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1) Contact Information

a) Contact Name1 Michael Traub

b) Presenter(s) full name/degrees: Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, FABNO
c) Address, City, State and Zip Code: 73-5618 Maiau St. Ste A204, Kailua
Kona, HI 96740
d) Day time telephone: 808-329-2114
e) Fax number: 808-326-2871
f) Email address:
2) The abstract is being submitted for (choose one)
a) Oral Presentation (preference of 60 minutes)
3) Presentation title: Infectious Disease Update
4) Short description of presentation (up to 50 words): Selected topics in
infectious disease that are critically relevant to naturopathic practice.
Experience an engaging and insightful perspective on treating cutaneous and
systemic infections.
5) Abstract2 - All abstracts should include:
a) Clearly stated learning objectives:
As a result of attending this presentation, attendees should be able to:
demonstrate increased knowledge regarding cutaneous and systemic
bacterial, fungal and viral infections and mechanisms of various natural
medicines, drugs and immunomodulatory agents including corticosteroids,
oral and topical antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals, and vaccines; describe
potential adverse effects that may be related to the use of these various
medications; define appropriate outcome measures for the optimal follow-up
of patients with infections
b) Presentation outline:
I. Steroids and Infectious Disease?
A. Herpes zoster
B. Cellulitis
II. Methacillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA)
III. Nosocomial Infections
IV. Dermoscopy and Cutaneous Infection
A. Molluscum contagiousum
B. Verruca
C. Cutaneous Larva Migrans
D. Ticks
E. Lice
F. Scabies
V. Chronic or Recalcintrant Infections
A. Recurrent tinea
B. Atypical Acid Fast Bacteria
VI. Update on Viral Infections
A. Herpes
B. Zoster
1. Postherpetic neuralgia
C. Human papilloma virus
1. HPV vaccine

c) Mention of whether or not pharmacy discussion will occur during the

presentation: Yes, most definitely
d) Target audience: medical practitioner, researcher, scientist, student
6) Biographical sketch3 (up to 150 words)

Dr. Traub completed pre-med studies at the University of California at Irvine. He graduated from
NCNM in 1981 and completed a residency there in Family Practice and Homeopathy. He
received his diplomate from the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians in 1989. Dr.
Traub was recognized for his many years of service in the AANP, including President from 2001-
2003, when he was honored with the 2006 Physician of the Year Award. His father is a retired
dermatologist, and this inspired Dr. Traub to undertake extra study in this subject. He has taught
dermatology at five of the seven accredited naturopathic medical schools in North America and
is the author of “Essentials of Dermatologic Diagnosis and Integrative Therapeutics.” He has
been medical director of Lokahi Health Center in Kailua Kona for the past 24 years. Dr. Traub is
a fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology.

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