1944) 201. B RA U D E, R, KO N, S. K., AND W H ITE , E. G., J. Camp. Path. Therap., 54, 88-96 (1944) 202. DARBY, H. H., AND FRITZ, J. c., A bstracts of Papers, 108th meeting, Amer. Chem. Soc., 4A (New York, 1944) 203. SOKOLOFF, B ., Feedstuffs, 16, No. 50, 18-22 (December 9, 1 944) 204. DUCKWORTH, J., GO D D E N , W., AND THOMSON, W., J. Agr. Sci., 33, 1 90-96

191. KENNEDY, G. H., Paper presented beforc Animal Vitamin Research Coun

(1943) 205. GOBELL, 0., Klin. Wochschr., 2 1 , 930 (1942) 206. JONES, J. H., J. Nutrition, 28, 7-16 (1944)
207. MELLANBY, E., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), B 1 32, 28-46 (1944) 208. WARK ANY, J., Am. J. Diseases Children, 66, 51 1-16 (1943) 209. WARKANY, J" "Manifestations of Prenatal Nutritional Deficiency" ( Pre sented before Vitamin Conference, American Association for the Ad vancement of Sciences, Gibson Island, July, 1 944)


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210. J O H NSO N , S. R, AND SMIT H, R M., Poultry Sci., 23, 510-15 ( 1 944) 211. FERRIANI, G., Biochim. terap. sper., 29, 129--48 (1942) 212. LASZT, L., Helv. Physiol. Pharmacal. Acta, 1, C44-C45 (1 943) 213. IRVING, J. T., I. Physiol., 1 03, 9-26 (1944) 214. DAY, C D. M., Brit. Dental I., 7 6 1 1 5-23 (1944) 215. DAY, C D. M., Brit. Dental I., 7 6, 143--47 (1944) 216. ZISKIN, D. E., GIBSON, J. A., JR., SKARKA, A., AND BELLOWS, J. Vv., I. Dental Research, 22, 457-68 (1943) 217. JUNG, A., Schweiz. med. Wochschr., 7 3, 17-19 (1943) 218. MCCHESNEY, E. W., Proc. Soc. Exptl. BioI. Med., 57, 29-31 ( 1944) 219. HEYWANG, B. W., Poultry Sci., 23, 165-69 (1944) 220. MCCHESNEY, E. W., I. Nutrition, 26, 487-98 ( 1 943) 221. LE C O Q , R, ComPi. rend., 2 1 5, 330-32 (1942) 222. LEcoQ, R., CamPi. rend., 2 1 6, 503-5 (1943) 223. SH O H L, A. T., The Vitamins, Chapter 24, 459-74 ( Published by the Ameri can Medical Association, 1939) 224. CLAUSEN, ]., Ugeskrift Laeger, 105, 61-66 ( 1 943) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38,

4294-95 ( 1 944)

225. JEANS, P. C, AND S TEARN S, G., The Vitamins, Cha pter 26, 483-512 (Pub lished by the American Medical Association, 1939) 226. MOR R I S O N, F. B., Abstracts, Cornell Nutrition Conference (October, 1944) 227. ANONYMOUS, Vitamin G Digest, 6 ( Issued by Standard Brands, Inc., New York, Jan.-Dec., 1 944) 228. SANFORD, T. D., AND JUKES, T. H., Poultry Sci., 23, 221-23 ( 1944) , 229. BIRD, H. R., f. Nutrition, 2 7 , 377-83 ( 1944) 230. BO U C H E R , R V., I. Nutrition, 2 7 403-13 (1944) 231. HAMMOND, J. C, MCCLURE, H. E., AND KELLOGG, W. L., Poultry Sci., 23, 239--41 ( 1 944) 232. BARRENTINE, B. F., MAYNARD, L. A., AND LOOSLI, ]. K., J. Nutrition, 27 , 35-42 ( 1944) 233. ELLIS, N. R., AND CABELL, C A., "The Biological Availability of Some

