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Page 12 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984


Iearn work marn reason tor Braves resurgence Vol. 33 No. 10

tonight. Then. with a little luck January 27,1984
by Kevin Walzer second, or evcn first." body, senior or junior, and we Indian Hill High School
When a team is 0-5, it is in a McKibben accredited the still have a good team." Cincinnati, Ohio 45243
pretty deep hole. Morale is some- team's turnaround to several fac- He cited as an example the
times nonexistent and the little tors. He feels that a unifying of play this season of junior Rick
thing that coaches describe as the team as a whole has been the Abrams. He leads the Braves in
"mental toughness" is decidedly major reason. almost every statistical category,
soft. At any rate, it is a hole that
is pretty difficult to dig out.
"We have a group of extreme-
ly talented ballplayers," he said.
including scoring (1 9.3). assists
(3.8), and rebounds (6.4).
Kegg, Flora win Superior ratings addition, Kegg was chosen to the
All-Region Cast, an honor re-
Varsity basketball coach Dalc "Early on we were not solid as a "Rick is an outstanding play- by Winston R Wells by IH for several years. Each tors." The adjudicators, com- served for one actor in each play.
McKibben and his team were in team. The talent was there, but er, to be sure," said McKibben, Indian Hill Drama Club school was permitted to present posed of college professors and The play as a whole received
that situation a month ago with the team was not. But since "but his performances have come members Jenny Kegg and Claire one play for the adjudicators, professionals, gave ratings of an Excellent rating from the ad-
five games and fives losses. we've started winning, the team from the team atmosphere. The Flora won Superior ratings at a who comment on each play fol- Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent and judicators, one level below a
However, the Braves man- has grown solid. There's a good players respond to Rick's play, regional drama event held at the lowing their performance. Superior. Superior rating which would have
aged to do something that most feeling between the team mem- and he responds to theirs. He Edgecliff Campus of Xavier Uni- Commented Berwanger, "The Kegg and Flora received the sent IH to state competition.
teams could not, they dug them- bers, a rapport that has grown as leads us in scoring, but also re- versity on Saturday, January 14. festival is not really a competi- only Superior actress awards given Sycamore won thr honor of ad-
selves out of the hole. With a the team has grown." bounding and assists." The festival was sponsored by the tion-the schools perform and are at the festival, while Sycamore vancing this year with their Super-
four-game winning streak and a 6- He specified that all other fac- As the season continues, Ohio Theatre Alliance. then critiqued by the adjudica- won the Superior actor rating. In ior rating. IH won a Superior
2 record over the last eight games McKibben credits IH's turnaround tors contributing to IH's im- McKibben is definitely keeping -
Senior Kegg and iunior Flora award last year for the presenta-
tion of "Tell Me A Story, Sing Me
(not including Wednesday's game to feeling of team unity that ali provement grew out of the team things in perspective. He's not garnered the Superior ratings after
with Greenhills), McKibben feels other factors have grown out of. concept. looking far down the road to- playing the main characters in A Song."
that IH is definitely out of the "Our defense has improved, wards the AA tournament, but is "My Cup Raneth Over," a play On their performance, Kegg
'These losing seasons were after written by Robert Patrick. The commented, "At first we didn't
hole. for one," he said. "The team has still shooting for the league. Still,
girls were the only two characters feel we did well." She said that
"We've learned how to win the Braves had won the started to play pretty good de- he said that IH has improved
now," McKibben said. "When we EHL title in 1981. McKibben, in enough to handle any surprises in the entire 30 minute presenta- the entire performance was
lost a few of those early games, fact, feels IH is still in this year's the road throws at them. tion. plagued by technical problems
Another extremely important
games we had the potential to league race; not just mathemati- Described by Drama Club dealing with the sound effects of
factor growing from the team's "Right now we haven't given
win, it was because we didn't too much thought to the tourna- sponsor Miss Mary Lou Berwanger the play. The stage crew was
cally but with a legitimate shot at improvement has been the im-
know how to win; now we do." as "humorous, yet moving," the composed of junior Matt McNellis
second or third place, possibly provement of individual players, ment," he said. "We won't even
Knowing how to win is a even taking in the league title. play is the story of two room- and freshman Charlie Schiff.
particularly this year's group of stop thinking league now until we
quality that has been sorely lack- mates, each trying to succeed in Backstage voices were provided
"I still think we can be con- juniors. are mathematically eliminated.
ing in past IH teams. Take a look New York and the friction that by senior Lance Luckey and a
sidered contenders, especially "The depth of the team is just But I hope that won't happen
at the past two seasons, 1982-83: arises between them. Kegg played group of Thespians.
with the way we've been play- excellent now," he stated. "As soon."
a 4-18 record with one win result- the role of an aspiring rock star Students will see the award
ing," he said. "We're mentally the team improved, so did indi- Not when they've just seen the
while Flora portrayed a free-lance winning play Friday, February 3
ing from a forfeit by Mt. Healthy. tougher and we'll be playing for a viduals, and now we're at a point light. Not when they're out of
writer. when the Drama Club will present
1981-82: 3-17. shot at third against Glen Este where I can play just about any- the hole.
The festival was attended by it along with "Anybody for Tea''
photo by Brett Benadum
five area schools, among them as part of the Student Govern-
Jenny Kegg. Claire Flora.
Wrestlers bring up rear at Turpin Invitational Sycamore, and has been attended ment Forum.

by Dave Stradling IH laced twelfth in a field of championship round, 7-6. Kindle

Report projects effects of declining enrollment cisions would be based on
"sound" educational practices as
The IH wrestling Braves fared 14, with a meager 59% points. also defeated the number one by Winston R Wells well as district economics.
poorly at the Turpin tournament
last weekend. Simon Kenton
Wyoming and Cincinnati Country seed in the championship round, S PORTS The district administration tions are used more frequently The findings are based on the
number of births five years befole
In response to the report and
possible reductions, Wettstein
School placed first in the compe-
tition while 1H placed last of the
Day finished thirteenth and four-
teenth respectively.
Slazyk pinned three times but TR I V I A recently released the 1984-85
enrollment projections, which
simply because they are more
likely to be true. In regard to his the given year. The reasoning for
choosing five years, according t o
commented, "We know there will
be cuts- that's common sense."
Both Graham and Kindle were was not able to place. O t h e ~vic- once again show the effects of results, Zumsteg noted that he has
seven team field. champions in their weight class tories came from Feltman and "The Perpetual Motion declining enrollment on Indian been "fairly accurate" with not Boston, is that children enter Her main concern, however, is
Junior Ken Slazyk (126) plac- with four victories apiece. senior'Mike Feltman (145). Machine," they called him. This Hill schools. The figures cover only IH's but also Milford's pro- kindergarten at age five. that too many cuts may be
ed third with two victories. Jun- Graham was able to pin twice de- The Braves will wrestle at 6:00 basketball player redefined the the years of 1984 t o 1994. jections. Reaction t o the declining en- made, causing large class sizes far
ior captain Dave Kindle (175), feating the number one seeded on the night of the Homecoming positions of "guard" and "for- The report was prepared by From the projections, the de- rollment was mixed throughout some years.
who is seeded second in his wrestler in his weight class in the dance. at Madeira. ward." At 6'6", he was small for Dr. Frederick Zumsteg, a retired cline of IH's enrollment is readily the district. Commented Boston, Wettstein was also concerned
weight class, did not place in the /--
a forward, big for a guard, and principal of Drake Road Elemen- apparent, even in the projected "I don't believe it's really bad- with the manner in which the cut
tourney. &,T-.. too quick for either. He was one tary. Dr. Robert Boston, super- 1984-85 enrollment. This year there are several advantages." He might be made. She feels reduc-
Other Brave points came from of basketball's fiist and greatest intendent of IH schools, said the district has a total of 1,754 feels that the main advantage wiU tions should be made in light of
a victory by sophomore Matt swingmen, the fiist six years of Zumsteg has prepared the annual pupils, which is expected to fall be the reduced size of classes and educational quality at IH; thus
Feltman, who wrestled in the ab- his career being a reserve guard projections report for several to 1,622 by next year. By the the closer teacher-student rela- she favors the idea that tenured
sence of senior Dave Stradling in for the Boston Celtics. After, he years. In addition t o Indian Hill, 1989-90 school year this number small emollment,
tions which will be possible with teachers wiu not be let go. "Dr.
thk" 119 weight class. A pin by stepped in as a starter at forward Zumsteg p ~ a . d e s emollment- should fall to, 1,270, reaching. Boston has assured us that senior-
senior Andy Graham also added to and excelled at that position, also. projections for Milford District 1,139 by 1993-94. Boston went on to say that ity will have preference in the
the Braves' total. For 16 years he terrorized the Schools. Boston said that although the some staff reductions will be reduction process."
The Braves finished NBA for Boston, pouring in The projections are made an- enrollment will continue to de- necessary, including split and She also foresees the inc~eased
stronger at the Maderia tourna- 26,395 career points, the most nually and can be found in the cline over the next few years, part-time assignments for some sharing of teachers between
ment only a week before the Tur- ever by a Celtic and fifth on the back of the IH Annual Report. he expects the fall to level off faculty. In a meeting with Class- schools, particularly between
pin tourney. Norwood won the all-time list. Who is this forward? Zumsteg said that the projections eventually. The report substanti- room Teacher's Association Presi- Ottawa and the High School in
tourney with 185 points, while are required by law to cover ten ates this, showing a leveling-off dent Mrs. Nancy Wettstein, the fields of math and foreign
photo by Stratton Moraitss
Madeira placed second with 122 While most IHers will be whooping it up tomorrow night at Home- YaaIY=H u'Ior years, although five-year projec- toward 1990 and onward. Boston noted that staffing de- language.
points. coming, the wrestlers (above) will be sweating it out at Maderia. .
Page 2 CHIEFTAlN January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Pase I t
I see it
as ball, Clark, looking bored, got to
Bergman visits with typical WKRC down s Boosters, 65-63 it first-without jumping. The
fans loved this, and laughed with

