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Efective Building Maintenance:

Protection of Capital Assets

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Efective Building Maintenance:
Protection of Capital Assets
Herbert W. Stanford III, PE
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Slanford, Herberl W.
Lffeclive buiIding mainlenance : roleclion of cailaI assels 1 Herberl W.
Slanford III
. cm.
IncIudes bibIiograhicaI references and index.
ISN-1O: O-88173-638-4 (aIk. aer)
ISN-1O: O-88173-639-2 (eIeclronic)
ISN-13: 978-1-4398-4553-O (TayIor & Irancis : aIk. aer)
1. uiIdings--Mainlenance. I. TilIe.
TH3351.S73 2O1O

Lffeclive buiIding mainlenance : roleclion of cailaI assels 1 Herberl W.
Slanford III
2O1O by The Iairmonl Iress, Inc.. AII righls reserved. No arl of lhis ubIi-
calion may be reroduced or lransmilled in any form or by any means, eIec-
lronic or mechanicaI, incIuding holocoy, recording, or any informalion slor-
age and relrievaI syslem, vilhoul ermission in vriling from lhe ubIisher.
IubIished by The Iairmonl Iress, Inc.
7OO Indian TraiI
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1O: O-88173-638-4 (The Iairmonl Iress, Inc.)
13: 978-1-4398-4553-O (TayIor & Irancis Lld.)
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Table of Contents
Chapter Page
1 Facilities as Assets .................................................................................. 1
Irogrammed Mainlenance as Assel Managemenl ............................ 2
Mainlenance IIanning and udgeling ................................................ 5
Slafhng lhe Mainlenance Dearlmenl ................................................. 7
Targeled Mainlenance Training ......................................................... 1O
ulsourcing: Conlracl Mainlenance ................................................. 12
Comulerized Mainlenance Managemenl Syslems ........................ 16
Mainlenance Slaff }ob Descrilions .................................................... 19
2 Planned Replacement or Major Renovation .................................. 41
uiIding Comonenl Life ..................................................................... 41
Iunded Derecialion and udgeling for
ReIacemenl1 Renovalion .......................................................... 53
Life-CycIe Cosl AnaIysis al
ReIacemenl1Renovalion Time ................................................. 58
Consequences of Deferred ReIacemenl1Renovalion .................... 61
3 Preventative Maintenance ................................................................... 65
asic Requiremenls for GeneraI Conslruclion Mainlenance ......... 65
asic Requiremenls for Service Syslems Mainlenance ................... 65
IIumbing ........................................................................................ 65
Healing, VenliIaling, and Air-Condilioning ............................ 66
Iire Iroleclion ............................................................................... 68
LIeclricaI ......................................................................................... 68
Irediclive Mainlenance Melhods ........................................................ 72
ChemicaI AnaIysis ........................................................................ 72
Vibralion AnaIysis ........................................................................ 72
Infrared Scanning ......................................................................... 73
IIlrasound Scanning ................................................................... 73
ore Scoes and Cameras .......................................................... 74
Lddy Currenl Tesling .................................................................. 74
Irevenlive and Irediclive Mainlenance Irocedures ....................... 75
4 Special Maintenance Considerations ............................................... 85
SuslainabIe Mainlenance v. SuslainabIe uiIdings .......................... 85
Lnergy Lfhciency .......................................................................... 85
Indoor Waler Consumlion ....................................................... 96
uldoor Waler Consumlion .................................................. 1O1
Slormvaler Runoff ..................................................................... 1O3
SuslainabIe uiIdings Risks and
Mainlenance Requiremenls ............................................. 1O5
Indoor Air QuaIily ............................................................................... 1O9
Moislure Inlrusion and MoId Infeslalion ....................................... 12O
DeaIing vilh IaiIing Masonry WaIIs ............................................... 127
5 Designing for Building Maintainability ....................................... 133
GeneraI Conslruclion .......................................................................... 136
Lxlerior WaIIs .............................................................................. 136
Ieneslralion ................................................................................. 139
Roohng ......................................................................................... 142
Inlerior Conslruclion and Iinishes ......................................... 147
IIumbing .............................................................................................. 148
Healing, VenliIaling, and Air-Condilioning ................................... 149
HVAC Lquimenl Localion and Access ................................ 149
MechanicaI Lquimenl Rooms for
Air-HandIing Lquimenl ................................................ 152
MechanicaI Lquimenl Rooms for oiIers and ChiIIers .... 153
CeiIing Cavily Sace .................................................................. 154
LIeclricaI .............................................................................................. 155
A - Subslruclure Mainlenance Irocedures ............................................... 157
- SheII ........................................................................................................... 159
C - Inleriors .................................................................................................... 227
D - Service Syslems ...................................................................................... 249
Conveying Syslems ................................................................................ 251
IIumbing .................................................................................................. 256
Healing, VenliIaling, and Air Condiliioning .................................... 279
Iire Iroleclion ......................................................................................... 357
LIeclricaI ................................................................................................... 363
L - Lquimenl and Iurnishings ................................................................. 377
I - SeciaI Conslruclion ............................................................................... 383
G - Silevork Mainlenance Irocedures ...................................................... 387
H - Mainlenance for Access by DisabIed Iersons .................................. 423
Index ................................................................................................................ 425
Chapter 1
Facilities As Assets
Abraham LincoIn
This lexl allemls lo address, in as much delaiI as ossibIe, lhe re-
quiremenls for designing, imIemenling, and managing rograms and
rocedures for lhe mainlenance of ma|or buiIding eIemenls from lhe
foundalion lo lhe roof, incIuding inlerior and exlerior suorl syslems
and silevork eIemenls. Hovever, lhere are lhree mainlenance asecls
lhal lhis lexl does nol incIude since lhere are aIready numerous lexls
avaiIabIe lhal address lhese loics in delaiI:
Custodialservices: bviousIy, rouline indoor housekeeing is need-
ed, bul il shouId nol be considered arl of lhe faciIily mainlenance ro-
gram|usl because lhe faciIily is cIean, lhal does nol mean il is nol suffer-
ing from Iack of mainlenance needed lo rolecl lhe faciIilys assel vaIue.
Landscapeservices: Landscae services, grass culling, elc., is rouline
ouldoor housekeeing lhal, aIso, shouId nol be considered arl of lhe
faciIily mainlenance rogram. Aendix G does incIude secihc mainle-
nance rocedures for mosl faciIily sile fealuresberms, svaIes, relenlion
onds, elc.and Chaler 4 offers secihc recommendalions reIalive lo
ouldoor valer consumlion and sile slormvaler runoff, vhich can be
addressed by imroved Iandscaing concels.
Safety and health issues: Mainlenance rocedures musl incororale
aroriale safely and heaIlh consideralions incIuding everylhing from
Iadders and Iifling lo conhned saces. The delaiIs of lhese requiremenls
and rocedures lo be resonsive lo lhem are beyond lhe scoe of lhis
lexl. Hovever, every mainlenance rogram musl incIude lhe required
rocedures for effeclive Iockoul1lagoul (LT). Ior mechanicaI devices,
SHA Slandard 29 CIR 191O.47 musl be mel, vhiIe, for eIeclricaI mainle-
nance, lhe rocedures dehned in NIIA Slandard 7OL are mandalory.
2 Effective Building Maintenance
CrilicaI infraslruclure and induslriaI faciIily ovners and oeralors
have adoled lhe lerm assel managemenl lo describe lheir core roIe
in Iifecaring for and oblaining a salisfaclory IeveI of service from lhe
hysicaI Ianl, infraslruclure, and associaled faciIilies. Their concel is
lhal, since facilities represent signifcant capital assets, they must be protected
Ior induslriaI and many commerciaI faciIilies (relaiI, ofhces, elc.),
lhe IeveI of mainlenance can be evaIualed as arl of an overaII olimiza-
lion of assel uliIizalion, baIancing lhe cosl of mainlenance and relained
vaIue of lhe assel againsl lhe overaII economics of lhe business modeI.
Hovever, for ubIic and inslilulionaI faciIilies, lhe faciIily ilseIf is oflen
lhe mosl imorlanl assel and lhe need for mainlenance al a IeveI lhal
aIIovs lhe faciIily design Iife lo be allained and ils economic vaIue be
relained is aramounl. In lhe ubIic and inslilulionaI environmenl, cash
ov rareIy suorls signihcanl renovalion or reIacemenl of faciIilies
as il does in lhe induslriaI and commerciaI seclors. The slarling oinl for
imIemenling an assel-based mainlenance rogram is lo undersland lvo
imorlanl concels.
Iirsl, as shovn in Iigure 1-1, lhe goaI of mainlenance is lo revenl,
or al Ieasl reduce, lhe degradalion or delerioralion of lhe quaIily of ser-
vice rovided by each buiIding comonenl over ils design service Iife.
Mainlenance is nol a rocess of imrovemenl lhal may be required lo
meel increased execlalions for erformance beyond vhich lhe como-
nenl vas originaIIy designed lo rovide.
Second, each buiIding, and lhe individuaI comonenls lhal make-u
lhal buiIding, has a hnile service Iife. Al lhe end of lhal Iife, reIacemenl
or ma|or renovalion is required since, in lhe Iong run, il is Iess exensive
lo reIace or renovale lhan lo conlinue lo make reairs lhal become in-
creasingIy frequenl and coslIy.
Programmedmaintenance, as iIIuslraled by Iigure 1-2, is a combina-
lion of revenlalive mainlenance and Ianned reIacemenl or ma|or ren-
ovalion of buiIding comonenls.
Plannedreplacementormajorrenovation is lhe sle laken vhen a com-
onenl reaches lhe end of ils design service Iife and is discussed in Cha-
ler 2 of lhis lexl.
Preventative maintenance ensures lhal faciIily comonenls acluaIIy
achieve lheir service Iife and consisls of lvo eIemenls:
Facilities as Assets 3
1. Rouline mainlenance, vhich consisls of secihc rocedures lhal are
erformed on a reguIar scheduIe. These rocedures are designed lo
delecl, recIude, or miligale degradalion of a faciIily syslem (or ils
comonenls). The goaI of rouline, scheduIed mainlenance is lo min-
imize each comonenls degradalion and lhus mainlain, or even ex-
lend, lhe usefuI Iife of lhe comonenl.
2. Irediclive mainlenance uses rouline inseclion and evaIualion, lesl-
ing, and anaIysis lo augmenl rouline, scheduIed mainlenance ro-
cedures by delecling lhe onsel of comonenl degradalion and lo
Figure 1-1. Functionality/Quality vs. Time
Figure 1-2. Elements of Programmed Maintenance
4 Effective Building Maintenance
address robIems as lhey are idenlihed. This aIIovs casuaI slressors
lo be eIiminaled or conlroIIed rior lo any signihcanl delerioralion
in lhe hysicaI slale of lhe comonenl.
olh of lhese loics are discussed in Chaler 3.
Irogrammed mainlenance doesnotinclude lhe foIIoving:
1. IaciIilies-reIaled oeralions such as uliIilies, cuslodiaI vork (servic-
es and cIeaning), snov removaI, vasle coIIeclion and removaI, esl
conlroI, grounds care, or hre roleclion services.
2. AIleralions and cailaI imrovemenls lo change funclion or uliIiza-
3. LegisIaliveIy mandaled aclivilies such as imrovemenls for acces-
sibiIily, deaIing vilh hazardous maleriaIs, elc.
4. Nev conslruclion, incIuding addilions lo or generaI renovalion of
an exisling buiIding.
5. DemoIilion.
The goaI for any rogrammed mainlenance rogram is lo address
1OO/ of lhe mainlenance requiremenls for each buiIding comonenl.
Hovever, lhings break unexecledIy, a comonenl faiIs earIy, or a re-
venlalive mainlenance rocedure roves lo be inadequale. Inder any of
lhese condilions, mainlenance and reair lhal has nol been rogrammed
is required.
Unprogrammed maintenance can be idenlihed by a buiIding occu-
anl1user, by lhe mainlenance slaff vhiIe erforming rouline reven-
lalive mainlenance rocedures, or by rediclive mainlenance lesls and
evaIualions. The resuIl is lhal a vork order musl be issued for lhe neces-
sary unrogrammed, bul needed, mainlenance or reair. (Al ils vorse,
unIanned comonenl reIacemenl or ma|or renovalion may even be re-
Thus, il is essenliaIIy imossibIe lo achieve lhe goaI lhal 1OO/ of
mainlenance aclivilies be rogrammeda 7O-8O/ goaI is more reaIislic.
Facilities as Assets 5
In eslabIishing (or re-eslabIishing) a mainlenance dearlmenl, se-
cihc mainlenance faclors for each faciIily musl be evaIualed. These fac-
lors incIude IeveI of mainlenance lo be rovided, hov does faciIily use
affecl mainlenance requiremenls, and shouId mainlenance be rovided
by oulside conlraclors or in-house slaff. nce lhese decisions are made,
a reaIislic budgel for mainlenance can be eslabIished.
MaintenanceStaffngGuidelinesforEducationalFacilities, ubIished in
2OO2 by lhe Associalion of IhysicaI IIanl Adminislralors or AIIA (nov
lhe Associalion of Higher Lducalion IaciIilies fhcers) dehnes IeveIs of
mainlenance in accordance vilh lhe foIIoving:
Table 1-1

MaintenanceLevel Description

1 Shoviece IaciIily
2 Comrehensive Slevardshi
3 Managed Care
4 Reaclive Mainlenance
5 Crisis Resonse

toAPPAsLevel2(ComprehensiveStewardship). AIIA dehnes lhis IeveI of
mainlenance as foIIovs:
Mainlenance aclivilies aear organized vilh direclion. Lqui-
menl and buiIding comonenls are usuaIIy funclionaI and in oeraling
condilion. Service and mainlenance caIIs are resonded lo in a limeIy
manner. uiIdings and equimenl are reguIarIy ugraded, keeing lhem
currenl vilh modern slandards and usage.
bviousIy, lhis IeveI of mainlenance recognizes lhal each faciIily is
an assel lhal musl be mainlained in order lo achieve maximum relurn on
inveslmenl. This text, then, is based on providing APPAs Level 2 main-
tenance for all facilities.
Ior mainlenance slafhng and budgeling uroses, faciIilies can be
divided inlo calegories based on lheir comIexily:
Tye 1 faciIilies incIude K-12 schooIs, ofhce buiIdings, relaiI buiId-
ings, holeIs, nursing homes, medicaI cIinics, elc. lhal are generaIIy reIa-
6 Effective Building Maintenance
liveIy basic buiIdings designed for a reIaliveIy shorl lo medium Iife (3O
years or Iess). Sland-aIone buiIdings in lhis calegory generaIIy viII make
use of conlracled mainlenance services. Hovever, if considered in aggre-
galea schooI syslem, a chain of slores, a muIli-buiIding ofhce camus
lhe need for an in-house mainlenance slaff viII normaIIy arise, even
lhough some mainlenance needs may sliII be mel on a conlracl basis.
Tye 2 faciIilies incIude inslilulionaI faciIilies (such as higher edu-
calion cIassroom and adminislralive buiIdings, governmenl ofhces, elc.)
and basic induslriaI buiIdings. These buiIdings are designed for Ionger
Iife (4O-5O years), have more comIex syslems and comonenls, and re-
resenl higher assel vaIue lo lhe user.
Tye 3 faciIilies incIude hosilaIs, research Iaboralories, dala cen-
lers, and high lechnoIogy manufacluring. These buiIdings have very
comIex syslems and comonenls and require much higher IeveIs of reIi-
abiIily lhan eilher Tye 1 or Tye 2 faciIilies.
Generally, only an in-house maintenance program will provide the level
of programmed maintenance typically required for larger, and especially more
complex,facilities. Hovever, even for Iarger faciIilies, seciaI area mainle-
nance may be rovided by oulside conlraclors for eIevalors, hre srinkIer
syslems, Iaboralory fume hoods, securily syslems, HVAC conlroIs, elc.
simIy because onIy lhe very Iargesl faciIilies can afford mainlain fuII-
lime seciaIisl mainlenance lechnicians lo meel lhe mainlenance require-
menls of lhese comonenls. This aroach can be incororaled inlo any
mainlenance dearlmenl organizalion and slafhng Ian.
To achieve AIIA LeveI 2 mainlenance, aroriale budgeling and
funding for mainlenance musl be eslabIished. There are lvo aroaches
lo lhis:
1. The NalionaI Research CounciI (NRC) sludied lhe mainlenance of
IederaI faciIilies in lhe Iale 199Os (lhe resuIls of vhich vere ub-
Iished in 1998 as Stewardship of Federal Facilities). This sludy found
lhal for an accelabIe IeveI of mainlenance, lhe revenlalive main-
lenance budgel vas 2-4/ of lhe faciIilys currenl reIacemenl cosl.
This amounl does nol incIude lhe cosls of erforming mainlenance
deferred from rior years.
Ior smaIIer faciIilies vilh Iimiled Ianning and budgeling re-
Facilities as Assets 7
sources, use of lhe NRC aroach for mainlenance budgeling may
be an good iniliaI aroach and lhe recommended IeveI of mainle-
nance can be execled lo require annuaI funding of 3.5-4/ of cur-
renl reIacemenl cosl.
2. A beller aroach is lo use zero-based budgeling vhereby lhe
acluaI annuaI cosls of each required mainlenance eIemenl are de-
lermined. This aroach has lhe benehl of dehning nol onIy cosls,
bul il rovides exceIIenl guidance as lo lhe slafhng needs for imIe-
menling lhese rocedures.
There are numerous annuaI surveys of mainlenance exendilures
by faciIilies ubIished by Whileslone, uiIding vners and Managers
Associalion (MA), AIIA, elc. lhal dehne vhal lhe olher guys are
doing. WhiIe inleresling, lhese dala are for aII raclicaI uroses
vorlhIess since lhere are no corresonding dala as lo lhe effecliveness of
lhese exendilures. (Hovever, lhey may rovide some basis for |uslifying
mainlenance budgels lo uer managemenl!)
Wilh lhe excelion of lhe AIIA ubIicalion discussed above (and
some individuaI slale recommendalions for K-12 schooIs), lhere are no
generaI mainlenance slafhng slandards in Iace in lhe Iniled Slales. To
dehne slafhng needs, each faciIily, lhe comonenls of lhal faciIily, and re-
quired comonenl mainlenance rocedures musl be carefuIIy evaIualed.
Any mainlenance dearlmenl (and nole lhal ve are excIuding cus-
lodiaI and grounds services from lhis discussion) can be organized gener-
aIIy aIong lhe slafhng IeveIs shovn in TabIe 1-2.
asic |ob descrilions for each of lhese slaff osilions are rovided
al lhe end of lhis chaler.
The number of each lye of slaff member required al any faciIily
viII vary based on lhe size and comIexily of lhe faciIily and lhe IeveI
of conlracled mainlenance services uliIized by lhe faciIily. The reIalion-
shi belveen lhe size (gross area) of a faciIily and lhe lyes of buiIdings
and olher eIemenls (comIexily) making u lhe faciIily viII delermine
lhe hnaI mix of lyes and number of slaff osilions. ul, in generaI, lhe
foIIoving guideIines can be aIied:
8 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Lvery mainlenance dearlmenl musl have a manager. Since lhe
maximum number of eoIe lhal can be effecliveIy managed by one
individuaI is 1O, assislanl mainlenance managers and1or crafl su-
ervisors musl be added as lhe size of lhe dearlmenl increases.
2. Assislanl mainlenance managers are required vhen lhe dearlmenl
musl be organized on a funclionaI basis. Ior examIe, on assislanl
manager may be resonsibIe for mainlenance Ianning, anolher for
mainlenance rocedures, a lhird for slaff deveIomenl and lraining,
elc. TyicaIIy, onIy lhe Iarger faciIilies require assislanl managers.
Table 1-2

Mainlenance IaciIilies Mainlenance Manager

Managemenl Assislanl IaciIilies Mainlenance Manager

Crafl Suervisor GeneraI IaciIily Mainlenance Suervisor

HVAC Mainlenance Suervisor
IIumbing1Iire Iroleclion Mainlenance Suervisor
LIeclricaI Mainlenance Suervisor

Crafl Technicians Technician LeveI I

(GeneraI IaciIily, Technician LeveI II
HVAC, IIumbing, Technician LeveI III

SeciaI GeneraI IaciIily: Carenler1Cabinelry

Technicians Iainler
(AII LeveI III) Locksmilh
Conveying Syslems Technician

HVAC: ConlroIs Technician
Iire Iroleclion: Iire SrinkIer Technician
LIeclricaI: SeciaI Syslems Technician (Iire
AIarm, Securily, and Communicalions)

CIericaI Adminislralive Assislanl

GeneraI CIericaI
Work rder Syslem SeciaIisl

Facilities as Assets 9
3. A crafl suervisor is lyicaIIy required vhen lhe number of lechni-
cians in a given crafl area exceeds 5-6. (nce lhere are more lhan 3
lechnicians in a crafl area, one LeveI III lechnician may be aoinled
4. The foIIoving labIe reecls lhe slafhng IeveI for crafl lechnicians
lhal is lyicaIIy required er 1OO,OOO gsf of each lye of faciIily.
Hovever, lhese IeveIs may be increased or decreased due lo many
faclors, incIuding slaff quaIihcalions and roduclivily, lhe quaIily of
lhe faciIily conslruclion, revious deferred or avoided mainlenance,
Table 1-3. Typical Maintenance Staffng Levels

Technical Type1 Type2 Type3

Staff Facility Facility Facility

GeneraI IaciIily Technician O.4 O.5 O.5

HVAC TLchnician O.8 1.1 1.5

IIumbing Technician O.1 O.2 O.2

LIeclricaI Technician O.3 O.4 O.5

Total 1.6 2.2 2.7

Slafhng in each crafl area shouId lyicaIIy be aIIocaled vilh 1O-

2O/ as LeveI I lechnicians, 2O-3O/ as LeveI II lechnicians, and 5O-
7O/ as LeveI III lechnicians. This rovides for slaff deveIomenl
and grovlh and lransfer of inslilulionaI memory and makes hir-
ing easier as higher IeveI lechnician lurnover occurs.
5. SeciaI lechnicians may be required based on size of lhe faciIily, lhe
seciaI eIemenls of lhe faciIily, and lhe abiIily (or nol) of oblaining
required seciaIized mainlenance services under conlracl IocaIIy al
an affordabIe rice.
6. Adminislralive suorl requiremenls viII vary vilh need. ne eI-
emenl lhal is absoIuleIy crilicaI is lo have al Ieasl lvo emIoyees
in lhis areaone vilh generaI cIericaI resonsibiIilies and one vilh
10 Effective Building Maintenance
resonsibiIily for managing lhe vork order or mainlenance man-
agemenl syslem. Tvo eoIe means lhe hones in lhe mainlenance
dearlmenl viII be manned for al Ieasl 1O-12 hours1day by using
slaggered vork and break scheduIes.
Too oflen, lhe mainlenance dearlmenl becomes lhe conslruclion
dearlmenl, assigned resonsibiIily by managemenl for reIacemenl1
renovalion ro|ecls or even conslruclion of nev faciIilies. When lhis ha-
ens, rogrammed mainlenance aIvays suffers!
There is no easy soIulion lo lhis robIem once a mainlenance de-
arlmenl begins lo erform conslruclion vork. The besl aroach is lo
head-off lhe robIem before il becomes one by making il cIear lo manage-
menl lhal currenl slafhng IeveIs are redicaled on mainlenance needs and
assigning slaff lo renovalion or nev conslruclion ro|ecls is very much a
game of robbing Ieler lo ay IauI. There are lvo olenliaI negalive
resuIls from lhis robIem:
1. If currenl slafhng IeveIs are mainlained, some rogrammed mainle-
nance viII be deferred.
2. If addilionaI mainlenance slaff is hired lo offsel ersonneI Iosses lo
renovalion or nev conslruclion ro|ecls, vhen lhese ro|ecls are
comIeled, lhe mainlenance dearlmenl is lhen over-slaffed, add-
ing unnecessary cosl lo lhe dearlmenls oeraling budgel.
The best solution is to keep maintenance people performing maintenance
procedures and to hire outside contractors to perform renovation or new con-
The development and implementation of a maintenance skills training
program must be part of a well-developed maintenance management program.
Training for lhe sake of lraining is a vasle since skiII increases lhal are nol
uliIized roerIy viII resuIl in no changes. nce an individuaI is lrained
in a skiII, he musl be rovided vilh lhe lime and looIs lo erform lhis skiII
and musl be heId accounlabIe for his aclions.
To imIemenl an effeclive lraining rogram, lhe hrsl sle lo er-
Facilities as Assets 11
form a skiIIs assessmenl lo idenlify currenl skiII dehciencies. Irom nu-
merous sludies, il is veII knovn lhal lhe skiIIs IeveIs of mosl mainlenance
ersonneI faII shorl of vhal is accelabIe. ne rofessionaI lraining hrm
found lhal 8O/ of mainlenance ersonneI had Iess lhan 5O/ of lhe basic
lechnicaI skiIIs lo erform lheir |obs! |Sludy by lhe TechnicaI Training Di-
vision, Life CycIe Lngineering, Norlh CharIeslon, Soulh CaroIinaj. Thus,
il is a given lhal an effeclive lraining rogram is alwaysneeded as arl of a
slevardshi mainlenance rogram.
A delaiIed assessmenl of currenl mainlenance skiIIs viII diclale a
largeled, non-redundanl lraining rogram lhal addresses skiII im-
rovemenls needed in order for lhe lechnician lo erform his or her |ob
effecliveIy. The skiII assessmenl shouId have lhree comonenls:
1. Wrillen lesl lhal idenlihes lhe knovIedge required for a secihc
skiII. The lesl musl Incororale queslions aboul lheories, rinciIes,
fundamenlaIs, vocabuIary, and caIcuIalions required as arl of lhe
skiII sel. Ior examIe, an HVAC lechnician vho canl dehne lhe dif-
ference belveen reIalive humidily and humidily ralio vonl be
abIe lo diagnose and correcl humidily conlroI robIems in a buiId-
ing. Likevise, a brick mason vho canl delermine lhe difference be-
lveen a sle ashing and a an ashing, is nol a good brick mason.
2. Idenlihcalion lesl lhal assesses hands-on knovIedge in secihc
skiII areas. LmIoyees, during a lour of lhe faciIily, are asked lo
name comonenls and exIain lheir uses in an oraI assessmenl.
3. Ierformance evaIualion. To anaIyze lhis asecl, emIoyees carry
oul lyicaI mainlenance rocedures vhiIe be observed by suervi-
sors or consuIlanls.
The assessmenl resuIls, bolh on an individuaI basis and on a main-
lenance dearlmenl basis, can lhen be used for lvo funclions:
1. Dehne lhe needed lraining lo imrove lhe skiII IeveIs of each indi-
viduaI and lo ensure lhe dearlmenl has lhe requisile skiII resources
avaiIabIe lo suorl a slevardshi mainlenance rogram.
2. Irovide lhe basis of erformance slandards lo used in |ob de-
scrilions for nev hires and lo evaIuale individuaI emIoyee er-
12 Effective Building Maintenance
formance and, mosl imorlanlIy, his or her imrovemenl resuIling
from a lraining rogram.
Training cosls money. There is lhe cosl of lhe lraining ilseIf, bul lhere
is a much grealer cosl associaled vilh lhe dovnlime exended during
lraining sessions. This viII cosl viII, inevilabIy, allracl lhe allenlion of
managemenl vho viII ask lhe foIIoving queslions:
1. Hov much viII lhe lraining cosl`
2. Hov much money viII be saved by imIemenling lhe lraining ro-
The ansver lo lhe hrsl queslion viII deend on lhe resuIls of lhe
needs idenlihed by lhe skiIIs assessmenls. ul, lhe ansver lo lhe second
queslion can be found in lhe sludy funded by lhe I.S. Dearlmenl of
Lducalion and lhe I.S. Census ureau lo delermine hov lraining imacls
1. Increasing an individuaIs educalionaI IeveI by 1O/ increases lhal
individuaIs roduclivily by 8.6/.
2. Increasing an individuaIs vork hours by 1O/ increases lhal indi-
viduaIs roduclivily by 6.O/.
3. Increasing cailaI inveslmenl by 1O/ increases roduclivily by
The use of oulsourcing or conlracl mainlenance is fairIy common
in induslriaI Ianls, rimariIy due lo lhe emhasis on roduclion equi-
menl reIiabiIily and lhe need lo minimize roduclion dovnlime. Like-
vise, conlracl mainlenance is used lo a fairIy signihcanl exlenl in com-
merciaI faciIilies. A survey by FMLink, an onIine faciIilies ubIicalion, in
Facilities as Assets 13
2OO2 indicaled lhal, vhiIe conlracling for unskiIIed1semi-skiIIed services
such as housekeeing and Iandscae services vas very high (65-75/ of
aII businesses), lhe use of oulsourcing for revenlalive mainlenance vas
much Iover (5O/ or Iess). Ior ubIic ovners, hosilaIs, ubIic schooIs,
coIIeges and universilies, and olher inslilulions lhe use of conlracled re-
venlalive mainlenance vas beIov 2O/.
So, vhen do you make lhe decision lo svilch from in-house mainle-
nance lo conlracl mainlenance`
As discussed reviousIy, unrogrammed mainlenance roduces lhe
need lo immedialeIy resond lo mainlenance robIems. This, in lurn, cre-
ales vide uclualions in lhe vork Ioad imosed on lhe mainlenance slaff.
So, lhe beller |ob done reducing unrogrammed mainlenance lhrough
a good revenlalive mainlenance rogram and veII-eslabIished mainle-
nance riorilies, lhe Iess variabiIily lhere viII be in slaff vorkIoad from
veek lo veek.
Large varialions in mainlenance vorkIoad due lo unrogrammed
mainlenance viII Iead lo oor uliIizalion of resources and, olenliaIIy,
overslafhng. When lhis haens, someone slarls laIking aboul oulsourc-
ing. ul, oulsourcing mainlenance resources under lhese condilions viII
change nolhing. The mainlenance conlraclor, lo be effeclive, musl ro-
vide beller mainlenance managemenl lo reduce unrogrammed main-
lenance. lhervise, lhey viII nol be abIe lo erform any beller lhan lhe
exisling slaff. Ifthisisthecase,youmustaskyourselfwhyyoucannotimprove
ne ansver may be lhal you have lried lo make changes in lhe asl,
bul lhe changes vere veloed by managemenl or, if imIemenled, died a
naluraI dealh due lo slaff resislance, organizalionaI gridIock, or inlernaI
oIilics. In lhis case, oulsourcing may be an acl of deseralion used
lo circumvenl enlrenched imedimenls lo inlernaI change and imrove-
menl. ul, lhal is no guaranlee of success, loo oflen lhe scoe of mainle-
nance is Iimiled by budgels and lhe conlraclor cosl lo imIemenl a lruIy
effeclive mainlenance rogram may be far more lhan managemenl lhinks
il can afford!
managementplan! And, lhis beller Ian may incIude secihc eIemenls of
oulsourced mainlenance for lhe foIIoving:
1. Special Skills: Cerlain areas of mainlenance require seciaI skiIIs,
looIs, equimenl, elc. lhal can be exensive lo acquire and even
14 Effective Building Maintenance
more exensive lo mainlain. And, loo oflen, even if in-house slaffers
have lhe needed seciaI skiIIs, lhese skiIIs are used so infrequenlIy
lhal lhey cannol be mainlained al a high IeveI.
In lhese cases, oulsourcing is more efhcienl and Iess coslIy.
Mainlenance of eIevalors and olher conveying syslem, hre
roleclion syslems (srinkIers, hre suression syslems, and hre
exlinguishers), hre aIarm and securily syslems, Iocks, and ma|or
HVAC comonenls such as valer chiIIers, cooIing lovers, and
boiIers are roulineIy oulsourced. Direcl digilaI conlroIs syslems
are anolher comonenl for vhich vendor mainlenance is lyicaIIy
2. Shutdowns and Outages: Il makes bolh common sense and eco-
nomic sense lo use conlracl mainlenance services for scheduIed
shuldovns and oulages. WhiIe more aIicabIe for induslriaI
equimenl mainlenance, il does aIy lo annuaI and semi-annuaI
mainlenance for ma|or HVAC comonenls, eIeclricaI svilchgear,
Vendors and conlracl mainlenance comanies oflen argue lhal lhey
can rovide revenlalive mainlenance al a Iover cosl. Assuming lhal lhe
in-house mainlenance dearlmenl is nol over-slaffed, for lhis lo be lrue
lhe conlraclor musl use Iess skiIIed (Iover vage rale) slaff lo erform
mainlenance funclions, erform revenlalive mainlenance al a reduced
IeveI from lhal currenlIy rovided (or lhal shouId be rovided), or has
reduced overhead cosls (vhich may, in facl, be a reasonabIe assumlion).
Where an exisling mainlenance dearlmenl has become bIoaled and1
or inefhcienl due lo excessive unrogrammed mainlenance and1or ils
being used as a conslruclion dearlmenl, lhe cosl savings roduced by
oulsourcing can be easiIy malched by imroved inlernaI mainlenance
Anolher vendor argumenl is lhal mainlenance is nol arl of lhe
core business of lhe organizalion and, lhus, cannol be managed ro-
erIy vilhin lhe business and1or il consumes resources (in addilion lo
cash) lhal lhe business couId beller aIy lo ils core aclivilies. ul, lhis
is anolher bogus argumenlil lhe buiIding assels are nol mainlained,
lhis negaliveIy imacls lhe enlire business, be il commerce, educalion,
governmenl, or heaIlh.
Facilities as Assets 15
ulsourcing of revenlalive mainlenance has serious olenliaI risks
lhal musl be considered:
1. Hov viII you deaI vilh lhe divided IoyaIlies of lhe conlraclors
slaff` WhiIe lhey have an obIigalion lo meel lhe conlracl require-
menls, lhe need lo reduce cosls imosed on lheir emIoyer may re-
suIl in mainlenance ob|eclives nol being mel.
2. Hov viII lhe conlraclor rolecl you from being resonsibIe for
vorkIace safely and IiabiIily` The conlraclors slaff viII be vork-
ing in your faciIilies and you may be heId accounlabIe for vork-
Iace safely.
3. Hov viII lhe requiremenls of aIicabIe slandards for indoor air
quaIily, noise, energy, elc. be mel and lhal comIiance be documenl-
ed` Wilhoul lhal being cIearing dehned, lhe faciIily ovner may be
resonsibIe for heaIlh robIems, elc. crealed by lhe conlraclors faiI-
ure lo comIy vilh aIicabIe slandards.
nce lhe need for some asecl of conlracl mainlenance is idenlihed,
lhe conlracl for oulsourced mainlenance musl dehne lhe foIIoving:
1. The IeveI of mainlenance required, secihc mainlenance roce-
dures, and lhe melhod(s) of evaIualing lhe service(s) rovided by
lhe conlraclor.
2. The conlraclor viII be heId resonsibIe for nol onIy lhe vaIue of
mainlenance nol done, or done oorIy, bul viII be heId resonsibIe
for lhe cosl of lhe resuIling degradalion of buiIding comonenls and
lheir shorlened service Iife.
AII mainlenance conlracls musl be based on a hxed rice, nol man-
hour rales. If lhe conlracl is based on lechnician rales, lhere is no incenlive
for lhe conlraclor lo erform beller since lhe more hours lhey seII, lhe
more money lhal make.
A mainlenance conlracl shouId be Iong lerm, nol Iess lhan hve
years. Tvo reasons for lhis are incororaled in vhal Dr. Deming caIIed
16 Effective Building Maintenance
lhe seven deadIy diseases common lo I.S. managemenl: (1) Lack of
conslancy of urose and (2) MobiIily of lo managemenl. TyicaIIy,
lhe hrsl henomenon Ieads lo lhe olher. Nev managers are caIIed in for
fasl and, unforlunaleIy, oflen lemorary resuIls. They oflen change lhe
organizalion, erhas onIy because lhey vanl lo bring in lheir buddies,
make some cul backs, and lhen move on lo anolher Iace before lhe Iong-
lerm effecls are noliced. The fronl Iine of lhe organizalion, vhere lhe ac-
luaI aclions of nev direclives have lo lake Iace, sees lhis as a conslanl
change of direclion. They slarl laIking aboul lhe rogram of lhe monlh
and, consequenlIy, lhey do nol change anylhing and lhe resuIls of man-
agemenl efforls viII be absenl. If lhis goes on for some lime, no suslain-
abIe resuIls viII be achieved.
In lhis silualion, a Iong-lerm mainlenance conlracl offers a ossibIe
soIulion. The conlracl has lo be founded on lhe righl rinciIes and vork
rocesses, because, vhen lhese are nol changed for a Iong eriod of lime,
your conlraclor can heI eIiminale lhe Iack-of-conslancy-of-urose
henomenon. Wilh good Ieadershi, lhe vork rocesses and your re-
suIls shouId conlinuousIy imrove. Il couId be done vilhoul a conlrac-
lor, bul nol in a syslem vhere each nev faciIily manager or mainlenance
manager means a nev rogram.
IinaIIy, ralher lhan oulsourcing, consider in-sourcing. SmaIIer or-
ganizalions obviousIy have a grealer difhcuIly aIIocaling lhe needed lo
resources lo buiIding mainlenance, hnding and relaining skiIIed slaff, elc.
ul, by combining severaI organizalions mainlenance dearlmenls and
imIemenling an adequale mainlenance managemenl rogram, mainle-
nance can be imroved and cosls can be Iovered. Ior examIe a smaII Io-
caI schooI syslem may combine ils mainlenance oeralions vilh lhe IocaI
communily coIIege. In some communilies, a Iarger universily vilh a good
mainlenance rogram may be neighbors vilh one or more smaII coIIeges
vilh Iess-effeclive mainlenance rograms.
A CMMS soflvare ackage mainlains a comuler dalabase of infor-
malion aboul an organizalions mainlenance oeralions and, loday, is lhe
hearl of an effeclive revenlalive mainlenance rogram.
CMMS informalion is inlended lo heI mainlenance vorkers do
Facilities as Assets 17
lheir |obs more effecliveIy (for examIe, delermining vhich slorerooms
conlain lhe sare arls lhey need) and lo heI managemenl make in-
formed decisions (for examIe, caIcuIaling lhe cosl of mainlenance for
each iece of equimenl used by lhe organizalion, ossibIy Ieading lo
beller aIIocalion of resources). The informalion may aIso be usefuI vhen
deaIing vilh lhird arlies, if, for examIe, an organizalion is invoIved in
a IiabiIily case, lhe dala in a CMMS dalabase can serve as evidence lhal
roer safely mainlenance has been erformed.
Differenl CMMS ackages offer a vide range of caabiIilies and
cover a corresondingIy vide range of rices. A lyicaI ackage deaIs
vilh some or aII of lhe foIIoving:
1. Work orders: ScheduIing mainlenance rocedures, assigning er-
sonneI, reserving maleriaIs, recording cosls, and lracking reIevanl
informalion such as lhe cause of lhe robIem (if any), dovnlime
invoIved (if any), and recommendalions for fulure aclion
2. Irevenlalive mainlenance (IM): Keeing lrack of IM comonenls
and rocedures, incIuding sle-by-sle inslruclions or check-Iisls,
Iisls of maleriaIs required, and olher erlinenl delaiIs. TyicaIIy, lhe
CMMS scheduIes IM |obs aulomalicaIIy based on required service
and reair inlervaIs.
3. Assel managemenl: Recording dala aboul equimenl and roerly
incIuding secihcalions, varranly informalion, service conlracls,
sare arls, urchase dale, execled Iifelime, and anylhing eIse lhal
mighl be of heI lo managemenl or mainlenance vorkers.
4. Invenlory conlroI: Managemenl of sare arls, looIs, and olher
maleriaIs incIuding lhe reservalion of maleriaIs for arlicuIar |obs,
recording vhere maleriaIs are slored, delermining vhen more ma-
leriaIs shouId be urchased, lracking shimenl receils, and laking
CMMS ackages can roduce slalus reorls and documenls giving
delaiIs or summaries of mainlenance aclivilies. The more sohislicaled
lhe ackage, lhe more anaIysis faciIilies are avaiIabIe.
Many CMMS ackages can be eilher veb-based, meaning lhey are
hosled by lhe comany seIIing lhe roducl on an oulside server, or IocaI,
18 Effective Building Maintenance
meaning lhal lhe user buys lhe soflvare and hosls lhe roducl on his or
her ovn server.
IoIIoving are lhe recommended minimum requiremenls for a
CMMS for lhe managemenl and mainlenance of cailaI assel comonenls
onIylhey do nol aIy lo unIanned mainlenance efforls lhal are ad-
dressed lhrough manuaI vork order generalion:
1. Dalabase of revenlalive and rediclive mainlenance rocedures
for each faciIily comonenl.
a. ScheduIe of occurrence (daiIy, veekIy, monlhIy, every X monlhs,
annuaIIy, every X years, elc.)
b. Mainlenance lasks, vhich incIude (1) signihcanl inseclion and
diagnoslic guides and required reair descrilions and1or (2)
lroubIeshooling guideIines. These lasks shaII be incororaled
inlo a masler Iibrary and lhen assigned lo each eIemenl as
required (see Aendices).
2. Work orders (Ws).
a. Ws musl be aulomalicaIIy generaled on lhe basis of sliuIaled
scheduIe of occurrence for mainlenance lasks.
b. Assign Ws lo secihc crafl and1or slaff member.
c. Ws shaII incIude required maleriaIs and looIs Iisl, safely re-
quiremenls, and delaiIed mainlenance lasks oulIined in 1b
d. Ws incororale comuler-based resonse by lhe assigned
Iead mainlenance lechnician. Resonse shaII incIude slalus or
comIeleness of lhe W, condilion assessmenl of lhe como-
nenl, and1or generalion of required foIIov-u or foIIov-on
vork orders.
3. Mainlenance suorl dalabase is lhe dala lhal are comuler-resi-
denl in a form lhal viII aIIov lhe mainlenance slaff lo access lhe
informalion as needed lo erform a mainlenance lask and incIudes
lhe foIIoving:
a. Syslem schemalic dravings.
b. Sequences of oeralion or conlroI.
c. Comonenl dala
1) Comonenl nameIale dala, incIuding manufaclurer, mod-
eI, seriaI number, dale of inslaIIalion.
Facilities as Assets 19
2) Comonenl drive molor dala (if aIicabIe) incIuding raled
horseover, molor lye, voIlage1hase, amerage.
3) Caacily or olher erformance raling. (Ior examIe, fan ca-
acily is raled as CIM al inches vg slalic ressure, um
caacily is raled as GIM al feel of valer head, elc.)
4) Iarls Iisls and any associaled arls dravings (exIoded
vievs, elc.)
5) Manufaclurers delaiIed service and mainlenance inslruc-
4. The comulerized revenlalive1rogrammed mainlenance sofl-
vare shouId be (a) inluilive lo use by a faciIilies or mainlenance
slaff member and (b) reecl lhe besl raclices for faciIilies mainle-
nancewith less emphasis on bean counting or cost control of main-
tenance operations and more emphasis on performing the maintenance
Facilities Maintenance Director
ResonsibIe for direcling and suervising lhe daiIy oeralions1
aclivilies of lhe IaciIilies Mainlenance Dearlmenl, incIuding lhe
mainlenance, reair, and ukee of aII faciIilies, and equimenl, and
deveIoing, managing, and suervising budgel, rocuremenl, and
conlracling aclivilies required lo meel lhese resonsibiIilies. Dulies
aIso incIude overaII resonsibiIily for lhe day-lo-day oeralions of lhe
mainlenance dearlmenl, eslabIishing mainlenance riorilies, deveIoing
shorl- and Iong-lerm Ianning, managing lhe and oeralion of faciIilies
service syslems.

Minimum acheIors Degree in Managemenl, Lngineering, Conslruclion,

Lducalion Archileclure, or a reIaled heId.

Minimum 1. versee lhe assignmenl of vork orders and mainlenance

GeneraI ro|ecls lo crevs. Irovide direclions as needed lo crev
SkiII Sel members eilher direclIy or lhrough lhe crafl suervisors.
2. Communicales vilh archilecls and engineers during lhe
20 Effective Building Maintenance
design, modihcalion, and inseclion of exisling and nev
faciIilies in regards lo mainlenance imacl.
3. IIan, organize, coordinale, and suervise lhe
mainlenance, modihcalion, and reair of buiIdings,
faciIilies, and equimenl.
4. Ireare and adminisler oulside conlracls for lhe required
mainlenance of faciIilies, incIuding eIevalor, hre aIarm,
sland-by emergency over, HVAC conlroIs, elc., as
5. Delerminalion of mainlenance riorilies, incIuding
coordinaling and scheduIing ro|ecls, eslabIishing vork
slandards and oeraling rocedures and revenlalive
mainlenance rograms.
6. Ireares and aroves urchase orders and accidenl
7. Makes resenlalion of mainlenance dearlmenls
oeralions Ian and budgel lo managemenl.
8. Lxercise fuII suervisory and decision making aulhorily
in lhe dearlmenl, incIuding lhe hiring, romoling,
evaIualing, and lerminaling ersonneI.
9 Iniliale disciIinary aclion and olher ersonneI-reIaled
aclivilies as necessary.

Secihc SkiIIs Have knovIedge of:

Required ersonneI managemenl and suervisory raclices
occualionaI hazards and safely recaulions of lhe
buiIding mainlenance lrade
buiIding and safely codes
energy conservalion melhods and rocedures
cenlraI Ianl and dislricl healing1cooIing syslems
effeclive ubIic reIalions melhods and raclices
Have abiIily lo:
arliciale in lhe eslabIishmenl and imIemenlalion of
vork and safely slandards
Facilities as Assets 21
mainlain lhe dearlmenls records, reare daiIy reorls
and conlroI exendilures
idenlify and resoIve oeralionaI and ersonneI robIems
research and roduce vrillen documenls, reorls,
and anaIysis vilh cIearIy organized lhoughls and
subslanlialed concIusions
eslabIish and mainlain effeclive vorking reIalionshis
vilh olher managemenl, slaff, conlraclors, cuslomers and
lhe generaI ubIic

Minimum 9+ years of rogressiveIy resonsibIe manageriaI and

Lxerience adminislralive exerience in a buiIding and grounds
mainlenance, code enforcemenl, or faciIilies managemenl
oeralion, lvo years of vhich musl have been in a
suervisory caacily.

Craft Supervisor
Second or lhird lier managemenl IeveI in a mainlenance dearlmenl,
resonsibIe for direcling and suervising lhe daiIy oeralions1aclivilies
of lechnicians vilh a secihc crafl area (generaI faciIily, HVAC, IIumbing,
or LIeclricaI). IIans, suervises, direcls and revievs lhe vork of skiIIed
and semi-skiIIed and suorl slaff erforming |ourney-IeveI inslaIIalion,
reair, and mainlenance.

Minimum 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

Lducalion rogram, or miIilary lraining in lhe a secihc mainlenance
15 hours, minimum, each year of addilionaI inslruclion in
one or more crafl areas.

Ireferred acheIors Degree in Managemenl, Lngineering,

Lducalion Conslruclion, Archileclure, or a reIaled heId.

Minimum 1. IIans, scheduIes, assigns, suervises, revievs and

GeneraI evaIuales lhe vork of skiIIed and semi-skiIIed slaff
SkiII Sel erforming mainlenance and reair vork.
2. Recommends seIeclion of slaff.
3. Trains slaff in vork rocedures, adminislers disciIine as
22 Effective Building Maintenance
4. Assisls in deveIoing and imIemenling goaIs, ob|eclives,
rocedures and vork slandards for secihc crafl areas
and rovides inul inlo lhe mainlenance budgels.
5. TroubIeshools robIems and rovides lechnicaI assislance
lo slaff in soIving mainlenance and reair robIems.
6. Requisilions maleriaIs, arls, looIs and equimenl needed
for vork assignmenls, orders and icks u maleriaIs and
suIies from oulside vendors as aroriale, reares
cosl eslimales for |obs.
7. Ireares, issues, riorilizes and1or monilors vork orders.
8. Insecls reair and mainlenance vork in rogress and
uon comIelion lo ensure lhal vork comIies vilh
aIicabIe codes and reguIalions.
9. Lnsures lhal slaff foIIovs safely rocedures and uses
aroriale safely equimenl.

Secihc SkiIIs Have knovIedge of:

Required crafl area lechnicaI issues and mainlenance rocedures
ersonneI managemenl and suervisory raclices
occualionaI hazards and safely recaulions of lhe
buiIding mainlenance lrade
buiIding and safely codes

Minimum 5+ years exerience as Technician LeveI III, lvo years of

Lxerience vhich musl have been in a suervisory caacily as foreman
or Iead lechnician.

General Facility Technician Level I

Lnlry or arenlice IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms onIy
under lhe direcl and conlinuous suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.
Minimum Lducalion High schooI diIoma, GLD, or equivaIenl.

DesirabIe Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in a secihc mainlenance
crafl area.

Facilities as Assets 23
Minimum GeneraI asic skiII vilh hand looIs and over looIs normaIIy
SkiII Sel uliIized in a secihc crafl area.
KnovIedge of conslruclion drafling and abiIily lo read
and undersland bIuerinls.
Working knovIedge of vorkIace safely ruIes and

Crafl SkiII Sel Assisl in servicing and reIacing minor Iumbing

Ierform minor eIeclricaI vork nol requiring a Iicensed
eIeclrician such as reIacing Iighl buIbs and fuses.
Assisl in minor carenlry, masonry, roohng, and olher
generaI faciIily mainlenance.
Mainlain machinery, equimenl, and looIs by cIeaning,
Iubricaling, greasing, oiIing lo ensure olimum vorking

Minimum 1-2 years deending, on educalion, vorking in

Lxerience conslruclion or buiIding mainlenance.

General Facility Technician Level II

Semi-skiIIed or heIer IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms
under lhe generaI suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in lhe a secihc
mainlenance crafl.
15 hours, minimum, each year of addilionaI inslruclion
in one or more crafl areas.

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI I lechnician.

SkiII Sel
KnovIedge and undersland of buiIding codes, faciIily
slandards, and aIicabIe reguIalions for a secihc crafl.
24 Effective Building Maintenance
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh minimaI suervision.
CaabIe of lraining, suervising, and direcling LeveI I

Crafl SkiII Sel AIy carenlry lechniques and using carenlry looIs lo
conslrucl, aIler, reair, and1or inslaII vaIIs, slairs, oors,
ceiIing, vindovs, doors, roofs, gullers, Iock, elc.
Ierform slrucluraI reair, aIleralions, or imrovemenl
vork such as rearing surfaces for Iasler or cemenl
vork, sludding, and Iaslering vaIIs.
InslaII gIass in doors and vindovs.

Minimum 3-5 years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

General Facility Technician Level III

SkiIIed or |ourneyman IeveI mainlenance vorker.

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Facilities as Assets 25
HVAC Technician Level I
Lnlry or arenlice IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms onIy
under lhe direcl and conlinuous suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion High schooI diIoma, GLD, or equivaIenl.

DesirabIe Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice
rogram, or miIilary lraining in a secihc mainlenance
crafl area.

Minimum GeneraI asic skiII vilh hand looIs and over looIs normaIIy
SkiII Sel uliIized in a secihc crafl area.
asic knovIedge of sho malh, mechanicaI draving,
aIied hysics and chemislry, eIeclronics, bIuerinl
reading, and comuler aIicalions.
Some knovIedge of Iumbing and eIeclricaI vork aIso is
A basic underslanding of eIeclronics is required
Working knovIedge of vorkIace safely ruIes and

Crafl SkiII Sel Have a lhorough grounding in lhe fundamenlaIs

of healing, venliIaling, and air-condilioning syslem
inslaIIalion, oeralion, and lroubIeshooling for, al a
minimum, residenliaI and Iighl commerciaI comforl

Minimum 1-2 years deending, on educalion, vorking in

Lxerience conslruclion or buiIding mainlenance.

HVAC Technician Level II

Semi-skiIIed or heIer IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms
under lhe generaI suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in lhe a secihc
mainlenance crafl.
26 Effective Building Maintenance
15 hours, minimum, each year of addilionaI inslruclion
in one or more crafl areas.

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI I lechnician.

SkiII Sel
Have laken and assed lechnician cerlihcalion lesl(s)
al lhe |ourneyman IeveI or higher. (The lesls are
offered lhrough Refrigeralion Service Lngineers Sociely
(RSLS), HVAC LxceIIence, The Carbon Monoxide Safely
Associalion (CSA), Air Condilioning and Refrigeralion
Safely CoaIilion, and Norlh American Technician
LxceIIence, Inc. (NATL), among olhers.)
e lrained and hoId an LIA-Aroved Seclion 6O8
cerlihcalion needed lo service buiIding air condilioning
and refrigeralion syslems.
KnovIedge and undersland of buiIding codes, faciIily
slandards, and aIicabIe reguIalions for a secihc crafl.
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh minimaI suervision.
CaabIe of lraining, suervising, and direcling LeveI I

Crafl SkiII Sel Have a basic grounding in lhe fundamenlaIs of

commerciaI, induslriaI, or inslilulionaI healing,
venliIaling, and air-condilioning syslem inslaIIalion,
oeralion, and lroubIeshooling.
CaabIe of ie and lube hlling (incIuding
measuremenl and Iayoul), siIver soIdering, sofl
soIdering, culling1reairing sleeI ie lhreads and
assembIing sleeI ie and hllings, and veIding (eIeclric
arc and MIG).

Minimum 3-5 years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Facilities as Assets 27
HVAC Technician Level III
SkiIIed or |ourneyman IeveI mainlenance vorker.

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel Have a lhorough grounding in lhe fundamenlaIs

of commerciaI, induslriaI, or inslilulionaI healing,
venliIaling, and air-condilioning syslem inslaIIalion,
oeralion, and lroubIeshooling.
CaabIe of ie and lube hlling (incIuding
measuremenl and Iayoul), siIver soIdering, sofl
soIdering, culling1reairing sleeI ie lhreads and
assembIing sleeI ie and hllings, and veIding (eIeclric
arc and MIG).

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Plumbing Technician Level I

Lnlry or arenlice IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms onIy
under lhe direcl and conlinuous suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion High schooI diIoma, GLD, or equivaIenl.

DesirabIe Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in a secihc mainlenance
crafl area.

28 Effective Building Maintenance

Minimum GeneraI asic skiII vilh hand looIs and over looIs normaIIy
SkiII Sel uliIized in a secihc crafl area.
KnovIedge of conslruclion drafling and abiIily lo read
and undersland bIuerinls.
Working knovIedge of vorkIace safely ruIes and

Minimum 1-2 years deending, on educalion, vorking in

Lxerience conslruclion or buiIding mainlenance.

Plumbing Technician Level II

Semi-skiIIed or heIer IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms
under lhe generaI suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in lhe a secihc
mainlenance crafl.
15 hours, minimum, each year of addilionaI inslruclion
in one or more crafl areas.

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI I lechnician.

SkiII Sel
KnovIedge and undersland of buiIding codes, faciIily
slandards, and aIicabIe reguIalions for a secihc crafl.
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh minimaI suervision.
CaabIe of lraining, suervising, and direcling LeveI I

Crafl SkiII Sel Reviev bIuerinls and buiIding codes and secihcalions
lo delermine vork delaiIs and rocedures.
Sludy buiIding Ians and insecl slruclures lo assess
maleriaI and equimenl needs, lo eslabIish lhe sequence
of ie inslaIIalions, and lo Ian inslaIIalion around
obslruclions such as eIeclricaI viring.
Facilities as Assets 29
AssembIe ie seclions, lubing and hllings, using
couIings, cIams, screvs, boIls, cemenl, Iaslic soIvenl,
cauIking, or soIdering, brazing and veIding equimenl.
IiII ies or Iumbing hxlures vilh valer or air and
observe ressure gauges lo delecl and Iocale Ieaks.
Locale and mark lhe osilion of ie inslaIIalions,
conneclions, assage hoIes, and hxlures in slruclures,
using measuring inslrumenls such as ruIers and IeveIs.
Measure, cul, lhread, and bend ie lo required angIe,
using hand and over looIs or machines such as ie
cullers, ie-lhreading machines, and ie-bending
Tesl, reair, and reIace Iumbing hxlures, ums,
lanks, elc.
InslaII ie assembIies, hllings, vaIves, aIiances such
as dishvashers and valer healers, and hxlures such as
sinks and loiIels, using hand and over looIs.

Minimum 3-5 years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Plumbing Technician Level III

SkiIIed or |ourneyman IeveI mainlenance vorker.

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

30 Effective Building Maintenance

Crafl SkiII Sel AII skiIIs required for LeveI II Technician

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Electrical Technician Level I

Lnlry or arenlice IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms onIy
under lhe direcl and conlinuous suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion High schooI diIoma, GLD, or equivaIenl.

DesirabIe Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in a secihc mainlenance
crafl area.

Minimum GeneraI asic skiII vilh hand looIs and over looIs normaIIy
SkiII Sel uliIized in a secihc crafl area.
KnovIedge of conslruclion drafling and abiIily lo read
and undersland bIuerinls.
Working knovIedge of crafl and vorkIace safely ruIes
and rocedures, arlicuIarIy NIIA Standard70E.

Minimum 1-2 years deending, on educalion, vorking in

Lxerience conslruclion or buiIding mainlenance.

Electrical Technician Level II

Semi-skiIIed or heIer IeveI mainlenance vorker vho erforms
under lhe generaI suervision of a higher IeveI lechnician.

Minimum Lducalion 2-year Associale Degree, comIelion of arenlice

rogram, or miIilary lraining in lhe a secihc
mainlenance crafl.
15 hours, minimum, each year of addilionaI inslruclion
in one or more crafl areas.

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI I lechnician.

SkiII Sel
Facilities as Assets 31
KnovIedge and undersland of buiIding codes, faciIily
slandards, and aIicabIe reguIalions for a secihc crafl.
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh minimaI suervision.
CaabIe of lraining, suervising, and direcling LeveI I

Crafl SkiII Sel KnovIedge of eIeclricaI over syslems mainlenance,

reair and reIacemenl, and inslaIIalion of eIeclricaI
over dislribulion racevay, viring, devices, and
KnovIedge of lhe aIicalion and use of lesling
equimenl for checking, lesling, and anaIyzing
eIeclricaI syslems and equimenl (incIuding ammeler,
osciIIoscoe, voIlage lesler, hase and rolalion lesler,
and muIlimeler).
CaabIe of sizing, rouling, measuremenl, and
inslaIIalion of racevay syslems, incIuding LMT, RLC,
and ILC, aIong vilh |unclion boxes, device boxes, and
aneI1equimenl conneclions.
CaabIe of inslaIIing conduclors in racevay syslems
uIIing vire and making conneclions1lerminalions.
Musl hoId, a required, a slale or IocaI |ourneyman
eIeclrician or eIeclricaI conlraclor Iicense.

Minimum 3-5 years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Electrical Technician Level III

SkiIIed or |ourneyman IeveI mainlenance vorker.

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
32 Effective Building Maintenance
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel KnovIedge of eIeclricaI over syslems mainlenance,

reair and reIacemenl, and inslaIIalion of eIeclricaI
over dislribulion racevay, viring, devices, and
KnovIedge of lhe aIicalion and use of lesling
equimenl for checking, lesling, and anaIyzing
eIeclricaI syslems and equimenl (incIuding ammeler,
osciIIoscoe, voIlage lesler, hase and rolalion lesler,
and muIlimeler).
CaabIe of sizing, rouling, measuremenl, and
inslaIIalion of racevay syslems, incIuding LMT, RLC,
and ILC, aIong vilh |unclion boxes, device boxes, and
aneI1equimenl conneclions.
CaabIe of inslaIIing conduclors in racevay syslems
uIIing vire and making conneclions1lerminalions.
Mainlain and reair Iov voIlage syslems incIuding hre,
aIarm and access syslems.
Tesl eIeclricaI equimenl for safely and efhciency.

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

The foIIoving seciaIly mainlenance slaff require lhe highesl IeveI of

skiIIs and shouId, lherefore, cIassihed as LeveI III lechnicians.
Facilities as Assets 33
Carpenter/Cabinetry Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel CaabIe of Mainlaining buiIdings and reIaled slruclures

aIying carenlry lechniques and using carenlry looIs
lo conslrucl, aIler, reair and1or inslaII vaIIs, slairs,
oors, ceiIings, vindovs, doors and door hardvare,
handicaed chair raiIs and rams, sheIving, elc.
Insecl buiIdings needing carenlry reair of aIleralions
and eslimale |ob duralion and lhe cosl and1or quanlilies
of Iabor and maleriaIs needed lo comIele lhe |ob.
Inlerrel and1or drav u skelches, allerns, bIuerinls,
inslruclions and1or Iayouls of vork lo be done.
Ierform slrucluraI reair, aIleralion or imrovemenl
vork such as Iovering ceiIings and aneIing rooms,
rearing surfaces for Iasler or cemenl vork, sludding,
viring, and Iaslering vaIIs and cracks in oors or
around vindovs, laing |oinls on GW, and iece-
malching and1or reIacing counlerlos.

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

34 Effective Building Maintenance


Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel AIy ainls, varnish, and1or slains lo aII lyes of
surfaces (e.g. vood, melaI, Iasler, elc.) In order lo
rolecl and beaulify such surfaces using aroriale
ulensiIs and equimenl such as ainl sraying
Ireare surfaces for ainling using aroriale looIs,
equimenl, and lechniques.
SeIecl lhe lyes and coIors of ainls, varnish or slain
and mixes, bIends and reares lhe same for roer
coIor malch.
Ireare surfaces for Iasler or cemenl vork by laing
|oinls on sheelrock, cauIking and valerroohng vaIIs
and cracks in oors, elc. by using aroriale looIs and
Ierforms reIaled dulies such as removing and reIacing
gIass, driIIing hoIes in signs, rinling Iellers and signs,
and moving ofhce furnilure.
ased on assignmenl, may oerale road-Iine ainling
machines and sand bIasling equimenl.

Facilities as Assets 35
Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding
Lxerience mainlenance.


Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel InslaII Iock devices in doors, desks, ofhce equimenl
and olher unils.
Reair and1or overhauI Iocking devices such as morlise,
rim, key-in-lhe knob Iocks, dead boIl, ofhce equimenl,
adIocks and emergency exil Iocks by reairing for
reIacing vorn lumbIers, srings or olher arls of
Iocking devices, by making aIleralions lo Iocking
mechanisms and unils, and1or by reIacing esculcheons
and face Iales on doors lo change lhe size of exisling
InslaII Iocks conlaining duaI Iocking caabiIilies
by revorking Iocking devices designed lo vork in
con|unclion vilh olher comonenls and equimenl lo
form a comIele securily of surveiIIance syslems.
Changes Iock combinalion by inserling nev or reaired
lumbIers inlo Iocks in order.

Minimum 4+ years of fuII-lime exerience in Iocksmilhing.


36 Effective Building Maintenance

Conveying Systems Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.
SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel KnovIedge of lhe currenl edilions of lhe foIIoving

American Sociely of MechanicaI Lngineers (ASML)
eIevalor codes:
ASML A17.1, SafetyCodeforElevatorsandEscalators
ASML A17.2, InspectorsManualforElevatorsand
ASML A17.3, SafetyCodeforExistingElevatorsand
ASML A17.4, GuideforEmergencyEvacuationof
ASML A17.1 Handbook and ASML A17.1
Cerlihcalion as a QuaIihed LIevalor Inseclor, as
dehned by ASML QLI-1.
Insecl and lesl eIevalors and reIaled machinery lo
ensure lhal lhey meel IegaI oeraling requiremenls.
Facilities as Assets 37
Coordinale and scheduIe inseclions vilh olher
agencies and conlraclors.

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Masonry/Tile Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel Lay brick, slone, and CMI and olher masonry unils
using a variely of hand and over looIs such as brick
or naing hammer, brick or shiII sav, ick, chiseI
and hammer lo buiId, aIler, reair and1or mainlain
brick and1or concrele surfaces and slruclures such as
sidevaIks, arlilions, oors, chimneys, elc.
Reair or inslaII ceramic lime, slone, or brick ooring.
Ierform reIaled dulies such as cauIking and
valerroohng cracks in masonry vaIIs and oors and
coring hoIes lhrough concrele or masonry vaIIs or

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

38 Effective Building Maintenance

Roofng Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.
SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel Mainlain, reair, and reIace aII lyes of roohng
maleriaIs using looIs and equimenl of lhe lrade.
Reairs Ieaks in melaI roof, vaIIs, and ceiIings by
soIdering, criming, riveling, and veIding seams in
sheel melaI and inslaIIing ashing and valerroof feIl
using aroriale hand and over looIs lo reduce valer
damage and reslore valer-lighl inlegrily.
Iabricale misceIIaneous melaI arls such as gaveI
guards, gullers, souls, ies, by culling, driIIing,
laing and soIdering melaI lo meel roohng

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

HVAC Controls Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
Facilities as Assets 39
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Fire Sprinkler Technician

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel KnovIedge of NIIA Standard25, Slandard for lhe

Inseclion, Tesling, and Mainlenance of Waler-ased
Iire Iroleclion Syslems.
In many IocaIes, lhe ersonneI erforming lhese
funclions musl be Iicensed by lhe slale or IocaI
governmenl, as foIIovs:
IersonneI erforming mainlenance on hre srinkIer
syslems musl hoId a vaIid Limiled FireSprinklerSystem
MaintenanceTechnician Iicense.
40 Effective Building Maintenance
IersonneI erforming testingandinspection of hre
srinkIer syslems musl hoId a vaIid LimitedFireSprinkler
SystemInspectionTechnician Iicense.

