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Bulkhead spacing throughout the cargo tank is determined by the The deterioration of steel due to the chemical and electro-chemical reaction to its environment is called _____ The contamination in the environment such as soluble salts that are present in moisture and oxygen in air are called ___ The underwater hull of a vessel is submerged in water and needs corrosion protection, the most common and effective corrosion protection for this area is _____ Ballast tanks are subjected to sea water and therefore needs special corrosion protection , the most commonly used are. ___ Paint protection are effective in retarding the corrosion process by limiting the access to the substrate of the ____? Sacrificial anodes are good corrosion protection because zinc, aluminum or magnesium are ____ the electrochemical table than steel The most effective method of corrosion removal is the ___ When using conventional paints, shot blasting standard for outside hull and upper deck must conformed with ___ Coating defects of paint which have bubbles that may contain liquid and are created by localized loss of adhesion are called_ The usual method of determining the wet film thickness of applied paints is thru the ____ The best information on the nature and extent of damage to the vessel is obtained from___ A liner in riveted construction of a vessel a (n)

Length of the cargo Tank Corrosion Electrolytes Cathodic Protection Cathodic and coating protection Electrolyte Higher up Abrasive blasting SIS St 3 Blister Comb gauge Personnel at the scene of the damage Small plate which fills the aperture between riveted strakes and the vessel framing Joggled construction Ultrasonic Lap Joint Lack of penetration The aluminum structure is usually attached to a steel coaming by a method that insulates the two metals. To provide strength to shell plating at the stern Test welds for subsurface defects Tack Fillet welds Strap joint Butted welds Mild steel Reduces plate stress Butt Thickeness of the connected members Rudder palms Butts Filling completely Welding must be completed before the riveting begins Penetrometer

14 15 16 17 18

The use of liners in riveted construction is eliminated by using Which type of weld testing can be used to detect internal flaws? The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ____ Which weld fault can only be detected by a method that examine the internal structure of a weld? A vessel is constructed with a steel hull and and an aluminum superstructure. Which statement is TRUE? What is the purpose of cant frames in steel vessels? Ultrasonic testing is used to determined the thickness of a vessels shell plating and to___________ What welding patterns is NOT used to permanently attach a stiffener to a plate? The weld used to attach stiffener to a plate are known as ____ The type of joint formed when a third small plate is riveted over two plates butted together is called a The welds used to join shell plates in flush construction are knwn as Rivets are usually made of ____ Which is NOT an advantage of the flush method of welds shell plating? The joint formed when two steel plates are placed end to end is called a The grip of a joint represents the _____ The horizontal flat surfaces where the upper stock joins the ruder are the When riveted joints occur at the ends of plating they are called A wooden plug fitted tightly in the vent of a damaged tank may prevent tank from._____ Which statement is thru concerning repairs on the hull of a vessel which to be weld will be indicated by the The smallest size of flow that can be deleted on a radiograph examination of a weld will be

