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ANES Polling Project Codebook CASEID: Respondent ID number YEAR: Year of study tabulation: Freq.

1571 1557 2705 Value 1964 1968 1972

AGE: Respondent age group 4-category tabulation: Freq. 637 1212 2183 1774 GENDER: Respondent gender tabulation: Freq. 2555 3278 RACE: Respondent race 2-category tabulation: Freq. 5140 575 Numeric 1 2 Label white black Numeric 1 2 Label male female Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label 17-24 25-34 35-54 45-99

EDUCATION: Respondent education 3-category tabulation: Freq. 2354 1246 2217 1 Numeric 1 2 3 Label Less than high school High school completion College and above

CLASS: Respondent social class 2-category tabulation: Freq. 2456 3120 SOUTH: Political south/nonsouth tabulation: Freq. 1453 4380 URBAN: Urbanism tabulation: Freq. 1573 1801 2459 FAMINCOME: Family income category tabulation: Freq. 1025 902 1837 1547 317 Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 Label 0 to 16 percentile 17 to 33 percentile 34 to 67 percentile 68 to 95 percentile 96 to 100 percentile Numeric 1 2 3 Label central cities suburban areas rural, small towns, outlying Numeric 1 2 Label south nonsouth Numeric 1 2 Label Middle class Working class

PID7: Party identification 7-category "Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? (IF REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT) Would you call yourself a strong (REP/DEM) or a not very strong (REP/DEM)? (IF INDEPENDENT, OTHER [1966 AND LATER: OR NO PREFERENCE:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic party?" tabulation: Freq. 1125 1471 596 638 505 790 598 74 PID3: Party identification 3-category tabulation: Freq. 3192 638 1893 74 Numeric 1 2 3 9 Label democrats independents republicans apolitical (dk) Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Label strong democrat weak democrat independent-democrat independent-independent independent-republican weak republican strong republican apolitical (dk)

PARTYVOTE: "Who did you vote for in the election for President?" tabulation: Freq. 1737 1872 116 Numeric 1 2 3 Label democrat republican major third party candidate (wallace 1968/anderson 1980

AVOIDWAR: "Looking ahead, do you think the problem of keeping out of war would be handled better in the next four years by the Republicans, by the Democrats, or about the same by both?" tabulation: Freq. 970 2166 947 387 Numeric 1 2 3 Label better by democrats same by both better by republicans

9 dk; depends(1972

PROTESTS: "There are many possible ways for people to show their disapproval or disagreement with governmental policies and actions. I am going to describe three such ways. We would like to know which ones you approve of as ways of showing dissatisfaction with the government and which ones you disapprove of. How about taking part in protest meetings or marches that are permitted by the local authorities? Would you approve of taking part, disapprove, or would it depend on the circumstances?" tabulation: Freq. 1736 1566 738 Numeric 1 2 3 Label disapprove pro-con, depends;dk approve

CIVILDIS: "How about refusing to obey a law which one thinks is unjust, if the person feels so strongly about it that he is willing to go to jail rather than obey the law? Would you approve of a person doing that, Disapprove, or would it depend on the circumstances?" tabulation: Freq. 1909 1512 617 Numeric 1 2 3 Label disapprove pro-con, depends;dk approve

DEMONSTRATIONS: "Suppose all other methods have failed and the person decides to try to stop the government from going about its usual activities with sit-ins, mass meetings, demonstrations, and things like that? Would you approve of that, disapprove, or would it depend on the circumstances?" tabulation: Freq. 2436 1292 305 Numeric 1 2 3 Label disapprove pro-con, depends, dk approve

POSBLACKS: "In the past few years we have heard a lot about civil rights groups working to improve the position of the Negro in this country. How much real change do you think there has been in the position of the Negro in the past few years: a lot, some, or not much at all?" tabulation: Freq. 743 2083 2896 92 Numeric 1 2 3 9 Label not much at all some a lot dk;depends

CRSPEED: "Some say that the civil rights people have been trying to push too fast. Others feel they haven't pushed fast enough. How about you: Do you think that civil rights leaders are trying to push too fast, are going too slowly, or are they moving about the right speed?" tabulation: Freq. 407 1916 3158 266 Numeric 1 2 3 9 Label too slowly about right (1968 only) too fast dk; depends; other

SEGREGATION: "Are you in favor of desegregation, strict segregation, or something in between?" tabulation: Freq. 2127 2578 924 93 Numeric 1 2 3 9 Label desegregation in between strict segregation dk