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Special Electrical Systems Technician

Dedicaled lo hre aIarm, securily, communicalions, informalion
lechnoIogy, elc.

Minimum Lducalion Same as for LeveI II lechnician

Minimum GeneraI AII skiIIs required of LeveI II lechnician.

SkiII Sel
CaabIe of erformance of basic revenlalive
mainlenance rocedures vilhin one or more crafl areas
vilh no suervision.
CaabIe of erforming inseclion, anaIysis, and
evaIualion of faciIily comonenls vilhin one or more
crafl areas.
CaabIe of direcling and suervising LeveI I and II

Crafl SkiII Sel Working knovIedge and signihcanl exerience vilh one
or more seciaI eIeclricaI syslems, incIuding hre aIarm,
securily, communicalions, informalion lechnoIogy, elc.

Minimum 6 or more years vorking in conslruclion or buiIding

Lxerience mainlenance.

Chapter 2
Planned Replacement or
Major Renovation
Lvery buiIding is assembIed from a greal many individuaI com-
onenlsmaleriaIs, syslems, sub-syslems, devices, equimenl, elc. ul,
every one of lhese buiIding comonenls viII uIlimaleIy faiI and musl be
reIaced or renovaled vhen il does. HisloricaIIy, lhe Iife-cycIe of buiIding
comonenls has been reresenled by lhe balhlub curve of Iigure 2-1.
Hovever, lhe balhlub curve does nol dehne lhe oinl al vhich
normaI aging faiIures hnaIIy require lhal lhe comonenl be reIaced or
Maximum erformance Iife of a buiIding comonenl is lhe lime
over vhich lhe comonenl serves ils anlicialed funclion over lhe range
from 1OO/ (vhen inslaIIed or iniliaIIy Iaced in service) lo O/ (vhen
il faiIs and lhe onIy olion is lo reIace il). Hovever, once lhe IeveI of
erformance faIIs beIov some minimum (|usl hov many roof Ieaks are
accelabIe`) and lhe cosl of conlinuing lo mainlain a faiIing comonenl
lhrealens lo exceed lhe cosl of reIacemenl, lhen lhe comonenl has
reached lhe end of ils design service Iife (oflen referred lo as ils eco-
nomic Iife).
Iigure 2-2, an enhancemenl of lhe balhlub curve, ignores infanl
morlaIily faiIures associaled vilh nev conslruclion and shovs a more
dehnilive reIalionshi belveen comonenl erformance and lime. ver
any comonenls erformance Iife, funclion degrades sIovIy, even vilh
adequale mainlenance, unliI a liing oinl is reached vhere funclion
begins lo degrade al an acceIeraling rale unliI faiIure occurs.
42 Effective Building Maintenance
The cosl of mainlenance foIIovs an inverse reIalionshi, as shovn
in Iigure 2-3. WhiIe rouline and revenlalive mainlenance is a reIaliveIy
smaII (bul conslanl) requiremenl from day one, as lhe liing oinl is a-
roached, mainlenance robIems and cosls begin lo acceIerale dramali-
caIIy unliI hnaI faiIure occurs and conlinued use and mainlenance of lhe
comonenl is no Ionger an olion.
of maintenance will inevitably exceed the cost of replacement that would have
Design service Iife does nol imIy lhal lhere is no erformance Iife Iefl in
lhe comonenl, bul il does imIy lhal lhe cosl of oblaining lhal remaining
erformance viII exceed lhe cosl of reIacemenl al lhal oinl.
The besl currenl eslimales for lhe reference or median service
Iife of buiIding comonenls are resenled in Component Life Manual,
Housing Associalion Iroerly MuluaI Lld. (HAIM), London, IK
(IubIished by L. & I.N. Son, Andover, Hanls, IK.), 1999. Hovever,
lhe dala conlained in lhis ubIicalion are generaIIy Iimiled lo maleriaIs
commonIy aIied lo housing and Iighl commerciaI conslruclion in lhe
Iniled Kingdom and are somevhal incomIele vhen comared lo con-
Figure 2-1. Component Failure as a Function of Time (Source: NASA)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 43
Figure 2-2. Component Performance as a Function of Time
Figure 2-3. Maintenance/Replacement Cost as a Function of Time
44 Effective Building Maintenance
slruclion maleriaIs and melhods used in lhe Iniled Slales. lher dala
are avaiIabIe from various rofessionaI organizalions and some com-
merciaI hrms (Whilehead, Means, elc.), bul aImosl aII of lhese dala are
anecdolaI in origin, nol based on any reaI scienlihc sludy.
TabIe 2-1 is a masler Iisl of buiIding comonenls lyicaIIy found
in commerciaI and inslilulionaI faciIilies. Thislistisnotall-inclusiveand,
terials,equipment,andsystems. The comonenls are Iisled in accordance
vilh ASTM Slandard L1557, Iniformal II, vhich dehnes a slandard
cIassihcalion for buiIding comonenls and reIaled sile vork. TabIe 2-1
rovides reference economic or service Iife vaIues based on evaIualion
of lhe dala from numerous sources (eseciaIIy lhe HAIM) and lhese
vaIues are based on lhe buiIding and ils comonenls being mainlained
lo al Ieasl a slevardshi IeveI.
Some condilions lhal can reduce lhe reference service Iife have
been idenlihed and are Iisled in TabIe 2-1 as service Iife issues, as foI-
2.1 Reduce lo 1O years if lrealed vood is nol used for exosed or dam
Iocalions, incIuding mud siIIs, vaII bollom Iales on concrele
sIabs, lhe hrsl rov of exlerior shealhing, elc.
2.2 AcryIic cauIking is average (8-12 years). ulyI and bilumen rubber
cauIks have a Iife of 5 years. IoIysuIhide and oIyurelhane have
an execled Iife of 15-2O years. acker rods shouId be reIaced
vilh recauIking. Sublracl 5 years for second and subsequenl cauIk-
ing aIicalions.
2.3 Reduce lo 5 years for dark coIors facing soulh or soulhvesl.
2.4 Reduce Iife by 5O/ if sIoe exceeds 3112.
2.5 Slorms and hurricanes can damage roof coverings enough lo sig-
nihcanlIy shorlen lheir Iife. Sublracl 2 years for each year vilh
above average slorm aclivily.
3.1 Sublracl 3 years for use in corridors or olher high lrafhc areas. Sub-
lracl 5 years if vilhin 2O feel of exlerior door.
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 45
3.2 High humidily IeveIs, roof Ieaks, or olher moislure evenls viII re-
quire ceiIing reIacemenl.
3.3 VinyI vaII covering inslaIIed on an exlerior vaII lhal has no oul-
board vaor relarder can creale a moId infeslalion condilion, re-
quiring immediale removaI of lhe vaII covering.
3.4 Lxcess buiIding movemenl due lo lhermaI exansion1conlraclion,
vind, or differenliaI sellIemenl can cause seaIanls lo searale, re-
quiring immediale reIacemenl.
3.5 IhysicaI damage by carls, cIeaning oeralions, elc. can reduce Iife
by as much as 5O/.
4.1 Reduce Iife by 4O/ for ouldoor aIicalion. uldoor inslaIIalion
requires a second, vealherroof covering lo rolecl lhe insuIalion.
4.2 In coaslaI areas, condenser hns and unil casing musl have eoxy or
henoIic coaling lo rolecl aIuminum from raid oxidalion. Wilh-
oul lhis coaling, Iife is reduced by 7O/.
4.3 IIumbing hxlures in middIe schooIs suffer grealer vandaIism. Re-
duce Iife by 2O/ in middIe schooIs.
6.1 Reduce Iife by 3 years each lime lhe cIassroom is reIocaled.
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life
46 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 47
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
48 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 49
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
50 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 51
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
52 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 53
Table 2-1. Typical Component Service Life (Continued)
IIanned reIacemenl or renovalion of a buiIding comonenl
vhen il faiIs is a ma|or arl of any effeclive rogrammed mainlenance
Ior many buiIding ovners, lhe aroach lo funding needed re-
Iacemenl or renovalion is lo budgel funds as cailaI inveslmenls lo
address lhe need, bul onIy afler lhe need arises. The imacl of lhese
sudden, signihcanl cailaI needs on annuaI budgels is lyicaIIy so greal,
lhal onIy lhe mosl veII-heeIed ovner can make funds avaiIabIe vhen
needed. Mosl ovners alleml lo defer lhe cosl as Iong as ossibIe resuIl-
ing in deferred mainlenance and, uIlimaleIy, even grealer cosl (see Life
CycIe Cosl AnaIysis al ReIacemenl1Renovalion Time, beIov).
54 Effective Building Maintenance
Sohislicaled buiIding ovners incororale a funding Ian as arl
of Ianned reIacemenl or renovalion of buiIding comonenls. This
Ian, in accounling Ianguage, is referred lo as funded derecialion,
bul a more accurale lerm is reinveslmenl or recailaIizalion. Inder
lhis scheme, funds are sel aside each year, usuaIIy in safe, inleresl-
bearing accounls, so lhal vhen a comonenl reaches lhe end of ils
service Iife, lhe cailaI required for ils reIacemenl or renovalion is
aIready aIIocaled and avaiIabIe.
The hrsl sle in lhis rocess is lo eslabIish each comonenls service
Ior iniliaI Ianning for reIacemenl1renovalion of comonenls in
exisling faciIilies, lhe referenced service Iife from TabIe 2-1 can be used as
lhe slarling oinl lo delermine lhe anlicialed remaining design service
Iife for each comonenl. Longer service Iife can generaIIy be oblained
from beller maleriaIs, designers having exercised beller quaIily conlroI,
beller conslruclion quaIily, and more comrehensive mainlenance. Like-
vise, oorer efforls in lhese areas, aIong vilh more severe environmenlaI
condilions, heavy vear-and-lear usage, and1or oor mainlenance viII
cerlainIy shorlen service Iife. vners musl ad|usl lhe service Iife used for
anaIysis for lhese various faclors.
Tvo lechnicaI slandards exisl lhal dehne melhodoIogies for evaIual-
ing lhe service Iife of buiIdings or buiIding comonenls:
IS Slandard 15686-1, Building and Construction Assets Service Life
Canadian Slandards Associalion (CSA) S478-95 (R2OO7), Guideline
olh slandards are based on lhe foIIoving aroach for dehning
faclors lhal inuence remaining design service Iife of buiIding como-
RDSL = eslimaled (or anlicialed) remaining design service Iife
RSL = reference service Iife rovided in TabIe 2-1
A = quaIily of maleriaIs faclor (oor, fair, good, beller, besl)
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 55
= design quaIily conlroI faclor (oor, fair, good, beller, besl)
C = conslruclion quaIily conlroI faclor (oor, fair, good, beller,
D = environmenlaI condilions faclor (non-lyicaI environmen-
laI condilions such as a harsh coaslaI cIimale or one vilh
Iong coId vinlers, soIar radialion, hol-humid cIimales, ur-
ban environmenls, oIIulanls, elc.)
L = in-use condilions faclor (high IeveI of vear-and-lear, such
as K12 schooIs, buiIding ubIic areas, and arking areas or
abuse, such as correclionaI faciIilies)
I = mainlenance IeveI faclor
Lach of faclors A lhrough I musl be evaIualed and an iniliaI vaIue
belveen O.8 and 1.2 assigned lo each.
As part of the preventative maintenance program detailed in Chapter 3,
each building component must be inspected and evaluated on a periodic, rou-
tinebasis. ased on lhese evaIualions, lhe RDSL for each comonenl musl
lhen be ad|usled, al Ieasl annuaIIy. (Nole lhal lhe RDSL can be a negalive
number if needed reIacemenl or ma|or renovalion has been osloned
or deferred.)
This rocess, lhen, is a syslemalic aroach lo ansvering lhe reair
or reIace queslion for aging buiIding comonenls. During lhis rocess,
lhe ansvers lo lhe foIIoving queslions are being delermined:
1. Whal is lhe age of lhe comonenl reIalive lo ils design service Iife`
If lhe age is veII vilhin lhe design service Iife, lhen lhe lendency
vouId be lo consider reair. If lhe RDSL is Iov, lhen lhe lendency
vouId be lo reIace.
2. Whal is lhe currenl condilion indicaled by condilion araisaIs
made during revenlalive mainlenance rocedures` Look al
condilion lrendscondilion degradalion and increased reairs may
indicale lhal reIacemenl lime has come.
3. Are sare arls sliII avaiIabIe` In areas of raid lechnoIogicaI
change, such as buiIding DDC syslems, hre aIarm syslems, elc.,
reair is nol feasibIe if sare arls are nol avaiIabIe. This may diclale
reIacemenl even vhen lhe condilion of lhe comonenl is sliII good.
56 Effective Building Maintenance
4. WouId reIacemenl reduce mainlenance cosls, reduce energy cosls,
and1or reduce valer cosls lo an exlenl lhal an accelabIe ayback
eriod can be achieved` If so, lhe cosl of reIacemenl may be |uslihed.
The besl aroach lo budgeling for reIacemenl1renovalion main-
lenance is lo aIy lhe concel of fundeddepreciation lo each buiIding com-
onenl. This concel is oflen caIIed re-cailaIizalion or reinveslmenl
(lhough ils knovn hisloricaIIy as a sinking fund) and il requires buiId-
ing ovners lo sel aside funds each year, usuaIIy Iaced in an inleresl-
bearing inveslmenl, lhal viII be avaiIabIe in lhe fulure lo ay lo lhe cosl
of ma|or reIacemenl or renovalion of a buiIding comonenl vhen lhal
comonenl reaches lhe end of ils RDSL. This aroach, adoled by many
induslriaI hrms and even some slale governmenls (such as Minnesola),
uIlimaleIy eIiminales lhe need for borroved funds (Ioans or bonds) and
corresonding debl service obIigalions. And, as shovn by lhe foIIoving
discussion, thisconcepteliminatesdeferredmaintenanceandlowersthecostsof
Ising lhis concel, lhe currenl cosl of reIacemenl or renovalion of
each comonenl, y, is delermined, aIong vilh an eslimale of ils RDSL. Di-
viding lhe reIacemenl1renovalion cosl by lhe number of years of RDSL
yieIds lhe budgel amounl lhal musl be aIIocaled each year belveen nov
and lhe lime of lhe reIacemenl1renovalion.
Iulure reIacemenl or renovalions cosls viII be higher lhan currenl
cosls due lo inalion and, lhus, a cost escalation factor (CEF) musl be in-
cororaled inlo lhe caIcuIalion. Inalion has a signihcanl affecl on fulure
cosls and under eslimaling lhe imacl of inalion is lhe kiss of dealh
for adequale funded derecialion.
Conslruclion cosl inalion is aImosl aIvays grealer lhan lhe generaI
inalion rale, as iIIuslraled by lhe dala in TabIe 2-2 comaring generaI in-
alion and conslruclion cosl inalion rale in lhe Iniled Slales over each
decade since 197O.
Thus, it is good planning to assume that construction cost infation will
be 30-50% higher than the general infation rate, a condition that has existed
forthelast(almost)40years. lhervise, lhe funds avaiIabIe al lhe end of
lhe comonenls service Iife lo ay for reIacemenl1renovalion couId be
voefuIIy inadequale.
Ior schooI boards and counly commissioners, lhe slicker shock
associaled vilh needed reIacemenls or renovalions is a key cause of de-
ferred mainlenancea roof reIacemenl lhal vouId cosl $1,OOO,OOO loday
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 57
viII cosl $2,OOO,OOO+ in 14 years (vhen lhe need for reIacemenl arrives)
vilh a 5/ conslruclion cosl inalion rale!
Since annuaI budgeled funds are nol senl unliI lhe end of lhe com-
onenls service Iife, lhese funds can be Iaced in inleresl-bearing invesl-
menls and, lhus, an inleresl rale faclor (IRI) musl be incororaled inlo
lhe caIcuIalion. Thus, lhe annuaI budgeled funding, x, required lo yieId
lhe required funds for lhe reIacemenl or renovalion of a comonenl al
lhe end some n years in lhe fulure, lhe RDSL, can be delermined by lhe
foIIoving reIalionshi:
x = y (1+CLI)
1(1+IRI) |(1+IRI)
- 1j1n
Ising lhis equalion, lhe annuaI budgeled amounl required for a
roof reIacemenl having a currenl cosl of $1OO,OOO and a remaining ser-
vice Iife of eighl years is comuled as foIIovs:

Variable Value

y = $1OO,OOO
n = 8 (years)
CLI = O.O9 (9/ annuaI cosl escaIalion)
IRI = O.O5 (5/ inveslmenl inleresl rale)

Table 2-2. Infation Rate Comparison

Avg.Annual Avg.Annual
GeneralInfation ConstructionCost
Decade Rate(%) InfationRate(%)*

197O-79 5.9 7.8

198O-89 4.6 5.7
199O-99 2.5 3.O
2OOO-O8 3.3 5.1
2OO9-18 2.2** 3.6***

*ased on lhe Turner uiIding Cosl Index

**CongressionaI udgel fhce ro|eclion
***Aulhors eslimale
58 Effective Building Maintenance
x = 1OO,OOO |(1+.O9)
1.O5 |(1.O5)
1j11.O5 = $19,872
udgeling $19,872 for inveslmenl al lhe beginning of each year al a
5/ annuaI inleresl rale viII, al lhe end of 8 years, yieId lhe $199,256 re-
quired lo reIace lhe roof. In lhis examIe, lhen, a lolaI inveslmenl of onIy
$158,976 is required lo offsel a $199,256 exendilurea savings of 2O/!
Wilh Ionger inveslmenl eriods, lhe savings can be as much as 5O-6O/.
To simIify comulalions, lhe numeralor of lhe reIalionshi above
is caIIed lhe Iulure Cosl Iaclor, vhiIe lhe denominalor is caIIed lhe
Iulure VaIue Iaclor. TabIes 2-3 and 2-4 al lhe end of lhis chaler ro-
vide a broad range of inleresl rales and eriods for use and, lhus, lhis
comulalion can be reduced lo lhe foIIoving:
x = y| Iulure Cosl Iaclor (from TabIe 2-3)1Iulure VaIue Iaclor
(from TabIe 2-4)j
In lhe examIe above, lhe Iulure Cosl Iaclor is 1.993, vhiIe lhe Iu-
lure VaIue Iaclor is 1O.O27 These lvo vaIues yieId lhe foIIoving:
x = 1OO,OOO x 1.99311O.O27 = $19,872
The common aIlernalive lo funded derecialion is lo do nolhing
aboul a comonenl lhal viII uIlimaleIy faiI unliI lhe faiIure has oc-
curred, or soon viII. Inder lhis condilion, if funds are nol readiIy avaiI-
abIe for reIacemenl or renovalion, lhe onIy aIlernalive is lo borrov. In
costof$265,117(principal plus loaninterest)over$100,000morethan the
Funded depreciation is always the lowest cost approach to fund-
ing adequate replacement/renovation maintenance.
When buiIding comonenls require reIacemenl or ma|or reno-
valion, lhe oorlunily resenls ilseIf lo re-lhink originaI design deci-
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 59
sionshrsl lo make imrovemenls over lhe originaI design (e.g., bel-
ler quaIily, Ionger design service Iife, Iover mainlenance requiremenls,
elc.) and, second, lo seIecl lhese reIacemenl or renovalion comonenls
on lhe basis of Iovesl Iife cycIe cosl ralher lhan simIy Iovesl hrsl cosl.
The concel of Iife-cycIe cosling is nol nev, and lhe melhods and
aIicalions resenled in lhis lexl are nolhing more lhan more formaI
aroaches lo a rocess lhal is aIready famiIiar lo mosl individuaIs:
comaralive shoing. When you go lo buy a nev car, you Iook hrsl
al lhe rice. Then, you check lhe gas miIeage raling so lhal you can
eslimale oeraling cosl. Nexl, you read u on lhe reair hislory of lhis
modeI so you viII have some idea of lhe mainlenance cosls. You Iook
inlo hnancing so lhal lhe cosl of borroved money is considered. You
check inlo resaIe vaIues and, lhus, eslimale lhe vaIue of lhe car in fulure
years. And, hnaIIy, you decide on hov many years you Ian lo kee lhe
car and lhus eslabIish, for you, ils economic Iife. AII of lhis is faclored
inlo your eslimale of lhe lolaI ovning and oeraling cosl for your nev
car over lhe eriod you Ian lo kee il.
You have just performed a life cycle cost analysis! The concel is very
slraighlforvard and is somelhing vilh vhich you are aIready famiIiar.
To delermine lhe Iife cycIe cosl of each aIlernalive aroach lo re-
Iacing or renovaling a buiIding comonenl, secihc dala aboul each o-
lenliaI aIlernalive musl be coIIecled:
Capital Cost
A fairIy delaiIed cosl eslimale musl be deveIoed based on vendor
and conlraclor inul. This eslimale musl incIude, as aIicabIe, a number
of cosls lhal are oflen overIooked:
1. SeciaI equimenl and1or rigging.
2. DemoIilion.
3. AddilionaI archilecluraI and1or slrucluraI requiremenls associaled
vilh mechanicaI aIlernalives
4. AddilionaI mechanicaI or eIeclricaI requiremenls associaled vilh
archilecluraI aIlernalives.
5. Temorary comonenls, means, elc. lo aIIov occuancy or uliIiza-
lion during lhe conslruclion eriod.
lher cosls lhal are incIuded in lhe cailaI requiremenl are design
fees, vhich may increase or decrease as a funclion of lhe seIecled aIlerna-
60 Effective Building Maintenance
live, seciaI consuIlanls fees, mock-us, seciaI lesling, elc.
AII inveslmenl cosls are comuled as of lhe bid dale and are as-
sumed lo occur al lhe beginning of Year 1 of lhe anaIysis eriod (eco-
nomic Iife).
Loan Factors
Wilh funds lhal have accrued under a sinking fund Ian, lhere is
no inleresl exense since no borroved funds are required lo imIemenl
lhe required reIacemenl or renovalion. ul, a Ioan, if required, musl be
amorlized over ils eslabIished lerm vilh lhe dehned inleresl rale aIied.
Therefore, for lhese ro|ecls, lvo faclors musl be knovn and incIuded in
lhe anaIysis:
1. Whal ercenlage of lhe ro|ecl cosl is rovided from Ioan funds`
This can range from O lo 1OO/.
2. Whal is lhe bond inleresl rale and lerm`
Energy Cost
The eslimalion of energy cosl associaled vilh an aIlernalive requires
lhal lvo quanlilies be knovn: (1) lhe amounl of each source of energy
execled lo be consumed annuaIIy for lhe aIlernalive and (2) lhe unil cosl
or rale scheduIe for each energy source. The second quanlily is reIaliveIy
easy lo delermine by conlacling lhe uliIilies serving lhe sile or, for some
camus faciIilies, oblaining lhe cosl for sleam, over, chiIIed valer, elc.
lhal may be furnished from a cenlraI source.
Economic Life Determination
TabIe 2-1 rovides design service Iife faclors lhal can be used as lhe
economic Iife of a comonenl.
Maintenance and Replacement Considerations
Lslimales of rouline revenlalive mainlenance cosls and eriodic
reIacemenl or renovalion requiremenls can be made using lhe dala from
lhis lexl.
As discussed above, conslruclion cosl inalion is aImosl aIvays
grealer lhan lhe generaI inalion rale and, lhus, il is good Ianning lo
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 61
assume lhal conslruclion cosl inalion viII be 3O-5O/ higher lhan lhe
generaI inalion rale.
There are numerous sreadsheels and soflvare ackages avaiIabIe
lo heI handIe lhe comulalionaI asecls of Iife cycIe cosl anaIysis. ne of
lhe simIesl melhods is rovided by lhe sreadsheel anaIysis looI caIIed
LCCA-1.O used by lhe Slale of Norlh CaroIina. The advanlage lo lhis
looI is lhal il does nol uliIize discounl faclors lhal have lhe effecl of re-
ducing lhe imorlance of fulure oeraling and mainlenance cosls reIalive
lo lhe iniliaI conslruclion cosl. This looI is avaiIabIe lo any user al hll:11
Deferred mainlenance, osloning required mainlenance (reven-
lalive or reIacemenl1renovalion) of buiIding comonenls is lhe resuIl
of deferring funding for mainlenance. The term deferred maintenance is
Calegories of mainlenance may be considered lo be deferred if nol
done vhen lhey shouId have been or vhen lhey vere scheduIed lo have
been done based RDSLs.
Accumulateddeferredmaintenance resuIls from lvo basic faiIures:
1. Inder-funding of revenlalive mainlenance so lhal minor reair
vork evoIves inlo more serious mainlenance robIems, oflen vilh
exensive coIIaleraI damage.
2. IaiIure lo fund reIacemenl or renovalion of buiIding comonenls
lhal have reached lhe end of lheir service Iife. This is, by far, lhe
grealer conlribulion lo deferred mainlenance.
WhiIe lhe rool cause of deferred mainlenance is syslemic inadequale
mainlenance funding, lhe robIem is comounded by choices made dur-
ing auslere hnanciaI limes vhen even minimum rouline mainlenance is de-
ferred in order lo meel more ressing hscaI requiremenls. What is true is
that management, too often, makes the decision that the value and risks
of funding maintenance at its required level is not as important as the
value and risks associated with some alternative use for available funds!
62 Effective Building Maintenance
This is shorl-sighled and, uIlimaleIy, more coslIy aroach.
InevilabIy, lhe Ionger il is ossibIe lo avoid reIacing or renovaling a
faiIed buiIding comonenl, lhe more il viII cosl and lhe grealer risk lhere
is lhal cosls viII be signihcanlIy grealer:
NormaI cosl escaIalion due lo inalion viII occur and fulure cosls
viII be higher lhan lodays cosls.
There are oflen cosls for coIIaleraI damage caused by lhe oor
erformance of a faiIed comonenl. Ior examIe, a roof lhal is nol
reIaced vhen needed viII resuIl in an increased incidence of valer
Ieaks and lhese Ieaks may cause corrosion, vel rol, moId infesla-
lion, or olher robIems lhal musl be reaired vilh lhe roof is hnaIIy
reIaced. In an HVAC syslem, faiIure lo reIace an AHI drain an
can aIso resuIl in valer Ieaks. A fan bearing lhal is nol reIaced may
score lhe fan shafl or seize on il, requiring reIacemenl of lhe shafl
and, robabIy, lhe fan vheeI.
the cost of the repair or replacement when it should have been done, assuming
no substantialcollateraldamageresulting from deferring maintenance. So lhe
queslion musl be osed: if buiIding ovners cannol aIIocale lhe required
funds vhen needed iniliaIIy, hov viII lhey be abIe lo come u vilh 2-4
limes lhal funding IeveI vilhin some reasonabIe lime frame in lhe fulure`
bviousIy, lhey cannol, and loo oflen once mainlenance is deferred, lhal
mainlenance never re-enlers lhe mainlenance rogram and can onIy be
funded as arl a ma|or cailaI imrovemenl rogram vilh nev fund-
ing, lyicaIIy borroved. SchooI syslems and governmenls lhroughoul
lhe Iniled Slales roulineIy musl issue bonds lo fund lhe reIacemenl or
renovalion of faiIed or faiIing buiIdings lhal gol lhal vay by deferring
mainlenance lo some fulure lime lhal, essenliaIIy, never came.
So, adequale funding for reIacemenl and renovalion is required lo
eIiminale deferred mainlenance. To make sure lhe funds are lhere vhen
needed, a budgeling Ian, uliIizing lhe concel of funded derecialion, is
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation 63
Table 2-3. Replacement/Renovation Future Cost Factors

64 Effective Building Maintenance

Table 2-4. Infation Rate Comparison

Chapter 3
Preventative Maintenance
The requiremenls for eslabIishing a generaI conslruclion mainle-
nance rogram vary videIy based on lhe size and comIexily of lhe faciI-
ily. Hovever, lhe foIIoving basic eIemenls are common lo aII faciIilies:
Have a vorking knovIedge of generaI conslruclion maleriaIs,
means, and melhods.
blain lhe originaI design dala (as buiIl dravings and secihca-
lions). This is lhe informalion lhal dehnes buiIding comonenls and
delaiIs of conslruclion.
blain &M manuaIs rovided by conlraclor(s), incIuding origi-
naI vendor submillaIs. These manuaIs shouId rovide basic mainle-
nance requiremenls for seciaI buiIding comonenls.
The requiremenls for eslabIishing a Iumbing mainlenance and sys-
lems lroubIeshooling rogram are reIaliveIy simIe:
Indersland Iumbing basic rinciIes and erformance require-
menls for each Iumbing syslem and ils individuaI eIemenls
ums, iing, heal exchangers, hxlures, brass, elc.
66 Effective Building Maintenance
blain lhe originaI design dala (as buiIl dravings and secihca-
lions). This is lhe informalion lhal dehnes Iumbing syslems and
comonenl erformance requiremenls.
blain &M manuaIs rovided by conlraclor(s), incIuding origi-
naI vendor submillaIs on each iece of equimenl (eseciaIIy um
curves) and hxlure. These manuaIs shouId rovide lhe basic main-
lenance requiremenls for Iumbing syslem comonenls.
DeveIo and aIy rouline mainlenance and lroubIeshooling check-
Iisls and rocedures, incIuding erformance lesls. These revenla-
live mainlenance measures kee lhe syslems and comonenls o-
eraling roerIy, reduce energy and valer vasle, and mainlain lheir
design service Iife.
If lhe Iumbing syslems are exlensive, eslabIish sare arls slorage
for comonenls lhal have more frequenl faiIure.
Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
The requiremenls for eslabIishing an HVAC mainlenance and sys-
lems lroubIeshooling rogram are slraighl forvard:
Indersland HVAC basic rinciIes and erformance requiremenls
for each HVAC syslem and ils individuaI eIemenls.
blain lhe originaI design dala (as buiIl dravings and secihca-
lions). This is lhe informalion lhal dehnes HVAC syslems and com-
onenl erformance requiremenls.
blain &M manuaIs rovided by conlraclor(s), incIuding origi-
naI vendor submillaIs on each iece of equimenl (eseciaIIy fan
and um curves). These manuaIs shouId rovide lhe basic mainle-
nance requiremenls for HVAC syslem comonenls.
blain as buiIl conlroI dravings, incIuding vaIve and damer
scheduIes, lhal dehne lhe conlroI modes and Iogic for lhe HVAC
syslem. Wilhoul good documenlalion of lhe HVAC syslem conlroIs,
lhe oeralion of lhese syslems is based soIeIy on assumlions (vhich
may be vrong) and1or guesses (vhich may be equaIIy vrong).
Preventive Maintenance 67
blain minimum lesl inslrumenls, as Iisled beIov. Wilhoul lesl in-
slrumenls, il is imossibIe lo delermine vhal is acluaIIy haening
in each HVAC syslem. Wilhoul lhis informalion, reair or addilion-
aI mainlenance requiremenls cannol be idenlihed.
Table 3-1. Minimum Required HVAC Maintenance Instruments

QuantitytobeEvaluated Instrument(s)Required

Air lemeralure and humidily LIeclronic (digilaI) sensor

Waler lemeralure Ieles Iug inserlion lhermomeler

Surface conlacl eIeclronic sensor

Air ressure (duclvork) MagnaheIic gauges:

O-O.5 vg
O-3 vg

Waler1sleam ressure iI-hIIed gauges:

O-15O fl
O-2OO si

Air ov (duclvork) Iilol lube (vilh magnaheIic gauges)

Anemomeler (hol vire or rolaling vane)

Air ov (air oulIels or inIels) IIov hood

Waler1sleam ov TyicaIIy, musl be delermined by measuring

ressure dro across a knovn comonenl

VoIls1ams CIam-on am meler vilh voIlage

Ieads (muIli-meler)

DeveIo and aIy rouline mainlenance and lroubIeshooling check-

Iisls and rocedures, incIuding erformance lesls. These revenla-
live mainlenance measures kee lhe syslems and comonenls o-
eraling roerIy, reduce energy vasle, and mainlain lheir design
service Iife.
LslabIish Iogs and olher Iong lerm record keeing rocedures. y
mainlaining dala on a reguIar basis, syslem changes (and robIems)
can be idenlihed earIy. Il is arlicuIarIy imorlanl lo kee delaiIed
68 Effective Building Maintenance
energy consumlion records lo idenlify energy Ioss robIems in
HVAC syslems.
These Iogs musl aIso incIude lhe normaI condilion (or accelabIe
range of condilions) for each dala eIemenl recorded so lhal mainle-
nance ersonneI can quickIy delermine vhen a secihc condilion
indicales a olenliaI robIem.
Fire protection
Iire roleclion syslem mainlenance requiremenls for commerciaI
and inslilulionaI faciIilies are dehned by NIIA Slandard 25, Standardfor
the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Sys-
tems. This slandard addresses srinkIer syslems, slandie and hose sys-
lems, valer suIies, elc. And, mosl slales have secihc Iicensing require-
menls for lhe lechnicians lhal insecl, lesl, and mainlain hre roleclions
Any faciIily vilh hre roleclions syslems musl hrsl delermine
vhelher inseclion, lesling, and mainlenance of lhese syslems is lo be
done vilh in-house slaff or is lo be erformed by anolher arly on a con-
lracl basisgeneraIIy, onIy Iarge faciIilies hnd in-house hre roleclion
mainlenance lo be cosl-effeclive.
The foIIoving documenlalion of eIeclricaI syslems is required lo
suorl an adequale eIeclricaI syslems mainlenance rogram:
SingIe-Iine diagrams of each eIeclricaI syslem. These diagrams
shouId shov lhe eIeclricaI circuilry and aII ma|or Ioad comonenls
and shouId shov aII eIeclricaI equimenl vilh lhe foIIoving infor-
malion: voIlage, frequency, hase, normaI oeraling osilion, lrans-
former imedance, avaiIabIe shorl-circuil currenl, elc.
As-buiIl design dravings shoving aII eIeclricaI comonenl and
Ioads Iocalions, racevay Iayoul, elc.
Records of eIeclricaI equimenl and Ioad comonenl nameIale
Coies of originaI vendor eIeclricaI equimenl and comonenl sub-
Preventive Maintenance 69
nce lhe eIeclricaI syslems are documenled, oblain minimum lesl
inslrumenls, as Iisled beIov. Wilhoul lesl inslrumenls, il is imossibIe lo
delermine vhal is acluaIIy haening in each eIeclricaI syslem. Wilhoul
lhis informalion, reair or addilionaI mainlenance requiremenls cannol
be idenlihed.
Table 3-2. Minimum Required HVAC Maintenance Instruments

QuantitytobeEvaluated Instrument(s)Required

High voIlage occurrence Slaliscoe

VoIls, ams, ohms VoIl meler, voIl-ohmmeler, and cIam-on

(inslanlaneous) ammeler vilh muIliscaIe ranges

VoIls, ams, ohms, valls, Recording inslrumenls

over faclor, or voIl-
ameres (over a eriod
of lime)

Circuiling Conlinuily lesler

RecelacIe circuiling RecelacIe circuil lesler

InsuIalion resislance Megohmmeler

Ground fauIl Ground fauIl Iocalor

The mosl common cause of eIeclricaI equimenl faiIure is Ioose con-

neclions. Lvery eIeclricaI mainlenance rogram musl incIude rouline in-
frared imaging lesling and required lighlening of eIeclricaI conneclions.
Therefore, insuIaled looIs, gIoves, and olher roleclion musl be avaiIabIe
so lhal lhis efforl can be done safeIy vhiIe equimenl is energized.
Ior Iarger syslems, an iniliaI shorl-circuil and coordinalion sludy
shouId be erformed by a rofessionaI engineer lo serve as a resource for
lhe mainlenance slaff is seIecling fuse sizes and ad|usling over-currenl
roleclion devices.
70 Effective Building Maintenance
WhiIe NIIA 7O, National Electrical Code, is aIicabIe rimariIy lo
designers, every eIeclricaI mainlenance slaffer shouId have a basic vork-
ing knovIedge of lhis slandard as il requiremenls aIso aIy lo eIeclricaI
reairs and reIacemenls.
NIIA 7O-2OO6, RecommendedPracticeforElectricalEquipmentMainte-
nance, incIudes Chaler 7 on IersonneI Safely lhal reIies heaviIy on NIIA
7OL and lhe aroriale SHA safely-reIaled documenls, vhich shouId be
foIIoved for lhe deveIomenl of rograms and rocedures associaled vilh
mainlenance aclivilies. Seclion 7O-7.1.2 slales, IersonneI safely shouId
be given rime consideralion in eslabIishing mainlenance raclices, and
lhe safely ruIes shouId be insliluled and racliced lo revenl in|ury lo er-
sonneI, bolh ersons vho are erforming lasks and olhers vho mighl be
exosed lo lhe hazard. The rinciaI ersonneI danger from eIeclricily is
lhal of shock, eIeclroculion, and1or severe burns from lhe eIeclricaI arc or
ils effecls, vhich can be simiIar lo lhal of an exIosion.
A key eIemenl vilh regard lo ersonneI safely is hrsl delermining
vhal conslilules a quaIihed erson. As noled in Seclion 7O-7.1, Mainle-
nance shouId be erformed onIy by quaIihed ersonneI vho are lrained
in safe mainlenance raclices and lhe seciaI consideralions necessary lo
mainlain eIeclricaI equimenl. These individuaIs shouId be famiIiar vilh
lhe requiremenls for oblaining safe eIeclricaI inslaIIalions. LquaIIy im-
orlanl is lhe quaIihed erson shouId delermine if lhe hazard exosure
is Iimiled and reslricled againsl lhose nol quaIihed for lhe arlicuIar lask
so a erson nol quaIihed for a secihc lask, even lhough fuIIy quaIihed in
aII olher vays, shouId nol be exosed lo lhe hazard of lhal secihc lask,
as oulIined in 7O-
Training is anolher key eIemenl in lhe revised documenl, as aII em-
Ioyees shouId be lrained in safely-reIaled vork raclices and required
rocedures as necessary lo rovide roleclion from eIeclricaI hazards as-
socialed vilh lheir reseclive |obs or lask assignmenls, as noled in 7O-
Key sles in eslabIishing an eIeclricaIIy safe vork condilion are
idenlihed in 7O-7.4.2, incIuding:
1. Delermine ossibIe sources of eIeclricaI suIy lo lhe secihc
2. Afler roerIy inlerruling lhe Ioad currenl, oen lhe disconnecling
device(s) for each source.
Preventive Maintenance 71
3. AIy Iockoul1lagoul devices in accordance vilh a documenled
and eslabIished oIicy.
4. Ise an adequaleIy raled voIlage deleclor lo lesl each hase
conduclor1circuil arl lo verify lhey are de-energized.
5. Where lhe ossibiIily of induced voIlages or slored eIeclricaI energy
exisls, ground lhe hase conduclors or circuil arls before louching
6. Lach |ob lask shouId be anaIyzed for vhal arlicuIar safely
hazards couId be encounlered. The arc ash hazard is one of lhe
mosl imorlanl of lhese. Ier 7O-7.6, Svilchboards, aneIboards,
induslriaI conlroI aneIs, and molor conlroI cenlers lhal are IikeIy lo
require examinalion, ad|uslmenl, servicing, or mainlenance vhiIe
energized shouId be heId marked lo varn quaIihed ersons of
olenliaI eIeclric arc ash hazards.

These key eIemenls are addressed in more delaiI in NIIA 7OL-2OO9,
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. And, NIIA 7OL is lhe ba-
sis for SHAs currenl generaI induslry slandard. Referenced in SHA
29CIR Iarl 191O, Subarl S, Aendix A, NIIA 7OL is considered by
SHA lo be lhe recognized induslry raclice for eIeclricaI safely. In ils
slandard inlerrelalion of lhe reIevance of NIIA 7OL, SHA slales, In-
duslry consensus slandards, such as NIIA 7OL, can be used by emIoyers
as guides lo making lhe assessmenls and equimenl seIeclions required
by lhe slandard. SimiIarIy, in SHA enforcemenl aclions, lhey can be
used as evidence of vhelher lhe emIoyer acled reasonabIy.
NIIA added nev lraining requiremenls lo 79L, as foIIovs: Lm-
Ioyees shaII be lrained lo seIecl an aroriale voIlage-deleclor and
shaII demonslrale hov lo use a device lo verify lhe absence of voIlage,
incIuding inlerreling indicalions rovided by lhe device. The lraining
shaII incIude informalion lhal enabIes lhe emIoyee lo undersland aII
Iimilalions of each secihc voIlage-deleclor lhal mighl be used.
And, ArlicIe 11O.7(A) nov requires lhal eIeclricaI safely rograms
be documenled.
NomencIalure loo has changed. The lerms hol and Iive have
been reIaced vilh lhe lerm energized eIeclricaI conduclors or circuil
arls lhroughoul. And, lo make lhe slandard more secihc, lhe lerm
72 Effective Building Maintenance
vorking on or near has been droed and Iimils of aroach bound-
aries are dehned.
The equimenl comonenls of buiIding syslems can be evaIualed
on a rouline basis using various rediclive mainlenance lechnoIogies.
The goaI of lhese inseclions are lvofoId: (1) imrove eslimales of re-
maining service Iife and (2) heI delermine if currenl revenlalive main-
lenance rocedures are as effeclive as lhey need lo be. There are IileraIIy
dozens of rediclive mainlenance looIs avaiIabIe, bul generaIIy lhey
faII inlo lhe foIIoving areas:
Chemical Analysis
Lubricaling oiI anaIysis is rolaling equimenl is a common and ef-
feclive rediclive mainlenance looI. iI samIes, laken al rouline and
reguIar inlervaIs of equimenl oeralion, are anaIyzed in order lo lrack
lhe IeveIs of lrace chemicaIs and eIemenls over lime in order lo delermine
vear Iocalion and characlerislics vilhin lhe comonenl.
GeneraIIy, lhis anaIysis evaIualed lhe IeveIs of cerlain eIemenls
lhal can be used as markers lo dehne robIem condilions vilhin lhe
comonenl. Susended of dissoIved non-oiI maleriaIs lhal are indicalors
of conlaminalion or excess vear incIude siIicon, coer, iron, Iead, lin,
aIuminum, cadmium, moIybdenum, nickeI, lilanium, elc. Conlaminanls
such as acids, dirl or sand, bacleria, fueI, valer, or Iaslics in lhe oiI are
indicalors of a Ieaking Iubricalion syslem.
And, lhe condilion of lhe oiI ilseIf musl be delermined. The oiI musl
be evaIualed lo delermine if consislency, viscosily, and corrosion rolec-
lion or cIeaning addilives are vilhin normaI ranges and do nol indicale
oiI faiIure.
Vibration Analysis
Lvery eIemenl of rolaling equimenl comonenls vibrales al a
characlerislic frequency. The combined effecl of lhe lhese various com-
onenl frequencies roduces a unique signalure for lhe iece of equi-
Ising a lechnique caIIed broad band anaIysis, lhe vibralion sig-
nalure of lhe equimenl ilem shouId be delermined once lhe equimenl
Preventive Maintenance 73
is Iaced inlo oeralion and comIeled ils break-in. Then, on a rouline
lime inlervaI basis lhe anaIysis shouId be reealed and lhe nev resuIls
comared lo lhe revious readings. Changes in lhe vibralion signalure
means lhal some comonenl vilhin lhe equimenl has changed il vibra-
lion characlerislic, imIying vear or damage lhal may mean near lerm
faiIure and lhe need for mainlenance.
Vibralion anaIysis can be aIied lo any rolaling equimenl, such as
molors, ums, and fans vilhin buiIdings. Waler chiIIers are aIso rime
candidales for vibralion anaIysis.
Infrared Scanning
Infrared, or lhermaI (lhermograhic), scanning can idenlify hol
sols lhal signify lhe need for mainlenance. earings, boiIers, heal ex-
changers, molors, hol iing, and eIeclricaI aneIs and svilchgear (in-
cIuding lransformers) shouId be roulineIy surveyed (every 3-5 years) lo
idenlify lhe Iocalions vhere lhe lemeralures are loo high and mainle-
nance is required.
Ultrasound Scanning
IIlrasound lransmillers emil a very high frequency sound vave.
Lchoes roduced by lhis sound vave reecling from maleriaIs or como-
nenls can lhen be received and evaIualed lo delermine lhe lhickness and
densily of lhe maleriaI being lesled. IIlrasonic anaIysis viII aIso idenlify
voids, cracks, or ils lhal may exisl.
IIlrasound scanning has a vide range of aIicalions in buiIding
1. IaiIing molors, fans, and ums vilhin lhe buiIding HVAC and
Iumbing syslems can be quickIy idenlihed and lraced lo bearing
robIems, drive or couIing vear, elc.
2. Leaks in HVAC syslems can oflen be found using uIlrasonic lesling
Iong before lhe Ieak becomes audibIe or visibIe lo lhe mainlenance
3. VaIve maIfunclions and inlernaI oiI Ieaks (byass) vilhin hydrauIic
4. In high voIlage eIeclricaI syslems, corona discharge robIems can be
Iocaled based on uIlrasound roduced.
74 Effective Building Maintenance
5. Non-homogeneous maleriaIs, such as vaIIs and foundalions, can be
lesled lo Iocale cracks or voids.
Bore Scopes and Cameras
Ising hber olics, bore scoes can be used lo visuaIIy insecl lhe
insides of may comonenls in buiIding syslems such as heal exchanger
lubes, iing, elc. Ior even broader aIicalion, uIlra-smaII video camer-
as can be inserled inlo equimenl, vaII cavilies, iing, duclvork, elc. lo
rovide visuaI condilion dala lhal can be used lo delermine mainlenance
Eddy Current Testing
Lddy-currenl lesling uses eIeclromagnelic induclion lo delecl avs
in conduclive maleriaIs. In a slandard eddy currenl lesling a circuIar coiI
carrying currenl is Iaced roximily lo lhe lesl secimen. The aIlernal-
ing currenl in lhe coiI generales changing magnelic heId vhich inleracls
vilh lesl secimen and generales eddy currenl. Varialions in lhe hase
and magnilude of lhese eddy currenls can be monilored using a second
search coiI, or by measuring changes lo lhe currenl oving in lhe ri-
mary excilalion coiI. Varialions in lhe eIeclricaI conduclivily or mag-
nelic ermeabiIily of lhe lesl ob|ecl, or lhe resence of any avs, viII
cause a change in eddy currenl ov and a corresonding change in lhe
hase and amIilude of lhe measured currenl.
Lddy-currenl lesling can delecl very smaII cracks in or near lhe sur-
face of lhe maleriaI, lhe surfaces need minimaI rearalion, and hysi-
caIIy comIex geomelries can be invesligaled. Il is aIso usefuI for making
eIeclricaI conduclivily and coaling lhickness measuremenls.
There are severaI Iimilalions, among lhem: onIy conduclive maleri-
aIs can be lesled, lhe surface of lhe maleriaI musl be accessibIe, lhe hnish
of lhe maleriaI may cause bad readings, lhe delh of enelralion inlo lhe
maleriaI is Iimiled, and avs lhal Iie araIIeI lo lhe robe may be unde-
As discussed in Chaler 1, revenlalive mainlenance consisls of
rouline, scheduIed mainlenance aclivilies and rocedures designed lo
ensure lhe faciIily comonenls meel bolh erformance requiremenls and
Preventive Maintenance 75
achieve lheir design service Iife.
There are negalive consequences for nol erforming adequale re-
venlalive mainlenance. bviousIy, lhe service Iife of lhe comonenl is
shorlened, increasing lhe reIacemenl1renovalion mainlenance cosls
signihcanlIy. And, comonenl reIiabiIily is reducedlhere are more
equimenl oulages, roof Ieaks, elc., negaliveIy imacling lhe faciIilys
The aendices rovide recommended minimum mainlenance
rocedures for faciIily comonenls, as idenlihed in lhe foIIoving la-
bIe. AddilionaI manufaclurer required and1or recommended main-
lenance rocedures, as documenled in lhe buiIding oeralions and
mainlenance manuaI(s), musl aIso be mel. TabIe 3-3 labuIales lhe mini-
mum recommended mainlenance rocedures dehned in Aendices A
lhrough H:
Table 3-3.
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
76 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Preventive Maintenance 77
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
78 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Preventive Maintenance 79
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
80 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Preventive Maintenance 81
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
82 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Preventive Maintenance 83
Table 3-3. (Continued)
Component Minimum Recommended Preventative Maintenance Procedures
84 Effective Building Maintenance
Lach of lhese rocedures, lo lhe maximum exlenl ossibIe, has been
deveIoed in a formal lhal caIIs for lhe mainlenance lechnician lo er-
form lhree basic dulies:
1. Investigate: Requires lhe lechnician lo lhoroughIy insecl lhe com-
onenl and dehnes condilions lo Iook for.
2. Evaluate: Ior each condilion idenlihed, lhere are one or more rob-
abIe causes lhal shouId be evaIualed.
3. Maintain: Ierform secihc mainlenance revenlalive rocedures
Ius addilionaI rocedures indicaled by lhe condilion(s) idenlihed.
Chapter 4
Special Maintenance
uiIdings have a signihcanl direcl and indirecl imacl on lhe envi-
ronmenl. As iIIuslraled by Iigure 4-1, buiIdings nol onIy use resources
such as energy and rav maleriaIs, lhey aIso generale vasle and olen-
liaIIy harmfuI almosheric emissions.
Figure 4-1. Environmental Impact of Buidings (Source: USDOE)
A suslainabIe aroach lo buiIding oeralion and mainlenance
suorls an increased commilmenl lo environmenlaI slevardshi and
conservalion, and allemls lo baIance of cosls and environmenlaI, soci-
elaI, and human benehls, aII vhiIe sliII meeling lhe mission and funclion
of lhe inlended faciIily or infraslruclure.
Energy Effciency
As energy cosls conlinue lo rise and lhe avaiIabiIily of some energy
sources becomes ever more robIemalic, il makes sense for every faciIily
lo imIemenl measures lo eIiminale excessive energy consumlion. To do
86 Effective Building Maintenance
lhis, lhe faciIily mainlenance slaff can lyicaIIy imIemenl imrovemenls
in lhree areas:
LslabIishing on-off (occuied-unoccuied) scheduIes vilh indi-
viduaI lemeralure seloinls can reduce energy consumlion by healing,
venliIaling, and air-condilioning (HVAC) equimenl by 1O-25/.
In Iarger faciIilies lhal have a faciIily-vide direcl digilaI conlroI sys-
lem, lhis syslem shouId be used lo scheduIe oeralion of every iece of
HVAC equimenl and eslabIish lemeralure (and, as required, humidily)
seloinls for each occuancy eriod. ul, even in simIe faciIilies (branch
banks, denlisl ofhces, relaiI slores, elc.), reIacing oIder exisling lhermo-
slals vilh never rogrammabIe, seven-day lhermoslals (a $4O-$15O in-
veslmenl) is very cosl effeclive.
In order lo have good indoor air quaIily, lemeralure seloinls
shouId in lhe range of 72-77I (cooIer in vinler and varmer in summer).
Thermoslals lhal have aulomalic changeover for healing lo cooIing and
vice versa, shouId have al Ieasl a 5I deadband or difference belveen
lhe healing and cooIing seloinl lemeralures. And, lhermoslal seloinls
shouId nol be ad|uslabIe by lhe faciIily occuanls. Seloinls shouId be
changed by lhe mainlenance slaff, onIy, in accordance vilh faciIily oIicy.
This eIiminales occuanls ad|usling lhermoslal selling loo Iov or loo high
and vasling energy and resoIves mosl of lhe loo hol1loo coId conicls
lhal can arise. IinaIIy, urchase lhermoslals lhal have no lemeralure dis-
Iay, oflen eoIe decide lhey are hol or coId based a lhermomeler read-
Humidily conlroI, arlicuIarIy in faciIilies Iocaled in hol, humid cIi-
males is necessary lo revenl lhe deveIomenl of moId infeslalion. Modi-
fying exisling syslems lo incororale humidily conlroI, adding humidily
sensors or humidislals, and eslabIishing humidily seloinls may be re-
quired. To minimize lhe energy exended for humidily conlroI, humidily
seloinls shouId be in lhe range of 3O/ RH (vinler Iov Iimil) lo 6O/ RH
(summer high Iimil).
In addilion lo sace lemeralure and humidily seloinls, lhere are
olher seloinls in HVAC syslems lhal are crilicaI lo energy consumlion:
Ior conslanl or variabIe air voIume air handIing syslems lhal ro-
vide suIy air al a conslanl lemeralure, lhal lemeralure seloinl
shouId be as high as ossibIe vhiIe mainlaining comforl condilions
Special Maintenance Considerations 87
and revenling humidily condilions in lhe faciIily exceeding 6O/
To minimize chiIIer1cooIing lover energy consumlion, mainlain
lhe chiIIed valer suIy lemeralure seloinl as high as ossibIe
and lhe condenser valer lemeralure as Iov as ossibIe. ChiIIer ef-
hciency imroves 3-4/ for each 1I increase in chiIIed Ieaving valer
lemeralure or each 1I reduclion in enlering condenser valer lem-
The suIy valer lemeralure for hydronic healing syslems shouId
be sel as Iov as ossibIe. ne vay lo do lhis is via a resel scheduIe
lhal ad|usls lhe suIy lemeralure inverseIy roorlionaI lo lhe
ouldoor air lemeralure.
Chaler 3 and lhe Aendices of lhis lexl dehne lhe aramelers and
rocedures for an effeclive faciIily revenlalive mainlenance rogram.
ImIemenlalion of lhis rogram, laiIored lo each individuaI faciIily, viII
resuIl in lhe faciIily erforming as inlended vhen designed and nol dele-
rioraling over lime.
As arl of lhese mainlenance rocedures, ay allenlion lo lhe
resence of healing devices (orlabIe healers, elc.), cooIing devices
(eIeclric fans, elc.), and Iighling devices (Iams, lorchieres, elc.) lhal
have been broughl inlo lhe buiIding by lhe occuanls. These devices
consume energy and, in some cases, reresenl safely hazards. ul,
more imorlanlIy, lhey are slrong indicalors lhal lhe occuanls are
dissalished vilh lhe erformance of lhe faciIily syslems. Iay allen-
lion! Invesligale each robIem and, if al aII ossibIe, correcl lhem so
lhal inefhcienl (and olenliaIIy unsafe) occuanl-rovided devices
can be removed.
The foIIoving are imrovemenls lhal can be imIemenled as arl of
lhe revenlalive mainlenance rogram or Ianned reIacemenl1renova-
lion of faciIily comonenls. WhiIe some of lhese measures may have a
signihcanl iniliaI cosl, lhe simIe ayback for lhem can be execled lo
be belveen 1-2 years, making il ossibIe lo hnance lheir imIemenlalion
lhrough onIy 1 or 2 budgel cycIes.
88 Effective Building Maintenance
Reduce Outdoor Air Infltration: Irevenlalive mainlenance ro-
cedures recommended in lhis lexl address lhe rouline cauIking
of doors, vindovs, elc. lo mainlain an airlighl buiIding. ul, as
Ianned reIacemenl1renovalion is imIemenled, addilionaI im-
rovemenls shouId be considered:
SeIecl reIacemenl oerabIe vindovs lhal have minimaI inhI-
lralion ralings. Where ossibIe, reIace oerabIe vindovs vilh
hxed gIazing.
When exlerior doors are reIaced, consider lhe use of revoIving
doors in high lrafhc areas and adding adequaleIy sized vesli-
buIes for enlrances vilh even moderale lrafhc.
Add air curlains lo roII-u doors in varehouses, garages, elc.
Reduce Thermal Losses: As Ianned reIacemenl1renovalion is im-
Iemenled, addilionaI imrovemenls shouId be considered:
When reIacing vindovs, seIecl gIass vilh lhe Iovesl ossibIe
I-faclor lo reduce lemeralure-driven heal gains and Iosses. In
DL CIimale Zones 1, 2, and 3, consider lhe use of Lov-L gIaz-
ing or even reeclive gIass lo reduce soIar heal gains.
When reroohng a Iov sIoe roof, consider adding addilionaI in-
suIalion lo lhe roof. Since lhe roof is being reIaced, increasing
lhe roof insuIalion by 1-3 can be very cosl effeclive.
When reroohng, consider lhe roof coIor. In coId cIimales, a dark-
er coIored roof viII absorb more soIar radialion lhal can be used
lo heI offsel healing needs. In varm cIimales, a Iighler coIored
roof viII do a beller |ob of reecling soIar radialion, reducing
cooIing requiremenls.
Convert from Constant Volume Airfow to Variable Volume Airfow
and Reduce/Eliminate Reheat: Ieak healing and cooIing is required
onIy for very shorl eriods each vinler and summer. Ior conslanl
voIume airov syslems, lhough, lhe amounl of air required for
lhese eak Ioads is circuIaled al aII limes lhe syslem is on, requir-
ing signihcanl fan energy consumlion. To reduce lhis lransorl
energy requiremenl, some lyes of secondary HVAC syslems can be
converled lo variabIe air voIume (VAV) oeralion.
Irime candidales for conversion lo VAV are conslanl voIume
lerminaI reheal syslems and duaI ducl syslems. Ior bolh of lhese
syslems, lhe conversion lo VAV, in addilion lo reducing fan energy,
aIso signihcanlIy reduces lhe amounl of reheal.
Special Maintenance Considerations 89
The hrsl sle in converling lhe eilher syslem is lo modify lermi-
naI unils for variabIe airov. This can be done by eilher reIacing
exisling lerminaI unils vilh nev VAV unils (lhe referred melhod)
or adding a nev VAV air vaIve uslream of lhe exisling lerminaI
unil. If lhe second olion is seIecled, il viII be necessary lo remove
lhe conslanl voIume reguIalor in lhe exiling lerminaI unil vhich, for
oIder mechanicaI lye reguIalors, viII reduce lhe syslem slalic res-
sure requiremenl by as much as 1 vg.
The lerminaI unil conlroIs, lhen, musl be modihed lo aIIov
5O-7O/ airov reduclion before lhe healing1rehealing coiI is ener-
Al lhe AHI, a variabIe frequency drive (VID) is required for
each suIy and relurn fan, conlroIIed on lhe basis of suIy ducl
slalic ressure.
The savings from lhis conversion can be as much as a 5O/ re-
duclion in air lransorl, healing, and cooIing energy consumlion.
Reduce Distribution Pressure Losses: Lxcess ressure Iosses in air
ducl and valer iing syslems increase lransorl energy consum-
lion. The resislance lo ov in a ducl or iing syslem is lhe sum of
lhe resislances in lhe index alh or circuil, i.e., lhe alh or circuil
vilh lhe Iargesl resislance lo ov. y Iocaling and imroving lhe
ressure Iosses in lhe index alh or circuil, fan or um energy can
be reduced. To delermine lhe index alh or circuil and idenlify high
Iosses lhal can be addressed, lhe foIIoving rocedures can be used:
Ducl syslems:
(1) Ising a magnaheIic ressure gauge vilh exibIe lubes and
simIe coer lube slalic ressure robes, measure lhe
ressure dro across lhe rimary AHI comonenls (coiIs,
hIlers, fan, elc.) Comare lhese vaIues againsl lhe nev
vaIues in lhe originaI baIancing reorl or equimenl sub-
millaIs. If lhe measured vaIues are more lhan 1O/ higher,
mainlenance of hIlers, coiIs, fans, elc. is required.
(2) Slarling al lhe AHI, measure lhe ducl slalic ressure u-
slream and dovnslream of each change of direclion (eIbov)
or branch conneclion (lee) lo delermine if lhere are excess
ressure dros. Check on each side of every hre and1or
smoke damer lo delermine if lhe hre damer is arliaIIy
(or comIeleIy!) cIosed.
90 Effective Building Maintenance
(3) Delermine lhe enlering ressure lo each lerminaI unil. If
lhis ressure is more lhan 15/ higher lhan lhe sum of ler-
minaI unil ressure Ioss and lhe dovnslream Iov ressure
duclvork Iosses, lhe fan is roducing excess ressure lhal
can be reduced by changing lhe slalic ressure conlroIIer
seloinl (for VAV syslems) or sIoving lhe fan (for conslanl
voIume syslems).
(4) IinaIIy, check lhe slalic ressure dro across each lerminaI
unil and comare lhis vaIue lo lhe design vaIues in lhe orig-
inaI baIancing reorl or equimenl submillaI. If lhis vaIue is
higher, lhe unil may need cIeaning or reair.
Waler iing syslems:
(1) Usingasingle,highqualitypressuregauge lhal is moved from
oinl lo oinl, delermine lhe ressure dro for each heal
exchanger in lhe syslem. Comare lhese vaIues lo lhe de-
sign vaIues in lhe originaI baIancing reorl or equimenl
submillaI. If any vaIue is more lhan 15/ higher, lhe heal
exchanger may need cIeaning or reair.
(2) Check lhe ressure dro across slrainers and cIean if re-
(3) Somelimes, lhe ressure dro lhrough lhe index circuil viII
signihcanlIy exceed lhe ressure dro lhrough lhe olher cir-
cuils in lhe syslem. If lhis is lhe case, delermine if lhe index
circuil can be re-ied lo reduce Iosses. Anolher olion is lo
use a boosler um in lhis one circuil and shave lhe imeI-
Ier of lhe main um(s) lo reduce lhe avaiIabIe head lo lhe
remaining circuils and, lhus, save energy.
Add/Remove an Airside Economizer Cycle: Airside economizers,
vhich rovide free cooIing using coId ouldoor air, shouId nol be
aIied lo duaI ducl or muIlizone secondary HVAC syslems. If lhis
is lhe case, energy savings viII resuIl by eIiminaling lhe economizer.
(Nole, hovever, lhal if lhe chiIIer musl nov run in lhe vinler, modi-
hcalions lo lhe chiIIer and ils cooIing lover may be required and a
valerside economizer may be more cosl effeclive.)
Ior olher lyes of air syslems lhal require cooIing during lhe
vinler, lhough, an airside economizer can reduce cooIing energy
consumlion by 1O-3O/. Ior syslems vilhoul relurn fans, imIe-
menling an airside economizer cycIe requires lhe addilion of a re-
Special Maintenance Considerations 91
lurn fan or a reIief fan(s). Lngineering invesligalion and anaIysis is
required lo delermine lhe mosl cosl-effeclive aroach.
Use Water-Cooled or Evaporative Condensing: The vasl ma|orily of
direcl exansion (DX) cooIing syslems uliIize ouldoor air as a heal
sink for condenser heal re|eclion. Hovever, by using evaoralive
cooIing, lhere is a signihcanl imrovemenl in lhe cooIing energy re-
quiremenl as shovn by TabIe 4-1.
Table 4-1. Comparison of Condensing Energy Impact

Type TypicalCondensing Compressor
OfCondensing Temperature(F) kW/Ton

Air-CooIed 12O-13O O.9-1.4

Lvaoralive 94-98 O.6-O.8

Thus, evaoralive condensing can reduce cooIing energy con-

sumlion by aboul 4O/ over air-cooIed condensing. Lxisling air-
cooIed equimenl can be relrohlled vilh evaoralive re-cooIing
ads or, as oIder air-cooIed equimenl reaches lhe end of ils service
Iive, valer-cooIed reIacemenls viII lyicaIIy be very cosl effeclive.
Convert Chilled Water System to Variable Flow: Irimary-secondary
or variabIe ov rimary iing conhguralions signihcanlIy reduce
chiIIed valer uming energy and imrove lhe overaII Ioading and
efhciency of muIli-chiIIer syslems.
Install Waterside Economizer Cycle: The energy consumlion by
lhe valerside economizer for lhe ums and cooIing lover is onIy
aboul 2O-25/ of lhe energy consumlion by mechanicaI cooIing.
Thus, for fancoiI unil syslems or olher air syslems lhal cannol uliIize
an airside economizer cycIe, vinler cooIing energy requiremenls
can be reduced by 75-8O/.
Improve Burner Effciency: Lvery burner, nol maller vhal size,
shouId be mainlained for maximum hring efhciency. Hovever, for
Iarger syslems (1,5OO,OOO lu1h inul or grealer), imrovemenls
92 Effective Building Maintenance
lo lhe burner can be made lhal viII increase lhe overaII hring ef-
Ireheal Combuslion Air: Irehealing air enlering lhe burner
lo suorl combuslion viII reduce lhe cooIing effecl vhen il
enlers lhe combuslion chamber and imrove boiIer efhciency.
In mosl boiIer rooms, air is healed incidenlaIIy by hol boiIer and
ie radialion Iosses and rises lo coIIecl beIov lhe ceiIing or
roof. This air can be easiIy ducled dovn lo lhe burner. oiIer
efhciency increases aroximaleIy 2/ for every 1OOI increase
in combuslion air lemeralure, u lo a maximum lemeralure
of aroximaleIy 3OO-35OI.
Change iI-Iired oiIer urners from Sleam Alomizing lo Air
Alomizing: Comressed air can be used for alomizing fueI oiI in
Iieu of sleam, eIiminaling a arasilic boiIer Ioad lhal be as much
as 3-5/ of lhe boiIer caacily.
Add oiIer Trim ConlroI: oiIer efhciency can be imroved by
incororaling an excess air lrim Ioo inlo lhe boiIer conlroIs. Il
is easy lo monilor excess air as oxygen nol used for combuslion
is healed and discharged vilh lhe exhausl gases. A slack gas
oxygen anaIyzer can be inslaIIed lo conlinuousIy monilor
excess air and ad|usl lhe boiIer fueI-lo-air ralio for olimum
efhciency. A carbon monoxide lrim Ioo, used in con|unclion
vilh lhe oxygen anaIyzer, assures lhal incomIele combuslion
cannol occur due lo dehcienl air suIy.
TabIe 4-2 iIIuslrales lhe effecl of excess air conlroI on overaII
combuslion efhciency for naluraI gas hring:
Table 4-2. Excess Air (%) vs. Combustion Effciency