Questionnaires and surveys, when effectively written

b residential
by John Bergrnan candidate
by Kevin Walzer
The fine-tuned WKRC All-
Stars held off the surging IH
off the late IH rally.
Despite the pressure-cooker
flipped a pass to a WKRC team-
mate running downcourt.. The
However, those expecting to
see a lot of TV stars came away
disappointed. Of the four celebri-
he had just said be fully realized. Booster All-Star team, 6543, in atmosphere of the fourth quarter, teammate wasn't looking, how- ties expected to appear, only two
It all happened last Saturday
and distributed, can yield a gold mine of information afternoon. I was sitting in the I was still just as puzzled as I had the annual benefit basketball with tempers flaring (Argentati ever, and the ball bounced off his apparently were able to. Report-
to all participants. These cross-sections of public been before, but now I was also game last Saturday, despite a was called for a technical foul head into the hands of another ers Don Burrows (who suited up
family room listening to a record,
"loose" atmosphere that filled after protesting a foul and heaving teammate. for
servedthe asgame)
and coach)
Maher (who
opinion have long been used as a medium for discover- when all of the sudden I heard a finding him rather amusing. I
the ball into the stands), rowdi- Another situation involved a
knock on the front door. This decided that he must be extreme- threequarters of the game.
ing ideas which would otherwise go neglected. Surveys The teams did little but horse ness from the benches (long and David and Goliath confrontation appeared. However sports
puzzled me. None of my family ly intelligent, for he seemed to
and questionnaires are commonplace at IH, but apathy had said anything about company know even more about me than I around the first three quarters of loud hooting and shouting), and with - a jump ball between director Dennis Jansen (who was
usually limits their effectiveness. This attitude is most the game. However, they raised tension (numerous free throws Argentati, who stands about scheduled to play) and anchor-
coming over. Besides, if it was did. It seems that in dealing with
anyone who had been to our the hectic pace of suburban Cin- their intensity level about six taken-few made), the mood for 5'8", and Clark, who towers at man Nick Clooney apparently
frequently observed among the students, but recently much of the game bordered on about 6'4". As Argentati leaped were not able to make appearanc-
house before, I would have cinnati, I had completely over- notches in the fourth to play
some of the faculty have fallen to this condition also. thought he would use the door- looked the fact that I was being some surprisingly hard-fought frivilous. In one instance, Clark and made a mighty swipe for the es.
The case in point currently is the teacher survey bell. "Oh well," I said to myself viciously oppressed. I mean only basketball. However, it was a case
provided to all faculty members by the Student Affairs
Committee of Student Government. At the present
as I rose to get the door, "perhaps
it's a mailman."
When I opened the door, how-
a half an hour ago, I had been sit-
ting in my family room listening
to my record and laboring under
of too little too late on the part
of the IH team. The steady
shooting of WKRC proved too
JV Braves shoot for second tonight
only a handful of teachers have requested surveys for ever, I found that the caller was the gross misconception that I much to overcome, even despite by Kevin Walzer in the first quarter; jumping out same pace continued in the
their classes. These surveys are designed to let the not a mailman at all. He was a was a pretty lucky guy, when in the late run. However, it did The JV basketball Braves have t o a 17-8 lead with purely torrid second as IH was ahead, 10-9, at
conlplete stranger whose inten- fact, unbeknown to me, I was as make for some exciting basket- more than a win or a loss on the shooting. "We missed one field half.
students evaluate the teacher in .a variety of fields, ball, some noted. St. Bernard came out of its
tions were invisible upon first in- miserable as could be. I found line tonight as they square off goal and one free throw," said
from knowledge of subject to discipline in class. Mr. spection. I greeted him with a myself growing enraged at the "Whew," said WKRC coach against Glen Este at home at Gellert. "That was as close t o slump in the third quarter and
Dennis Dowling, SG sponsor, noted that the current somewhat skeptical "hello." Im- fact that I had not realized how Walt Maher. "That was a lot of 6:30. perfect play as we've had all overtook IH's lead, going up by
involvement with the survey is the weakest turnout in mediatily, he seemed to sense my truly awful my existence was. If fun. I enjoyed it." "We're really getting up for year." three, 19-16. However, IH finally
confusion. "Hello," he said in a it had not been for this strange That sums it up pretty well. this game," said coach Gary The team maintained its came alive in the fourth quarter
several years. consoling jovial voice, "is this the man who called himself R. J., I The IH squad was down 49-48 at Gellert. "There's a lot at stake. A steady shooting throughout the and outscored them 22-4 to win
The survey is provided to aid the teachers, but if Bergman residence?" "Yes, it is," may have gone through life naive- the end of the third quarter, when win will put us in second place in first half, but Loveland got hot going away, 38-23.
they are unwilling to present it t o their classes, how I replied, "may I help you?" ly assuming that I was happy, WKRC went on an 11-9 run that the EHL. We also want revenge." and with a surge managed to tie The Deer Park Wildcats posed
"Ah, my good fellow, it's not when I was actually terribly un- put them up, 60-57. A basket by The revenge is against a the score at 36 as the game little challenge for the Braves, as
can they hope to improve their classes? Although the what you can do for me, it's what fortunate. WKRC center Darrell Clark then previous 63-55 last minute loss at entered the fourth quarter. IH led throughout the game in
current popular educational philosophy emphasizes 1 can do for you." As he made "Yes," my savior continued, put them up by four, 62-58. the hands of the Trojans. Glen
time spent on the subject matter, distributing these this last statement, he extended a "what you need is a president After WKRC added three more to Este overcame a 30-23 lead with a
hand to me. I shook it with all who cares about you. I am just make the score 65-58, IH went t o late surge in the final two minutes
surveys is not very time-consuming. T o those few to sweep by the Braves.
compulsory firmness, but I was such a man. Oh don't get me work. With 1:5 8 left, Booster
teachers who have used the surveys, the Chieftain still feeling very suspicious. For wrong, Mr. Bergman. I'm not Greg Koulouris put in a basket to As far as IH's chances go, they
offers congratulations and strongly urgc their peers to some inexplicable reason, I felt an looking for glory. I don't need cut the margin to five, 65-60. are good ones. "We have the
follow their example. incredible urge to say,"No thanks, power to be happy. I already Then, after a number of momentum," said Gellert. "We're
we gave at the office." But alas, 1 have a thriving chain of encyclo- missed free throws by both teams, looking for second place, and
saw that there was little or noth- pedia stores. No, what I want is IH faculty member Steve we've been surging lately. We've
ing that I could do. The man had to serve you, Mr. Bergman, to Thompson sank one to make the won five out of six league games
already stepped inside, and I did make this country one you can be score 65-61. After taking the in- since our 0-2 start (they currently
STAFF not yet feel that I had grounds to proud of." bounds pass, he then dribbled
furiously downcourt and rolled in
stand 5-3)."
If IH's game on January 20
throw him out. I led him to the With this he stood up and
family room, and we sat down. reached into his pocket. "Allow his ninth point of the game just as against the Loveland Tigers is any
Chieftain is written and com- Typesetters Sandy Pesce,
posed, printed and sold as an Sue Gilsdorf, Karen Wiedemer "Mr. Bergman," he began "my me to give you a campaign the buzzer sounded. indication of how the game
extracurricular activity by the Artists Joel Ruff name is R. J. Bievens, the Third, button. You wear this, and re- However, it did IH no good, as against Glen Este will go, the
students of Indian Hill High Photographers Brett Benadum, but you can call me R. J." It member me in November. To- they were still two down at the Trojans had better be prepared,
School, 6945 Drake Rd., Cincin- Trip Edwards, Stratton Mor-
seemed he had mistaken me for gether, we can make this county end. for they will have their hands full.
nati, Ohio, 4 5 2 4 3 561-4963. aites
Sponsor Wm. P. Kincaid Contributers John Bergman, my father, but since Dad wasn't great again!" I stood up to take As for the rest of the game? . IH entered the game in a
Editors Nancy Hopple Dave Agin, Hugh Geier, Trip !lome, I decided to just let him him to the door. Obviously he Well, the first quarter was fairly three-way tie for second place
Kitsa Tassia n Edwards, Ellen Alvord, Eric ramble on. "I am here to tell had other people to visit that day, nipand-tuck, as IH ended ahead with Loveland and Glen Este.
Little, Brian Rowe, Gretchen photo by Trip Edwards
Win Wells 15-14. - Then, after baskets by The Braves, in their "best game of
News Editors Paul Monach Kindel you, person to person, that I am hundreds of thousands of fools Coach Gary Gellert advises his JV Braves during a tirneout. Gellert is
David Stradling Production Staff Kelly Martin, running f o ~the office of the pres- who, like me, did not realize what Thompson and a long jumper by the year," eliminated the Tigers pleased with his teams' progress thus far, and feels that they have good
Features Editors Ken Jones Amelia Elling, Ellen Alvord, idency of your country. That's wretched lives they were being eighth grade coach Gary "Ar-gen- from the picture with a 45-42 win chances tonight against Glen Este.
Elizabeth Smith David Cook, Stratton Morai- right, Mr. Bergman, I said your forced to endure. At the door, I taaa-ti," as announcer Tom at Loveland.
Assistant Features tes, Joel Ruff, Sam Green, posting a routine 48-27 win, last
country. For who does this thanked him profusely, and Dewey kept calling him, the "The game was also a bit of However, the Braves iced the
Chris Blanchard Eric Little, Jim Gruskin, Mary-
Beth Heidrich country belong to, if not to a promised that I would certainly Braves took hold of the five-point vengeance on our part," said game with "good rebounding," January 1 3 at Indian Hill.
Sports Editors Anna Batsakes
Kevin Walzer proud, upstanding, taxpaying, do all I could to ensure his elec- lead in the second that they did Gellert. The , loss avenged a said Gellert. 1. "We're not a tall The Braves jumped out to a
Magazine Editors Tracy Megison national anthem singing citizen tion. He marched out to his car, not relinquish until the middle previous 5 1-41 em%anassment at team, but we did a good job 10-4 lead and never looked back.
Assistant Magazine Editor
Barb Neu
news short such as yourself? You, Mr. Berg- whistling "The Stars and Stripes third quarter. The first half the hands of the Tigers at Indian boxing out." After leading 17-12 at half, they
man, have been taken advantage Forever," then drove off on his ended with IH up, 39-25. Hill IH parlayed a 23-point outscored the Wildcats 31-15 in
Janet Nicolas
Chief Typesetter Savithri Raju An outside agency will teach of, for far too long. For years mission of mercy. What a guy! After the third quarter saw "Our teamwork in that game performance by sophomore Erich the second half t o notch the win.
Business Manager Bob Rhoad the classrooln and behind-the- now, you've been walked on and P.S. The above article is WKRC overtake IH's five-point was excellent," praised Gellert. Metzger into a 38-23 win over St. Sophomore Clint Reese had
Circulation Manager wheel Driver Education courses passed over, by all those scound- written as a satire of American lead and go up themselves by one, "We had the best rebounding of Bernard in Saturday, January 14. his best shooting game all season
Chris Blanchard any game all season, and every Both teams were cold in the
next year. Classes will be offered rels who say they're on you're politics. Any simularity between 49-48, the teams proceeded into as he put in 10, second only t o
one played unselfishly ."
Production Managers
Margot Ayers after school at the high school, side." He paused for a moment, Mr. Bivens and any of the real-life the intense, hard-fought fourth first quarter as each put in only Metzger's 15. Sophomore Andy
Dan Rosenthal but no credit will be given. as if to let the full impact of what candidates is entirely intentional. where WKRC managed to hold The team got off to a hot start two baskets to be tied, 4-4. The Tucker added nine.
Page 10 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Page 3

Braves' streak at five with OT win over Greenhills Fourteen students travel to France currently about eight francs to
the dollar.
by Nancy Hopple and the old section of the city; a school in Aixen-Provence. Junior Ellen Alvord, one of
by Brian Rowc
IH French teacher Mrs. JoAnn trip to Azay le Rideau and other This is Wund's second time two girls in the exchange whose
?'he v;~rsity basketball Bravcs
ran their winning \trcak to five Wund and 14 of her French I11 chateaux in the surrounding Loire leading a group of IH students on correspondant is a boy, said of
and AP French Language students Valley area; a visit to a military the French exchange. Seven years her host, "I think he'll be more
game\ H it11 a come-frorn-behind
leave Cincinnati this afternoon for equestrian school and a modern ago she led a group of students patient with teaching me the
64-58 win over 14th city ranked
Paris, France, as part of an ex- school; tours of patisserie, a wine who stayed in Aixen-Provence. language, but he probably won't
C;reenhills, in overtime, on Wed-
change program with a French cave, and the Cointreau factory Wund commented, "Professional- want to go shopping with me."
nesday night.
high school. The group will stay (Angers is the only place where ly, this trip is very exciting for While he is "looking forward
Senior 1)an Krcrnchcck scored
in France for three weeks, spend- the orange liqueur is made); a re- me, because it has been seven to the trip," junior Doug Backus
sis of' Ill's eight points in the
Lange ripped down ten rebounds ing approximately five days in ception at Lycee Joachim au Bel- years since I've been in France. the only boy participating in the .
overtime period after senior Bill Paris and the remainder of the
m lay following vacation; and a It's essential to keep my French IH exchange, hopes he "can make
Lanpc made a three point play to I 4 to pace IH's board attack. Theur-
ing came off the bench to score time with host families in the city Valentine's Day party at the current." up all the school work." Backus
tic the Pioneers at 56 and send of Angers, before returning to the home of a French host family.
ten points (including six-for-six ~ u n dadded, "Anyone who jokingly added, "The reason I'm
the galnc into overtime. U.S. February 17. The 1984 exchange marks the
from the line), while Kremcheck thinks this is a holiday is crazy," going is not to learn the language
Surprisingly, the Braves did all \ The students making the trip eighth year of Indian Hill's parti-
added his usual 15. These pluses admitting, "I'm not an organized or culture; it's because 1 3 girls are
of this without junior Rick to France are juniors Ellen Al- cipation in a French exchange person ...Once I'm on the plane I'l
combined into an easy win for the going.''
Abranls, who fouled out of the vord, Doug Backus, Tracy Megi- the third year of IHYsexchange be okay." Wund, along with the Prior to the group's departure,

game with 3:47 left. Abrams Braves.
son, and Stephanie Savage; with au Bellay in Angers. Previ- 14 students, is also "happy about sophomore Diane Hancher receiv-
scorcd 14 points to lead the A week earlier the Braves
sophomores Lee Baumes, Tracy ous exchanges were made with a the franc," as the exchange rate is ed a phone call from her French
Braves, bu: coach Dale McKibben swept a two-game homestand
Cambron, Diane Hancher, Laura correspondant. "I was very sur-
emphasized the fact that thc team \ with wins over Deer Park and St.
Harmon, Sally King, Amy Klein-
Bernard. Juniors Brian Rowe and prised, " Hancher said. "She cal-
could pull through witliout him. man, Kelly Mabry, Kristin Mains,
Mike Wentz combined defensively led to wish me a happy journey."

