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Malinowski 1. According to Malinowski, what is the role of the native in anthropological research? a. Asks for their reflection on occurrences.

Asks natives to be co-analysts. 2. Problem with the word native: a. Places a gap between the anthropologists + natives b. Places an assumption that everyone who is qualified as native is/lives the same c. Native places a negative connotation-> inferior term 3. Why is keeping your distance from the native important to the ethnographer, according to Malinowski, and what do you think of his position? a. You as a researcher can influence the people who youre interacting with b. You become more biased and become familiar with the environment c. Have more of a third-person perspective i. On one hand, Malinowski states that you should keep at a distance, but he also states how he wants to familiarize himself with the people and the culture, which other ethnographers had not done previous 4. What ethical issues did you find Malinowski struggling with in New Guinea, if any? What ethical aspects could arise with anthropological research? a. Informed consent b. Collective opinion-> goes back to stereotypes i. Malinowski was a functionalist-> wants to create an overall structure 1. Ethical issue to dismiss opinions ii. In a way, you have to generalize because you cant talk to every single individual 1. Research more broadly-> violence: someone is being dismissed to place everyone into a box 2. Need to do this in a way that is sensitive and takes into consideration the people you work with. a. Get feedback to see if the people are represented accurately c. Research subjects -> getting what you want and then leave d. Ethical questions arent usually solved, but instead worked with 5. Anthropological methods a. Participant observation i. Conversation + interviews b. Diagrams of Genealogy c. Archives + Artifacts Geertz: 1. The cockfight: Two men challenge each others roosters; Arbiter; people gathered around that bet; a. Central bets + small bets a. Leaders/outstanding citizens bet in the main bets b. Small bets: subordinate citizens b. Cant fight against kinship -> avoid conflict c. Bets paid upfront; must have money before you can place bet d. Victory for only that moment e. Cockfight represents all of Balinese society: a simulation of the social matrix, the involved system of crosscutting, overlapping, highly corporate groups- villages, kingroups, irrigation societies, temple congregations, "castes"- in which its devotees live a. Status is at stake b. The cockfight is the story the Balinese tell about themselves i. Geertz analyzes this like a text

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