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indicated by the .___ Which type of weld testing ca be used to detect internal flaws? The shearing stresses on a ships structure are usually greatest at ___ You must shore up a bulk head due to solid flooding forward. The bulkhead approximates a rectangle. The center of pressure of the shores on the bulkhead should be located ____ Which statement about bilge keels is CORRECT? Limber is a term associated with _____ Periodic surveys to review the load line assignment must be made at intervals NOT exceeding ____ What is the period of validity of a cargo ship safety equipment certificate ? The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a The sheer plan ____ What is the period of validity of the solas required Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate? The wooden plug inserted in the vent of a damaged tank should be removed if you are going to ____ What term indicates the immersed body of the vessel forward of the parallel mid-body Small hull leaks can be temporary repaired by What must be accurately determined to assess the potential for progressive flooding after a vessel has been damaged? Strengthering damaged bulkheads by using wood or street is called A void or empty space between two bulkheads or floors which prevents leakage from one to the other is called He positioning and temporary fastening together of units or fabricated parts of a ship prior to welding is called Wale shores would be used when dry docking a vessel with Which statement concerning dual-tonnage vessels is TRUE? Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant list and trim, however, further increase has been slow. Based on this data what should you expect? After an explosion , repair of emergency machinery and services should be accomplished _____ Progressive flooding may be indicated by ____ The interval time between the stern post landing on the block and the ship taking the blocks overall is referred to as the ? During the critical period of drydocking, part of the weight of the ship is borne by the blocks and creates an upthrust at the stern and increases the water level falls. This upthrust will cause a(an) A vessel being drydocked has a displacement of 15,000 tons, TPC 5 tons, KM 3.5 meters, GM .05meters, and has taken the blocks fore and aft at 3 meters draft. Find the GM when the water level has fallen 0.6 meter. Bulkhead spacing throughout the cargo tanks is determined by ___? The deterioration of steel due to the chemical and electro-chemical reaction to its environment is called___ Holes in the bulkwark, which allow deck water to drain into the , are ____? A Choch is a _____? Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck To what depth, in salt water, can a sealed box made of a metal which is capable of withstanding a pressure of 500 kgs, per square centimeter be sunk before if will collapse? A shroud is _______? As defined for subdivision calculating , it is the percentage of that space which can be occupied by water, what is it? Beams are cambered to . ____?

Radiographic The ships quarter length point Approximately halfway up the bulkhead They increase resistance to rolling Drainage Five years 60 months Suction lines are fitted with a non-return valve Shows a longitudinal side elevation 60 months Pump from the damage tank Entrance Caulking The intergrity of the water tight boundaries Shoring Cofferdam Erection Excessive deadrise A single-deck vessel may not be assigned dual tonnages. The vessel can probably be saved if further flooding can be stopped. After control of fire, flooding , and structural repairs. A continual worsening of list or trim Critical period Virtual loss of metacentric height


0.2 0.25 meters The length of the cargo tanks Corrosion Freeing ports Casting fined at the side of weather deck used as a fairlead Camber

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

4,878 meters A heavy wire extending from the must, athwartships to support the mast. Permeability Provide drainage from deck

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

What is not an advantage of double bottom vessels? The welds used to join shell plates in flush construction are known as _____ The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between beams and the frame and keeps the beam to the shell is called ____? One function of a bulwark is to When riveted joints occur at the ends of plating they are called ____ What is meants by spotting the boom ? A heated bulkhead has the effect on a hygroscope commodity of The term cant frame and counter are associated with the vessels ____ A cofferdam is _____ Damage bulkheads after collision take a permanent set which is independent of the parting or bulge cause by water pressure. To control this, you should While in drydock, your vessel will be belt- gauged. This process involves Your vessel has run hard aground in an area subject to significant wave action. Backing full astern failed to free her. What action should be taken next? When vessels are over 405 feet in length, how many bulkheads are fitted? Deep tanks are normally located aboard vessel Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant list and trim however, further increase has been slow. Based on this data, how should you expect? This provides a means of transferring loads between decks and fastening together the structure in vertical directions. A deck beam does not. The margin plate is the. Watertight equipment means;

They are less expensive to construction due increase access space Butt welds Stringer strake Help keep the deck dry Butts Placing it in a desired position Raising the vapor pressure of the commodity stern Made by placing two bulkhead a few feet apart Install shoring so that it supports the damaged bulhead without pushing them Sonic testing the hull to determine the hull thickness Flood empty tanks to increase bottom pressure and prevent inshore creep Five Abaft engine space The vessel can probably be saved if further flooding can be stopped Pillars Lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vessel Outboard strake of the plating on each side of the inner bottom Enclosed equipment so constructed that stream of water from those under a hea of 35 ft. can be played on the apparatus without leakage. Bilge corner Web Fist bolt Galvanic corrosion Furnace plates Watertight bulkhead Verification of loadline measurement You may not load to summer mark plus 2 inches if you will be at the winter zone. Beam knees The outer plating of a vessel Drilling or sonic-testing the hull to determine the plate thickness Seam Every ton of weight bearing on the blocks acts as if a ton of weight was removed at keel level Stealer plate The vessel can probably be saved if further