- -
"This was a team win, team and Sona Tipnis; and eighth grad-
to shut down high scoring guard (Althounh her correspondant
spelled with a capital T," he said. er Jennifer Cobb.
"We did it without our leading Chuck Criswell, then ranked third
Upon arriving in Paris tomor-
player. Just an outstanding, out- in the city in scoring with 25 per
row morning (about 7:00 a m . "because of her accent.") During
standing win against a very talent- game, in IH's 58-31 drubbing of
ed team."
- r .
. St. Bernard. Kremcheck helped
Paris time, 1:00 p.m. EST), the their stay Hancher and several
photo by rip Edwards group will have the day free to other exchanges hope to be able
McKibben feels the win is in- offensively with 17 points to lead recuperate from the flight or to
Junior Rick Abrams looks for an open man as he brings the ball upcourt
dicative of the turnaround of the IH. spend as it wishes. The IH group
in recent 1H action. Deer Park proved no match
Braves this season, from 0-5 to will take a bus tour of the city
7-7. (1;or an in-depth report of we're capable of." "1 think we have a good for IH as the Braves led through- and numerous excursions, includ-
this turnaround, see the story on Tonight the Braves take on chance," says McKibben. "We out the game in an 80-43 rout, ing a tour of the Louvre and a trip grader Jennifer Cobb feels she will
page 12). Glen Este in IH's annual Home- definitely have the momentum." the most points scored by the to Versailles, during the rest of . "get along fine" with the group.
"An outstanding win for a coming contest. The Braves will The Braves will not stray from Braves this season. Senior Jon the stay in Paris. An AP French Language student
surging team," he said. "Green- be looking for their fifth league their normal game pattern, Mc- Kitei added insult to injury by While in Paris Wund and the and recent transfer from Country
hills is one of the best teams in win this season, as well as their Kibben said. "We plan to press jamming the final basket for the 14 students will stay at the Foyer Day School, Cobb has studied
the city, and defeating them sixth in a row. A win would put and force turnovers to get the ball Braves. AGF de Maubisson, along with French for the past several years.
without Abrams just shows what them in third place in the league. on offense, as usual." other American exchange groups. She perhaps summed up the pur-
photo by Brett Benadum
According to Wund, the Foyer French exchangers: (front, I. to r.) Amy Kleinman, Tracy Megison, pose of the exchange best, com-
AGF is "an old student resi- Kristen Mains, Doug Backus, Diane Hancher, Kelly Mabry, Mrs. J o h n menting that she hopes "to widen
on the spot answers compiled by Kenneth N. Jones photo by ~ m t Benadum
dence," located in the heart of Wund, Stephanie Savage, Sona Tipnis, Tracy Carnbron, (back) Ellen my vocabulary and gain more
Paris near the city hall and within fiord, Jennifer Cobb, Laura Harmon, Lee Baumes, and Sally King. knowledge of French culture."
Who are you taking to Homecoming? walking distance of the Louvre.
After their stay in Paris, the
New courses to be offered to IH students
exchangers will travel by train to
Who is your ideal Homecoming Chris Raleigh - Stevie Nicks. Mr. Pfirman-myself. Angers, situated 150 kilometers by David Stradling will determine if the courses wc!. English classes by counselors,
date? southwest of Paris, arriving Wed- Many additions have been actually be taught. February 1. Sophomores will
nesday evening, February 1. At made to the 1984-1985 course To the Industrial Arts depart- receive their booklets February 2,
Patricia Bettle - There's no such this time each student will meet offerings booklet. New courses ment, now to be known as the
Tricia Schaefer - Chris Atkins be- and juniors will receive theirs
person. her or his French correspondant include "Trends in Diet, Food,
cause Brooke and I have so lnucll Applied Science and Technology February 3.
in common. - I know I would get and host family and then return and Exercise" in the Home Eco- department, "Electronics and Teacher recommendation days
along with them. home with them. The next day nomics department and "Intro- Robotics Technology" has been are February 13 and 14. The stu-
the American students may at- duction to Pascal" and "Comput- added to the offerings. dent course selection sheet is due
tend school with their French er Application," forming a Com- The offerings booklet will be on February 15.
correspondants on the last school puter department separate of the distributed to freshmen in their
Brian Meyers - Mr. Gellert's wife. day before a week-long vacation. Math department.
(The French correspondants For those seniors who plan to CurricuIum fair to answer questions
attend Lycee Joachim au Bellay, a attend college and would like to Students and parents will be eighth graders will attend the ex-
former monastery several hundred strengthen their algebra and given an opportunity to ask position in the cafeteria.
Karen McCurdy - Mats Wilander. years old, which now enrolls a- geometry skills, a new course, questions concerning 1984-85 Classes will run on a two hour
bout 2000 high school students in "Senior Math Review," has been course offerings, Friday, February delay schedule, although the
inger - Mr. T, because he's so huge.
Angers.) added. 10, 7:35-9:35. Teachers from buses will run at their normal
The sponsors of the exchange French IV and Spanish IV, each department, representatives times. Parents and students are
Eric Little - Squeek-he's my kinda in Angers have many activities neither of which will be AP from Live Oaks Vocational encouraged to take advantage of
nun. planned for the visiting Americans courses, as well as Latin IV,will School, and counselors will be this opportunity to explore edu-
Lanie Hoshak - Robert Plant, Mr. Hammond - My wife, she's the
because he's great, he has got best looking one I know, and Anders Anderson - I'm not going, I including a visit to the town hall, be offered to students, but the available to answer questions and cational alternatives.
she'd kill me if I didn't. hate it. the ancient chateau of Angers, numbers of interested students describe course contents. All
money, he can keep me happy.
Page 4 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984 January 27,1984
student opinion
Zimmer to coal is lesser of evils
by Zimmer, and the conversion
will only create higher rates. I, as
GE loses to Squaws, defeats JV Milford last evening with high
hopes of defeating the Lady
a consumer, would not pay ex-
orbitant rates just so the con- by Anna Batsakes "We had a really close name
by Winston R Wells ed, but now that my activism has nation? The Ohio valley is no- The varsity basketball Squaws
The Cincinnati Gas and Elec- torious for the burning of coal version could occur. One positive last time," said sophmore Shari
worn off, I have many hesitations defeated the Glen Este Lady
tric Company (CG&E) decided to concerning the future of Zimmer. with high sulphur content, the aspect of this rate problem, how- Zesch. "We only lost to them by
Trojans last Tuesday in an away five points."
convert the Zimmer nuclear I am glad that Zimmer will not result being acid rain. This prob- ever, is the acknowledgement of
game, 35-29. The JV Squaws were defeated
power plant to a coal plant. The be nuclear-the idea of having a lem is ravaging the northeastern the struggle ahead by "whistle-
Senior Lisa Holzman and by Glen Este last Tuesday, 35-30.
decision was made after the util- utility which had never built a U.S. and southern Canada, caus- blowers" responsible for the con-
junior Amy Waitt were the lead- "We played okay,'' commented
ity reviewed the financial impli- nuclear plant contract a fum ing extreme damage to forests and version. Cincinnati City Council
ing scorers if the game, guiding Zesch. "Glen Este is a pretty
cations of continuing the project. which .had also never built one lakes. The only solution to this members, U.S. Representative
the Squaws t o their victory. difficult team to beat, and we
Zimmer, now 97% finished, seems absurd. The question of would be the installation of Willis Gradison and other individ-
"Glen Este'was a challenge," kept it close."
was scheduled to become opera- safety in the construction has "scrubbersm-very expensive de- uals have pledged to fight against
said junior Gretchen Kindel. With an overall record of 8-6,
tional in 1975. Yet the problem- planted feelings of insecurity in vices which filter the sulphur out rate hikes in light of CG&E's de-
atic history of Zimmer, including "But we were able to beat them. the JV Squaws have fared quite
my mind which would have been of the emissions. cision.
Glen Este was ahead in the first well this season. Much of their
the major setbacks of investiga- tormented if the plant was put on The cost of the conversion it- Our area needs electricity and
tions, both private and public, half but we pulled it out the rest success is due to sophomore Chris
line. self is the second major problem. will continue to need it in the
of the game and got ahead." Hall who is the leading scorer of
has led to the scrapping of the Yet is conversion to coal the Wiiam Dickhona, chairman of future. The decision to convert .
project. Purcell-Marian was defeated the team. Hall has scored 92
answer? Although undoubtedly CG&E, stated that the conversion Zimmer to coal will help, but the
by the Squaws on January 19. points this season and has hit 54%
Public opinion has been safer, a coal plant sacrifices ef- process would be finished by benefits will not be felt until at
The Squaws scored a last-second of her
JV free
Sharon Cooke feels
favorable to the decision of con- ficiency for this safety. Apart 1990. He also said that this least 1990. Alongside these bene-
basket to break a one-point defi-
version, for many feel that Zim- from efficiency, however, two process would be expensive, and fits are problems concerning the
mer was simply too problem-rid- major problems exist with the the cost would have to be picked cit. In the last 1 8 seconds of the the Squaws will continue to have
environment and rates. These
den to ever be deemed safe. On a conversion. up by customers and stockhold- game Wiatt threw a long pass to a good season. "We've got a few
problems have until 1990 to be
personal basis I am in-favor of the ers. leading squrer Holzman who went photo by Stratton Moraites problems," she said. "We're not .
Firstly, what will be the en- resolved, but they must be cleared The varsity and JV basketball Squaws (shown here in practice together)
This I find troublesome. We in for a Iayup and scored the taking enough shots to be a suc-
conversion. At an earlier point in vironmental impact of the plant, up before Zimmer begins produc- both currently have winning records this season, an improvement over
winning point. cessful team for one, but our de- .
mv life I would have been thrill- not only to the area but to the 5ave been drained again and again ing electricity. last year. The varsity is 7-7, while the JV stands at 8-6.
The Squaws have won their

ASS! in need of host families

fense has been outstanding in the
six week family stay in Scandina- last 5 games, making their record gotten much better." - The Squaws played Milford past few games."
. via or Germany during the sum- 7-7. Coach Richard Pfirman .Teammates also see the im- last evening. Results were not Cooke also feels that the suc-
mer of 1984. . feel this streak is due to the im- prbvement of the team. "We've available at press time but Cucin- cess of the team would improve if .
New release from American Scan- and experience living as part of a living at home, are especially American Scandinavian Stu- provement of the Squaws' off- improved over last year," said otta felt that the girls would do only thesquaws had more play- -;
dinavian Student Exchange : warm and loving American fami- encouraged to apply. dent Exchange is a non-profit, ense. sophomore Cadi 'Cucinotta. much better th'an the last time ers. h he team is definitely small
American families are needed ly. They will attend your local ASSE is also seeking qualified tax-exempt, public benefit "Our offense has improved "Now the girls are shooting for they played Milford. in terms of number of players;
for European high schooI students high school and return home to American high school students, organization. ASSE is officially since the beginning of the the basket instead of passing to "Last time they beat us 82- this affects us greatly. But de-
from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Europe in late June or early July, ages 16, 17, and 18, who would designated as 'an exchange visitor season," stated Pfirman. "Of one person, who then makes the 63," said Cucinotta. "This time I spite that, the dedication of the
Finland, Great Britain, Switzer- 1985. like to spend a high school year program by the United States in- course, there's still room for im- baskets. Our play is definitely hope we'll play much better." girls to games and practice is ex-
land and Germany for the 19841 Families with junior high attending school and living with a formation agency and is affiliated provement. Our defense also has improving." The JV Squaws also played cellent."
85 high school year, by the Amer- school age children or younger Scandinavian, Swiss, British or with the Swedish and Finnish
ican Scandinavian Student Ex- and those with children no longer German family, or take part in a Departments of Education. JOHN, from p. 7 Bach to James Taylor to the idea that everything could and yourself slipping on the banana
change program (ASSE), affiliated
with the Swedish and Finnish
student opinion made in cooperation with Mr. and Beatles, but he insists that "I like should be laughed at is really the peel." This brings us to Bergman-
Mrs. Lan Ackley at Mr. Ackley's to hear the words and understand whole slippingan-the-banana-peel ism no. 3: "We can't enjoy the
Departments of Education.
Interested parties please con- IH school policy inhibits students' growth company's studio.
When John talks of music, any
them - that loud, noisy stuff gets
on my nerves!"
idea of life. True peace of mind
comes when you cal.1 launh - at
circus until we admit that we are
tact: by H.L. Edwards ment was formed in hopes of teacher's.
glimmer of cynicism or hint of a And what's beyond the pro-
Pat Murray In 1981 approximately 70 airing this problem. Unfortunate- I strongly believe that at smirk vanishes. "When writing a verbial horizon for one column-
2765 Mahoning Court students walked out of their sixth ly this inert agency has been a Indian Hill we are taught to be song, I'm my most creative for writing, music-playing friend
Cincinnati, OH 45238. period classes in protest of several failure due to the lack of studerlt diligent, hard working and social- creativity's sake. I'm inspired to who's into "the coffee ice cream
Phone: 941-3646.
Letters must contain the writ-
policies. They were concerned
about the new quiet study hall
The problem of student
ly successful, but little else. I feel
that teachers should not only
write for no real reason at all; scene" and the delusion of gran- : - -- --
z. .*.
.-7.-. '.i- e t.iu ..

therefore, I can't force myself to deur he gets from knowing that

er's address and telephone num- policy and, as they felt, the in- apathy is not entirely the fault of challenge the students to work
compose." o n e oddity he points the word "aglets" refers to the
ber. sensitive attitude of the adminis- the students. In fact I believe hard, but also provide an atmos- out about his writing is that he little plastic things on the end of
"ASSE's high standards assure tration. The protesters also de- that most of the blame lies in our phere where students can chal-
a quality experience for all parti- manded full power in creating doesn't "consciously write a song. your shoelaces? His first solution
society, but more directly in our
cipating families and students,"
lenge ideas. ' '
By the time I have an idea to was simply "not to grow up - it
rules for the Student Service Cen- schooling. At Indian Hill we have We should also be taught from
says ASSE Midwest Regional write, the song's already there; it causes too many problems."
ter and called for Student Gov- been taught to be success orient- ninth grade on to become active
Director, Warren Clague. All almost forms itself." With further probing, he ad-
ernment support. ed, hard working people who in school and community decision
students are carefully screened in As for his own musical tastes, mitted, "If I had been born thou-
Whether or not one can can- shouldn't make too many waves. making processes. In many
Europe by their school and the John jumps at the chance to sands of years earlier, I would
done their actions or means, the One administration official in- schools a community service pro-
local ASSE office. All are fluent quote one of ,his personal favor- have been one of those guys who .
protest symbolized concern over timated to a student's parent that ject is required for graduation. I
in English and have their own ites: "Duke Ellington once said sat around and thought all day,
issues affecting the student body. this person's wearing of an earring . beleive Indian Hill High School
spending money and complete that there are only two types of occasionally writing down a Berg-
Today a walkout, let alone active was a sign of drug abuse. Even a should adopt such a policy. It will
medical and liability insurance. music - good and bad - and I manism or two, but you just can't
participation and concern for so- minor non.conformity such as at least give students a taste of ac- agree." do that today.'' In any case, John
ASSE provides support for cial issues, seems to be beyond that drew the scrutiny of an ad- tivity in community affairs and a He ponders a momen4 and hopes to reach some proficiency
families and students during the the cares of most students. ministration official. feeling of social importance. then concludes, "I hesitate to call in Sanskrit so that if "nobody else
year through fully trained local Many people have grappled This regulation of the tastes of Many wonder why voter turnouts the music I like 'easy listening' understands me, it would be their
volunteer area representatives, with the problem of student students transcends into the scope .have decreased in the past decade. because it's become notorious for fault, not mine!"
available whenever needed. The apathy and have called for the of ideas, too. The opinionated I feel the root of the problem lies filling dentists' offices, elevators, You might say that the cyni-
students, ages 16 and 17, will students to become aware and teaching of some faculty members in our education, for democracy and other lowly places, but the cism of Bergman's Laws reflects
arrive in late August, 1984. They involved. The Student Affairs usually quickly squelches a stu- depends on an active and con- music I like is easy to listen to." his philosophy of life, but actu-
are eager to learn about America Committee of Student Govern- dent whose beliefs go against the cerned constituency. His musical moods vary from ally it's more the opposite. "The
Page 8 CHIEFTAIN Januarv 27. 1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Page 5
letter from SC
SG plans busy second the school look great. Also we
would like to thank all the people
Dear Students, school day or not, and to have have been sent back. They will go who were elves on elf day. Seven
This being the beginning of a smoothly running elections this on sale Wednesday, February 8 hundred dollars was raised for the
new semester, the student govern- May. and will be on sale until Valen- Leukemia Fund in the name of
ment has been planning its pro- Another SG sponsored activity tine's Day. The dating sheets will Merilee Black.
jects for the remaining half of the is the Drama Club Forum taking cost $1-50 and will be sold in the The new semester brings us a
school year. place February 3. The plays being cafeteria. I've haerd rumors that fresh start. Homecoming week is
Hugh and 1 feel good about presented by the IH Drama Club Hugh rigged the computer so that an apt symbol for this start. We
the upcoming SG activities. Our are "Anybody For Tea" and "My he comes out at the top of every wish you a memorable Home-
goals for the second semester are Cup Raneth Over." There will be freshman girl's list. Just a rumor! coming and a great second
these: t o have a successful out- a 50 cent admission charged so We would like to thank every- semester.
come to the computer dating that the Drama Club can defray one who worked at the Christmas
project, to get the ball rolling on the cost of putting on the produc- tree at the Kenwood Mall. You David Agin
several student opinion surveys, tion. were a great help and you made Hugh Geier
to have a great Musicfest, i.e. The computer dating sheets
Hillstock, whether it is during the that you filled out in December