Excess(%) CombustionAirTemperature(F)

Air Oxygen 200 300 400 500 600

9.5 2.O 85.4 83.1 8O.8 78.4 76.O

15.O 3.O 85.2 82.8 8O.4 77.9 75.4
28.1 5.O 84.7 82.1 79.5 76.7 74.O
81.6 1O.O 82.8 79.3 75.6 71.9 68.2

Special Maintenance Considerations 93

ReIace urner and1or oiIer vilh Higher Lfhciency Inil:
Lven if combuslion efhciency is maximized, lhe overaII boiIer
efhciency of smaIIer casl iron and sleeI boiIers viII be Iover due
lo oorer heal lransfer efhciency in lhe boiIer seclions. Thus,
vhen lhese boiIers reach lhe end of lheir service Iife, aIlerna-
lives shouId be considered. GeneraIIy, sleeI boiIers are more ef-
hcienl lhan casl iron boiIers. Ior boiIers u lo aboul 1,5OO,OOO
lu1h caacily, lhe use of a condensing boiIer, roviding overaII
boiIer efhciency as high as 96/, shouId be considered.
Ior Iarge hrelube boiIers, lhe overaII boiIer efhciency is dic-
laled by lhe number of asses lhal lhe ue gas makes lhrough
lhe boiIer. A 2-ass boiIer has a maximum overaII efhciency of
onIy aboul 8O/, vhiIe a 3-ass boiIer has an efhciency of 83-84/
and a 4-ass boiIer can achieve 85-86/.
Whenaboiler mustbe replaced,it is alwayscost-effectiveto re-
Isolate Off-Line Boilers: Il is imorlanl lo revenl boiIer cycIing
lo mainlain overaII efhciency. Ior mosl faciIilies, muIliIe smaIIer
boiIers viII resuIl in more efhcienl oeralion lhan a singIe Iarger
Wilh muIliIe boiIers, vhen healing Ioads are Iov, lhe imosed
Ioad may be mel by one boiIer vhiIe lhe olher(s) remain idIing on
slandby. IdIing boiIers, hovever, consume energy lo meel slandby
Iosses, vhich can be increased by conlinuous induced ov of air
lhrough lhem and oul lhe slack. To reduce lhese Iosses, each boiIer
shouId be equied vilh an aulomalicaIIy conlroIIed slack dam-
er. Thus, inslead of idIing, lhe off-Iine boiIers can be shul dovn
and lheir slack damers cIosed lo eIiminale Iosses.
Add Stack Gas Economizer: In even a veII-luned boiIer syslem,
lyicaI slack gas exil lemeralure viII be 35O-45OI, deending on
lhe lye of fueI. To revenl condensalion in lhe slack, lhe ue gas
lemeralure cannol be reduced lo beIov aboul 25OI for naluraI gas
and 325I for oiI, bul lhal Iimilalion sliII aIIovs anyvhere from 1OO
lo 125I of heal recovery from lhe ue gases. A heal exchanger can
be inslaIIed in lhe slack Ieaving lhe boiIer and lhis vasled heal can
be used lo reheal make-u valer or feedvaler or lo heal combus-
lion air.
94 Effective Building Maintenance
Improve Hot Piping Insulation: TabIe 4-3 summarizes lhe recom-
mended minimum ie insuIalion lhickness for sleam and hol va-
ler iing syslems. If exisling sleam or hol valer iing has IillIe or
no insuIalion, il is very cosl-effeclive lo insuIale lhe iing lo meel
lhese recommendalions.
Table 4-3. Recommended Hot Piping Insulation Thickness

ExistingInsulation atFluidTemperature(F)
Thickness(in.) 200orless 201-350 351+

or Iess 1 1 2
1 1 1 2
1 1 1
2 1

Minimize Exhaust and Balance Ventilation Air: To minimize energy

vasle in any faciIily, hrsl minimize lhe amounl of exhausl air, vhiIe
mainlaining heaIlh and safely slandards. The vasl ma|orily of Ianls
and faciIilies in lhe Iniled Slales exhausl voIumes of air far in ex-
cess of lhose required lo mainlain lhe heaIlh and safely of vorkers
and greal amounls of energy and money are being vasled.
To eIiminale lhis vasle, each faciIily shouId do lhe foIIoving:
Measure1caIcuIale lhe lolaI air being exhausled.
Reduce lhal voIume lo a minimum lo meel code or oeralionaI
requiremenls and rovide a salisfaclory indoor air quaIily.
The hrsl sle is lo invenlory aII exhausl oulIels from a faciIily.
This invenlory musl incIude exhausl oulIels from boiIers and
olher equimenl and aII IocaI and generaI venliIalion oulIels.
The quanlily of exhausl air or gas is aIvays measured in cubic
feel er minule (cfm), i.e., lhe air veIocily (fm) muIliIied by
lhe area of lhe exhausl oening (sf). Air veIocily may be mea-
sured by lhe foIIoving melhods:
y means of a ilol lube and manomeler: These inslrumenls are
used lo measure lhe veIocily ressure caused by a ov of gas
in a ducl. Il is caIibraled in inches of valer, vhich can easiIy be
converled lo veIocilies. To be accurale a number of readings us-
ing a ilol lransverse musl be made. See a venliIalion manuaI
Special Maintenance Considerations 95
or lesl manuaI for delaiIs.
y means of an air veIocily meler: This is an inslrumenl vilh
a moving vane or rolor lhal may be heId in lhe air-slream and
vhich viII indicale lhe air veIocily on a scaIe caIibraled in feel
er minule. WhiIe nol as accurale as using a ilol lube and ma-
nomeler, il is easier lo use.
VenliIalion has signihcanl imacl on a faciIilys lolaI energy
consumlion. Lach cubic fool of air broughl inlo lhe faciIily
musl be healed or cooIed and, in some cases, humidihed and1
or dehumidihed. Therefore, lo reduce energy use, hrsl reduce
exhausl airov as much as ossibIe, bul mainlain a sIighl osi-
live ressure lo relard inhIlralion-caused heal Iosses1gains and
valer vaor inlrusion.
LslabIish a venliIalion oeralion scheduIe so exhausl syslem
oerales onIy vhen il is needed.
Add Exhaust Air Heat Recovery: When more lhan 1O,OOO CIM of
exhausl air is invoIved, and lhe faciIily conhguralion ermils, con-
sider inslaIIalion of heal recovery devices.
Add Boiler Blowdown Heat Recovery: Any boiIer vilh conlinuous
surface bIovdovn exceeding 5/ of lhe sleam generalion rale is a
good candidale for bIovdovn vasle heal recovery. The recovered
heal is normaIIy used lo reheal feedvaler.
Install occupancy sensors for lighting control: Infrared-based oc-
cuancy sensors can be inslaIIed lo svilch Iighls off vhen lhey are
nol needed. AIied lo loiIels, conference rooms, slorage rooms,
individuaI ofhces, elc., lhese devices can resuIl in 25-75/ Iighling
energy savings in lhese areas.
When inslaIIing occuancy sensors, lhe foIIoving guideIines
Ad|usl sensors lo avoid faIse-offs.
Make sure sensor Iocalion does nol resuIl in non-human
sources of molion lhal can lrigger sensors.
Sel sensors lo faiI in lhe on osilion in dark areas (e.g., areas
vilh no vindovs).
Add rouline sensor inseclion and lesling lo lhe faciIily reven-
lalive mainlenance rogram.
96 Effective Building Maintenance
Replace ineffcient lighting sources: Lxisling Iighling sources shouId
be reIaced vilh more efhcienl lyes of Iighling based on lhe foI-
ReIace incandescenl Iams vilh comacl uorescenl Iams
(CILs). CILs rovide a 75/ reduclion in Iighling energy vilh a
Iife lhal is 3-5 limes Ionger.
ReIace oIder uorescenl T-12 Iams and magnelic baIIasls vilh
T-8 (or even T-5) Iams vilh eIeclronic baIIasls. (This rocess
lyicaIIy requires lhal lhe enlire hxlure be reIaced and imIe-
menlalion can be arl of Ianned renovalion1reIacemenl over
severaI years.)
Implement lighting operating schedules: The amounl of energy
consumed by Iighling syslems (kWh) is deendenl on lhe lye and
IeveI of Iighls (kW inslaIIed) and ils hours of use each day. To re-
duce hours of use, Iighling scheduIes based on lhe faciIily vork or
use scheduIe shouId be imIemenled, lyicaIIy on a area-by-area
The Ieasl cosl aroach lo imIemenling lhis measure is simIy
lo scheduIe housekeeing rounds as earIy as ossibIe in lhe afler-
noon and evening and assign lhe housekeeing slaff vilh reson-
sibiIily for culling off Iighls as lhey hnish cIeaning each area. Thus,
vhen lhe faciIily occuanls relurn lhe nexl morning, lhey can lurn
Iighls on as needed.
A more exensive aroach is lo inslaII Iighling conlaclors al
each Iighling aneI and connecl lhese conlaclors lo conlroIIers (or,
if avaiIabIe, a faciIily-vide direcl digilaI conlroI syslem) lo lurn lhe
Iighls on and off in accordance vilh a re-sel scheduIe.
Indoor Water Consumption
Since 1993, aII nev faciIilies have been required lo use Iov-ov
Iumbing hxluresvaler cIosels and urinaIs, Iavalory and sink faucels,
and shover heads. These hxlures reduce valer use by 5O-78/ over re-
1993 hxlures. Ider faciIilies, vhen reIacing oIder hxlures lhal have
reached lhe end of lheir service Iife (or vhen renovaling), musl reIace
lhem vilh lhe currenl Iov-ov lye. Hovever, no maller vhich lye of
hxlure is currenlIy inslaIIed, indoor valer consumlion can be reduced
vilh lhe foIIoving measures lhal can be incororaled inlo lhe mainle-
nance rogram.
Special Maintenance Considerations 97
In Aendix D, recommended Iumbing syslem mainlenance ro-
cedures incororale secihc requiremenls for insecling and lesling va-
ler syslems for Ieaks. When a Ieak is delecled, il musl be reaired immedi-
Reduce valer usage al Iavalories by reIacing slandard aeralors
vilh O.5-gm ov Iimiling aeralors lhal sliII service hand vashing
needs adequaleIy, bul reduce valer consumlion by 3O-75/.
ReIace exisling shoverheads vilh 2.O-gm ov Iimiling heads, re-
ducing valer consumlion by 2O/ or more.
ReIace exisling hand-oeraled faucels vilh infrared sensor acli-
valed faucels or vilh faucels lhal use sring-Ioaded devices lo aulo-
malicaIIy lurn lhe faucels off afler 1O-15 seconds of use.
Gravily or lank lye ush valer cIosels, referred lo as high efh-
ciency loiIels are nov avaiIabIe lhal require 1.3 gaIIons er ush
or Iess, saving aboul 2O/ in valer consumlion. Thus, reIacing
code-comIianl valer cIosels vilh high efhciency hxlures shouId be
High efhciency urinaIs reduce valer consumlion from 1.6 gf lo
O.25-O.5 gf. To achieve lhis valer efhciency, lhese urinaIs lyicaIIy
require aulomalicaIIy conlroIIed ush vaIves and seciaI hxlure de-
Ider ush vaIve valer cIosels can be relro-hlled vilh duaI ush
mechanisms. When onIy Iiquid vasle musl be ushed, lhe ush
handIe is moved in one direclion and lhe valer cIosel consumes
onIy aboul O.8 gaIIon of valer. When soIid vasles musl be ushed,
lhe ush handIe is moved in lhe oosile direclion and 1.6 gaIIons
of valer is used.
A sludy conducled in 2OO3 by CaIifornia aulhorilies indicales lhal
lhe olenliaI savings in valer consumlion by uliIizing duaI ush
valer cIosels is signihcanl, as shovn in TabIe 4-4.
98 Effective Building Maintenance
Table 4-4. Dual Flush Water Consumption

RatioofShortto Consumption
TypeofBuilding LongFlushes (GPF)

fhce uiIding 1.7 lo 1.O 1.1O

Reslauranl 1.3 lo 1.O 1.15
ResidenliaI (MuIli-IamiIy) 4.O lo 1.O O.96

Thus, valer savings over Iumbing code requiremenls range

from 28/ lo 4O/, deending on lhe lye of buiIding occuancy.
WalerIess urinaIs save aImosl 95/ valer consumlion, using valer
onIy as arl of rouline mainlenance vash-dovn. These devices have
been in use since lhe 197Os in Luroe, bul onIy arrived in lhe Iniled
Slales in mid-199Os. WalerIess urinaIs have been found lo be more
hygienic lhan convenlionaI ones since lhe aerosoI effecl by vhich
bacleria can be sread is eIiminaled.
TyicaIIy, lhese urinaIs uliIize a lra inserl hIIed vilh a rori-
elary seaIanl Iiquid inslead of valer. The Iighler-lhan-valer seaI-
anl oals on lo of lhe urine coIIecled in lhe I-bend, revenling
odors from being reIeased inlo lhe air. lher designs do nol use a
carlridge, inslead, using an oulIel syslem lhal lras odors.
If valerIess urinaIs are considered for relrohl ro|ecls, carefuI
evaIualion of lhe exisling vasle iing is required. Carbon sleeI,
slainIess or gaIvanized, viII reacl vilh urine, vhich is sIighlIy acid
(H 4-6), resuIling in acceIeraled corrosion. Therefore, oId vasle
iing syslems lhal may conlain gaIvanized sleeI iing shouId be
ugraded for valerIess urinaIs. Coer, casl iron, and IVC iing
do nol have corrosion issues vilh urine.
Mainlenance of valerIess urinaIs is somevhal grealer lhan for
convenlionaI urinaIs since rouline cIeaning and deodorizing (usu-
aIIy once er veek) is required and lhe lra carlridges have lo be
reIaced eriodicaIIy. Tra Iife deends on lhe number of uses,
lyicaIIy around 7,OOO, nol on lhe Ienglh of lime il has been in use,
vhich makes il somevhal more difhcuIl lo eslabIish a reIacemenl
scheduIe. ul, considering ush vaIve mainlenance lhal is eIimi-
naled vilh valerIess urinaIs, lhere is IillIe nel increase in overaII
mainlenance requiremenls.
Special Maintenance Considerations 99
LIeclronic conlroIs for Iumbing hxlures usuaIIy funclion by lrans-
milling a conlinuous beam of infrared (IR) Iighl. Wilh faucel con-
lroIs, vhen a user inlerruls lhis IR beam, a soIenoid is aclivaled,
lurning on lhe valer ov. DuaI-beam IR sensors or muIli-seclrum
sensors are generaIIy recommended because lhey erform beller for
users vilh dark skin.
Deending on lhe faucel, a 1O-second hand vash (required
minimum by lhe Americans vilh DisabiIilies Acl) lyicaI of an eIec-
lronic unil viII consume as IillIe as 113 quarls of valer.. Choose lhe
Iovesl-ov faucel vaIves avaiIabIe, lyicaIIy O.5 gm.
Al sorls faciIilies, vhere urinaIs exerience heavy use over a
reIaliveIy shorl eriod of lime, lhe enlire reslroom can be sel u and
lrealed as if il vere a singIe hxlure. Trafhc can be delecled and lhe
urinaIs ushed eriodicaIIy based on lrafhc ralher lhan er erson.
This can signihcanlIy reduce valer use.
LIeclronic conlroIs can aIso be used for olher uroses in re-
slrooms. Sensor-oeraled hand dryers are very hygienic and save
energy (comared vilh convenlionaI eIeclric hand dryers) by aulo-
malicaIIy shulling off vhen lhe user sles avay.
CommerciaI garbage disosaIs grind soIid vasles inlo smaII ar-
licIes for disosaI inlo lhe sever syslem. The ground garbage asses
inlo a mixing chamber vhere il bIends vilh valer for disosaI. In
Iarger syslems, a scraing and re-ushing syslem may recede
grinding and carry lhe maleriaIs lo lhe garbage disosaI. Some Iarg-
er syslems use a conveyor inslead of a scraer lo lransorl vasle lo
lhe disosaI.
TyicaI valer-consumlion rales for various garbage disos-
aIs and disosaIs combined vilh scraers or conveyor equimenl
range from 6-1O gm. Thus, consider eIiminaling garbage disosaIs
lo reduce bolh valer use and mainlenance. ne olion is lo uliIize
garbage slrainers in Iieu of garbage disosaIs. A slrainer-lye vasle
coIIeclor asses a recircuIaling slream of valer over food vasle heId
in a baskel. This reduces vasle voIume as much as 4O ercenl by
vashing soIubIe maleriaIs and smaII arlicIes inlo lhe sever. The
valer use for slrainers is aboul 2 gm, much Iess lhan lhe 5 lo 8
gm requiremenl of garbage disosaIs. Slrainers can use vasleva-
ler from lhe dishvasher, eIiminaling added valer consumlion.
When a disosaI musl be used, inslaIIalion of ov reguIalors
100 Effective Building Maintenance
end excess ov due lo high valer ressure and limers vilh aulo-
malic shul-off Iimil disosaI over-oeralion. A soIenoid vaIve can
aIso be used lo conlroI valer ov lo lhe disosaI.
RecircuIaling hol valer syslems, lyicaI for mosl Iarger non-resi-
denliaI aIicalions, are lhe source of energy Ioss (bolh heal Ioss in
lhe iing and uming energy required for valer circuIalion), bul
lyicaIIy reduce valer vasle. To reduce lhe energy burden imosed
by lhe recircuIaling syslems, ums shouId be lurned off during
unoccuied eriods and Iov ov reslriclors inslaIIed on each hol
valer oulIel.
Ior bolh cooIing lovers and boiIers, lhe amounl of bIovdovn for
deosilion conlroI can be minimized by using aulomalic valer
lrealmenl syslems. Ior aulomalic bIovdovn conlroI, lhe bIovdovn
requiremenl is delermined by measuring lhe boiIer valer eIeclricaI
conduclance, a measure of lhe amounl of conduclive soIids in lhe
valer, since ure valer has zero conduclance. The recommended
boiIer valer conduclance IeveI for HVAC boiIers oeraling al Iess
lhal 35O sig is 35OO mega-mho1cm or Iess, vhere a mho is lhe
conduclive equivaIenl lo an ohm of resislance. Ior cooIing lov-
ers, lhe valer conduclance seloinl musl be delermined based on
lhe valer chemislry.
Ior cooIing lovers and evaoralive condensers, lhe lerm cycles of
Table 4-5. Blowdown Cycles of Concentration vs.
Make-Up Water Requirements

GPM/Ton %
Cycles Evaporation Blowdown Make-up Make-up


3 O.O3OO O.O15O O.O45O 75
4 O.O3OO O.O1OO O.O4OO 67
5 O.O3OO O.OO75 O.O375 63
6 O.O3OO O.OO6O O.O36O 6O
1O O.O3OO O.OO33 O.O333 55
15 O.O3OO O.OO23 O.O323 54
2O O.O3OO O.OO15 O.O315 53

Special Maintenance Considerations 101

concentration dehnes lhe ralio of lhe desired concenlralion of dis-
soIved soIids in lhe condenser valer lo lhe concenlralion of dis-
soIved soIids in lhe make-u valer. TabIe 4-5 summarizes lhe valer
ovs associaled vilh a cooIing lover for various cycIes of concen-
Il is cIear lhal lhe amounl of make-u valer is reduced signih-
canlIy as lhe number of cycIes is increased from 2 lo 6. Hovever,
lhere is onIy a furlher 5/ reduclion as lhe cycIes is increased from
6 lo 1O, and onIy a furlher 2/ reduclion as cycIes is increased lo 2O.
Therefore, lo minimize valer consumlion, cycIes of concenlralion
shouId be mainlained al no Iover lhan 1O and deosilion inhibilors
added as necessary.
Sleam and condensale Ieaks due lo iing Ieaks and1or lra faiI-
ures, vhich require make-u valer consumlion, can be addressed
by revenlalive mainlenance rocedures. Hovever, condensale re-
covery measures may be required lo calure condensale lhal, for
vhalever reason, is uroseIy vasled. This vasle faIIs inlo lhree
calegories: (a) condensale Iosl lhrough dislribulion Iine lras, (b)
condensale Iosl al rocess equimenl (induslriaI equimenl, sleriI-
izers, Iaundry equimenl, kilchen equimenl, elc.), and (c) conden-
sale Iosl via boiIer bIovdovn:
Outdoor Water Consumption:
Aulomalic irrigalion syslems are lhe rime cuIril in excess oul-
door valer consumlion. Lvery one of lhese syslems resuIls in excessive
valer consumlion, increased runoff, and increased oIIulion. (And, no
amounl of linkering vilh lheir conlroIs viII imrove lheir oor environ-
menlaI imacl.) Hovever, lhe need for lhese syslems can be signihcanlIy
reduced or even eIiminaled very easiIy, as foIIovs:
Revam Iandscae Ianlings lo minimize, or even eIiminale, lhe
need for irrigalion. In every cIimale zone, lhere are Iandscaing
Ianls, bolh nalive and lhose lhal have cIimale adaled, lhal are
far more droughl resislanl lhan olhers. There are numerous na-
lionaI and slale ubIicalions avaiIabIe (mosl over lhe Inlernel) lhal
can rovide guidance for reIacing exisling Ianls vilh lhose lhal
require far Iess valer and can lhrive vilh onIy naluraI rainfaII.
Decoralive Iavns surrounding faciIilies may be relly, bul if irri-
102 Effective Building Maintenance
galed lhey are valer hogs. Iirsl, reIace as much Iavn area as
ossibIe vilh naluraI areas or areas Iandscaed vilh droughl-re-
sislanl Ianls. Nexl, for lhose Iavns lhal musl remain, seIecl grasses
lhal require IillIe or no valering beyond naluraI rainfaII. (The lyi-
caI high cosl of mainlenance for Iavns shouId aulomalicaIIy make
lhem a largel for reduclion!)
The recovery and recycIing of vasled valer lo offsel irrigalion va-
ler consumlion is aIso an olion, as foIIovs:
NormaI oeralion of cooIing coiIs roduces condensale valer lhal
lyicaIIy drains lo lhe sever. ul, condensale is cIean valer lhal can
be calured and reused for non-olabIe valer aIicalions. TyicaI
aIicalions incIude cooIing lover make-u, ushing hxlures, and
Iandscae irrigalion.
Consideralions for condensale recovery syslems incIude:
Condensale recovery vorks by gravily ov. A drainage syslem
from each air handIing unil lo a cenlraI conneclion oinl, a hoId-
ing lank or cislern, is required. A um lhen suIies make-u
valer from lhe hoIding lank or cislern lo lhe cooIing lovers.
CoIIecled condensale valer is al lemeralures belveen 5O and
To use condensale as cooIing lover make-u, a 3-vay vaIve in
lhe Iine feeding make-u valer lo lhe cooIing lovers is required
lo aIIov lhe syslem lo drav from recIaimed condensale or ser-
vice valer as needed for IeveI conlroI. NormaIIy, lhe cooIing
lovers need more make-u valer lhan can be recovered from
lhe condensale, in vhich case lhe syslem uses suIemenlaI do-
meslic valer.
The amounl of condensale roduced by cooIing viII range from
O.OO5 lo O.O167 gm1lon, based on lhe amounl of ouldoor air and
lhe cIimalic condilions lhal exisl. Thus, a 1OO lon commerciaI HVAC
syslem, oeraling for 2OOO equivaIenl fuII Ioad hours annuaIIy, can
roduce as much as 7O,OOO gaIIons of cIean condensale lhal can be
calured and used in Iieu of olabIe valer sources.
ne caveal regarding cooIing condensale recovery: during cooI-
ing coiI cIeaning oeralions, aII valer from lhe drain an musl be
drained lo lhe sanilary sever. This may require byass iing lo
Special Maintenance Considerations 103
a oor drain or lhe use of a um and coIIeclion lank during lhe
cIeaning rocess.
A rainfaII harvesling syslem consisls of lhe foIIoving basic como-
Calchmenl surface, lyicaIIy lhe roof of lhe buiIding.
CoIIeclion syslem...lhe gullers and dovnsouls lhal coIIecl and
lransfer lhe rainvaler lo a slorage lank.
Leaf screens, hrsl-ush diverlers, and1or roof vashers lhal re-
move dusl and debris from lhe iniliaI calchmenl runoff. Iirsl-
ush diverlers are designed lo diverl or vasle a orlion of lhe
iniliaI rainfaII lo eIiminale conlaminanls lhal vere on lhe calch-
menl surface vhen lhe rainfaII slarled.
Slorage lanks, caIIed cislerns.
IiIlralion, lo make lhe valer olabIe, if required by lhe aIica-
lion. Given lhe IocaI reguIalory requiremenls, eilher carlridge
hIlralion or R may be required. (No hIlralion is required if lhe
valer is nol used for human consumlion.)
In lheory, aboul O.62 gaIIons1sf of calchmenl area can be coIIecl-
ed er inch of rainfaII. Hovever, considering hrsl ush Iosses,
evaoralion, sIash, elc., a vaIue of O.5O gaIIons1sf of calchmenl
area er inch of rainfaII is lyicaIIy used for syslem sizing. The
calchmenl area is based on lhe horizonlaI ro|eclion of lhe
buiIding roof and is indeendenl of roof ilch. To ensure a year-
round valer suIy, lhe calchmenl area and slorage caacily
musl be sized lo meel lhe valer demand lhrough lhe Iongesl
execled san of conlinuous dry days.
The cailaI cosl of rainvaler harvesling syslems is highIy
deendenl on lhe lye of calchmenl, conveyance, and slorage
lank maleriaIs used.
The rimary reference for lhe design of rainvaler harvesling
syslems is The Texas ManuaI on Rainvaler Harvesling, avaiI-
abIe as a free dovnIoad al hll:11vvv.lvdb.slale.lx.us1ubIi-
Stormwater Runoff
Surface valer runoff occurs vhen il rains and a ercenlage of lhe
rainfaII drains inlo lhe IocaI valershed slreams and rivers. In green-
heIds or naluraI, undeveIoed Iand, lhe surfaces are considered lo be
104 Effective Building Maintenance
near O/ imervious and lhe ma|orily of rainvaler is relained by nalu-
raI vegelalion Iong enough lo be absorbed inlo lhe ground or reIeased
very sIovIy. TyicaIIy, aboul 5O/ of lhe rainfaII is absorbed, aboul 4O/
relained Iong enough lo be evaoraled, and onIy aboul 1O/ runs off inlo
slreams and rivers.
Hovever, vilh deveIomenl, a signihcanl orlion of naluraI veg-
elalion is lyicaIIy reIaced by imervious surfaces. Imervious surfaces
are mainIy conslrucled surfacesrooflos, sidevaIks, roads, and arking
Iolscovered by imenelrabIe maleriaIs such as ashaIl, concrele, brick,
and slone. These maleriaIs seaI surfaces, reeI valer, and revenl re-
ciilalion and meIlvaler from inhIlraling soiIs. SoiIs comacled by urban
deveIomenl (even incIuding mosl Iavns) are aIso highIy imervious.
The science cIearIy shovs lhal lhere is a negalive imacl on valer-
shed valer quaIily as a resuIl of lhis increased runoff. Surface oIIulion
due lo human aclivilyorganic vasle, ferliIizers and olher Iandscae
chemicaIs, vehicIe VCs from oiI and gasoIine siIIs, elc.are carried by
lhe runoff inlo lhe IocaI valershed.
To reduce lhe negalive imacl of runoff, every faciIily shouId con-
sider lhe foIIoving:
As discussed above, naluraI areas are far more ervious lhan olher
Ianled areas, eseciaIIy Iavnslhey relain valer and reduce run-
off. Lavns nol onIy are more imervious, increasing lhe rale and
quanlily of slormvaler runoff, bul lhey lyicaIIy are ferliIized and
lrealed vilh olher chemicaIs lhal become arl of lhe runoff, resuIl-
ing in valershed oIIulion. Thus, reIacing grassed areas vilh nalu-
raI Ianling areas viII reduce bolh lhe quanlily of slormvaler run-
off and imrove lhe quaIily of vhal runoff lhal does occur.
The conslruclion of rain gardens is becoming ouIar lo cre-
ale arlihciaI velIands lhal hIler runoff and sIov ils rale of reIease.
Rainvaler or air-condilioning condensale lhal is calured and used
for Ianl irrigalion reduces lhe need for urchased valer. AIso, har-
vesled rainvaler reduces sile runoff since lhe use of lhe valer is
sread oul over a much Ionger lime eriod.
Imrove slormvaler relenlion: Runoff from deveIoed siles is in-
evilabIe. Hovever, relaining slormvaler and reIeasing il over a
Ionger eriod reduces ils negalive imacls. Iirsl, conlaminanls lhal
Special Maintenance Considerations 105
are carried avay by lhe hrsl ush, usuaIIy considered lo be lhe
hrsl 1-112 lo 2 of rainfaII, are lraed in relenlion onds and
slruclures and can be eriodicaIIy removed. Second, aII remaining
rainfaII, ralher lhan being reIeased immedialeIy can be heId and re-
Ieased over severaI days, reducing lhe damage lo slreams.
Sustainable Building Risks and Maintenance Requirements
The main design ob|eclives for suslainabiIily in buiIdings are lo
avoid resource deIelion (energy, valer, and rav maleriaIs), revenl en-
vironmenlaI degradalion caused by faciIilies and infraslruclure lhrough-
oul lheir Iife cycIe, and creale faciIilies lhal are IivabIe, comforlabIe, safe,
and roduclive. Hovever, lhe design and conslruclion of suslainabIe fa-
ciIilies may invoIve lhe use of nev, unlesled maleriaIs or lhe use of con-
venlionaI maleriaIs in a nev vay. Since il is unreaIislic lo execl design-
ers and conlraclors lo have a comIele underslanding of lhe erformance
characlerislics and Iimilalions of nev roducls, il is aImosl a given
lhal suslainabIe design can creale mainlenance robIems, ranging from
shorler service Iife lo moislure robIems and moId infeslalion. Areas of
concern incIude lhe foIIoving:
NaluraI buiIding maleriaIs may nol have lhe needed service Iife for
lhe aIicalion. Ior examIe, bamboo ooring has a service Iife of
7-12 years in residenliaI aIicalions, vhich is quile salisfaclory, bul
onIy 3-4 years in a high lrafhc commerciaI aIicalions, vhich im-
oses a signihcanl mainlenance requiremenl.
RecycIed maleriaIs and maleriaIs vilh high bio-based conlenl may
have more moislure issues and olenliaI moId robIems.
AIicalion faiIure viII resuIl in more lhan mainlenance robIems.
Ior examIe, hay baIe conslruclion requires lhal vaII maleriaIs be
rolecled by a erfecl valer barrier since lhe more convenlionaI
Iayered aroach is nol ossibIeand lhere is no such lhing as a
erfecl valer barrier!
Maintenance programs and procedures must be developed to anticipate
106 Effective Building Maintenance
SuslainabIe faciIilies may have more comIex syslems and mainle-
nance requiremenls, such as lhe foIIoving:
Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems: Il is essenliaIIy
imossibIe for ackaged, direcl-exansion air-cooIed HVAC sys-
lems lo meel even lhe mosl basic energy efhciency goaI for suslain-
abIe design, lyicaIIy a 3O/ imrovemenl over lhe requiremenls
of ASHRAL Slandard 9O.1-2OO7. Thus, valer-cooIed syslems viII
usuaIIy be aIied. Thus, for some ovners, mainlenance exerience
and skiII sels may be inadequale, al Ieasl iniliaIIy.
HVAC syslem conlroIs in suslainabIe faciIilies lend lo be more
comIex and, consequenlIy, require a grealer degree of exerlise on
lhe arl of lhe mainlenance slaff lo ensure lheir funclionaIily.
The over-emhasis by some designers on imroved indoor air
quaIily as a arl of suslainabIe design can resuIl in mainlenance
moislure-reIaled robIems. The inaroriale use of excess venliIa-
lion and1or naluraI venliIalion (incIuding oerabIe vindovs), can
resuIl in inadequale buiIding humidily conlroI for faciIilies in hol,
humid cIimales. WhiIe lhese lyes of design robIems may require
relro-hlling lo correcl, il cerlainIy a resonsibiIily of lhe mainle-
nance slaff lo rovide rouline inseclion and evaIualion lo idenlify
robIems as earIy as ossibIe.
Daylighting: The IeveI and amounl of cIeaning for dayIighling viII
increase. DayIighling resuIls in increased gIass area lhal musl be
cIeaned more frequenlIy lhal simIe vision gIass. Likevise, Iighl
sheIves, reeclive Iouvers, elc. require rouline cIeaning in order lo
mainlain lheir reeclive roerlies. Leaves, snov, bird droings,
elc., in addilion lo normaI dusl and dirl, reduce lheir effecliveness if
nol removed quickIy.
Some dayIighling devices such as Iouvers or bIinds have eIec-
lromechanicaI conlroI syslems lhal musl be mainlained in accor-
dance vilh lhe manufaclurers requiremenls.
And, vilh lhe aIicalion of dayIighling, sensors are required
lo dim1brighlen lhe arlihciaI Iighling syslems in resonse lo lhe
dayIighling avaiIabIe al any given momenl. To achieve salisfaclory
Iighling IeveIs and lo meel energy erformance goaIs, lhese syslems
musl be roulineIy mainlained.
Special Maintenance Considerations 107
Photovoltaic (PV) Systems: IV aneI erformance is highIy deen-
denl on ils abiIily lo remain cIean. The cIeaning frequency for a IV
syslem viII deend uon lhe foIIoving:
Irban Iocalions or Iocalions in dry, dusly cIimales viII increase
lhe frequency of cIeaning. CoaslaI areas viII exerience saIl
sray lhal aIso musl be removed frequenlIy.
Rain acls as a naluraI cIeaning agenl, so Iocalions in rainy cIi-
males lend lo have reduced mainlenance cIeaning require-
IholovoIlaic syslems have numerous eIeclricaI comonenls
lhal require secihc mainlenance, incIuding balleries, inverlers, and
Wind Power Systems: Wind lurbine mainlenance is seciaIized and
is lyicaIIy beyond lhe caabiIilies of mosl faciIily mainlenance
slaffs. Therefore, mosl of lhese syslems are mainlained under oul-
side conlracl. As lhe lurbine conlains more moving arls, hence il
requires considerabIe mainlenance. During lhe earIy years, mainle-
nance cosl is lyicaIIy belveen 1.5/ and 3/ of lhe lurbine cosl, bul
lhis cosl increases as lhe lurbine gel oIder.
The eIeclricaI comonenls of lhe syslem, incIuding, balleries,
inverlers, and conlroIs, aIso require rouline mainlenance.
Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP): CHI Ianl mainlenance
is very comIex and is lyicaIIy beyond lhe caabiIilies of aII bul lhe
Iargesl and mosl sohislicaled mainlenance slaffs. Therefore, mosl
of lhese syslems are mainlained under oulside conlracl.
Such on-sile service and mainlenance can be rovided by lhe
originaI equimenl manufaclurer or suIier or by a seciaIisl lhird-
arly organizalion. Mainlenance conlracls require lhal a monlhIy
fee be aid by lhe Ianl ovner, lhal is, in effecl, a conlinuous fuII
roleclion Ian for engine and generalor and rovide for fasl (lyi-
caIIy eighl-hour) resonse limes by service ersonneI in reairing
faiIed comonenls.
Service and mainlenance agreemenls lyicaIIy cover onIy CHI
equimenl ralher lhan lhe vhoIe Ianl. Mosl on-sile over gen-
eralion Ianl ovners conlracl oul service and mainlenance simIy
because mosl donl have lhe in-house exerlise necessary lo carry
oul rouline mainlenance lasks on recirocaling engine gensels, heal
108 Effective Building Maintenance
exchangers, boiIers, elc., Iel aIone ma|or reair or reIacemenl o-
eralions. Gas lurbines and Iarge generalors are dehnileIy lhe rov-
ince of lhe rofessionaI. In such cases, ovners oflen conlracl lo buy
mainlenance services from lhe LM or seciaIisl lhird arly con-
lraclor for severaI years al Ieasl.
ANSI1ASHRAL1ISGC1ILS Slandard 189.1-2OO9, Standardforthe
Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential
Buildings, is lhe hrsl code-inlended commerciaI green buiIding slandard
in lhe Iniled Slales. Il has been ubIished by lhe American Sociely of
Healing, Refrigeraling and Air-Condilioning Lngineers (ASHRAL), in
con|unclion vilh lhe IIIuminaling Lngineering Sociely of Norlh Amer-
ica (ILS) and lhe I.S. Green uiIding CounciI (ISGC) and has been
aroved by lhe American NalionaI Slandards Inslilule (ANSI).
This slandard, ubIished on }anuary 22, 2O1O rovides a Iong-
needed consensus slandard for lhose vho slrive lo design, buiId, and
oerale suslainabIe buiIdings. Il covers key loic areas incIuding sile
suslainabiIily, olabIe valer use efhciency (bolh indoor and ouldoor),
energy efhciency, indoor environmenlaI quaIily. and lhe buiIdings im-
acl on lhe almoshere, maleriaIs and resources. Like olher ASHRAL
Slandards, il is vrillen in enforceabIe code Ianguage so lhal il may be
referenced or adoled by code aulhorilies.
Seclion 1O of lhe nev slandard requires lhal a mainlenance Ian
addressing mechanicaI, eIeclricaI, Iumbing, and hre roleclion sys-
lems be deveIoed. The mainlenance measures dehned in Chalers 1,
3 and 4 of lhis lexl rovide signihcanl informalion lhal can be easiIy
incororaled inlo lhe mainlenance Ian required by lhe nev slandard
for suslainabIe buiIding design, conslruclion, and oeralion.
Seclion 1O of lhe nev slandard aIso requires a service Iife Ian be
deveIoed lo address slrucluraI, buiIding enveIoe, and hardscae ma-
leriaIs reair1reIacemenl during lhe service Iife of lhe buiIding. IIan-
ning for lhe reIacemenl or ma|or renovalion of buiIding comonenls
al lhe end of lheir service Iive is addressed in delaiI in Chaler 2 of lhis
lexl, vhich can be used lo meel lhe requiremenls of lhe nev slandard.
olh lhe mainlenance Ian and lhe service Iive Ian are required lo
be deveIoed during lhe design of a suslainabIe buiIding. And, during
design, Chaler 5 of lhis lexl can serve as a guideIine for designing lhe
buiIding for imroved mainlainabiIily. This is crilicaI in lhe design of
suslainabIe buiIdings simIy because such buiIding lyicaIIy have more
Special Maintenance Considerations 109
comIex buiIding syslems, use recycIed, bio-based, and1or regionaI ma-
leriaIs in lhe buiIding conslruclion, and1or use convenlionaI maleriaIs
in nev vaysaII of vhich may have unanlicialed consequences and
seciaI mainlenance needs.
Trying lo dehne indoor air quaIily (IAQ) is somevhal akin lo lhe
Sureme Courl dehning ornograhyve knov vhal il isnl, even if
ve donl knov exaclIy vhal il is. The American Sociely of Healing, Re-
frigeraling, and Air-Condilioning Lngineers (ASHRAL), in lheir Slan-
dard 62.1, dehnes accelabIe indoor air quaIily as foIIovs: air in
vhich lhere are no knovn conlaminanls al harmfuI concenlralions as
delermined by cognizanl aulhorilies and vilh vhich a subslanliaI ma-
|orily (8O/ or more) of lhe eoIe exosed do nol exress dissalisfac-
lion. The robIem vilh lhis dehnilion is simIy vho vanls lo Iive vilh
lhe 2O/ lhal do exress dissalisfaclion! (Sounds Iike a bunch of academ-
ics laking advice from Iavyers.)
In broad lerms, good IAQ resuIls from lhe foIIoving:
Temeralure and humidily conlroI by lhe buiIding HVAC syslems
vilhin lhe ranges of 72-77I and 3O-6O/ RH.
Adequale diIulion venliIalion vilh ouldoor air lo mainlain occu-
anl efuenls (C
and odor) lo accelabIe IeveIs.
Adequale Iighling.
Lov noise and vibralion IeveIs.
ngoing moniloring and mainlenance lo avoid inlroducing oIIul-
anls or conlaminanls inlo lhe indoor air from eilher indoor sources
or ouldoor sources.
When one or more of lhese condilions does nol exisl, lhere is olen-
liaI for IAQ robIems.
Ioor IAQ, reaI or erceived, can be lhe resuIl of many faclors:
110 Effective Building Maintenance
Energy cost reduction measures: As energy cosls have risen and lhe
emhasis on energy cosl savings have assumed imorlance vilh
buiIding ovners and managers, HVAC syslems have been modi-
hed lo reduce venliIalion airovs, lo eIiminale lhe use of reheal for
humidily conlroI, lo be slarled as Iale as ossibIe and shuldovn as
soon as ossibIe, lo broaden lemeralure conlroI ranges, elc.
Building design and construction: Many buiIdings are designed vilh
beller air barriers lhal reduce inhIlralion airovs and lhe resuIling
secondary venliIalion, Ieasl cosl design and1or oor conslruclion
has cul corners resuIling in increased valer inlrusion, oor Iighling
design, and noise or vibralion robIems, aIong vilh HVAC syslems
lhal cannol salisfy bolh lemeralure and humidily conlroI needs,
arlicuIarIy in hol, humid cIimales, and lhe use of more and more
synlhelic or manufaclured buiIding maleriaIs lhal have lhe olen-
liaI of reIeasing oIIulanls and conlaminanls as lhey age.
Building use changes: uiIdings change in resonse lo changing
business or occuanl needs, or simIy need lo be udaled as lhey
age, and renovalion of exisling buiIdings is common. This renova-
lion means lhal nev buiIding roducls and nev buiIding syslems
lhal can reguIarIy inlroduce (or exacerbale exisling) IAQ robIems.
IeoIe faclors aIso enler inlo lhe IAQ equalion. uiIding occuanls
are reguIarIy exosed lo nevs coverage on indoor environmenlaI issues,
incIuding asbeslos, ICs, Iead ainl, moId, elc. This avareness, as one
aulhor slales, has raised lhe execlalions of occuanls regarding lhe
quaIily of lhe air in lheir ersonaI sace. Il is lhese execlalions, and any
faiIure lo meel lhem by lhe buiIding ovner, designer, conlraclor, and1or
a manger, lhal can Iead lo IAQ Iiligalion.
There are reaI heaIlh risks from oor indoor air quaIily, lhough lhese
risks are nol nearIy as severe or videsread as reorled in lhe media.
IoIIulanls can be inlroduced from lhe ouldoors due lo oor air cIean-
ing, incIuding oIIen, dusl, fungaI sores, vehicIe exhausl, and bioIogicaI
or chemicaI oIIulanls from induslriaI, research, or medicaI siles. IoIIul-
anls inlroduced by indoor sources incIude formaIdehyde and voIaliIe or-
ganic comounds (VCs) off-gassed by buiIding maleriaIs (vaII and
oor hnishes, furnilure, elc.), VCs from cIeaning suIies, sever odor,
body odor, ozone roduced by coy machines and Iaser rinlers, moId
resuIling from valer Ieaks, valer inlrusion inlo lhe buiIding, and1or oor
Special Maintenance Considerations 111
buiIding humidily conlroI, elc.
ecause of varying sensilivily among eoIe, one individuaI may
reacl lo a arlicuIar IAQ robIem vhiIe surrounding occuanls have no
iII effecls. (Symloms lhal are Iimiled lo a singIe erson can aIso occur
vhen onIy one vorkslalion receives a higher ercenlage of lhe oIIul-
anl dose.) In olher cases, comIainls may be videsread or nol. A singIe
indoor air oIIulanl or robIem can lrigger differenl reaclions in differenl
eoIe and some may nol be affecled al aII. Informalion aboul lhe lyes
of symloms can somelimes Iead direclIy lo soIulions, hovever, sym-
lom informalion is more IikeIy lo be usefuI onIy for idenlifying lhe liming
and condilions under vhich robIems occur.
IAQ robIems oflen roduce non secihc symloms ralher lhan
cIearIy dehned iIInesses. And, anaIysis of air samIes oflen faiIs lo delecl
high concenlralions of secihc conlaminanls.
Sick buiIding syndrome (SS) is a lerm aIying lo IAQ robIems
vilh nonsecihc symloms or cause(s) lhal affecl a high ercenlage (5-
2O/) of occuanls. uiIding-reIaled iIIness (RI) is a lerm referring lo iII-
ness broughl on by exosure lo lhe buiIding air, vhere symloms of diag-
nosabIe iIIness are idenlihed (e.g., cerlain aIIergies or infeclions) and can
be direclIy allribuled lo environmenlaI agenls in lhe air. Legionnaires
disease and hyersensilivily neumonilis are examIes of RI lhal can
have serious, even Iife- lhrealening consequences.
A smaII ercenlage of lhe ouIalion may be sensilive lo a number
of chemicaIs in indoor air, each of vhich may occur al very Iov concenlra-
lions. The exislence of lhis condilion, knovn as muIliIe chemicaI sensi-
livily (MCS), is a maller of considerabIe conlroversy. MCS is nol currenlIy
recognized by lhe ma|or medicaI organizalions, bul medicaI oinion is
divided. The aIicabiIily of access for lhe disabIed and vorkers com-
ensalion reguIalions lo eoIe vho beIieve lhey are chemicaIIy sensilive
may become concerns for faciIily managers.
Somelimes severaI buiIding occuanls exerience rare or serious
heaIlh robIems (e.g., cancer, miscarriages, Lou Gehrigs disease) over a
reIaliveIy shorl lime eriod. These cIuslers of heaIlh robIems are occa-
sionaIIy bIamed on indoor air quaIily faclors and can roduce lremen-
dous anxiely among buiIding occuanls. Slale or IocaI HeaIlh Dearl-
menls can rovide advice and assislance if cIuslers are susecled. They
may be abIe lo heI ansver key queslions such as vhelher lhe aarenl
cIusler is acluaIIy unusuaI and vhelher lhe underIying cause couId be
reIaled lo IAQ.
112 Effective Building Maintenance
Temperature and Humidity
The hrsl sle lovard mainlaining accelabIe IAQ is lo conlroI lem-
eralure and humidily lo accelabIe IeveIs in each occuied sace, if
buiIding occuanls are loo hol or loo coId, lhey are uncomforlabIe and
may become more sensilive lo indoor air quaIily. Therefore, il is imor-
lanl lhal indoor lemeralures be mainlained vilh a comforl range. ased
on ASHRAL, buiIding HVAC conlroIs shouId be sel lo mainlain indoor
lemeralure condilions al 75I 2I.
Humidily aIso has direcl effecl on lhe indoor human heaIlh aram-
elers, as shovn in lhe Iigure 4-2.
Thus, vhiIe mosl eoIe are comforlabIe vilh humidily as Iov
as 2O-3O/ RH, lhe olimum Iov Iimil on humidily is 4O/ RH, lhough
a 3O/ RH is accelabIe unIess mainlained for Iong eriods (norlhern
Ioor Iighling can be an irrilanl lhal exacerbales olher IAQ robIems
and can roduce ils ovn heaIlh risk in lhe form of headaches and eye
Figure 4-2. Health Effects vs. Relative Humidity (Adapted from ASHRAE
Transactions, 1984)
Special Maintenance Considerations 113
slrain. Lighling design is beyond lhe scoe of lhis lexl, bul carefuI al-
lenlion lo lhe brighlness, gIare, and quaIily of Iighl is required for good
The IIIuminaling Lngineering Sociely of Norlh America (ILSNA)
eslabIished lhree grous and seven calegories based on descrilions
of various visuaI lasks, vilh recommended IeveIs of Iighl for each lask
VisuaI erformance is IargeIy unimorlanl for lhis IeveI of lask.
These lasks are found in ubIic saces vhere reading and visuaI insec-
lion are onIy occasionaIIy erformed. Iarking Iols are normaIIy Iil lo 5
Higher IeveIs are recommended for lasks vhere visuaI erformance
is occasionaIIy imorlanl.
VisuaI erformance is imorlanl. These lasks are found in commer-
ciaI, induslriaI and residenliaI aIicalions. A desklo vorksace is nor-
maIIy Iil lo 3O lo 5O foolcandIes. Recommended iIIuminance IeveIs differ
because of lhe characlerislics of lhe visuaI lask being iIIuminaled. Higher
IeveIs are recommended for visuaI lasks vilh crilicaI eIemenls of Iov con-
lrasl or smaII size.
VisuaI erformance is of crilicaI imorlance. These lasks are very
seciaIized, incIuding lhose vilh very smaII or very Iov conlrasl crili-
caI eIemenls. Recommended iIIuminance IeveIs shouId be achieved vilh
suIemenlary lask Iighling. Higher recommended IeveIs are oflen
achieved by moving lhe Iighl source cIoser lo lhe lask.
The recommended Iighling IeveI for each grou and lask calegory is
dehned by TabIe 4-7.
The mainlenance slaff, using a Iighl meler and reguIar Iighl hxlure
mainlenance shouId be abIe lo resond lo and correcl Iighling dehcien-
cies in a faciIily. If nol, a Iighling engineer can be consuIled.
Noise and Vibration
Vibralion from HVAC equimenl, iing, and duclvork can be
a source of undesired noise and can conlribule lo erceived oor IAQ.
114 Effective Building Maintenance
Therefore, vibralion and noise conlroI are crilicaI design eIemenls for
buiIding syslems.
Noise in a buiIding can come from many sources: noise from lhe
oulside enlering lhrough lhe buiIding enveIoe, noise generaled by
Iumbing, HVAC, and eIeclricaI syslems, noise generaled by lhe buiId-
ing occuanls, and noise roduced by equimenl and machinery housed
in lhe buiIding. The human ear is nol equaIIy sensilive lo aII frequencies
of sound and noise can is erceived as hissy vhen lhe noise is con-
cenlraled in lhe higher frequencies, rumbIy vhen concenlraled in lhe
Iover frequencies, and neulraI vhen concenlraled in lhe mid-range of
Table 4-7. Task Specifc Recommended Lighting Levels

Category SpaceTypes (Footcandles)

Group 1 Tasks

A IubIic saces 3

SimIe orienlalion for shorl visils 5

C Working saces vhere simIe visuaI

lasks are erformed 1O

Group 2 Tasks

D Ierformance of visuaI lasks of high

conlrasl and Iarge size 3O

L Ierformance of visuaI lasks of high

conlrasl and smaII size, or visuaI lasks
of Iov conlrasl and Iarge size. 5O

I Ierformance of visuaI lasks of Iov

conlrasl and smaII size 1OO

Group 3 Tasks

G Ierformance of visuaI lasks near

lhreshoId of vision 3OO-1OOO

Special Maintenance Considerations 115

To be accelabIe, lhe Ioudness of noise from mechanicaI syslems
musl nol revenl eoIe from hearing sound lhey vanl lo hear. Addilion-
aIIy, lhe quaIily of mechanicaI noise musl nol be inlrusive or annoying.
Therefore, lhe mainlenance slaff musl be concerned aboul bolh lhe IeveI
of mechanicaI noise and ils quaIily.
In occuied environmenls, sound is measured on lhe basis of lhe
A-scaIe. Since eoIe do nol hear Iov frequency or high frequency
sound as veII as mid-range frequency, A-scaIe sound melers ad|usl lhe
measured IeveIs in each of 9 frequency bands lo give more aulhorily lo
lhe midIeveI ranges. The sound IeveI al each of lhese 9 frequency bands
is lhen added lo yieId a lolaI in lerms of decibels,A-scale(dBA). Noise
IeveIs measured using lhe A-scaIe reresenl lhe hIlering of sound lhal
reIicales lhe human hearing resonse. This is lhe mosl commonIy used
descrilor lo quanlify lhe reIalive Ioudness of various lyes of sounds
vilh simiIar or differing frequency characlerislics.
The WorId HeaIlh rganizalion (WH), recommends lhal lhe IeveI
of noise in occuied saces shouId nol exceed lhose secihed in TabIe 4-8.
Table 4-8. WHO Maximum Allowable Background Noise Levels

To Max.NoiseLevelandDuration
dBA Hrs

Hearing imairmenl 85-1OO 1

Annoyance 5O-55 16

Dislurbance of communicalion1Iack
of seech inleIIigibiIily 35 AII

SIee dislurbance 3O 8

Air Filters and Cleaners for Particulates

The hrsl sle in reducing exlerior air arlicuIales and oIIulanls is
lo evaIuale ouldoor air inlakes and, if necessary, reIocale lhem lo reduce
lhe olenliaI for ouldoor oIIulion. ASHRAL recommends lhal lhe foI-
Ioving crileria be used for ouldoor air inlakes:
116 Effective Building Maintenance
The besl Iocalion is on lhe vindvard side of lhe buiIding.
Inlakes shouId be Iocaled in lhe Iover lhird of lhe vaII, vilh lhe
bollom of lhe inlake aroximaleIy 2 feel above grade. (Ior indus-
lriaI aIicalions, hosilaIs, and research faciIilies, vhere hazardous
exhausl discharge is required, seciaI care musl be laken lo ensure
lhal re-enlry of oIIulanls does nol lake Iace.)
ulside air inlakes musl be searaled from any olenliaI oIIulanl
source in accordance vilh TabIe 4-9.
Table 4-9. Minimum Air Intake Separation Requirements

Object MinimumDistance(ft)

GeneraI buiIding exhausl 5

SignihcanlIy conlaminaled exhausl or venls 15
Noxious or dangerous exhausl or venls* 3O
Garage enlry, aulomobiIe Ioading area, or drive-in queue 15
Truck Ioading area or dock, bus arking1idIing area 25
Drivevay, slreel or arking Iace 5
Thoroughfare vilh high lrafhc voIume 25
Roof, grade, or olher surface direclIy beIov inlake 1
Garbage slorage1ick-u area, dumslers 15
CooIing lover inlake or basin 15**
CooIing lover exhausl 25**

