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A Book Report Presented to the Faculty Of Louisiana Baptist University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor of Arts In Bible and Theology

By Leo Rene Minnaar JULY 2012

Minnaar This is well worth reading as John MacArthur looks at encouraging those who take leadership roles within the church. The principals apply to all. He specifically looks at the leadership style and qualities depicted by the Apostle Paul, and he includes

Nehemiah as he too deals with leadership issues. He brings out 26 leadership principals that apply to those who want to be good leaders. . I. The issues of leadership A. B. C. D. II. Basic characteristics of a leader Leaders lead by example Effective leaders are sure of their calling The leaders warfare

The reality of good leadership A. B. C. D. The leader and the pitfalls The leader and his fitness The leader and Gods word The leader and his success

Conclusion statement: John MacArthur has written a book from the perspective of a Pastor. He answers the questions about the need for true leaders. He looks at leadership; questions their motives, and reminds the leader that ultimately he is answerable to God as to how he led the flock of God. He finishes off by looking at the characters that supported Pauls ministry and those that opposed. He illustrates that Paul was encouraged and uplifted by those that he lead to Christ. This was for him his crowning Joy.

John MacArthur looks at the issues of leadership. He makes several comments about the corporate world and the current leadership books. He observes that the Christians leadership books tend to look at the corporate world, its effective leaders and

Minnaar role models rather than Gods word. They search out applicable biblical principles that

apply, then write books with the sales pitch as the right method of leadership styles to be incorporate in the churches as models for leadership. The Author takes the view that a leader must take the initiative; he also takes a chapter or two from the life of Nehemiah as examples of leadership. He points out that he must also use good judgement, based on sound counsel; this means much deliberation and caution. A good leader strengthens others. To do this he must be courageous and uncompromising when it comes to Gods word. He is to focus on the objective, rather than obstacles. They are obedient to the Gospel mandate.

He brings out the fact that Leaders lead by example and stay the course. He is devoted to his flock and loyal. His empathy will generate loyalty and servant hood in others. His conscience is clear as he lives in accordance to Gods word. A leader is definite and decisive. He is to be certain of his direction and people will follow. Indecisiveness will cause them to flounder and mull around directionless. By the same token, he must know when to change his mind. Bad decisions do get made from time to time; he must be willing to change. Dogmatism is only applicable to Scripture. A good leader does not abuse his authority, nor does he abdicate his role. He is to defend his role, as Paul did, when facing opposition. Pauls character, leadership abilities and apostleship was brought into dispute. All leaders will face opposition; they are to stand faithful to God, his calling and His Word. A good leader influences others, in fact the author uses this as his measuring stick as to the effectiveness of a good leader.

Minnaar For a leader to be effective he must be sure of his calling. A leader, who is not

sure, will falter and fall. His confidence is not in himself but in God. His strength will lie in his humility, the leader understands that it is not by his strength of character nor charm or good looks, but it is God who builds the church. He then uses the illustration of Paul who says that he is but a piece of clay. It has no intrinsic value, yet sturdy and above all, expendable. Paul likens himself to it. He knows that he is but a man, weak and expendable, that it is all about God and not self.

An effective leader understands the spiritual warfare. Therefore he is passionate about serving God and man. Passionate, yet compassionate, having zeal and yet long suffering. John MacArthur shares the practicalities and realities of leadership when he speaks of opposition, he mentions that some confrontations cannot be avoided, that the leader of convictions will face strong opposition and that he is to be courageous and make a stand. People follow after courageous men of God. He also speaks of militancy. The man of God knows that he is to tear down fortress of human philosophies, and principalities that are steeped in hell. To achieve all this, the leader is to be discerning. He is to be armed for the spiritual warfare that he is to face. It takes prayer and the study of Gods word. All this takes time and effort.

The author practically shares some of the pitfalls in leadership or the reality of leadership. He emphasizes that the most common pitfall is the lack of discipline or self control. It is the lack of self discipline in personal behavior that is the downfall of many leaders. They started well, but the sin of pride sets in which end up in a lack of morals


and the temptations become great. In fact to help overcome the issue of discipline, John MacArthur gives several practical tips in this regard.

Self discipline speaks of being organized in every aspect of your life. Practically, clean your office, make time and organize your time. Do the hardest first and work your way down. Accomplish your goals: Do it correctly, the small things count. An undisciplined leader loses credibility, also makes sure you keep your promises. Offer to help others, learning to have a servants heart and lastly learn to say no to your fleshly desires. Self discipline takes hard work, consistency and faithfulness. He then brings in the issue of a leader being energetic; it is the bases to the majority of qualities. He brings up the issue of finishing what you started. Paul speaks of bringing his body unto subjection; that he has his eyes on the prize, as an athlete he is self disciplined and goal orientated, as any good leader should.

John MacArthur looks at the reasons for the fitness of those that should lead in churches and those that shouldnt. He clearly shows that in regards to integrity and ethics etc, we see the worlds culture has crept in that has allowed men of ill repute to permeate the leadership roles of today, consequently bringing to the foreground the need to bring in the ethical character of leadership as being an imperative issue. He brings up three issues that are of importance in this regard: Plurality, priority and prayer. By this he means that there was more than one person in leadership in the first churches. By priority he implies that every leader knows that he cannot do all the work himself, he has to learn to delegate. With the understanding that in delegation he must

Minnaar allow for failures. Prayer is seen as fundamental to every church related endeavour. It is God who is the Lord of the harvest, so it pays to start your day in prayer, requesting that God will bring the necessary increase to His Church.

The ministry of the Word takes hard work. This in itself is time consuming, especially if you want to give the people meat instead of milk. Coupled with this, the leader is to be Christ like. The men chosen to serve and wait on tables were men chosen because of their moral character and not because of ability, business sense or strength of character. And so it should be, I am reminded what John MacArthur brought out in regards to Hosea ... Like people, like priest... Hosea 4:9b. The Church follows the leader, and if he is morally weak, so is the Church.

Paul, reflecting on his ministry bases his success one criterion that he had kept the faith. The author then shows the negatives and positives in the people under Pauls leadership. We see all leaders will face betrayal, lack of commitment and disappointments. Then there are those that just grow in the Lord, and how they are a blessing and a joy to the leader.

He closes with a challenging thought/challenge; Was Paul a failure as a leader? Not in the least, his continuing influence in the lives of so many people gives ample proof of the effectiveness of his leadership to the very end. He kept the faith.

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