Administration organizing
prospective student program
by Eric Little and its services and curriculum.
Indian Hill's "Program Review The opportunity for parents to
for Prospective Students" will be meet with department coordinat- T h e road winds gently
held Monday, January 30, at 7: 00 ors, in the cafeteria, will be pro- through the city's life
p.m. in the high school media vided for the purpose of discus-
the grey takes over
center. sing specific course offerings. A
All parents of eighth grade tour of the special building areas depressing, disgusting - starkness.
students, and any other parents is also being planned; National Y e t green is t h e horizon
living in the Indian Hill School Honor Society members are ex- and gently sloping hills
District who have a son or daugh- pected to assist as tour guides.
ter that may be entering grades 9- The school welcomes and en- the billboards fade,
12 for the 1984-85, are invited to courages all parents to attend this the beauty grows
attend this special program. meeting and acquaint themselves the road rises and b e n d s
The high school administra- with the various programs that are
tion and faculty will present an offered by Indian Hill High
introduction to the high school School.
the light increases after time
Nine Spanish students, VanDerbeck a n e o n beacon t o life
to leave for Spain on February 7 gas stations, and stores
by Eric Little change and the National Associa-
Nine Indian Hill Spanish stu- tion of Secondary School Princi-
dents and Spanish teacher Mrs. pals. Students from Vigo attend-
Linda VanDerbeck will be leaving ed IHHS last ~eptember.
Fill in the actresses that starred in computer graphics by Stratton February 7 for a three-week so-
these movies.
coming events
3. Sweet Charitv
5 . Barbarella
1. The Lion in Winter
2. Night Shift
journ in Spa'in.
The exchangers include seniors
news shorts
Educational Records Bureau
7. Emanuelle 4. Tess Susan Baker, Brom Espy, and (ERB) tests will be given to all
Karen Delollis; juniors Jenny
The Producers come north 8. Tootsic
9. Ordinary People
6. The Turning Point
10. Buttertly Aitken and Sue Barry; sopho-
freshmen and juniors this spring.
Freshmen are scheduled to take 1
by The Candycat Kcrzn.v Rar~kirz - Feb. 15, 8:00 mores Kim Isgrig, Courtney Loe- the test April 9 and 10. Juniors
p.m. - Don't even know 'em. wenstine, and Neely Mack; and will take the ERB test April 11
freshman Derek Ryan, and 12. These test will indicate
Runner and /;our-oil-thcl-Floor - Kingston Trio - Mar. 7, 8:00 p.m.
Jan. 27, 8:OO p.m. - Ifnilnm.., -Three aged Rastas. While in Spain, the students how Indian Hill students compare
let's bop! B.B. King - Mar. 3 1 , 8: 00 p.m. - Riverfront Coliseum U.D. Arena will first spend three days in Mad- t o other high school students in
Rarnsej' I,cM-~s- Jan. 28, 8:OO Not during Spring Break. Ozzji Osbotirr7e - 1:eb. 5, 8:00 -
Alabama Feb. 5 , 7:30 p.m. - Get rid on a sightseeing tour. Then the country.
p.m. - Tequila hlockingbird. DOC + Mcr/c Warsoll - Aprl] 7, p.m. - Too much testosterone. away. they will take a train to Vigo, in
The Backdoors - I.cb 2.. 8:00 8:00 p.m. - Who'? The Police - [deb. 14, 8:00 p.m. - the northwest region of Galicia, Scarlet Oaks Career Develop-
p.m. - 1:rontdoor men. The frog has green eyes. Rupp Arena where they will attend school and ment Campus invites the public to
Neil Dianlond - I:eb. 16,17, 8:00 Genesis - Jan. 31, 8:00 p.m. - And live with host families for the their annual open house on Sun-
Joh11 Hartford and J. I). Crolt~c- Cincinnati Gardens . -
Van Haler1 - Mar. 8, 8:00 p.m. - P.m. - Only in Cincy. on the 8th day ... remainder of their stay. day, February 12, from 2:00 to
1:cb. 4, 8:00 p.m. - Bluegrass
This is the sixth year that 4:00 p.m. Scarlet Oaks offers
buddies. Bottorns Up, Guys!!! Ozzy Osbourne - Feb. 8, 8:30 - .
Van Hale12 - Mar. 9 , 8:UO p.m. - A p.m. - Git me, One mo' time, Oz. Indian Hill High Shoo1 has parti- training in forty career areas to
Andre Samoan und The Prodliccrs
- Feb. 5, 8:00 p.m. - Check it second time. Hara Arend Bill)] Joe2 - Feb. 10, 8:00 p.m. cipated in this exchange program, Spanish exchangers: (front, L to I.) Brom Espy, Derek Ryan, Neely juniors and seniors from twenty-
Van Halerz - Fcb. 7, 8:00 p.m. - How Cryptical does it get? which is sponcered by the Council Mack, Sue Barry, Mrs. Linda Vanderbeck, (back) Courtney Loewenstine, nine local high schools. For more
The original Pac-man. on International Educational Ex- Sue Baker, Karen Delollis, Jenny Aitken, and Kim Isgrig. information call 77 1-8810.
The Outlaws - I:eb. 6, 8:00 p.m. -
The Inlaws.
January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN
teacher feature senior sketch
"The boxes are great-the only

Redman crusades against l~brananstereotype Mysterious Mimi avoids conventions

ones I have nightmares about are
- - Kenny Rogers' boots. Those
by Barb Neu Clearly, Redman w z t s every- boots are the epitome of the slap
There's a new face in the one to feel welcome in the Media by Elizabeth Smith "I like to act because it's On a less dramatic note, Mirni your name on something motif
Indian Hill High School Media Center, although she does call out "I'm not anyone you can put something I can escape enjoys helping others in Key and charge $90."
Center, and a new attitude to go "keep it to a dull roar!" once in a your finger on-your typical stu- coming a totally different person. club. "It's great. The stuff they Mimi is also a talented seam-
along with it. "I try to bring while. She wants the students dent, working girl, or Suzy For fifty minutes on stage I was a do turns out to be fun-like park- stress. As she explains, "If I tell
people in, not scare them away." there to feel comfortable. "It's homemaker," says senior Amelia witch this fall where I was sup- ing cars for Peterloon and going people I like to sew they'll think
The bearer of this innovative not mine. They're not my books, Elling, candidly. "And if I was I posed to be evil. Of course my to convention.m 'Oh God.' But it's actually one of
library philosophy is Mrs. Enid or my newspapers." would change immediately!" those talents that was an accident,
Redman, the new librarian at IH. By becoming more involved in Amelia, or Mimi to her sort of natural. If I had my
Redman hails from New York, the activities of the students, friends, hates stereotypes because choice I'd be a talented piano
although her education was com- Redman hopes to make her mark "no one ever found one for me player, photographer, or some
pleted at the University of Ken- at IH. Individualized treatment is except weird ...but I'm just differ- thing like that."
tucky where she obtained her one of the avenues reflected by ent." Mimi's approach to school as a
masters degree in Library Science. her general approach. Instead of So, how does one write a senior is one of "just waiting to
Such a degree gave her the privi- threatening browsers, for exam- sketch on someone who claims get out." Her choice of colleges is
lege of landing a job at Fairfield ple, Redman tries to offer friend- that people who try to figure her diverse, "as long as they're out of
right away. ly assistance. out will "run into problems." Its the smoggy Midwest." She has
Her job at the junior high level "If a student is looking for a not easy, but I'll start with the applied to the University of
was "insane," but fortunately book on a personal subject, of basics. Colorado, University of Arizona,
Redman graduated to the high course they don't want to ask for Mimi is spontaneous, err'atic, and Auburn University.
school. After that, Redman came help. I can understand that, but strange, alluring, magnetic, mys- When asked what she wanted
to Indian Hill, where she says I feel for them." terious, carefree, obnoxious, with to "doy7 or "be," Mimi replied,
she's "blending in." Coaching track will also help photo by Brett Benadum a twisted verbal expression and an "Maybe I just don't want to do
When you walk into the libra- Redman contribute to the IH If not for the background, you couldn't tell she is a librarian. outrageous taste in clothes. "My have become
ry these days, you might feel a scene. She's a jogger herself, and I can pull out my .38..." seen. It seems that every day is a clothes don't characterize me ex- too conventionaL I think people
warmer atmosphere. This is due even assisted the cross country Driving all the way from different schedule!" cept that they're as varied and have lost sight of the old-fashion-
to the philosophy Redman applies team last season. Other outdoor Springdale twice a day certainly is Our school may seem,special spastic as I am." ed outlook on life in the rush to
to the Media Center and its con- favorites include tennis and target "a trek," but Redman believes it's to Mrs. Redman, but with her She likes waterskiing ("on be a modernized woman.
tents. "I'm on a one-woman cru- shooting. Pertaining to the latter all worth it. "I like it here. There warmth and understanding, she water that isn't brown"), kittens "It's become a sin to want to
sade to break the 'librarian stereo- activity, Redman laughs "So are more special activities here certainly will become very special ("every girl has to like kittens or be a wife, the two kids and a dog
type.' " when things get really bad in here, than at any other high school I've to everyone here at Indian Hill. she's not a girl"), sledding (where bit. Not that that's my goal, I
photo by Brett Benadum just don't like being denied the
there's real snow"), and McSam-
disc review miches. "I don't like flies," she Outrageous Mimi tries new make-up. opportunity."
mother said I was typecasted The center of Mimi's life right So if you think you've figured
The Pretenders undergo personnel changes belina." Stylistically, they pull
the song off, but frankly, Chrissie
adds emphatically.
Yet Mimi flirts with some perfectly and she meant it!" And now is the shoe store in Martin's, Mimi out now-guess again.
by Kenneth N. Jones stuff and on to Chrissie Hynde's bad move in my judgment. As does not sound like Willie Nelson. typical adolescent activities as if you had heard her cackle you where she is the salesclerk with "Everyone can think of me what
Congratulations to Chrissie singing. Many have said that stated previously, Billy Brenner At any rate, the lyrics tell a story well. She has been involved in would think so too. "I also like the most seniority. She claims they want," proclaims Amelia.
Hynde of The Pretenders on her Chrissie's singing makes the sounds a lot like James Scott, but of crossing America with a baby. Drama Club for the last three it because the make-up gives that the hardest part of her job is "But the people who really love
new baby, because the verdict is group, while others have said she as for Tony Butler, his work can (Okay, I take it back; a few songs years, cast in a variety of roles everyone zits except me," quips drinking a Tab and trying not t o me know something nobody else
still out on The Pretenders' be- has no singing ability. I disagree be judged in "My City Was are about her baby.) from a witch to a spinster. I
Mimi burp in the customers' faces. knows...nothing."
lated album Learning To Crawl. on both counts. True, Chrissie is Gone." His bass line makes the "My City Was Gone," the
slowest song on the album, insults
senior sketch
Although the album has been the trademark of The Pretenders song bearable and gives it a funky own music at thirteen and at the
released for several months, the but hardly the only talent in the blues feel. the state of Ohio quite vividly.
publicity and the tour had been
delayed so Chrissie could have her
group. Her dark and somber voice
is unique, though Lisa Nicolas did
One of the better songs on the
album is "Watching the Clothes
Most of this song is an extended
guitar solo accompanied by the
Talented John smirks 'Beramanisms' u
something to say when, in fact,
suggestion of guidance counselor
Mr. Rod Simmons, he made his
first record in tenth grade. Last
by N. Kitsa Tassian IH has enjoyed having him ever
baby. an excelbnt job at Musicfest last Go Around." This song resembles funky bass line. As for the city in
"~mck:" What a word - it's since he enrolled here in junior we have nothing to say at all," year he completed his second tape
Two tracks on the album were year. the raucous "Tatooed Love Boys ' question, I believe Chrissie is high. Nevertheless, he pocketed all
released in single form a few The album begins with "The off the Betenders album. The referring to Toledo. In any case,
almost a smile, more of a chortle, see JOHN, p. 9
devastafiugly satiric, possessing a Perhaps John's most critically his other Bergmanisms and made
months back. These songs, "Back Middle of the Road." This track is song is fast-paced with a bizarre she put Ohio on the map wher- acclaimed contribution has been a pilgrimage to Bennington, Ver-
dash of amused disdain, comfort-
on the Chain Gang" a "My City one of the more explosive ones on chord structure. The guitar solo is ever the song was played. "I said, able cognizance, and a good dose his column, "As I See It," that mont, to attend a summer writing
Was Gone," peaked in popularity the album and is currently receiv- crazed and Chrissie talks dirty. A-O-way to go Ohio." of absolutely arid wit. One word has appeared in every issue of the camp. Whiie the experience may
a while ago and now sound out of ing a good deal of airplay. The What more can you ask for? The Pretenders continue their Chieftain for almost two years. "1 have helped him polish his crea-
that embodies
all of these
place with the new songs. music is straightforward rock (if The following track, "Show slow sound on "Thin Line Be- became really interested in the art tive writing, his already impec-
The Pretenders met with death you can call The Pretenders that), Me," highlights Chrissie's vocal tween Love and Hate." With a full phrase or group of words reflect- of writing from reading the braille cable style was brought to the
last year, twice. The lead guitarist, but the guitar solo by Robbie ability. The lyrics deal with Chris- vocal backup, Chrissie moans a irig a smirk? A Bergmanism. New York Times. Reading col- public's attention when he re-
James Honeyman Scott, died in McIntosh is pretty lame. Chrissie sie's baby but are not gushy ;after mellow melody that is surely her Bergmanism no. 1: "Most umnists like Russell Baker gave ceived the National Council of
an accident; his talents and follows with a few harmonica rips all, it is not a ballad. I've heard it best performance on the album. things can and should be laughed me the idea to try my own col- Teachers of English achievement
unique playing style are missed by that help add to the general rock said that the whole album is Iri some ways, Chrissie is like at." To John Bergman, this is a umn." award in writing last fall. Sighs
The Pretenders and their fans. feeling. about Chrissie's baby. I don't Stevie Nicks: either you love her John admits, "I knew I John, "Listen, I have to write my
basic precept to be used in every-
After Scott's death, Pete Farn- "Back on the Chain Gang" is believe it, not only because the voice or you hate it. wanted to write a column, but I column - any ideas?"
day life. But other things that are
don, the bassist, left the group traditional Pretenders work. The lyrics do not reflect that theme, For those of you who enjoy uniquely a part of John's life are a had no idea what was to be in the While John is known for his
and was found dead in his bath- guitar work by Billy Bremner is but also because the idea of cen- The Pretenders, I can easily advise braille typewriter, a stylus, a column." Being an unusually prolific writing of thoughtful and
tub, apparently from an overdose. reminiscent of James Scott, but tering a whole album around a buying Learning To Crawl. It is talking watch, and a bookbag of strong writer, John plunged into witty essays, he is also a writer of
In the process of replacing Farn- apparently The Pretenders baby is too self-centered on easy to understand why people braille textbooks. his column writing, most likely music. He began taking classical
don and Scott, The Pretenders dropped Bremner after this song Chrissie's part. hate Chrissie's voice, but for those The gifted columnist, musi- with Bergmanism no. 2 in the piano lessons at the age of four
have gone through two pairs of and "My City Was Gone" in favor The Pretenders become experi- people, they don't have to buy cian, and humorist has enjoyed back of his mind: "Words give us and later focused more on jazz photo by Brett Benadum
musicians. of Robbie McIntosh. mental on side two with the the album. attending IH every bit as much as reason to believe that we have piano. He began composing his John smiles at life.
But enough of this dreary This change in personnel was a country-westernish tune, "Thum-
January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN
teacher feature senior sketch
"The boxes are great-the only