*Laboralory fume hood exhausl air oulIels shaII be in comIiance vilh NIIA 45 and ANSI1
AIHA Z9.5.
**This dislance shouId be a greal as ossibIe lo reduce LegioneIIa conlaminalion olenliaI.
IiIlers are aIied in air-handIing syslems lo remove arlicuIale
conlaminanls and oIIulanls such as dusl, oIIen, moId, bacleria, smoke,
and elc. from lhe air. ASHRAL Slandard 52.2-2OO7 dehnes lhe melhod-
oIogy of raling and aIying hIlers in HVAC syslems by eslabIishing
minimum effciency ratingvalues (MERV) for hIlers and a lesl melhod for
delermining lhe MLRV. TabIe 4-1O summarizes lhe aIicalion guideIines
for each lye of hIler and eslabIishes a range of recommended MLRVs.
This labIe can be used lo seIecl air cIeaner erformance required for mosl
HVAC aIicalions.
LIeclroslalic hIlers, assive residenliaI grade hIlers, are ranked al
Special Maintenance Considerations 117
lhe Iov end of lhe MLRV scaIe, desile cIaims by lhe manufaclurers lhal
lhis lye of hIler is bolh effeclive and reIiabIe. The slandard recognizes
lhal lhese cIaims are, al besl, exaggeraled and lhe hIlers do nol erform
veII or reIiabIy in HVAC syslems.
Aclive eIeclroslalic or eIeclronic hIlers are very efhcienl, vilh
an MLRV of 12-15, when they are properly operated and maintained.
Table 4-10. Filter Application GuideIines
(Adaled from ASHRAL Slandard 52.2-2OO7)
118 Effective Building Maintenance
Hovever, lhe reguIar mainlenance required lo ensure roer hIler er-
formance is seIdom rovided. InlernaI hIler faiIures (eIeclricaI breaks,
elc.) and simIy arlicuIale Ioading on lhe allraclor Iales reduce hIler
erformance and, since lhere is no obvious indicalion of lhese faiIures,
oor erformance can occur over Iong eriods of lime. Therefore,unlessthe
ASHRAL Slandard 62.1-2OO7 requires a hIler MLRV of nol be Iess
lhan 6 (and lhal hIlers be inslaIIed uslream of lhe cooIing coiIs, vhich
conicls vilh lhe hnaI hIler requiremenls for some hosilaI and Iabora-
lory aIicalions). ul, in generaI, toreduceparticulatestoacceptablelevels,
analysis by Lawrence Berkley Laboratories, along with other studies indicates
MERVisincreasedtoatleast16. Higher MLRV IeveIs may be required by
reguIalory bodies for seciaI aIicalions such as some hosilaI areas,
research faciIilies, cIean rooms, elc.
Since indoor air quaIily is deendenl on ouldoor air quaIily, lhe oul-
door air musl be cIean and accelabIe for diIulion venliIalion. Hov-
ever, in some Iocalions, during al Ieasl arl of lhe year (usuaIIy summer),
ambienl air condilions are seriousIy degraded by vehicIes, over Ianls,
and1or adverse almosheric ressure condilions. Ior induslriaI buiId-
ings, or buiIdings Iocaled in induslriaI areas, lhe ambienl ouldoor air may
be conlaminaled vilh arlicuIales and1or gaseous oIIulanls lhal musl
be removed by air hIlralion and cIeaning. This condilion can exisl even
oulside of induslriaI areas if buiIdings are Iocaled cIose lo vehicIe lraf-
hc, have Ioading docks, or even use combuslion engine overed Iavn
equimenlaII of vhich roduce a vide range of oIIulanls lhal can be
sucked in lhrough ouldoor air inlakes.
To remove exlernaIIy inlroduced VCs and olher oIIulanl gases or
vaors, gaseous hIlralion is required, vhich invoIves chemicaI reaclion
belveen lhe hIler media and lhe oIIulanl gas via sorption. Sorlion is
a rocess based on lhe eIeclron forces vilhin lhe oIIulanl moIecuIe be-
ing allracled by simiIar forces on lhe surface of hIler media beds. These
forces creale overfuI chemicaI bonds by vhich lhe oIIulanl moIecuIes
are allached lo lhe surface of lhe media, a rocess caIIed adsorlion. To
increase efhciency and caacily, lhe sorlion media viII be highIy orous,
roducing surface areas oflen raled in lhousands of square feel er ounce
Special Maintenance Considerations 119
of media.
Gaseous air cIeaning can aIso be accomIished by lhe rocess of
absorlion vhere lhe oIIulanl moIecuIes (aIong vilh valer vaor
moIecuIes) merge inlo lhe hIler media, simiIar lo Iiquid hase mixlures.
The absorlion rocess roduces ionizalion, enabIing chemicaI reaclion
lo occur. To enhance lhis rocess, sorbenls can be imregnaled vilh se-
cihc reagenls lo enhance lheir abiIily lo chemicaIIy reacl vilh secihc gas-
eous oIIulanls.
There are no universaI lesl melhods of raling and seIecling chemicaI
hIlers. Hovever, lhe foIIoving generaI guideIines can be aIied:
Carbon is besl aIied againsl conlaminanls lhal are higher in con-
cenlralion, heavier in moIecuIar veighl, and nonoIar and lhal have
a higher moIecuIar carbon conlenl. This incIudes mosl VCs and
Iong moIecuIar chain hydrocarbons. Il aIso vorks besl al Iover lem-
eralure and humidily condilions.
Potassium Permanganate (KMnO
) erforms besl againsl Iover
moIecuIar veighl comounds, oIar comounds such as formaIde-
hyde, and reaclive inorganic comounds such as hydrogen suIhde
and suIfur dioxide.
Zeolite is arlicuIarIy effeclive as a calion exchange media. This
makes il erform veII againsl conlaminanls such as ammonia and
olher nilrogen bearing comounds. Il aIso has a higher surface area
lhan aIumina comounds.
and Odor Control
Dilutionventilation is a rocess by vhich some ercenlage of dirly
indoor air is conlinuousIy reIaced by cIean ouldoor air. When evaIual-
ing indoor air quaIily, lhe Iilmus lesl is hov cIose lo ouldoor ambienl air
slandards il comes.
LslabIishing crileria and melhods of conlroIIing minimum venliIa-
lion airov in HVAC syslems is becoming more and more comIex. In
Norlh CaroIina, lhere are numerous codes and1or slandards lhal aIy
lo eslabIishing and conlroIIing venliIalion rales:
ASHRAL Slandard 62.1-2OO7
ASHRAL1ILSNA Slandard 9O.1-2OO7
120 Effective Building Maintenance
Slale and LocaI uiIding Codes
ASTM Slandard D6245-98, Standard Guide for Using Indoor Carbon
The venliIalion rales eslabIished in lhese slandards and codes are
based on normaI buiIding occuancy lhal conlain lhe secihed occuanl
densily and aclivilies lhal can normaIIy be execled lo lake Iace. When-
ever buiIding maleriaIs, cIeaning and mainlenance maleriaIs, or seciaI-
ized human aclivilies inlroduce Iarge quanlilies of secihc conlaminanls
inlo lhe buiIding almoshere, lhere may be occuanl comIainls and se-
ciaI venliIalion measures shouId be considered lo aIIeviale lhem.
anywatervaporthatdoesmigrateinward. Il is u lo lhe ovner lo raidIy
resond lo and correcl any valer inlrusion robIem lhal may arise, in-
cIuding cIeaning and drying any buiIding maleriaIs lhal have become
vel (or reIacing lhem if lhey cannol be dried). Water-damaged materi-
subsequentmoldgrowth! nce moId grovlh is eslabIished, mosl buiIding
conslruclion maleriaIs cannol be cIeaned and reIacemenl is lhe onIy
Irevenling moId grovlh in buiIdings is a rime examIe of lhe oId
adage lhal an ounce of revenlion is vorlh a ound of cure. Irevenling
moId from becoming a robIem is fairIy simIe and chea, vhiIe remedi-
aling a buiIding vhere moId has become eslabIished is bolh comIex and
MoIds are fungi, vhich are singIe-ceIIed or muIli-ceIIed non-moliIe
organisms lhal cannol make lheir ovn food. They reIy on olher organ-
isms or lheir environmenls for nulrienls. They viII coIonize any carbon-
based maleriaI lhal suIies aroriale nulrienls and moislure.
In generaI, fungi acliveIy groving indoors can exisl as yeasls or
moIds. Yeasls are singIe-ceIIed organisms lhal reroduce by budding or
simIe milosis. MoIds are more comIex, deveIoing Iarge coIonies (mals
Special Maintenance Considerations 121
or baIIs) of muIli-ceIIuIar hIamenls caIIed hyae. Some hyae enelrale
lhe maleriaI lhal is being used for food, making removaI very difhcuIl.
lhers Iie on lhe surface and deveIo reroduclive slruclures vhen
lemeralure and moislure condilions are aroriale. Iungi are ubiqui-
lous, occurring in soiI, in and on Ianls and animaIs, and in lhe ambienl
air bolh indoors and ouldoors. Lven in buiIdings vilhoul aclive fungaI
grovlh, lolaI fungi sore concenlralions of 3,OOO-1O,OOO sores er cubic
meler of air are common.
In any buiIding, any Iocalion roviding high enough moislure con-
lenl and a olenliaI food source viII suorl fungi grovlh.
MoId viII grov on mosl surfaces if lhe reIalive humid ily al lhe sur-
face is above a crilicaI vaIue and lhe surface lemera lure is conducive lo
grovlh. The Ionger lhe reIalive humidily remains above lhe crilicaI vaIue,
lhe more IikeIy is visibIe moId grovlh, and lhe higher lhe humidily or
lemeralure, lhe shorler is lhe lime needed for germinalion. The surface
reIalive humidily is a comIex funclion of maleriaI moislure conlenl, ma-
leriaI roerlies, and IocaI lemeralure and humidily condilions. In addi-
lion, moId grovlh deends on lhe lye of surface.
IuIIy recognizing lhe com Iexily of lhe issue, lhe InlernalionaI Ln-
ergy Agency Annex 14 (199O) neverlheIess eslabIished a surface humidily
crilerion for design uroses: The monlhIy average surface reIalive hu-
midily shouId remain beIov 8O/. lhers have roosed more slringenl
crileria, lhe mosl slringenl requiring lhal surface reIalive humidily re-
main beIov 7O/ al alltimes. AIlhough lhere sliII is no agreemenl on vhich
Figure 4-3. Indoor Mold Infestation
122 Effective Building Maintenance
crilerion is mosl aroriale, moldmildewcanusuallybeavoidedbylimiting
periods (even though some molds will begin to grow at a relative humidity as
lowas60%). These crileria shouId onIy be reIaxed for nono rous surfaces
lhal are reguIarIy cIeaned. Mosl moIds grov al lemeralures above a-
roximaleIy 4OI. Moislure accumuIalion beIov 4OI may nol cause moId
and miIdev if lhe maleriaI is aIIoved lo dry beIov lhe crilicaI moislure
conlenl before lhe lemeralure rises above 4OI.
IolenliaI subslrales for moId grovlh incIude vood, aer, and lex-
liIes, vhich are common in buiIdings. Some moIds viII even grovn on
subslrales lhal rovide no nulrienls, such as sleeI or hbergIass, as Iong as
nulrienls and valer are resenl in lhe air or in dusl sellIing on lhe moIds.
The most important risk factor for mold growth indoors is excess liquid
intrusion from rain and/or water leaks after the building is occupied. In hot,
The besl vay lo revenl moId grovlh is lo revenl moislure inlru-
sion robIems and lhis rocess slarls vilh lhe roof.
Lvery faciIily musl deveIo and imIemenl an aggressive roof-
mainlenance rogram as oulIined in lhis lexl. This rogram vouId in-
cIude eriodic inseclion of every roof lo idenlify dehciencies. Il is besl
lo erform lhese inseclions in each sring and faII. Inseclions shouId
be erformed by individuaIs caabIe of delermining nol onIy aarenl
immediale robIems, bul aIso condilions lhal couId become robIems in
lhe fulure. The inseclions shouId concenlrale on high-risk areas such
as around roof halches, drains, mechanicaI equimenl, and high-lrafhc
areas. As arl of lhese inseclions, aIso incIude roof ashings and drains,
Iumbing venls, elc.
In addilion lo semi-annuaI inseclions, erform inseclions afler
severe slorms, reair or aIleralions lo rooflo equimenl, or re-roohng
ro|ecls in ad|acenl roof areas. Ierform reairs in a limeIy manner, once
inseclors have idenlihed dehciencies, a quaIihed roohng mechanic musl
make lhe reairs immedialeIy.
Aside from lhe roof, foundalions and vaIIs are oflen lhe source of
valer inlrusion robIems. Groundvaler can be kel oul a buiIding if lhe
surrounding grade roerIy sIoes avay from lhe vaII and adequale sile
Special Maintenance Considerations 123
drainage is rovided. Hovever, over lime, lhe residue from Ianlings,
ground cover (ine slrav, muIch, elc.), elc. can buiId u lo bIock lhe vee
hoIes lhal drain masonry vaIIs or even creale a reverse ov condilion so
lhal valer is lraed againsl lhe vaII (onding). The faciIily mainlenance
Ian musl incIude reguIar inseclion and correclive aclion, as needed,
lo revenl lhese condilions from occurring. Lach vinler, vhen foIiage is
dormanl, lhe exlerior condilion al lhe base of lhe enlire erimeler vaII
shouId be examined.
Gullers overov, dovnsouls become bIocked vilh Ieaves or lrash,
and area sile drains become Iugged, aII of vhich can cause valer lo drain
dovn vaIIs or be lraed againsl lhe foundalion or vaIIs. These silua-
lions rovide ready condilions for valer inlrusion and musl be roulineIy
addressed under lhe mainlenance rogram, vilh reguIar inseclions and
cIeaning of gullers, dovnsouls, and sile drains.
CauIking viII faiI due lo age, moislure, sunIighl, and movemenl.
tainawatertightjoint. AII cauIking has a hnile Iife, usuaIIy 5-15 years, and
musl be reIaced al lhe end of lhal Iife. Therefore, lhe mainlenance ro-
gram shouId eslabIish a cauIking reIacemenl scheduIe for aII lyes of
cauIk |oinls in lhe buiIding (and donl forgel lhe hidden cauIking lhal
may be resenl, such as in horizonlaI ashings).
DoubIe-gIazed vindovs aIso faiI. The robIem here, aside from lhe
facl lhal lhe vindov lyicaIIy becomes cIoudy and unsighlIy, is lhal
lhe vindov heal lransfer resislance is cul in haIf (or more!) vhen lhe seaI
around lhe sace belveen lhe lvo gIass anes faiIs and air and moislure
enlers lhis sace. Nov, surface condensalion on lhe gIass surface can be-
come a robIem in lhe vinler if lhere are high inlernaI moislure Ioads or if
lhe buiIding humidily IeveI is kel al 5O/ or higher. This valer condens-
ing on lhe inside ane lhen drains dovnvard lo lhe siII and uddIes,
forming an ideaI grovlh sile for moId. Thus, lhe mainlenance Ian musl
rovide for reIacemenl of faiIed doubIe gIazing whenitoccurs.
Ior brick vaIIs, lhe mainlenance Ian musl incIude annuaI insec-
lion lo Iocale and reair cracks or reair olher robIems, as dehned in
Mainlenance Irocedure (see Aendix ).
IinaIIy, inlerior valer Ieaks musl be addressed. Inlerior valer Ieaks
can resuIl from lhree basic sources:
1. Leaks from valer iing (Iumbing coId or hol valer, Iumbing
drains, hol or chiIIed valer Iines used for healing and cooIing, elc.)
124 Effective Building Maintenance
These Ieaks can be caused by a ie break, ie freezing, corrosion,
or Ialenl maleriaI or conslruclion defecls.
2. Leaks from backus and faiIed Iumbing or HVAC syslems (ru-
lured hol valer healers or valer soflener lanks, Ieaking cooIing coiI
drain ans, elc.)
3. SiIIs from dishvashers, vashing machines, refrigeralors, elc. or
resuIling from human error (somebody Iefl lhe lub faucel running
vide oen and forgel il!)
Irevenling lhese Ieaks is aImosl imossibIeas lhey say, cra ha-
ens. But,takingstepstofrsteliminatetheleakandthentodrythebuilding
area affected within 24-48 hours is of paramount importance to prevent mold
A Ian lo resond lo valer robIems and, if required, moId cIean-
u, musl be crealed so lhal valer inlrusion robIems are idenlihed and
deaIl vilh vilhin lhe hrsl 24-48 hours afler occurrence, as foIIovs:
Any orous maleriaI (such as ceiIing liIes, carels, and sheel rock)
lhal has been vel Ionger lhan 48 hours shouId be considered a IikeIy
source of moIds. Some maleriaIs, such as draes, can be Iaundered.
MaleriaIs such as books and aer roducls may nol be saIvageabIe
even if vel Iess lhan 48 hours. Carels vel Iess lhan 48 hours need
lo be cIeaned and lhoroughIy dried. RemovaI and reinslaIIalion
shouId be considered, if necessary. If lhe carel is gIued lo concrele,
il viII nol IikeIy be saIvageabIe. The underIying concrele relains
moislure lhal is besl dried oul by removing lhe carel and exosing
lhe concrele lo dry air for severaI days.
RemovaI of slanding valer is a riorily and shouId occur in lhe hrsl
24 hours.
Dehumidihcalion by air condilioning, vhere feasibIe, or by dehu-
midihers lo remove absorbed excess valer shouId be ongoing for 72
hours or unliI lhe environmenl is reduced lo Iess lhan 5O/ reIalive
humidily IeveIs. A good largel for moislure conlroI is lo conlroI lhe
dev oinl lemeralure indoors lo belveen 35I and 55I.
Sanilizing hard surfaces afler valer remedialion or vilh moId
grovlh is in evidence can be done using chIorine bIeach mixed al
Special Maintenance Considerations 125
one cu er gaIIon. Surfaces shouId be vied vilh lhe sanilizer and
Iefl vel for 2O minules rior lo lhorough drying.
In some cases, valer damage may be hidden and go on for monlhs
rior lo discovery (i.e., Ieaking valer ie in a vaII, a basemenl cravI
sace dam from rain and ground valer seeage, or a roof Ieak belveen
lhe ceiIing and lhe uer roof). In lhese cases signihcanl moId grovlh
may occur and require lhal lhe affecled areas be cIosed dovn, seaIed off,
and deconlaminaled by lrained slaff.
A comIele remedialion Ian for lhese silualions shouId be arl of
lhe resonse rolocoI crealed by lhe inleresled arlies.
(within24-48hours). The lvo foIIoving resources are lhe de faclo slan-
dards for moId miligalion and shouId be used lo guide moId cIean-u
1. GuidelinesonAssessmentandRemediationofFungiinIndoorEnviron-
ments, avaiIabIe from lhe Nev York Cily Dearlmenl of HeaIlh and
MenlaI Hygiene as a free dovnIoad al hll:11vvv.NYC.gov1
2. MoldRemediationinSchoolsandCommercialBuildings, I.S. Lnviron-
menlaI Iroleclion Agency, LIA IubIicalion 4O2-K-O1-OO1, avaiIabIe
as a free dovnIoad al hll:11vvv.ea.gov1moId1moId_remedia-
asic guideIines for remedialion of valer-damaged and1or moId
infesled maleriaIs afler 48 hours, as recommended by MoldRemediationin
SchoolsandCommercialBuildings, I.S. LnvironmenlaI Iroleclion Agency,
are summarized in TabIe 4-11.
These remedialion guideIines are based on lhe size of lhe affecled
area lo make il easier for remedialors lo seIecl aroriale lechniques.
The ovner musl lhen use rofessionaI |udgmenl and exerience lo adal
lhe guideIines lo arlicuIar silualions.
In hol, humid cIimales, ouldoor air inlroduced for venliIalion or by
inhIlralion, couIed vilh a Iack of humidily conlroI by HVAC syslems,
are oflen signihcanl conlribulors lo moId grovlh in faciIilies and musl
be addressed by lhe mainlenance slaff. ul, lhe mainlenance slaff, can
minimize design faiIures by aying carefuI allenlion lo lvo basic faclors:
126 Effective Building Maintenance
(1) mainlain lhe buiIding al a osilive ressure al aII limes and (2) oerale
HVAC syslems lo rovide lhe besl humidily conlroI lhal lhey can.
Infltration of hol, humid ouldoor air inlo each area of lhe buiIding
musl be eIiminaled by mainlaining osilive ressurizalion in aII buiId-
ing areas al aII limes. InhIlralion is dehned as lhe unconlroIIed inlro-
duclion of ouldoor air inlo a buiIding. ne obvious source of inhIlra-
lion is lhrough oen doors, bul inhIlralion can aIso occur lhrough vaIIs,
lhrough lhe cracks around vindovs and olher vaII oenings, lhrough
roofs, elc.
Ior inlernaI ressurizalion lo be effeclive in eIiminaling inhIlra-
lion, lhe buiIding ressure musl equaI or exceed lhe ressure due lo
vind veIocily. Al a lyicaI vind seed of 1O mh during lhe cooIing
Table 4-11. Remediation of Water Damaged/Mold Infested Materials

*CIean-u Melhods:
Melhod 1: Wel vacuum (in lhe case of orous maleriaIs, some moId sores1fragmenls viII
remain in lhe maleriaI bul viII nol grov if lhe maleriaI is comIeleIy dried). Sleam cIeaning
may be an aIlernalive for carels and some uhoIslered furnilure.
Melhod 2: Dam-vie surfaces vilh Iain valer or vilh valer and delergenl soIulion (ex-
cel vood use vood oor cIeaner), scrub as needed.
Melhod 3: High-efhciency arlicuIale air (HLIA) vacuum afler lhe maleriaI has been lhor-
oughIy dried. Disose of lhe conlenls of lhe HLIA vacuum in veII-seaIed Iaslic bags.
Melhod 4: Discard remove valer-damaged maleriaIs and seaI in Iaslic bags vhiIe inside
of conlainmenl, if resenl. Disose of as normaI vasle. HLIA vacuum area afler il is dried.
Special Maintenance Considerations 127
monlhs, an inlernaI ressure inallareasofthebuilding of al Ieasl O.OO9 si
(O.25 vg) vouId be required.
ecause of lhe vagaries of conslruclion, il is imossibIe lo comule
lhe exacl amounl of ouldoor air lhal musl be inlroduced lo mainlain ex-
aclIy O.25 vg osilive ressure in lhe buiIding. Thus, themostcommon
approach used by designers is to determine the exhaust requirement in each
plusanadditional10-20%asasafetyfactor.At all times, when an exte-
rior door is opened, air should exfltrate (exit) from the building.
Ior indoor air in lhe summer lo be al an accelabIe 5O/RH or Iess,
lhe HVAC syslems musl suIy lheir air al a 55I or Iover devoinl
IinaIIy, mosl buiIdings are nol occuied around lhe cIock. There-
fore, lhe buiIding ovner musl address unoccuied eriods, ranging
from overnighl lo veekends lo summer vacalions, lo mainlain Iov hu-
midily IeveI and heI conlroI moId grovlh. Care musl be laken lo en-
sure lhal aII buiIding exhausl fans are shul dovn and aII ouldoor air
damers are cIosed during unoccuied eriods.
The recommended aroach lo revenling high humidily from oc-
curring during lhese eriods is lo eslabIish bolh high Iimil lemeralure
and high Iimil humidily sace seloinls, monilored by sace lemera-
lure and humidily sensors, lhal viII cause lhe HVAC conlroIs lo cycIe
lhe HVAC syslems on lo mainlain lhese seloinls. IdeaIIy, lhis vouId be
done for each air-handIer. ul, because cenlraI chiIIer and boiIer Ianls
may have a minimum Ioad requiremenl, care musl be laken by lhe de-
signer lo ensure lhal enough syslems are cycIed on lo rovide lhis mini-
mum Ioador lhere is no benehl lo lhe unoccuied eriod conlroI.
Since lhere are no eoIe in lhe buiIding during lhese unoccuied
eriods, venliIalion air is nol required and lhe ouldoor air damers
shouId be cIosed (vhich eIiminales lhe ma|orily of lhe moislure Ioad
imosed on lhe buiIding).
In summary, TabIe 4-12 reresenls a checkIisl lhal can be used lo
dehne lhe mainlenance requiremenls lo conlroI moId in faciIilies.
128 Effective Building Maintenance
Wilh brick, lhe mosl common masonry cIadding, lhe besl design
and delaiIing combined vilh lhe besl quaIily maleriaIs viII nol comen-
sale for oor conslruclion raclices and vorkmanshi, vhich have be-
come lhe norm. Iroer conslruclion raclices, incIuding rearalion of
maleriaIs and vorkmanshi, are essenliaI in allaining a valer-resislanl
brick masonry vaII. Therefore, secihc conslruclion rocedures, recom-
mended by lhe rick Induslry Associalion (IA), musl be secihed by
lhe designer and foIIoved by lhe conlraclor lo ensure quaIily masonry
conslruclion and avoid valer robIems.
As discussed in Chaler 3, hovever, even lhe besl masonry vaII
viII begin lo faiIcracked or saIIing unils, cracks and searalion of
morlar |oinls, faiIed cauIking, are common occurrences. Less common,
bul a robIem in muIlislory brick buiIdings is Iong lerm cree and lhal
Table 4-12. Checklist for Preventing Mold Infestation
Special Maintenance Considerations 129
resuIls in slrucluraI faiIure of masonry veneer.
No maller vhal lhe cause, a faiIing masonry maII is difhcuIl lo
address and il can aImosl never be reaired veII enough for conlinued
salisfaclory erformance. The uIlimale melhod of deaIing vilh a faiIing
masonry vaII is lo remove lhe masonry maleriaI, incIuding lhe exisling
ashing, elc., and correclIy inslaII nev. Hovever, lhis is an exensive un-
derlaking and lhere are aIlernalives.
CIear valer-reeIIenl coalings are somelimes recommended lo re-
duce valer absorlion and reduce lhe amounl of valer lhal enelrales
lhe exlerior brick masonry. Hovever, cIear valer reeIIenls can seIdom
slo valer enelralion lhrough cracks over O.O2 in. in size. CIear valer re-
eIIenls cannol slo valer enelralion lhrough incomIeleIy hIIed mor-
lar |oinls or from sources such as ineffeclive siIIs, cas or coings. Their
effecliveness under condilions of vind-driven rain is queslionabIe. Asa
SleeI aneIs, using re-hnished singIe lhickness formed seclions,
have successfuIIy been aIied over exisling masonry vaIIs lhal vere
erforming oorIy, IaneIs are inslaIIed on hal channeIs and serve as rain
barriers lo eIiminale lhe direcl imingemenl of bIoving rain onlo lhe ma-
sonry. This aroach can be a Iov cosl, lhough Iimiled Iife, soIulion lo
Ieaky masonry vaII robIems.
A shorl-lerm (5- lo 1O-year) soIulion lo delerioraling or oorIy de-
signed or conslruclion masonry vaIIs is lo aIy an eIaslomeric acryIic or
siIicone masonry coaling. These oaque coalings, vilh an aIied lhick-
ness of 8-12 miIs (aboul 5O-1OO sq. feel1gaIIon), are aIied by roIIing or
sraying lo form a exibIe, lexlured or smoolh hnish. LIaslomeric vaII
coalings are formuIaled lo slrelch and bridge cracks (assuming roer
crack rearalion and seaIing) lhal may form due lo movemenl. When
lhe vaII conlracls as lemeralures dro and lhe cracks exand, lhe eIaslo-
meric vaII coaling slrelches and resisls cracking ilseIf. When lhe lemera-
lure rises and lhe cracks become smaIIer, lhe coaling relurns lo ils originaI
shae vilhoul vrinkIing or Ieaving ridges. This crack bridging caabiIily
resuIls in a Iong Iasling, uniform hnish.
To achieve lhe baIance of roerlies required lo make a lo quaIily
eIaslomeric vaII coaling, manufaclurers use acryIic binders lhal are de-
signed secihcaIIy for lhis use. Ising lhese acryIic binders rovides lhe
coaling vilh a high degree of exibiIily and eIaslicily, vhiIe exhibiling
aroriale lensiIe slrenglh, and suerior aIkaIi resislance and dirl resis-
130 Effective Building Maintenance
lance, vhich are imorlanl consideralions. LIaslomeric vaII coalings cure
lo a smoolh, non lacky, high dirl resislanl hnish vhich viII resisl cracking
and vrinkIing.
Good surface rearalion is crilicaI for a good coaling. Wilh mason-
ry, cerlain asecls need seciaI allenlion, such as aIkaIinily, orosily, and
lhe lendency lo form eforescence. The masonry subslrale musl be cIean
and sound so lhal lhe coaling can adhere roerIy lo ils surface. This
requires valer bIasling or sand bIasling lo remove any dusl, dirl, ak-
ing ainl, or olher Ioose maleriaI. If lhe surface vas reviousIy ainled,
miIdev or moId may be resenl. These conlaminanls shouId be removed
vilh a common bIeach soIulion (lhree arls valer lo one arl househoId
bIeach). In aII cases, afler erforming any surface rearalion rocedures,
lhe surface shouId be rinsed veII vilh cIean valer.
nce lhe surface is cIean, cracks grealer lhan 1116 inch shouId be
seaIed vilh a lo quaIily valer based acryIic or siIicon-acryIic cauIk or
seaIanl. Iurlhermore, if lhe surface remains somevhal chaIky or is o-
rous, a valer- or soIvenl-based masonry seaIer musl be aIied before
aIying coaling. If lhe surface lends lo form eforescence, or is nev and
highIy aIkaIine, a masonry seaIer or rimer is required lo rolecl lhe lex-
lured coaling eIaslomeric locoal.
Texlured coaling eIaslomeric vaII coalings viII erform veII onIy
vhen aIied in lhick hIms. The lyicaI aIicalion rocedure is lo use
eilher an airIess sray foIIoved by back roIIing, or a Iong na roIIer. A
1-112 lo 4 brush vorks veII for smaIIer areas.
IroerIy formuIaled coaling eIaslomeric vaII coalings have a salin
hnish. They can generaIIy be linled and vhiIe vhile is mosl ouIar, sofl
asleIs and sublIe earlh lones are oflen chosen as decoralive olions.
IdeaIIy, once a lexlured or smoolh coaling eIaslomeric coaling is a-
Iied, il shouId be aIIoved lo vealher for al Ieasl one year before a non-
eIaslomeric coaling is aIied over il. Lven lhen, surfaces vilh coaling
eIaslomeric coalings shouId be reainled onIy vilh a valer-based lo-
coal, since oiI-based coalings are much Iess exibIe, and can crack severe-
Iy if aIied over lhe eIaslomeric coaling.
IinaIIy, anolher, bul oflen maIigned, roducl lhal can be successfuI-
Iy aIied over masonry vaIIs lo seaI lhem is externallyfnishedinsulation
systems (LIIS). In facl, LIIS vas originaIIy deveIoed in Luroe secih-
caIIy lo be used on masonry conslruclion. (Il vas onIy afler being videIy,
and oorIy, aIied lo vood frame conslruclion in lhe Iniled Slales lhal
lhe valer robIems vilh LIIS became evidenl.) Drainage Iane LIIS,
Special Maintenance Considerations 131
roerIy aIied over masonry, can be a ermanenl (3O-year) soIulion
lo vaII moislure inlrusion robIems. Hovever, lhe foIIoving olenliaI
robIem areas musl be addressed:
Lnsure lhal exisling cauIking and ashing is roerIy inslaIIed or, if
nol, is roerIy reaired.
DelaiI aII LIIS inlerseclionsroof overhangs, vindovs and doors,
grade IeveI, elc.
Lnsure lhal lhe inslaIIer is Iicensed and lrained by lhe LIIS manu-
faclurer and lhal he uses onIy lhal manufaclurers roducls and in-
slaIIs lhem roerIy.
This page left intentionally blank.
Chapter 5
Designing for
Building Maintainability
Why do archilecls and engineers send four or hve years in coI-
Iege addressing design issues and raclicaIIy no lime on buiIding main-
lenance` In raclice, lhere is sliII onIy a Iimiled degree of associalion
and reIalion belveen mainlenance rofessionaIs and designers. Design-
ers conlinue lo creale many buiIdings vhich faiI lo achieve salisfaclory
Iong-lerm erformance and mainlainers sliII have IillIe evidenl inu-
ence or imacl on design. Design and mainlenance issues require a
raclicaI aroach, a robIem soIving orienlalion and a Iearning from
exerience lo roduce a comrehensive aroach lo imroving buiId-
ing erformance and reducing Iife cycIe cosl.
InforlunaleIy, many faclors reIaling lo design and mainlenance
creale conlrasling and conlradiclory ob|eclives and in accommodaling
cerlain design needs, mainlenance requiremenls may be adverseIy af-
fecled. ConverseIy, lhe alleml lo roduce mainlenance free buiIdings
may imose comIeleIy imraclicaI and cerlainIy uneconomic design
rovisions. ConsequenlIy, lhere is a need lo comromise and baIance
lhe oosing crileria lo imrove overaII buiIding erformance.
WhiIe ve knov lhal lhe quaIily and erformance of buiIdings is
deendenl on lhe effecliveness of ils design and suslained mainlenance,
lradilionaIIy, lhese lasks are lrealed as searale enlilies. This inlrinsic
searalion causes severaI robIems such as:
Lack of feedback and suorl: Design and mainlenance rofes-
sionaIs oflen have minimaI knovIedge or resecl for each olh-
ers robIems. The riorilies considered in design frequenlIy rank
mainlenance as lhe Iovesl need and lhe Iessons Iearned lhrough
remediaI measures rareIy inuence design rocedures.
Lack of knovIedge and underslanding among design rofes-
sionaIs: Due lo lhe inherenl searalion and under lhe ressure of
134 Effective Building Maintenance
lime1budgel, design consuIlanls oflen do nol have sufhcienl un-
derslanding and knovIedge on mainlenance issues during ofhce
buiIding design slage. As a resuIl, lhere are Iimiled consideralions
for service, ugrade and mainlenance during lhe Iife san of lhe
Lack of dala on oeralionaI requiremenls: There is a Iack of hislori-
caI dala concerning lhe oeralionaI requiremenls and mainlenance
erformance of exisling buiIdings. As a resuIl, designers have lo
vork vilh insufhcienl and vilhin lhe Iimiled limes, even inaro-
riale informalion.
DifhcuIlies in forecasling fulure condilion and changes: Increasing
gIobaI varming may have a signihcanlIy imorlanl effecl on lhe
cIimale condilions for buiIdings lo vilhsland. Wilhoul necessary
suorl, designers are unabIe lo redicl such changes for remediaI
measures for buiIding servicing and mainlenance.
The Iirsl cosl menlaIily: Inuenced by ovners and deveIoers,
designers oflen focus on lhe iniliaI cosl of buiIding, i.e. buiIl cosl,
vilhoul sufhcienl consideralion for subsequenl cosls such as lhal
incurred in buiIding mainlenance. CailaI cosl is onIy 2O/ of lhe
lolaI cosl of a buiIding over ils Iifesan. Hov buiIdings viII er-
form or vhal lhey viII cosl lo run 1O lo 3O years in lhe fulure is nol
a key issue considered by mosl deveIoers.
AddilionaIIy, designers are sub|ecled lo a greal deaI of Iobbying lo
use one roducl ralher lhan anolher, and are bombarded vilh an over-
abundance of ubIicily maleriaI. This can have lvo severe consequences:
Il may inuence lhe designer lo use a nev comonenl (maleriaI,
syslem, elc.), vhich has nol been sufhcienlIy roved in raclice,
vilh a consequenliaI faiIure lo meel requiremenls.
ConverseIy, lhere may be lhe oosile reaclion, resuIling in lhe
designer using a comonenl or maleriaI vilh vhich he is famiIiar,
vhelher or nol il is lhe righl choice in lhe circumslances.
A ma|or shorl-coming in lhe design rocess aears lo be a faiIure
lo make use of lhe aulhorilalive guidance lhal is avaiIabIe. This mighl
Designing for Building Maintainability 135
be a simIe faiIure lo use codes and slandards roerIy, or may be al-
lribulabIe lo lhe shear voIume of advice. Anolher source lhal many de-
signers (and mosl conlraclors) overIook is manufaclurer inslaIIalion in-
slruclions, resuIling in oor erformance of lhe roducl lhal is inslaIIed
incorreclIy (lhink Tyvek barrier vilhoul laed |oinls).
And, mosl imorlanlIy, vilhoul using Iife cycIe cosling for design
decision making, buiIdings viII Iack lhorough documenlalion lo reveaI
lhe reaI cosls during lhe Iife of lhe buiIding...designers focus on lhe con-
slruclion cosl of a buiIding, bul lyicaIIy do nol reaIIy lake inlo accounl
lhe subsequenl ovning and oeraling cosls, eseciaIIy mainlenance
Some efforl has been allemled lo faciIilale imroved communi-
calion and managemenl lo creale a beller baIance of design and main-
lenance. ne aroach lo lhis is for a singIe grou made u of lhe de-
signers, lhe conlraclor(s), and lhe ovners oeralions and mainlenance
slaff lo coordinale lhe design efforl...vhal ve nov caII lhe inlegraled
design aroach. Anolher aIlernalive is lo forcefuIIy invoIve grealer
arlicialion by assigning IegaI resonsibiIilies lo designers and deveI-
Hovever, allemls lo faciIilale effeclive communicalion during
lhe design rocess are burdened by conicling ob|eclives, rofessionaI
re|udices, and inaroriale managemenl slruclures. If design and
mainlenance issues are lo be baIanced, il is essenliaI for one grou lo
coordinale design, conslruclion and mainlenance aclivilies and much
vork remains lo ensure lhal lhe inlegraled design aroach becomes
videIy used.
Ior lhis reason, some counlries (Singaore, for examIe) require
deveIoers lo relain al Ieasl a 3O/ share in lhe buiIding for len years af-
ler comIelion, aulomalicaIIy invoIving lhem in oeralions and mainle-
nance issues, vhiIe olhers (such as Taivan) require deveIoers lo hand-
over a mainlenance budgel lo lhe buiIding managemenl conlroI board
during lhe buiIding deIivery rocess.
WhiIe lhese comuIsory requiremenls can acliveIy assisl in in-
creasing mainlenance assessmenl, lhey are resisled by deveIoers and
fev governmenls have considered lhem. Thus,improveddesignandcon-
struction techniques, ideally determined and incorporated via the integrated
ver lhe vhoIe Iife of a buiIding, lhe design and conslruclion e-
riod reresenls onIy 1-1O/ of lhe Iife cycIe, lhe resl, incIuding oera-
136 Effective Building Maintenance
lion and mainlenance, makes u 9O-99/. Inder ideaI circumslances,
a buiIdings design vouId reresenl a erfecl modeI of lhe roosed
faciIily vhich, as veII as being of reIevance lo lhe delaiIed design and
conslruclion, viII be of vaIue lo effeclive mainlenance of lhe buiIding.
uiIding sludies in lhe Iniled Slales, lhe I.K., AuslraIia, Singa-
ore, Canada, Taivan, elc. have reveaIed lhal lhe ma|orily of buiIding
and1or comonenl faiIures (or, al Ieasl, high mainlenance requiremenls
and1or shorlened erformance Iife) resuIl from making vrong choices
aboul maleriaIs or comonenls for a arlicuIar silualion in lhe buiIding.
Thus,maintenancemustbefullyconsideredatthedesignstage. Lach of lhe
foIIoving design eIemenls is crilicaI:
The adequacy of lhe design and lhe suilabiIily of lhe maleriaIs
The slandard of vorkmanshi in lhe iniliaI conslruclion and sub-
sequenl mainlenance oversighl resonsibiIily of
lhe designer.
The exlenl lo vhich lhe designer has aIIoved for resenl and an-
licialed fulure needs
ased on research al Harvard Iniversily, buiIding quaIily and re-
suIling mainlenance requiremenls imosed on lhe buiIding ovner re-
suIl from decisions made by lhe designers in lhe earIiesl slages of lhe
design rocess. TabIe 5-1 summarizes Harvards anaIysis lhal each ma-
|or comonenl of lhe buiIding design musl be considered reIalive lo
service Iife and mainlenance.
Mosl commonIy, generaI conslruclion mainlenance robIems re-
Iale lo moislure inlrusion and1or air inhIlralion resuIling from imro-
er design and1or conslruclion.
Exterior Walls
IaiIing masonry vaIIs, as discussed in Chaler 4, are a rime cuI-
ril for moislure inlrusion, resuIling in lhe need for ongoing and, uIli-
maleIy, exensive, mainlenance. The basic vay lo Iimil olenliaI mois-
lure inlrusion robIems is lo avoid lhe use of masonry exlerior vaIIs.
Designing for Building Maintainability 137
Table 5-1. Quality of Building Components vs. Design Service Life
138 Effective Building Maintenance
AIso, exerience shovs lhal vood as a exlerior vaII maleriaI has signih-
canl mainlenance issues (vel rol, dry rol, elc.) and shouId be avoided,
eseciaIIy in humid cIimales. Eliminatingwoodandmasonryaswallclad-
Whal maleriaIs shouId be used as lhe cIadding of exlerior vaIIs`
Iirsl, consider lhe use of recasl concrele aneIs, vhich have aroxi-
maleIy lhe same design service Iife as masonry maleriaIs, bul vilh far
fever mainlenance robIems. Irecasl concrele aneIs are denser lhan
brick or CMI and, lhus, are beller as valer barriers. InslaIIalion is more
engineered and Iess deendenl on lhe vorkmanshi lo roduce a vaII
vilhoul Ieaks, cracks, sellIemenl, elc. lhal require mainlenance. And,
from an aeslhelic erseclive, recasl aneIs can be formed in many
differenl shaes and exlerior hnishes, yieId signihcanl design freedom
in lheir aIicalion.
Anolher good choice is rehnished, insuIaled melaI aneIs. De-
ending on melaI lhickness and lye of hnish, melaI aneIs can have
an anlicialed service Iife as greal as recasl concrele, lhough lyicaI-
Iy viII have a Iife execlancy aboul 3O/ shorler. Again, inslaIIalion is
more engineered and Iess deendenl on lhe vorkmanshi lo roduce
a vaII vilhoul Ieaks lhal require rouline mainlenance.
IinaIIy, shorler Iife maleriaIs lhal shouId be considered incIude vi-
nyI, cemenl board, and melaI cIadding. These maleriaIs erform veII
and require IillIe mainlenance over lheir design service Iife. And, al lhe
end of lhal Iife, lhey are reIaliveIy simIe lo reIace.
water by layering materials in such a way that water is directed downward
andoutofthebuilding. Gravily is lhe driving force behind valer drain-
age. The dovn direclion harnesses lhe force of gravily and lhe oul
direclion gels lhe valer avay from lhe buiIding. In generaI, lhe sooner
lhe valer is direcled oul, lhe beller.
Wall design must be based on the assumption that water can penetrate
Lvery vaII, lherefore, musl have a rain or valer barrier aIied
lo lhe oulside surface of lhe backing vaII lo ensure lhal vind-driven
rainvaler does nol enelrale lhe inner vylhe of lhe vaII. The exlerior
cIadding and be inslaIIed in such as vay as lo aIIov valer lo drain
lo lhe exlerior of lhe buiIding. Then, a cavily or drainage Iane,
vilh roer lhrough-vaII ashing and drain oulIels, is aIvays neces-
sary. Waler lhal enelrales lhrough cIadding, lhen, viII faII by gravily
Designing for Building Maintainability 139
dovn lhe drainage cavily and drain lo lhe oulside, nol lo lhe inside of
lhe buiIding.
Ieneslralion reresenls a hoIe in lhe vaII lhrough vhich valer,
valer vaor, and air can enler a buiIding. Windovs, even lhe very besl,
do nol have a lhermaI erformance lhal even aroaches lhal of a veII-
insuIaled vaII, have you ever seen an R-3O vindov` So, unIess very
carefuIIy designed, aImosl aII feneslralion reresenls increased energy
inefhciency for lhe buiIding enveIoe. Tominimizethesenegativeimpacts
Nexl, avoid oerabIe vindovs. erabIe vindovs lyicaIIy resuIl
in increased inhIlralion and resuIling moislure inlrusion, and lend lo
Ieak over lime, requiring rouline mainlenance. Iixed gIazing syslems
avoid many of lhese robIems.
ul, even vilh hxed gIazing, carefuI delaiIing of lhe vindov in-
slaIIalion is required lo revenl valer inlrusion. olh lhe los and bol-
loms of vindovs musl be ashed. IIashing over lhe vindov lo lrim is
required. In aII cases, vindovs shouId be recessed in lhe vaII lo rovide
a dri edge aIong lhe lo and1or rovided vilh a secihcaIIy designed
dri edge. Ian ashing is a highIy recommended melhod for crealing an
under-vindov guller lo redirecl any Ieaking valer lo lhe exlerior.
The robIems vilh vindov-vaII syslems are even more comIex.
InIike lradilionaI curlain vaII syslems lhal san oor lo oor vilh al-
lachmenls oulboard of lhe sIab edge, lhe lradilionaI vindov-vaII sys-
lem is designed lo bear on lhe sIab edge and exlend u lo lhe underside
of lhe sIab edge above. In some syslems, a sIab band cover is rovided
lo give an aearance simiIar lo curlain vaII. AIlhough lhere are many
varialions, lhe lyicaI vindov-vaII syslem is dehned by lhe foIIoving
Windov exlrusions used lo san from oor lo oor in a re-man-
ufaclured unilized syslem lyicaIIy u lo 6 feel in vidlh.
A couIer connecling lhe verlicaI muIIions of each vindov-vaII
unil, eilher as a maIe-femaIe couIer inlegraI lo lhe verlicaI muI-
Iions or as an indeendenl couIer.
Windov-vaII syslems bear on lhe sIab edge al lhe oor IeveI and
140 Effective Building Maintenance
are anchored lo a relaining lrack faslened inlo lhe sIab.
The head of lhe vindov-vaII syslem is sIolled inlo a deeclion
header faslened lo lhe underside of lhe oor sIab, sandreI beam,
or slrucluraI vaII and anchored lo lhe slruclure vilh deeclion
HorizonlaI muIIions dividing lhe vindov-vaII unil inlo aneIs of
vision gIass unils, gIazed from eilher lhe exlerior or inlerior, and
gIass or melaI oaque aneIs mounled from lhe exlerior.
erabIe unils, lyicaIIy avning or casemenl vindovs, sving
doors, and sIiding doors, mounled vilhin lhe frame of lhe vin-
dov-vaII syslem.
A sIab band cover sanning lhe delh of lhe sIab lhal can be in-
slaIIed eilher indeendenl of lhe vindov-vaII syslem or as an ex-
lension of lhe vindov-vaII frame.
LarIy vindov-vaII syslems lyicaIIy used a face seaIed aroach
lo lheir design vilh resecl lo valer lighlness, reIying on lhe conlinu-
ily of lhe rimary exlerior seaI lo revenl valer inhIlralion. Many of
lhese syslems have exerienced chronic valer inhIlralion robIems as
lhe resuIl of dehciencies in lhe rimary exlerior seaI. These vere oflen
aggravaled by air Ieakage lhal emhasized lhe dehciencies in lhe ri-
mary exlerior seaI under differenliaI ressure. nce lhe valer is asl
lhe exlerior seaI, il oflen accumuIaled vilhin lhe frame, as lhere vas no
rovision lo conlain lhis valer or lo drain lhe inlersliliaI cavilies. Lven-
luaIIy, lhe accumuIaling valer overoved lo lhe inlerior.
These frequenl valer ingress robIems have Ied lo lhe adolion
in recenl years of rain-screen design concels. The adalalion of rain-
screen concels lo vindov-vaII syslems vas lvofoId. In lhe hrsl in-
slance, a second Iine of roleclion againsl valer enelralion vas ro-
vided inboard of lhe originaI rimary exlerior seaI. Differenl assembIies
vilhin a lyicaI vindov-vaII syslem require differenl aroaches lo
roviding an effeclive second Iine of roleclion, incIuding
InslaIIalion of a secondary seaI for lhe vision unils, lyicaIIy ro-
vided by a heeI bead of seaIanl aIied belveen lhe inside Iighl of
Designing for Building Maintainability 141
gIass and lhe frame of lhe vindov-vaII syslem for inlerior gIazed
InslaIIalion of a melaI back-an seaIed lo lhe frame of lhe vindov-
vaII syslem behind aII oaque aneIs lo acl as a secondary seaI,
InslaIIalion of a valerroof membrane al lhe IeveI of lhe oor sIab
exlending from lhe verlicaI Ieg of lhe mounling lrack dovn lhe
face of lhe sIab and onlo lhe deeclion header.
The rimary inlenl of lhese measures is lo rovide redundancy
vilhin lhe syslem. The seaIs forming lhe secondary Iine of roleclion
are lyicaIIy beller defense from exosure and lemeralure exlremes
lhan lhe rimary exlerior seaIs and can be execled lo have a Ionger
service Iife. In lhe second inslance, means of draining lhe inlersliliaI
saces crealed belveen lhe rimary and secondary seaIs are rovided
so lhal any valer making ils vay asl lhe rimary exlerior seaI vouId
nol accumuIale vilhin lhe vindov-vaII syslem bul vouId be redirecl-
ed lo lhe exlerior. To reduce lhe risk of valer accumuIalion vilhin lhe
syslem, designers musl ensure lhal each eIemenl of lhe vindov-vaII is
rovided vilh means of draining, incIuding
Drainage of lhe gIazing cavily and back-ans, eilher direclIy lo lhe
exlerior by vay of drain hoIes lhrough lhe horizonlaI muIIions or
dovn lo lhe deeclion header by means of drain hoIes in lhe verli-
caI muIIions,
Drainage of lhe cavily belveen lhe rimary and secondary gaskels
on oerabIe unils,
Drainage of lhe horizonlaI muIIions direclIy lo lhe exlerior,
Drainage of lhe vindov-vaII syslem al lhe IeveI of each deeclion
An addilionaI advanlage of lhis lvofoId aroach is lhal il creales
a series of comarlmenlaIized cavilies lhal rovide for some measure
of ressure moderalion across lhe rimary exlerior seaI. Reducing lhe
ressure across lhe exlerior seaI reduces lhe amounl of valer lhal can
142 Effective Building Maintenance
be driven lhrough lhe minor imerfeclions IikeIy lo be resenl in lhe ex-
lerior seaI. The comarlmenlaIizalion of lhe vindov-vaII syslem aIso
makes il easier lo isoIale any evenluaI Ieaks. Wilh lhe earIier vindov-
vaII syslems, valer mighl hnd ils vay dovn a fev slories from ils oinl
of enlry before any sign of valer ingress vas visibIe on lhe inlerior. Wilh
a comarlmenlaIized syslem, il is unIikeIy lhal valer can lraveI far from
ils oinl of enlry.
AII roofs viII Ieak, il is |usl a maller of vhen. ul, ilched or high-
sIoed roofs shed valer beller lhan al or Iov-sIoe roofs (roofs vilh
Iess lhan 3:12 sIoe) simIy because gravily always works and roof de-
sign and conslruclion may nol. High sIoe roofs (vilh ilch grealer lhan
3:12) have lhe advanlage of shedding rainvaler and reducing lhe olen-
liaI of roof Ieaks inlo buiIdings since lhe roof doesnl acluaIIy have lo be
a valer barrier. Aroofslopeofatleast3:12ishighlyrecommended, lhe resuIl
viII be a roof lhal Iasls 2-3 limes as Iong, Ieaks far Iess, and signihcanlIy
reduces lhe cosl of mainlenance.
As arl of a high sIoe roof syslem, lhe use of an archilecluraI
slanding seam melaI roof (ASSM) as lhe rimary rain barrier is becom-
ing slandard. AshaIl shingIe roofs vear oorIy in aImosl aII cIimales,
vood shingIe roofs are a hre hazard and mainlenance nighlmare, and
liIe, cemenl, and sIale roofs are loo exensive and loo heavy lo ordinar-
iIy considered. ASSM is lyicaIIy made of gaIvanized sleeI vilh an aIu-
minum coaling, covered vilh a baked-on enameI or ovder-coal hnish,
has a Iong design service Iife, and requires very IillIe mainlenance.
If, hovever, afler a lhorough evaIualion, lhe decision is made lo
uliIize a Iov sIoe roof, lhe nexl sle is lo decide lhe lye of Iov sIoe
roof lo inslaII. Roof sIoe shouId never be Iess lhan 1:5O (aroximaleIy
114 er fool) and lhe sIoe musl be uniform lo revenl onding.
There are basicaIIy lvo lyes (vilh many varialions) lo consider:
SingIe-Iy maleriaIs lhal can be allached chemicaIIy, mechanicaIIy,
or heId in Iace vilh baIIasl, usuaIIy graveI or aggregale. LxamIes of
singIe-Iy roducls incIude:
LIDM: LlhyIene royIene diene monomer (synlhelic rubber)
is a exibIe eIaslomeric maleriaI.
Designing for Building Maintainability 143
IVC: IoIyvinyI chIoride a synlhelic lhermoIaslic oIymer
reared from vinyI chIoride.
TI: a bIend of oIymers lhal may or may nol conlain desir-
abIe addilives such as ame relardanls or IV absorbers.
uiIl-u roof (IR), consisling of muIliIy Iies of lvo como-
nenls, bilumen and feIls. ilumen rovides lhe valerroohng and ad-
hesive roerlies of lhe syslem. The feIls slrenglhen and slabiIize lhe
membrane. The roohng membrane is rolecled from lhe eIemenls by a
surfacing Iayer, eilher a ca sheel or graveI embedded in bilumen or a
coaling maleriaI.
WhiIe lhere are many ros and cons for each of lhese lvo lyes,
braneintermsoflifecycleperformanceandeaseofmaintenance. The IR has
many advanlages:
Wilh a graveI vear surface, lhe roof has exceIIenl exlerior hre resis-
Il is imacl and unclure resislanlbeller for roofs vilh high fool
Temeralure differenliaI slress due lo valer onding is signihcanl-
Iy Iover.
Reairs are fairIy easy (and can oflen be done by lhe faciIily main-
lenance slaff)no seciaI manufaclurer Iicensing requiremenls for
MuIliIe Iies add redundancy for valer barrier rolecliona
5-Iy roof is beller lhan a 3-Iy roof.
Service Iifevhich can be exlended by ongoing mainlenance and
Cons associaled vilh IR incIude odors and olenliaI hre haz-
ards during inslaIIalion, il is suscelibIe lo damage from animaI fals
144 Effective Building Maintenance
and soIvenls around kilchen exhausl fans, coaI lar is suscelibIe lo coId
vealher cracking (bilumen is nol), and more comIex delaiIs are re-
quired for roof enelralions and al araels and roof curbs.
Wilh any lye of Iov sIoe roof, lhe foIIoving eIemenls musl be
1. The use of a non-hygroscoic insuIalion is highIy recommended,
since lhis lye of insuIalion, even if vel, viII relain mosl of ils
lhermaI roerlies. The lvo mosl common non-hygroscoic insu-
Ialion maleriaIs are ceIIuIar gIass (exensive, bul veII vorlh il if
signihcanl roof lrafhc is anlicialed) or oIyisocyanurale. If roof-
ing insuIalion gels vel, and if il is lhe lye of insuIalion vhose
lhermaI erformance degrades vilh moislure conlenl (hbergIass,
mineraI vooI, elc.), condilions are such lhal condensalion in or on
lhe bollom of lhe roof can occur. This viII aIIov bolh moId grovlh
and condensalion lhal can dri onlo ceiIing slruclure, liIes, ducls,
and ies beIov lo conlribule lo moId grovlh lhere.
2. Consider Iocaling rooflo equimenl inside enlhouses. If equi-
menl is Iocaled oulside on lhe roof, a Ialform or conlinuous roof
curb is required. IIalforms shouId be slrucluraI sleeI frames above
lhe roof surface. Iie coIumns lhrough lhe deck lo lhe slrucluraI
frame are lhe simIesl lo ash. Clearancebelowtheequipmentshould
be suffcient to allow for roofng service and repairs. SlrucluraI roof
enelralions musl be seaIed, ashed, and counler-ashed lo re-
venl valer inlrusion. Cubs musl be fuII erimeler lye, designed
for lhe lye of roof. Curbs musl exlend a minimum of 8 above lhe
roof surface or above lhe heighl of any emergency overov ie
or scuer, vhichever is higher. Curbs musl be fuIIy ashed and
have delachabIe secondary counler-ashing around aII four sides.
Irovide vaIk ads lo and around any equimenl requiring
rouline service or inseclion lo rolecl lhe roohng membrane.
Iiing and duclvork rouled across lhe roof musl be suorl-
ed from engineered roof raiIs vilh lhe roof membrane exlending
u under a melaI counler-ashing. RaiIs musl exlend a minimum
of 8 above lhe roof surface or above lhe heighl of any emergency
overov ie or scuer, vhichever is higher.
3. A vaor relarder is a Iov sIoe roof comonenl designed lo reslricl
Designing for Building Maintainability 145
migralion of valer vaor moIecuIes from areas of high ressure lo
areas of Iov ressure. In a coId cIimale, lhis vaor migralion is in
an uvard direclion. In a hol, humid cIimale, lhe vaor migralion
is reversed and is in a dovnvard direclion, i.e., inlo lhe buiIding.
Ior a maleriaI lo quaIify as a roof vaor relarder, ils vaor er-
meance raling shouId nol exceed O.1 erms. MaleriaIs quaIify as
vaor relarders incIude oIyelhyIene hIm, IVC (oIyvinyI chIo-
ride) sheels, aIuminum foiI, coaled Krafl aer or Iaminaled Krafl
aer vilh bilumen hIIer, saluraled feIls (2-Iies) vilh lvo or lhree
ashaIl moings, and coaled base sheel vilh one or lvo ashaIl
There are advanlages lo having a vaor relarder:
a. A vaor relarder can ensure lhe conlinuaI lhermaI resislance
of insuIalion sandviched belveen lhe vaor barrier and buiIl-
u membrane.
b. A vaor relarder is a good safeguard againsl vaor migralion
if a buiIdings use changes from dry lo a vel use. (Tyi-
caIIy dry is dehned as an inlerior vinler reIalive humidily
under 2O ercenl, vhich aImosl never haens in hol, humid
cIimales, vhiIe vel is dehned as an inlerior vinler reIalive
humidily over 45 ercenl, vhich is common in hol, humid cIi-
c. A vaor relarder is advisabIe over vel decks (oured gysum
and Iighlveighl insuIaling concrele) lo revenl vaor ov u-
vard inlo lhe insuIalion. Ior lhis urose, lhe vaor relarder
shouId be a venling base sheel, vilh mineraI granuIe under-
side surfacing, mechanicaIIy faslened lo lhe decks.
And, lhere are disadvanlages:
a. The vaor relarder, logelher vilh a roohng membrane, in-
evilabIy seaIs lraed moislure vilhin lhe roof sandvich,
vhich can evenluaIIy deslroy lhe insuIalion, sIil or vrinkIe
lhe buiIl-u membrane, or in gaseous form, bIisler il.
b. In lhe evenl of a roof Ieak lhrough lhe membrane, lhe vaor
relarder lras lhe valer beIov lhe insuIalion and reIeases il
lhrough unclures lhal may be some IaleraI dislance from lhe
Ieak, making lhe Ieak difhcuIl lo Iocale. A Iarge area of insuIa-
lion may be saluraled before lhe unclured membrane can be
146 Effective Building Maintenance
c. A vaor relarder is a disadvanlage in summer, vhen vaor mi-
gralion is generaIIy dovnvard lhrough lhe roof. Hol, humid
air can inhIlrale lhe roohng sandvich lhrough lhe venls, or by
diffusion lhrough lhe membrane. Il may aIso condense on lhe
vaor relarder ilseIf.
d. A vaor relarder may be lhe veakesl horizonlaI shear Iane in
lhe roohng sandvich. IaiIure al lhe vaor relarder-insuIalion
inlerface can sIil lhe membrane. The vaor relarder inlro-
duces an addilionaI comonenl vhere shear resislance may be
crilicaI lo lhe membrane inlegrily.
When shouId a vaor relarder be used` The oId schooI of
lhoughl vas: If in doubl, incIude a vaor relarder. Hovever,
modern oIicy is: If in doubl, omil lhe vaor relarder. ASTM
ManuaI 18, Moisture Control in Buildings, recommends, based on
research by lhe Armys CiviI Lngineering Research Laboralories,
consideralion of a vaor relarder on any roof vhere lhe indoor
vinler reIalive humidily al 68I exceeds aroximaleIy 6O/ RH
(ranging from 55/ RH in lhe veslern counlies lo 7O/ RH in lhe
exlreme soulheaslern counlies). Al 72I indoor lemeralure, a
more lyicaI vinler condilion, lhis crileria is equivaIenl lo a 7O/
RH. IaciIilies vilh such high indoor vinler humidily IeveIs may
incIude some research faciIilies, Iaundries, cafeleria1kilchens, na-
laloriums, alhIelic faciIilies, rocess Ianls, dorm shover areas,
Whenavaporretarderisnotneeded,itshouldnotbeused since il is
exensive and, more imorlanlIy, viII aIIov cancers of vel insu-
Ialion lo grov vilhin a comacl roof syslem having membrane or
ashing avs. IIaved roofs vilhoul vaor relarders lend lo Ieak
valer inlo lhe buiIding sooner, vhich oflen reduces lhe IaleraI ex-
lenl of vel insuIalion. And, lyicaIIy, IillIe guidance is rovided lo
designers as lo hov lo seaI vaor relarders al ashing and enelra-
lions. If a vaor relarder is required, lhe designer musl research
and carefuIIy delaiI lhese condilions.
Research shovs lhal roohng insuIalion, once vel, lakes a year
or more lo dry if lhere is no vaor relarder. This insuIalion never
dries if lhere is a vaor relarder lo lra lhe moislure.
lher vaor relarder design consideralions shouId be incoro-
Designing for Building Maintainability 147
a. A buiIl-u roof aIicalion does nol require a vaor relarder,
as lhe roof membrane serves a duaI funclion as valer barrier
and vaor barrier.
b. If a singIe-Iy roof aIicalion requires a vaor relarder, il
shouId be Iocaled belveen lhe insuIalion and membrane. If a
singIe-Iy roof aIicalion is inslaIIed over an exisling buiIl-
u roof, a vaor relarder is nol required, as lhe exisling buiIl-
u roof viII serve as lhe vaor relarder.
4. Roofs and ashings normaIIy require bIocking for verlicaI and1
or horizonlaI aIignmenl or for cIose off. TyicaIIy, lhe bIocking
secihed is lrealed vood. AIkaIine coer qual (ACQ-D) and
coer azoIe (CA-) are lhe lvo rimary reservalives lhal have
reIaced chromaled coer arsenale (CCA) in ressure-lrealed
vood roducls. Recenl research shovs lhal lhese nev reserva-
lives are 2-5 limes more corrosive lo gaIvanized sleeI fasleners,
because of lheir high concenlralions of coer, due lo gaIvanic re-
aclion. HighIy gaIvanized (G-185) hol-died or ovder-coaled
fasleners and conneclors musl be used lo revenl remalure con-
neclor faiIures lhal resuIl in roof Ieaks.
5. IIashing design shouId comIy vilh ArchitecturalSheetMetalMan-
ual, Iiflh Ldilion, Sheel MelaI and Air Condilioning Conlraclors
NalionaI Associalion (SMACNA). GaIvanized sleeI ashing, unless
blockingornearsaltwater)andpainting. Il is aIvays beller for main-
lenance lo use coer, slainIess sleeI, or Iead for ashing, do nol
use exibIe membranes.
Interior Construction and Finishes
There are lvo consideralions reIalive lo inlerior conslruclion and
hnishes, lhe hrsl is design Iife and mainlainabiIily, vhiIe lhe second re-
Iales lo some hnishes, such a vinyI vaIIcovering, oiI-based ainl, elc.,
lhal can acl as vaor relarders.
Gysum vaIIboard (GW) is a common inlerior vaII maleriaI. ul,
GW is much easier lo damage lhan concrele masonry unils (CMI) and
shouId nol used lo encIose high use areas such as corridors in schooIs,
hosilaIs, elc. Inlerior doors shouId aIvays be lhe soIid core lye, hoI-
Iov-core doors are far loo easy lo damage. Designers shouId secify
148 Effective Building Maintenance
quaIily door hardvare lo reduce rouline mainlenance.
Design Iife for an inlerior hnish is generaIIy considered lo be ils
vear Iife. IIoor and vaII coverings have reIaliveIy shorl service Iife
(3-7 years) and, lhus, reresenl a signihcanl mainlenance burden. To
reduce lhis burden, designers musl consider vear vhen seIecling male-
riaIs, eseciaIIy in areas of high use.
Ior vear, lhe besl oor hnishes are lerrazzo, slone, liIe, and olh-
er hard hnish masonry maleriaIs. In lhe middIe lhere is vinyI liIe and
eoxy-coaled concrele. The ooresl vear hnishes incIude carel and
vood. AIicalion of each of lhese lyes of maleriaIs musl be based
on a carefuI evaIualion of lhe vear Ioad lo be imosed and delaiIed
Iife-cycIe cosl anaIysis. Some areas are a no-brainer, if carel is used in
eIevalors, corridors, Iobbies, elc., lhen carel squares imosed mark-
edIy Iover mainlenance requiremenls. In vel areas, liIe, eoxy-coaled
concrele, elc. may be required.
Inaroriale vaII hnishes can creale mainlenance nighlmares.
Ior examIe, in hol humid cIimales, vinyI vaIIcovering inslaIIed on
a exlerior vaII viII acl as a vaor barrier, lraing moislure migral-
ing lhrough lhe vaII from ouldoors and crealing a breeding ground for
moId grovlh. Hovever, in coId cIimales, faiIure lo use oiI-based ainl
or vinyI vaIIcovering as lhe inlerior hnish in kilchens, loiIels, or olher
humid areas may resuIl in moislure enlering exlerior vaIIs, freezing,
and damaging lhe vaII conslruclion.
Tvo asecls of buiIding design have ma|or imacls on lhe main-
lainabiIily of Iumbing syslems: (1) lhe lyes and quaIily of Iumbing
hxlures, eseciaIIy ushing hxlures, and (2) access for mainlenance and,
uIlimaleIy, reIacemenl of hxlures and olher Iumbing comonenls.
The quaIily of ush vaIves (or, for residenliaI occuancies, ush
lank assembIies) has a ma|or imacl on Iumbing mainlenance require-
menls. Chea ush vaIves have high faiIure rales and shorl Iives lhal
imose signihcanl mainlenance burdens (in addilion lo vasling signih-
canl valer).
The mosl common robIem in Iumbing syslems is sloages in
vasle ovs, eilher al lhe hxlure or furlher in lhe iing syslems. CIea-
nouls are crilicaI and every design shouId incIude cIeanouls al each
Designing for Building Maintainability 149
change in ov direclion and al lhe ends of aII branch vasle mains. As
on Iumber says, lhere are never loo many cIeanouls and lhe code
requiremenls lend lo be voefuIIy inadequale.
Access for mainlenance is a rime design consideralion. Too oflen
valer healers are inslaIIed in lolaIIy inaccessibIe Iocalions...above ceiI-
ings, in slorage cIosels, elc. In dormilories, holeIs, and olher domiciIe
occuancies, rareIy are rovisions made lo rovide access for reIace-
menl of lub drains or shover vaIves, an oflen crilicaI need.
The Iocalion and service access for backov revenlers and res-
sure reducing vaIves musl be a rime Iumbing design crileria. These
devices need rouline lesling and ad|uslmenl and oflen faiI, requiring
And, hnaIIy, ood conlroI measures are required vherever lhere
is olenliaI for Iumbing valer backov revenlers, valer
slorage lanks, valer healers, elc.
Tvo asecls of buiIding design have ma|or imacls on lhe main-
lainabiIily of HVAC syslems: (1) vhere HVAC equimenl is Iocaled and
lhe access rovided for mainlenance and, uIlimaleIy, reIacemenl and
(2) lhe indoor and ouldoor sace rovided for HVAC equimenl main-
HVAC Equipment Location and Access
HVAC syslem comonenls are lyicaIIy Iocaled on lhe roof oul-
doors, on lhe ground ouldoors, in mechanicaI equimenl rooms in-
doors, and vilhin ceiIing cavilies indoors. There are secihc require-
menls reIalive lo mainlainabiIily of HVAC equimenl al each of lhese
Iocalions in lhe foIIoving seclions.
uldoor equimenl is easier lo inslaII, easier lo service, and much
easier lo reIace in lhe fulure if Iocaled on lhe ground ralher lhan on lhe
roof. If a rooflo Iocalion is seIecled, buiIding codes may require safely
raiIings be inslaIIed lo rolecl service ersonneI if lhe equimenl is in-
slaIIed vilhin six feel of lhe roof edge. If lhe roof sIoes, IeveI service
Ialforms may aIso be required. And, uIlimaleIy aII rooflo equimenl
musl be reIaced, so slaging areas for cranes, elc. musl be rovided.
The foIIoving guideIines shouId be foIIoved lo ensure roer oul-
door equimenl oeralion and accessibiIily for mainlenance:
150 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Air-cooIed condensing equimenl re|ecls heal lo lhe ouldoor air
and, lherefore, lhese unils cannol be encIosed or Iaced in a osi-
lion vhere lhe re|ecled heal recircuIales inlo equimenl inlakes.
There are lhree concerns reIalive lo lhis equimenl:
a. Irovide sace for lhe unils, adequale searalion belveen muI-
liIe unils, and sace around lhe unils for mainlenance and
air movemenl in accordance vilh lhe manufaclurers require-
b. Locale lhe equimenl so as nol lo creale a heal lra lhal im-
airs erformance of lhe equimenl. Air-cooIed equimenl
shouId be Iocaled al Ieasl haIf lhe vaII heighl avay from ad-
|acenl soIid vaIIs. Thus, if lhe vaII heighl is 18 feel, lhe equi-
menl musl be Iocaled al Ieasl 9 feel avay from lhe vaII. The
equimenl cannol be Iocaled in an area dehned by more lhan
lvo vaIIs of lhe buiIding (an inside corner). Iulling equimenl
in buiIding recesses (3 buiIding vaIIs) or in veIIs (4 buiIding
vaIIs) is guaranleed lo imair lhe erformance of lhe equi-
menl, reduce ils design service Iife, and increase mainlenance
c. Lquimenl screening musl have al Ieasl 5O/ oen area and
lhe screen heighl cannol exceed 1-2 feel above lhe heighl of lhe
2. CooIing lovers re|ecl lhe heal removed from lhe buiIding by lhe
chiIIer(s) lo lhe ouldoor air. This heal is re|ecled by sraying con-
denser valer over a Iarge heal lransfer surface area, aIIoving a
ercenlage of lhe valer lo evaorale and cooI lhe remaining valer.
CooIing lovers may be Iocaled on lhe roof or on lhe ground. If
Iocaled on lhe ground, lhey musl be inslaIIed so lhal lhe oeraling
valer IeveI in lhe lover basin is higher lhan lhe condenser valer
um and aII associaled condenser valer iing. This may make
lhe overaII inslaIIed heighl signihcanlIy higher lhan envisioned.
The ouldoor area requiremenl for cooIing lovers is aroxi-
maleIy O.5 sf er gsf of buiIding area, Ius lhe addilionaI cIearance
sace for airov and service shovn by Iigure 5-1.
Since lhe discharge of any cooIing lover or evaoralive con-
denser viII conlain a smaII ercenlage of resirabIe valer dro-
Iels, caIIed drifl, care musl be laken lo ensure lhal HVAC air
inlakes are Iocaled veII avay from lhese discharges.
Designing for Building Maintainability 151
3. Mosl fueI slorage lanks are inslaIIed above grade and rovided
vilh a siII conlainmenl encIosure. WhiIe lhe lanks shouId be
Iocaled reIaliveIy cIose lo lhe boiIers lo reduce fueI iing and
uming cosls, lhere is no reaI reslriclion on lheir Iocalion. Hov-
ever, screening and Iocked doors and gales viII lyicaIIy be re-
quired. Drains from lhe oen conlainmenl area musl be rovided
vilh Iocked vaIves, lo be oened lo drain rainvaler onIy by aulho-
rized ersonneI.
4. Iackaged hol valer boiIers designed for ouldoor inslaIIalion are
avaiIabIe in caacilies u lo aboul 2,OOO,OOO lu1h. TyicaIIy lhese
boiIers are aboul 3-6 feel square and 4-6 feel high and a singIe
boiIer requires 75-1OO sf of ouldoor area lo aIIov for service. Tvo
boiIers require 12O-14O sf of area, vilh each addilionaI boiIer add-
ing 5O-6O sf lo lhis requiremenl. The Iocalion, arrangemenl, and
screening requiremenls for ouldoor boiIers are generaIIy lhe same
as for air-cooIed equimenl. Hovever, since lhe hol surfaces of
lhese boiIers reresenl a olenliaI ubIic safely hazard, access lo
lhis equimenl musl be conlroIIed via secure screening vilh Iock-
abIe access oenings.
uldoor ground IeveI equimenl access for rouline mainlenance
is rareIy a robIem. Hovever, vhen lime comes lo reIace lhe equi-
Figure 5-1. Cooling Tower/Evaporative Condenser Installation Guidelines
152 Effective Building Maintenance
menl al lhe end of ils service Iife, il necessary lo Iocale lhe equimenl in
an area vhere fulure lruck and1or crane access is ossibIe. Design any
equimenl screening or sound barriers in removabIe seclions. IinaIIy,
aIIov adequale sace for lhe olenliaI lhal fulure equimenl may be
Iarger and1or conhgured differenlIy.
Adequale access lo ouldoor rooflo equimenl access is a rouline
robIem. A roof halch vilh a verlicaI Iadder (oflen Iocaled in a |anilors
cIosel or on lhe back vaII of an eIeclricaI cIosel) is inadequale for even
rouline mainlenance, a slair lo lhe roof is required.
Indoor equimenl musl be Iocaled vilhin mechanicaI equimenl
rooms sized lo accommodale lhe equimenl lo be housed and rovide
adequale cIearances around lhe equimenl for mainlenance uroses.
MechanicaI equimenl room access musl incIude al Ieasl one doubIe
door, 5-6 vide, lo aIIov reIacemenl of equimenl comonenls such
as molors, fan shafls and vheeIs, ums, elc. If lhe room houses a chiII-
er, removabIe vaII aneIs or even roII-u doors shouId be rovided so
chiIIer lubes can be cIeaned and reIaced and lhe chiIIer ilseIf can be
reIaced in lhe fulure.
CeiIing cavily sace shouId nol be used lo house any HVAC equi-
menl excel for lerminaI unils or smaII fancoiI unils. CeiIing cavily ac-
cess lo HVAC equimenl can be rovided by using a removabIe aneI
(Iay-in) ceiIing. If lhe ceiIing is nol accessibIe, access aneIs or doors
are required lo rovide for rouline service of lerminaI unils, hre and
smoke damers, ducl-mounled coiIs and humidihers, conlroIs, elc. If
lhe equimenl conlains a fan and1or a refrigeralion comressor, rovi-
sions for removaI and reIacemenl in lhe fulure musl be rovided.
Mechanical Equipment Rooms for Air-Handling Equipment
WhiIe smaIIer buiIdings may use ouldoor rooflo air-handIing
unils, Iarger buiIdings viII require fan rooms lo house lhis equi-
menl. The fan room dimensions are based on lhe size of lhe air-handIing
unil and ils required mainlenance sace. The Ienglh (L) and vidlh (W)
of a lyicaI air-handIing unil required lo serve a given buiIding area can
be delermined from manufaclurer dala and, lhen, lhe minimum room
dimensions eslabIished as foIIovs:
Room Lenglh = 1.25 x L
Room Widlh = 2.5 x W
Room Heighl = 12-14 (minimum lo underside of slruclure)
Designing for Building Maintainability 153
n conslruclion documenls, designers shouId shov coiI uII, hIler
uII, and molor access sace requiremenls lo ensure lhal iing, race-
vay, or olher equimenl does nol inlrude inlo lhese saces.
Designers musl ensure lhal ood conlroI is rovided in aII fan
rooms, a singIe, unconlroIIed valer Ieak can do hundreds of lhousands
of doIIars vorlh of damage lo a buiIding. AII oor oenings shouId be
rolecled vilh 2-4 high curbs or ie sIeeves lo dam any Ioose va-
ler on lhe oor. AdequaleIy-sized oor drains musl be rovided, vilh
oors sIoed lo lhese drains.
Mechanical Equipment Rooms for Boilers and Chillers
A boiIer room, if required by lhe aIicalion, viII house one or
more boiIers and required suorl equimenl. Ior a hol valer boiIer
syslem, sace for ums musl be rovided. Ior a sleam boiIer syslem,
lhe sace requiremenls are signihcanlIy grealer, requiring suorl sace
for lhe feedvaler and1or deaeralors and valer lrealmenl syslems.
ChiIIer rooms musl be searale from boiIer rooms and require
sace for lhe chiIIer(s), chiIIed valer um(s), condenser valer ums,
and valer lrealmenl syslems. ASHRAL Slandard 15, adoled by many
code aulhorilies, cIassihes a chiIIer room as a refrigeralion machinery
room if lhe amounl of refrigeranl in lhe Iargesl chiIIer exceeds cerlain
secihed IeveIs. Ifsoclassifed,theroommustbeconstructedtohigherstan-
The sace required for a boiIer room and chiIIer room can vary sig-
nihcanlIy due lo lhe number and arrangemenl of boiIers and chiIIers. A
reIiabIe rimary syslem viII incIude al Ieasl lvo boiIers and1or chiIIers
lo rovide slandby caacily in lhe evenl of equimenl faiIure. Hosi-
laIs, research faciIilies, elc. viII have al Ieasl lhree boiIers and chiIIers
(each sized for 5O/ of lhe Ioad) so lhal lhe faiIure of one unil viII nol
imacl lhe abiIily lo meel eak Ioads.
As a generaI guide, lhe foIIoving are lhe minimum sace aIIoca-
lions for rimary HVAC equimenl rooms:
Hol Waler oiIer Room: O.7 / of lhe gross buiIding area
Sleam oiIer Room: 1.O / of lhe gross buiIding area
ChiIIer Room: 1.5-1.7 / of lhe gross buiIding area
Room Heighl: 14-18 cIear beIov lhe bollom or lhe roof or
oor above slrucluraI eIemenls
154 Effective Building Maintenance
n conslruclion documenls, shov lube uII1cIean sace require-
menls so lhal iing, racevay, or olher equimenl does nol inlrude inlo
lhese saces.
The designers musl rovide ood conlroI measures in aII rimary
HVAC equimenl rooms. AII oor oenings musl be rolecled vilh 2-
lo 4-inch-high curbs lo dam Ioose valer on lhe oor. IIoor drains musl
be rovided ad|acenl lo ums, chiIIers, boiIers, cooIing lovers, elc.,
vilh oors sIoed lo each drain.
SiII conlroI is aIso required around areas conlaining valer lreal-
menl chemicaIs. The mosl cosl-effeclive aroach is for lhe HVAC en-
gineer lo secify lhe use of doubIe vaIIed conlainers, vilh siII Iis, for
aII chemicaIs. If lhis is nol ossibIe, a 6 high curb is required lo conlain
lhe voIume of lhe Iargesl slorage conlainer. A 6-12 dee um oul
recess is aIso required lo faciIilale cIeanu of a chemicaI siII.
Ceiling Cavity Space
Sufhcienl ceiIing sace for HVAC air dislribulion (duclvork),
HVAC, Iumbing, and hre roleclion iing, and eIeclricaI racevay
is required. These sace requiremenls are in addilion lo lhe minimum
sace required for lhe ceiIing ilseIf and recessed Iighling hxlures.
TabIe 5-2 reecls lyicaI minimum ceiIing sace requiremenls for
commerciaI and inslilulionaI buiIding vhen air secondary syslems are
Table 5-2. Ceiling Space Requirements for Maintainability

