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Home > Obama Taps Anti-Gay Preacher for Inaugural Benediction (with Shocking Quotes)

ThinkProgress [1] / By Josh Israel [2]

Obama Taps Anti-Gay Preacher for Inaugural Benediction (with Shocking Quotes)
January 9, 2013 | The Presidential Inauguration Committee announced Tuesday [3] that the President Obama has selected Pastor Louie Giglio of the Georgia-based Passion City Church to deliver the benediction for his second inauguration. In a mid-1990s sermon identified as Giglios, available online on a Christian training Web site [4], he preached rabidly anti-LGBT views. The 54-minute sermon, entitled In Search of a Standard Christian Response to Homosexuality, advocates for dangerous ex-gay therapy for gay and lesbian people, references a biblical passage often interpreted to require gay people be executed, and impels Christians to firmly respond to the aggressive agenda and prevent the homosexual lifestyle from becoming accepted in society. Below are some of the most disturbing views in the sermon. Christians must fight against LGBT-equality: (2:40) We must not just sit quietly by and stick our heads in the sand and let whatever happens happen in our country. Weve got to respond to the world that we live in. That is the mandate that comes to us as people of God. And this issue is coming more and more to the forefront every day. (31:45) We must lovingly but firmly respond to the aggressive agenda of not all, but of many in the homosexual community. Underneath this issue is a very powerful and aggressive moment. That movement is not a benevolent movement, it is a movement to seize by any means necessary the feeling and the mood of the day, to the point where the homosexual lifestyle becomes accepted as a norm in our society and is given full standing as any other lifestyle, as it relates to family. Homosexuality is a sin:

(9:20) [God] says very clearly in [Leviticus], verse 22, after he talks about a lot of different kinds of relationships, he says in verse 22: You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female. It is an abomination. Now if you would look forward into the New Testament context, to the passage that most of us know most commonly with this issue, into chapter one of the book of Romans, lets read a few verses together beginning in verse 18. If youre taking notes tonight, you might make this the note of Leviticus 20:13 and the book of Jude, we wont look at those passages but there is some support and encouragement there to this topic. (17:37) Men, women, I cant say anything other to you tonight than this, that if you look at the counsel of the word of God, Old Testament, New Testament, you come quickly to the conclusion that homosexuality is not an alternate lifestyle homosexuality is not just a sexual preference homosexuality is not gay, but homosexuality is sin. It is sin in the eyes of God, and it is sin according to the word of God. You come to only one conclusion: homosexuality is less than Gods best for his creation. It is less than Gods best for us and everything in our lives that is less than Gods best for us and his plan for us and his design for us, is sin. Thats Gods voice. If you want to hear Gods voice, that is his voice to this issue of homosexuality. It is not ambiguous and unclear. It is very clear. People arent born gay but even if they are, its still a choice like giving into alcoholism, addiction, and overeating: (28:20) I would refer you maybe just to the article Born gay? by Joe Dallas, who is the president of a ministry that helps with homosexuals in recovery. It was found in Christianity Today in June of 1992. It really unfolds for us that the evidence that they say is there, that the media wants to tell us is there really isnt there at all. But I want to tell you this tonight. Even if it was there How do you respond to that? How do you respond to the news reports that were hearing in the last few months that there is a genetic tendency to be an over-eater and its been supposedly proved by the scientists? That there is a genetic tendency to addictive behavior. Alcoholics by and large have a genetic tendency to addictive behavior. I predict in our lifetimes and not a very long period of time from now, scientists and geneticists will have found a way to prove a gene theory for every malfunction in sinful society. And do you know why? We talked about it the very first weekbecause we do not want responsibility for our choices. Gay people are going to Hell:

(47:40) First Corinthians, Chapter 6. In verses nine and 10, it talks about the things that prevent people from entering the Kingdom of God. It talks about all kinds of immoral behavior. And right in the midst of that passage, right in the middle of that verse it says and those who are homosexual. Its clear. Gay people can become straight through Christianity: (40:25) As the church of Jesus Christ, we cannot sit on the sidelines, we cannot sit back inside our churches, but we must reach out and we must aggressively move toward the homosexual community because we have a message and weve got something to say our message is we know Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is powerful enough to do anything and to do everything. And the only way out of a homosexual lifestyle, the only way out of a relationship that has been engrained over years of time, is through the healing power of Jesus. (43:16) Weve got to say the homosexuals, the same thing that I say to you and that you would say to me its not easy to change, but it is possible to change. Listen to the sermon: Four years ago anti-gay Pastor Rick Warren [5] gave the invocation at President Obamas first inauguration. A spokesman for Giglio was not immediately available to respond to questions about whether this sermon represents Giglios current thinking. See more stories tagged with: Giglio [6], obama [7], rick warren [8]
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