SCHOOLINTEG: "Some people say that the government in Washington should see to it that white and black children go to the same schools. Others claim this is not the government's business. Have you been concerned enough about [in] this question to favor one side over the other? (IF YES) Do you think the government in Washington should ---" tabulation: Freq. 2235 Numeric 1 Label yes: see to it that white and black 2483 2 yes: stay out of this area 1087 9 no, no opinion;dk;depends;no interest/concern;other INTERVENTION: "This country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world." tabulation: Freq. 834 3068 123 Numeric 1 2 9 Label agree disagree dk;depends;not sure

WARRIGHT: "Have you been paying attention to what is going on in Vietnam? (IF YES:) Do you think we did the right thing in getting into the fighting in Vietnam or should we have stayed out?" tabulation: Freq. 2696 1800 727 Numeric 1 2 8 Label no, should have stayed out yes, did right thing dk

WARWITHDRAW: "Which of the following do you think we should do now in Vietnam?" tabulation: Freq. 428 923 Numeric 1 2 Label pull out entirely keep trying to get a peaceful settlement 972 662 3 9 take a stronger stand dk;depends;pro-con;no opinion;other;have not paid WOMENPOLITICS: "Women should stay out of politics." tabulation: Freq. 527 2135 24 Numeric 1 2 9 Label agree disagree dk

FAIRBLACK: "Some people feel that if black people are not getting fair treatment in jobs, the government in Washington ought to see to it that they do. Others feel that this is not the federal government's business. Have you had enough interested in this question to favor one side over the other? (IF YES) How do you feel? Should the government in Washington see to it that black people get fair treatment in jobs or should the government in Washington leave these matters to the states and local communities?" tabulation: Freq. 2326 Numeric 1 Label see to it that black people get fair treatment in jobs 2241 5 not the federal government's business 1266 9 other;depends;dk;no interest

BUSING: "There is much discussion about the best way to deal with racial problems. Some people think achieving racial integration of schools is so important that it justifies busing children to schools out of their own neighborhoods. Others think letting children go to their neighborhood schools is so important that they oppose busing. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this?" tabulation: Freq. 233 125 2133 195 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Support busing In between Oppose busing DK

VIETNAMSCALE: "There is much talk about "hawks" and "doves" in connection with Vietnam, and considerable disagreement as to what action the United States should take in Vietnam. With regard to Vietnam, Some people think we should do everything necessary to win a complete military victory, no matter what results. Some people think we should withdraw completely from Vietnam right now, no matter what results. And, of course, other people have opinions somewhere between these two extreme positions. At what point on the scale would you place yourself on this scale or haven't you thought much about this?" tabulation: Freq. 1392 942 1186 129 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Withdraw In between Complete military victory DK

WOMENEQ: "Recently there has been a lot of talk about women's rights. Some people feel that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government. Others feel that a women's place is in the home. And of course, some people have opinions somewhere in between. Where would you place yourself on this scale or haven't you thought much about this?" tabulation: Freq. 1244 Numeric 1 Label Women and men should have an equal role 520 780 141 2 3 4 In between Women's place is in the home DK

SCHOOLPRAY: "Some people think it is all right for the public schools to start each day with a prayer. Others feel that religion does not belong in the public schools but should be taken care of by the family and the church. Have you been interested enough in this to favor one side over the other? (IF YES) Which do you think--schools should be allowed to start each day with a prayer or religion does not belong in the schools?" tabulation: Freq. 2156 Numeric 1 Label schools should be allowed to start with prayer 411 5 religion does not belong in the school 339 8 other;depends;both (1964-1968);dk;no interest THERMCATH: Warmth of feelings toward Catholics tabulation: Freq. 165 1773 1338 1748 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMBLACK: Warmth of feelings toward blacks tabulation: Freq. 213 1739 1742 1432 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm


THERMWHITE: Warmth of feelings toward whites tabulation: Freq. 35 770 1032 3307 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMSOUTH: Warmth of feelings toward southerners tabulation: Freq. 204 1927 1372 1512 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMBLMIL: Warmth of feelings toward black militants tabulation: Freq. 1380 526 92 37 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMCRLEAD: Warmth of feelings toward civil rights leaders tabulation: Freq. 664 665 480 236 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm


THERMWMLIB: Warmth of feelings toward women's libbers tabulation: Freq. 471 820 495 241 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMYOUNG: Warmth of feelings toward young people tabulation: Freq. 15 188 649 1256 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm

THERMRADICAL: Warmth of feelings toward radical students tabulation: Freq. 988 842 166 40 Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label Very cold Cold Warm Very warm


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