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

When a vessel drydock with the cargo on board, additional ____ are necessary for support The vertical plate of vessels girder is called; This is the patent device use for plugging a hole neutralized the flooding compartment; This is usually applied when two different metals form a corrosion cell Shell plating that has a curvature in the direction and must be heated and hammered to shape over specially prepared forms is called ____? A bulkhead which performs the supporting function similar to a pillar is called ; What is NOT an item requires the vessel to be dry-docked? You are loading at port A governed by the summer load mark for a voyage to port B governed by the winyter mark. The fresh water allowance is 10 , and the hydrometer reads 1.020. which of the following statements is TRUE? Brackets joining the deck beam and the side frames are known as; Shell plating is _____ While in drydocked your vessel will be belt-gauge. This process involves ______ The joint formed when two steel plates are placed longitudinally side to side is called a ___ Which statement about a vessels stability while dry-docking is TRUE?

94 95 96 97 98

99 100

To reduce the number of strakes at the bow, two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by single plate. This plate is known as a __ Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant luist and trim.however , further

101 102 103 104

increase has been slow.based on this data. What should you expect? Paint protection are effective in retarding the corrosion by limiting the access to the substrate of the _____? Coating defects of paints which have bublles that may contain liquid and are created by localized loss of adhesion are called ____? The usual method of determining the wet film thickness of applied paint is thru the ____? A liner in riveted construction of a vessel is a(n)_____

flooding can be stopped Electrolyte Blisters Comb gauge Small plate which filols the aperture between riveted strakes and the vessel framing Best welds for subsurface defects Mild steel Approximately halfway up the bulkhead Drainage Freeing ports Bottom longitudinal Stiffeners To prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessels frames or shell plating. Fore and after peaks Web frames Amidship Skeg Reduces plate stress Sheer strake Shell Expansion Plan Brackets Duck keel pounding Ro-Ro Three Keel plate Lay out Fore peak Gudgeon Inside of the plating Transom floor Shell Expansion Plan Spurling Fluke Verification of load line measurement Ships docking plan Body plan Capacity plan Molded Profile or sheer plan

105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

Ultrasonic testing is used to determine the thickness of a vessels shell plating and to ____ Rivets are usually made of _____ You must shore up a bulkhead due to solid flooding. The bulkhead approximates a rectangle. The center of pressure of the shores on the bulkhead should be located _____ Limber is a term associated with _____ Holes in the bulkwark, which allow deck water to drain inti the sea, are _____? The floors in a vessels hull structure are from tripping or rolling over by ____ Vertical structural members attached to the floor that add strength to the floors are called ____ Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is Panting frames are located in the _____ In a transversely frames ship, the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXPECT __ In ship construction, keel scantling should be GREATEST The extension of the after part of the keel in a single screw upon which in the stern post rest is called the Which is NOT an advantage of the flush method of welded shell plating? The uppermost continuous hull plating is called the A drawing used to identity individual strakes and plates is called a Bulkhead stiffeners are attached to the tank top by; A keel structure constructed to allow piping to run through it is called Additional bottom stiffening is required immediately all side of the collision bulkhead to resist.___ A vessel constructed without bulkheads on the main cargo deck will be assigned the class notation The minimum number of transverse bulkheads required for a vessel with machinery aft is ; The lower end of the stern bar is attached to a A General Arrangement drawing gives details of a vessels A perforated flat is part of the structure in the The hinge on which a rudder is called a; Moulded beam is the measurement taken to the ; The top of a stern frame is connected to the vessels structure at the ; A drawing used to identify individual strakes and plates is called a; The pipe which directs the anchor cable from the windlass to the chain lockers is called ; The part of an anchor which takes hold on the bottom is the Which of the following is NOT an item that requires the vessel to be drydocked? The best information on the location of the blocks when drydocking a vessel is contained in the :___ This plan shows an endwise view of the ships moulded form where the transverse frame sections of the ship at various station drawn What is the ships broad profile which gives all data relating to the capacity of cargo spaces, tanks, bunkers, storerooms and location of the center gravity of each? What term indicates that the dimension is measured from the inner face of the shell or deck plating? This plan shows the general outline of the ship, contour of the stem and stern any sheer of the decks, the deck position and all waterlines in a longitudinal side elevation.