Redman crusades against l~brananstereotype Mysterious Mimi avoids conventions

ones I have nightmares about are
- - Kenny Rogers' boots. Those
by Barb Neu Clearly, Redman w z t s every- boots are the epitome of the slap
There's a new face in the one to feel welcome in the Media by Elizabeth Smith "I like to act because it's On a less dramatic note, Mirni your name on something motif
Indian Hill High School Media Center, although she does call out "I'm not anyone you can put something I can escape enjoys helping others in Key and charge $90."
Center, and a new attitude to go "keep it to a dull roar!" once in a your finger on-your typical stu- coming a totally different person. club. "It's great. The stuff they Mimi is also a talented seam-
along with it. "I try to bring while. She wants the students dent, working girl, or Suzy For fifty minutes on stage I was a do turns out to be fun-like park- stress. As she explains, "If I tell
people in, not scare them away." there to feel comfortable. "It's homemaker," says senior Amelia witch this fall where I was sup- ing cars for Peterloon and going people I like to sew they'll think
The bearer of this innovative not mine. They're not my books, Elling, candidly. "And if I was I posed to be evil. Of course my to convention.m 'Oh God.' But it's actually one of
library philosophy is Mrs. Enid or my newspapers." would change immediately!" those talents that was an accident,
Redman, the new librarian at IH. By becoming more involved in Amelia, or Mimi to her sort of natural. If I had my
Redman hails from New York, the activities of the students, friends, hates stereotypes because choice I'd be a talented piano
although her education was com- Redman hopes to make her mark "no one ever found one for me player, photographer, or some
pleted at the University of Ken- at IH. Individualized treatment is except weird ...but I'm just differ- thing like that."
tucky where she obtained her one of the avenues reflected by ent." Mimi's approach to school as a
masters degree in Library Science. her general approach. Instead of So, how does one write a senior is one of "just waiting to
Such a degree gave her the privi- threatening browsers, for exam- sketch on someone who claims get out." Her choice of colleges is
lege of landing a job at Fairfield ple, Redman tries to offer friend- that people who try to figure her diverse, "as long as they're out of
right away. ly assistance. out will "run into problems." Its the smoggy Midwest." She has
Her job at the junior high level "If a student is looking for a not easy, but I'll start with the applied to the University of
was "insane," but fortunately book on a personal subject, of basics. Colorado, University of Arizona,
Redman graduated to the high course they don't want to ask for Mimi is spontaneous, err'atic, and Auburn University.
school. After that, Redman came help. I can understand that, but strange, alluring, magnetic, mys- When asked what she wanted
to Indian Hill, where she says I feel for them." terious, carefree, obnoxious, with to "doy7 or "be," Mimi replied,
she's "blending in." Coaching track will also help photo by Brett Benadum a twisted verbal expression and an "Maybe I just don't want to do
When you walk into the libra- Redman contribute to the IH If not for the background, you couldn't tell she is a librarian. outrageous taste in clothes. "My have become
ry these days, you might feel a scene. She's a jogger herself, and I can pull out my .38..." seen. It seems that every day is a clothes don't characterize me ex- too conventionaL I think people
warmer atmosphere. This is due even assisted the cross country Driving all the way from different schedule!" cept that they're as varied and have lost sight of the old-fashion-
to the philosophy Redman applies team last season. Other outdoor Springdale twice a day certainly is Our school may seem,special spastic as I am." ed outlook on life in the rush to
to the Media Center and its con- favorites include tennis and target "a trek," but Redman believes it's to Mrs. Redman, but with her She likes waterskiing ("on be a modernized woman.
tents. "I'm on a one-woman cru- shooting. Pertaining to the latter all worth it. "I like it here. There warmth and understanding, she water that isn't brown"), kittens "It's become a sin to want to
sade to break the 'librarian stereo- activity, Redman laughs "So are more special activities here certainly will become very special ("every girl has to like kittens or be a wife, the two kids and a dog
type.' " when things get really bad in here, than at any other high school I've to everyone here at Indian Hill. she's not a girl"), sledding (where bit. Not that that's my goal, I
photo by Brett Benadum just don't like being denied the
there's real snow"), and McSam-
disc review miches. "I don't like flies," she Outrageous Mimi tries new make-up. opportunity."
mother said I was typecasted The center of Mimi's life right So if you think you've figured
The Pretenders undergo personnel changes belina." Stylistically, they pull
the song off, but frankly, Chrissie
adds emphatically.
Yet Mimi flirts with some perfectly and she meant it!" And now is the shoe store in Martin's, Mimi out now-guess again.
by Kenneth N. Jones stuff and on to Chrissie Hynde's bad move in my judgment. As does not sound like Willie Nelson. typical adolescent activities as if you had heard her cackle you where she is the salesclerk with "Everyone can think of me what
Congratulations to Chrissie singing. Many have said that stated previously, Billy Brenner At any rate, the lyrics tell a story well. She has been involved in would think so too. "I also like the most seniority. She claims they want," proclaims Amelia.
Hynde of The Pretenders on her Chrissie's singing makes the sounds a lot like James Scott, but of crossing America with a baby. Drama Club for the last three it because the make-up gives that the hardest part of her job is "But the people who really love
new baby, because the verdict is group, while others have said she as for Tony Butler, his work can (Okay, I take it back; a few songs years, cast in a variety of roles everyone zits except me," quips drinking a Tab and trying not t o me know something nobody else
still out on The Pretenders' be- has no singing ability. I disagree be judged in "My City Was are about her baby.) from a witch to a spinster. I
Mimi burp in the customers' faces. knows...nothing."
lated album Learning To Crawl. on both counts. True, Chrissie is Gone." His bass line makes the "My City Was Gone," the
slowest song on the album, insults
senior sketch
Although the album has been the trademark of The Pretenders song bearable and gives it a funky own music at thirteen and at the
released for several months, the but hardly the only talent in the blues feel. the state of Ohio quite vividly.
publicity and the tour had been
delayed so Chrissie could have her
group. Her dark and somber voice
is unique, though Lisa Nicolas did
One of the better songs on the
album is "Watching the Clothes
Most of this song is an extended
guitar solo accompanied by the
Talented John smirks 'Beramanisms' u
something to say when, in fact,
suggestion of guidance counselor
Mr. Rod Simmons, he made his
first record in tenth grade. Last
by N. Kitsa Tassian IH has enjoyed having him ever
baby. an excelbnt job at Musicfest last Go Around." This song resembles funky bass line. As for the city in
"~mck:" What a word - it's since he enrolled here in junior we have nothing to say at all," year he completed his second tape
Two tracks on the album were year. the raucous "Tatooed Love Boys ' question, I believe Chrissie is high. Nevertheless, he pocketed all
released in single form a few The album begins with "The off the Betenders album. The referring to Toledo. In any case,
almost a smile, more of a chortle, see JOHN, p. 9
devastafiugly satiric, possessing a Perhaps John's most critically his other Bergmanisms and made
months back. These songs, "Back Middle of the Road." This track is song is fast-paced with a bizarre she put Ohio on the map wher- acclaimed contribution has been a pilgrimage to Bennington, Ver-
dash of amused disdain, comfort-
on the Chain Gang" a "My City one of the more explosive ones on chord structure. The guitar solo is ever the song was played. "I said, able cognizance, and a good dose his column, "As I See It," that mont, to attend a summer writing
Was Gone," peaked in popularity the album and is currently receiv- crazed and Chrissie talks dirty. A-O-way to go Ohio." of absolutely arid wit. One word has appeared in every issue of the camp. Whiie the experience may
a while ago and now sound out of ing a good deal of airplay. The What more can you ask for? The Pretenders continue their Chieftain for almost two years. "1 have helped him polish his crea-
that embodies
all of these
place with the new songs. music is straightforward rock (if The following track, "Show slow sound on "Thin Line Be- became really interested in the art tive writing, his already impec-
The Pretenders met with death you can call The Pretenders that), Me," highlights Chrissie's vocal tween Love and Hate." With a full phrase or group of words reflect- of writing from reading the braille cable style was brought to the
last year, twice. The lead guitarist, but the guitar solo by Robbie ability. The lyrics deal with Chris- vocal backup, Chrissie moans a irig a smirk? A Bergmanism. New York Times. Reading col- public's attention when he re-
James Honeyman Scott, died in McIntosh is pretty lame. Chrissie sie's baby but are not gushy ;after mellow melody that is surely her Bergmanism no. 1: "Most umnists like Russell Baker gave ceived the National Council of
an accident; his talents and follows with a few harmonica rips all, it is not a ballad. I've heard it best performance on the album. things can and should be laughed me the idea to try my own col- Teachers of English achievement
unique playing style are missed by that help add to the general rock said that the whole album is Iri some ways, Chrissie is like at." To John Bergman, this is a umn." award in writing last fall. Sighs
The Pretenders and their fans. feeling. about Chrissie's baby. I don't Stevie Nicks: either you love her John admits, "I knew I John, "Listen, I have to write my
basic precept to be used in every-
After Scott's death, Pete Farn- "Back on the Chain Gang" is believe it, not only because the voice or you hate it. wanted to write a column, but I column - any ideas?"
day life. But other things that are
don, the bassist, left the group traditional Pretenders work. The lyrics do not reflect that theme, For those of you who enjoy uniquely a part of John's life are a had no idea what was to be in the While John is known for his
and was found dead in his bath- guitar work by Billy Bremner is but also because the idea of cen- The Pretenders, I can easily advise braille typewriter, a stylus, a column." Being an unusually prolific writing of thoughtful and
tub, apparently from an overdose. reminiscent of James Scott, but tering a whole album around a buying Learning To Crawl. It is talking watch, and a bookbag of strong writer, John plunged into witty essays, he is also a writer of
In the process of replacing Farn- apparently The Pretenders baby is too self-centered on easy to understand why people braille textbooks. his column writing, most likely music. He began taking classical
don and Scott, The Pretenders dropped Bremner after this song Chrissie's part. hate Chrissie's voice, but for those The gifted columnist, musi- with Bergmanism no. 2 in the piano lessons at the age of four
have gone through two pairs of and "My City Was Gone" in favor The Pretenders become experi- people, they don't have to buy cian, and humorist has enjoyed back of his mind: "Words give us and later focused more on jazz photo by Brett Benadum
musicians. of Robbie McIntosh. mental on side two with the the album. attending IH every bit as much as reason to believe that we have piano. He began composing his John smiles at life.
But enough of this dreary This change in personnel was a country-westernish tune, "Thum-
Page 8 CHIEFTAIN Januarv 27. 1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Page 5
letter from SC
SG plans busy second the school look great. Also we
would like to thank all the people
Dear Students, school day or not, and to have have been sent back. They will go who were elves on elf day. Seven
This being the beginning of a smoothly running elections this on sale Wednesday, February 8 hundred dollars was raised for the
new semester, the student govern- May. and will be on sale until Valen- Leukemia Fund in the name of
ment has been planning its pro- Another SG sponsored activity tine's Day. The dating sheets will Merilee Black.
jects for the remaining half of the is the Drama Club Forum taking cost $1-50 and will be sold in the The new semester brings us a
school year. place February 3. The plays being cafeteria. I've haerd rumors that fresh start. Homecoming week is
Hugh and 1 feel good about presented by the IH Drama Club Hugh rigged the computer so that an apt symbol for this start. We
the upcoming SG activities. Our are "Anybody For Tea" and "My he comes out at the top of every wish you a memorable Home-
goals for the second semester are Cup Raneth Over." There will be freshman girl's list. Just a rumor! coming and a great second
these: t o have a successful out- a 50 cent admission charged so We would like to thank every- semester.
come to the computer dating that the Drama Club can defray one who worked at the Christmas
project, to get the ball rolling on the cost of putting on the produc- tree at the Kenwood Mall. You David Agin
several student opinion surveys, tion. were a great help and you made Hugh Geier
to have a great Musicfest, i.e. The computer dating sheets
Hillstock, whether it is during the that you filled out in December