234. BLACK, D. ]. G., Uni"LJ. Reading, Faculty Agr. Hart., Bull. 54, 7-29 (1943) 235. FRITZ, J. C, HOOPER, J. H., AND MOORE, H. P. ( Data presented before Kentucky Feed Association meeting, Louisville, Nov. 16, 1944) 236. ZIEGLER, J. A., AND KEEVIL, N. B., I. BioI. Chem., 1 55, 605-6 (1944) 237. OPPEL, V. V., Trudy Vsesoyuz. Konferentsii Vitaminam (Moscow) , 1 1 5-24 ( 1 940) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 777 (1944) 238. ZOOK, H . D., OAKW O O D, T. S., AND WHITMORE, F. c., Science, 99, 427-28 (1944) 239. CAVALLITO, C J., Science, 1 00, 333 (1944) 240. WILLGEROTH, G. B., AND FRITZ, J. c., Poultry Sci., 23, 251-52 (1944) 241. EMERSON, G. A., AND EVANS, H. M., I. Nutrition, 27, 469-76 (1944) 242. EMMERIE, A., AND ENGEL, C, Z. Vitaminforsch., 1 3 , 259-66 (1943) 243. GRAN DEL, F., Z. Untersuch. Lebensm., 85, 423-26 ( 1 943) 244. M I N O T, A. S., I. Lab. Clin. Med., 29, 772-80 (1944) 245. GLAVIND, J., HESLET, H., AND PRANGE, I., Z. Vitaminforsch., 13, 266--74 ( 1943)

the American Society for Animal Production, Chicago, 1944)

Defiuoril1ated, Natural, and Synthetic Phosphates"

(Presented before



246. SINGLETON, W. S., AND BAILEY, A. E., Paper presented before American Oil Chemis ts' S oc iety (New Orleans, May 1 1, 1944) 247. GAEHTGENS, G., Deut. med. Wochschr., 69, 766-67 (1943) 248. STAHLER, F., AND KAISER, W., Arch. Gyniikol., 1 1 7, 1 1 8-33 (1941) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38, 1 549-50 (1 944) 249. STAHLER, F., AND PEHL, B., Arch. Gyniikol., 1 1 7, 134-51 ( 1941 ) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 1 550 (1944) 250. WINKLER, H., Klin. Wochschr., 2 1 , 1 05-8 ( 1942) 25 1. ERSHOFF, B. H., Anat. Record, 8 7 , No. 3 (November, 1943) 252. LUNDBERG, W. O., BARNES, R H., CLAUSEN, M., AND BURR, G. 0., !. Bioi. Chem., 1 5 3 , 265-74 ( 1 944) 253. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, R. W., TURER, J., AND AULT, W. C., Oil & Soap, 2 1 , 98-100 ( 1 944) 254. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, R. W., AND AULT, W. C., Food Ind., 16, 892-94, 936-39 ( 1 944) 255. BUXTON, L. 0., Abs tra c ts of Papers, l06th meeting, Am. Chem. Soc., 3B-4B (Pittsburgh, 1943) 256. BUXTON, L. 0., A bstracts of P apers, 107th Meeting, Am. Chem. Soc., 16B (Cleveland, 1944) 257. SANDERS, R, BEATY, A., AND DODD, M., A bstracts of Papers, l07th meet ing, Am. Chem. Soc., 17B ( Cleve land, 1 944) 258. HICKMAN, K. C. D., KALEY, M. W., AND HARRIS, P. L., J. Bioi. Chem., 1 52, 303-1 1 (1944) 259. H A R R IS, P. L., KALEY, M. W., AND HICKMAN, K. C. D., I. Bioi. Chem., 1 52, 313-20 (1944) 260. H ICKMAN, K. C. D., KALEY, M. W., AND HARRIS, P. L., I. Bioi. Chem., 1 52, 321-28 ( 1 944) 261. DA M , H., !. Nutrition, 28, 193-21 1 (1 944) 262. DAM, H., I. Nutrition, 28, 297-302 (1944) 263. DAM, H., !. Nutrition, 2 8 , 289-95 (1944) 264. DAM, H., Proc. Soc. Exptl. B io i. Med., 55, 55-56 ( 1944) 265. PATRICK, H., AND MORGAN, C. L., Poultry Sci., 22, 397-98 (1943) 266. PATRICK, H., "Relation of Vitamin E and Phospholipids to Vitamin A Activity" ( Presented before Vitamin Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Gibson Island, July, 1944) 267. PATRICK, H., AND MORGAN, c. L., " Rel ati on of Vitamin E. and Phospho lipids to Vitamin A Activity" (In press) 268. MORRIS, H. P., LA R S EN , C. D., AND LIPPINCOTT, S. W., I. Natl. Cancer Ills t . , 4, 285-303 ( 1 943) 269. VARANGOT, J., CHAILLEY, H., AND RIEUX, N., Compt. rend. soc. bioi., 1 37, 210-1 1 ( 1 943) 270. COUPERUS, J., Z. Vitaminforsch., 1 3, 193-207 (1943) 271. MINOT, A. S., AND FRANK, H. E., Am. !. Diseases Chilflren, 67, 371-75 (1944) 272. Yow, E. M., I. Bowman Gray School Med., Z, 117-20 (1944) 273. SCHAFER, L., Klin. Wochschr., 21, 991-94 ( 1 942) 274. ROTH, V., Vitamine u. Hormone, 2, 1 59-85 ( 1 942) 275. WINKLER, H., Klin. Wochschr., 2 1, 669-71 (1942) ; Zentr. Gyniikol., 67, 32-41 (1943)