140 141 142 143 144 145 146

The tensile stress is a result of the forces acting in _____ The shearing strearing stresses on a ships structure are usually greatest at _____ A welded joints effectiveness is considered ; The smallest size of flaw that can be detected on a radiograpg examination of a weld wll be indicated by the ; The welds used to attached stiffeners to aplate are known as; Ultrasonic testing is used to determine the thickness of a vessels shell plating and to. A liner in riveted construction of a vessel is a (an )

Opposite directions on the same line, tending to pull the material apart. The ships quarter length point 100 % Penetrometer Fillet welds Test wel for subsurface detects Small plate which fills the aperture between riveted strakes and the vessel framing Caulking Joggled construction The welding must be completed before the riveting commences Furnace plate Buckler plates Breast hook Deck beam keel Garving dock Excessive deadrise Furnishing support to the rudder, propeller shaft and transom frame Stringers Stiffeners

147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169

After riveting is completed , the jointson on the shell of a vessel are generally made watertight by _ The use of liners in riveted construction is eliminated by using Sometimes is desirable to connect a member both by riveting and welding. Which statement is TRUE concerning the procedure? Plates that must be heated and hammered to shape over specially prepared terms is called; Metal plates used to secure the top of the hawse pipe to prevent water from passing through are called Horizontal plates fitted across the forepeak of the vessel to rigidly fasten together the peak frames, the stern, and the outside framing are called. The deck plating are placed on a foundation that runs athwartship from side to side of the vessel this is the; This refers to the backbone of the vessel running the entire length of the ship. A large basin cut into the shore, closed off by a caisson, and used for drydocking of ships is known as a ___ Wale shores would be used when drydocking vessel with; On a single-screw vessel, a function of the stern frame is; Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessels side plating are called ____ Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called ___ To reduce the number of strakes at the bow, two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate is known as ____ While in drydock your vessel will be belt gauged. This process involves _____ The result of two forces acting in opposite direction and along parallel lines, is an example of what type of stress? Tensile stress is a result of two force acting in ____ Weight concentration in which area will cause a vessels bottom to be subjected to tension stresses? A disk with a horizontal loine through its center, equivalent to the summer line, is called the _____ Separating both blocks of a tackle to prepare it for reuse is called ___ If two falls are attached to lift a one-ton load, what angle between the falls will result in the stress on each fall being equal to the load being lifted? The load line regulations are administered by the ____ A sling is rigged on a piece of pipe weighing 1000 lbs. The angle between the sling legs is 140 and the legs are of equal length. What stress is exerted on each sling leg when the pipe is lifted? The term that indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry is _____ What organization assigns loadlines to vesssels?

Stealer plate Drilling and sonic testing the hull to determine the plate thickness Shear Opposite directions on the same line, tending to pull the material apart Amidships Plimsoll mark Overhauling 120 Port state 1462 lbs.

170 171

Deadweight Classification societies

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

Which factor does NOT affect the required freeboard of a cargo vessel? The maximum theoretical stress that can be developed on a guy in yard and stay rig is limited by the The greatest horizontal stress between the heads of the booms in the yard and stay rig occurs when the load is in such a position that the.____ How much weight can you lift by applying 100 kgs, of force to a twofold purchase rigged to disadvantage ( do not consider friction )? What is the mechanical advantage of a threefold purchase when rove to disadvantage and neglecting friction? A load line is assigned by ____ The maximum draft to which is a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the _____ On a crane, the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the When the height of the metacenter is less than the height of the center of gravity, a vessel has what type of stability Signs of racking stress es generally appear at the ____ A large basin cut into the shore, close off by a caisson , and used for dry-docking of vessel is known as a _____ The maximum length allowed between main, transverse bulkheads on a vessel is referred to as the ______ The term scantling refers to the ____ What is the definition of transverse metacenter?