Administration organizing
prospective student program
by Eric Little and its services and curriculum.
Indian Hill's "Program Review The opportunity for parents to
for Prospective Students" will be meet with department coordinat- T h e road winds gently
held Monday, January 30, at 7: 00 ors, in the cafeteria, will be pro- through the city's life
p.m. in the high school media vided for the purpose of discus-
the grey takes over
center. sing specific course offerings. A
All parents of eighth grade tour of the special building areas depressing, disgusting - starkness.
students, and any other parents is also being planned; National Y e t green is t h e horizon
living in the Indian Hill School Honor Society members are ex- and gently sloping hills
District who have a son or daugh- pected to assist as tour guides.
ter that may be entering grades 9- The school welcomes and en- the billboards fade,
12 for the 1984-85, are invited to courages all parents to attend this the beauty grows
attend this special program. meeting and acquaint themselves the road rises and b e n d s
The high school administra- with the various programs that are
tion and faculty will present an offered by Indian Hill High
introduction to the high school School.
the light increases after time
Nine Spanish students, VanDerbeck a n e o n beacon t o life
to leave for Spain on February 7 gas stations, and stores
by Eric Little change and the National Associa-
Nine Indian Hill Spanish stu- tion of Secondary School Princi-
dents and Spanish teacher Mrs. pals. Students from Vigo attend-
Linda VanDerbeck will be leaving ed IHHS last ~eptember.
Fill in the actresses that starred in computer graphics by Stratton February 7 for a three-week so-
these movies.
coming events
3. Sweet Charitv
5 . Barbarella
1. The Lion in Winter
2. Night Shift
journ in Spa'in.
The exchangers include seniors
news shorts
Educational Records Bureau
7. Emanuelle 4. Tess Susan Baker, Brom Espy, and (ERB) tests will be given to all
Karen Delollis; juniors Jenny
The Producers come north 8. Tootsic
9. Ordinary People
6. The Turning Point
10. Buttertly Aitken and Sue Barry; sopho-
freshmen and juniors this spring.
Freshmen are scheduled to take 1
by The Candycat Kcrzn.v Rar~kirz - Feb. 15, 8:00 mores Kim Isgrig, Courtney Loe- the test April 9 and 10. Juniors
p.m. - Don't even know 'em. wenstine, and Neely Mack; and will take the ERB test April 11
freshman Derek Ryan, and 12. These test will indicate
Runner and /;our-oil-thcl-Floor - Kingston Trio - Mar. 7, 8:00 p.m.
Jan. 27, 8:OO p.m. - Ifnilnm.., -Three aged Rastas. While in Spain, the students how Indian Hill students compare
let's bop! B.B. King - Mar. 3 1 , 8: 00 p.m. - Riverfront Coliseum U.D. Arena will first spend three days in Mad- t o other high school students in
Rarnsej' I,cM-~s- Jan. 28, 8:OO Not during Spring Break. Ozzji Osbotirr7e - 1:eb. 5, 8:00 -
Alabama Feb. 5 , 7:30 p.m. - Get rid on a sightseeing tour. Then the country.
p.m. - Tequila hlockingbird. DOC + Mcr/c Warsoll - Aprl] 7, p.m. - Too much testosterone. away. they will take a train to Vigo, in
The Backdoors - I.cb 2.. 8:00 8:00 p.m. - Who'? The Police - [deb. 14, 8:00 p.m. - the northwest region of Galicia, Scarlet Oaks Career Develop-
p.m. - 1:rontdoor men. The frog has green eyes. Rupp Arena where they will attend school and ment Campus invites the public to
Neil Dianlond - I:eb. 16,17, 8:00 Genesis - Jan. 31, 8:00 p.m. - And live with host families for the their annual open house on Sun-
Joh11 Hartford and J. I). Crolt~c- Cincinnati Gardens . -
Van Haler1 - Mar. 8, 8:00 p.m. - P.m. - Only in Cincy. on the 8th day ... remainder of their stay. day, February 12, from 2:00 to
1:cb. 4, 8:00 p.m. - Bluegrass
This is the sixth year that 4:00 p.m. Scarlet Oaks offers
buddies. Bottorns Up, Guys!!! Ozzy Osbourne - Feb. 8, 8:30 - .
Van Hale12 - Mar. 9 , 8:UO p.m. - A p.m. - Git me, One mo' time, Oz. Indian Hill High Shoo1 has parti- training in forty career areas to
Andre Samoan und The Prodliccrs
- Feb. 5, 8:00 p.m. - Check it second time. Hara Arend Bill)] Joe2 - Feb. 10, 8:00 p.m. cipated in this exchange program, Spanish exchangers: (front, L to I.) Brom Espy, Derek Ryan, Neely juniors and seniors from twenty-
Van Halerz - Fcb. 7, 8:00 p.m. - How Cryptical does it get? which is sponcered by the Council Mack, Sue Barry, Mrs. Linda Vanderbeck, (back) Courtney Loewenstine, nine local high schools. For more
The original Pac-man. on International Educational Ex- Sue Baker, Karen Delollis, Jenny Aitken, and Kim Isgrig. information call 77 1-8810.
The Outlaws - I:eb. 6, 8:00 p.m. -
The Inlaws.
Page 4 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984 January 27,1984
student opinion
Zimmer to coal is lesser of evils
by Zimmer, and the conversion
will only create higher rates. I, as
GE loses to Squaws, defeats JV Milford last evening with high
hopes of defeating the Lady
a consumer, would not pay ex-
orbitant rates just so the con- by Anna Batsakes "We had a really close name
by Winston R Wells ed, but now that my activism has nation? The Ohio valley is no- The varsity basketball Squaws
The Cincinnati Gas and Elec- torious for the burning of coal version could occur. One positive last time," said sophmore Shari
worn off, I have many hesitations defeated the Glen Este Lady
tric Company (CG&E) decided to concerning the future of Zimmer. with high sulphur content, the aspect of this rate problem, how- Zesch. "We only lost to them by
Trojans last Tuesday in an away five points."
convert the Zimmer nuclear I am glad that Zimmer will not result being acid rain. This prob- ever, is the acknowledgement of
game, 35-29. The JV Squaws were defeated
power plant to a coal plant. The be nuclear-the idea of having a lem is ravaging the northeastern the struggle ahead by "whistle-
Senior Lisa Holzman and by Glen Este last Tuesday, 35-30.
decision was made after the util- utility which had never built a U.S. and southern Canada, caus- blowers" responsible for the con-
junior Amy Waitt were the lead- "We played okay,'' commented
ity reviewed the financial impli- nuclear plant contract a fum ing extreme damage to forests and version. Cincinnati City Council
ing scorers if the game, guiding Zesch. "Glen Este is a pretty
cations of continuing the project. which .had also never built one lakes. The only solution to this members, U.S. Representative
the Squaws t o their victory. difficult team to beat, and we
Zimmer, now 97% finished, seems absurd. The question of would be the installation of Willis Gradison and other individ-
"Glen Este'was a challenge," kept it close."
was scheduled to become opera- safety in the construction has "scrubbersm-very expensive de- uals have pledged to fight against
said junior Gretchen Kindel. With an overall record of 8-6,
tional in 1975. Yet the problem- planted feelings of insecurity in vices which filter the sulphur out rate hikes in light of CG&E's de-
atic history of Zimmer, including "But we were able to beat them. the JV Squaws have fared quite
my mind which would have been of the emissions. cision.
Glen Este was ahead in the first well this season. Much of their
the major setbacks of investiga- tormented if the plant was put on The cost of the conversion it- Our area needs electricity and
tions, both private and public, half but we pulled it out the rest success is due to sophomore Chris
line. self is the second major problem. will continue to need it in the
of the game and got ahead." Hall who is the leading scorer of
has led to the scrapping of the Yet is conversion to coal the Wiiam Dickhona, chairman of future. The decision to convert .
project. Purcell-Marian was defeated the team. Hall has scored 92
answer? Although undoubtedly CG&E, stated that the conversion Zimmer to coal will help, but the
by the Squaws on January 19. points this season and has hit 54%
Public opinion has been safer, a coal plant sacrifices ef- process would be finished by benefits will not be felt until at
The Squaws scored a last-second of her
JV free
Sharon Cooke feels
favorable to the decision of con- ficiency for this safety. Apart 1990. He also said that this least 1990. Alongside these bene-
basket to break a one-point defi-
version, for many feel that Zim- from efficiency, however, two process would be expensive, and fits are problems concerning the
mer was simply too problem-rid- major problems exist with the the cost would have to be picked cit. In the last 1 8 seconds of the the Squaws will continue to have
environment and rates. These
den to ever be deemed safe. On a conversion. up by customers and stockhold- game Wiatt threw a long pass to a good season. "We've got a few
problems have until 1990 to be
personal basis I am in-favor of the ers. leading squrer Holzman who went photo by Stratton Moraites problems," she said. "We're not .
Firstly, what will be the en- resolved, but they must be cleared The varsity and JV basketball Squaws (shown here in practice together)
This I find troublesome. We in for a Iayup and scored the taking enough shots to be a suc-
conversion. At an earlier point in vironmental impact of the plant, up before Zimmer begins produc- both currently have winning records this season, an improvement over
winning point. cessful team for one, but our de- .
mv life I would have been thrill- not only to the area but to the 5ave been drained again and again ing electricity. last year. The varsity is 7-7, while the JV stands at 8-6.
The Squaws have won their

ASS! in need of host families

fense has been outstanding in the
six week family stay in Scandina- last 5 games, making their record gotten much better." - The Squaws played Milford past few games."
. via or Germany during the sum- 7-7. Coach Richard Pfirman .Teammates also see the im- last evening. Results were not Cooke also feels that the suc-
mer of 1984. . feel this streak is due to the im- prbvement of the team. "We've available at press time but Cucin- cess of the team would improve if .
New release from American Scan- and experience living as part of a living at home, are especially American Scandinavian Stu- provement of the Squaws' off- improved over last year," said otta felt that the girls would do only thesquaws had more play- -;
dinavian Student Exchange : warm and loving American fami- encouraged to apply. dent Exchange is a non-profit, ense. sophomore Cadi 'Cucinotta. much better th'an the last time ers. h he team is definitely small
American families are needed ly. They will attend your local ASSE is also seeking qualified tax-exempt, public benefit "Our offense has improved "Now the girls are shooting for they played Milford. in terms of number of players;
for European high schooI students high school and return home to American high school students, organization. ASSE is officially since the beginning of the the basket instead of passing to "Last time they beat us 82- this affects us greatly. But de-
from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Europe in late June or early July, ages 16, 17, and 18, who would designated as 'an exchange visitor season," stated Pfirman. "Of one person, who then makes the 63," said Cucinotta. "This time I spite that, the dedication of the
Finland, Great Britain, Switzer- 1985. like to spend a high school year program by the United States in- course, there's still room for im- baskets. Our play is definitely hope we'll play much better." girls to games and practice is ex-
land and Germany for the 19841 Families with junior high attending school and living with a formation agency and is affiliated provement. Our defense also has improving." The JV Squaws also played cellent."
85 high school year, by the Amer- school age children or younger Scandinavian, Swiss, British or with the Swedish and Finnish
ican Scandinavian Student Ex- and those with children no longer German family, or take part in a Departments of Education. JOHN, from p. 7 Bach to James Taylor to the idea that everything could and yourself slipping on the banana
change program (ASSE), affiliated
with the Swedish and Finnish
student opinion made in cooperation with Mr. and Beatles, but he insists that "I like should be laughed at is really the peel." This brings us to Bergman-
Mrs. Lan Ackley at Mr. Ackley's to hear the words and understand whole slippingan-the-banana-peel ism no. 3: "We can't enjoy the
Departments of Education.
Interested parties please con- IH school policy inhibits students' growth company's studio.
When John talks of music, any
them - that loud, noisy stuff gets
on my nerves!"
idea of life. True peace of mind
comes when you cal.1 launh - at
circus until we admit that we are
tact: by H.L. Edwards ment was formed in hopes of teacher's.
glimmer of cynicism or hint of a And what's beyond the pro-
Pat Murray In 1981 approximately 70 airing this problem. Unfortunate- I strongly believe that at smirk vanishes. "When writing a verbial horizon for one column-
2765 Mahoning Court students walked out of their sixth ly this inert agency has been a Indian Hill we are taught to be song, I'm my most creative for writing, music-playing friend
Cincinnati, OH 45238. period classes in protest of several failure due to the lack of studerlt diligent, hard working and social- creativity's sake. I'm inspired to who's into "the coffee ice cream
Phone: 941-3646.
Letters must contain the writ-
policies. They were concerned
about the new quiet study hall
The problem of student
ly successful, but little else. I feel
that teachers should not only
write for no real reason at all; scene" and the delusion of gran- : - -- --
z. .*.
.-7.-. '.i- e t.iu ..

therefore, I can't force myself to deur he gets from knowing that

er's address and telephone num- policy and, as they felt, the in- apathy is not entirely the fault of challenge the students to work
compose." o n e oddity he points the word "aglets" refers to the
ber. sensitive attitude of the adminis- the students. In fact I believe hard, but also provide an atmos- out about his writing is that he little plastic things on the end of
"ASSE's high standards assure tration. The protesters also de- that most of the blame lies in our phere where students can chal-
a quality experience for all parti- manded full power in creating doesn't "consciously write a song. your shoelaces? His first solution
society, but more directly in our
cipating families and students,"
lenge ideas. ' '
By the time I have an idea to was simply "not to grow up - it
rules for the Student Service Cen- schooling. At Indian Hill we have We should also be taught from
says ASSE Midwest Regional write, the song's already there; it causes too many problems."
ter and called for Student Gov- been taught to be success orient- ninth grade on to become active
Director, Warren Clague. All almost forms itself." With further probing, he ad-
ernment support. ed, hard working people who in school and community decision
students are carefully screened in As for his own musical tastes, mitted, "If I had been born thou-
Whether or not one can can- shouldn't make too many waves. making processes. In many
Europe by their school and the John jumps at the chance to sands of years earlier, I would
done their actions or means, the One administration official in- schools a community service pro-
local ASSE office. All are fluent quote one of ,his personal favor- have been one of those guys who .
protest symbolized concern over timated to a student's parent that ject is required for graduation. I
in English and have their own ites: "Duke Ellington once said sat around and thought all day,
issues affecting the student body. this person's wearing of an earring . beleive Indian Hill High School
spending money and complete that there are only two types of occasionally writing down a Berg-
Today a walkout, let alone active was a sign of drug abuse. Even a should adopt such a policy. It will
medical and liability insurance. music - good and bad - and I manism or two, but you just can't
participation and concern for so- minor non.conformity such as at least give students a taste of ac- agree." do that today.'' In any case, John
ASSE provides support for cial issues, seems to be beyond that drew the scrutiny of an ad- tivity in community affairs and a He ponders a momen4 and hopes to reach some proficiency
families and students during the the cares of most students. ministration official. feeling of social importance. then concludes, "I hesitate to call in Sanskrit so that if "nobody else
year through fully trained local Many people have grappled This regulation of the tastes of Many wonder why voter turnouts the music I like 'easy listening' understands me, it would be their
volunteer area representatives, with the problem of student students transcends into the scope .have decreased in the past decade. because it's become notorious for fault, not mine!"
available whenever needed. The apathy and have called for the of ideas, too. The opinionated I feel the root of the problem lies filling dentists' offices, elevators, You might say that the cyni-
students, ages 16 and 17, will students to become aware and teaching of some faculty members in our education, for democracy and other lowly places, but the cism of Bergman's Laws reflects
arrive in late August, 1984. They involved. The Student Affairs usually quickly squelches a stu- depends on an active and con- music I like is easy to listen to." his philosophy of life, but actu-
are eager to learn about America Committee of Student Govern- dent whose beliefs go against the cerned constituency. His musical moods vary from ally it's more the opposite. "The
Page 10 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Page 3

Braves' streak at five with OT win over Greenhills Fourteen students travel to France currently about eight francs to
the dollar.
by Nancy Hopple and the old section of the city; a school in Aixen-Provence. Junior Ellen Alvord, one of
by Brian Rowc
IH French teacher Mrs. JoAnn trip to Azay le Rideau and other This is Wund's second time two girls in the exchange whose
?'he v;~rsity basketball Bravcs
ran their winning \trcak to five Wund and 14 of her French I11 chateaux in the surrounding Loire leading a group of IH students on correspondant is a boy, said of
and AP French Language students Valley area; a visit to a military the French exchange. Seven years her host, "I think he'll be more
game\ H it11 a come-frorn-behind
leave Cincinnati this afternoon for equestrian school and a modern ago she led a group of students patient with teaching me the
64-58 win over 14th city ranked
Paris, France, as part of an ex- school; tours of patisserie, a wine who stayed in Aixen-Provence. language, but he probably won't
C;reenhills, in overtime, on Wed-
change program with a French cave, and the Cointreau factory Wund commented, "Professional- want to go shopping with me."
nesday night.
high school. The group will stay (Angers is the only place where ly, this trip is very exciting for While he is "looking forward
Senior 1)an Krcrnchcck scored
in France for three weeks, spend- the orange liqueur is made); a re- me, because it has been seven to the trip," junior Doug Backus
sis of' Ill's eight points in the
Lange ripped down ten rebounds ing approximately five days in ception at Lycee Joachim au Bel- years since I've been in France. the only boy participating in the .
overtime period after senior Bill Paris and the remainder of the
m lay following vacation; and a It's essential to keep my French IH exchange, hopes he "can make
Lanpc made a three point play to I 4 to pace IH's board attack. Theur-
ing came off the bench to score time with host families in the city Valentine's Day party at the current." up all the school work." Backus
tic the Pioneers at 56 and send of Angers, before returning to the home of a French host family.
ten points (including six-for-six ~ u n dadded, "Anyone who jokingly added, "The reason I'm
the galnc into overtime. U.S. February 17. The 1984 exchange marks the
from the line), while Kremcheck thinks this is a holiday is crazy," going is not to learn the language
Surprisingly, the Braves did all \ The students making the trip eighth year of Indian Hill's parti-
added his usual 15. These pluses admitting, "I'm not an organized or culture; it's because 1 3 girls are
of this without junior Rick to France are juniors Ellen Al- cipation in a French exchange person ...Once I'm on the plane I'l
combined into an easy win for the going.''
Abranls, who fouled out of the vord, Doug Backus, Tracy Megi- the third year of IHYsexchange be okay." Wund, along with the Prior to the group's departure,

game with 3:47 left. Abrams Braves.
son, and Stephanie Savage; with au Bellay in Angers. Previ- 14 students, is also "happy about sophomore Diane Hancher receiv-
scorcd 14 points to lead the A week earlier the Braves
sophomores Lee Baumes, Tracy ous exchanges were made with a the franc," as the exchange rate is ed a phone call from her French
Braves, bu: coach Dale McKibben swept a two-game homestand
Cambron, Diane Hancher, Laura correspondant. "I was very sur-
emphasized the fact that thc team \ with wins over Deer Park and St.
Harmon, Sally King, Amy Klein-
Bernard. Juniors Brian Rowe and prised, " Hancher said. "She cal-
could pull through witliout him. man, Kelly Mabry, Kristin Mains,
Mike Wentz combined defensively led to wish me a happy journey."

