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A.C. Generator is a device which is used to convert the mechanical energy in to electrical energy is called electric generator. In electricity generation, an electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. A generator forces electric charge (usually carried by electrons) to flow through an external electrical circuit. The source of mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, compressed air, or any other source of mechanical energy. Generators supply almost all of the power for the electric power grids which provide most of the world's electric power. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by an electric motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. Many motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity and frequently make acceptable generators.

Principle of A.C. Generator

It is based on the principle of electro magnetic induction. When a coil rotated about on axis perpendicular to the direction of uniform magnetic field, an induced e.m.f. is produced across it.

Construction of A.C. Generator

The A.C. Generator is consist of four main parts : (1) THE COIL (ARMATURE) :

A rectangular coil ABCD consist of a large number of turns of copper bound over a soft iron core is called armature. The soft iron core is used to increase the magnetic flux. (2) It is MAGNETIC FIELD : usually a permanent

sponge magnet having concave poles. The armature is rotated of a magnet so that axis of the armature is perpendicular to magnetic field lines. (3) SLIP RINGS :

Slip rings are the magnetic rings which are connected in the terminal of the armature. These rings are rotated with the coil and these are use to draw the current from the generator.



The brushes B1 & B2 are just touch the slip rings. They are not rotating with the coil and these brushes leads to the output of load resistance.

Working of A.C. Generator The coil is rotated in anti-clock wide direction. In the first half rotation the arm AB is moving outward and CD is moving inward. So the e.m.f. is induced in the arm AB from A to B. And in the arm CD from C to D. After half rotation (in the second half). The arm CD is moving outward and AB is moving inward. In this time current is induced in arm CD from D to C. And in arm AB from B to A. In the second half rotation the current direction is changing so in this generator AC is produced. In order to determine the magnitude and direction of induced e.m.f, let us consider the different positions of the coil which has N turns of wire. In one revolution following positions can be considered.

When initially coil is vertical, the length arms AC and BD are moving parallel to the lines of force maximum number of lines link the coil, but rate of change of flux is zero, hence emf is zero. As the coil moves from this position, sides AC and BD begin to cut the lines of force and induced emf is setup till it is maximum when the coil is horizontal. It has rotated 90o, 1st quarter is completed. Further rotation decreases the value of emf, until at the end of 2nd quarter, when coil is vertical, it has rotated 180o, the emf is again zero. As the coil rotates further from position 3 to position 4, an emf is again induced, but in reverse direction, because AC and BD are cutting the magnetic lines in opposite direction. The reverse emf reaches to ve peak value at the end of 3rd quarter. The coil is horizontal and angle of rotation is 270o. On further rotation, the emf again decreases and becomes zero when the coil

returns back to its original position after rotating 360o. This shows that the coil of generator produces induced emf which reverse its direction 2*f times in one cycle. Where f = frequency of rotation of coil. Expression for Instantaneous e.m.f. Produced : Let position of the coil at any time t. It's make angle an angle with vertical. If is uniform angular speed of the coil. Then = t B be the strength of magnetic field n be the number of turns in the coil and A area of the coil then magnetic flux with the coil in this position is given by :

= nBA Cos = nBA Cos t.

differentiate w.r.t. time.

= nBA (-Sin t) = -nBA Sin t = = -(-nBA Sin t)

maximum value of e.m.f. say 0

= 0 Sin t.

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