Condition of trim in normal operation Lifting capacity of the winch Falls are at an equal angle to the horizontal 400 kgs 6 Classification society Loadline mark Horizontal position Negative Junction of frames with the beams and floors Graving dock Permissible length Measurement of structural member The distance between the actual center of gravity and the maximum center of gravity that will allow a positive stability Vertically above the center of buoyancy Breadth Amount of liquid in slack tanks Classification society Reserve buoyancy The sum of the longitudinal freesurface moment s of the vessel Move in the direction of the added weight Metacenter 480 tons

186 187 188 189 189 190

At all angles of inclination , the metacenter is _____ The most important figure in calculating the free surface contains of a tank carrying liquid is The effects of free surface on a vessels initial stability , do NOT depend upon the ______ Loadline markings are set by? Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ____ The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel ca be found by dividing the vessels displacement with the___ What will happen to the center of gravity of a vessel when weight is added on a veesel? In the presence of external force, the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ____? The length of the vessel is 150m long,20m beam and 12m deep on an even keel at a draft of 8 meters, block coefficient 0.8, the vessel is floating in sea water. Find the cargo to discharge so that the vessel will float at the same draft mark in fresh water The difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by shifting a weight transversely is Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks .____ A large metacentric height will result in a ____? When a cargo boom or crane is rated at varying capacities, there will be a table at the controls which relates safe working load to _____ The two factors which make underwater hull repair difficult are accessibility and the _____ The horizontal fore-and aft movement of a vessel is called ____ With a given load on the cargo hook, the thrust on a cargo boom ____ Yawing is angular motion of the vessel about what axis? What is the difference between the static and dynamic force acting on the ships hull?

191 192 193

194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202

List Allow water on deck to flow off rapidly Short and quick rolling period Load radius Pressure exerted by the water Surge Increase as the angle to the horizontal increases Vertical Static forces are set up by the cargo and the sea and dynamic forces an set up by

203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210

211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 228 229 230 231

The strictest load line regulation apply to Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the decks? What term indicates an inward curvature to the ships hull above the waterline ? What term indicates the outward curvature of the hull above the waterline? Angular motion about the vertical axis of a vessel is called _____ The point that is halfway between the forward and after perpendicular and is a reference point for vessel constructions is the Heave is motion along the What term indicates the length measure along the summer load line from the intersection of that load line with the foreside of the stern and the intersection of that load line with the after side of the rudder post.? A spreader bar is used to ______ The horizontal port or starboard movement of a vessel is called Bukler plates are ____ Horizontal transverse motion of a vessels is known as With a given load on the cargo hook, tension in a single span topping lift ____ When a cargo boom or crane is rated at varying capacities, there will be a table After riveting is completed, the joints on the shell of a vessel are generally made watertight by ____ When must the master of a vessel log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the Official Logbook? Rolling is angular motion of the vessel about what axis? Which term indicates the rise in height of the bottom plating from the plane of the base line? What term indicates the line drawn at the top of the flat plate keel? What term indicates the immersed body of the vessel aft of the parallel mid-body? The angular movement of a vessel about a horizontal; line drawn from its bow to its astern is ? What term indicates a curvature of the decks in a longitudinal direction? What descriptive term indicates that the dimension is measured from the inner face of the shell or deck plating ? The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called The vertical motion of a floating vessel is known as ___ Pitching is angular motion of the vessel about what axis ? The foremost major watertight bulkhead is called The outward curvature of the side shell above the watertight and promotes and promotes dryness and associated with the fore end of the ship is called The curvature of the deck in the transverse direction and measured as the height of deck at center above the height of deck at side is called These are provided in the double bottoms of some vessels, these run from forward of the engine room bulkhead to the collision bulkhead and utilized to carry the dounble bottom piping Where a ship is classed for the carriage of heavy, or ore cargoes,____ framing is adopted for the double bottom? This is the main single criterion with reference to metals, it is a measure of the materials ability to withstand the loads upon it in service This is the ability of a material to undergo permanent changes in shape without rupture or loss of strength Find the surface area of a rectangle tank 90 x 3.0 x 1.5 meters A vessel is constructed with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure. Which statement is TRUE? Your vessel has been in collision and after assessing the damage, you begin down flooding.