Lighling: 8 (6 for hxlure Ius 2 lo Iifl and

move hxlure above lhe ceiIing.)
Duclvork: 24 (Ducls vilh high asecl, ralio vidlh
lo heighl, increase inslaIIalion cosls.)
Iiing and LIeclricaI Racevay: 12 (May increase lo incororale hre
roleclion and1or roof drainage sys-

TolaI: 44

Thus, lhe minimum oor-lo-oor heighl in a muIlislory buiIding is

44 + oor-lo-ceiIing heighl + slruclure delh.
When valer lye secondary syslems are used, lhe duclvork sace
Designing for Building Maintainability 155
requiremenl can be eIiminaled in singIe slory buiIdings and reduced lo
onIy 12-18 in muIlislory buiIdings.
The sace requiremenls Iisled above musl be increased for seciaI
occuancies such as Iaboralories, hosilaIs, kilchens, elc. because of lhe
much higher densily of dislribulion syslems in lhese lyes of faciIi-
Adequale sace and access for mainlenance of eIeclricaI equi-
menl musl be rovided. WhiIe lhe NIIA 7O, NationalElectricalCode, sels
slricl requiremenls for service cIearances, lhese service cIearances may
be imeded by lhe inslaIIalion of HVAC iing, duclvork, and equi-
menl or olher sace use (incIuding, commonIy, slorage use by lhe ovn-
er). CarefuI consideralion of lhese cIearance requiremenls by lhe design
leam is a musl.
This page left intentionally blank.
Appendix A
Substructure Preventative
and Predictive Maintenance
The faciIily subslruclure incIudes foolings, foundalions, sIab-on-
grade, and basemenl conslruclion.
Insecl annuaIIy for sellIemenl cracks, saIIing, elc. Relain
IrofessionaI Lngineer for more exlensive invesligalion if indicaled by lhe
exlenl of lhe robIem(s). Lnsure lhal organic maller is cIeared avay al
Ieasl 8 beIov oor IeveI and lhal grade sIoes avay vilh al Ieasl 5/
sIoe. Vapor Barrier
IaiIure of under-sIab vaor barrier can cause sIab damage due lo
moislure migralion. Insecl annuaIIy for bubbIe or olher signs of lhis
robIem. Relain IrofessionaI Lngineer for more exlensive invesligalion if
indicaled by lhe exlenl of lhe robIem(s). Penetration
Insecl annuaIIy for evidence of moislure enelralion lo indoors
aking or bubbIing ainl, sofl or discoIored GW, elc. Check for vaII
cracks. Relain IrofessionaI Lngineer for more exlensive invesligalion if
indicaled by lhe exlenl of lhe robIem(s).
This page left intentionally blank.
Appendix B
Shell Preventative and
Predictive Maintenance
The faciIily sheII consisls of lhe suerslruclure incIuding vaIIs,
vindovs, exlerior doors, roofs, elc. Construction
Insecl buiIding oor conslruclion every 5 years. Reair as necessary. Waterproofng
Lxlerior deck valerroohng syslems musl be insecled annuaIIy, as
1. Insecl deck surface valerroohng for signs of delerioralion and
for damage caused from deck surface exansion1conlraclion of lhe
subslruclure vhich may have visibIe Iyvood seams.
2. Insecl deck lo vaII sheel melaI ashing and counler ashing for
delerioralion and damage.
3. Insecl deck lo door lhreshoId sheel melaI ashing for delerioralion
and for damage caused from vear and lear.
4. Insecl erimeler edge sheel melaI ashing for Ia searalion
and for deck surface valerroohng searalion al lhe edge melaI
5. Insecl raiIing osl deck enelralions for oen fraclures.
6. Insecl sheel melaI scuer drains and lhrough deck drains for
oen fraclures and for vear and lear.
160 Effective Building Maintenance
Make reairs or reIace eIemenls as necessary. and Downspouts
Insecl gullers and dovnsouls every 6 monlhs and reair, as
1. Check for bIockage, cIogging, corrosion, Ioose or cracked |oinls,
Ianl grovlh, and Ieaks. Remove debris, cIear bIockages or cIogs,
and remove Ianl grovlh.
2. Wash oul guller vilh garden hose and check for Ieaks. Any Ieak in
a guller may be alched (if from unclure or corrosion) or soIdered
(if Iocaled al a |oinl).
3. Check for roer ilch of lhe guller for adequale drainage. If valer
does nol drain roerIy, re-hang guller for roer ilch.
4. Check for corroded, broken and Ioose fasleners. Reair1reIace as
5. Check each guller1dovnsoul conneclion. Lach shouId have an
aIuminum or slainIess sleeI screen lo revenl Iarge debris from
enlering. InslaII screen if missing or corroded.
1. Lnsure aII gullers have dovnsouls lhal direcl lhe valer lo
exlensions, sIash-backs, or sile drainage syslems lhal direcl
valer al Ieasl lhree feel avay from lhe foundalion and cIear any
bIockage from dovnsoul oulIel. If dovnsouls connecl direclIy
lo sile drainage iing, conhrm lhal lhere are no bIockages al lhe
conneclion (see Mainlenance Irocedure
2. Check dovnsouls for valer ov and Ieaks. Check aII |oinls in lhe
dovnsouls, ensuring no breaks. Any Ieak may be alched (if from
unclure or corrosion) or soIdered (if Iocaled al a |oinl).
3. Check hanging brackels of dovnsouls, ensuring lhey are lighl.
Reair1reIace as needed.
4. Check lhal IaleraI dovnsoul seclion have al Ieasl 3O ilch, vilhoul
sags. Remove and re-hang as needed.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 161 Panels
Insecl concrele aneIs annuaIIy.
1. Check surface aearance, conneclions, elc.. Any signs of
delerioralion (cracking, saIding, movemenl, elc.) require furlher
invesligalion by a IrofessionaI Lngineer.
2. CIean aneIs every 5 years via over vashing vilh non-acid
cIeaning soIulion. Insecl surface for cracks, saIIing, Ioss of surface
aggregale (if exosed), exosed reinforcemenl, rusl slreaks al
conneclion oinls, elc. Lxamine aneIs for movemenl or racking,
vhich couId indicale a conneclion or slrucluraI faiIure. ReseaI
aneIs immedialeIy afler cIeaning vilh cIear concrele seaIer.
3. Insecl and reair1reIace cauIking in accordance vilh Mainlenance
If slaining from vindov cIeaning is found, reorl lo faciIilies
direclor so lhe vindov cIeaning rocess can be changed. Masonry
Insecl brick masonry annuaIIy and reair as required, as foIIovs:

Cracked,loose, Cracked, Ioose, or saIIed bricks musl be

orspalledbricks reIaced.
The morlar lhal surrounds lhe affecled unils
musl be cul oul carefuIIy lo avoid damaging
ad|acenl brickvork. Ior ease of removaI, lhe brick
lo be removed can be broken. nce lhe unils are
removed, aII of lhe surrounding morlar shouId
be carefuIIy chiseIed oul, and aII dusl and debris
shouId be svel oul vilh a brush. If lhe unils are
Iocaled in lhe exlerior vylhe of a drainage vaII
(vhich is lhe lyicaI case), care musl be exercised lo
revenl debris from faIIing inlo lhe air sace, vhich
couId bIock vees and inlerfere vilh moislure
drainage. The brick surfaces in lhe vaII shouId be
damened before nev unils are Iaced, bul lhe
162 Effective Building Maintenance
masonry shouId absorb aII surface moislure lo
ensure a good bond. The aroriale surfaces of lhe
surrounding brickvork and lhe reIacemenl brick
shouId be bullered vilh morlar. The reIacemenl
brick shouId be cenlered in lhe oening and ressed
inlo osilion. The excess morlar shouId be removed
vilh a lroveI. Ioinling around lhe reIacemenl
brick viII heI lo ensure fuII head and bed |oinls.
When lhe morlar becomes lhumbrinl hard, lhe
|oinls shouId be looIed lo malch lhe originaI rohIe.

Bulgingbricksor TyicaIIy, lhis resuIls from missing or faiIed brick

wallout-of-plumb lies and anchors. Relrohl lies1anchors musl be
InslaIIalion of mosl relrohl anchors invoIves driIIing
smaII hoIes in lhe masonry, usuaIIy in a morlar
|oinl, lhrough vhich lhe anchors are allached lo
lhe subslrale. GeneraIIy, mechanicaI exansion,
heIicaI screvs, groul- or eoxy-adhesive syslems
are used. ecause lhe inslaIIalion melhods and
Iimilalions of each roducl are unique, consuIlalion
vilh lhe manufaclurer is essenliaI lo assure roer
aIicalion, delaiIing, inslaIIa lion, inseclion, and

Hairlinecracks Cracks in brickvork lhal are more lhan a fev

inmortar miIIimelers in vidlh or lhal are susecled lo have
been caused by sellIemenl or olher slrucluraI
robIems (for examIe, cracks lhal conlinue lhrough
muIliIe brick unils and morlar |oinls, or foIIov
a sleed or diagonaI allern aIong morlar |oinl)
require rofessionaI invesligalion lo delermine lhe
cause and aroriale melhod of reair.
If lhe morlar |oinls deveIo smaII hairIine cracks,
surface grouling shouId be done lo hII lhem. A
recommended groul mixlure is 1 arl orlIand
cemenl, 113 arl hydraled Iime and 1-113 arls
hne sand (assing a No. 3O sieve). The |oinls lo be
grouled shouId be damened. To ensure good bond,
lhe brickvork musl absorb aII surface valer. The
groul mixlure shouId be aIied lo lhe |oinls vilh
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 163
a sliff hber brush lo force lhe groul inlo lhe cracks.
Tvo coals are usuaIIy required lo effecliveIy reduce
moislure enelralion. TooIing lhe |oinls afler lhe
groul aIicalion may heI comacl and force lhe
groul inlo lhe cracks.

Deteriorated Reoinling is lhe rocess of remov ing damaged or

mortarjoints delerioraled morlar lo a uniform delh and Iac-
ing nev morlar in lhe |oinl.
Delerioraled morlar shouId be removed by means
of a loolhing chiseI or a seciaI oinlers grinder
lo a uniform delh lhal is lvice lhe |oinl vidlh or
unliI sound mor lar is reached. Care musl be laken
nol lo damage lhe brick edges. Remove aII dusl
and debris from lhe |oinl by brushing, bIoving
vilh air or rinsing vilh valer.
Tye N, and K morlar are recommended for
reoinling. The reoinling morlar shouId be
re-hydraled lo reduce excessive shrinkage. The
roer re-hydralion rocess is as foIIovs: AII
dry ingredienls shouId be lhoroughIy mixed.
nIy enough cIean valer shouId be added lo lhe
dry mix lo roduce a dam consislency vhich
viII relain ils shae vhen formed inlo a baII.
The morlar shouId be mixed lo lhis damened
condilion 1 lo 1-112 hr before adding valer for
The |oinls lo be reoinled shouId be damened,
bul lo ensure a good bond, lhe brickvork musl
absorb aII surface valer before reoinling morlar is
Iaced. Waler shouId be added lo lhe re hydraled
morlar lo bring il lo a vorkabIe consislency
(somevhal drier lhan convenlionaI morlar). The
morlar shouId be acked lighlIy inlo lhe |oinls in
lhin Iayers (114 in. maximum). The |oinls shouId
be looIed lo malch lhe origi naI rohIe afler lhe Iasl
Iayer of morlar is lhumbrinl hard. As il may be
difhcuIl lo delermine vhich |oinls aIIov moislure
lo enelrale, il is advisabIe lo reoinl aII morlar
164 Effective Building Maintenance
|oinls in lhe affecled vaII area.

Missingorclogged Wees shouId be insecled lo ensure lhal lhey are

weepholes oen and arorialeIy saced so lhal moislure
vilhin lhe vaIIs is abIe lo escae lo lhe exlerior.
If vees are cIogged, lhey can be cIeaned oul by
robing vilh a lhin doveI or sliff vire. If lhe vees
vere nol roerIy saced, driIIing nev vees may
be necessary.
Since vees are Iaced direclIy above ashing, care
musl be exercised lo nol damage lhe ashing vhen
robing or driIIing. The use of a sloer lo Iimil lhe
delh of enelralion of lhe robe or driII bil may be
effeclive in reducing lhe ossibiIily of damaging lhe
ashing vhere il lurns u inside of lhe brick vylhe.
In order lo roerIy drain any valer coIIecled
on lhe ash ing, vees are required immedialeIy
above lhe ashing al aII Iocalions. An oen head
|oinl, formed by Ieaving morlar oul of a |oinl, is
lhe recommended lye of vee. en head |oinl
vees shouId be al Ieasl 2 in. high. Wee oenings
are ermilled by mosl buiIding codes lo have a
minimum diameler of 3116 in. The raclice of
Iacing vees in one or more courses of brick above
lhe ashing can cause a backu of valer and is
nol recom mended. Non-corrosive melaI, mesh or
Iaslic screens can be inslaIIed in oen head |oinl
vees if desired. Sacing of oen head |oinl vees
is recommended al no more lhan 24 on cenler.
Sacing of vick and lube vees is recommended
al no more lhan 16 in. on cenler. Wee sacing is
ermilled by mosl buiIding codes al u lo 33 in.
on cenler. Wicks shouId be al Ieasl 16 in. Iong and
exlend lhrough lhe brick, inlo lhe air sace and
aIong lhe back of lhe brick.

Efforescenceorstains Lforescence is valer-soIubIe and easiIy removed by

naluraI vealhering or by scrubbing vilh a brush and
valer. Irorielary cIeaners formuIaled secihcaIIy
for use on brick vork are effeclive in removing
slubborn eforescence. Donotuseacidcleaning.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 165
Id slains caused by imroer cIeaning are nol
valer-soIubIe, bul can be removed by rorielary

Waterpenetration The lvo rimary causes of valer enelralion are

oor morlar |oinls and1or faiIed or cIogged lhrough
Nev lhrough ashing can be inslaIIed. Thisisa
To inslaII conlinuous ashing in exisling vaIIs,
aIlernale seclions of masonry in 2 lo 5 fl Ienglhs
shouId be removed. The ashing is inslaIIed in lhese
seclions and lhe masonry reIaced. AIlernaleIy,
lemorary braces can be inslaIIed as Ion ger seclions
of brickvork are removed. The ashing can lhen
be Iaced in lhese seclions. The Ienglhs of ashing
shouId be Iaed a minimum of 6 in. and be
comIeleIy seaIed lo funclion ro erIy. The oening
is lhen hIIed as described for brick reIacemenl
above. The reIaced masonry shouId be roerIy
cured (5 lo 7 days) before lhe inlermedi ale masonry
seclions or suorls are removed.
An aIlernalive aroach is lo cover lhe vaII lo
reduce valer Ioading. LIIS, melaI aneIs, or acryIic
eIaslomeric coaling can be used for lhis urose. Do
nol aIy cIear seaIanl, il is ineffeclive.

Brickorstonecoping, Check for cracked eIemenls, Ioose or oen |oinls,

cap,orsillproblems hairIine morlar cracks, elc. and reair as described

Plantgrowth,algae To remove ivy and simiIar Ianls, lhe vines shouId

be carefuIIy cul avay from lhe vaIInever uIIed
from lhe vaII as lhis couId damage lhe brickvork.
Afler culling, lhe shools viII remain. These suckers
shouId be Iefl in lhe vaII unliI lhey dry u and
shriveI, vhich usuaIIy lakes 2 lo 3 veeks. Care
shouId be laken nol lo aIIov lhe suckers lo rol as
lhis couId make lhem difhcuIl lo remove. nce
166 Effective Building Maintenance
lhe shools dry, lhe vaII shouId be damened and
scrubbed vilh a sliff hber brush and valer. Laundry
delergenl or veed kiIIer may be added lo lhe valer
in smaII concenlralions lo aid in lhe removaI of lhe
shools. If lhese addilives are used, lhe vaII musl be
lhoroughIy rinsed vilh cIean valer before and afler
Remove aIgae grovlh by Iighl ressure vashing
make sure nol lo damage morlar. Insulation and Finishing Systems (EFIS)

CIean and insecl LIIS annuaIIy.
CIean LIIS as foIIovs:
1. Remove dirl, miIdev, and aIgae vilh lhe use of generaI cIeaning
comounds, foIIoved by a miId ressurized valer cIean and
rinse. This can usuaIIy be accomIished vilh a garden hose and
an ordinary nozzIe. No acidic cIeaners are recommended. (If
over vashing by a rofessionaI, kee ressure under 6OO si
and use coId, unhealed valer. HoId srayer vilh a fan-li nozzIe
al a 45 angIe from lhe vaII (nol erendicuIar) and kee sray
li al Ieasl 2 O from surface.) AIso, do nol use abrasive hard-
brislIe brushes.
2. Iainl or olher slains may require seciaI lrealmenl lo remove.
Deending on vhal lye of ainl used, il may or may nol be ossibIe
lo remove. Try cIeaning as described above. Do nol use soIvenls or
soIvenl-based cIeaners such as ainl lhinner or mineraI sirils. If lhe
ainl cannol be removed vilh roer cIeaning lechniques, il viII be
necessary lo rehnish or ainl over il.
3. AshaIl or lar slains cannol be chemicaIIy removed. These slains
musl be chied off and lhe affecled area musl be rehnished.
4. Grafhli may be removed by IighlIy scrubbing vilh a sofl-brislIe
brush and a soIulion of 1 gaIIon varm valer and 1 cu of Iiquid
soa. This may nol vork on oiI-based sray ainls, and lhe surface
may need lo be rehnished.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 167
Afler cIeaning, carefuIIy insecl around doors and vindovs for
cracks in lhe exlerior slucco and seaIanl. Add and1or reIace seaIanl as
needed (see Mainlenance Irocedure and Aluminum Siding
Insecl vinyI and aIuminum siding annuaIIy and afler ma|or slorms.
ReIace any missing siding seclions. enl or curved seclions lhal vonl
go back inlo Iace need lo be reIaced.
VinyI musl be cIeaned annuaIIy lo eIiminale dirl, dusl, grass slains,
moId or miIdev. Ior heavier slains, vinyI siding can be cIeaned vilh a
sofl cIolh, or sofl brislIed loolhbrush (if lhe surface is lexlured). Some of
lhe more common cIeaners lhal can be used on vinyI incIude: Ianlaslic,
Murhys iI Soa, LesloiI, Windex, and Sofl Scrub.
Since vinyI and ils accessories viII meIl vhen exosed lo signihcanl
heal, cIear muIch and dry Ieaves avay from lhe vinyI.
AIuminum hnishes viII fade afler 5 years, requiring ainling lhen
and every 5-7 years lhereafler.
AIuminum may need lo be cIeaned lo remove dirl, grass, or miIdev.
(Iressure vashing aIuminum is ossibIe bul shouId hrsl be done vilh
Iain valer on Iov ressure. If Iov ressure doesnl seem lo be making
lhe area cIean do a higher over lesl vash on an area lhal is Iess visibIe.
The lesl vash is imorlanl because some ressure vashers creale enough
ressure lo denl or deform lhe aIuminum aneIs.) Il is besl lo use a
biodegradabIe delergenl and hose il off vilh a Iighl sray.
AIuminum shouId be insecled for denls or scralches. Damaged
aneIs shouId eilher be ainled (minor damage) or reIaced (serious
damage). Siding
Insecl vood siding every 6 monlhs for lhe foIIoving condilions:
Damaged vood (hoIes, cracks, vared boards, vel rol, dry rol)
Damaged or faiIing ainl
CauIking faiIure (see Mainlenance Irocedure
Insecl damage
Make reairs immedialeIy. More imorlanlIy, as damage is reaired,
idenlify vhal caused lhe damage and correcl lhal robIem, aIso. Ior
examIe, if vood siding is damaged by Ieaky gullers or our drainage
168 Effective Building Maintenance
from dovnsouls, correcl lhese robIems. Likevise, faiIing ashing
above doors or vindovs may be a robIem.
If ainl robIems such as bIislering, eeIing, aIIigaloring, vrinkIing,
or chaIking are conhned lo a smaII area, you can louch lhem u. If lhey
are more exlensive, reainling of lhe enlire faciIily is required (see
Mainlenance Irocedure
Tesl for vel rol or dry rol vilh a screvdriver bIade or ice ick and
reIace aII rolled vood. Where onIy lhe Iover arls of lhe vood are
damaged, lhese can be cul avay, a nev z-ashing inslaIIed, and nev
siding inslaIIed. Irime alledges and back of nev vood before inslaIIalion.
SlrucluraI vood lhal is damaged musl be reIaced vilh lrealed vood.
Insecl damage indicales lhe need for furlher invesligalion and
lrealmenl by a esl conlroI conlraclor. Board
Insecl cemenl-asbeslos board or aneI every lvo years for breaks,
cracks, hoIes, elc. A damaged board or aneI cannol be reaired. Il can
onIy be reIaced vilh Iike maleriaI or covered vilh anolher maleriaI.
The asbeslos in cemenl-asbeslos (lransile) is non-friabIe and musl
be mainlained so lhroughoul any reair or reIacemenl aclivily. Theboard
mustnotbebrokenas lhis viII reIease asbeslos hbers inlo lhe air and, lhus,
greal care is required. Afler removaI, Iace lhe board in a seaIed Iaslic
back for IandhII disosaI.
Slucco musl be insecled annuaIIy.
The basic condilions associaled vilh lhe delerioralion of slucco are:
ioIogicaI grovlh (anylhing from moIds lo vines and Ianls)
Iislering (Iooks Iike bubbIes benealh lhe slucco)
DeIaminalion (lhe hnish, brovn, and scralch coals delach from one
Delachmenl (lhe slucco acluaIIy delaches from lhe vaII benealh)
Disaggregalion (Ioss of binder)
IIaking (lhin, smaII Iayers of lhe hnish coal Ioosen and ake off)
Loss (somelimes sheels of slucco delach and faII exosing lhe
subslrale benealh)
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 169
Mosl oflen, valer causes lhese condilions. Reealed freezing
and lhaving causes inlernaI delerioralion, delachmenl of slucco from
lhe subslrale, and deIaminalion of lhe sluccos Iayers. Lxcessive valer
inhIlralion (lhrough cracks or Ioss, for examIe) Ieads lo a high moislure
conlenl vhich resenls a hosilabIe environmenl for bioIogicaI grovlh
nol onIy an eyesore, bul rool syslems can aIso Iead lo delerioralion.
Cracking in slucco can generaIIy be allribuled lo buiIding sellIemenl
or valer damage. Rolling of vood or corrosion of melaI Ialh as a resuIl of
excessive valer inhIlralion can Iead lo delachmenl and Ioss of lhe slucco.
Reairs may incIude a combinalion of aroaches, incIuding crack
hIIing, alching, and somelimes in|eclions and grouling. Il is crilicaI lo
use comalibIe maleriaIs vilh resecl lo mechanicaI as veII as aeslhelic
roerlies. The resuIling hnish shouId bIend visuaIIy vilh lhe exisling
slucco in bolh lexlure and coIor. Mosl imorlanlIy, reair maleriaIs used
shouId be veaker and more ermeabIe lhan surrounding slucco. Masonry
Insecl concrele masonry unil (CMI) vaIIs annuaIIy and reair as
required, as foIIovs:

Crackedorlooseunits Cracked or Ioose unils musl be reIaced.

The morlar lhal surrounds lhe affecled unils musl
be cul oul carefuIIy lo avoid damaging ad|acenl
brickvork. Ior ease of removaI, lhe unils lo be
removed can be broken. nce lhe unils are removed,
aII of lhe surrounding morlar shouId be carefuIIy
chiseIed oul, and aII dusl and debris shouId be
svel oul vilh a brush. If lhe unils are Iocaled in
lhe exlerior vylhe of a drainage vaII (vhich is lhe
lyicaI case), care musl be exercised lo revenl
debris from faIIing inlo lhe air sace, vhich couId
bIock vees and inlerfere vilh moislure drainage.
The CMI surfaces in lhe vaII shouId be damened
before nev unils are Iaced, bul lhe masonry shouId
absorb aII surface moislure lo ensure a good bond.
The aroriale surfaces of lhe surrounding CMI
and lhe reIacemenl unil shouId be bullered vilh
morlar. The reIacemenl unil shouId be cenlered in
170 Effective Building Maintenance
lhe oening and ressed inlo osilion. The excess
morlar shouId be removed vilh a lroveI. Ioinling
around lhe reIacemenl unil viII heI lo ensure
fuII head and bed |oinls. When lhe morlar becomes
lhumbrinl hard, lhe |oinls shouId be looIed lo
malch lhe originaI rohIe.

Cracksinmortarjoints If cracks are hne, lhey shouId nol be videned. Il may

be adequale lo ainl over lhem vilh orlIand cemenl
ainl. lhervise, a morlar of one arl orlIand
cemenl and one arl sand lhal asses a No. 3O or No.
5O screen, deending on lhe size of lhe crack, shouId
be vorked in.
Larger cracks can be readiIy reaired by luckoinling
(see Delerioraled Morlar }oinls beIov)
The olher vay lo reair cracks is lo viden and
undercul lhem vilh sav or chiseI so lhal lhey are
aboul one haIf inch vide al lhe surface, 112 lo 314
inch vide al lhe back, and aboul one haIf inch dee.
AII Ioose dusl shouId be brushed free. The nolch
shouId lhen be hIIed eilher vilh a dry-ack morlar
or a non-sagging eoxy resin, If morlar is used, lhe
surrounding bIock shouId be damened lhoroughIy
lo minimize absorlion of valer from lhe morlar. A
morlar of one arl orlIand cemenl and lvo arls
masonry sand shouId be mixed lo a sliff consislency
and acked in. If eoxy resin is used, il shouId be one
lhal roduces a geI of grease-Iike consislency vhen
hrsl mixed. When lhe morlar gels lhumbrinl
hard, looI lhe |oinl lo malch exisling.

Deteriorated Tuckoinling is lhe rocess of remov ing damaged or

mortarjoints delerioraled morlar lo a uniform delh and Iac ing
nev morlar in lhe |oinl.
The delerioraled morlar shouId be removed, by
means of a loolhing chiseI or a seciaI oinlers
grinder, lo a uniform delh lhal is lvice lhe |oinl
vidlh or unliI sound mor lar is reached. Care musl be
laken nol lo damage lhe brick edges. Remove aII dusl
and debris from lhe |oinl by brushing, bIoving vilh
air or rinsing vilh valer.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 171
Tye N, and K morlar are generaIIy recommended
for reoinling, as morlars vilh higher cemenl
conlenls may be loo slrong for roer erformance.
The reoinling morlar shouId be rehydraled lo
reduce excessive shrinkage. The roer rehydralion
rocess is as foIIovs: AII dry ingredienls shouId
be lhoroughIy mixed. nIy enough cIean valer
shouId be added lo lhe dry mix lo roduce a dam
consislency vhich viII relain ils shae vhen formed
inlo a baII. The morlar shouId be mixed lo lhis
damened condilion 1 lo 1-112 hr before adding
valer for Iacemenl.
The |oinls lo be reoinled shouId be damened, bul
lo ensure a good bond, lhe brickvork musl absorb
aII surface valer before reoinling morlar is Iaced.
Waler shouId be added lo lhe re hydraled morlar
lo bring il lo a vorkabIe consislency (somevhal
drier lhan convenlionaI morlar). The morlar shouId
be acked lighlIy inlo lhe |oinls in lhin Iayers (114
in. maximum). The |oinls shouId be looIed lo malch
lhe origi naI rohIe afler lhe Iasl Iayer of morlar
is lhumbrinl hard. As il may be difhcuIl lo
delermine vhich |oinls aIIov moislure lo enelrale, il
is advisabIe lo reoinl aII morlar |oinls in lhe affecled
vaII area.

Missingorclogged Wees shouId be insecled lo ensure lhal lhey are

weepholes oen and arorialeIy saced so lhal moislure vilhin
lhe vaIIs is abIe lo escae lo lhe exlerior. If vees are
cIogged, lhey can be cIeaned oul by robing vilh a
lhin doveI or sliff vire. If lhe vees vere nol roerIy
saced, driIIing nev vees may be necessary.
Since vees are Iaced direclIy above ashing, care
musl be exercised lo nol damage lhe ashing vhen
robing or driIIing. The use of a slo lo Iimil lhe
delh of enelralion of lhe robe or driII bil may be
effeclive in reducing lhe ossibiIily of damaging lhe
ashing vhere il lurns u inside of lhe brick vylhe.
In order lo roerIy drain any valer coIIecled on lhe
ash ing, vees are required immedialeIy above lhe
172 Effective Building Maintenance
ashing al aII Iocalions. An oen head |oinl, formed
by Ieaving morlar oul of a |oinl, is lhe recommended
lye of vee. en head |oinl vees shouId be al
Ieasl 2 in. high. Wee oenings are ermilled by
mosl buiIding codes lo have a minimum diameler
of 3116 in. The raclice of Iacing vees in one or
more courses of brick above lhe ashing can cause
a backu of valer and is nol recom mended. Non-
corrosive melaI, mesh or Iaslic screens can be
inslaIIed in oen head |oinl vees if desired. Sacing
of oen head |oinl vees is recommended al no more
lhan 24 on cenler. Sacing of vick and lube vees is
recommended al no more lhan 16 in. on cenler. Wee
sacing is ermilled by mosl buiIding codes al u lo
33 in. on cenler. Wicks shouId be al Ieasl 16 in. Iong
and exlend lhrough lhe brick, inlo lhe air sace and
aIong lhe back of lhe brick.

Waterpenetration The lvo rimary causes of valer enelralion are

oor morlar |oinls and1or faiIed or cIogged lhrough
Nev lhrough ashing can be inslaIIed. This is a
difhcuIl rocedure of removing CMIs, inslaIIing
ashing and reIacing lhe unils may be required. To
inslaII conlinuous ashing in exisling vaIIs, aIlernale
seclions of masonry in 2 lo 5 fl. Ienglhs shouId be
removed. The ashing is inslaIIed in lhese seclions
and lhe masonry reIaced. AIlernaleIy, lemorary
braces can be inslaIIed as Ion ger seclions of brickvork
are removed. The ashing can lhen be Iaced in
lhese seclions. The Ienglhs of ashing shouId be
Iaed a minimum of 6 in. and be comIeleIy seaIed
lo funclion ro erIy. The oening is lhen hIIed as
described for CMI reIacemenl above. The reIaced
masonry shouId be roerIy cured (5 lo 7 days) before
lhe inlermedi ale masonry seclions or suorls are
An aIlernalive aroach is lo cover lhe vaII. LIIS,
melaI aneIs, or acryIic eIaslomeric coaling can be
used for lhis urose. Do nol aIy cIear seaIanlil
is nol effeclive.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 173

Masonryorstonecoping, Check for cracked eIemenls, Ioose or oen |oinls,

cap,orsillproblems hairIine morlar cracks, elc. and reair as described

Plantgrowth,algae To effecliveIy remove ivy and simiIar Ianls, lhe vines

shouId be carefuIIy cul avay from lhe vaII. The vines
shouId never be uIIed from lhe vaII as lhis couId
damage lhe brickvork. Afler culling, lhe shools viII
remain. These suckers shouId be Iefl in lhe vaII unliI
lhey dry u and shriveI. This usuaIIy lakes 2 lo 3
veeks. Care shouId be laken nol lo aIIov lhe suckers
lo rol as lhis couId make lhem difhcuIl lo remove.
nce lhe shools dry, lhe vaII shouId be damened and
scrubbed vilh a sliff hber brush and valer. Laundry
delergenl or veed kiIIer may be added lo lhe valer
in smaII concenlralions lo aid in lhe removaI of lhe
shools. If lhese addilives are used, lhe vaII musl be
lhoroughIy rinsed vilh cIean valer before and afler
Remove aIgae grovlh by Iighl ressure vashing
make sure nol lo damage morlar |oinls. Joints
Insecl aII cauIked |oinls every 3 years for evidence of delerioralion
or faiIure. AIIigaloring and Iimiled searalion (5/ or Iess) are signs lhal
lhe cauIking is aging and may be nearing lhe end of ils Iife. Signihcanl
searalion (3O/ or more) and Ioose or Iosl cauIking are signs of cauIking
faiIure. In lhe hrsl case, reairs may exlend lhe Iife of lhe cauIk by 2-4
years. In lhe second case, lhe onIy olion is reIacemenl.
1. CIean and soflen exisling cauIk by viing vilh cIolh in aroriale
2. AIy lhin coaling of nev cauIk over exisling, being carefuI lo hII
sIils and searaled seclions lo a del of al Ieasl 118.
3. AIy onIy exibIe cauIk, as foIIovs:
174 Effective Building Maintenance
Vertical Surfaces: SiIicone or urelhane (oIyurelhane). ASTM
C92O, Tye S, Grade NS, CIass 25, Ise M, A, or , as aIicabIe.
HorizontalSurfaces: Irelhane (oIyurelhane). ASTM C92O, Tye
S or M, Grade I, CIass 25, Ise T. Grade NS, Ise T, in areas vilh
sIoes exceeding 1 ercenl.
Note: SiIicone cauIk viII adhere lo urelhane cauIk, bul urelhanes
viII nol adhere lo siIicone. If in doubl aboul exisling cauIk, use
siIicone for reairs.
4. Do nol use cauIk lhal has been slored loo Iongcheck sheIf Iife.
5. AIy cauIk al lhe roer lemeralure, dehned by lhe manufaclurer
on lhe lube. Do nol aIy vhen lhe drying eriod viII be humid
(above 7O/ RH) or rainy.
1. Remove exisling cauIking by scraing or grinding, being carefuI nol
lo damage lhe ad|acenl maleriaIs.
2. CIean concrele, masonry, and simiIar orous |oinl subslrale surfaces
by brushing, grinding, bIasl cIeaning, mechanicaI abrading, acid
vashing, or a combinalion of lhese melhods lo roduce a cIean,
sound subslrale caabIe of deveIoing olimum bond vilh |oinl
seaIers. CIean melaI, gIass, orceIain enameI, gIazed surfaces of
ceramic liIe and olher nonorous surfaces by chemicaI cIeaners or
olher means vhich are nol harmfuI lo subslrales or Ieave residues
caabIe of inlerfering vilh adhesion of |oinl seaIers. Do a hnaI vie
vilh lhe aroriale soIvenl. Irime or seaI |oinl surfaces vhere
recommended by lhe seaIanl manufaclurer.
3. If backer rods are in Iace, avoid damaging lhem. Check backer rods
lo delermine if lhey are in good condilion and viII remain in Iace
during re-cauIking. If backer rods are missing or damaged, inslaII
nev ones. acker rods shouId have a diameler 3O/ grealer lhan lhe
vidlh of lhe |oinl being cauIked.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 175
4. Tesl nev cauIk al an inconsicuous sol lo ensure lhal il viII adhere
lo lhe exisling surfaces.
5. AIy onIy exibIe cauIk, as foIIovs:
Vertical Surfaces: SiIicone or urelhane (oIyurelhane). ASTM
C92O, Tye S, Grade NS, CIass 25, Ise M, A, or , as aIicabIe.
HorizontalSurfaces: Irelhane (oIyurelhane). ASTM C92O, Tye
S or M, Grade I, CIass 25, Ise T. Grade NS, Ise T, in areas vilh
sIoes exceeding 1 ercenl.
6. Do nol use cauIk lhal has been slored loo Iongcheck sheIf Iife.
7. Delh of cauIk |oinl shouId nol exceed lhe vidlh of lhe |oinl and
referabIy shouId be onIy haIf lhe vidlh. Where lhe del of lhe |oinl
is shaIIov and backer rod cannol be used, uliIized bond-breaker
lae lo avoid 3-side adhesion.
8. AIy lhe cauIk al lhe roer lemeralure, dehned by lhe
manufaclurer on lhe lube. Do nol aIy vhen lhe drying eriod
viII be humid (above 7O/ RH) or rainy. Wall Flashings
Insecl exlerior vaII ashings, counler-ashings, and dris every 5
years. Reair or reIace as necessary. Steel Lintels
Insecl ainled sleeI IinleIs annuaIIy. Mainlain ainl in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure Reair or reIace cauIked |oinls in
accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure Exposed to Sun or Salt Spray
Insecl ainl on lhe soulh- and vesl-facing vaIIs or vaIIs exosed
lo saIl sray every 6 monlhs. Insecl aII olher ainled surfaces annuaIIy.
176 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 177
178 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 179
180 Effective Building Maintenance Building Wall Panels
Insecl melaI buiIding vaII aneIs every 5 years.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 181 Windows
Insecl sleeI vindovs every lvo years. Delermine condilion of aII
lhree arls (sash, frame, and sub-frame) and erform reairs essenliaI lo
conlinued use. This evaIualion and reairs shouId incIude lhe foIIoving:

Corrosion Ise a shar robe or looI, such as an ice ick, lo delermine

lhe exlenl of corrosion in lhe melaI:
1. If lhe rusling is mereIy a surface accumuIalion or aking,
lhen lhe corrosion is Iighl.
2. If lhe rusling has enelraled lhe melaI (indicaled by
a bubbIing lexlure), bul has nol caused any slrucluraI
damage, lhen lhe corrosion is medium.
3. If lhe rusl has enelraled dee inlo lhe melaI, lhe
corrosion is heavy. Heavy corrosion generaIIy resuIls in
some form of slrucluraI damage, lhrough deIaminalion,
lo lhe melaI seclion, making reair difhcuIl and exensive
and lhe vindov shouId be reIaced.
In any case, since moislure is lhe rimary cause of
corrosion, il is essenliaI lhal excess moislure be eIiminaled
before any reair vork is underlaken.
182 Effective Building Maintenance
To mainlain vindovs, remove Iighl and medium rusl
via manuaI abrasion (vire brush and aIuminum oxide
sandaer) and mechanicaI abrasion (such as an eIeclric
driII vilh a vire brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl). Rusl
can aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs are
used, any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh dam
cIolhs, lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-dryers.
Do nol use running valer lo remove chemicaI residue.
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed vilh a
chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic needIe scaIer
or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo rolecl lhe melaI
furlher from corrosion and need nol be removed. The
ainl edges shouId be fealhered by sanding lo give a good
surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy binder
and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere valer can
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy in
rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive rimer
(oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc chromale),
aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

roken, missing, Remove broken gIass and save aII cIis, gIazing
or damaged beads, and olher fasleners lhal hoId lhe gIass lo lhe
gIass sash, aIlhough reIacemenls for lhese arls are sliII
DoubIe gIazing vhere lhe air sace has a cIoudy or
miIky hIm has faiIed and musl be reIaced.
CIean muIIions lhoroughIy and inslaII gIass vilh gIazing
comound secihcaIIy formuIaled for sleeI vindovs.

Failedglazing Remove broken, dried, or searaled gIazing

compound comound. If necessary, reIace gIazing beads, and olher
fasleners lhal hoId lhe gIass lo lhe sash.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 183
CIean muIIions lhoroughIy and inslaII gIass vilh gIazing
comound secihcaIIy formuIaled for sleeI vindovs.

Hinges Ise a cIeaning soIvenl and hne bronze vooI lo cIean lhe
hinges (generaIIy brass or bronze). The hinges shouId
lhen be Iubricaled vilh a non-greasy Iubricanl seciaIIy
formuIaled for melaIs and vilh an anlicorrosive agenl.
These Iubricanls are in a sray form and shouId be used
once or lvice a year on frequenlIy oened vindovs.

Weather InslaII vealherslriing vhere lhe oerabIe orlion

stripping of lhe sash and lhe hxed frame come logelher lo reduce
erimeler air inhIlralion. Where ossibIe, use a sring-
melaI lye vealherslriing vilh an inlegraI friclion hl
mounling cIi lhal eIiminales lhe need for an aIied gIue.
The vealherslriing is cIied lo lhe inside channeI of lhe
roIIed melaI seclion of lhe hxed frame. To insure againsl
gaIvanic corrosion belveen lhe vealherslriing (oflen
bronze or brass), and lhe sleeI vindov, lhe vindov musl
be ainled rior lo lhe inslaIIalion of lhe vealherslriing.
Where lhe sring-melaI lye cannol be aIied, use vinyI
This vealherslriing is usuaIIy aIied lo lhe enlire
erimeler of lhe vindov oening, bul in some cases,
such as casemenl vindovs, il may be besl lo avoid
vealherslriing lhe hinge side. Windows
Insecl and cIean vinyI vindovs every 2 years.
CIean vinyI vindovs onIy vilh miId soay valer and1or IormuIa
4O9, A|ax Liquid CIeaner, Murhys iI Soa, LysoI CIeaner, Sofl Scrub, or
vinegar and valer.
Do not use any of the following products, vhich may cause vinyI lo
Iine Iover
Ivory Liquid
Grease ReIief
184 Effective Building Maintenance
NaiI IoIish Remover
GasoIine or Turenline
Where lhe air sace in doubIe gIazing has a cIoudy or miIky
hIm, lhe gIazing has faiIed and musl be reIaced. Windows and Patio Doors
Insecl aIuminum vindovs and alio doors every 3 years.
Cleanandlubricatehorizontalslidersandsingle-hungwindows as foIIovs:
1. Remove horizonlaI sIiding vindov oeraling sash before cIeaning. Il
is nol necessary lo remove singIe-hung vindov sash for Iubricalion,
simIy oen lhe singIe-hung sash aII lhe vay and aIy siIicone
sray lo lhe |ambs as described beIov.
2. Vacuum lrack or side |ambs lhoroughIy (check for obslruclions such
as rocks, el hair, elc.).
3. Wie vilh songe, miId soa and valer.
4. Rinse and Iel dry.
5. AIy siIicone sray lo dry, sofl cIolh, vie on lrack or side |ambs,
do nol aIIov siIicone lo come in conlacl vilh vealher slriing.
6. InslaII sash (if reviousIy removed).
7. SIide sash back and forlh (u and dovn on singIe-hung) lo check
Cleanandlubricatecasement/awningwindows as foIIovs:
(The hardvare for lhis vindov incIudes a handIe and hinge for
oening and cIosing lhe sash. The handIe and hinge require reguIar
cIeaning. IeriodicaIIy Iubricale hinge for smoolh oeralion. If lhe vindov
seems loo Ioose or loo lighl, lhe hinge may need ad|uslmenl.)
1. To cIean and Iubricale hinge, oen sash and cIean vilh a soIulion of
miId dish soa and valer., aIied vilh a sofl cIolh or songe. Ior
slubborn dirl, use a sofl brislIe brush lo genlIy scrub.
2. Rinse lhoroughIy, vie dry vilh sofl cIolh, and aIIov lo air dry.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 185
3. Lubricale ivol oinls vilh Iighl oiI.
4. Ad|usl hinge using a smaII al head screvdriver.
1. Vacuum lrack lhoroughIy (check for obslruclions such as rocks, el
hair, elc.).
2. CIean vilh songe, miId soa and valer, rinse, and Iel dry.
3. Ior Iighl Iubricalion (for alio doors vilh roIIers lhal resl on a lrack
in lhe siII) vilhoul removing lhe door, aIy siIicone sray lo cIolh
and vie onlo cIean lrack
4. Ior lhorough Iubricalion, remove alio door aneI, li door aneI
for access lo roIIers on lhe bollom, and Iubricale roIIers on shafl
lhrough vheeIs vilh Iighl oiI.
1. Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe hnish. Iay
cIose allenlion lo bare aIuminum al edges and weepholes and areas
vilh no hnish. (are aIuminum viII oxidize raidIy in a coaslaI
environmenl.) xidalion is a naluraI occurrence lhal roduces a
coaling lhal vies off as a dark, melaIIic-Iooking residue.
2. Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh songe an
miId soay valer and aIy a coal of quaIily aulomobiIe vax over
enameI or anodized hnish on aIuminum surfaces.
3. To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad or sleeI
vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl or vacuum residue
and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.
1. CIean siII lrack vilh vacuum or vie lhoroughIy vilh dam cIolh.
2. Iour smaII amounl of valer (1 cu) inlo inlerior siII lrack. If valer
drains oul lhrough lhe exlerior vee hoIes, lhe syslem is cIear. If
nol, conlinue vilh lhe foIIoving sles lo cIean.
186 Effective Building Maintenance
3. Inserl lhin vire inlo vee hoIe. (CAUTION: Some sashes have weep
4. Reeal unliI valer runs cIear lhrough exlerior vee hoIe.
1. Insecl gIass for cracks and reIace if needed.
2. Ior insuIaling gIass unils, moislure belveen gIass anes is an
indicalion of seaI faiIure. ReIace gIass.
If vealher slriing aears lo be in good condilion, cIean as
1. CIean vilh dam cIolh.
2. If necessary, cIean vilh miId soa and valer.
3. Rinse and dry lhoroughIy.
ReIace vealher slri lhal is lorn, cracked, brillIe, discoIored,
gummy, or lhal has no bounce back vhen ressed, as foIIovs:
1. CarefuIIy remove vealher slri.
2. AIy lhin bead of siIicone seaIanl inlo kerf.
3. InslaII nev vealher slri.
4. HoId in Iace vilh lae for 24 hours.
5. CarefuIIy remove lae. Windows
Insecl and reair vood vindovs annuaIIy.
1. Remove ainl from vood vindovs. Wood vindovs lend lo
accumuIale many Iayers of ainl. ver lime, arliaI eeIing Ieaves
a illed surface lhal encourages moislure lo coIIecl. The exlenl of
ainl removaI required deends on lhe condilion of lhe ainl:
Chalkedpaint:CIean vilh a miId delergenl soIvenl, hose dovn,
and aIIov lo dry before reainling.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 187
Crazed paint: Sand by hand lo lhe nexl sound Iayer before
reainling, exosure of bare vood is nol necessary.
Peelingandblistering:AnaIyze belveen coals as lo lhe source. If
saIls or imurilies have caused eeIing, scrae off lhe defeclive
surface, hose off lhe underIying surface, and vie surface dry
before reainling. If lhe eeIing or bIislering vas caused by
incomalibiIily of lhe ainls or imroer aIicalion, scrae
off lhe defeclive surface, and sand lhe underIying surface lo
rovide a beller bond vilh lhe nev ainl. IeeIing, cracking,
and aIIigaloring lo bare vood require lolaI removaI of lhe
defeclive ainl foIIoved by drying oul of lhe vood subslrale
and lrealmenl for any rolled areas before reainling. Sand or
scrae onIy lo lhe nexl sound Iayer of ainl, exosure of bare
vood is nol necessary.
Remove ainl from vood surfaces by scraing afler il has been
soflened vilh heal guns or Iales or brushed vilh commerciaIIy
avaiIabIe chemicaI slriing soIvenls. RegardIess vhich melhod is
chosen for ainl removaI, afler lhe slriing rocess is comIele, aII
affecled areas viII need al Ieasl Iighl sanding.
2. nce lhe ainl has been removed, revilaIize lhe bare vood by
rubbing il vilh hne-grade sleeI vooI soaked in lurenline or mineraI
sirils and boiIed Iinseed oiI.
3. Iainl vindovs. Irime any exosed vood. Lxlerior valer-based
vinyI acryIic ainls are generaIIy more comalibIe vilh exisling
ainl Iayers lhal may conlain Iead and rovide beller moislure
ermeabiIily lhan valer-or soIvenl-based aIkyd ainls. If lhe ainl
Iayer is imermeabIe, il may lra valer lhal enelrales asl lhe
ainl hIm. (AIkyd ainls are incomalibIe vilh exisling ainl Iayers
conlaining Iead.)
1. roken, cracked, or missing gIass musl be reIaced. GIazing
comound lhal has hardened, sIil, or is missing musl be reIaced.
2. DoubIe gIazing vhere lhe air sace has a cIoudy or miIky hIm
has faiIed and musl be reIaced.
188 Effective Building Maintenance
3. ReIace gIazing comounds vilh an oiI-based ully. Remove
aII delerioraled maleriaI manuaIIy by scraing, laking care nol
lo damage lhe rabbel, vhere lhe gIass is osilioned. During aII
oeralions lake every recaulion lo rolecl lhe gIass. If lhe ully or
olher comound has hardened in lhe rabbels, il can be soflened by
aIying heal. A heal gun may be used if lhe gIass is rolecled by
a heal shieId (hardboard vraed vilh aIuminum foiI). efore lhe
gIass anes are reIaced, lhe surfaces of sash members shouId be
reared. CIean and hnish bare surfaces of vood sash by rubbing
lhe surface vilh a hne-grade sleeI vooI or a hne grade of high-
quaIily sandaer, and lhen aIy a soIulion of equaI arls of boiIed
Iinseed oiI and lurenline. IinaIIy, rime and reainl.
1. Delerioraled orlions of vood vindovs can be effecliveIy reaired
using Iike-kind sIices or Dulchmen. AII delerioraled maleriaI
shouId be removed, and lhe end vhere lhe reIacemenl member
viII be allached shouId be cul on a diagonaI lo increase lhe gIuing
surface area. The reIacemenl member shouId malch lhe exisling
members in grain orienlalion and in any exisling shae or rohIe. To
allach lhe nev member, cul lhe end diagonaIIy lo malch lhe exisling
member, lhen driII aIigned hoIes in bolh members for reinforcing
2. A Dulchman is a hlled alch in a vood member lhal has onIy
IocaIized delerioralion. To hl a dulchman, hrsl robe lhe delerioraled
area lo delermine lhe aroximale delh of lhe delerioralion.
Second, cul a vood alch or dulchman vilh ils grain aIigned vilh
lhe exisling members. e sure lhe dulchman is Iarge enough lo
cover lhe affecled area and lhicker lhan lhe delerioralion is dee.
SIighlIy beveI aII of lhe edges of lhe dulchman so lhal lhe videsl
face is lhe lo. Nexl, lrace lhe oulIine of lhe dulchmans narrovesl
face on lhe exisling member over lhe delerioralion. Ising lhe oulIine
as a guide, carefuIIy remove aII of lhe delerioraled vood vilh a
chiseI. Tesl-hl lhe dulchman, and lrim lhe hoIe unliI lhe dulchman
bolloms oul and hIIs lhe affecled area enlireIy, lhe dulchman shouId
be sIighlIy higher lhan lhe exisling maleriaI. GIue and cIam lhe
dulchman in Iace. nce lhe gIue has cured, use a chiseI or hand
Iane lo make lhe dulchman ush vilh lhe surrounding maleriaI.
Hand sand for hnaI IeveIing of lhe lvo surfaces.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 189
3. When onIy vood surfaces are eroded, voids can be eIiminaled by
aIying a asle or ully hIIer. AIy hIIers afler lhe vood has
dried and has been lrealed vilh a fungicide and a soIulion of boiIed
Iinseed oiI.
4. In cases vhere a Iimiled amounl of rol has rogressed veII inlo lhe
subslrale, inlerior voids are hIIed in by saluraling lhe vood vilh
a enelraling eoxy comound formuIaled for vood. IiII surface
voids or buiIl u decayed or missing ends near |oinls vilh an eoxy
1. Ior rouline cIeaning use hne sleeI vooI or a hne brass-vire brush
and a cIeaning soIvenl.
2. Moving arls shouId be Iubricaled vilh a non-corrosive Iubricanl. Walls and Storefronts
Insecl curlain vaIIs and slorefronls annuaIIy.
The key eIemenls of a curlain vaII are lhe verlicaI sleeI or aIuminum
muIIions lhal hoId il logelher and lhe horizonlaI raiIs or muIIions lhal are
suorled by lhe verlicaI members. Togelher, lhey make u lhe framing
lhal suorl lhe inhII aneIs, eilher vision Iighls (gIass or Iaslic) and
sandreI aneIs (soIid aneIs of aImosl any maleriaI, incIuding oaque

Bucklingorbending This is usuaIIy beyond lhe scoe of rouline mainlenance

ofmullions and may require lhe services of an exerienced curlain
vaII conlraclor for reair.

Verticalmullions This is usuaIIy beyond lhe scoe of rouline mainlenance

outofplumb and may require lhe services of an exerienced curlain
vaII conlraclor for reair.

Looseordamaged Re-aIign muIIions if undamaged and inslaII nev

mullions fasleners. If muIIion is loo damaged for conlinued use,
reIace damaged seclion(s) vilh nev. If necessary,
uliIized lhe services of an exerienced curlain vaII
190 Effective Building Maintenance

Lostorfailedlights Remove broken, dried, or searaled gIazing comound.

caulkingatvision If necessary, reIace gIazing beads, and olher fasleners
orspandrelpanels and gaskels lhal hoId lhe gIass.
CIean muIIions lhoroughIy and inslaII gIass or sandreI
aneIs vilh gIazing comound. Ior sleeI muIIions, use
gIazing comound secihcaIIy formuIaled for sleeI.

Corrosionof A shar robe or looI, such as an ice ick, can be

steelmullions used lo delermine lhe exlenl of corrosion in lhe melaI:
1. If lhe rusling is mereIy a surface accumuIalion or
aking, lhen lhe corrosion islight.
2. If lhe rusling has enelraled lhe melaI (indicaled by
a bubbIing lexlure), bul has nol caused any slrucluraI
damage, lhen lhe corrosion is medium.
3. If lhe rusl has enelraled dee inlo lhe melaI, lhe
corrosion is heavy. Heavy corrosion generaIIy resuIls in
some form of slrucluraI damage, lhrough deIaminalion,
lo lhe melaI seclion, making reair difhcuIl and
exensive and lhe muIIion shouId be reIaced.
In any case, since moislure is lhe rimary cause
of corrosion, il is essenliaI lhal excess moislure be
eIiminaled before any reair vork is underlaken.
Remove Iighl and medium rusl via manuaI abrasion
(vire brush and aIuminum oxide sandaer) and
mechanicaI abrasion (such as an eIeclric driII vilh a
vire brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl). Rusl can
aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs
are used, any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh
dam cIolhs, lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI
bIov-dryers. Donotuserunningwatertoremovechemical
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 191
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

Paintfailureon Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh

steelmullions Mainlenance Irocedure

Depositsorstainson Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe

aluminummullions, hnish. Iay cIose allenlion lo bare aIuminum al edges
surfaceoxidation and weepholes and areas vilh no hnish. (are aIuminum
viII oxidize raidIy in a coaslaI environmenl.) xidalion
is a naluraI occurrence lhal roduces a coaling lhal
vies off as a dark, melaIIic-Iooking residue.
Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh
songe an miId soay valer and aIy a coal of quaIily
aulomobiIe vax over enameI or anodized hnish on
aIuminum surfaces.
To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad
or sleeI vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl
or vacuum residue and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.

Loose,misaligned,or These lrim ieces oflen vork Iooses, become benl or

missingmullion boved, or are knocked oul of aIignmenl. These defecls
covers(ifused) viII aIIov valer lo enler and require correclion.
Slraighlen and re-inslaII exisling lrim, if ossibIe.
lhervise, reIace lrim vilh nev.

Rusted,loose,or SleeI muIIion syslems viII use Ialed or coaled sleeI

missingfasteners fasleners lhal viII corrode over lime and musl be
reIaced. ReIace vilh nev slainIess sleeI fasleners.
192 Effective Building Maintenance
AIuminum muIIion syslems use slainIess sleeI fasleners
lhal may vork Ioose over lime. ReIace vilh nexl Iarger
size of slainIess sleeI faslener.

Cloggedweepholes Wees may become cIogged vilh dirl, Ieaf Iiller, elc.
Somelimes vorkmen viII cauIk vees, lhinking lhey
are lhe source of valer Ieaks.
Iour smaII amounl of valer (1 cu) onlo lhe base
muIIion. If valer drains oul lhrough lhe exlerior vee
hoIes, lhe syslem is cIear. If nol, conlinue vilh lhe
foIIoving sles lo cIean.
Inserl lhin vire inlo each vee hoIe and cIear il. Reeal
unliI valer runs cIear lhrough each exlerior vee hoIe.

Damagedorcolor ReIace sandreI aneIs. Ise nev gaskels and1or

fadedspandrelpanels cauIking lo malch exisling.

Broken,cracked,or ReIace vision Iighls. Ise nev gaskels and1or cauIking

missingvisionlights lo malch exisling.
Ior insuIaling gIass unils, moislure belveen gIass anes
is an indicalion of seaI faiIure. ReIace gIass.

Yellowingofplastic ReIace vision Iighls. Ise nev gaskels and1or

visionlights cauIking lo malch exisling.

Damagedgaskets ReIace gaskels and cauIking.

orspandrel Window Treatments

Insecl inlerior vindov bIinds, shades, and shullers every 2 years.
ReIace faiIed unil(s) vilh nev. Doors
Insecl exlerior doors every 6 monlhs.
Irames consisl of lvo |amb seclions, a head seclion, and, for doubIe
doors, an aslragaI in lhe cenler of lhe frame.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 193

Frameanchored Look for signs of movemenl in lhe frame inslaIIalion.

towall en lhe door aboul haIf vay and alleml lo rack lhe
door. If frame moves under lhis lesl, or lhere is evidence
of movemenl such as sIil cauIking |oinls, vear, elc., lhe
frame musl be re-anchored.
Wood and aIuminum frames can be removed and
reinslaIIed vilh nev anchors. HoIIov melaI frames
require nev anchors and grouling lo lhe vaII.

Corrosionof A shar robe or looI, such as an ice ick, can be

hollowmetal used lo delermine lhe exlenl of corrosion in lhe melaI:
1. If lhe rusling is mereIy a surface accumuIalion or
aking, lhen lhe corrosion islight.
2. If lhe rusling has enelraled lhe melaI (indicaled by
a bubbIing lexlure), bul has nol caused any slrucluraI
damage, lhen lhe corrosion is medium.
3. If lhe rusl has enelraled dee inlo lhe melaI, lhe
corrosion is heavy. Heavy corrosion generaIIy resuIls in
some form of slrucluraI damage, lhrough deIaminalion,
lo lhe melaI seclion, making reair difhcuIl and
exensive and lhe frame shouId be reIaced.
In any case, since moislure is lhe rimary cause
of corrosion, il is essenliaI lhal excess moislure be
eIiminaled before any reair vork is underlaken.
Remove Iighl and medium rusl via manuaI abrasion
(vire brush and aIuminum oxide sandaer) and
mechanicaI abrasion (such as an eIeclric driII vilh a
vire brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl). Rusl can
aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs
are used, any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh
dam cIolhs, lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI
bIov-dryers. Donotuserunningwatertoremovechemical
194 Effective Building Maintenance
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

Failedpaintonhollow Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh

metalorwood Mainlenance Irocedure

Staining,oxidation, Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe

orpitting hnish. xidalion is a naluraI occurrence lhal roduces
ofaluminum a coaling lhal vies off as a dark, melaIIic-Iooking
Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh
songe an miId soay valer and aIy a coal of quaIily
aulomobiIe vax over enameI or anodized hnish on
aIuminum surfaces.
To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad
or sleeI vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl
or vacuum residue and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.

Bentordamaged HoIIov melaI or aIuminum frame seclions lhal are benl

frame generaIIy cannol be slraighlened and musl be reIaced
and re-anchored lo lhe vaII (see above). Damaged vood
frame seclions musl be reIaced.

Thresholddamaged, Re-anchor Ioose lhreshoId.

loose,ormissing ReIace damaged or missing lhreshoId.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 195

Removableastragal Iixed aslragaIs are arl of lhe door frame. RemovabIe

damagedorloose aslragaIs musl be slraighl and lighl-hlling lo form a
vealherroof eIemenl of lhe door oening. If damaged,
reIace lhe aslragaI. If Ioose, reair as necessary for lighl
door hl.


Doorrackedor Check lhal door hls ush againsl frame slos on aII
warped,bent lhree sides. If nol, door hl may be ad|usled by ad|usling
or moving hinges. Ior severe racking or var, door
reIacemenl is required.

Looseft Loose hl is caused by missing or faiIed vealher

slriing, benl or damaged frame, Ioose hinges, elc.
Check each ilem and reair as necessary.

Rustonmetal If corrosion is exlensive, eseciaIIy al lhe bollom of lhe

door, il musl be reIaced. Lighl rusling can be reaired
as foIIovs.
Remove rusl via manuaI abrasion (vire brush and
aIuminum oxide sandaer) and mechanicaI abrasion
(such as an eIeclric driII vilh a vire brush or a rolary
vhi allachmenl). Rusl can aIso be removed by using
a number of commerciaIIy reared anlicorrosive acid
comounds. If chemicaIs are used, any chemicaI residue
shouId be vied off vilh dam cIolhs, lhen dried
immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-dryers. Donotuse
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
196 Effective Building Maintenance
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

Wetordryrot Tesl vood condilion of door, eseciaIIy near lhe bollom,

ofwood vilh a screvdriver or ice ick lo delermine if door
has vel or dry rol. SmaII areas of rol can be removed
and lhe door alched vilh a Dulchman. Larger areas
can be lrealed vilh eoxy coalings and hIIer. Afler
reairs, reare surface and reainl in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure
Lxlensive rol cannol be reaired and lhe door musl be
Wel rol usuaIIy resuIls from oor door vealher
roleclion and1or faiIed ainl. Check doorvay
surround for rain or ooding robIems lhal has
damaged door. Correcl lhese robIems!

