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Reading literary selections, be they poems, short stories novels, play, or essays is always a novel experience.

It is always a revelation of new insights, no matter how commonplace the theme may appear the first time it is read. A readers repeated experience with it gains foe him meaning that his first reading did not give. Poetry may bewitch a reader .it may make him look at the beauty of its form. The reader gets thrilled, finds a new experience, and lingers in presence of the poem. Reading a poem may be challenging especially when its substance and outline are cast into changes and symbols. The reader gets confused and comes up with several interpretations. Some times the poem may have other meaning, Nonetheless. It is not impossible to understand the poem. The readers will surely get the meaning behind relationship of images if they will allow such to work intuitively on their emotions and sensations.

A short story serves the same function. It talks about human condition. The plot, setting character, and the other element of a short story help readers understand the theme or the main idea of the story. The setting of a story tells more than time and place in which the action occurs. A character, on the other hand, is one who takes part in the action of a story. Readers see the same elements plot. Character, settings, and theme-in a novel. But a novel, because of its length, allows a writer to include more characters and develop them more thoroughly. In addition to innumerate minute realistic details and several related events. A novel cannot be read in one sitting which sheds some light on a topic. It may be classified into familiar and formal. The familiar essay shares with the readers the writers personal experience with the topic, adopts a sprightly conversational style gives an insight into mans ideal and aspirations. On the other hand, the formal essay explains a theory, reflect about what life is, or expresses views on literature and the arts, it develops an idea through the logical arrangement of the details, following the beginning-middle-end pattern, using the serious or literary language. Dramas have plots, characters, and settings. They depict themes, employ imagery and figurative language, and use devices of sound. Dramas, however, are told through dialogue spoken by performers on front of the audience.

In general, dramas may be Romantic, realistic and symbolic. The romantic plays draw us into the world of imagination which brings out pleasurable emotions or makes us shudder at horrible scenes. The realistic plays present life exactly as it is, stripped of all glamour. The symbolic plays convey the idea that the objective world is a reflection of the invisible.

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