the sea move action Passenger ship Camber Tumble home Flare Yaw Amidship Vertical axis Length between perpendiculars

Protect the upper part of a load Sway Metal plates secured over the tops of the hawspipes Sway Increases as the booms angle to the horizontal decreases Load radius Caulking Prior to getting underway Longitudinal Deadrise Baseline Run Rolling Sheer Molded Rise of bottom Heave Transverse Collision bulkhead Flare Camber Duck keel

232 233 234 235 236

Longitudinal Tensile strength Ductility 90 sqm The steel at the area of aluminum to steel connection must be closely checked for galvanic corrosion Rise



229 230

This will cause the KB to do which of the following? Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidship than at the ends, certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called _ The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the beams and the frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the ____ Which statement about a vessel stability while dry-docking is TRUE?

Drop strakes

Stringer strakes Every ton of weight bearing on the blocks acts as if a ton of weight was removed at keel level Row of plating nearest the keel Stealer plate Garboard strake Hull platings Inside of the shell Pumping out flooded compartment Verification of load line Measurement Excessive deadrise 100 % The outer plating of a vessel Amidship Support the strands laid around it Flush Drilling or sonic-testing the hull to determine the plate thickness Reduces plate stress Furnace plate thick Seam Peaks

231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

The garboard strake is the To reduce the number of strakes at the bow, two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate is known as a ___ The strake on each side of the keel is called a _______ The term strake is used in reference to _____ Molded depth is measured from the Progressive flooding is controlled by securing watertight boundaries and What is NOT an item that requires the vessel to be dry-docked ? Wale shores would be used when dry docking a vessel with ____ Sometimes it is desirable connect a member b brivtig and welding which statement is TRUE concerning this procedure ______ Shell plating is ____ In ship construction, keel scantling should be the greatest ____ The main function of the core of wire rope is to ___ Which arrangement of shell plating is used most in modern shipbuilding? While in dry dock your vessel will be belt gauge. This process involves What is NOT an advantage of ship construction methods using welded butt joint in the shell plating? Shell plating that has curvature in two direction and must be heated and hammered to shape over specially prepared forms is called ____ A thirty pound plate would be The joinyt formed when two steel shell plates are placed longitudinally side to side is called Those vessels tanks that are particularly important for trimming the vessel are the Your vessel displaces 497 tons. The existing deck cargo has a center of gravity of 2.5 ft. above the deck and weighs 24 tons. If you load 18 tons of ground tackle with an estimated center of gravity of 18 inches above the deck, what is the height of the CG of the deck cargo? Your vessel has a displacement of 24,500 tonnes it is 529 feet long and has a beam of 71 feet. You have timed your full rolling period to be 25.0 second, what is your vessels approximate GM? A vessel is inclined by moving a weight of 30 tons a distance of 30 ft. from the centerline. A 28 foot pendulum shows a deflection of 12 inches. Displacement including weight moved is 4,0000 tons.KM is 27.64 feet. What os the KG? Your vessel has a displacement of 100,000 tons, it is 350 feet long and has a beam of 55 feet , ypu have timed its full rolling period to be 15.0 seconds.What is your vessel GM Sixty tons of cargo are raised with a boom 45 feet from the centerline. The vessels displacement including the weight lifted is 16,400 tons. The angle list caused by suspended weight is 1.5 KM is 28.75 ft. and the BM is 17.25 ft. What is theKG What is the reduction in metacentric height due to free surface when tank 60 feet long and 30 feet wide is partially filled with salt water and is fined with a centerline bulkhead?(The vessel has a displacement of 10,000 tons.) A vessel displaces 869 tons and measures 135L x 33B. You vessel took a large wave on the after deck which measures 52L x 33B. The weight of the water is estimated at 52.8 tons. What is the reduction in GM due to free surface before the water drains overboard? A vessel carries three slack tanks of gasoline (SG.68). the vessels displacement is 8,000 tons.