- -
"This was a team win, team and Sona Tipnis; and eighth grad-
to shut down high scoring guard (Althounh her correspondant
spelled with a capital T," he said. er Jennifer Cobb.
"We did it without our leading Chuck Criswell, then ranked third
Upon arriving in Paris tomor-
player. Just an outstanding, out- in the city in scoring with 25 per
row morning (about 7:00 a m . "because of her accent.") During
standing win against a very talent- game, in IH's 58-31 drubbing of
ed team."
- r .
. St. Bernard. Kremcheck helped
Paris time, 1:00 p.m. EST), the their stay Hancher and several
photo by rip Edwards group will have the day free to other exchanges hope to be able
McKibben feels the win is in- offensively with 17 points to lead recuperate from the flight or to
Junior Rick Abrams looks for an open man as he brings the ball upcourt
dicative of the turnaround of the IH. spend as it wishes. The IH group
in recent 1H action. Deer Park proved no match
Braves this season, from 0-5 to will take a bus tour of the city
7-7. (1;or an in-depth report of we're capable of." "1 think we have a good for IH as the Braves led through- and numerous excursions, includ-
this turnaround, see the story on Tonight the Braves take on chance," says McKibben. "We out the game in an 80-43 rout, ing a tour of the Louvre and a trip grader Jennifer Cobb feels she will
page 12). Glen Este in IH's annual Home- definitely have the momentum." the most points scored by the to Versailles, during the rest of . "get along fine" with the group.
"An outstanding win for a coming contest. The Braves will The Braves will not stray from Braves this season. Senior Jon the stay in Paris. An AP French Language student
surging team," he said. "Green- be looking for their fifth league their normal game pattern, Mc- Kitei added insult to injury by While in Paris Wund and the and recent transfer from Country
hills is one of the best teams in win this season, as well as their Kibben said. "We plan to press jamming the final basket for the 14 students will stay at the Foyer Day School, Cobb has studied
the city, and defeating them sixth in a row. A win would put and force turnovers to get the ball Braves. AGF de Maubisson, along with French for the past several years.
without Abrams just shows what them in third place in the league. on offense, as usual." other American exchange groups. She perhaps summed up the pur-
photo by Brett Benadum
According to Wund, the Foyer French exchangers: (front, I. to r.) Amy Kleinman, Tracy Megison, pose of the exchange best, com-
AGF is "an old student resi- Kristen Mains, Doug Backus, Diane Hancher, Kelly Mabry, Mrs. J o h n menting that she hopes "to widen
on the spot answers compiled by Kenneth N. Jones photo by ~ m t Benadum
dence," located in the heart of Wund, Stephanie Savage, Sona Tipnis, Tracy Carnbron, (back) Ellen my vocabulary and gain more
Paris near the city hall and within fiord, Jennifer Cobb, Laura Harmon, Lee Baumes, and Sally King. knowledge of French culture."
Who are you taking to Homecoming? walking distance of the Louvre.
After their stay in Paris, the
New courses to be offered to IH students
exchangers will travel by train to
Who is your ideal Homecoming Chris Raleigh - Stevie Nicks. Mr. Pfirman-myself. Angers, situated 150 kilometers by David Stradling will determine if the courses wc!. English classes by counselors,
date? southwest of Paris, arriving Wed- Many additions have been actually be taught. February 1. Sophomores will
nesday evening, February 1. At made to the 1984-1985 course To the Industrial Arts depart- receive their booklets February 2,
Patricia Bettle - There's no such this time each student will meet offerings booklet. New courses ment, now to be known as the
Tricia Schaefer - Chris Atkins be- and juniors will receive theirs
person. her or his French correspondant include "Trends in Diet, Food,
cause Brooke and I have so lnucll Applied Science and Technology February 3.
in common. - I know I would get and host family and then return and Exercise" in the Home Eco- department, "Electronics and Teacher recommendation days
along with them. home with them. The next day nomics department and "Intro- Robotics Technology" has been are February 13 and 14. The stu-
the American students may at- duction to Pascal" and "Comput- added to the offerings. dent course selection sheet is due
tend school with their French er Application," forming a Com- The offerings booklet will be on February 15.
correspondants on the last school puter department separate of the distributed to freshmen in their
Brian Meyers - Mr. Gellert's wife. day before a week-long vacation. Math department.
(The French correspondants For those seniors who plan to CurricuIum fair to answer questions
attend Lycee Joachim au Bellay, a attend college and would like to Students and parents will be eighth graders will attend the ex-
former monastery several hundred strengthen their algebra and given an opportunity to ask position in the cafeteria.
Karen McCurdy - Mats Wilander. years old, which now enrolls a- geometry skills, a new course, questions concerning 1984-85 Classes will run on a two hour
bout 2000 high school students in "Senior Math Review," has been course offerings, Friday, February delay schedule, although the
inger - Mr. T, because he's so huge.
Angers.) added. 10, 7:35-9:35. Teachers from buses will run at their normal
The sponsors of the exchange French IV and Spanish IV, each department, representatives times. Parents and students are
Eric Little - Squeek-he's my kinda in Angers have many activities neither of which will be AP from Live Oaks Vocational encouraged to take advantage of
nun. planned for the visiting Americans courses, as well as Latin IV,will School, and counselors will be this opportunity to explore edu-
Lanie Hoshak - Robert Plant, Mr. Hammond - My wife, she's the
because he's great, he has got best looking one I know, and Anders Anderson - I'm not going, I including a visit to the town hall, be offered to students, but the available to answer questions and cational alternatives.
she'd kill me if I didn't. hate it. the ancient chateau of Angers, numbers of interested students describe course contents. All
money, he can keep me happy.
Page 2 CHIEFTAlN January 27,1984 January 27,1984 CHIEFTAIN Pase I t
I see it
as ball, Clark, looking bored, got to
Bergman visits with typical WKRC down s Boosters, 65-63 it first-without jumping. The
fans loved this, and laughed with

Questionnaires and surveys, when effectively written

b residential
by John Bergrnan candidate
by Kevin Walzer
The fine-tuned WKRC All-
Stars held off the surging IH
off the late IH rally.
Despite the pressure-cooker
flipped a pass to a WKRC team-
mate running downcourt.. The
However, those expecting to
see a lot of TV stars came away
disappointed. Of the four celebri-
he had just said be fully realized. Booster All-Star team, 6543, in atmosphere of the fourth quarter, teammate wasn't looking, how- ties expected to appear, only two
It all happened last Saturday
and distributed, can yield a gold mine of information afternoon. I was sitting in the I was still just as puzzled as I had the annual benefit basketball with tempers flaring (Argentati ever, and the ball bounced off his apparently were able to. Report-
to all participants. These cross-sections of public been before, but now I was also game last Saturday, despite a was called for a technical foul head into the hands of another ers Don Burrows (who suited up
family room listening to a record,
"loose" atmosphere that filled after protesting a foul and heaving teammate. for
servedthe asgame)
and coach)
Maher (who
opinion have long been used as a medium for discover- when all of the sudden I heard a finding him rather amusing. I
the ball into the stands), rowdi- Another situation involved a
knock on the front door. This decided that he must be extreme- threequarters of the game.
ing ideas which would otherwise go neglected. Surveys The teams did little but horse ness from the benches (long and David and Goliath confrontation appeared. However sports
puzzled me. None of my family ly intelligent, for he seemed to
and questionnaires are commonplace at IH, but apathy had said anything about company know even more about me than I around the first three quarters of loud hooting and shouting), and with - a jump ball between director Dennis Jansen (who was
usually limits their effectiveness. This attitude is most the game. However, they raised tension (numerous free throws Argentati, who stands about scheduled to play) and anchor-
coming over. Besides, if it was did. It seems that in dealing with
anyone who had been to our the hectic pace of suburban Cin- their intensity level about six taken-few made), the mood for 5'8", and Clark, who towers at man Nick Clooney apparently
frequently observed among the students, but recently much of the game bordered on about 6'4". As Argentati leaped were not able to make appearanc-
house before, I would have cinnati, I had completely over- notches in the fourth to play
some of the faculty have fallen to this condition also. thought he would use the door- looked the fact that I was being some surprisingly hard-fought frivilous. In one instance, Clark and made a mighty swipe for the es.
The case in point currently is the teacher survey bell. "Oh well," I said to myself viciously oppressed. I mean only basketball. However, it was a case
provided to all faculty members by the Student Affairs
Committee of Student Government. At the present
as I rose to get the door, "perhaps
it's a mailman."
When I opened the door, how-
a half an hour ago, I had been sit-
ting in my family room listening
to my record and laboring under
of too little too late on the part
of the IH team. The steady
shooting of WKRC proved too
JV Braves shoot for second tonight
only a handful of teachers have requested surveys for ever, I found that the caller was the gross misconception that I much to overcome, even despite by Kevin Walzer in the first quarter; jumping out same pace continued in the
their classes. These surveys are designed to let the not a mailman at all. He was a was a pretty lucky guy, when in the late run. However, it did The JV basketball Braves have t o a 17-8 lead with purely torrid second as IH was ahead, 10-9, at
conlplete stranger whose inten- fact, unbeknown to me, I was as make for some exciting basket- more than a win or a loss on the shooting. "We missed one field half.
students evaluate the teacher in .a variety of fields, ball, some noted. St. Bernard came out of its
tions were invisible upon first in- miserable as could be. I found line tonight as they square off goal and one free throw," said
from knowledge of subject to discipline in class. Mr. spection. I greeted him with a myself growing enraged at the "Whew," said WKRC coach against Glen Este at home at Gellert. "That was as close t o slump in the third quarter and
Dennis Dowling, SG sponsor, noted that the current somewhat skeptical "hello." Im- fact that I had not realized how Walt Maher. "That was a lot of 6:30. perfect play as we've had all overtook IH's lead, going up by
involvement with the survey is the weakest turnout in mediatily, he seemed to sense my truly awful my existence was. If fun. I enjoyed it." "We're really getting up for year." three, 19-16. However, IH finally
confusion. "Hello," he said in a it had not been for this strange That sums it up pretty well. this game," said coach Gary The team maintained its came alive in the fourth quarter
several years. consoling jovial voice, "is this the man who called himself R. J., I The IH squad was down 49-48 at Gellert. "There's a lot at stake. A steady shooting throughout the and outscored them 22-4 to win
The survey is provided to aid the teachers, but if Bergman residence?" "Yes, it is," may have gone through life naive- the end of the third quarter, when win will put us in second place in first half, but Loveland got hot going away, 38-23.
they are unwilling to present it t o their classes, how I replied, "may I help you?" ly assuming that I was happy, WKRC went on an 11-9 run that the EHL. We also want revenge." and with a surge managed to tie The Deer Park Wildcats posed
"Ah, my good fellow, it's not when I was actually terribly un- put them up, 60-57. A basket by The revenge is against a the score at 36 as the game little challenge for the Braves, as
can they hope to improve their classes? Although the what you can do for me, it's what fortunate. WKRC center Darrell Clark then previous 63-55 last minute loss at entered the fourth quarter. IH led throughout the game in
current popular educational philosophy emphasizes 1 can do for you." As he made "Yes," my savior continued, put them up by four, 62-58. the hands of the Trojans. Glen
time spent on the subject matter, distributing these this last statement, he extended a "what you need is a president After WKRC added three more to Este overcame a 30-23 lead with a
hand to me. I shook it with all who cares about you. I am just make the score 65-58, IH went t o late surge in the final two minutes
surveys is not very time-consuming. T o those few to sweep by the Braves.
compulsory firmness, but I was such a man. Oh don't get me work. With 1:5 8 left, Booster
teachers who have used the surveys, the Chieftain still feeling very suspicious. For wrong, Mr. Bergman. I'm not Greg Koulouris put in a basket to As far as IH's chances go, they
offers congratulations and strongly urgc their peers to some inexplicable reason, I felt an looking for glory. I don't need cut the margin to five, 65-60. are good ones. "We have the
follow their example. incredible urge to say,"No thanks, power to be happy. I already Then, after a number of momentum," said Gellert. "We're
we gave at the office." But alas, 1 have a thriving chain of encyclo- missed free throws by both teams, looking for second place, and
saw that there was little or noth- pedia stores. No, what I want is IH faculty member Steve we've been surging lately. We've
ing that I could do. The man had to serve you, Mr. Bergman, to Thompson sank one to make the won five out of six league games
already stepped inside, and I did make this country one you can be score 65-61. After taking the in- since our 0-2 start (they currently
STAFF not yet feel that I had grounds to proud of." bounds pass, he then dribbled
furiously downcourt and rolled in
stand 5-3)."
If IH's game on January 20
throw him out. I led him to the With this he stood up and
family room, and we sat down. reached into his pocket. "Allow his ninth point of the game just as against the Loveland Tigers is any
Chieftain is written and com- Typesetters Sandy Pesce,
posed, printed and sold as an Sue Gilsdorf, Karen Wiedemer "Mr. Bergman," he began "my me to give you a campaign the buzzer sounded. indication of how the game
extracurricular activity by the Artists Joel Ruff name is R. J. Bievens, the Third, button. You wear this, and re- However, it did IH no good, as against Glen Este will go, the
students of Indian Hill High Photographers Brett Benadum, but you can call me R. J." It member me in November. To- they were still two down at the Trojans had better be prepared,
School, 6945 Drake Rd., Cincin- Trip Edwards, Stratton Mor-
seemed he had mistaken me for gether, we can make this county end. for they will have their hands full.
nati, Ohio, 4 5 2 4 3 561-4963. aites
Sponsor Wm. P. Kincaid Contributers John Bergman, my father, but since Dad wasn't great again!" I stood up to take As for the rest of the game? . IH entered the game in a
Editors Nancy Hopple Dave Agin, Hugh Geier, Trip !lome, I decided to just let him him to the door. Obviously he Well, the first quarter was fairly three-way tie for second place
Kitsa Tassia n Edwards, Ellen Alvord, Eric ramble on. "I am here to tell had other people to visit that day, nipand-tuck, as IH ended ahead with Loveland and Glen Este.
Little, Brian Rowe, Gretchen photo by Trip Edwards
Win Wells 15-14. - Then, after baskets by The Braves, in their "best game of
News Editors Paul Monach Kindel you, person to person, that I am hundreds of thousands of fools Coach Gary Gellert advises his JV Braves during a tirneout. Gellert is
David Stradling Production Staff Kelly Martin, running f o ~the office of the pres- who, like me, did not realize what Thompson and a long jumper by the year," eliminated the Tigers pleased with his teams' progress thus far, and feels that they have good
Features Editors Ken Jones Amelia Elling, Ellen Alvord, idency of your country. That's wretched lives they were being eighth grade coach Gary "Ar-gen- from the picture with a 45-42 win chances tonight against Glen Este.
Elizabeth Smith David Cook, Stratton Morai- right, Mr. Bergman, I said your forced to endure. At the door, I taaa-ti," as announcer Tom at Loveland.
Assistant Features tes, Joel Ruff, Sam Green, posting a routine 48-27 win, last
country. For who does this thanked him profusely, and Dewey kept calling him, the "The game was also a bit of However, the Braves iced the
Chris Blanchard Eric Little, Jim Gruskin, Mary-
Beth Heidrich country belong to, if not to a promised that I would certainly Braves took hold of the five-point vengeance on our part," said game with "good rebounding," January 1 3 at Indian Hill.
Sports Editors Anna Batsakes
Kevin Walzer proud, upstanding, taxpaying, do all I could to ensure his elec- lead in the second that they did Gellert. The , loss avenged a said Gellert. 1. "We're not a tall The Braves jumped out to a
Magazine Editors Tracy Megison national anthem singing citizen tion. He marched out to his car, not relinquish until the middle previous 5 1-41 em%anassment at team, but we did a good job 10-4 lead and never looked back.
Assistant Magazine Editor
Barb Neu
news short such as yourself? You, Mr. Berg- whistling "The Stars and Stripes third quarter. The first half the hands of the Tigers at Indian boxing out." After leading 17-12 at half, they
man, have been taken advantage Forever," then drove off on his ended with IH up, 39-25. Hill IH parlayed a 23-point outscored the Wildcats 31-15 in
Janet Nicolas
Chief Typesetter Savithri Raju An outside agency will teach of, for far too long. For years mission of mercy. What a guy! After the third quarter saw "Our teamwork in that game performance by sophomore Erich the second half t o notch the win.
Business Manager Bob Rhoad the classrooln and behind-the- now, you've been walked on and P.S. The above article is WKRC overtake IH's five-point was excellent," praised Gellert. Metzger into a 38-23 win over St. Sophomore Clint Reese had
Circulation Manager wheel Driver Education courses passed over, by all those scound- written as a satire of American lead and go up themselves by one, "We had the best rebounding of Bernard in Saturday, January 14. his best shooting game all season
Chris Blanchard any game all season, and every Both teams were cold in the
next year. Classes will be offered rels who say they're on you're politics. Any simularity between 49-48, the teams proceeded into as he put in 10, second only t o
one played unselfishly ."
Production Managers
Margot Ayers after school at the high school, side." He paused for a moment, Mr. Bivens and any of the real-life the intense, hard-fought fourth first quarter as each put in only Metzger's 15. Sophomore Andy
Dan Rosenthal but no credit will be given. as if to let the full impact of what candidates is entirely intentional. where WKRC managed to hold The team got off to a hot start two baskets to be tied, 4-4. The Tucker added nine.
Page 12 CHIEFTAIN January 27,1984