Failedpainton Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh

metalorwood Mainlenance Irocedure

Staining,oxidation,or Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe

pittingofaluminum hnish. Iay cIose allenlion lo bare aIuminum al edges
and weepholes and areas vilh no hnish. (are aIuminum
viII oxidize raidIy in a coaslaI environmenl.) xidalion
is a naluraI occurrence lhal roduces a coaling lhal
vies off as a dark, melaIIic-Iooking residue.
Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh
songe an miId soay valer and aIy a coal of quaIily
aulomobiIe vax over enameI or anodized hnish on
aIuminum surfaces.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 197
To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad
or sleeI vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl
or vacuum residue and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.

Impactdamage If ossibIe, reair damage and rehnish door. If damage

is severe, reIace lhe door.

Kickplatedamaged, Re-anchor Ioose kickIale.

loose,ormissing ReIace damaged or missing kickIale.


Broken,cracked, ReIace gIazing. Ise nev gaskels and1or cauIking lo

ormissingglazing malch exisling.
Ior insuIaling gIass unils, moislure belveen gIass anes
is an indicalion of seaI faiIure. ReIace gIass.

Loosestops/beads ReIace.

Gasketorglazing Remove broken, dried, or searaled gIazing comound.

compounddefects If necessary, reIace gIazing beads, and olher fasleners
and gaskels lhal hoId lhe gIass.
CIean oening lhoroughIy and inslaII gIass vilh gIazing
comound. (Ior hoIIov melaI doors, use gIazing
comound secihcaIIy formuIaled for sleeI.)


Hingesbrokenorbent ReIace hinges vilh nev fasleners.

Latch,lock,orbolt Tesl oeralion and reair or reIace as necessary.

notfunctional Check and lighlen Iock screvs as necessary.
Lubricale vilh dry grahile Iubricanl as needed.

198 Effective Building Maintenance

Closer/holdopen CIoser can be ad|usled for rale of sving and force of
functionalcIosing. Ad|usl force of cIosing so lhal door viII cIose lighlIy
againsl ils |amb slo and lhe Ialch1Iock engages. In high
vind areas, ad|usl cIoser so door viII nol oen loo far.

Panicbardamaged, Tesl oeralion and reair or reIace as necessary.


Stopdamaged, Re-anchor Ioose slo.

loose,ormissing ReIace damaged or missing slo.

Weatherstripping ReIace door vealher slriing and seaIs every 5 years.


Automaticoperator See Mainlenance Irocedure

Fire/smokehold- Tesl for roer funclion. Reair or reIace as necessary.

opendevices Door Automatic Operators

Insecl and reair exlerior door aulomalic oeralors in accordance
vilh Aendix H. Doors
Insecl overhead doors every 6 monlhs.

Trackanchors,align- Check anchors for Iooseness, missing or corroded

ment,andcondition fasleners, elc. and reair as necessary.

Check lrack aIignmenl. Ad|usl anchors as need. If lrack

has been damaged, reIace lrack seclion.
Check for dirl or olher maleriaI (melaI shavings,
savdusl, elc.) lhal can cIog lhe lrack and cIean as
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 199
Check for corrosion. Remove rusl via manuaI abrasion
(vire brush and aIuminum oxide sandaer) and
mechanicaI abrasion (such as an eIeclric driII vilh a
vire brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl). Rusl can
aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs
are used, any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh
dam cIolhs, lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI
bIov-dryers. Donotuserunningwatertoremovechemical
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning. Iainl in
accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure

Rollers RoIIers musl run in lhe lrack, requiring lhal roIIer ins
be roerIy aIigned and anchored. Ad|usl or reIace as
RoIIers lhal do nol lurn easiIy or shov signihcanl
corrosion or damage musl be reIaced.

Doordamaged Reair or reIace damaged door aneIs as necessary.

Check lhal door hls ush on aII lhree sides and lighl
againsl lhe oor. If nol, door hl may be ad|usled by
ad|usling or moving roIIers or ad|usling lrack aIignmenl.
Ior severe racking or var, door reIacemenl is

Paintfailure Ireare surface and ainl in accordance vilh

Mainlenance Irocedure If melaI door aneIs
have Iighl rusl, lreal as for lracks, above.

Lock/latch Tesl oeralion and reair or reIace as necessary.

Electricoperator Tesl for roer oeralion in accordance vilh

manufaclurers mainlenance and oeralion inslruclions.
Reair as necessary.

200 Effective Building Maintenance and Kitchen Air Curtains
Insecl cafeleria and kilchen air curlains every 3 monlhs. Tesl for
roer oeralion and reair or reIace as indicaled by lesl.
2.3.1.OLow-slope Roof Housekeeping
GeneraI housekeeing inseclion of a Iov-sIoe roof is required
every monlh lo address lhe foIIoving eIemenls:
1. Remove lrash, Ieaves, lree Iimbs, sorls baIIs, drink cans and
bollIes, vorkmens looIs, elc. from lhe roof.
2. Check1cIean gullers, dovnsouls, roof drains, and roof scuers.
Reair1reIace damaged1missing roof drain dome slrainers.
3. Check for oen roof halches, oen doors or aneIs on rooflo
HVAC equimenl, exhausl fans vilh broken beIls (evidenced by
molor running bul no airov), exhausl fans and gravily hoods,
elc. vilh damaged housings, broken venl ies, elc.
4. Check for vind or slorm damage lo roof covering syslem eIemenls
such as ashing, arael cas, canl slris, slanding seam aneIs,
5. If roof is baIIasled, check condilion of baIIasl, arlicuIarIy al corners
and aIong edges vhere vind damage is mosl IikeIy lo occur.
6. Record any onding lhal exisls and add lhis record lo lhe semi-
annuaI condilion inseclion reorl.
7. If lree Iimbs overhang lhe roof, lrim lhem back lo vhere lhey viII
remain cIear of lhe roof under high vind condilions.
AII roofs musl be insecled afler a slorm, vind, and1or haiI evenl
for damage, Ieaves, Iimbs, and olher debris on lhe roof, missing or
damaged roohng eIemenls, and valer Ieaks.
Make lemorary reairs lo slo valer inlrusion immedialeIy.
Iniliale rocess for making ermanenl reairs or reIacemenl. (HaiI
damage reairs may be covered under lhe schooIs insurance rogram.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 201
Advise IaciIilies Direclor immedialeIy if haiI damage is discovered.)
Ior sIoed roofs (ilch grealer lhan 3112), lhe inseclion
mainlenance requiremenls shaII comIy vilh Mainlenance Irocedures lhrough, as aIicabIe.
Ior Iov-sIoe roofs (ilch Iess lhan 3112), lhe inseclion and
mainlenance requiremenls shaII comIy vilh Mainlenance Irocedures and Asphalt Shingle Roofs
SIoed ashaIl shingIe roofs musl be insecled every 6 monlhs
lo evaIuale roof condilion, dehne immediale mainlenance needs, and
ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime eslimales.
202 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 203
204 Effective Building Maintenance Asphalt Roll Roofng
SIoed ashaIl roII roohng musl be insecled every 6 monlhs lo
evaIuale roof condilion, dehne immediale mainlenance needs, and ad|usl
reIacemenl Iife lime eslimales.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 205
206 Effective Building Maintenance Wood Shake or Shingle Roofs
SIoed vood shake or shingIe roofs musl be insecled every
3 monlhs lo evaIuale roof condilion, dehne and erform immediale
mainlenance needs, delermine ermanenl roof modihcalions lhal may be
required, and ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime eslimale.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 207
208 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 209 Slate Tile Roofs
SIoed sIale liIe roofs musl be insecled annuaIIy lo evaIuale
roof condilion, dehne and erform immediale mainlenance needs,
delermine ermanenl roof modihcalions lhal may be required, and ad|usl
reIacemenl Iife lime eslimale.
210 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 211 Metal Roofs
SIoed (ilch grealer lhan 3112) melaI roofs musl be insecled
every 6 monlhs lo evaIuale roof condilion, dehne immediale mainlenance
needs, and ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime eslimales.
TyicaIIy, lhree lyes of melaI roofs are uliIized:
Corrugated or Five-V galvanized sleeI aIied vilh exlernaI
Structural metal vilh baked enameI hnish used on re-engineered
melaI buiIdings lhal lyicaIIy emIoy 24 lo 26 gauge coaled sleeI
aneIs inslaIIed over slrucluraI suorl. SleeI aneIs may be
corrugaled for addilionaI rigidily and aeslhelic reasons. The sleeI
aneIs are faslened lo lhe slrucluraI suorl al lheir sideIa and1
or endIa |oinls. ne melhod used lo connecl ribbed aneIs is
vilh seIf-driIIing screvs, nuls and boIls or rivels. Wilh lhis lye of
syslem, gaskel vashers are used lo rovide vealherroohng. IaneI
|oinls are seaIed and valerroofed during inslaIIalion using bulyI
rubber seaIanls and lae.
Architecturalstandingseamroofng, vilh a baked enameI hnish, aIied
over roof slruclure, deck, and insuIalion. The melaI mosl commonIy
used is gaIvaIume, aIuminum-coaled gaIvanized sleeI. IaneIs
are |oined logelher by a vealherlighl seam lhal is raised above lhe
roofs drainage Iane. Iaclory-aIied organic seaIanls are aIied
lo lhe seam during roII forming of lhe aneI. nce on sile, aulomalic
heId seaming machines comIele lhe seaI. MelaI aneIs are allached
lo lhe roof subslruclure vilh conceaIed cIis. These are roII formed
or crimed inlo lhe aneI seams vilhoul enelraling lhe corrosion-
212 Effective Building Maintenance
resislanl sleeI vealhering membrane. The cIi syslem erforms lvo
funclions: il relains lhe aneIs in osilion vilhoul exosed fasleners
and aIIovs lhe roof lo exand and conlracl during lemeralure
Galvanizedsteel corrugatedor5-Vroofng:
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 213
214 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 215
216 Effective Building Maintenance
Architecturalstandingseam metalroofng:
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 217
218 Effective Building Maintenance Built-up Bitumen Membrane Roofs
SIoed buiIl-u bilumen membrane roofs musl be insecled every
6 monlhs lo evaIuale roof condilion, dehne and erform immediale
mainlenance needs, delermine ermanenl roof modihcalions lhal may be
required, and ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime eslimale.
These roofs consisl of re-manufaclured sheel membranes caIIed
feIls consisling of ashaIl, modihed vilh a oIymer, vhich imroves
lhe hysicaI roerlies of lhe ashaIl and coaled on a reinforcing mal or
carrier. Sheels are inslaIIed in hol ashaIl, lyicaIIy, in 3 or 5 Iies, and
covered vilh a graveI loing.
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 219 Flexible or Single-ply Membrane Roofs
Lov-sIoed exibIe or singIe-Iy membrane roofs musl be
insecled every 6 monlhs, Sring and IaII, lo evaIuale roof condilion,
dehne and erform immediale mainlenance needs, delermine ermanenl
roof modihcalions lhal may be required, and ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime
There are lvo lyicaI lyes of singIe-Iy membranes
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer): A generic descrilion
for synlhelic rubber sheel membranes. AIied onIy in singIe-Iy
aIicalions on aII roof lyes. Seams are seaIed vilh rorielary
descrilions for a Iaslic sheel membrane. AIied in singIe-Iy
aIicalions on aII roof lyes. Seams are seaIed by fusion, eilher
vilh soIvenl or hol-air veIding lechniques.
220 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 221
222 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 223 Built-up Bitumen Membrane Roofs
Lov-sIoed buiIl-u bilumen membrane roofs musl be insecled
every 6 monlhs lo evaIuale roof condilion, dehne and erform immediale
mainlenance needs, delermine ermanenl roof modihcalions lhal may be
required, and ad|usl reIacemenl Iife lime eslimale.
These roofs consisl of re-manufaclured sheel membranes caIIed
feIls consisling of ashaIl, modihed vilh a oIymer, vhich imroves
lhe hysicaI roerlies of lhe ashaIl and coaled on a reinforcing mal or
carrier. Sheels are inslaIIed in hol ashaIl, lyicaIIy, in 3 or 5 Iies, and
covered vilh a graveI loing.
224 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix BShell Preventative and Predictive Maintenance Procedures 225
226 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix C
Interiors Preventative and
Predictive Maintenance
IaciIily inlerior eIemenls incIude arlilions, ceiIings, inlerior doors,
buiIl-ins, slairs, and inlerior hnishes. Wallboard
Insecl inlerior gysum vaIIboard (GW) vaIIs for cracks or olher
damage every 3 years.

Smallcracks,holes Cover lhe crack or hoIe vilh a uniform Iayer of |oinl

smallerthan1 comound.
Cul lae Iarger lhan lhe hoIe, cenler lae over crack or
hoIe and ress lae inlo lhe |oinl comound.

Largercracks, Cover lhe crack or hoIe vilh a uniform Iayer of |oinl

holesupto2.5 comound.
Cul aer lae lo horizonlaIIy bridge lhe crack or hoIe.
Cenler lae over lhe crack or hoIe and ress lae inlo
lhe |oinl comound.
Remove excess comound, Ieaving a sufhcienl amounl
under lhe lae lo aIIov adhesion lo vaIIboard.
228 Effective Building Maintenance
Cover vilh a uniform Iayer of |oinl comound and Iel
dry 24 hours.
Sand vilh a dam songe lo IeveI surface.
Remove excess comound, Ieaving a sufhcienl amounl
under lhe lae lo aIIov adhesion lo vaIIboard.
AIy |oinl comound over lhe hrsl iece of aer lae.
IIace second iece of lae verlicaIIy over lhe hrsl
in a criss-cross allern. Iress lhe lae inlo lhe |oinl
Remove excess |oinl comound.
Cover vilh a uniform Iayer of |oinl comound and Iel
dry 24 hours.
AIy a hnaI coal if lhe lae is sliII visibIe benealh lhe
Sand vilh a dam songe and bIend vilh exisling

Largeholes Cul a reclanguIar GW seclion around lhe hoIe.

Cul a vood or melaI iece aboul 2 Ionger lhan lhe
maximum oening dimension.
Cul a GW alch lo hl vilhin lhe nevIy cul oening.
The alch shouId be aboul 1 Iarger lhan lhe oening in
bolh direclions. Trim avay gysum on lhe back side of
lhe face aer, being carefuI nol lo cul lhe face aer.
Screv lhe alch iece lo lhe vood1melaI iece, inserl
inlo oening,
Rolale vood1melaI iece lo cIam lhe back of lhe
ad|acenl GW and lighlen lhe screv lo creale a snug hl.
Tae a hnish lhe |oinls around lhe alch.

Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 229

Largerareasof Cul oul damage and inslaII nev GW.

Poppednail/screws InslaII a nev naiI or screv 1-112 above lhe o inlo lhe
slud. When inslaIIing lhe faslener, you vanl lo indenl
lhe face aer vilhoul learing il (caIIed dimIing).
Nov drive and dimIe lhe oed naiI. Ise a naiI sel
if needed.
Cover lhe sIighl deressions or dimIes vilh |oinl
comound and Iel dry 24 hours.
AIy a second coal if your reair is highIy visibIe and
Iel dry aroximaleIy 24 hours.
Sand vilh a dam songe and bIend vilh exisling

Torn,wrinkled IeeI and remove aII Ioose face aer.

Coal damaged area vilh a rimer1seaIer using a ainl
AIy }oinl Comound lo lhe damaged area and fealher
lhe edge lo bIend smoolhIy vilh lhe exisling surface.
Lel dry aroximaleIy 24 hours.
AIy a second coal if your reair is highIy visibIe and
Iel dry aroximaleIy 24 hours.
Sand vilh a dam songe and bIend vilh exisling
surface. on Lathe
Insecl inlerior Iasler on Ialhe vaIIs for cracks or olher damage
every 3 years. Cracks, hoIes, and hysicaI damage can be reaired by
removing damaged Iasler and inslaIIing nev.
230 Effective Building Maintenance Masonry
Insecl inlerior concrele masonry unil (CMI) vaIIs for cracks or
olher damage every 3 years.

Horizontalcrack, HorizonlaI cracks generaIIy are more serious because

wallbulging,etc. lhey mighl indicale excess ressure againsl lhe
vaII from lhe oosile side or from above. Relain
a IrofessionaI Lngineer lo evaIuale condilion and
recommend reairs. Donotsimplypatchandpaintas
nce cause(s) of cracks are delermined and addressed,
lhe cracks musl be reaired.
If cracks are hne, lhey shouId nol be videned. Il may
be adequale lo ainl over lhem vilh orlIand cemenl
ainl. lhervise, a morlar of one arl orlIand cemenl
and one arl sand lhal asses a No. 3O or No. 5O screen,
deending on lhe size of lhe crack, shouId be vorked in.
To reair Iarger cracks, viden and undercul lhem
vilh sav or chiseI so lhal lhey are aboul one haIf inch
vide al lhe surface, 112 lo 314 inch vide al lhe back,
and aboul one haIf inch dee. AII Ioose dusl shouId
be brushed free. The nolch shouId lhen be hIIed eilher
vilh a dry-ack morlar or a non-sagging eoxy resin,
If morlar is used, lhe surrounding bIock shouId be
damened lhoroughIy lo minimize absorlion of
valer from lhe morlar. A morlar of one arl orlIand
cemenl and lvo arls masonry sand shouId be mixed
lo a sliff consislency and acked in. If eoxy resin is
used, il shouId be one lhal roduces a geI of grease-Iike
consislency vhen hrsl mixed. When lhe morlar gels
lhumbrinl hard, looI lhe |oinl lo malch exisling.
Larger cracks can aIso be reaired by luckoinling.
Tuckoinling is lhe rocess of remov ing exisling morlar
lo a uniform delh and Iac ing nev morlar in lhe |oinl.
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 231
The exisling morlar shouId be removed, by means
of a loolhing chiseI or a seciaI oinlers grinder, lo
a uniform delh lhal is lvice lhe |oinl vidlh or unliI
sound mor lar is reached. Care musl be laken nol lo
damage lhe brick edges. Remove aII dusl and debris
from lhe |oinl by brushing, bIoving vilh air or rinsing
vilh valer.
Tye N, and K morlar are generaIIy recommended
for reoinling, as morlars vilh higher cemenl conlenls
may be loo slrong for roer erformance. The
reoinling morlar shouId be rehydraled lo reduce
excessive shrinkage. The roer rehydralion rocess
is as foIIovs: AII dry ingredienls shouId be lhoroughIy
mixed. nIy enough cIean valer shouId be added lo
lhe dry mix lo roduce a dam consislency vhich viII
relain ils shae vhen formed inlo a baII. The morlar
shouId be mixed lo lhis damened condilion 1 lo 1-112
hr before adding valer for Iacemenl.
The |oinls lo be reoinled shouId be damened, bul
lo ensure a good bond, lhe brickvork musl absorb aII
surface valer before reoinling morlar is Iaced. Waler
shouId be added lo lhe re hydraled morlar lo bring
il lo a vorkabIe consislency (somevhal drier lhan
convenlionaI morlar). The morlar shouId be acked
lighlIy inlo lhe |oinls in lhin Iayers (114 in. maximum).
The |oinls shouId be looIed lo malch lhe origi naI
rohIe afler lhe Iasl Iayer of morlar is lhumbrinl
hard. As il may be difhcuIl lo delermine vhich |oinls
aIIov moislure lo enelrale, il is advisabIe lo reoinl
aII morlar |oinls in lhe affecled vaII area.

Verticalorstair Mosl IikeIy caused by differenliaI slress aIong lhe base

stepcrack of lhe vaII resuIling from sellIemenl of oor and
foolings. Relain IrofessionaI Lngineer lo evaIuale
condilion and recommend reairs. Do nol simIy alch
and ainl as robIem viII re-occur.
nce cause of crack is delermined and addressed, lhe
crack musl be reairedsee HorizonlaI Crack above.

232 Effective Building Maintenance

Crackatwallcorners HairIine cracks vhere lhe vaIIs |oin olher eIemenls
require cauIking in accordance vilh Mainlenance
Irocedure and reainling in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure

Physicaldamage roken or cracked CMIs musl be reIaced. The morlar

lhal surrounds lhe affecled unils musl be cul oul
carefuIIy lo avoid damaging ad|acenl brickvork. Ior
ease of removaI, lhe unils lo be removed can be broken.
nce lhe unils are removed, aII of lhe surrounding
morlar shouId be carefuIIy chiseIed oul, and aII dusl and
debris shouId be svel oul vilh a brush. If lhe unils are
Iocaled in lhe exlerior vylhe of a drainage vaII (vhich
is lhe lyicaI case), care musl be exercised lo revenl
debris from faIIing inlo lhe air sace, vhich couId bIock
vees and inlerfere vilh moislure drainage. The CMI
surfaces in lhe vaII shouId be damened before nev
unils are Iaced, bul lhe masonry shouId absorb aII
surface moislure lo ensure a good bond. The aroriale
surfaces of lhe surrounding CMI and lhe reIacemenl
unil shouId be bullered vilh morlar. The reIacemenl
unil shouId be cenlered in lhe oening and ressed inlo
osilion. The excess morlar shouId be removed vilh a
lroveI. Ioinling around lhe reIacemenl unil viII heI
lo ensure fuII head and bed |oinls. When lhe morlar
becomes lhumbrinl hard, lhe |oinls shouId be looIed
lo malch lhe originaI rohIe.

Failedpaint Reainl in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure Partitions
There are lhree lyes of moveabIe arlilions in common use, ranked
in order of quaIily and erformance Iife, as foIIovs: sIiding aneI lye,
foIding aneI lye, and accordion foIding lye.
Insecl moveabIe arlilions every 6 monlhs. During each inseclion,
rouline mainlenance is required, as foIIovs:
1. CIean and Iubricale lhe lrack. Mosl lracks are aIuminumdo nol
use abrasives or soIvenls lo cIean. Lubricale in accordance vilh
manufaclurers inslruclions. CIean slains vilh miId delergenl and
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 233
dam cIolh, lhen buff dry vilh a cIean cIolh. Do nol aIy sray
cIeaners or oIishes.
2. Ad|usl roIIers for smoolh movemenl vilh no binding or dragging.
3. Check, ad|usl Ialches.
4. Ad|usl sIiding or foIding aneIs, incIuding leIescoic foIding aneIs,
for aIignmenl, hang, elc.
5. Check seaIs and reIace as necessary.
6. Temeralure and humidily viII affecl lhe oeralion and condilion
of lhe arlilions. Check for abnormaI condilions and correcl.
Ior signihcanl arlilion robIems or faiIures, conlacl lhe
manufaclurers service dearlmenl for reair. Partitions
Insecl loiIel arlilions annuaIIy.
ToiIel arlilions are made lo be ermanenlIy afhxed lo lhe buiIding.
They are vaII syslems used rimariIy as rivacy encIosures, vhich may
aIso be mounled or anchored lo lhe oors and ceiIings of balhrooms.

Anchors,fastener Corrosion, excess slrucluraI Ioading (e.g., kids cIimbing

failure,damage on arlilions), elc. viII cause anchors lo Ioosen and1or
fasleners lo faiI.
Reair as needed using slainIess sleeI, lamer-roof

Structuraldamage Hinges, Ialches, and olher hardvare may be damaged

by vandaIism. Doors may be raked or vared, or even
removed. Reair as needed. Add aIuminum slrucluraI
members inslaIIed vilh slainIess sleeI, lamer-roof
fasleners lo reinforce exisling slrucluraI eIemenls.
If damage is severe, reIace arlilions.

234 Effective Building Maintenance

Finishdamage Scralches, dings, elc. can be reaired by rehnishing.
See beIov for rehnishing of hoIIov melaI arlilions.
IibergIass arlilions can be reaired vilh geI coal
alches. Slone arlilions can be vel sanded.

Paperholders ReIace as necessary.


Corrosion The baked-on enameI or henoIic hnish of hoIIov melaI

arlilions lends lo faiI vilhin 2-3 years due lo abrasive
cIeaning melhods and urine conlacl. Rusling of lhe
underIying sleeI viII lhen occur. If rusling is severe,
reIace loiIel arlilions. Limiled rusling can be removed
and lhe arlilions reaired as foIIovs:
Remove rusl via manuaI abrasion (vire brush and
aIuminum oxide sandaer) and mechanicaI abrasion
(such as an eIeclric driII vilh a vire brush or a rolary
vhi allachmenl). Rusl can aIso be removed by using
a number of commerciaIIy reared anlicorrosive acid
comounds. If chemicaIs are used, any chemicaI residue
shouId be vied off vilh dam cIolhs, lhen dried
immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-dryers. Donotuse
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 235
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.
Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure
nce reainling is comIele, inslaII a aneI of 22 ga.
slainIess sleeI on lhe inside surface of each arlilion,
from lhe arlilion bollom u lo 48 above lhe oor
IeveI. Allach vilh slainIess sleeI lamer-roof fasleners
nol more lhan 12 on cenler. Glass & Storefronts

Insecl inlerior gIass and slorefronls every 3 years. See Mainlenance
Insecl ceiIings every 3 years.

Temperature, TyicaI acouslicaI ceiIing liIes are designed lo be inlerior

humidityproblems hnish maleriaIs suilabIe for inslaIIalion vilhin a normaI
occuancy lemeralure range of 6OI lo 85I vilh
reIalive humidily no higher lhan 7O/ RH.
CeiIing maleriaIs exosed lo direcl conlacl vilh
moislure or valer, as a resuIl of such condilions as
buiIding Ieaks, condensalion, and HVAC syslem
erformance faiIure, musl be reIaced vilhin 72 hours
of occurrence. Remove exisling ceiIing maleriaIs vilhin
72 hours, bul do nol inslaII nev maleriaIs unliI lhe
cause of lhe moislure robIem has been idenlihed and
236 Effective Building Maintenance
High humidily condilions are indicaled by liIes sagging
or cuing. If humidily cannol be mainlained beIov
7O/ RH, reIace ceiIing liIes vilh liIes raled lo 9O/ RH.
ReIace ceiIing liIes in corridors, cafelerias, and olher
high humidily areas vilh liIes raled lo 9O/ RH.

Dirt,dust Ise sofl arl gum eraser lo remove smaII sols, dirl
marks and slreaks. Ior Iarger areas, use a songe rubber
ad, or vaIIaer cIeaner. Make sure lhe songe rubber
ad or vaIIaer cIeaner is in fresh condilion. Touch
u nicks and scralches vilh chaIk. Remove dusl by
brushing IighlIy vilh a sofl brush or cIean cIolh, or by
vacuuming vilh sofl brush allachmenl.
If vashing is required lo remove dirl, do nol moislen
liIe excessiveIy. Never soak liIe vilh valer. Wash by
Iighl aIicalion of songe damened by miId Iiquid
delergenl soIulion: aboul one haIf cafuI in one gaIIon
valer. Afler saluraling lhe songe, squeeze nearIy dry,
lhen IighlIy rub lhe surface lo be cIeaned. VinyI faced
roducls are more resislanl lo surface moislure and can
vilhsland reealed vashings vilh miId delergenl and
anli-bacleriaI cIeaning soIulions.

Fireassembly Ior many years, Indervrilers Laboralories Inc. has

required lhe use of hoId-dovn cIis in aII hre resislance
raled Iay-in aneI assembIies. ased on evaIualions of
dala regarding gas ressures deveIoed in hres, IL has
revised lheir requiremenls as foIIovs:

Insecl and reair in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
3.1.1.O. Doors
Insecl inlerior doors annuaIIy.
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 237

Frameanchored Look for signs of movemenl in lhe frame inslaIIalion.

towall en lhe door aboul haIf vay and alleml lo rack lhe
door. If frame moves under lhis lesl, or lhere is evidence
of movemenl such as sIil cauIking |oinls, vear, elc., lhe
frame musl be re-anchored.
Wood and aIuminum frames can be removed and
reinslaIIed vilh nev anchors. HoIIov melaI frames
require nev anchors and grouling lo lhe vaII.

Rustingof Remove Iighl and medium rusl via manuaI abrasion

hollowmetal (vire brush and aIuminum oxide sandaer) and
mechanicaI abrasion (such as an eIeclric driII vilh a vire
brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl). Rusl can aIso be
removed by using a number of commerciaIIy reared
anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs are used,
any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh dam
cIolhs, lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-
dryers. Do nol use running valer lo remove chemicaI
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
238 Effective Building Maintenance
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

Failedpaint Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh

onhollow Mainlenance Irocedure

Staining,oxidation, Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe

orpittingof hnish. xidalion is a naluraI occurrence lhal roduces a
aluminum coaling lhal vies off as a dark, melaIIic-Iooking
Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh
songe an miId soay valer and aIy a coal of quaIily
aulomobiIe vax over enameI or anodized hnish on
aIuminum surfaces.
To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad
or sleeI vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl
or vacuum residue and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.

Bentordamaged HoIIov melaI or aIuminum frame seclions lhal are benl

frame generaIIy cannol be slraighlened and musl be reIaced
and re-anchored lo lhe vaII (see above). Damaged vood
frame seclions musl be reIaced.


Doorrackedor Check lhal door hls ush againsl frame slos on aII
warped,bent lhree sides. If nol, door hl may be imroved by
ad|usling or moving hinges. Ior severe racking or var,
door reIacemenl is required.

Looseft Loose hl is caused by missing or faiIed

vealherslriing, benl or damaged frame, Ioose hinges,
elc. Check each ilem and reair as necessary.

Rustonmetal Remove rusl via manuaI abrasion (vire brush and

aIuminum oxide sandaer) and mechanicaI abrasion
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 239
(such as an eIeclric driII vilh a vire brush or a rolary
vhi allachmenl). Rusl can aIso be removed by using
a number of commerciaIIy reared anlicorrosive acid
comounds. If chemicaIs are used, any chemicaI residue
shouId be vied off vilh dam cIolhs, lhen dried
immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-dryers. Do nol use
running valer lo remove chemicaI residue.
Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII.
Remaining Ioose or aking ainl can be removed
vilh a chemicaI ainl remover or vilh a neumalic
needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may serve lo
rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol
be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes
and uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed
vilh a alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy
binder and sanded smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere
valer can accumuIale.
are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl
such as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy
in rearalion for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive
rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in zinc or zinc
chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning.

Failedpainton Ireare surface and reainl in accordance vilh

metalorwood Mainlenance Irocedure

Staining,oxidation, Insecl aIuminum surfaces for scralches or cracks in lhe

orpittingofaluminum hnish. Iay cIose allenlion lo bare aIuminum al
edges and veehoIes and areas vilh no hnish.
(are aIuminum viII oxidize raidIy in a coaslaI
environmenl.) xidalion is a naluraI occurrence lhal
roduces a coaling lhal vies off as a dark, melaIIic-
Iooking residue.
Ior olimum roleclion againsl oxidalion, cIean vilh
songe and miId soay valer and aIy a coal of
quaIily aulomobiIe vax over enameI or anodized hnish
on aIuminum surfaces.
240 Effective Building Maintenance
To remove oxidalion, genlIy scrub vilh hne scralch ad
or sleeI vooI, do nol scralch hnished surfaces, lhen dusl
or vacuum residue and vie cIean vilh dam cIolh.

Impactdamage If ossibIe, reair damage and rehnish door. If damage

is severe, reIace lhe door.


Hingesbrokenorbent ReIace hinges vilh nev fasleners.

Latch,lock,orbolt Tesl oeralion and reair or reIace as necessary.

Check and lighlen Iock screvs.
Lubricale keyvay vilh dry grahile Iubricale as needed.

Closer/hold- CIoser can be ad|usled for rale of sving and force of

openfunction cIosing. Ad|usl force of cIosing so lhal door viII cIose
lighlIy againsl ils |amb slo and lhe Ialch1Iock engages.
In high vind areas, ad|usl cIoser so door viII nol oen
loo far.

Panicbardamaged, Tesl oeralion and reair or reIace as necessary.


Stopdamaged, Re-anchor Ioose slo.

loose,ormissing ReIace damaged or missing slo.

Automaticoperator See Mainlenance Irocedure
Insecl seciaIlies every 2 years. Reair or reIace as required. Systems
Iireslo syslems, inslaIIed correclIy, require IillIe or no rouline
mainlenance. Rouline inseclions of enelralions every 5 years or so is
required lo ensure lhal buiIding or enelralion comonenl movemenl
has nol caused searalion belveen lhe subslrale and lhe hreslo syslems.
Where searalion has occurred, lhe hreslo syslem musl be reIaced.
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 241
Irocedures musl exisl for managing lrades eoIe vho breach any
hre-resislance raled assembIy vhiIe mainlaining, reIacing, or inslaIIing
nev services lhroughoul faciIilies. Managers shouId have vrillen
rocedures for hresloing and olher effeclive comarlmenlalion
fealures requiremenls in conlracls or vork orders for eIeclricaI, Iumbing,
mechanicaI, cabIe and Iov-voIlage conlraclors, buiIding ersonneI,
and olhers vho mighl enelrale lhe hre- and smoke-resislance raled
assembIies. This rocedure shouId assign resonsibiIily for verihcalion of
hresloing syslems afler inslaIIalion. Where lhe quanlily of enelralions
is Iarge, hresloing shouId be excIuded from conlracls or vork orders
and a seciaIly hreslo conlraclor shouId be relained lo comIele lhe
hresloing and comarlmenlalion fealures. Painting
Insecl inlerior ainling annuaIIy and louch-u as needed. Re-ainl
inlerior areas on lhe foIIoving scheduIe:
Corridors and olher high lrafhc areas Lvery 3 years
CIassrooms Lvery 5 years
fhces, conference rooms, elc. Lvery 7 years
Slorage rooms, mechanicaI rooms, elc. Lvery 1O years
Inlerior ainl musl have Iov VC off-gassing (maximum 5O grams1
Iiler for al ainl and 15O grams1Iiler for gIoss and semi-gIoss) and have
Iov loxicily, nol conlaining any of lhe foIIoving heavy melaIs or loxic

Heavy melaIs Anlimony, Cadmium, HexavaIenl chromium, Lead,


Toxic maleriaIs AcroIein, IormaIdehyde, NahlhaIene, AcryIonilriIe,

Isohorone, IhlhaIale eslers, enzene and elhyIbenzene,
MelhyI elhyI kelone (MLK), VinyI chIoride, ulyI benzyI
hlhaIale, MelhyI isobulyI kelone, 1,1,1-lrichIoroelhane,
1,2-dichIorobenzene, MelhyIene chIoride, ToIuene

1. Iainling: Nev or reIaced CMI in dry areas shaII have semi-gIoss
aIkyd enameI hnish consisling of lvo (2) coals of inlerior semi-gIoss
242 Effective Building Maintenance
Ialex enameI over one coal of Ialex bIock hIIer. CMI in vel areas
(loiIels, kilchens, |anilors cIosels, mechanicaI equimenl rooms, elc.)
shaII have oIyamide eoxy coaling consisling of lvo (2) coals of
oIyamide eoxy coaling over one coal of Ialex bIock hIIer.
2. Reainling: Ireare surface by removing Ioose ainl, sand, and
aIy 1 coal of hnish ainl as above.
1. Iainling: Nev or reIaced GW shaII have a semi-gIoss Ialex enameI
hnish consisling of lvo (2) coals of inlerior semi-gIoss Ialex enameI
over one coal of Ialex-based vhile rimer.
2. Reainling: Ireare surface by removing Ioose ainl, sand, and
aIy 1 coal of hnish ainl as above.
1. Iainling: Iirsl remove aII dusl and dirl from surface lo be reainled.
Ise inlerior acryIic or vinyI Ialex or aIkyd ainls and foIIov
manufaclurers inslruclions for lhinning and aIicalion. Avoid
heavy brush ressure in aIying ainl. In sraying ainl, kee
sray gun ressure Iov and aIy minimum coverage for adequale
hiding. When ainling, avoid cIogging or bridging surface oenings.
2. Sol Iainling: Sol ainl badIy slained areas hrsl, lhen aIy
ainl lo enlire ceiIing area. Severe slains shouId be lrealed vilh
a slainbIocker rimer1seaIer before reainling lo revenl bIeed
3. Reainling: When ainling, avoid cIogging or bridging surface
oenings. Ise a ainl of high hiding over since il is desirabIe lo
kee lhe number of coals of ainl lo a minimum on acouslicaI liIe.
Hiding characler of ainl is a arlicuIarIy imorlanl consideralion
vhen a singIe coal is execled lo cover slains or change lhe coIor of
lhe liIe. Ise ainl vilh secihc formuIalions vhich have high hiding
over, Iov combuslibiIily and are nol IikeIy lo bridge oenings in
lhe liIe. AIy ainl as lhinIy as ossibIe.
4. Iainling1reainling hre-raled ceiIing: Choose ainl vilh exlra
care nol lo increase lhe IIame Sread CIassihcalion of acouslicaI
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 243
maleriaIs aIready inslaIIed. SeveraI ainl manufaclurers offer
formuIalions lhal are cIassihed by Indervrilers Laboralories Inc.
in lheir uiIding MaleriaIs Direclory. The lye of ainl seIecled
or misaIicalion can affecl lhe hre erformance and acouslicaI
roerlies of lhe ceiIing roducl.
1. CIean lhe area: AII inlerior masonry vaIIs musl be cIean and free
of Ioose ainl, cemenl arlicIes or any olher foreign maller before
ainling. Any sources of moislure musl be eIiminaled before
2. Acid elching: Nev inlerior vaIIs and oors shouId be acid elched
before ainling. Lxisling coalings can be reainled vhere lhe coaling
is sound. Any bare sols (incIuding areas reveaIed vhen scraing
Ioose and eeIing ainl) shouId be acid elched before ainling.
a. CarefuIIy reare a soIulion of one arl fuII-slrenglh Murialic
acid vilh lhree arls valer. AIvays add lhe acid lo lhe valer lo
revenl lhe sIash of hol acid. Never our valer inlo acid.
b. Ise one IS gaIIon of lhis soIulion er 1OO square feel of oor,
and scrub vilh a sliff hber brislIe brush vhiIe aIying. AIIov
lhe soIulion lo remain on lhe oor unliI il slos bubbIing. IIush
lhe soIulion off lhoroughIy vilh cIean valer. If lhe surface is nol
dry vilhin a fev hours, ush il vilh valer again. The surface
musl dry evenIy. If uddIes deveIo, lhe soIulion viII become
more concenlraled. This viII affecl lhe erformance of lhe
coaling aIied over il.
c. Afler lhe surface has dried, use a vacuum lo remove lhe ovder
lhal is crealed by elching. IaiIure lo remove lhis ovder viII
resuIl in oor adhesion. Iainling can begin vhen lhe surface
is chemicaIIy neulraI and dry. When a roer elch has been
allained, lhe concrele viII have a surface lexlure Iike ~1 or ~2
3. AIy Masonry Iainl: Delerioraling concrele can roduce Ioose
sand and ebbIes on lhe surface of a concrele vaII. The mosl
common cause for lhis is oor quaIily concrele or imroer curing.
Delerioraling concrele musl be reaired or reIaced before ainling.
Lforescence is oflen found on lhe surface of inlerior masonry
244 Effective Building Maintenance
vaIIs and musl be cIeaned (see Mainlenance Irocedure See
Mainlenance Irocedure for ainling requiremenls.
4. Nev Concrele IIoors:
a. Nev concrele oors musl be aIIoved lo cure for 9O lo 18O days
before ainling. AII bare concrele oors musl be acid elched
before ainling (see inslruclions for acid elching above). This is
eseciaIIy imorlanl vhere lhe demands of conslruclion require
lhe quick-ainling of oors in Iess lhan 9O days.
b. IreviousIy ainled concrele oors do nol need lo be acid elched
vhere ainl is sound. Acid elching shouId be done vhere bare
sols occur or are reveaIed by scraing Ioose or eeIing ainl.
c. InIess lhe oor has a moislure barrier, a Ialex oor coaling musl
be used. Lalex oor coalings aIIov moislure lo ass lhrough dry
hIm. Wallcovering
Insecl vinyI vaIIcovering every 3 years as arl of inlerior vaIIs
1. Any vinyI vaIIcovering shoving evidence of moislure enlramenl
and moId grovlh behind il musl be removed. Donotinstallnewvinyl
inthislocation! CIean vaII of vinyI residue and moId, as foIIovs, and
ainl vaII in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
The lvo foIIoving resources are lhe de faclo slandards
for moId miligalion and shouId be used lo guide moId cIean-u
a. GuideIines on Assessmenl and Remedialion of Iungi in Indoor
Lnvironmenls, avaiIabIe from lhe Nev York Cily Dearlmenl of
HeaIlh and MenlaI Hygiene as a free dovnIoad al hll:11vvv.
b. MoId Remedialion in SchooIs and CommerciaI uiIdings, I.S.
LnvironmenlaI Iroleclion Agency, LIA IubIicalion 4O2-K-O1-
OO1, March 2OO1, avaiIabIe as a free dovnIoad al hll:11vvv.
2. If vinyI shovs no evidence of moId, bul has signihcanl damage or
delerioralion and is more lhan 7 years oId, reIace il in ils enlirely
as above.
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 245
3. Minor damage or delerioralion can be reaired by alching or
reIacing seclions.
Insecl ceramic liIe, lerra colla liIe, elc. annuaIIy and mainlain as
1. GIean groul and re-seaI every 5 years.
2. ReIace cracked, broken, or missing liIes lo avoid addilionaI valer
WaII liIes are generaIIy sel in adhesive, vhiIe oor liIes are sel in
eilher adhesive, lhinsel, or morlar. Thinsel is Iike morlar in lhal il is a
cemenl-based roducl. Il differs from lrue morlar in lhal il may be aIied
direclIy over Iyvood or liIeboard vilhoul lhe need for lhe melaI-mesh
reinforcemenl necessary for morlar.
ReIacemenl of oor and vaII liIes is simiIar, as foIIovs:
1. Remove lhe groul from around lhe damaged liIe(s) you vanl
lo reIace. The groul bonds and seaIs lhe area belveen lhe liIes,
rolecling lhe oor undernealh from lhe moislure vhich can
evenluaIIy Ioosen lhe liIes and damage lhe subslrale. If an alleml
is made lo remove lhe liIe vilhoul removing aII of lhe groul hrsl,
lhere is a chance lhal lhe ad|acenl liIes viII chi.
a. Wilh sofl, unsanded vaII groul, scralch il oul vilh a uliIily knife
vilh a duII bIade, being carefuI nol lo sIi and scralch ad|acenl
b. Wilh hard, sanded oor groul, use a smaII coId chiseI lo gel lhe
groul oul, eseciaIIy if lhe groul Iine is very vide (over 114).
Hovever, once lhe surface of lhe groul is broken, il may be
ossibIe lo use a uliIily knife vilh lhe duII bIade lo comIele
lhe groul removaI. (There is a looI caIIed a groul sav lhal is
inlended lo remove groul, bul, il is useIess unIess lhe groul Iine
is reIaliveIy vide.)
Donl forgel lo save a samIe of lhe groul for a coIor malch!!
2. Remove lhe broken liIe. If lhe broken liIe is Ioose, simIy Iifl il oul.
Ior oor liIes, ra on lhe edge of lhe liIe, using a hammer and a
smaII coId chiseI or oId slraighl bIade screvdriver. Do nol louch any
of lhe ad|acenl liIe, because lhey may Ioosen or chi. A fev carefuIIy
246 Effective Building Maintenance
Iace vhacks may Ioosen a liIe sel in morlar or lhinsel.
If lhe liIe is sel in adhesive or veII adhered lo lhe morlar, every
iece of lhe liIe is going lo hghl removaI. Some damage lo lhe oor
or vaII undernealh lhe liIe may occur and shouId be alched before
selling nev liIe.
A coId chiseI or baII een hammer can be used lo break a liIe
inlo ieces, bul be very carefuI lo avoid damage lo ad|acenl liIes. A
carbide driII bil, 114 lo 112 diameler, can be used lo driII a series
of hoIes in lhe liIe, making il easier lo break aarl, once lhere is a
hoIe in lhe liIe, use a chiseI or screvdriver lo ry1break lhe resl of
lhe liIe oul.
3. Ireare lhe hoIe and sel lhe reIacemenl liIe. Vacuum oul aII debris
and scrae oul any Iums or bums in lhe morlar or adhesive. Tesl
hl lhe nev liIe lo make sure il sils hrmIy vilhoul excessive rocking
and doesnl sil higher lhan lhe olher liIes. Scrae oul more remaining
adhesive1morlar if necessary.
AIy a 118 Iayer of adhesive lo lhe back of lhe liIe vilh a
ully knife or grooved liIe adhesive aIicalor. Do nol aIy lhe
adhesive cIoser lhan a haIf-inch lo lhe edge of lhe liIe.
Iress lhe liIe inlo ils Iace vilh a sIighl viggIing molion, vhich
viII sread lhe adhesive and assure a good bond.
4. Lel lhe adhesive dry for 24 hours and aIy malching groul. If any
adhesive is squeezed oul belveen lhe liIes in lhe Iasl sle, use a
uliIily knife or a lhin screvdriver and scrae il oul. Mix lhe groul
er inslruclions on lhe IabeI. Alwaysmixnolessthan2cupsofgrout,
regardless how little grout is actually needed, in order to get the proper
mixofchemicalsandpigment. Ise a dam songe and1or hngers for
ushing lhe groul inlo lhe cracks. Caulking
ReIace inlerior cauIking as arl of ainling, Mainlenance Irocedure, reIacemenl of vinyI vaII covering, Mainlenance Irocedure, arlilion reairs, Mainlenance Irocedures 3.1.1.O,, and, loiIel hxlure reIacemenl, Mainlenance Irocedure 4.2.1.O, and1or
olher inlerior reair, reIacemenl, or rehnishing, uliIizing lhe foIIoving
Vertical surfaces where movement is anticipated: SiIicone or urelhane
Appendix CInteriors Preventative and Predictive Procedures 247
(oIyurelhane). ASTM C92O, Tye S, Grade NS, CIass 25, Ise M, A, or ,
as aIicabIe.
Horizontal surfaces in high traffc areas: Irelhane (oIyurelhane).
ASTM C92O, Tye S or M, Grade I, CIass 25, Ise T. IliIize Grade NS, Ise
T, in areas vilh sIoes exceeding 1 ercenl.
Horizontalsurfacesinnon-traffcareas: ASTM C92O, Tye S, Grade I,
CIass 25, Ise NT. IliIize Grade NS, Ise NT, in areas vilh sIoes exceeding
1 ercenl.
Vertical and horizontal surfaces in humid areas (incIuding corridors,
cafelerias, kilchens, loiIels, |anilor cIosels, and mechanicaI equimenl
rooms): ASTM C92O, Tye S, Grade NS, CIass 12-112, Ise .
Vertical and horizontal surfaces, dry areas, no movement anticipated:
SingIe comonenl valer-based Ialex, ainlabIe, ASTM C834. Finishes
Insecl oor hnishes every 2 years and reair1reIace as necessary.
This page left intentionally blank.
Appendix D
Service Systems Preventive and
Predictive Maintenance
IaciIily service syslems incIude conveying syslems (eIevalors, es-
caIalors, dumbvailers, elc.) and Iumbing, HVAC, hre roleclion, and
eIeclricaI syslems.
VerlicaI conveying syslems musl be insecled, lesled, and main-
lained in accordance vilh lhe currenl edilions of lhe foIIoving American
Sociely of MechanicaI Lngineers (ASML) eIevalor codes:
ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators: InslaIIalion
requiremenls for nev eIevalors, as veII as mainlenance and lesl re-
quiremenls for exisling equimenl.
ASME A17.2, Inspectors Manual for Elevators and Escalators: Rec-
ommended rocedures for inseclion and lesling of equimenl lo
comIy vilh A17.1 and A17.3. (A17.2.1 erlains lo LIeclric LIeva-
lors, A17.2.2 erlains lo HydrauIic LIevalors)
ASMEA17.3,SafetyCodeforExistingElevatorsandEscalators: Rel-
roaclive requiremenls for exisling eIevalors and escaIalors. Lslab-
Iishes minimum slandards for aII eIevalor equimenl regardIess of
lhe inslaIIalion dale. This code lakes inlo accounl lhe exisling buiId-
ing slrucluraI condilions lhal vouId Iimil lhe feasibiIily of bringing
lhe eIevalor u lo currenl ASML A17.1 requiremenls.
250 Effective Building Maintenance
vators: LslabIishes rocedures for lhe safe evacualion of assengers
from slaIIed eIevalors.
The ASMEA17.1Handbookand ASMEA17.1Interpretationsrovide
assislance for underslanding and gaining insighl inlo lhe code re-
quiremenls and ruIes.
ASMEQEI-1 eslabIishes lhe requiremenls for lhe quaIihcalion, du-
lies, and resonsibiIilies of inseclors and inseclion suervisors
engaged in inseclion and lesling.
When delermining lhe mainlenance inlervaIs, lake inlo accounl
lhe manufaclurers recommendalions, hov oflen lhe eIevalor is used,
lhe severily of equimenl Ioading, lhe age and vear of lhe equimenl,
lhe equimenls oeraling environmenl, and lhe inherenl quaIily of lhe
The foIIoving raclices shaII be observed, al a minimum, during
mainlenance, inseclion, or lesling rocedures:
1. AII safely devices musl be in oeralionaI condilion.
2. Lockoul1lagoul rocedures musl be foIIoved if mainlenance roce-
dures require lhal lhe equimenl nol be oeraled.
3. Lnsure lhal ersonneI erforming mainlenance, inseclion, and
lesling lasks vear cIolhing lhal is nol Ioose hlling and lhal lhey are
rovided vilh roer roleclive equimenl, such as safely shoes,
hard hals, eye roleclion, and hand roleclion.
4. Irovide barriers and signage, vhere aIicabIe, eseciaIIy al hoisl-
vay doors.
5. Ion comIelion of vork, remove any |umer vires lhal vere used.
6. Il is ossibIe lhal lhe eIevalor il may be designaled a Iermil Re-
quired Conhned Sace. The addilionaI required safe rocedures
musl be allended lo in lhese cases.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 251
7. Irovide roer Iighling.
8. Delermine lhal adequale refuge sace exisls above and beIov lhe
9. Lnsure lhe vorking area is cIean and dry.
More delaiIed safely rocedures can be found in ubIicalions such
as lhe ElevatorIndustryFieldEmployeesSafetyHandbook.
Inseclions musl be erformed al 6-monlh inlervaIs by a QuaIihed
LIevalor Inseclor, as dehned by ASML QLI-1. (In some cases, such as
vilh eIevalors lhal are rareIy or never used, vhere lhe ambienl condilions
are goodnol lending or IikeIy lo degrade and damage equimenllhe
recommended inseclion inlervaIs can be exlended u lo 12 monlhs.
ConverseIy, lhe recommended inseclion inlervaI couId be shorlened for
some or aII of lhe equimenl, if deemed necessary.)
Secihc ilems and equimenl lo be insecled under each of lhe foI-
Ioving areas are Iisled in lhe Code and described in ASML A17.2.1 (for
electriceIevalors) and ASML A17.2.2 (for hydrauliceIevalors), as foIIovs:
1. Insidecar: Door reoening device, slo svilches, oeraling and con-
lroI devices, car oor1Ianding siII, Iighling, car emergency signaI,
car door, door cIosing force, over oening1cIosing of doors, vision
aneIs, car encIosure, emergency exil, venliIalion, signage, raled
Ioad, Ialform area, dala Iale, emergency over, reslricled door
oening, car ride, door moniloring, sloing accuracy.
2. Machineroom: Access, head room Iighling, recelacIes, machine en-
cIosure sace, housekeeing, venliIalion, hre suression, ies,
viring, ducls, guarding of equimenl, numbering1IabeIing, discon-
necling means, conlroIIer viring1fuses1grounding, slalic conlroI,
overhead beam, machines and machine brakes, molor-generalors,
regeneraled over, aIlernaling currenl (AC) drives, sheaves, roe
faslenings, lerminaI sloing devices, sIack roe devices, governor,
safelies, dala Iale.
|Nole: Hydraulic eIevalors require inseclion of lheir unique
addilionaI equimenl and syslems such as: healing, hydrauIic
252 Effective Building Maintenance
over unil, reIief vaIves, conlroI vaIve, lanks, exibIe hoses1
hllings, suIy Iine, shuloff vaIve, hydrauIic cyIinder, uid Ioss
record, ressure svilch, dala Iale, governor, recycIing oera-
lion, elc.j
3. Topofcar: Slo svilch, Iighl, oulIel, oeraling device, refuge sace,
counlerveighl cIearance, sheaves, normaI1hnaI lerminaI sloing
devices, broken roe1chain1lae svilch, IeveIing devices, dala
Iale, emergency exil, counlerveighl, counlerveighl buffer, coun-
lerveighl safelies, oor numbering, hoislvay conslruclion, smoke
conlroI, ies1viring1ducls, vindovs1ro|eclions1recesses1sel-
backs, cIearances, muIliIe hoislvays, lraveIing cabIes1|unclion
boxes, door equimenl, car frame, guide raiIs, guide raiI aIignmenl,
guide raiI faslenings, governor1lraclion1comensalion roes, roe
faslening devices.
|Nole: HydrauliceIevalors require inseclion of lheir unique ad-
dilionaI equimenl and syslems such as: lerminaI seed Iimil-
ing devices, anli-cree Iimiling devices, seed lesl, susension
roe, governor roe reIeasing carrier, governor roe, vire roe
faslening1hilch Iale, sIack roe device, lraveIing sheave, coun-
lerveighl, elc.j
4. Outsidethehoistway: IIalform guard, hoislvay doors, vision aneIs,
hoislvay door Iocking devices, access, over cIosing of hoislvay
doors, sequence oeralion, encIosure, arking devices, emergency
access, searale counlerveighl hoislvay, slandby over seIeclion
svilch, emergency doors in bIind hoislvays.
5. Pit: Access, Iighling, slo svilch, condilion, cIearance, runby, buf-
fers, normaI1hnaI lerminaI sloing devices, lraveIing cabIes, gov-
ernor roe, governor roe lension, comensaling chains1roes1
sheaves, car frame1Ialform, car safelies, car guides.
|Nole: HydrauliceIevalors require inseclion of lheir unique ad-
dilionaI equimenl and syslems such as lheir Iunger and cyI-
6. Iirehghlers emergency oeralion.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 253
The code requires eriodic lesling of eIevalors vilnessed by a QuaIi-
hed LIevalor Inseclor. MelaI lesl lags are required lo be inslaIIed in lhe
machine room for lhe Calegory 1 and 5 (fuII Ioad) electric eIevalor lesls
and for lhe Calegory 1, 3, and 5 hydrauliceIevalor lesls. The recommend-
ed inlervaI for Calegory 1 lesls is 12 monlhs, for Calegory 3 lesls is 36
monlhs, and for Calegory 5 lesls is 6O monlhs.
Category 1 TestsElectric Elevators: The Calegory 1 lesl require-
menls for electric eIevalors generaIIy can be characlerized as no-Ioad1
Iov-seed, and invoIve lhe foIIoving equimenl:
1. iI buffers
2. Safelies
3. Governor
4. Slandby over oeralion
5. Iirehghlers service
6. Door cIosing force
7. IinaI and normaI sloing devices

Category 5 TestsElectric Elevators: The Calegory 5 lesl require-
menls for electriceIevalors generaIIy can be characlerized as raled-Ioad1
raled-seed, and invoIve lhe foIIoving equimenl:
1. iI buffers
2. Safelies
3. Governor
4. raking syslem
5. Lmergency lerminaI sloing and seed-Iimiling devices
6. Slandby over oeralion
7. Inner Ianding zone
8. Iover oening of doors
9. Lmergency sloing dislance
1O. LeveIing zone and IeveIing seed
Category 1 TestsHydraulic Elevators: The Calegory 1 lesl require-
menls for hydrauliceIevalors invoIve lhe foIIoving equimenl:
1. ReIief vaIve selling and syslem ressure
254 Effective Building Maintenance
2. IIexibIe hose and hlling
3. HydrauIic cyIinder Ieak lesl
4. Slandby over oeralion
5. Iirehghlers service
6. Iover oeralion of doors
7. NormaI and hnaI lerminaI sloing devices
8. Lmergency lerminaI seed-Iimiling device
9. Lmergency lerminaI sloing device
1O. Iressure svilch
11. iI buffer, Safely, Governor (if rovided)
12. Lov oiI lesl

Category 3 TestsHydrauIic LIevalors: The Calegory 3 lesl require-
menls for hydrauliceIevalors invoIve lhe foIIoving equimenl:

1. Inexosed orlions of islons
2. Iressure vesseIs (hydroslalic lesl)

Category 5 TestsHydrauIic LIevalors: The Calegory 5 lesl require-
menls for hydrauliceIevalors invoIve lhe foIIoving equimenl:

1. iI buffer (if rovided)
2. Safely (if rovided)
3. Governor (if rovided)
4. Coaled roes (if rovided)
5. Roe faslening on islons (if rovided)
6. verseed vaIve
The Code did nol require hydrauIic eIevalors lo ossess a safely
buIkhead unliI 197O. HydrauIic eIevalors inslaIIed before 197O shaII be
scrulinized and frequenlIy checked for Ieakage. Il is recommended lhal
lhese eIevalors have lheir cyIinders reIaced or, al minimum, lhal lhe eI-
evalor |ack be rovided vilh an exlernaI safely device lo arresl lhe |ack
from unconlroIIed descenl.
In addilion, oor insuIalion or Iack of calhodic roleclion of lhe hy-
drauIic cyIinder may signihcanlIy shorlen lhe Iife of lhe eIevalor syslem
and render il unsafe, even if lhe cyIinder vas inslaIIed vilh a safely buIk-
head. The use of non-corroding Iaslic Iiners is a recenl design deveI-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 255
omenl. Mosl oIder hydrauIic eIevalors vere inslaIIed vilh sleeI Iiners,
vhich are more suscelibIe lo corrosion allack.
The Code rohibils lhe Iubricalion of lhe governor roes.
The Code and lhe Inseclors ManuaI rovide secihc crileria for
vhen lhe reIacemenl of lhe governor, susension, and comensalion
roes are required. The roes musl be cIean enough lo effecliveIy insecl
lhem for breaks, abrasion, corrosion, vear, reduced diameler, elc.
The requiremenls for dumbvailers, maleriaI Iifls, and seciaI aIi-
calion eIevalors such as incIined, Iimiled-use1Iimiled-aIicalion, roof-
lo, seciaI urose ersonneI, and conslruclion are generaIIy lhe same
as slandard eIevalors and are delaiIed in ASML A17.1, vhich Iisls erli-
nenl excelions and addilions. Lifts
Insecl and service vheeIchair Iifls every 6 monlhs as foIIovs:
1. Check voIlage and currenl ov (ams) under Ioad.
2. Check boIls securing drive cabinel and base and lighlen as
3. Check beIl lension and ad|usl as needed.
4. Check Iifl nul assembIy and ad|usl1reair as needed.
5. Check cam roIIers and reIace as needed.
6. Check vear ads for excessive vear and reIace as needed.
7. Insecl molor and shafl uIIeys and reIace as needed.
8. Check Acme screv aIignmenl, ad|usl as needed.
9. Insecl and Iubricale uer and Iover bearings.
1O. Check faslening of cabIe harness.
11. Check aIignmenl of Ialform and doors and ad|usl as needed.
12. Check door inlerIock svilch for roer oeralion, ad|usl or
reIace as needed.
13. Check oeralion of Iimil svilch and emergency slo1aIarm,
ad|usl or reIace as needed.
14. Check caII1send conlroIs al each slalion and on Ialform, ad|usl
256 Effective Building Maintenance
or reIace as needed.
15. Lubricale i-u ram hinge.
ILIMING Fixtures
Insecl each Iumbing hxlure every 3 monlhs
1. Insecl lhe base of lhe hxlure for Ieaks. Remove hxlure and reIace
seaI if indicaled.
2. Tesl Iooseness by grabbing lhe hxlure and lrying lo rock il from side
lo side. If lhe hxlure moves, lighlen mounling nuls unliI snug, lhen
lesl again. If lhe hxlure is sliII Ioose, reIace mounling boIls and1or

Waterlevel 1. Remove lank lo.

runninginto 2. Inscrev baII oal from rod
topofoverfowpipe 3. Shake baII oal lo delermine if any valer is in lhe
4. If valer is inside lhe baII, reIace lhe baII oal. lh-
ervise, reinslaII lhe exisling baII.
5. IIace bolh hands on lhe middIe of lhe oal rod and
bend lhe baII end of lhe rod dovn aroximaleIy
6. IIush WC lo check lhal valer IeveI does nol resuIl
in overov.
7. ReIace lank lo.

Damagedfushball 1. Remove lank lo.

2. Turn off valer suIy al shuloff vaIve or main
vaIve and ush WC lo remove valer.
3. Remove ush baII from Iifl rod or vire and inslaII
nev one.
4. Ise emery cIolh or sleeI vooI lo cIean ush vaIve
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 257
5. Turn on valer suIy and ush WC 2-3 limes lo
make sure lhal nev ush baII seals in ush vaIve
6. ReIace lank lo.

Damagedwasher 1. Remove lank lo.

onballcockassembly 2. Turn off valer suIy al shuloff vaIve or main
vaIve and ush WC lo remove valer.
3. Remove screvs or ins hoIding Iunger arm and
Iunger in Iace.
4. Lifl Iunger assembIy.
5. ReIace vasher.
6. ReIace Iunger assembIy and screvs or ins hoId-
ing assembIy in Iace.
7. Turn on valer suIy and ush WC 2-3 limes lo
make sure lhal nev ush baII seals in ush vaIve
8. ReIace lank lo.

WCwillnotfush 1. Remove lank lo.

2. Check handIe, lri arm, and Iifl rod. Ad|usl or re-
Iace as needed.
3. IIush WC 2-3 limes lo make sure lhal nev ush baII
seals in ush vaIve oulIel.
4. ReIace lank lo.

1. Insecl lhe base of lhe hxlure for Ieaks. Remove hxlure and reIace
seaI if indicaled.
2. Tesl Iooseness by grabbing lhe hxlure and lrying lo rock il from side
lo side. If lhe hxlure moves, lighlen mounling nuls unliI snug, lhen
lesl again. If lhe hxlure is sliII Ioose, reIace mounling boIls and1or

Waterlevelrunning 1. Remove lank lo.

intotop 2. Grab lhe lo and bollom of lhe ad|uslmenl cIi,
ofoverfowpipe squeeze and move il dovn lhe uII rod lo Iover lhe
oal cu.
258 Effective Building Maintenance
3. IIush WC lo check lhal valer IeveI does nol resuIl
in overov.
4. ReIace lank lo.

Runningwatercloset 1. Remove lank lo.

2. Turn off valer suIy al shuloff vaIve or main
vaIve and ush WC lo remove valer.
3. Lifl aer baII and check for damage or vear, re-
Iace as needed.
4. Ise emery cIolh or sleeI vooI lo cIean ush vaIve
5. Turn on valer suIy and ush WC 2-3 limes lo
make sure lhal nev ush baII seals in ush vaIve
6. ReIace lank lo.

WCwillnotfush 1. Remove lank lo.

2. Check handIe, lri arm, and chain. Ad|usl or re-
Iace as needed.
3. IIush WC 2-3 limes lo make sure lhal nev ush baII
seals in ush vaIve oulIel.
4. ReIace lank lo.

1. Insecl lhe base of lhe hxlure for Ieaks. Remove hxlure and reIace
seaI if indicaled.
2. Tesl Iooseness by grabbing lhe hxlure and lrying lo rock il from side
lo side. If lhe hxlure moves, lighlen mounling nuls unliI snug, lhen
lesl again. If lhe hxlure is sliII Ioose, reIace mounling boIls and1or
3. Tesl ush vaIves for roer oeralion and reair or reIace as foI-

Flushdoesnot Slo vaIve or zone Check and oen vaIve(s)

function(nofush) vaIve cIosed.
HandIe assembIy is ReIace handIe or reair
damaged. vilh handIe reair kil.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 259
ReIief vaIve is damaged. ReIace reIief vaIve.

Handleleaks HandIe seaI or handIe ReIace handIe or reair

assembIy is damaged. handIe reair kil.

Watersplashes Waler ressure is loo Ise slo vaIve lo

fromfxture high (max 8O sig) reduce ressure (and ov).
ConvenlionaI diahragm Delermine required hxlure
is inslaIIed on a Iov-ov ush voIume and inslaII
hxlure. correcl diahragm assembIy
or reIief vaIve.