2.70 feet


2.4 feet ( 0.70m)


21.34 feet

253 254

2.60 feet 22.46 feet


0.1 foot


4.83 feet



259 260 261

262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269

Each tank IS 50 ft. long and 20 ft. wide. What is the reduction in GM due to free surface with the vessel floating in sea water ( SG 1.026 )? Your vessels draft is 1600 aft. The MTI is 500 ft.tons. How many tons of water must be shifted from the after paek to the forepeak , a distance of 250 feet, to bring her to an even draft forward and aft? The tipping center is 2 feet abaft. A weight of 250 tons is loaded on your vessel 95 feet forward of the tipping center. The vessels MTI is 1000 ft.-tons. What is the total change of trim ? Which factor does NOT affect the required freeboard of a cargo vessel? A vessel has a maximum allowable draft of 28 feet in salt water and a fresh water allowance of 8 inches. At the loading berth the water density is 1.011. To what draft can she load in order to be at her mark when she reaches the sea? (the salt water density is 1.025) You must shift a weight from the upper tween deck to the lower hold. This shift will ______ For a vessel inclined by the wind, multiplying the buoyant force by the horizontal distance between the lines of action of he buoyant and gravity forces give the . ______ A vessel with a large GM will A vessel continually list to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE? Reference to freeboard categories, type A vessels are those designed specifically for the carriage of _____? The term deadweight refers to the cargo carrying capacity including fuel,water and stores measured; Vessel has a fresh allowance of 175 mm. By how much will she charge Her draft if she passes from water of density 1,004 to water of density 1.021 kgg/m3 Will the internal and external forces acting on a bulk carrier cross section change during loading operation? The strictest load line regulations apply to The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessels displacement with the; What will happen to the center of gravity of a vessel when weight is added on a vessel? Signs of racking stresses generally appear at the A term scantling refers to the A cargo plan would NOT include Personal in charge of cargo stowage and security cargo should have: I.Proper qualification and experience II. A sound practical knowledge of the application and content of Cargo Security Manual Your ship 12,000 tons displacement has a center of gravity 21.5 ft above the keel. You run aground and estimate the weight aground is 2,500 tons. The virtual rise in the center of gravity is ___ Cargo transport units, including freight containers shall be loaded , stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with the cargo securing manual approved by the _ On a cargo crane, the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the _____ On a yard-and-stay rig, the boom spotted directly over the hatch is called A bullrope is used for All lashings and components used for securing should possess breaking strength of not less than ____ Binder chains used to lash down deck cargoes may be shortened by TOM is a timber used to secure cargo by running from ___ I. An upper support down in the cargo II. A lower support unto the cargo When stowing bagged cargo, you wish to maintain a vertical wall or bulkhead as the stowage progresses. The bulkhead extends from one side of the vessel to the other and exceed one section foreward of the square, from the lower hold up to the tween decks. The stability of

24 feet

48 tons

23.75 inches Condition of trim in normal operation 2804.5 Make the vessel stiffer Righting moment Have more resistance to listing in case of damage The vessel has asymmentrical weight distribution Liquid cargoes in bulk Long tons and limited by the governing loadlines 119mm Yes, the forces from the load and the sea water pressure will increase during the loading Passenger ships The sum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vessel Move in the direction of the added weight Junction of frames with the beams and floors Measurement of structural member Loading and discharge equipment details Both I & II

270 271 272 273 274 275 276



278 279 280 281 282 283 284

Administration Horizontal position Yard boom Topping or lowering a boom 113 kN Loadbinders or turnbuckles I only


Alternating the stow with one fore and aft and the next tier at athwarship.

the bulkhead will be maintained by ____

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