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Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.

276. VOGT-MoLLER, P., Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand., 20, 85 ( 1 940) ; Chem. , Abstracts, 38, 4015 (1944) 277. ALOISI, M., Sperimentale, 94, 768-78 (1940) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38, 2080 (1944) 278. KAUNITZ, R., PAPPENHEIMER, A. M., AND S C HO GO LEFF, C., Am. f. Path., 20, 247-58 (1944) 279. T ON U TT I , E., Z. Vitaminforsch., 13, 1-9 (1943) 280. ENGEL, C., AND BRETSCHNEIDER, L. R., Z. Vitaminforsch., 1 3, 58-77 ( 1 943) -281. V. KOKAS, E., AND V. GORKA, B., Arch. ges. Physiol. (PjWgers), 246, 15870 ( 1 942) 282. HOUCHIN, O. B., AND SMITH, P. W., Am. f. Physiol., 1 4 1 , 242-48 (1944) 283. SWEETEN, M. M. O. B., Biochem. I., 37, 523-25 (1943) 284. BUTTURINI, V., Klin. Wochschr., 2 1 , 609-1 1 (1942)


PALLADIN, A. V., Doklady A kad. Nauk S.s.s.R., 41, 258-61 (1943) ; Chern. A bstracts, 38, 4014-15 (1944)

286. S M I T H, J. J., Ivy, A. c., AND FO STER, R. H. K, I. Lab. Clin. Med., 28, 1667-80 ( 1 943) 287. M I KH L I N, D. M., Biokhimiya, 8, 158-67 (1943) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 1775-76 (1944) 288. B ABUK , V. V., Compt. rend. acado Sci. U.R.S.S., 39, 277-79 (1943) ; Chern.
Abstracts, 38,

4014 (1944)

289. LINK, K. P., "Vitamin K and Anti-coagulants" ( Presented by Field, J. B., before Vitamin Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Gibson Island, July, 1944) 290. HARKWITCH, N., Sperimentale, 96, 61 1-14 (1942) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38, 5852 (1944) 291. BAY, R, TANTURI, C. A., AND BANFI, R F., Semana med. (Buenos Aires), II, 536-43 (1943) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 569 (1944) 292. R IC HER T, D. A., I. BioI. Chem., 1 54, 1-8 (1944)

293. TOPELBERG, G. S., AND HONORATO, C. R., Rev. soc. argentina bioI., 19, 409-16 (1943) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 3323 (1944) 294. EMMEL, V. M., AND DA M , R., Pro c. Soc. Exptl. BioI. Med., 56, 1 1-14