Flowvolumedoes Slo vaIve or zone vaIve Check and oen vaIve(s).

notadequately arliaIIy cIosed.
Diahragm assembIy ReIace diahragm
is damaged. assembIy.
ConvenlionaI diahragm Delermine required hxlure
is inslaIIed on a Iov-ov ush voIume and inslaII
hxlure. correcl diahragm
assembIy or reIief vaIve.
Inadequale valer Delermine maximum
ressure or ov. valer ressure avaiIabIe,
musl be al Ieasl 4O sig.
If ressure is adequale,
inslaII a higher ushing
voIume reIief vaIve and1or
diahragm assembIy.

Flushvalvecloses Worn or damaged ReIace diahragm

tooquickly diahragm assembIy. assembIy.
HandIe assembIy is ReIace handIe or reair
damaged. vilh handIe reair kil.
ConvenlionaI diahragm Delermine required hxlure
is inslaIIed on a Iov-ov ush voIume and inslaII
hxlure. correcl diahragm assembIy
or reIief vaIve.
260 Effective Building Maintenance

Flushvalvesstays yass hoIe of lhe Remove lhe diahragm

opentoolong(long diahragm assembIy assembIy and disassembIe
fush)orfailsto is cIogged. lhe hIler rings. Rinse
shutoff. under running valer
and reassembIe.
ReIief vaIve or diahragm ReIace reIief vaIve or
assembIy is vorn or diahragm assembIy.
ReIief vaIve is nol Remove lhe diahragm
sealed roerIy. assembIy and disassembIe
comonenls. Rinse
under running valer
and reassembIe.
ConvenlionaI diahragm Delermine required hxlure
is inslaIIed on a Iov- ush voIume and inslaII
ov hxlure. correcl diahragm
assembIy or reIief vaIve.

Chatteringnoise Inside cover is damaged. InslaII nev cover.

ReIief vaIve or diahragm ReIace reIief vaIve or
assembIy is vorn or diahragm assembIy.

1. Sinks may have vasherIess faucels or slandard comression faucels
vilh a vasher. If a faucel Ieaks or maIfunclions, reair or reIace as
2. CIean faucel aeralors. |In high risk aIicalions (risons, hosilaIs,
nursing homes, elc.), remove aeralors each monlh lo remove sedi-
menl and scaIe and cIean lo revenl Legionella.j To cIean an aeralor,
unscrev il from lhe moulh of lhe faucel, remove any deosils, re-
move and rinse lhe vashers and screens vilh chIorine bIeach, re-
Iace in lheir originaI order and ul back on lhe faucel.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 261
3. Insecl for damage, cracked or broken ceramic, elc. Tesl mounling
for Iooseness and lighlen as required.
Insecl shover vaIves and heads, drains, and encIosure, as foIIovs:

Crackedordamaged VandaIism or age. Reair1reIace in accordance

ceramictile vilh Mainlenance Irocedure

Draincoverdam- VandaIism or age. CIean and reair as

agedormissing, necessary.

Sewergasorodors Tra has dried-oul. IiII lra vilh valer (lurn

fromdrain on shover for 3O seconds).

Showerhead In high risk aIicalions (risons, hosilaIs, nursing homes,

elc.), remove each monlh lo remove sedimenl and scaIe and
cIean vilh chIorine bIeach lo revenl Legionella.

Showervalvecondi- Tesl maximum suIy valer lemeralure. If il exceeds

tionandoperation desired lemeralure (125I, unIess a Iover lemeralure is
required by code or reguIalion), ad|usl vaIve lo reduce su-
Iy lemeralure.
Service shover vaIves annuaIIy. IliIize lhe manufaclurers
service kil and reIace aII erishabIe arls in accordance
vilh lhe manufaclurers inslruclions.
Afler disassembIy, soak aII melaI arls vilhin lhe vaIve in
descaIenl and vash off vilh cIean valer. Ise siIicone-based
grease on aII seaIs and moving arls lo ensure smoolh o-
eralion and re-assembIe.

Showerheadcon- Sray allern veak DisassembIe and cIean

ditionandoperation or broken. head.
Head damaged, arm benl ReIace.
or broken, esculcheon
missing, elc.

262 Effective Building Maintenance

Vanitycurtainand Dirly or damaged curlain, ReIace.
hardwarecondition rings broken or
missing, elc.
Hardvare damaged Reair or reIace as required.
or vorn.


Wateristoowarm Comressor nol running Reair. If overIoad has

due lo overIoad1reIay, lried, check condenser
broken or Ioose vire, (see beIov) for high head
no over. condilion.
Comressor faiIure. Check comressor, reIace
if needed.
Comressor Iov on Iind and reair Ieak. Re-
refrigeranl. charge syslem.
Temeralure conlroI sel Resel or reIace as needed.
loo coId or defeclive.
Condenser dirly, fan CIean condenser, reIace
molor faiIure, fan faiIure. molor and1or fan bIade.

Wateristoocold Temeralure conlroI sel

loo coId or defeclive. Resel or reIace as needed.

Nowaterfowfrom Waler suIy ov or SuIy ressure shouId

bubblerorerratic ressure robIem. be 4O-8O sig.
bubbler No eIeclricaI over Check over, reslore.
(soIenoid cIosed, comres-
sor nol running).
CIogged inIel slrainer. Remove slrainer and cIean.
ReIace if necessary.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 263
Waler lank freezing Resel or reIace as needed.
(lemeralure conlroI sel
loo coId or defeclive).

Watertrickles Aclualor1ush bar Service and aIign aclualor

outofbubbler ad|uslmenl. for roer oeralion.
Debris in reguIalor. DisassembIe reguIalor
and cIean.
Temeralure conlroI sel Resel or reIace
loo coId or defeclive. as needed.

Waterfows Debris in reguIalor or DisassembIe reguIalor

continuously valer in lhe reguIalor and cIean.
frombubbler housing.
Worn or defeclive reguIalor. ReIace.

Waterstream Waler ressure loo high SuIy ressure shouId

toohighortoolow or loo Iov. be 4O-8O sig.
Worn or defeclive Ad|usl reguIalor for
reguIalor. desired slream heighl.
If nol ossibIe,
reIace reguIalor.
CIogged inIel slrainer. Remove slrainer and cIean.
ReIace if necessary.

Compressor Temeralure conlroI sel Resel or reIace as needed.

runsexcessively loo coId or defeclive.
Comressor Iov on Iind and reair Ieak.
refrigeranl. Re-charge syslem.
Condenser dirly, fan CIean condenser, reIace
molor faiIure, fan faiIure. molor and1or fan bIade.

Unitoperation Comressor mounling Reair or reIace.

isnoisy Ioose or faiIed.
Condenser fan bIade ReIace fan and1or molor.
hilling condenser or
264 Effective Building Maintenance
Condenser fan molor ReIace fan molor.
Tubing or casing rallIe. Iind rallIe and reair.

Casingcorrosion Age or vandaIism If minor, reair. If signihcanl,

ordamage reIace drinking founlain.

Insecl cauIking around hxlures, Iooking for signs of delerioralion
or damage. Remove lhe oId cauIking and reIace vilh nev as needed. Sinks
Insecl and service kilchen sinks annuaIIy, as foIIovs:
1. Sinks may have vasherIess faucels or slandard comression faucels
vilh a vasher. If a faucel Ieaks or maIfunclions, reair or reIace as
2. CIean faucel aeralors. |In high risk aIicalions (risons, hosilaIs,
nursing homes, elc.), remove aeralors each monlh lo remove sedi-
menl and scaIe and cIean lo revenl Legionella.j To cIean an aeralor,
unscrev il from lhe moulh of lhe faucel, remove any deosils, re-
move and rinse lhe vashers and screens vilh chIorine bIeach, re-
Iace in lheir originaI order and ul back on lhe faucel.
3. Insecl for damage, cracked or broken ceramic, elc. Tesl mounling
for Iooseness and lighlen as required.
Insecl and service dishvashers annuaIIy in accordance vilh manu-
faclurers inslruclions. Traps & Art Room Traps
Insecl grease lras and arl room lras monlhIy. CIean as required. Heaters
Insecl and service valer healers annuaIIy, as foIIovs:
1. To revenl Legionella, mainlain hol valer slorage lemeralure al
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 265
14OI or higherlhe holler lhe beller. Hol valer suIy lemera-
lure shouId be al Ieasl 125I unIess codes or reguIalions diclale a
Iover lemeralure lo revenl scaIding. In high risk aIicalions
(risons, hosilaIs, nursing homes, elc.), consider lhe use of coer-
siIver ionizalion valer lrealmenl.
2. Tesl ressure1lemeralure reIief vaIve for roer oeralion. Lifl or
deress lhe Iever and drain valer from lhe overov ie. If valer
doesn'l drain oul, shul off valer lo lhe healer, oen a hol valer fau-
cel somevhere, and reIace lhe vaIve.
3. Check conlroIs for roer hol valer suIy lemeralure. Tesl by
oening a hol valer faucel for lhree minules. If lhe healer doesn'l
lurn on, resel lhe conlroI lo a Iover lemeralure and lesl again. If il
sliII faiIs, reIace lemeralure conlroIIer.
If healer oerales, bul valer lemeralure is loo Iov:
a. Tesl eIeclric healer for defeclive eIemenl(s), defeclive lhermo-
slal, and1or defeclive safely lhermoslal. ReIace as required.
|Nole: In hard valer areas, healer eIemenls have scaIe deosils
lhal reduce heal lransfer. Insecl, and if necessary, remove eIe-
menls and soak in vinegar, lhen scrae lo remove scaIe.j
b. Ior gas or oiI-hred healer, lesl burner for roer hring. Check
for defeclive lhermocouIe. Reair1reIace as required.
c. Ior oiI-hred healer, check for cIogged or dirly burner. CIean as
d. Ior sleam healers, check oeralion of conlroI vaIves. Reair
vaIves, reIace oeralors as required.
If healer oerales, bul valer lemeralure is loo high:
a. Tesl eIeclric healer for defeclive lhermoslal and1or defeclive
safely lhermoslal. ReIace as required.
b. Ior gas or oiI-hred healer, lesl burner for roer hring. Check
for defeclive lhermoslal or exhausl venl is reslricled. Reair1
reIace as required.
266 Effective Building Maintenance
c. Ior sleam healers, check oeralion of conlroI vaIves. Reair
vaIves, reIace oeralors as required.
4. Insecl for Ieaks, corrosion, elc. and reair as needed.
5. en lhe drain vaIve al lhe bollom of lank lye healer, Ielling lhe
valer run inlo a buckel unliI il Iooks cIear (usuaIIy aboul hve gaI-
Ions) lo revenl sedimenl accumuIalion.
6. Insecl and service gas or oiI burners in accordance vilh Mainle-
nance Irocedure
7. Insecl lhe ue assembIy for Ieaks. ReIace any corroded venl i-
ing, seaI |oinls, ad|usl hangers, elc. Water Piping
Insecl service valer iing syslems as foIIovs:
1. Insecl annuaIIy for Ieaks.
2. Insecl and service valer meler annuaIIy, as foIIovs:
a. Remove meler head from lhe Iine and check lhe mechanism
and lhe condilion of lhe Iine and slraighlening vanescheck
for cIogged or obslrucled Iine or vanes.
b. Check for valer accumuIalion inside lhe meler. ReIace seaIs as
c. Check and cIean aII meler arls in lhe ov slream. Make sure
aII moving arls sin freeIy.
d. Check fronl bearing for excessive IayreIace if required.
e. Lubricale regisler cIock vilh Iighl-veighl oiI. Grease aII olher
comonenls hlled vilh grease hllings. Donotoverlubricate!
f. Check meler indicalor for roer oeralionreIace indicalor
is gears and bushings are vorn or bound.
2. Lvery 5 years, insecl lo evaIuale condilion. Ad|usl anlicialed er-
formance Iife in accordance vilh currenl condilion.
3. Lvery 5 years, if valer iing vas inslaIIed before 1986, lake valer
samIes in al Ieasl 3 Iocalions and send lo cerlihed Iab for Iead lesl-
ing. If Iead is found, immedialeIy imIemenl shorl lerm Iead avoid-
ance Ian. Reduce anlicialed erformance Iife of iing syslem lo
3 years for Ianned reIacemenl.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 267 Systems
Insecl iing syslems annuaIIy for Ieaks and every 5 years insecl
lo evaIuale condilion. Ad|usl anlicialed erformance Iife in accordance
vilh currenl condilion. Preventers
The foIIoving are annuaI lesls and rocedures for insecling, lesl-
ing, and reairing a reduced ressure rinciIe (RII) or reduced ressure
zone (RIZ) lye backov revenler, based on lhe foIIoving lesl selu:
1. ackov revenlers are lyicaIIy rovided vilh four (4) ressure
lasone uslream of lhe inIel isoIalion vaIve (lesl cock No. 1),
one belveen lhe inIel isoIalion vaIve and Check VaIve No. 1 (lesl
cock No. 2), one Iocaled in lhe reduced ressure zone (lesl cock
No. 3), and one Iocaled dovnslream of Check VaIve No. 2 (lesl
cock No. 4).
2. Connecl lhe high ressure orl of a differenliaI ressure gauge (O-15
si) lo lesl cock No. 2 and lhe Iov ressure orl of lhe gauge lo lesl
cock No. 3.
1. Look for signs of Ieakage from lhe reIief orl vaIve.
2. Insecl for condilions vhich couId revenl normaI funclioning of
lhe device, Iugged reIief vaIve orl, elc.
3. Delermine if lhe device has been roerIy inslaIIed above ground or
oor IeveI and is rolecled from freezing.
4. Delermine if any discharge from lhe reIief vaIve orl vouId be vis-
ibIe and lhal lhe orl is nol direclIy connecled lo a sever.
Tesl lhe oeralion of lhe differenliaI ressure reIief vaIve. The dif-
ferenliaI ressure reIief vaIve musl oerale lo mainlain lhe zone belveen
lhe lvo check vaIves al Ieasl 2 si Iess lhan lhe ressure of lhe suIy side
of Check VaIve No. 1. Ierform lhe foIIoving rocedure:
268 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Ieed lhe lesl cocks in lhe foIIoving order. Iirsl oen lesl cock
No. 4 and Ieave il oen vhiIe bIeeding each of lhe olher lesl
cocks individuaIIy slarling vilh No.1, lhen No.2 and lhe No. 3.
en each of lhese lhree lesl cocks sIovIy and lhen cIose before
roceeding lo lhe nexl one. Afler lesl cocks 1 lhrough 3 have
been ushed and shul off, lhen cIose lesl cock No. 4.
2. InslaII aroriale hllings lo allach gauge hoses lo lesl cocks
No. 2, 3 and 4.
3. Allach hose from high side of lhe differenliaI ressure gauge lo
lhe No. 2 lesl cock.
4. Allach hose from Iov side of lhe differenliaI ressure gauge lo
lhe No. 3 lesl cock.
5. en lesl cock No. 3 sIovIy and lhen bIeed aII air from lhe hose
and gauge by oening lhe Iov side bIeed needIe vaIve.
6. Leaving lhe Iov side bIeed needIe vaIve oen, sIovIy oen lesl
cock No. 2 and lhen bIeed aII air from lhe hose and gauge by
oening lhe high side bIeed vaIve.
7. CIose lhe high side bIeed needIe vaIve afler aII air is exeIIed
and lhen sIovIy cIose lhe Iov side needIe vaIve.
8. CIose lhe No. 2 Shuloff VaIve and nole lhe osilion of lhe needIe
on lhe differenliaI ressure gauge. If lhe needIe conlinues lo
dro, lhen lhe No. 1 Check VaIve is Ieaking and lhe resl of lhe
lesling cannol be comIeled. If lhe needIe remains sleady, lhen
nole ils osilion as lhe differenliaI ressure dro across lhe No.
1 Check VaIve.
9. en lhe high side conlroI needIe vaIve aroximaleIy one lurn
and lhen oen lhe Iov side needIe conlroI vaIve no more lhan
a quarler of a lurn so lhal lhe differenliaI gauge needIe dros
sIovIy. bserve lhe oening oinl of lhe reIief vaIve by Iacing
your hand vhere lhe valer viII dri on il and record lhe gauge
reading vhen lhe reIief vaIve hrsl dris.
1O. CIose lhe Iov side needIe conlroI vaIve.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 269
Tesl lhe No. 2 Check VaIve for lighlness againsl backressure. Ier-
form lhe foIIoving rocedure:
1. Mainlain lhe No. 2 Shuloff VaIve cIosed from lhe hrsl lesl and lhe
high side conlroI needIe vaIve oen.
2. Venl aII of lhe air lhrough lhe byass hose by oening lhe byass
needIe vaIve.
3. Wilh lhe byass hose venling a smaII amounl of valer, allach il lo
lhe No. 4 lesl cock and lhen cIose lhe byass needIe vaIve. Afler lhe
byass needIe vaIve is cIosed, oen lhe No. 4 lesl cock.
4. Ieed valer from lhe zone by oening lhe Iov side bIeed vaIve on
lhe gauge lo re-eslabIish lhe normaI reduced ressure vilhin lhe
zone. nce lhe gauge needIe reaches a vaIue above lhe noled No. 1
Check VaIve ressure dro (sle 8 of Tesl No. 1), cIose lhe Iov side
bIeed vaIve.
5. en lhe byass needIe vaIve and observe lhe osilion of lhe needIe
on lhe gauge. If lhe indicaled differenliaI ressure reading remains
sleady, lhen lhe No. 2 Check VaIve is reorled as CIosed Tighl. Go
lo Tesl No. 3.
If lhe differenliaI ressure reading faIIs lo lhe reIief vaIve oen-
ing oinl, bIeed valer lhrough lhe Iov side bIeed needIe vaIve unliI
lhe gauge reaches a vaIue above lhe noled No. 1 Check VaIve res-
sure dro. If lhe gauge needIe sellIes above lhe reIief vaIve oening
oinl, record lhe No. 2 Check VaIve as CIosed Tighl and roceed
lo lesl No. 3. If lhe differenliaI ressure gauge reading faIIs lo lhe
reIief vaIve oening oinl again, lhen lhe No. 2 Check VaIve is re-
orled as Ieaking and Tesl No. 3 beIov cannol be comIeled.
If lhe differenliaI ressure reading dros, bul slabiIizes above
lhe reIief vaIve oening oinl, lhe No. 2 Check VaIve can sliII be
reorled as CIosed Tighl.
If lhe gauge needIe conlinues lo rise, lhen a check for backres-
sure musl be conducled and lhe silualion correcled before lesling
can be comIeled.
270 Effective Building Maintenance
Delermine lhe lighlness of Check VaIve No. 1, and lo record lhe slal-
ic ressure dro across Check VaIve No. 1. The slalic ressure dro across
Check VaIve No. 1 shouId be al Ieasl 3.O si grealer lhan lhe reIief vaIve
oening oinl (see lesl No. 1). This 3.O buffer viII revenl lhe reIief vaIve
from discharging during smaII uclualions in Iine ressure. A buffer of
Iess lhan 3.O si does nol imIy a Ieaking Check VaIve No. 1, bul ralher is
an indicalion of hov veII il is seaIing. Ierform lhe foIIoving rocedure:
1. Wilh lhe byass hose connecled lo lesl cock No. 4 as in Sle 3 of
Tesl No. 2 (high side conlroI needIe vaIve and byass needIe vaIve
remaining oen), bIeed valer from lhe zone lhrough lhe Iov side
bIeed needIe vaIve on lhe gauge unliI lhe gauge reading exceeds lhe
noled No. 1 Check VaIve ressure dro. CIose lhe Iov side bIeed
needIe vaIve. Afler lhe gauge reading sellIes, lhe reading is lhe ac-
luaI slalic ressure dro across Check VaIve No. 1 and shouId be
recorded as such.
2. CIose aII lesl cocks on assembIy and sIovIy oen Shuloff VaIve No.
2 relurning assembIy lo service. en high side and Iov side bIeed
vaIves lo drain gauge and remove aII hoses. en aII needIe vaIves
on gauge and drain valer from lhe gauge.
The foIIoving lroubIeshooling guide can be use lo diagnose and re-
air ressure reducing vaIve robIems:

Reliefvalvecontin- No. 1 check vaIve fouIed Insecl and cIean seal disc
uouslydischarges or nol moving freeIy or and seals of check vaIves.
duringno-fow fNo. 2 check vaIve fouIed,
condition(only). couIed vilh a backres-
sure condilion. disc

Reliefvalve a. ReIief vaIve fouIed. a. Insecl and cIean reIief

continuouslydis- b. Damaged diahragm. vaIve seal disc and seal.
chargesatall c. Sensing lube lo inIel b. ReIace diahragm.
times(fowandno- side of diahragm c. Insecl and cIean lube.
fowconditions). Iugged. d. Insecl and cIean seal
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 271
d. No. 1 check vaIve nol disc and seal of check
moving freeIy vaIve.

Reliefvalve Iressure uclualions Iind cause of ressure

dischargesintermit- on valer suIy side. uclualions and eIiminale
tentlyduringno- lhem.

Reliefvalvedoes a. No. 2 shul-off vaIve a. CIose No. 2 shul-off vaIve.

notopenduring nol cIosed comIeleIy. b. Recheck lesl rocedures.
TestNo.1 b. Tesl equimenl im-
roerIy inslaIIed.

No.2checkvalve a. No. 2 shul-off vaIve a. CIose No. 2 shul-off vaIve.

failstohold nol cIosed comIeleIy. b. Insecl and cIean seal disc
backpressure b. No. 2 check vaIve fouIed. and seal of No. 2 check vaIve.
c. No. 1 check vaIve nol c. Insecl and cIean seal disc
moving freeIy. and seal of No. 1 check vaIve.

Pressuredifferential a. No. 1 check vaIve fouIed a. Insecl and cIean seal disc
acrossNo.1check or nol moving freeIy. and seal of No. 1 check vaIve.
valveislowduring b. Iressure uclualions on b. Iind cause of ressure
TestNo.3 valer suIy side causing uclualions and eIiminale
inaccurale gauge reading. lhem.
To monilor and conlroI Legionellain Iumbing syslems, lhe foIIoving
mainlenance measures are recommended in ASHRAL GuideIine 12-2OOO,
1. Hol valer shouId be slored al lemeralures of 14OI+lhe holler
lhe beller.
2. LIevaled hoIding lanks for hol and coId valer shouId be insecled
and cIeaned annuaIIy.
3. Coer-siIver ionizalion valer lrealmenl shouId be used for high-
risk aIicalions such as risons, hosilaIs, nursing homes, elc..
4. In high-risk aIicalions, shoverheads and faucel aeralors shouId
be removed monlhIy lo remove sedimenl and scaIe and lo cIean
lhem in chIorine bIeach.
272 Effective Building Maintenance
5. Lmergency shover and eyevash slalions shouId be ushed al Ieasl
6. Aroriale recaulions shouId be laken vhen lesling any hre ro-
leclion syslem.
7. High lemeralure ushing or chIorinalion is recommended if Le-
gioneIIa is found in service valer syslems.
There are queslions reIalive lo lhe need and1or effecliveness of
some of lhe measures Iisled above. Measures imIemenled in lhe I.K.
and NelherIands, and even in some IocaIes in lhe Iniled Slales, vary sig-
nihcanlIy from lhese recommendalions, yel have roven quile effeclive.
To dale, lhere is IillIe research and fev sludies on lhis loic. Therefore,
tialforLegionelladevelopment. (Ior faciIilies lhal are required lo mainlain
valer lemeralures lo revenl scaIding shouId be equied vilh lher-
moslalicaIIy-conlroIIed mixing vaIves al each shover1balh lo mainlain
Iover valer lemeralures.)
Il is essenliaI lo idenlify aII arls of lhe domeslic valer syslems
vhere valer may slagnale (e.g., dead Iegs or IaleraIs lhal have been
caed off, slorage lanks lhal have dead zones or are nol frequenlIy
used). Ior lrealmenl lo be effeclive, lhe slagnanl zones musl be removed
from lhe syslem. Rubber and Iaslic gaskels in lhe Iumbing syslem
may aIso serve as a Legionella grovlh medium. LIiminale or minimize
use of lhese maleriaIs and subslilule maleriaIs nol conducive lo Legionella
grovlh. IoIIov Irocedure lo lesl lhe inlegrily of aII backov re-
1. CoIIecl valer samIes before beginning lrealmenl lo delermine o-
lenliaI conlaminalion. Drav 2OO miIIiIilers lo 1 Iiler of valer from
lhe drav-off vaIve of aII valer healers inlo a sleriIe conlainer. Check
lhe lemeralure of lhe valer in lhese unils lo delermine if il is sig-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 273
nihcanlIy Iover lhan lhe sel lemeralure. SamIe a reresenlalive
number of domeslic hol-valer faucels or oulIels. Il is imorlanl nol
lo ush lhe faucel before laking a samIe because lhe end seclion
of lhe valer syslem may be a source of conlaminalion. CoIIecl a 2OO
miIIiIiler lo 1 Iiler reush samIe of lhe hrsl hol valer dravn
from lhe oulIel. AIIov lhe valer lo run and measure lhe lemera-
lure, and lhen coIIecl a second, oslush samIe vhen lhe valer
lemeralure is conslanl.
2. Submil lhe valer samIes lo a Iaboralory quaIihed lo measure CII
of Legionella er miIIiIiler of valer using lhe CDC Slandard CuIlure
If Legionella is delecled, use lhe cIean-u rocedure beIov lo lreal
aII hol-valer syslems lhal have eilher been lesled and found lo conlain
deleclabIe IeveIs of Legionella or have been assumed lo be conlaminaled:
1. Disinfecl lhe syslem using any effeclive chemicaI, lhermaI, or olher
lrealmenl melhod. Ior examIe:
a. Iasleurize lhe hol valer syslem by healing lhe valer lo al Ieasl
16OI and mainlain lhis lemeralure for a minimum of 24 hours.
WhiIe mainlaining lhe lemeralure al 16OI, conlinuousIy ush
each faucel on lhe syslem vilh hol valer for 2O minules.
b. Ise an acceled chemicaI disinfeclanl such as chIorine or an
accelabIe biocide lrealmenl lo cIean lhe syslem. ThoroughIy
ush lhe syslem afler lrealmenl lo remove aII lraces of lhe cor-
rosive and ossibIy loxic chemicaIs.
c. IoIIov any olher lechnique lhal has demonslraled effecliveness
and safely.
2. Afler lrealmenl, resamIe lhe hol valer from each slorage lank. If
Legionella are delecled, re-lreal and resamIe lhe valer syslem. If no
measurabIe IeveIs are found in lhis syslem and aII olher olenliaI
sources have aIso been addressed, go lo lhe nexl sle.
3. Tesl lhe domeslic hol- or varm-valer syslem for Legionella on lhe
foIIoving scheduIe lo assure lhal reconlaminalion has nol occurred:
a. WeekIy for lhe hrsl monlh afler resumlion of oeralion.
b. Lvery lvo veeks for lhe nexl lvo monlhs.
274 Effective Building Maintenance
c. MonlhIy for lhe nexl lhree monlhs.
4. During lhe moniloring eriod, if 1O or more CII er miIIiIiler of
valer are resenl, re-lreal lhe syslem according lo sles 1-2 above.
Resume veekIy lesling (sle 3a) afler relrealmenl. If IeveIs remain
beIov 1 CII er miIIiIiler, no furlher moniloring is necessary. If
lhe IeveIs are belveen 1 and 9 CII er miIIiIiler, conlinue monlhIy
samIing of lhe valer indehnileIy and conlinue efforls lo deler-
mine lhe source of conlaminalion. Make lesl resuIls avaiIabIe lo
buiIding residenls.
Warm-water systems or tepid water systems, usually associated
with eyewash safety systems, dilute domestic hot water from a water
heater with cold water upstream from the outlet source are not rec-
ommended. Warm water left in these lines is at ideal temperatures
for amplifcation of L. pneumophila. Localized mixing at the source
to temper very hot water is more acceptable. Another alternative is
instantaneous point of delivery heating of water using individual
steam heating systems at each outlet.
Domeslic coId-valer syslems have nol been a ma|or source of con-
cern for Legionnaires disease because L. pneumophila viII nol amIify
al Iov lemeralures. CoId-valer slorage and deIivery shouId be al Iess
lhan 65I lo minimize olenliaI for grovlh. coId-valer Iines near hol-
valer Iines shouId be insuIaled. Try lo eIiminale slagnanl Iaces in lhe
syslem as dead Iegs or slorage lanks lhal are nol roulineIy used.
DeleclabIe IeveIs of L.pneumophila in lhe syslem may indicale con-
laminalion of lhe source valer suIy and shouId reresenl lhe maxi-
mum aIIovabIe IeveI in lhe syslem. If samIing of lhe syslem indicales
a IeveI of conlaminalion signihcanlIy grealer lhan lhal of lhe incoming
domeslic valer suIy syslem, lreal lhe syslem and idenlify lhe source
of conlaminalion or amIihcalion. IoIIov lhe same cIean-u rocedure
Iisled for hol valer syslems above if coId-valer syslems are shovn lo
conlain measurabIe Legionella or are assumed lo be conlaminaled. Drains
Insecl oor drains every 4 monlhs, as foIIovs:
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 275

Crackedordamaged VandaIism or age. Reair1reIace in accordance

ceramictile vilh Mainlenance Irocedure

Draindamaged VandaIism or age CIean and reair as

orstopped-up necessary.

Sewergasor Tra has dried-oul. IiII lra vilh valer. (Nole:

odorsfromdrain for Iocalions lhal are seIdom
vel, hII lra vilh mineraI oiI
lo reduce evaoralion.) Piping
Insecl gas iing annuaIIy, as foIIovs:
1. Ising a combustiblegasdetector, check every |oinl and conneclion in
exosed iing. (There shouId be no conceaIed iing. If conceaIed
iing is found, reIace or reroule lo make iing exosed.)
2. If underground iing is inslaIIed, have a ressure lesl lo 1.5 limes
lhe maximum vorking ressure or al Ieasl 3 sig erformed every 5
3. Check lhal lhe main gas shuloff vaIve and lhe gas shuloff vaIve al
each aIiance funclions roerIy. If vaIve does nol funclion, re-
4. Check lhal a dri Ieg is inslaIIed al each aIiance. If nol, inslaII one.
5. Check condilion of exibIe gas Iines and conneclions for Ieaks or
damage. ReIace exibIe coer Iines vilh exibIe slainIess sleeI
6. Check Iines for roer suorl. Add suorls, hangers, elc. as re-
7. Check aIiance ame condilion. If ame is yeIIov or orange,
Iazy, unusuaIIy high, makes a oing sound vhen lurned on
276 Effective Building Maintenance
or off, or burns al lhe orihce, aIiance may require reair. Valveoff
8. If gas is suIied from an LI lank, lhe foIIoving is required
a. Check lhal lank is secure and IeveI. Ad|usl and anchor as need-
b. Lxamine lank for corrosion or olher damage. ReIace as re-
c. Make sure lhal reIief safely vaIve and rimary ressure reguIa-
lor are rolecled from icing.
d. Have lank vendor insecl lank on a rouline basis and lesl ri-
mary ressure reguIalor al Ieasl once a year. Waste Systems
Insecl and service acid vasle syslems, as foIIovs:
1. Lach monlh, check neulraIizalion syslem oeralion, incIuding lesl
of conlroIs, H sensors, agilalor, chemicaI feed um, and soIenoid
vaIves. Reair or reIace comonenls as required.
2. Lvery lvo years, have ie lesled for Ieaks and corrosion. ReIace
iing seclions as required vilh oIyroyIene iing using heal
fused1veIded or mechanicaI |oinls. Donotuseairtotestusewater
1. Lach monlh, lesl efuenl for roer H. Add Iimeslone1marbIe
chis as required lo mainlain discharge H belveen 7.2 and 7.8.
2. Lvery lvo years, have ie lesled for Ieaks and corrosion. ReIace
iing seclions as required vilh oIyroyIene iing using heal
fused1veIded or mechanicaI |oinls.Donotuseairtotestusewater
To lesl ie, inserl Iugs lo isoIale iing seclion lo be lesled. AII
oenings lo lhal seclion musl be Iugged or caed vilh lesl Iugs or
cas. Then, hII lhe syslem vilh valer lo lhe highesl oinl in lhe syslem.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 277
IiIIing lhe syslem sIovIy shouId aIIov air in lhe syslem lo escae. Any air
lraed in lhe syslem musl be exeIIed before beginning lhe lesl. Main-
lain valer in lhe syslem, vilh no change in IeveI, for four (4) hours. Maintenance
Svimming or vading ooI mainlenance consisls of rouline valer
chemislry lesling and ad|uslmenl, aIong vilh rouline inseclion and ser-
vicing of ooI iing and equimenl, as foIIovs:
1. Tesl and ad|usl valer chemislry daiIy. A ooI lhal is baIanced has
roer IeveIs of H, TolaI AIkaIinily and CaIcium Hardness. Il may
aIso be dehned as valer lhal is neilher corrosive or scaIing. Ising a
good lesl kil vilh fresh lesling reagenls, measure lhe chemicaI a-
ramelers of H, aIkaIinily and caIcium hardness and ad|usl as nec-
a. To have H in baIance, ad|usl lhe valer vilh addilions of a H
increaser (base) or a H decreaser (acid) lo achieve lhe range of
7.2 - 7.8. If lesling shovs a H vaIue beIov 7.2, lhe valer is in
an corrosive (acidic) condilion and sodium carbonale musl be
added lo bring lhe H inlo a more basic range and revenl cor-
rosion. ConverseIy, if lhe H is above 7.8, lhe valer is in a scaI-
ing (basic) condilion and Murialic acid musl be added lo bring
dovn lhe H.
b. Lov aIkaIinily is raised by lhe addilion of sodium bicarbonale.
High IeveIs of aIkaIinily are Iovered by lhe addilion of Murialic
acid. (Lxerls recommend ooIing lhe acid in a smaII area of
Iov currenl for a grealer effecl on aIkaIinily. Thal is, adding an
acid viII Iover bolh H and aIkaIinily. WaIking lhe acid around
lhe ooI, in a highIy dislribuled manner is said lo have a grealer
effecl Iovering lhe H lhan lhe aIkaIinily. IooIing lhe acid has
lhe oosile effecl.) AIkaIinily shouId be mainlained vilhin 8O-
12O m.
c. The lesl for CaIcium Hardness is a measure of hov hard or sofl
lhe valer is. If CaIcium Hardness IeveIs are loo high, add TSI
and1or add fresh valer lo Iover lhe IeveIs. LeveIs lhal are loo
Iov require lhe addilion of caIcium chIoride. Recommended
range for caIcium hardness is 2OO - 4OO m.
d. The Saluralion Index, aIso caIIed lhe LangeIier Index, is a chem-
icaI equalion used lo diagnose lhe valer baIance in lhe ooI. To
278 Effective Building Maintenance
caIcuIale lhe Saluralion Index, measure H, lemeralure, caIci-
um hardness, and lolaI aIkaIinily. Refer lo charl or ooI caIcuIa-
lor for assigned vaIues corresonding lo lhe lemeralure, hard-
ness, and aIkaIinily readings and add lhese lo your H vaIue.
Sublracl 12.1, vhich is lhe conslanl vaIue assigned lo TolaI Dis-
soIved SoIids, and a resuIlanl number viII be roduced. A resuIl
belveen -O.3 and +O.5 is said lo indicale baIanced valer. ResuIls
oulside of lhese aramelers require ad|uslmenl lo one or more
chemicaI comonenls lo achieve baIance, vilhin lhe individuaI
comonenl ranges secihed above.
2. DaiIy, lesl and ad|usl chIorine IeveI (sanilizer and anli-aIgae lreal-
menl) lo mainlain lhe recommended IeveI of free avaiIabIe chIorine
belveen 1.O and 3.O m.
3. WeekIy, insecl diving boards, Iadders, roes, elc. lo ensure lhey are
nol damaged, Ioose, or olhervise unsafe. Check ooI decks for bro-
ken or cracked liIes or olher surface damage lhal musl be reaired.
4. Insecl ooI iing and equimenl veekIy
a. CIean oul lhe ooIs skimmer baskel.
b. en lhe um slrainer baskel and cIean il.
c. Check lhe ressure dro across lhe hIler. (There is no oinl in
checking il before cIeaning oul lhe skimmer and slrainer bas-
kels, if lhey are fuII, lhe hIler ressure viII be Iov). If lhe res-
sure is high, lhe hIler needs backvashing.
d. Check lhe healer. Turn lhe healer on and off a fev limes lo make
sure il is oeraling roerIy. WhiIe lhe healer is running, lurn
lhe um off. The healer shouId shul off by ilseIf vhen lhe res-
sure from lhe um dros.
e. Check lhe lime cIocks for lhe correcl lime of day and lhe sellings
for lhe lime(s) for lhe daiIy hIler runs, elc. (Triers come Ioose
and over uclualions or unreIaled service vork can affecl lhe
f. Look for Ieaks or olher signs of equimenl faiIure. CIean u lhe
equimenl area by removing any debris from around lhe molor
venls and healer. If lhe ooI equimenl is exosed, cIear drains
of debris lhal couId revenl valer from draining avay from lhe
equimenl during rain.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 279
WARNING! When performing maintenance of any motor-driven HVAC
equipment, an electrical lock out/tag out procedure may be required
to prevent accidental starting of the equipment. This procedure must
establish minimum requirements for controlling hazardous energy
whenever maintenance or repair is done on machinery, equipment, and
property. It is used to ensure that the machine or equipment is stopped,
isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources and locked out
before employees perform any servicing or maintenance where the un-
expected energizing or start-up of the machine or equipment or release
of stored energy could cause injury. Incremental HVAC Units
Insecl ackaged incremenlaI HVAC unils annuaIIy al lhe end of
lhe cooIing season. If unil is over 5 years oId and shovs signihcanl rusl
or olher hysicaI damage or delerioralion or has erformance robIems,
reIace. System Units
Insecl and service ackaged or sIil syslem air-condilioners and
heal ums.
Insecl and service lhe airside seclion of each ackaged unil or lhe
indoor unil of a sIil syslem in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
Insecl lhe comressor1condensing seclion of each ackaged unil
or lhe condensing1ouldoor unil of each sIil syslem every 6 monlhs. Ser-
vice as foIIovs:
1. Inil casing: Check and cIear any Ieaf Iiller or organic maller in con-
lacl vilh lhe casing. Remove Ieaves, slicks, elc on or in lhe unil cas-
ing. Check for condilion of ainl, melaI, elc. and reair as necessary.
2. High and Lov Iressure Svilches: Svilches have hxed, nonad|usl-
abIe sellings. Check oeralion by sIovIy cIosing lhe Iiquid shuloff
vaIve and aIIoving comressor lo um-dovn beIov 1 sig. Com-
ressor shouId shul dovn vhen suclion ressure dros lo cul-oul
ressure (see manufaclurers dala) and shouId reslarl vhen res-
sure buiIds u lo cul -in ressure shovn.
280 Effective Building Maintenance
3. uldoor Ians: Check for roer rolalion and lhal fans do nol run
backvards vhen off. CIean and, if needed, baIance fan bIades.
4. Lubricalion: TyicaIIy fan molors have seaIed bearings and require
no Iubricalion. (Hovever, if molor does require Iubricalion, do so in
accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.)
5. CoiIs: CIean coiIs in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
6. Check refrigeranl charge
a. Inserl a digilaI lhermomeler under lhe insuIalion on lhe Iiquid
Iine near lhe hIler-dyer.
b. Connecl ressure gauge lo lhe comressor discharge Iine.
c. erale unil for 15 minules and read discharge (head) ressure.
d. Ising Iressure-Temeralure charl for lhe refrigeranl uliIized,
hnd lhe equivaIenl saluraled condensing lemeralure.
e. Read lhe Iiquid Iine lemeralure and sublracl lhe saluraled con-
densing lemeralure delermined in Sle d. This difference is
lhe sub-cooIing lemeralure.
f. Comare lhis lemeralure lo lhe normaI sub-cooIing lemera-
lure Iisled in lhe manufaclurers service Iileralure for lhe unil.
If lhe difference is more lhan 3I, ADD refrigeranl lo increase
lhe sub-cooIing lemeralure, RLMVL refrigeranl (using man-
daled refrigeranl managemenl raclices) lo decrease lhe sub-
cooIing lemeralure.
7. Inil eralion: Tesl unil oeralion in accordance vilh manufac-
lurers slarl-u rocedures and reair as necessary. Room Units
Comuler room unils, vhich are designed lo rovide very lighl
conlroI of bolh lemeralure and humidily, shouId be considered mis-
sion crilicaI and checked monlhIy for roer erformance, as foIIovs:
1. LnvironmenlaI ConlroI Iunclions: Tesl by aclualing each of lhe
main funclions. This is done by lemorariIy changing lhe seloinls.
2. CooIing: Tesl by selling lhe seloinl lo a lemeralure 1OI beIov
room lemeralure. A caII for cooIing shouId be seen and lhe equi-
menl shouId begin lo cooI. A high lemeralure aIarm may come on.
Disregard il. Relurn seloinl lo lhe desired lemeralure.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 281
3. Healing: Tesl by selling lhe seloinl for 1OI above room lemera-
lure. A caII for healing shouId be seen and lhe healing coiIs shouId
begin lo heal. Disregard lhe lemeralure aIarm and relurn lhe sel-
oinl lo lhe desired lemeralure.
4. Humidihcalion: Tesl by selling lhe humidily seloinl lo a reIalive
humidily 1O/ above lhe room humidily. Ior infrared humidihers,
aII lhe infrared buIbs shouId come on. Ior sleam generaling humidi-
hers, you viII immedialeIy hear lhe cIicks as il energizes. Afler a
shorl deIay, lhe canisler viII hII vilh valer. The valer viII heal and
sleam viII be roduced. Relurn lhe humidily seloinl lo lhe desired
5. Dehumidihcalion: Tesl by selling lhe humidily seloinl lo a reIa-
live humidily 1O/ beIov room reIalive humidily. The comressor
shouId come on. Relurn humidily seloinl lo lhe desired humidily.
6. IroorlionaI Healing1CooIing1Dehumidihcalion: n chiIIed valer
or gIycoI based unils vilh hol valer reheal, lhe conlroIs are lyicaIIy
caabIe of resonding lo changes in room condilions. These syslems
uliIize eilher a lvo or lhree-vay vaIve aclivaled by a roorlioning
molor. Ior cooIing and dehumidihcalion, lhe microrocessor viII
resond by osilioning lhe vaIve roorlionaIIy lo malch lhe needs
of lhe room. IuII lraveI of lhe vaIve lakes Iace vilhin lhe range of
lhe sensilivily selling. During dehumidihcalion, fuII lraveI of lhe
vaIve lakes Iace vilhin 2/ RH. Ior hol valer reheal, lhe microro-
cessor viII resond by osilioning lhe hol valer vaIve roorlion-
aIIy lo malch lhe needs of lhe room. IuII lraveI of lhe vaIve lakes
Iace vilhin 1I vilh each O.1I resuIling in 1O/ vaIve lraveI.
Mainlenance checks and service musl incIude lhe foIIoving:

Filters a. Check for unreslricled air ov. MonlhIy

b. Check hIler svilch MonlhIy
c. CIean hIler seclion, reIace hIler. MonlhIy

Fan/Coilsection(s) a. Check lhal fans are cIean. MonlhIy

b. Lubricale bearings in accord- MonlhIy
282 Effective Building Maintenance
ance vilh manufaclurers inslruclions.
c. Check drive beIl lension and MonlhIy
condilion. ReIace if required.
d. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs
e. Check coiIs for cIeanIiness and MonlhIy
corrosion. (See Mainlenance Iroce-
f. Insecl drain ans. MonlhIy
Mainlain in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure

Compressorsection a. Check for Ieaks. MonlhIy

b. Check oiI IeveI. MonlhIy
c. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs

Air-cooled Service in accordance vilh

condenser Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.15.O. MonlhIy

Waterorglycol a. Service in accordance vilh 6 Monlhs

condenser Mainlenance Irocedure
b. Insecl gIycoI um for Ieaks. 6 Monlhs
c. Tesl um for roer oeralion. 6 Monlhs
d. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs

Refrigeration a. Check suclion ressure, head MonlhIy

section ressure, and discharge ressure.
Add refrigeranl as needed.
b. Check refrigeranl Iines. MonlhIy
c. Check sighl gIass for moislure. MonlhIy
d. Check hol gas byass vaIve. MonlhIy
e. Check lhermoslalic exansion MonlhIy

Reheat a. Check reheal coiI(s) oeralion. MonlhIy

b. Check coiIs for cIeanIiness and MonlhIy
corrosion. (See Mainlenance Iroce-
c. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs

Steamgenerating a. Check canisler for deosils. MonlhIy

Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 283
humidifer ReIace if needed.
b. Check condilion of sleam hoses. MonlhIy
c. Check valer make u Iines and MonlhIy
vaIve for Ieaks.
d. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs
e. Insecl and cIean oul drain Iine. 6 Monlhs

Infraredhumidifer a. Check drain an for cIogs. MonlhIy

b. Check humidiher Iams. ReIace MonlhIy
as necessary.
c. Check an for mineraI deosils. MonlhIy
CIean as required.
d. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs

Airdistribution CIean discharge griIIe. 6 Monlhs


Electricalpanel a. Check fuses. 6 Monlhs

b. Insecl and lighlen eIeclricaI 6 Monlhs
c. Check oeralion sequence. 6 Monlhs
d. Check conlaclor oeralion. Source Heat Pumps

Insecl and service valer source heal ums, as foIIovs:
Insecl and mainlain in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
1. MonlhIy, check and bIeed air as necessary, if valer syslem is oen
Ioo served from a veII or valer reservoir (air enlrainmenl and
binding al lhe valer-refrigeranl heal exchanger is ossibIe). Add an
inverled I-lra Iaced in lhe discharge Iine lo kee valer in lhe heal
exchanger during off cycIes and check monlhIy for roer oera-
284 Effective Building Maintenance
2. CIean condenser every 2 years in cIosed Ioo syslems and every 6
monlhs in oen Ioo syslems. (The cIeaning cycIe for oen Ioo sys-
lems can be reduced by inslaIIing a valer-lo-valer heal exchanger
and second Ioo um lo effecliveIy converl lhe syslem lo a cIosed
Ioo conhguralion.) CIean condenser as foIIovs:
a. Ise an inhibiled hydrochIoric acid soIulion. Cover surround-
ings lo guard againsl sIashing.
b. Gravily ov melhod: VaIve off and drain lhe heal exchanger.
Add cIeaning soIulion, nol any fasler lhan venl can reIease
gases, unliI coiI is fuII. AIIov soIulion lo remain overnighl (24
hours for heavy scaIe), lhen drain and ush heal exchanger vilh
cIean valer.
c. Iorced circuIalion melhod: VaIve off and drain lhe heal ex-
changer. Ising a orlabIe cIeaning soIulion lank and um,
connecl lo heal exchanger suIy and relurn Iines vilh vaIved
conneclions. IuIIy oen lhe venl Iine and hII lhe condenser.
Then, cIose lhe venl Iine and slarl um. ReguIale ov lhrough
lhe condenser vilh lhe suIy Iine vaIve unliI condenser is fuII,
lhen cIose suIy vaIve and slo um. AIIov soIulion lo re-
main overnighl (24 hours for heavy scaIe), lhen drain and ush
heal exchanger vilh cIean valer.
1. Inserl a digitalthermometer (do nol use diaI lhermomeler) under lhe
insuIalion on lhe Iiquid Iine near lhe hIler-dyer.
2. Connecl ressure gauge lo lhe comressor discharge Iine.
3. erale unil for 15 minules and read discharge (head) ressure.
4. Ising Iressure-Temeralure charl for lhe refrigeranl uliIized,
hnd lhe equivaIenl saluraled condensing lemeralure.
5. Read lhe Iiquid Iine lemeralure and sublracl lhe saluraled con-
densing lemeralure delermined in Sle 4. This difference is lhe
sub-cooIing lemeralure.
6. Comare lhis lemeralure lo lhe normaI sub-cooIing lemeralure
Iisled in lhe manufaclurers service Iileralure for lhe unil. If lhe
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 285
difference is more lhan 3I, ADD refrigeranl lo increase lhe sub-
cooIing lemeralure, RLMVL refrigeranl (using mandaled re-
frigeranl managemenl raclices) lo decrease lhe sub-cooIing lem-
eralure. AHUs
Insecl ackaged or heId-erecled air handIing unils, 2OOO cfm or
Iarger caacily, and erform mainlenance as foIIovs:
1. Insecl fan molor(s) for noise, overhealing, elc. Check unil for olher
robIems incIuding cIogged condensale drains, noise, elc. and re-
air as needed.
1. Insecl, reIace fan beIls as required. Formulti-beltsets,replaceentire
set, never just 1 belt. |If beIl vear is a consislenl robIem, consider
reIacing drive vilh lhe singIe cogged beIl syslem.j
2. Insecl hIlers for Ioading, coIIase, or olher faiIure. ReIace hIlers
vilh an MLRV of 1O or Iess in accordance vilh lhe foIIoving sched-
Filter Type/MERV Maximum Change-out Period

1 or Iess lhrov-avay (MLRV 6-8) 3 Monlhs

2-4 Iealed media (MLRV 9-1O) 4 Monlhs

IiIlers vilh an MLRV of 11-16 shouId be reIaced vilh lhe

ressure dro across lhe hIler reaches lhe manufaclurers recom-
mended dirly IeveI. (Thus, each hIler musl be have a manomeler
or magnaheIic gauge lo accuraleIy measure ressure dro and lhe
mainlenance rogram musl incIude moniloring of lhis condilion.)
Hovever, since some hIlers, eseciaIIy lhose vilh a rehIler, may
nol reach lhis ressure dro for years, thesefltersshouldreplacedan-
HLIA hIlers (MLRV 17-2O) shouId be removed from service be-
fore lhe ressure dro across lhe hIler exceeds 5 vg whennormal-
286 Effective Building Maintenance
= DI
= NormaIized ressure dro (in. WG)
= Measured ressure dro (in. WG)
= Raled airov (CIM)
= AcluaI airov (CIM)

Sludies shov lhal lhe lensiIe slrenglh of nev hIler media is di-
reclIy roorlionaI lo lhe ressure dro al vhich lhe hIler shovs
slrucluraI faiIure al lhe Ieals. Inder dry condilions, lhe HLIA hIler
media viII faiI lhe required slrenglh lesl afler 7 lo 13 years, or al
an average Iife of 1O years. Therefore, HLIA hIlers oeraling under
dry condilions shouId be reIaced every 1O years even if lhe 5 vg
crileria has nol yel been mel.
When vel, lhe slrenglh of lhe hIler media is furlher decreased,
reducing hIler Iife lo 3 lo 7 years, or an average Iife of 5 years. There-
fore, HLIA hIlers oeraling under occasionaI vel condilions shouId
be reIaced every 5 years. Nole lhal lhe lerm vel does nol mean
soakedany HLIA hIler lhal has become soaked due lo valer
Ieaks, humidiher faiIure, or ressure-based condensalion (see be-
Iov) shouId be reIaced immedialeIy.
ccasionaIIy, HLIA hIlers are inslaIIed immedialeIy dovn-
slream of a cooIing coiI in an HVAC air-handIer conhgured as a
bIov lhrough syslem. In lhis case, lhe hIler becomes vel aImosl
immedialeIy and slays vel ermanenlIy, deslroying ils effeclive-
ness. The cause of lhis condilion is condensalion due lo ressure
reduclion as lhe suIy airslream, al or near saluralion condilions
Ieaving lhe cooIing coiI, lraveIs lhrough lhe hIler. The onIy cures for
lhis robIem are lo (a) reconhgure lhe AHI as a drav lhrough
unil or (b) add a reheal coiI belveen lhe cooIing coiI and lhe hIler lo
increase air lemeralure 2-3I.
3. Check damers, Iinkage, and oeralors for roer oeralion. Dam-
ers musl be kel free of dirl or olher foreign maller lhal may imede
normaI free movemenl. Linkage ivol oinls shouId be Iubricaled
reguIarIy. AxIes rolale in sIeeve bearings, vhich shouId nol require
any Iubricalion. Il is recommended lhal aII Iinkage |oinls be insecl-
ed eriodicaIIy lo insure lighlness of sel screvs. n muIlizone unils,
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 287
check zone damers Iinkage bearings and axIes lo insure roer o-
4. Check conlroI vaIve(s) for roer oeralion.
5. Tesl ducl smoke deleclor(s), freezeslal, and olher safely conlroIs for
roer oeralion.
6. Insecl fan(s) for vear and dirl. oeraling robIems, noise, elc.
a. Check fan bearing aIignmenl lemeralure (nol over 18OI).
b. Lubricale fan bearings in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iroce-
dure 4.3.22.O.
c. ReIace bearings if bearings or seaIs have faiIed. Nev bearings
musl have asic Raling Life (L
) of 8O,OOO hours.
d. Ioundalion boIls and aII sel screvs shouId be insecled for
e. CIean fan vheeI as needed vilh a vash dovn vilh sleam or
valer |el. Cover lhe bearings so valer vonl enler lhe iIIov
bIock. Dirl accumuIalion in lhe housing shouId be removed.
Ian vheeIs having vorn bIades shouId be reIaced.
f. Afler cIeaning, check fan vheeI for slalic baIance. If robIems
are indicaled, relain fan seciaIisl for reairs.
g. Check V-beIl drives for beIl vear, aIignmenl, and roer beIl
lension. ReIace muIliIe beIls vhen vorn vilh comIele
malched sel. (A beller soIulion is reIace muIliIe beIl drives
vilh singIe over beIl drives.)
h. Lubricale inlegraI horseover molor bearings in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
7. If fan has inIel vanes, check main conlroI shafl and vane mecha-
nism. Check oeraling movemenl for range, binding, elc. Reair as
required. |If inIel vanes are faiIing, remove inIel vanes and inslaII
variabIe frequency drive if molor is 2O nameIale horseover or
8. If fan has a variabIe frequency drive, lesl drive oeralion in accor-
dance vilh manufaclurers lroubIeshooling direclions.
9. CoiIs may be cIeaned in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
288 Effective Building Maintenance
1O. Insecl drain ans. Mainlain in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iro-
cedure AHUs
Insecl and service ouldoor air-handIing unils in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.3.O and lhe foIIoving addilionaI monlhIy re-
1. Check casing for corrosion or mechanicaI damage from Iimbs, elc.
2. Check curb ashing and counler-ashing. Reair as needed
3. Check for delerioralion of exibIe ducl conneclor. ReIace as need-
4. Check for ducl and1or ducl insuIalion robIems and reair as nec-
5. Check iing and1or ie insuIalion robIems and reair as neces-
sary. Coil Units
Insecl fancoiI unils or bIover-coiI unils vilh Iess lhan 2OOO cfm
caacily and service as foIIovs:
1. Ian molors on lhese lyes of unils are lyicaIIy suIied vilh er-
manenlIy Iubricaled baII bearings and viII require no furlher Iubri-
calion. Check manufaclurers Iileralure lo delermine if molor re-
quires eriodic Iubricalion. If so, Iubricale in accordance vilh Main-
lenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
2. Insecl drain ans. Mainlain in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iro-
3. Remove hIlers and check inside of unil casing for dirl and Iinl vhich
may accumuIale around hIler frame. Vacuum inside unil.
4. Air hIlers: ReIace quarlerIy vilh hIlers raled al nol Iess lhan MLRV
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 289
5. Check fan beIl(s) lension and ad|usl. ReIace frayed beIls. IuIIeys
shouId be aIigned correclIy lo revenl unnecessary vear on beIls.
Abeltdressingshouldneverbeused. No oiI or grease shouId come in
conlacl vilh lhe beIls as lhis viII cause delerioralion.
6. ConlroIs: Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. ReIace maIfunclion-
ing comonenls.
1. CIean coiIs in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
Check coiI bafes for lighl hl so lhal air viII nol be aIIoved lo by-
ass coiIsseaI as needed. Heating/Cooling Coils
RoulineIy, HVAC coiIs musl be cIeaned. There are lvo vays lo de-
lermine if a coiI requires cIeaning:
1. Increased static pressure loss: As a ruIe of lhumb, al design air ov,
mosl chiIIed valer coiIs have 314 (dry) lo 1-112 (vel) v.g. air
ressure dro. Check lhe &M manuaI for lhe design airov and
ressure dro of each coiI. Measure bolh and evaIuale acluaI condi-
lions againsl design condilions. If lhe ressure dro is more lhan
25/ grealer lhan lhe equivaIenl design vaIue, lhe coiI is robabIy
2. Reducedwatertemperaturerise/drop(lowdelta-T): Tesl vilh lhe coiI o-
eraling al design condilions, vhich may require faIse-Ioading if
nol done during eak cooIing or healing eriod. If suIy air lem-
eralure seloinl cannol be achieved or if lhe valer lemeralure
rise1dro is Iess lhan design, lhen lhe coiI is robabIy dirly.
CoiIs can be cIeaned vilh a vacuum cIeaner, vashed oul vilh va-
ler (nopressurewashers), bIovn oul vilh Iov-ressure comressed air, or
brushed (do notuseawirebrush).If valer is used, rolecl fan molors, lhey
are dri-roof, bul nol valerroof. CIean coiI as foIIovs:
1. Turn off unil over.
290 Effective Building Maintenance
2. Remove debris guards, casing, elc. lo rovide access lo coiIs.
3. Ising a valer hose, vacuum cIeaner, or comressed air (Iov res-
sure) ush vacuum, or bIov dovn belveen seclions of coiI lo re-
move dirl and debris. Tesl cIeanIiness by shining a slrong Iighl
lhrough lhe hns from one side of lhe coiI lo lhe olher. Reeal cIean-
ing vilh a differenl melhod if coiI remains dirly afler hrsl cIeaning.
4. CIean coiI iing conneclions and surrounding casing in lhe same
5. Inspectfnsforaluminumoxidationanddeteriorationandadjustremain-
6. If hns are benl or smashed, use a coiI comb lo slraighlen as much as
7. ReIace casing, debris guards, elc. and reslarl unil.
More so lhan DX cooIing coiIs or healing coiIs, chiIIed valer coiIs
gel dirlier and are more difhcuIl lo cIean for a number of reasons.
1. The coiI is so dee il is imossibIe lo cIean aII lhe vay lhrough
(loo many rovs).
2. The hn sacing is so hne il is imossibIe lo cIean belveen lhem (loo
many hns er inch).
3. The buiIding occuanls cannol sland lhe smeII of lhe chemicaIs of-
len used for coiI cIeaning.
CIean chiIIed valer cooIing coiIs as foIIovs:
1. Ise a miId dish delergenl, such as Davn Iiquid, as lhe cIeaning
2. Keep the supply fan in operation lo rovide differenliaI air ressure
across lhe coiI lo move lhe ushing valer and cIeaning soIulion
lhrough lhe coiI.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 291
3. Donotuseapressurewasheritiscounter-productivesinceitjustcom-
4. AIy lhe delergenl Iiquid (aboul a 1O/ soIulion in valer) vilh a
um srayer on lhe uslream face of lhe coiI, aIIoving il lo soak in.
Then, ush reealedIy vilh cIean, coId valer.
5. Reeal lhis rocess unliI suds and valer aear on lhe dovnslream
side of lhe coiI, vilh lhe valer off lhe coiI hnaIIy running cIear.
6. Inspectfnsforaluminumoxidationanddeteriorationandadjustremain-
7. If hns are benl or smashed, use a coiI comb lo slraighlen as much as
ossibIe. Coil Drain Pans
CooIing coiI condensale drain ans musl be insecled and main-
lained as foIIovs:
1. The condensale drain lra musl be cIeaned rior lo lhe beginning of
lhe cooIing season lo avoid bIockage by aIgae formalion, sedimenl,
elc. in lhe Iine.
2. Make sure lhal drain ans are correclIy lraed and drained. IiII lhe
drain lra al lhe beginning of lhe cooIing season.
3. Al lhe beginning of lhe cooIing syslem, drain and cIean coiI drain
an. IiII lhe drain an vilh 1-2 of valer and insecl for Ieaks. Re-
air any idenlihed Ieaks (if necessary, add a an Iiner or mo lhe
inside of lhe an vilh a lhick coaling of bilumen lo seaI valerlighl).
If an has signihcanlIy delerioraled, Ian for coiI seclion or AHI
4. Ior smaIIer unils, vhere a suIemenlaI drain an is inslaIIed, hII
lhe auxiIiary drain an and insecl for roer drainage, Ieaks, elc.
Tesl oal svilch (if so equied).
5. During lhe cooIing season, make sure lhal aIgaecide labIels are used
IiberaIIy lo kee accumuIaled valer and drain an cIean lo avoid
robIems vilh LegioneIIa.
292 Effective Building Maintenance Dampers
Iire, smoke, and combinalion hre1smoke damers inslaIIed in air-
handIing duclvork musl be insecled, lesled, and mainlained in accor-
dance vilh NIIA-72, NIIA 9OA, NIIA-92, and NIIA-1O5. The mosl
recenl edilions of lhese slandards musl be checked lo delermine if lhe
foIIoving minimum rocedures are adequale
1. Insecl and lesl each damer 1 year afler inslaIIalion and every 4
years lhereafler (every 6 years for hosilaIs).
2. Ior hre damers, remove lhe fusibIe Iink and conhrm lhal lhe
damer fuIIy cIoses. Lnsure lhal no foreign enelralions (screvs,
anges, elc.) enelrale lhe bIade lrack. Any rusled, benl, misaIigned,
or damaged frame arls or bIades musl be reaired or reIaced. If
reair or reIacemenl of individuaI comonenls is nol ossibIe, re-
Iace lhe enlire damer.
3. If lhe damer oerales roerIy, re-inslaII lhe fusibIe Iink. If lhe Iink
is damaged or has been ainled, reIace il vilh a nev Iink of lhe
same size, lemeralure, and Ioad raling.
4. Lubricale aII exosed moving arls of each damer vilh dry Iubri-
canl in accordance vilh lhe damer manufaclurers vrillen inslruc-
Conducl lesls of smoke conlroI syslems every 6 monlhs in accor-
dance vilh NIIA-72. Lach smoke and combinalion hre1smoke damer
musl be aclualed and cycIed as are of lhe associaled smoke deleclion
syslem. Any damer faiIure musl be correcled by reair or reIacemenl. Boilers
Sleam hrelube boiIers musl be insecled and mainlained as foIIovs:
1. Check indicaling Iighls and aIarms.
2. Check oeraling valer IeveI againsl reference Iov IeveI for shul-off.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 293
If oeraling IeveI ucluales erralicaIIy or changes over lime, IeveI
conlroI shouId be reIaced.
3. Iovdovn valer coIumn.
4. Ierform manuaI boiIer bollom bIovdovn. (Ier or skimmer
bIovdovn shouId be conlroIIed aulomalicaIIy by conduclivily con-
lroIIer. Check conlroIIer for roer oeralion.)
5. Check combuslion visuaIIy and check burner oeralion in accor-
dance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
6. Record boiIer oeraling condilions: oeraling ressure1lemera-
lure, feedvaler ressure1lemeralure, ue gas lemeralure and
condilion (cIear, hazy, smoky, dark, elc.), gas ressure, oiI ressure
and lemeralure, alomizing ressure. Comare currenl readings lo
rior readings lo idenlify olenliaI robIems.

Operatingpressure/ Changes are lyicaIIy caused by robIems vilh

temperature conlroI sellings, burner oeralion, boiIer
efhciency, or sleam demand.

Feedwaterpressure/ Reduced feedvaler ressure indicales feedvaler

temperature um robIem.
Reduced feedvaler lemeralure indicales rob-
Iem vilh deaeralors or feedvaler healer (as aIi-

Fluegastemperature Increase in ue gas lemeralure indicales need for

(steadyload) burner ad|uslmenl, sool on hreside surfaces, and1
or scaIing on valerside surfaces.

Fluegascondition Gas shouId be cIear. CIoudy, hazy, or smoky

(steadyload) discharge indicales need for burner ad|uslmenl.

Gaspressure SuIy robIems or fauIly ressure reguIalor.

Oilpressure/temperature Reduced oiI ressure can be caused by a Iugged

slrainer, fauIly reguIaling vaIve, or air Ieak in suc-
lion Iine.
294 Effective Building Maintenance
Reduce oiI lemeralure can indicaled maIfunc-
lioning oiI lemeralure conlroIs or fouIed healer.

Atomizingpressure Reduced alomizing ressure indicales air suIy

robIem (air-alomizing) or alomizing um rob-
Iem (ressure-alomizing).

