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Dear friends and family, We wish you all a wonderful and happy 2013 and pray that His

peace and love may be evident in your life this coming year. A lot has happened since you last heard from us and we would like to take a bit of time to look back on last year and tell you all about our trip to Europe and America. Thankful As we look back on the year 2012 and all the things that have happened, truly one feeling is coming up in our hearts and that is thankfulness. God has been so faithful to us in the good and in the hard moments that we have had this last year and this has deepened our relationship with Him. Our personal goal was in the beginning of the year to spend more time in the Word and this we have done. As a couple we have got together reading the New Testament book by book, it was amazing what a blessing is upon that to do it as a family. But there is more this year to come, we want to go even deeper in the Word and take time every day to be in the Word as our first priority in the mornings as a family. We have seen God work in miraculous ways in peoples lives here in South Africa, in Europe, America and in Uganda. We are thankful for being planted here in South Africa in this season of our lives as He has been reconfirming our time being here. Trip Europe/America In the beginning of October after teaching for a week in a disciple training school here in South Africa we left to fly to America via Holland. We were in Holland for 3 days where we had the opportunity to minister in our home church, share and give an overview of the things Gods has been doing and had the opportunity to pray for every single person that needed prayer; it was wonderful to be home. Then we traveled to Ohio in the United States where we were for 2 days as we immediately had to fly from there to Seattle for the conference where we were invited to speak. This conference is called GTS (Generations Taking a Stand) and is a youth conference with Ukrainian people. Kevin has been a speaker here for 2 years in a row but now it was time for Mariella to come along. As soon as they heard that Mariella was coming along, they invited her to speak at a womans conference that was going to be held on a Sunday night and also asked her to speak on one morning session of the conference. We had an amazing but busy time and God was moving and touching the youth to take a stand for Christ in the place where they have been planted. The womans conference was amazing and many responded to the altar call. There was one girl that came forward and shared afterwards that she was done with her life and was very depressed. After praying for her and prophesying Gods heart she recommitted her life to Christ and felt like a totally different person walking out of the building, praise God!

After our time in Seattle we flew back to Ohio where we were going to stay for the rest of the weeks. It was wonderful to see Kevins brother and his wife and the precious Wallace family and all of our other friends that we have there. We were invited for 3 different conferences in the State Ohio and as well ministering in different churches every weekend. We also were conducting healing services where we saw an amazing breakthrough in the area of healing. People were healed and touched by the healing power of God as they were in their seats worshipping Jesus! We saw a lump shrink in a lady her back, a deaf ear popping open, stomach disorders, asthma, arthritis being healed and many other amazing miracles. One lady that decided to come to the healing service before she visited the doctor was standing and worshipping in the service with a stomach disorder that caused the swelling of her stomach as that of a pregnant lady. She said that as we called out the word of knowledge concerning a stomach disorder, the power of God hit her in her seat and her stomach shrank back to normal immediately. Praise God for the power of the gospel! After the service we were able to see a picture of her swollen stomach that she took before the service. Another testimony that truly made an impact on us was about a man who came to our service looking for healing. He later on shared that as we were calling out words of knowledge he got very upset that God never mentioned his condition through us. Before the meeting God had already given us a word of knowledge concerning someone who was filled with anger and as he was standing in the service angry, thinking that God forgot about him, the word of knowledge concerning anger came and he knew that he was that man. He came forward to prayer for his anger and as he went back to his seat God touched his body and as Kevin was ministering this man runs up to him and says: I cannot feel my liver!! Kevin was totally confused and said: Whats the big deal I cannot feel my liver either?? But the man said, you do not understand, for the past 10 years I have had hepatitis C and for the past 5 years because of my condition, my liver was swollen and I have been able to feel the pain of it 24/7. But after being prayed for as I went back to stand next to my wife, the pain went away and I cannot feel my liver any longer!! The next day he testified that the pain was still gone and that he believed that God not only had emptied him from his anger and filled him with His peace, but also totally healed him from hepatitis C! Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who always is moved with compassion and sees us when we think He doesnt. If you would like to listen to some of the testimonies including the last one shared by the man himself, you can download or listen to the sermon by clicking on this link: We were also invited back for a second interview on TBN and the director of the station there was so touched, as he listened from behind the scenes, that he invited Kevin back to preach on the program. This is an amazing opportunity for our ministry but also for the gospel to be spread as this show has millions of viewers. We have just recently received a copy of our interview on TBN two years ago with Kevins testimony in it, if you would like to see this you can click on this link: After our time in the States we went back for 2 weeks to be in Holland and Sweden where we could visit family and had 2 new churches inviting us to come and speak, one in Holland and one in Sweden. Kevin was extremely happy to minister in Sweden as it was his first invitation since he left the country. We are so thankful that always God remains faithful, even when our faith doesnt measure up. We want to thank all our family, friends and those who have so faithfully stood with us in prayer and financially support! Thank you once again for standing with us in the proclamation of the gospel! May the Lord do in and trough you abundantly, exceedingly and above what you can even ask or imagine and may He provide all your needs according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus.

With love and blessing,

Kevin en Marilla Kazemi

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