Iearn work marn reason tor Braves resurgence Vol. 33 No. 10

tonight. Then. with a little luck January 27,1984
by Kevin Walzer second, or evcn first." body, senior or junior, and we Indian Hill High School
When a team is 0-5, it is in a McKibben accredited the still have a good team." Cincinnati, Ohio 45243
pretty deep hole. Morale is some- team's turnaround to several fac- He cited as an example the
times nonexistent and the little tors. He feels that a unifying of play this season of junior Rick
thing that coaches describe as the team as a whole has been the Abrams. He leads the Braves in
"mental toughness" is decidedly major reason. almost every statistical category,
soft. At any rate, it is a hole that
is pretty difficult to dig out.
"We have a group of extreme-
ly talented ballplayers," he said.
including scoring (1 9.3). assists
(3.8), and rebounds (6.4).
Kegg, Flora win Superior ratings addition, Kegg was chosen to the
All-Region Cast, an honor re-
Varsity basketball coach Dalc "Early on we were not solid as a "Rick is an outstanding play- by Winston R Wells by IH for several years. Each tors." The adjudicators, com- served for one actor in each play.
McKibben and his team were in team. The talent was there, but er, to be sure," said McKibben, Indian Hill Drama Club school was permitted to present posed of college professors and The play as a whole received
that situation a month ago with the team was not. But since "but his performances have come members Jenny Kegg and Claire one play for the adjudicators, professionals, gave ratings of an Excellent rating from the ad-
five games and fives losses. we've started winning, the team from the team atmosphere. The Flora won Superior ratings at a who comment on each play fol- Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent and judicators, one level below a
However, the Braves man- has grown solid. There's a good players respond to Rick's play, regional drama event held at the lowing their performance. Superior. Superior rating which would have
aged to do something that most feeling between the team mem- and he responds to theirs. He Edgecliff Campus of Xavier Uni- Commented Berwanger, "The Kegg and Flora received the sent IH to state competition.
teams could not, they dug them- bers, a rapport that has grown as leads us in scoring, but also re- versity on Saturday, January 14. festival is not really a competi- only Superior actress awards given Sycamore won thr honor of ad-
selves out of the hole. With a the team has grown." bounding and assists." The festival was sponsored by the tion-the schools perform and are at the festival, while Sycamore vancing this year with their Super-
four-game winning streak and a 6- He specified that all other fac- As the season continues, Ohio Theatre Alliance. then critiqued by the adjudica- won the Superior actor rating. In ior rating. IH won a Superior
2 record over the last eight games McKibben credits IH's turnaround tors contributing to IH's im- McKibben is definitely keeping -
Senior Kegg and iunior Flora award last year for the presenta-
tion of "Tell Me A Story, Sing Me
(not including Wednesday's game to feeling of team unity that ali provement grew out of the team things in perspective. He's not garnered the Superior ratings after
with Greenhills), McKibben feels other factors have grown out of. concept. looking far down the road to- playing the main characters in A Song."
that IH is definitely out of the "Our defense has improved, wards the AA tournament, but is "My Cup Raneth Over," a play On their performance, Kegg
'These losing seasons were after written by Robert Patrick. The commented, "At first we didn't
hole. for one," he said. "The team has still shooting for the league. Still,
girls were the only two characters feel we did well." She said that
"We've learned how to win the Braves had won the started to play pretty good de- he said that IH has improved
now," McKibben said. "When we EHL title in 1981. McKibben, in enough to handle any surprises in the entire 30 minute presenta- the entire performance was
lost a few of those early games, fact, feels IH is still in this year's the road throws at them. tion. plagued by technical problems
Another extremely important
games we had the potential to league race; not just mathemati- Described by Drama Club dealing with the sound effects of
factor growing from the team's "Right now we haven't given
win, it was because we didn't too much thought to the tourna- sponsor Miss Mary Lou Berwanger the play. The stage crew was
cally but with a legitimate shot at improvement has been the im-
know how to win; now we do." as "humorous, yet moving," the composed of junior Matt McNellis
second or third place, possibly provement of individual players, ment," he said. "We won't even
Knowing how to win is a even taking in the league title. play is the story of two room- and freshman Charlie Schiff.
particularly this year's group of stop thinking league now until we
quality that has been sorely lack- mates, each trying to succeed in Backstage voices were provided
"I still think we can be con- juniors. are mathematically eliminated.
ing in past IH teams. Take a look New York and the friction that by senior Lance Luckey and a
sidered contenders, especially "The depth of the team is just But I hope that won't happen
at the past two seasons, 1982-83: arises between them. Kegg played group of Thespians.
with the way we've been play- excellent now," he stated. "As soon."
a 4-18 record with one win result- the role of an aspiring rock star Students will see the award
ing," he said. "We're mentally the team improved, so did indi- Not when they've just seen the
while Flora portrayed a free-lance winning play Friday, February 3
ing from a forfeit by Mt. Healthy. tougher and we'll be playing for a viduals, and now we're at a point light. Not when they're out of
writer. when the Drama Club will present
1981-82: 3-17. shot at third against Glen Este where I can play just about any- the hole.
The festival was attended by it along with "Anybody for Tea''
photo by Brett Benadum
five area schools, among them as part of the Student Govern-
Jenny Kegg. Claire Flora.
Wrestlers bring up rear at Turpin Invitational Sycamore, and has been attended ment Forum.

by Dave Stradling IH laced twelfth in a field of championship round, 7-6. Kindle

Report projects effects of declining enrollment cisions would be based on
"sound" educational practices as
The IH wrestling Braves fared 14, with a meager 59% points. also defeated the number one by Winston R Wells well as district economics.
poorly at the Turpin tournament
last weekend. Simon Kenton
Wyoming and Cincinnati Country seed in the championship round, S PORTS The district administration tions are used more frequently The findings are based on the
number of births five years befole
In response to the report and
possible reductions, Wettstein
School placed first in the compe-
tition while 1H placed last of the
Day finished thirteenth and four-
teenth respectively.
Slazyk pinned three times but TR I V I A recently released the 1984-85
enrollment projections, which
simply because they are more
likely to be true. In regard to his the given year. The reasoning for
choosing five years, according t o
commented, "We know there will
be cuts- that's common sense."
Both Graham and Kindle were was not able to place. O t h e ~vic- once again show the effects of results, Zumsteg noted that he has
seven team field. champions in their weight class tories came from Feltman and "The Perpetual Motion declining enrollment on Indian been "fairly accurate" with not Boston, is that children enter Her main concern, however, is
Junior Ken Slazyk (126) plac- with four victories apiece. senior'Mike Feltman (145). Machine," they called him. This Hill schools. The figures cover only IH's but also Milford's pro- kindergarten at age five. that too many cuts may be
ed third with two victories. Jun- Graham was able to pin twice de- The Braves will wrestle at 6:00 basketball player redefined the the years of 1984 t o 1994. jections. Reaction t o the declining en- made, causing large class sizes far
ior captain Dave Kindle (175), feating the number one seeded on the night of the Homecoming positions of "guard" and "for- The report was prepared by From the projections, the de- rollment was mixed throughout some years.
who is seeded second in his wrestler in his weight class in the dance. at Madeira. ward." At 6'6", he was small for Dr. Frederick Zumsteg, a retired cline of IH's enrollment is readily the district. Commented Boston, Wettstein was also concerned
weight class, did not place in the /--
a forward, big for a guard, and principal of Drake Road Elemen- apparent, even in the projected "I don't believe it's really bad- with the manner in which the cut
tourney. &,T-.. too quick for either. He was one tary. Dr. Robert Boston, super- 1984-85 enrollment. This year there are several advantages." He might be made. She feels reduc-
Other Brave points came from of basketball's fiist and greatest intendent of IH schools, said the district has a total of 1,754 feels that the main advantage wiU tions should be made in light of
a victory by sophomore Matt swingmen, the fiist six years of Zumsteg has prepared the annual pupils, which is expected to fall be the reduced size of classes and educational quality at IH; thus
Feltman, who wrestled in the ab- his career being a reserve guard projections report for several to 1,622 by next year. By the the closer teacher-student rela- she favors the idea that tenured
sence of senior Dave Stradling in for the Boston Celtics. After, he years. In addition t o Indian Hill, 1989-90 school year this number small emollment,
tions which will be possible with teachers wiu not be let go. "Dr.
thk" 119 weight class. A pin by stepped in as a starter at forward Zumsteg p ~ a . d e s emollment- should fall to, 1,270, reaching. Boston has assured us that senior-
senior Andy Graham also added to and excelled at that position, also. projections for Milford District 1,139 by 1993-94. Boston went on to say that ity will have preference in the
the Braves' total. For 16 years he terrorized the Schools. Boston said that although the some staff reductions will be reduction process."
The Braves finished NBA for Boston, pouring in The projections are made an- enrollment will continue to de- necessary, including split and She also foresees the inc~eased
stronger at the Maderia tourna- 26,395 career points, the most nually and can be found in the cline over the next few years, part-time assignments for some sharing of teachers between
ment only a week before the Tur- ever by a Celtic and fifth on the back of the IH Annual Report. he expects the fall to level off faculty. In a meeting with Class- schools, particularly between
pin tourney. Norwood won the all-time list. Who is this forward? Zumsteg said that the projections eventually. The report substanti- room Teacher's Association Presi- Ottawa and the High School in
tourney with 185 points, while are required by law to cover ten ates this, showing a leveling-off dent Mrs. Nancy Wettstein, the fields of math and foreign
photo by Stratton Moraitss
Madeira placed second with 122 While most IHers will be whooping it up tomorrow night at Home- YaaIY=H u'Ior years, although five-year projec- toward 1990 and onward. Boston noted that staffing de- language.
points. coming, the wrestlers (above) will be sweating it out at Maderia. .

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