( 1 944) 29 5 . M A R X, R., AND DYCKERHOFF, H., Klin. Wochschr., 22, 570-71 (1943) 296. BUSING, K. H., AND ZUSAK, R., Z. Immunitiits, 102, 401-23 (1943) 297. STOPPELMAN, M. R H., Acta Med. Scand., 1 1 1, 408-13 (1942) ; Chem. Abstracts, 38, 2363 (1944) 298. SHEMYAKIN, M. M., S H UKI NA , L. A., AND SHVETSOV, Y. B., I. Gen. Chern. (U.S.S.R.), 13, 398-402 (1943) 299. KARRER, P., AND KOLLER, F., He/v. Chim. Acta, 2fii, 2114-15 (1943) 300. DAM, H., I. Lancet, 63, 353-54 (1943) 301. LARSEN, E. H., Nord. Med., 18, 1070-72 (1 943) ; Chetn. Abstracts, 38, 5265


302. DAM, H., AND DOISY, E., Science, 100, No. 2602, Supplement p. 10 (Nov. 10, 1944)



303. SCHWARZ, H., AND ZIEGLER, W. M., Proc. SOC. Exptl. BioI. Med., 55, 160-62 (1944) 304. FERREYRA, A. B., Rev. asoc. med. argentina, 58 163-65 (1944) ; BioI. Abstracts, 18, 189-97 (1944) 305. GASSER, E., Arch. Kinderheilk., 129, 161-77 (1943) 306. LEHMAN, J., Lancet, I, 493-94 (1944) 307. BANOS, A., Arch. Kinderheilk., 128, 137-48 (1943) 308. WALLGREN, A., Arch. Kilu1erheilk., 127, 137-57 (1942) 309. PLUM, P., Ugeskrift laeger, 105, 51-59 (1943) 310. LITCHFIELD, H. R., RABINOWITZ, H. M., KAVETSKY, P., GREENE, M. J., AND KAYE, E. , Am. I. Obstet. Gynecol., 47, 642-54 (1944) 311. BALLON, 0., Schweiz. med. Wochschr., 72, 1 1 19 (1942) 312. FIECHTER, N., Schweiz. med. Wochschr., 72, 1252 (1942) 313. KUDRYASHOV, B. A., Sovet. Zdravoo k hranenie Turkmenii, 1, 31-36 (1942 ; . Chem. A bstracts, 38, 1008-9 (1944) 314. THADDEA, S., Z. Physiol. Chem., 279, 94-95 (1943) 315. MUCCI, M., AND HARKEVITCH, N., Sperimentale, 96, 583-87 (1942) ; Chem. A bstracts, 38 , 6370 (1944) 316. FARBER, J. E., AND MILLER, D. K., Am. Rev. Tuberc., 48, 406-11 (1943) 317. CONSTANTINESCU, M. N., AND VASILIU, C, Z. ges. exptl. Med., 1 12, 189-91 (1943) 318. KORNBERG, A., DAFT, F. S., AND SEBRELL, W. H., U.S. Public Health . Repts., 59, 832-44 (1944) 319. KORNBERG, A., DAFT, F. S., AND SEBRELL, W. H., 1. BioI. Chem., I SS, 193-200 (1944) 320. MILLS, C A., COTTINGHAM, E., AND MILLS, M., Am. I. Physiol., 141, 359-62 (1944) 321. SULLIVAN, W. R., GANGSTAD, E. 0., AND LINK, K. P., I. BioI. Chern., 1 5 1 , 477-85 (1943) 322. MENTZER, C, AND MEUNIER, P., Bull. soc. chim. biol., 25, 379-83 (1943) 323. MEUNIER, P., AND MENTZER, C, Bull. soc. chim. biol., 25, 8()"'s7 (1943) 324. ASHWORTH, C T., AND McKEMIE, J. F., I. Am. Med. Assoc., 126, 806-10 (1944) 325. SHAPIRO, S., I. Am. Med. Assoc., 125, 546-48 (1944) 326. LESTER, D., J. Bioi. Chem., 154, 305 6 (1944) 327. VAN WAGTENDONK, W. J., SCHOCKEN, V., AND WULZEN, R., Arch. Bio chem., 3, 305-10 (1944) 328. SCHARF, A., AND SLANETZ, C A., Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 57, 159-61 (1944) 329. JENSEN, J. L., HICKMAN, K. C D., AND HARRIS, P. L., Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 54, 294-96 ( 1943) 330. BUNZELL, H. H., Bull. Torrey Botan. Club, 70, 599-604 (1943)
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Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1945.14:525-560. Downloaded from by INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique on 12/13/12. For personal use only.


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