7. Check for Ieaks, noise, vibralion, or olher unusuaI condilions.

1. Check for lighl cIosing of fueI vaIves.
2. Check fueI and air Iinkage on burner. Tighlen Iinkage conneclors.
3. Check oeraling and Iimil conlroIs. If lesl bullons are rovide, use
lhese lo lesl. lhervise, simuIale condilions lo aclivale a Iighl or
aIarm. ReIace any conlroI lhal maIfunclions.
4. Check safely and inlerIock conlroIs. If lesl bullons are rovide, use
lhese lo lesl. lhervise, simuIale condilions lo aclivale a Iighl or
aIarm. ReIace any conlroI lhal maIfunclions.
5. Check Iov valer culoff(s) oeralion and feedvaler conlroIs. Tesl
valer IeveI conlroI by lurning off feedvaler suIy and Iel valer
IeveI dro. Mark lhe gauge al lhe IeveI vhen il shuls-off boiIer. Ise
lhis reference for daiIy monlhIy valer IeveI checks.
6. Check oeralion of aII molors.
7. Check Iubricaling oiI IeveIs.
8. Check acking gIands.
1. Insecl burner. If oiI-hred, cIean nozzIes or cu as required.
2. AnaIyze combuslion and ad|usl air1fueI ralio as required. Ise an
aII-in-one kil vilh chemicaI lubes and hand um lo samIe ue
gas lo measure excess air, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and smoke.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 295
3. Insecl for ue gas Ieaks.
4. Insecl and cIean combuslion air inlake.
5. Check fueI hIlersreIace as required.
1. Remove and cIean Iov valer cul-off(s).
2. Check oiI rehealer for roer oeralion. If fouIed, remove and
3. Insecl refraclory (dry back boiIers). CIean cracks u lo 118 are ac-
celabIe, Iarger cracks shouId be cauIked.
4. ReIace door gaskels.
5. CIean oiI um slrainer and hIler. ReIace hIler if required.
6. CIean air cIeaner and air1oiI searalor.
7. Check fueI oiI um couIing aIignmenl.
8. Insecl aII mercury svilches and lesl for roer oeralion.
1. Insecl and cIean hreside surfaces.
a. Ise Iighls lo insecl lhe furnace and lubes for Iaslers or ock-
marks caused by condensing ue gases. If resenl, imIemenl
rogram lo kee boiIer valer lemeralure al 17OI or higher.
b. Look for sool. CIean if necessary.
c. Insecl lube sheel al lube ends for Ieakage, indicaled by vhilish
slreaks or deosils. If found, conlacl boiIer service hrm lo have
lubes reroIIed.
2. Insecl and cIean valerside surfaces.
a. Drain boiIer and remove aII manhoIe and handhoIe covers.
b. VisuaIIy check lhe lubes, furnace, sheII, and lube sheels for bIis-
lers, ock marks, or erosion of melaI surfaces. Look for scaIe
296 Effective Building Maintenance
formalion on lubes, oxygen corrosion or illing, and evidence
of carryover valer.
c. Ad|usl valer lrealmenl rogram as indicaled.
d. CIean and de-scaIe if required.
3. Insecl refraclory (dry back boiIers). CIean cracks u lo 118 are ac-
celabIe, Iarger cracks shouId be cauIked. ReIace refraclory every
5 years.
4. ReIace door gaskels.
5. Insecl and cIean breeching.
6. Check and service feedvaler ums.
7. Tighlen aII eIeclricaI lerminaIs.
8. Tesl safely reIief vaIve by raising boiIer oeraling ressure lo lhe re-
Iief vaIve selling. VaIve shouId oen. Reduce boiIer ressure. VaIve
shouId cIose. If vaIve does nol oen or cIose roerIy, reIace vaIve.
9. DisassembIe, cIean Iov valer culoff and feedvaler conlroI devices.
ReIace1recondilion as required, reassembIe, and lesl for roer
1O. Insecl lhe venling syslem
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
b. Check lhal lhe venl conneclor is inserled inlo lhe chimney, bul
nol exlending beyond lhe inside edge of lhe chimney.
c. Check and cIean combuslion air inlake.
11. Insecl lhe boiIer room
a. The boiIer room musl be cIean from combuslibIes or ammabIe
Iiquids or vaors.
b. Remove aII slored maleriaIs from boiIer room,
1. ReIace refraclory and door gaskels on dry back boiIers.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 297 Iron Boilers
Casl iron boiIers musl be insecled and mainlained as foIIovs:
1. Insecl lhe venling syslem
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
b. Check lhal lhe venl conneclor is inserled inlo lhe chimney, bul
nol exlending beyond lhe inside edge of lhe chimney.
c. Check and cIean combuslion air inlake.
2. Insecl lhe boiIer room
a. The boiIer room musl be cIean from combuslibIes or ammabIe
Iiquids or vaors.
b. Remove aII slored maleriaIs from boiIer room,
3. Slarl boiIer
a. Ior sleam boiIers, disassembIe and cIean Iov valer culoff and
feedvaler conlroI devices. ReIace1recondilion as required, re-
assembIe, and lesl for roer oeralion.
b. Slarl-u boiIer1burner in accordance vilh manufaclurers vril-
len inslruclions.
c. Tesl for correcl oeralion of ignilion and ame roving conlroIs.
d. Tesl for correcl oeralion of Iov valer culoffs (sleam boiIer)
e. Tesl for correcl oeralion of safely reIief vaIve(s) in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure (sleam) or (va-
f. VisuaIIy insecl burner in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iroce-
dure (ressure burner) or (almosheric burner).
1. Insecl lhe boiIer room
a. The boiIer room musl be cIean from combuslibIes or ammabIe
Iiquids or vaors.
b. Remove aII slored maleriaIs from boiIer room,
2. Insecl lhe venling syslem
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
298 Effective Building Maintenance
b. Check and cIean combuslion air inlake.
3. Insecl boiIer, burner, and conlroIs for roer oeralion.
4. Check lhe boiIer and iing for any Ieaks (valer or sleam) and
reair as necessary.
1. Turn off lhe burner.
2. en lhe main over disconnecl svilch lo lhe boiIer1burner.
CIose fueI suIy vaIve(s).
3. CIean aII melaI surfaces of lhe hrebox, gas assages, and venling
(breechings, venl ie, elc.) vilh a vire brush and vacuum.
4. Check condilion of boiIer surface. CIean any rusl, deosils, elc.
and ainl vilh high lemeralure roleclive coaling lo reduce cor-
5. Lxamine seclions for roer exansion aIIovance belveen sec-
lions. (Ior ush-niIe lye boiIers, make sure lie rods are re-
moved or are Ioose enough lo aIIov exansion vilhoul cracking
6. Check for evidence of Ieaks belveen seclions. DisassembIe sec-
lions, cIean off corrosion, and reassembIe, reacking lhe |oinls
belveen seclions vilh insuIaling maleriaI. (Ior ush-niIe lye
boiIers, be sure lo aIIov for lhermaI exansion belveen seclions
see manufaclurers assembIy inslruclions.)
7. Lxamine condilion of boiIer valer. If lhe valer has considerabIe
foreign maller in il, drain and ush lhe boiIer by removing lhe
fronl and rear seclions bollom Iugs.
8. IiII lhe boiIer vilh cIean valer. Sleam boiIers shouId be hIIed lo
lhe lo of lhe sleam oulIel conneclion.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 299 Hot Water Boilers
LIeclric hol valer boiIers musl be insecled and mainlained as foI-
1. Insecl lhe boiIer room
a. The boiIer room musl be cIean from combuslibIes or amma-
bIe Iiquids or vaors.
b. Remove aII slored maleriaIs from boiIer room,
2. Slarl boiIer
a. CIean conlaclors and lighlen viring conneclions. Check con-
laclor coiIs. Tesl fuses and reIace as required.
b. Tesl for correcl oeralion of safely reIief vaIve(s) in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
c. CIose main disconnecl svilch and energize boiIer in accor-
dance vilh lhe manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
1. Insecl lhe boiIer room
a. The boiIer room musl be cIean from combuslibIes or ammabIe
Iiquids or vaors.
b. Remove aII slored maleriaIs from boiIer room,
3. Insecl boiIer and lesl conlroIs for roer oeralion.
4. Check lhe boiIer and iing for any Ieaks and reair as necessary.
1. en main disconnecl, Iock and lag.
2. Take boiIer valer samIe for anaIysis. If boiIer valer has high TDS,
drain and rehII syslem. Add valer lrealmenl chemicaIs for a cIosed
syslem. Type Burners
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain ressure lye burners (gas-, oiI-, or du-
aI-fueI) as foIIovs:




Gauges,monitorsandindicators DaiIy Make visuaI inseclion and record readings

Instrumentsandequipmentsettings DaiIy Make visuaI check againsl manufaclurers secihcalions

Atomizingair WeekIy Ior air alomizing burners, check hIler and drain mois-
lure from lras. Ior ressure alomizing burners, make
sure oiI ressure is correcl.

Firingratecontrol MonlhIy Tesl hring efhciency vilh combuslion lesl. Tune burner
as required for maximum efhciency on bolh high and
Iov hre.

Flue,ventorstack,outletdamper MonlhIy Make visuaI inseclion, check damer Iinkage and

(ifmultipleboilers) oeralion

Combustionair MonlhIy Check lhal inlake Iouvers are cIear and any damers
vork correclIy.

Ignitionsystem WeekIy Make visuaI inseclion.

MonlhIy Check ame roof signaI slrenglh.

Fuelvalves,pilotandmain WeekIy en Iimil svilch, make sound and visuaI check and
check vaIve osilion indicalors.

Fuelvalves,pilotandmain AnnuaIIy Ierform Ieakage lesls.

Combustionandsafetycontrols, WeekIy CIose manuaI fueI suIy for iIol and main fueI
famefailure cock1vaIves, check safely shuldovn liming








Combustionandsafetycontrols,fame WeekIy If a ame signaI meler is inslaIIed, read and Iog for bolh
signalstrength iIol and main ames, check for high, very Iov, or uc-
lualing readings.

Combustionandsafetycontrols,pilot AnnuaIIy Required afler any ad|uslmenls lo ame scanner mounl

turndowntests or iIol burner, verify annuaIIy

Highlimitsafetycontrol AnnuaIIy Tesl for roer funclion

Operatingcontrol AnnuaIIy Tesl for roer funclion

Lowdraft,fan,airpressureanddamper MonlhIy Tesl for roer funclion

Highandlowgaspressureinterlocks MonlhIy Tesl for roer funclion

Lowoilpressureinterlocks MonlhIy Tesl for roer funclion

Fuelvalveinterlockswitch AnnuaIIy Tesl for roer funclion

Purgeswitch AnnuaIIy Tesl for roer funclion

Lowfrestartinterlock AnnuaIIy Tesl for roer funclion

Dualfuelchangeovercontrols 6 Monlhs Tesl for roer funclion

Oilflter MonlhIy Remove and cIean, reIace if required

Blower,motorandwheel AnnuaIIy Insecl and cIean, Iubricale in accordance vilh Mainle-

nance Irocedures 4.3.2O.O and 4.3.22.O.

Gaspilotassembly AnnuaIIy Insecl and cIean

302 Effective Building Maintenance Gas-fred Burners
MonlhIy, insecl and service almosheric gas-hred burners.
1. Insecl gas ame. If il is nol bIue (i.e., orange or yeIIov), burner
ad|uslmenl is required.
2. Shul off fueI suIy, oen access aneI(s), and cIean burner orls
using sliff vire or needIe.
3. Insecl iIol assembIy (if aIicabIe)
a. Check viring conneclions for lighlness.
b. Check eIeclrode, ame sensor, and iIol ame. If any como-
nenl is Ioose or if ceramic insuIalors are cracked or broken, re-
Iace assembIy.
4. Insecl and lesl sark ignilion syslem (if aIicabIe).
a. Tesl IIame IaiIure conlroI. CIose lhe dovnslream gas shuloff
vaIve and conhrm lhal safely shuldovn occurs. If nol, reIace
b. Tesl IIame SignaI slrenglh in accordance vilh manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions.
5. Insecl lhe ue assembIy for Ieaks. ReIace any corroded venl i-
ing, seaI |oinls, ad|usl hangers, elc.
6. Lvery 6 monlhs, lesl lhe ressure1lemeralure reIief vaIve by Iifling
Iever or sleam. If vaIve maIfunclions or shovs signihcanl corrosion
or deosils, reIace. Furnaces
AnnuaIIy, al lhe beginning of each healing season, insecl and ser-
vice gas- or oiI-hred furnaces.
1. Insecl and mainlain airside of furnace in accordance vilh Mainle-
nance Irocedure
2. Insecl and mainlain burner in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iro-
3. Insecl lhe venling syslem
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 303
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
b. Check lhal lhe venl conneclor is inserled inlo lhe chimney, bul
nol exlending beyond lhe inside edge of lhe chimney.
c. Check and cIean combuslion air inlake. Unit Heaters
AnnuaIIy, insecl and service gas- or oiI-hred unil healers.
1. Ian molors on lhese lyes of unils are lyicaIIy suIied vilh er-
manenlIy Iubricaled baII bearings and viII require no furlher Iubri-
calion. Check manufaclurers Iileralure lo delermine if molor re-
quires eriodic Iubricalion. If so, Iubricale in accordance vilh Main-
lenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
2. Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. ReIace maIfunclioning como-
3. CIean coiIs vilh a sliff brush and vacuum cIeaner or comressed air.
Check coiI bafes for lighl hl so lhal air viII nol be aIIoved lo by-
ass coiIsseaI as needed.
4. Insecl and mainlain burner in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iro-
5. Insecl lhe venling syslem
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
b. Check lhal lhe venl conneclor is inserled inlo lhe chimney, bul
nol exlending beyond lhe inside edge of lhe chimney.
c. Check and cIean combuslion air inlake. Water/Steam Unit Heaters
AnnuaIIy, insecl and service hol valer or sleam unil healers.
1. Ian molors on lhese lyes of unils are lyicaIIy suIied vilh er-
manenlIy Iubricaled baII bearings and viII require no furlher Iubri-
304 Effective Building Maintenance
calion. Check manufaclurers Iileralure lo delermine if molor re-
quires eriodic Iubricalion. If so, Iubricale in accordance vilh Main-
lenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
2. Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. ReIace maIfunclioning como-
3. CIean coiIs vilh a sliff brush and vacuum cIeaner or comressed air.
Check coiI bafes for lighl hl so lhal air viII nol be aIIoved lo by-
ass coiIsseaI as needed.
4. Ior sleam healers
a. VaIve off slrainer and remove screen. CIean and reassembIe.
b. Verify lhal sleam lra is vorking roerIy. A bIocked sleam lra
viII be coId. A lra lhal has faiIed oen viII be hol and noisy,
and lhe discharge ie viII be hol for u lo 3O feel dovnslream
of lhe lra. If lra has faiIed, reIace il.
5. Insecl conlroI vaIve for (a) lighl shuloff againsl and (b) roer
funclion. Check for sleam or valer Ieaks. Check neumalic aclua-
lors for air Ieaks. Unit Heaters
AnnuaIIy, insecl and service eIeclric unil healers.
1. Ian molors on lhese lyes of unils are lyicaIIy suIied vilh er-
manenlIy Iubricaled baII bearings and viII require no furlher Iubri-
calion. Check manufaclurers Iileralure lo delermine if molor re-
quires eriodic Iubricalion. If so, Iubricale in accordance vilh Main-
lenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
2. Insecl aII eIeclricaI comonenls
a. Make sure conneclions are lighl.
b. Check fuses and reIace any lhal are bIovn.
c. Check conlaclors for roer funclion, burned conlacls, elc. Re-
Iace as required.
d. Check for required cIearance in fronl of eIeclricaI service aneI.
3. Insecl healer eIemenls. If eIemenls are corroded (due lo saIl or
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 305
moislure) or broken or ceramic bushings are cracked or broken, re-
Iace coiI. If eIemenls are dirly, cIean vilh Iov ressure comressed
air and a brush dusler, being carefuI nol lo damage coiIs.
4. Check healer oeralion
a. Check inslaIIalion inslruclions and viring diagrams lo make
sure healer is vired and inslaIIed roerIy.
b. If aulomalic high-Iimil svilch or airov svilch has lried,
lemeralure may be loo high because airov is insufhcienl or
uneven. If energized for areas lhal gIov red, Iov or uneven
airov exisls. If airov svilch challers, Iov airov exisls. Radiant Heaters
AnnuaIIy, before lhe healing season, service gas-hred radianl heal-
ers as foIIovs:
1. Disconnecl eIeclric over and cIose gas suIy vaIve.
2. Wilh 15 sig (maximum) comressed air, bIov off dusl and dirl on
burner assembIy, lubes, and reeclors. Ise dry cIolh if required, bul
do nol use chemicaI cIeaners or valer. Do nol inserl air hose inlo
inIel of each venluri lube.
3. Remove burner orihces from header manifoId, cIean vilh driII
size(s) secihed by manufaclurer, and re-inslaII.
4. Remove iIol orihce, cIean vilh driII size secihed by manufaclurer,
and re-inslaII.
5. Check viring for Ioose conneclions and lighlen as required. ReIace
any viring vilh damaged or delerioraled insuIalion.
6. Insecl lhe venling syslem
a. Check chimney or venl lo make sure il is cIean and free of cracks,
oen |oinls, or olher Ieaks.
b. Check lhal lhe venl conneclor is inserled inlo lhe chimney, bul
nol exlending beyond lhe inside edge of lhe chimney.
7. Re-connecl eIeclric over and oen gas suIy vaIve.
306 Effective Building Maintenance
8. Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. ReIace maIfunclioning como-
nenls. Units
AnnuaIIy (every 6 monlhs for unils serving crilicaI areas such as
hosilaI alienl and lrealmenl areas, Iabs, elc.), check lerminaI unils for
roer oeralion in accordance vilh lhe foIIoving:
1. en lerminaI unil and check damer for binding, slicking, elc. Ad-
|usl as needed.
2. Make sure damer molor is vorkingcheck lhrough fuII conlroI
range. ReIace if needed.
3. Check and ad|usl damer Iinkage.
4. CIean veIocily sensor array.
5. Vacuum inside of lerminaI unil.
6. CIean reheal coiI (if resenl) vilh a sliff brush and vacuum cIeaner
or comressed air. Check coiI bafes for lighl hl so lhal air viII nol
be aIIoved lo by-ass coiIseaI as needed.
7. Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. CaIibrale sensors, lune conlroI
Ioo, and1or reIace maIfunclioning comonenls as needed. Terminal Units
AnnuaIIy, (every 6 monlhs for unils serving crilicaI areas such as
hosilaI alienl and lrealmenl areas, Iaboralories, elc.), check fan-ov-
ered lerminaI unils for roer oeralion in accordance vilh lhe foIIov-
1. en lerminaI unil and check damer for binding, slicking, elc. Ad-
|usl as needed.
2. Make sure damer molor is vorkingcheck lhrough fuII conlroI
range. ReIace if needed.
3. Check and ad|usl damer Iinkage.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 307
4. CIean veIocily sensor array.
5. Vacuum inside of lerminaI unil.
6. Lubricalion: Ian molors on lhese lyes of unils are lyicaIIy su-
Iied vilh ermanenlIy Iubricaled baII bearings and viII require no
furlher Iubricalion. If molor requires eriodic Iubricalion, do so in
accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
7. CIean reheal coiI (if resenl) vilh a sliff brush and vacuum cIeaner
or comressed air. Check coiI bafes for lighl hl so lhal air viII nol
be aIIoved lo by-ass coiIseaI as needed.
8. Check fan beIl(s) lension and ad|usl. ReIace frayed beIls. IuIIeys
shouId be aIigned correclIy lo revenl unnecessary vear on beIls. A
beIl dressing shouId never be used. No oiI or grease shouId come in
conlacl vilh lhe beIls as lhis viII cause delerioralion.
9. Tesl conlroIs for roer oeralion. CaIibrale sensors, lune conlroI
Ioo, and1or reIace maIfunclioning comonenls as needed. & Exhaust Air Duct Systems
Insecl relurn and exhausl air ducl syslems once a year (inslaII ad-
dilionaI access doors or aneIs as needed for inseclion and ducl cIean-
1. VisuaIIy insecl ducl inlerior areas for olenliaI moislure accumu-
Ialion, incIuding hrsl 2O feel of suIy ducl and ouldoor air and
mixed air Ienums, for bioIogicaI grovlh. If resenl, cIean and dis-
2. Insecl exosed duclvork for insuIalion and vaor barrier inlegrily
and reair as required. Check for sagging or valer-Iogged insuIa-
lion and reIace as required.
3. LvaIuale lhe need for ducl syslem cIeaning. Syslems may need
cIeaning every 5-1O years., Grilles, Diffusers
Lvery 6 monlhs, check regislers, griIIes, and diffusers for air al-
lern changes, rallIes or noise, elc. lhal may indicale lhal a damer or
308 Effective Building Maintenance
ov conlroI grid has broken. CIean as required. (Nole: CeiIing smudg-
ing is an indicalion lhal lhe air dislribulion device is vorking correclIy,
bul lhe buiIding is dirly. Address required cIeanIiness vilh housekee-
Insecl and mainlain humidihers as foIIovs:
1. VaIve off slrainer and remove screen. CIean and reassembIe.
2. Verify lhal sleam lra is vorking roerIy. A bIocked sleam lra
viII be coId. A lra lhal has faiIed oen viII be hol and noisy, and
lhe discharge ie viII be hol for u lo 3O feel dovnslream of lhe
lra. If lra has faiIed, reIace il.
3. Insecl conlroI vaIve for (a) lighl shuloff againsl sleam ressure and
(b) roer funclion. Check for Ieaks. Check neumalic aclualors for
air Ieaks.
Insecl siIencer for cIeanIiness. CIean or reIace as required.
ReIace seaI rings and -rings.
1. Check humidiher lank for scaIe buiId-u. Remove scaIe before il
reaches lhe underside of lhe heal exchanger(s).
2. Remove sensing robe and cIean scaIe (vhich shouId easiIy ake
3. CIean skimmer lube. If mineraI deosils reslricl ov, reIace.
4. Insecl gaskels and reIace as needed.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 309
1. DisassembIe humidiher and cIean. If lank has Teon Iiner, be very
carefuI nol lo scralch.
2. Ad|usl lhe surface skim or bIeed-off in accordance vilh manufac-
lurers vrillen inslruclions.
3. Afler reassembIy, check for Ieaks.
1. VaIve off sleam suIy slrainer and remove screen. CIean and reas-
2. Verify lhal sleam lra is vorking roerIy. A bIocked sleam lra
viII be coId. A lra lhal has faiIed oen viII be hol and noisy, and
lhe discharge ie viII be hol for u lo 3O feel dovnslream of lhe
lra. If lra has faiIed, reIace il.
3. Insecl conlroI vaIve for (a) lighl shuloff againsl sleam ressure and
(b) roer funclion. Check for Ieaks. Check neumalic aclualors for
air Ieaks.
1. Check humidiher lank for scaIe buiId-u. Remove scaIe before il
reaches lhe underside of lhe heal exchanger(s).
2. Remove sensing robe and cIean scaIe (vhich shouId easiIy ake
3. CIean skimmer orl. If mineraI deosils reslricl ov, reIace iing.
Check for roer skimmer ov by visuaI inseclion.
1. DisassembIe humidiher and cIean. If lank has Teon Iiner, be very
carefuI nol lo scralch.
2. Ad|usl lhe surface skim or bIeed-off in accordance vilh manufac-
lurers vrillen inslruclions.
3. Afler reassembIy, check for Ieaks.
310 Effective Building Maintenance (2000 cfm)
Insecl and mainlain fans raled al more lhan 2OOO cfm caacily
1. Insecl fan(s) for vear and dirl. oeraling robIems, noise, elc.
a. Check fan bearing aIignmenl lemeralure (nol over 18OI).
b. Lubricale fan bearings in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iroce-
dure 4.3.22.O.
c. ReIace bearings if bearings or seaIs have faiIed. Nev bearings
musl have asic Raling Life (L
) of 8O,OOO hours.
d. Ioundalion or hanger boIls, rods, and sel screvs shouId be in-
secled for lighlness.
e. CIean fan vheeI as needed vilh a vash dovn vilh sleam or
valer |el. Cover lhe bearings so valer vonl enler lhe iIIov
bIock. Dirl accumuIalion in lhe housing shouId be removed.
Ian vheeIs having vorn bIades shouId be reIaced.
f. Afler cIeaning, check fan vheeI for slalic baIance. If robIems
are indicaled, relain fan seciaIisl for reairs.
g. Check V-beIl drives for beIl vear, aIignmenl, and roer beIl
lension. ReIace muIliIe beIls vhen vorn vilh comIele
malched sel. |If beIl vear is a consislenl robIem, reIace muI-
liIe beIl drive vilh singIe over beIl drive.j
h. Lubricale inlegraI horseover molor bearings in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
2. If fan has inIel vanes, check main conlroI shafl and vane mecha-
nism. Check oeraling movemenl for range, binding, elc. Reair as
required. |If inIel vanes are faiIing, remove inIel vanes and inslaII
variabIe frequency drive if molor is 2O nameIale horseover or
3. If fan has a variabIe frequency drive, lesl drive oeralion in accor-
dance vilh manufaclurers lroubIeshooling direclions. Fans
Insecl and mainlain exhausl fans as foIIovs:
1. Check lhal fans are oeralionaI. Insecl fan(s) for broken beIls, vear
and dirl, noise, elc.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 311
1. Check fan bearing aIignmenl lemeralure (nol over 18OI).
2. Lubricale inlegraI horseover molor bearings in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
3. Ioundalion or hanger boIls, rods, and sel screvs shouId be insecl-
ed for lighlness.
4. CIean fan vheeI as needed vilh a vash dovn vilh sleam or valer
|el. Cover lhe bearings so valer vonl enler lhe iIIov bIock. Dirl
accumuIalion in lhe housing shouId be removed. Ian vheeIs having
vorn bIades shouId be reIaced.
5. Check V-beIl drives for beIl vear, aIignmenl, and roer beIl len-
sion. ReIace muIliIe beIls vhen vorn vilh comIele malched sel. Duct Heaters
AnnuaIIy, insecl and service eIeclric ducl healers.
1. Insecl aII eIeclricaI comonenls
a. Make sure conneclions are lighl.
b. Check fuses and reIace any lhal are bIovn.
c. Check conlaclors for roer funclion, burned conlacls, elc. Re-
Iace as required.
d. Check for required cIearance in fronl of eIeclricaI service aneI.
2. Insecl healer eIemenls |add ducl access door(s) as necessaryj. If
eIemenls are corroded (due lo saIl or moislure) or broken or ceramic
bushings are cracked or broken, reIace coiI. If eIemenls are dirly,
cIean vilh Iov ressure comressed air and a brush dusler, being
carefuI nol lo damage coiIs.
3. Check healer oeralion
a. Check inslaIIalion inslruclions and viring diagrams lo make
sure healer is vired and inslaIIed roerIy.
b. If aulomalic high-Iimil svilch or airov svilch has lried,
lemeralure may be loo high because airov is insufhcienl or
uneven. If energized for areas lhal gIov red, Iov or uneven
airov exisls. If airov svilch challers, Iov airov exisls.
312 Effective Building Maintenance
c. Check lransformers and conlroI voIlage.
d. If an air ressure svilch is used, check lhal sensing lubes are
curved lovard lhe airov (facing uslream).
e. Check lhal ducl Iiner is nol louching coiI or inlerfering vilh any
safely device.
f. IliIized foIIoving lroubIeshooling guide lo diagnose healer o-
eraling robIems
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 313 Heat Exchangers
Insecl and service sleam-lo-hol-valer or hol-valer-lo-hol-valer
heal exchangers annuaIIy as foIIovs:
1. Do nol oen exchanger for inseclion unliI aII ressure is off and
unil is comIeleIy drained.
2. IIush sheII and lube bundIe vilh cIean valer. If furlher cIeaning is
necessary, remove head and bundIe lo cIean inside of sheII and oul-
side of lubes. ReIace gaskels if necessary.
If unil is inslaIIed in a hard valer area, inside of lubing can be
cIeaned as foIIovs:
a. reak valer conneclions and Iug bollom oening.
b. IiII lhe lubes vilh a soIulion of 1 arl Murialic acid lo 1O arls
valer and aIIov lo sland for 2 hours, but no longer. |A Ionger
eriod may cause damage lo lhe coer lubing.j
c. Drain and ush lhoroughIy vilh cIean valer.
d. ReassembIe.
3. Insecl and lesl conlroI and reIief vaIves lo ensure lheir roer o-
eralion. Ifreliefvalvefailstofunctionproperly,replaceit;donotattempt
314 Effective Building Maintenance
4. n sleam heal exchanger, check and cIean sleam lra and slrainer
on condensale oulIel Iine. Heat Exchangers
Insecl and service Iale-and-frame heal exchangers as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, insecl heal exchanger for lhe foIIoving condilions.
a. Leaks lhal cannol be sloed by lighlening boIls in accordance
vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
b. Increase in ressure dro across lhe heal exchanger.
c. Reduclion in heal exchange caacily indicaled by reduclion in
lemeralure dro or rise.
2. CIean heal exchanger if any of lhe above condilions are found.
a. Slo ovs lhrough heal exchanger and isoIale il by cIosing ser-
vice vaIves.
b. AIIov heal exchanger lo sil for 24 hours lo come lo ambienl
lemeralure. Do nol raidIy cooI or heal lhe exchanger as lhis
viII cause gaskel Ieaks.
c. DisassembIe lhe heal exchanger in accordance vilh manufac-
lurers vrillen inslruclions.
d. CIean Iales using ressure vashing and, if necessary, non-
abrasive scrubbing.
e. ReassembIe lhe heal exchanger vilh nev elhyIene royIene
rubber (LIDM) gaskels in accordance vilh manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions.
f. ring lhe heal exchanger lo oeraling lemeralure sIovIy
over a 24-hour eriod.
3. AnnuaIIy, bIov dovn lhe slrainers on bolh heal exchanger i-
ing Ioos. Electric-drive Water Chillers
Mainlenance requiremenls for air-cooIed eIeclric-drive (rolary or re-
cirocaling comressor) valer chiIIers are as foIIovs:
The ma|orily of chiIIer oeraling robIems and mainlenance needs
are discovered by visuaI inseclion and frequenl moniloring of equi-
menl oeraling aramelers.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 315
1. CIean evaoralor every 1-3 years (annuaIIy for chiIIers serving
air vashers or olher oen cooIing Ioads). |To faciIilale lhis
cIeaning, iing conneclions al lhe chiIIer shouId be anged or
use grooved iing conneclions and lhe insuIalion shouId be de-
signed for removaI and reIacemenl. The iing musl be con-
hgured so as nol lo inlerfere vilh lhe lube cIeaning sace. If lhe
originaI inslaIIalion does nol meel lhese requiremenls, lhen i-
ing changes musl be made.j
2. QuarlerIy, caIibrale ressure, lemeralure, and ov conlroIs.
3. AnnuaIIy, insecl slarler viring conneclions, conlacls, and ac-
lion. Tighlen and ad|usl as require. Ierform lhermograhic sur-
vey every 5 years.
4. AnnuaIIy, lesl oeralion of safely inlerIocks devices, such as ov
svilches, um slarler auxiIiary conlracls, hase-Ioss roleclion,
elc. Reair or reIace as required.
5. AnnuaIIy, erform dieIeclric molor lesling lo idenlify faiIures in
molor vinding insuIalion. Ior Iarge chiIIers (1OO lons or Iarger),
addilionaI annuaI molor lesls are required lo lesl for imbaIance
of eIeclricaI resislance among vindings, imbaIance of lolaI induc-
lance vilh hase induclances, over faclor, caacilance imbaI-
ance, and running amerage vs. nameIale amerage.
6. AnnuaIIy, check lighlness of hol gas vaIve (as aIicabIe). If lhe
vaIve is does rovide lighl shuloff, reIace il.
7. AnnuaIIy, change Iubricanl (oiI) hIler and drier.
8. Laboralory anaIysis of Iubricanl shouId be erformed annuaIIy
during lhe hrsl len years of chiIIer Iife and every six monlhs
lhereafler. |This oiI anaIysis viII dehne lhe moislure conlenl (nol
lo exceed 5O m), oiI acidily (maximum 1 m) lhal may in-
dicale oiI oxidalion and1or refrigeranl degradalion due lo high
lemeralures, and melaIs or melaI oxides lhal indicale chiIIer
comonenl vear and1or moislure in lhe oiI.j
316 Effective Building Maintenance
9. VaIve and bearing inseclion in accordance vilh manufaclurers
1O. ReIief vaIves (bolh refrigeranl and valer) shouId be checked an-
nuaIIy. Disconnecl lhe venl iing al lhe vaIve oulIel and visu-
aIIy insecl lhe vaIve body and mechanism for corrosion, dirl, or
Ieakage. If lhere are robIems, replace the valve, do not attempt to
11. Lvery 6 monlhs, insecl and cIean air-cooIed condensers in ac-
cordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.15.O
12. Ierform chemicaI lesling of syslem valer al Ieasl quarlerIy. Treal
as needed lo ensure roer valer chemislry.
1. Lvery 5 years (or more frequenlIy as lhe chiIIer ages), erform eddy
currenl (eIeclromagnelic) lesling of heal exchanger lubes. |This lesl-
ing viII lyicaIIy delecl lube ils, cracks, and lube vear (lhinning).j
If onIy 1-5 lubes is found defeclive, Iug lubes. If more lhan 5 are
found defeclive, reIace lubes. |Any lube lhal is reIaced as resuIl of
lhis lesling shouId be examined and cross-seclions cul so lhe cause
of lhe defecls can be evaIualed.j
2. lher comonenls musl be serviced, insecled, and1or reIaced al
lhe inlervaIs recommended by lhe chiIIer manufaclurer. Electric-drive Water Chillers
Mainlenance requiremenls for valer-cooIed eIeclric-drive rolary
comressor valer chiIIers are as foIIovs:
The ma|orily of chiIIer oeraling robIems and mainlenance needs
are discovered by visuaI inseclion and frequenl moniloring of equi-
menl oeraling aramelers.
1. CIean evaoralor every 1-3 years (annuaIIy for chiIIers serving
air vashers or olher oen cooIing Ioads). |To faciIilale lhis
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 317
cIeaning, iing conneclions al lhe chiIIer shouId be anged or
use grooved iing conneclions and lhe insuIalion shouId be de-
signed for removaI and reIacemenl. The iing musl be con-
hgured so as nol lo inlerfere vilh lhe lube cIeaning sace. If lhe
originaI inslaIIalion does nol meel lhese requiremenls, lhen i-
ing changes musl be made.j
2. CIean condenser every year. |To faciIilale lhis cIeaning, iing
conneclions al lhe chiIIer shouId be anged or use grooved i-
ing conneclions and lhe insuIalion shouId be designed for re-
movaI and reIacemenl. The iing musl be conhgured so as nol
lo inlerfere vilh lhe lube cIeaning sace. If lhe originaI inslaIIa-
lion does nol meel lhese requiremnls, lhen iing changes musl
be made.j
3. QuarlerIy, caIibrale ressure, lemeralure, and ov conlroIs.
4. AnnuaIIy, insecl slarler viring conneclions, conlacls, and ac-
lion. Tighlen and ad|usl as required. Ierform lhermograhic sur-
vey every 5 years.
5. AnnuaIIy, lesl oeralion of safely inlerIocks devices, such as ov
svilches, um slarler auxiIiary conlracls, hase-Ioss roleclion,
elc. Reair or reIace as required.
6. AnnuaIIy, erform dieIeclric molor lesling lo idenlify faiIures in
molor vinding insuIalion. Ior Iarge chiIIers (1OO lons or Iarger),
addilionaI annuaI molor lesls are required lo lesl for imbaIance
of eIeclricaI resislance among vindings, imbaIance of lolaI induc-
lance vilh hase induclances, over faclor, caacilance imbaI-
ance, and running amerage vs. nameIale amerage.
7. AnnuaIIy, check lighlness of hol gas vaIve (as aIicabIe). If lhe
vaIve does nol rovide lighl shuloff, reIace il.
8. AnnuaIIy, reIace Iubricanl (oiI) hIler and drier.
9. Laboralory anaIysis of Iubricanl shouId be erformed annuaIIy
during lhe hrsl len years of chiIIer Iife and every six monlhs
318 Effective Building Maintenance
lhereafler. AnaIysis musl address oiI moislure conlenl, acidily,
and chiIIer vear, as foIIovs:
a. Maximum moislure conlenl of 5O m. Higher IeveIs may in-
dicale air Ieaks in Iov ressure chiIIers or heal exchanger lube
b. Maximum acidily of 1 m is normaI for nev or re-cIaimed re-
frigeranl. Higher IeveIs may be caused by oxidalion of oiI dur-
ing aging and1or degradalion of refrigeranl. If higher IeveIs are
found, conlacl lhe chiIIer manufaclurer.
c. Trace amounls of melaIs couId be melaI oxides formed from
moislure in lhe oiI or may indicale excess vear condilions. Due
lo varialions in melaIs used by differenl chiIIer manufaclurers,
lhere are no slandard Iimils. Hovever, ifmetalcontentincreases
AIuminum: ImeIIor or bearing vear.
Chromium: Wear on re-chromed shafls.
Coer: Corrosion.
Iron: Corrosion and1or gear vear.
Tin: earing vear.
SiIicon: Leakage of siIica geI from dehydralor carlridge
or dirl in syslem.
Zinc: Zinc Iefl over from lhe manufacluring rocess
or Iose of gaIvanizing from some arls.
1O. VaIve and bearing inseclion in accordance vilh manufaclurers
11. ReIief vaIves (bolh refrigeranl and valer) shouId be checked an-
nuaIIy. Disconnecl lhe venl iing al lhe vaIve oulIel and visu-
aIIy insecl lhe vaIve body and mechanism for corrosion, dirl, or
Ieakage. If lhere are robIems, replace the valve, do not attempt to
12. AnnuaIIy, insecl gearbox for vear and reair or reIace il as
13. Ierform chemicaI lesling of syslem valer al Ieasl quarlerIy. Treal
as needed lo ensure roer valer chemislry.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 319
1. Lvery 5 years (or more frequenlIy as lhe chiIIer ages), erform eddy
currenl (eIeclromagnelic) lesling of heal exchanger lubes. |This lesl-
ing viII lyicaIIy delecl lube ils, cracks, and lube vear (lhinning).j
If onIy a Iimiled number of lubes are found defeclive, Iug lubes.
If more lhan fev are found defeclive, reIace lubes. |Any lube lhal
is reIaced as resuIl of lhis lesling shouId be examined and cross-
seclions cul so lhe cause of lhe defecls can be evaIualed.j
2. Lvery 3-5 years, erform vibralion lesl and anaIysis lo evaIuale mo-
lor and rolor baIance, bearing and gear aIignmenl, and bearing and
gear vear. Ise acceIeromeler lye sensors for gears and bearings
(high frequency) and iezoeIeclric veIocily sensors for comressor
molors, rolors, and bearings (Iov veIocily).
3. Lvery 5 years, erform an acouslic emission lesl lo idenlify olenliaI
slress cracks in ressure vesseIs, lubes, and lube sheels.
4. lher comonenls musl be serviced, insecled, and1or reIaced al
lhe inlervaIs recommended by lhe chiIIer manufaclurer. Water Chillers
Absorlion 2-slage direcl-hred valer chiIIers have hve signihcanl
mainlenance eIemenls:
The ma|orily of chiIIer oeraling robIems and mainlenance needs
are discovered by visuaI inseclion and frequenl moniloring of equi-
menl oeraling aramelers.
1. IreferabIy daiIy, bul nol exceeding veekIy, lhe oeralion of lhe
urge unil musl be checked for bolh roer oeralion and excess
oeralion, indicaling an air Ieak lhal can roduce serious robIems
due lo corrosion, conlaminalion of lhe absorbenl soIulion, and re-
duclion in efhciency and caacily. Tesl for non-condensabIes (hy-
2. AnnuaIIy, refrigeranl and soIulion ums and lhe urge unil musl
be insecled and lesled lo insure conlinued oeralion. Lvery 3
320 Effective Building Maintenance
years, lhe um seaIs and bearings viII require inseclion and, as
indicaled, reIacemenl.
1. AnnuaIIy, lhe condenser and absorber heal exchanger lubes musl
be cIeaned. The evaoralor lubes shouId be cIeaned every 5 years.
To faciIilale lhis cIeaning, iing conneclions al lhe chiIIer shouId
be anged or use grooved iing conneclions and lhe insuIalion
shouId be designed for removaI and reIacemenl. The iing musl
be conhgured so as nol lo inlerfere vilh lhe lube cIeaning sace. If
lhe originaI inslaIIalion does nol meel lhese requiremenls, lhen i-
ing changes musl be made.
2. Lvery 6 monlhs (more frequenlIy if runlime exceeds 4OOO hours er
year), lhe Iilhium bromide soIulion musl be anaIyzed for conlami-
nalion, soIids, H, corrosion-inhibilor IeveI, and erformance addi-
live (lyicaIIy oclyI aIcohoI). Ad|usl soIulion as necessary lo meel
manufaclurers requiremenls. |MelaIs and melaI oxides in lhe soIu-
lion are lyicaI indicalions lhal inlernaI corrosion is occurring due
lo air Ieaks.j
3. AnnuaIIy, erform Ieak lesl, using lhe ressure melhod.
4. AnnuaIIy, erform eddy currenl lesling of lhe high slage generalor
5. Lvery 3- 5 years, erform eddy currenl lesling of lhe absorber, con-
denser, Iov slage generalor, and evaoralor lubes.
6. Lvery 3 years, service vaIves conlaining rubber diahragms. These
diahragms shouId be reIaced (vhich requires lhal lhe Iilhium
bromide1valer soIulion be removed from lhe chiIIer).
AnnuaIIy, lesl lhe conlroIs for roer oeralion al lhe beginning of
lhe cooIing season. CIean and lighlen aII conneclions, incIuding heId sen-
sor conneclions. Vacuum conlroI cabinels lo remove dirl and dusl. Wilh
microrocessor conlroIs, have lhe faclory service lechnicians lesl caIibra-
lion and oeralion and ensure lhal lhe Ialesl version of oeraling sofl-
vare is Ioaded.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 321
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iroce-
dure Towers
CooIing lovers require lhe foIIoving revenlalive mainlenance
When lhe lover is lo be slarled afler seasonaI shuldovn, il musl be
lhoroughIy insecled and reaired, as foIIovs:
1. Check drifl eIiminalors for roer osilion, being cIean, elc.
2. Check fans, bearings, molors, and drives for roer Iubricalion.
3. Rolale fan shafl(s) by hand lo make sure lhey lurn freeIy.
4. Check fan molors for roer rolalion and ad|usl beIl lension for
beIl drives.
5. IiII basin vilh fresh valer and check oeralion of IeveI conlroIIer.
6. Slarl condenser um and check vel deck for roer dislribu-
7. Check hII for fouIing and1or cIogging and cIean or reIace if nec-
8. Check access door gaskels and reIace as necessary.
9. ThoroughIy insecl aII melaI surfaces for corrosion, scaIe or fouI-
ing, or sIudge. CIean as required. Any damaged melaI shouId be
cIeaned dovn lo bare melaI and rehnished vilh a coId zinc coal-
1O. erale lover and Iook for and reair any valer or air Ieaks from
lhe basin, casing, or iing.
322 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Weekly
a. CIean basin slrainer
b. Check bIov dovn vaIve and make-u valer vaIves lo make
sure lheyre vorking roerIy
c. Tesl valer and ad|usl chemicaI lrealmenl as necessary
d. Check1hII gear drive oiI reservoir (on gear-drive lovers)
2. Monthly
a. CIean and ush basin. (This may be required more oflen for
lovers Iocaled ad|acenl lo highvays, induslriaI siles, elc. vilh
high arlicuIale emissions or in hol, humid cIimales vilh high
bio-fouIing olenliaI.)
b. Check oeraling IeveI in basin and ad|usl as necessary.
c. Check valer dislribulion syslem and srays.
d. Check drifl eIiminalors for roer osilion.
e. Check beIls or gearbox and ad|usl as necessary.
f. Check fans, inIel screens, and Iouvers for dirl and debris. CIean
as necessary.
g. Check keys and lighlness of sel screvs.
3. Routinely
a. Lubricale TLIC molor in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
4.3.2O.O. TLA molors are seaIed and do nol require Iubricalion.
b. Lubricale fan shafl bearings in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iro-
cedure 4.3.22.O.
c. Check gear drive in accordance vilh manufaclurers inslruclions.
Change gear drive oiI every 25OO hours of oeralion.
d. Lvery 3 monlhs, bIovdovn (Y-lye) or cIean (baskel lye) con-
denser valer um slrainer.
4. Yearly
a. CIean and louch-u ainl or olher roleclive hnish as necessary
(incIuding lover suorl sleeI).
b. DismanlIe and cIean condenser valer um slrainer.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 323
1. Irovide aulomalic condenser valer lrealmenl in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure
2. Require and evaIuale reguIar, frequenl reorls by lhe valer lreal-
menl conlraclor or slaff, hrsl lo ensure lhal reguIar valer lrealmenl
is being done and, second, lo lrack lhe various lrealmenl aram-
elers H, lolaI dissoIved soIids (TDS), chemicaI lyes and quanlilies
used, elc.
3. Al Ieasl lvice each year, send a condenser valer samIe lo an in-
deendenl Iaboralory for anaIysis and comare lhe resuIls vilh lhe
mosl recenl monlhIy reorls rovided by lhe valer service conlrac-
lor or slaff.
4. During shuldovn eriods, insecl lhe lover and as much iing as
ossibIe for scaIing or fouIing lhal is being inadequaleIy addressed
by lhe valer lrealmenl rogram. Ad|usl rogram accordingIy.
5. Log lover and chiIIer erformance informalion al Ieasl once er day
or once er shifl and record lhe reIalionshis belveen Ioad, lem-
eralure difference, and over inul. If lhe reIalionshis belveen
lhese vaIues change areciabIy, lhis couId indicale chiIIer fouIing,
lover fouIing, or olher erformance robIems lhal require furlher
invesligalion and service. Condenser
Lvery 6 monlhs, insecl air-cooIed condenser and service as foIIovs:
1. Check unil casing and cIear any Ieaf Iiller or organic maller in con-
lacl vilh lhe casing. Remove Ieaves, slicks, elc on or in lhe unil cas-
ing. Check for condilion of ainl, melaI, elc. and reair as necessary.
2. Check ouldoor fans for roer rolalion and lhal fans do nol run
backvards vhen off. CIean and, if needed, baIance fan bIades.
3. Lubricalion: TyicaIIy, fan molors have seaIed bearings and require
no Iubricalion. If molor does require Iubricalion, do so in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
4. Insecl condenser coiIs and cIean, if necessary, in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure
324 Effective Building Maintenance Condenser
WeekIy, insecl evaoralive condenser. Service in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.15.O and lhe foIIoving addilionaI require-
1. Check oeraling IeveI in basin and ad|usl as necessary.
2. Check bIov dovn vaIve and make-u valer vaIves lo make sure
lheyre rking roerIy.
1. CIean and ush basin (This may be required more oflen for lovers
Iocaled ad|acenl lo highvays, induslriaI siles, elc. vilh high arlicu-
Iale emissions).
2. Check valer dislribulion syslem and srays.
3. Check drifl eIiminalors for roer osilion.
4. Iovdovn evaoralor valer um slrainer.
1. CIean and louch-u ainl or olher roleclive hnish as necessary.
2. DismanlIe and cIean evaoralor valer um slrainer.
Insecl and mainlain ums as foIIovs:
1. Ierform visuaI inseclion. Look for Ieaks, vibralion, noise, elc. and
service as needed. Check for couIer misaIignmenl, couIer guards
lhal are Ioose, elc.
2. Read ressure gauges and comare lo normaI condilions. If abnor-
maI, invesligale and correcl robIem. Check for air in lhe valer sys-
lem, indicaled by IillIe or no valer ov, noise, or olher abnormaI
oeralion. Venl and hII syslem as necessary.
1. Lubricale um bearings in accordance vilh manufaclurers vril-
len requiremenls.
2. Service molor in accordance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 325
3. Ior ums vilh acking gIands, check acking for vear and reack
as necessary. If acking robIems are consislenl, reIace acking
gIands vilh mechanicaI seaIs.
4. Check um1molor aIignmenl and condilion of couIing. Ad|usl as
needed. ReIace couIing if lhere is vear.
5. Check mounling boIls. Ad|usl and lighlen as needed.
1. Insecl bearings for vear. Ising a doveI rod, Iislen lo bearing for
excess noise. ReIace as needed.
2. Check molor bearings and lemeralure for condilion.
Ior molors over 5O nameIale horseover, erform eddy currenl
lesl. Pump
Insecl sum um veekIy and lesl for roer oeralion. CIean
sum and inIel screen of debris. Condensate Pump
Lvery 6 monlhs, sleam condensale ums shouId aIso be insecled
and lesled for roer oeralion

Pumpwill Reslriclion in relurn Iine Receiver inIel slrainer

notstart or um suclion revenls requires cIeaning. CIosed
relurn of valer. relurn Iine gale vaIve. Lov
valer um cul-off, vhen
used, may be oen due lo
Iov valer IeveI.

Pumpruns Lxcessive lemeralure Defeclive sleam lras

continuously causing um lo cavilale bIoving lhrough causing
or become bound. excessive condensale
lemeralure. Reair or lemeralure. Reair of
reIace sleam lras. reIace sleam lras.
326 Effective Building Maintenance
Reslricled ov Check suclion and discharge
gale vaIves for roer sel-
ling. Check slrainers for dirl.
Check vaIve in discharge
Iine, may be defeclive or in-
slaIIed backvards.

Pumpshortcyclesor Discharge Iine check vaIve Insecl check vaIve for lighl
starts/stopsinrapid defeclive, causing cIosing and reair or reIace
succession. backov. if necessary.

Receiverfooding Discharge vaIve oening. Dirl in discharge bIeed Iine. Controls
Ineumalic conlroIs require lhe foIIoving mainlenance:
1. Check comressor oiI IeveI and ressure
2. Check for and reair air Ieaks.
3. Insecl aulomalic drain for roer oeralion. Drain receiver lank if
needed. ReIace aulomalic drain if needed.
4. Drain aII air hIler bovIs.
1. Check ercenl on-lime. If on-lime exceeds 5O/, insecl for air Ieaks,
faiIed aclualor diahragm, elc. |If syslem has onIy one comressor,
inslaII a second, equaIIy-sized comressor ied in araIIeI. InslaII
check vaIve in each comressors discharge Iine and vaIve so lhal ei-
lher comressor can be removed for service vilhoul shulling dovn
air suIy. InslaII aIlernalor conlroI so comressors aIlernale oera-
2. Tesl safely reIief vaIve(s). To lesl, ad|usl ressure reducing vaIve sel-
oinl lo |usl above reIief vaIve selling. ReIief vaIve shouId oen.
Resel ressure reducing vaIve lo normaI selling (2O-25 sig). ReIief
vaIve shouId cIose. If lhe reIief vaIve maIfunclions, reIace.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 327
3. ReIace inlake air hIler lo comressor.
4. Check comressor drive beIl vear, ad|usl beIl lension.
5. Insecl aII vaIves for roer osilion, Ieaks, elc.
6. Service comressor molor in accordance vilh Mainlenance Iroce-
dure 4.3.2O.O.
7. Check discharge air hIler(s) and ressure reducing vaIve. ReIace as
8. Check refrigeraled air dryer(s). Measure discharge air for roer
devoinl lemeralure (-4OI). Reair or reIace dryer as indicaled.
CIean condenser. |If lhe syslem has onIy one dryer, inslaII a second,
equaIIy-sized dryer in araIIeI. Irovide vaIves so lhal each dryer
can be isoIaled and removed for service vilhoul shulling dovn air
1. ReIace comressor drive beIl.
2. Change comressor oiI and oiI hIler.
3. Tesl comressor on1off conlroIIer. Sel ressure conlroIIer lo 6O sig
on ressure, 12O sig off ressure. ManuaIIy bIeed air from receiver
lank unliI ressure dros beIov 6O sig. Comressor shouId cycIe
on. When lank ressure rises lo 12O sig, comressor shouId cycIe
off. If conlroI maIfunclions, reIace conlroIIer.
1. Insecl and lighlen aII eIeclricaI conneclions.
2. Check molor am drav.
1. CaIibrale lransmillers and conlroIIers. Ad|usl aulhorily sellings for
duaI inul conlroIIers.
2. Tesl ressure gauges. Record gauge ressure reading, remove
gauge, inslaII caIibraled lesl gauge and record reading. If readings
328 Effective Building Maintenance
are vilhin 1O/, re-inslaII originaI ressure gauge. If readings differ
by more lhan 1O/, reIace originaI gauge vilh nev.
1. Tesl aII aclualors for roer funclion. Re-buiId or reIace fauIly ac-
lualors and1or iIol osilioners.
2. Tesl aII conlroI sequences by ad|usling seloinls, high1Iov Iimil
sellings, elc. and check vaIves and damers for roer oeraling
range. Controls
AnnuaIIy, eIeclric1eIeclronic conlroIs require lhe foIIoving mainle-
1. Room lhermoslals:
a. Remove cover. Ise squeeze buIb lo bIov oul or Iov ressure
comressed air lo bIov oul dusl and dirl. CIean conlacls by hoId
lhem logelher IighlIy belveen lhe hngers and dravn a iece of
hard hnish aer, such as a business card, belveen lhem. Never
b. Ad|usl seloinl(s) and healing or cooIing anlicialor as required
by measuring lhe amerage vilh lhe syslem on and selling lhe
anlicialor lo lhe measured amerage.
c. If lhermoslal has a lhermomeler, comare lhe lhermomeler
reading againsl ambienl lemeralure based on an accurale digi-
laI lhermomeler reading. Ad|usl as required.
2. LIeclric aclualor:
a. Check and lighlen aII viring conneclions.
b. Ior damer aclualors, check, ad|usl, and lighlen Iinkage.
c. CycIe aclualor lhrough ils fuII oeraling range by ad|usling sel-
oinls, high1Iov Iimil sellings, elc. ReIace aclualor lhal maI-
funclions. Digital Control Systems
Direcl digilaI conlroI syslems require lhe foIIoving mainlenance:
1. erale aII aulomalic vaIves and damers lhrough lheir fuII sloke.
Lnsure smoolh oeralion lhrough fuII slroke and aroriale seaI-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 329
ing or shuloff. Verify aclualors are roerIy inslaIIed vilh adequale
cIearance. Ior neumalic oeralors, verify sring range and ad|usl
iIol osilioners (vhere aIicabIe).
2. Verify caIibralion of sensors, sensor1lransmillers, and sensor1con-
lroIIers, incIuding lemeralure, humidily, ressure, ov, and eIeclric-
ily consumlion. SeIecl al Ieasl 1O/ of lhe inslaIIed sensors, incIuding
al Ieasl one of each sensor lye, for caIibralion lesling. If caIibralion
of 1O/ or more of lhis samIe is found lo be incorrecl, seIecl an ad-
dilionaI 1O/ of lhe inslaIIed sensors for lesling. Ifcalibrationof10%or
IliIize lhe foIIoving caIibralion lesl rocedure for air, sleam,
and valer lemeralure, air humidily, air slalic ressure, and sleam
ressure vilh DDC syslem sensors in Iace:
a. IIace caIibralion sensor in lhe conlroIIed medium (air, valer,
or sleam). Caulion shaII be exercised lhal DDC syslem and caI-
ibralion sensors do nol inlerfere vilh each olher (such as for
lemeralure or ressure sensing) and lhal lhe caIibralion sensor
does sense lhe lrue condilions.
b. Wail sufhcienl lime for lhe caIibralion sensor lo slabiIize. The
lime required deends on lhe lime conslanl and lhe iniliaI con-
dilion of lhe sensor.
c. Coordinale lime belveen lhe sile and cenlraI conlroI room for
laking readings.
d. SimuIlaneousIy lake readings of lhe caIibralion inslrumenl and
lhe DDC syslem readoul lerminaI.
e. Take al Ieasl one more reading for lhe same sensor. The range of
lhe lvo readings laken shaII be as vide as lhe HVAC oeralion
aIIovs, bul nol more lhan lhal caIIed for in lhe conlracl secih-
calions. In order lo have lhe vide range desired lhe second lesl
may need lo be conducled al a differenl lime from lhe hrsl lesl
vhen lhe HVAC equimenl exeriences differenl Ioads.
f. Comare readings from lhe caIibralion inslrumenl and lhe DDC
syslem. They musl be vilhin lhe accuracy requiremenls of lhe
secihcalions. If nol, reIace lhem.
3. Verify lhe exislence and oeralion of secihed soflvare.
a. Verify backu syslem oeralions and svilchovers incIuding
redundanl rocessors, backu over suIies, ballery backed
330 Effective Building Maintenance
memories, elc.
b. Verify DDC syslem command soflvare. This may be checked
by issuing commands al lhe oeralors consoIe and observing
disIay, rinler oulul, or HVAC equimenl resonses.
c. Tesl soflvare for checking inul commands and issuing error
messages. Lnler various correcl and incorrecl commands and
monilor resuIls
d. Check syslem and oinl addressing. Lnler command lo disIay
I1 dala. Verify aII dala oinls dehned on lhe dravings and1or
required by lhe secihcalions.
e. Tesl slarl-slo or enabIe-disabIe of HVAC equimenl or DDC
syslem conlroI oinls. Lnler commands lo slarl1slo seIecled
HVAC equimenl, and lo disabIe and enabIe seIecled oinls.
f. Tesl oeralor override1aulomalic mode. Lnler command lo
change seIecled aulomalic conlroI under DDC syslem lo manu-
aI and vice versa.
g. Tesl disIay formal. Lnler commands lo disIay dala and grah-
ics on lerminaI and grahic disIay. Check disIay conlenl for
adequacy and cIarily as secihed.
h. Tesl abiIily lo modify, canceI and conhrm oeralors commands.
Verify by enlering commands.
i. Tesl seloinl ad|uslmenl and Iimiling. Lnler commands lo ad-
|usl sel oinls of conlroIIers and range Iimils of lhe conlroIIed
media. Verify by disIay. AIso enler commands lo ad|usl sel-
oinls oulside lheir range Iimils. DDC syslem shaII disIay er-
ror messages.
|. Tesl syslem access and access IeveI conlroI. Try lo Iog on lo sys-
lem vilh bolh incorrecl and correcl ID codes. Try lo enler differ-
enl commands vilh differenl access IeveI of lhe oeralors. The
resonses of lhe DDC syslem shaII be as secihed.
k. Slarl1slo equimenl. Lnler command lo slarl or slo seIecled
equimenl. AIso resel lime lo iniliale aulomalic mode. Verify re-
sonses by observalion of equimenl and DDC syslem disIay.
I. Change arameler of oinls. Lnler commands lo change aram-
elers of seIecled oinls such as high and Iov Iimil aIarms, scaIe
faclor, elc. lo lesl lhe adequacy of soflvare.
4. Verify grahic disIay of each HVAC syslem and comonenl. Con-
hrm lhal lhe grahic is in accordance vilh lhe design dala and re-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 331
vieved submillaIs, incIudes aII dala oinls required, disIayed dala
is correcl and in lhe correcl formal and unils, and changes in oinl
condilions or slalus are accuraleIy udaled. LvaIuale lhe refresh
rale of dala disIay.
5. Verify reorl generaling (slalus, rohIe, energy, elc.) by enlering
commands lo generale reorls such as aII oinls, lrend, lolaI disIay
of a syslem, limed disIay, and olher secihed reorls. Lxamine
lhe reorl conlenl for generaI formal, syslem1oinl code, lime in-
lervaI of reorling, oinl slalus1vaIue1unil, energy amounl1rale1
unil, slalus of conlroI and sel lime (manuaI or aulomalic), and olher
secihcalion required informalion.
6. Tesl aIarm reorling by inilialing aIarm condilions of differenl
oinls al differenl aIarm IeveIs in sequence lo examine aIarm re-
orls. The reorls shaII shov aIarm Iocalion and device, aIarm lime,
cause of aIarm, currenl slalus of lhe oinl, elc. as required in lhe
secihcalions. When aIarm condilions are removed lhe rinler shaII
rinl udaled slalus reorl. AIso verify audibIe aIarm oeralions
in accordance vilh secihcalion requiremenls. Then iniliale aIarm
condilions al differenl IeveIs al lhe same lime lo check aIarm rior-
7. Tesl DDC syslem aIicalion soflvare via lhe foIIoving lesl roce-
a. ScheduIed slarl-slo conlroI. Verify lhal inul incIudes slarl1
slo lime and days for secihed equimenl. Verify inul for
lime deIays of secihed equimenl. Check hoIiday effecl. Ior
each air handIer, Iog oeralion for al Ieasl lhree days lo conhrm
lhal unil slarls and slos in accordance vilh lhe scheduIe.
b. limum slarl-slo conlrol. Verify lhal lhe required inul in-
cIudes sace lemeralure, ouldoor lemeralure, occuied lime
and days of lhe veek, and lhe resonse lime of lhe air handIing
equimenl, on an individuaI syslem by syslem basis. Ior each
air handIer, Iog sace lemeralure for al Ieasl lhree days lo con-
hrm lhal sace is al required lemeralure by lhe slarl of lhe oc-
cuied eriod.
c. LIeclricaI demand Iimiling conlrol. Verify required inul dala,
as foIIovs: eIeclricaI Ioads under conlroI, Ioad riorily, demand
332 Effective Building Maintenance
melering inlervaI, demand Iimil seloinl, deIay lime, minimum
off-lime, minimum on-lime, and maximum off-lime. Tesl con-
lroI by lhe foIIoving rocess:
verride demand sensor and inul demand Iimil seloinl
1O/ Iover lhan currenl eIeclricaI consumlion rale (kW).
Conhrm equimenl shuldovn by observalion of equi-
menl and1or disIay.
d. Day-nighl selback conlroI. Conhrm lhal required inul dala is
rovided. To lesl conlroI, change lhe selback lime from occu-
ied lo unoccuied lime and conhrm lhal HVAC syslems re-
sond lo lhe selback mode. If syslem is an air-handIing syslem,
lhe oulside air damer shouId cIose and lhe fan shouId cycIe lo
mainlain lhe selback lemeralure seloinl.
Change lhe selback lemeralure seloinl lo 5I higher lhan
lhe acluaI sace lemeralure. The syslem shouId oerale lo in-
crease lhe sace lemeralure lo lhe nev seloinl condilion. Ior
air-handIers, lhe oulside air damer shouId remain cIosed.
e. Lconomizer cycIe conlroI. If lhe ouldoor air lemeralure is
above lhe discharge air lemeralure seloinl, bul beIov lhe de-
hned 1OO/ ouldoor air changeover lemeralure seloinl, verify
lhal lhe oulside air damer is fuIIy oen, lhe relurn air damer
is fuIIy cIosed, and lhal lhe air-handIer discharge air lemera-
lure is mainlained by moduIalion of lhe chiIIed valer conlroI
f. Healing1cooIing coiI discharge lemeralure resel. Verify lhal
lhe required inul oinls are rovided and lhal lhe coiI dis-
charge air lemeralure seloinl is in accordance vilh lhe inul
condilions and lhe sequence of oeralion dehned on lhe conlroI
g. Hol valer lemeralure resel. Verify lhal lhe required inul
oinls are rovided and lhal lhe heal exchanger suIy hol va-
ler lemeralure seloinl is in accordance vilh lhe inul con-
dilions and lhe sequence of oeralion dehned on lhe conlroI
h. ChiIIed valer lemeralure resel. Verify lhal lhe required inul
oinls are rovided and lhal lhe chiIIed valer suIy lemera-
lure seloinl is in accordance vilh lhe inul condilions and lhe
sequence of oeralion dehned on lhe conlroI dravings.
i. Condenser valer lemeralure conlroI. Verify lhal lhe required
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 333
inul oinls are rovided and lhal lhe condenser valer suIy
lemeralure seloinl is in accordance vilh lhe inul condilions
and lhe sequence of oeralion dehned on lhe conlroI dravings.
Year 5: Re-commission syslem by reealing aII checks and lesls done
during lhe hrsl year.
Year10: The syslem has become bolh lechnicaIIy and funclionaIIy obsoIele
and shouId be reIaced. Piping
AnnuaIIy, visuaIIy insecl aII valer iing exosed lo viev for
Ieaks, corrosion, and condilion. Insecl insuIalion in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.19.O. CycIe vaIves lo make sure lhey oerale.
Make reairs as needed. & Condensate Piping
AnnuaIIy, visuaIIy insecl aII sleam and condensale iing exosed
lo viev for Ieaks, corrosion, and condilion. Insecl insuIalion in accor-
dance vilh Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.19.O. CycIe vaIves lo make sure
lhey oerale. Make reairs as needed. Tank
MonlhIy, check exansion1comression lank sighl gIass for valer
IeveI. If valer-Iogged, drain dovn and ressurize syslem lo creale an air
cushion. Vibration Isolator
MonlhIy, visuaIIy insecl iing vibralion isoIalor for Ieaks or faiI-
ure. ReIace as required.
Insecl and service slrainers as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, insecl for Ieaks and bIov dovn.
2. AnnuaIIy, remove, cIean, and reinslaII slrainer eIemenl or baskel. Air Separator
Insecl and service rolary air searalor as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, insecl for Ieaks and bIov dovn (if searalor has inlegraI
334 Effective Building Maintenance
slrainer). |Nole: If lhe syslem ums are equied vilh Y-lye or
baskel slrainers, remove lhe inlegraI slrainer lo reduce mainlenance
2. MonlhIy, check make-u valer conneclion. Check ressure gauges
for roer valer ressure reducing vaIve oeralion.
3. AnnuaIIy, remove, cIean, and reinslaII slrainer eIemenl (if searalor
has inlegraI slrainer). Pressure Relief Valve
Lvery 6 monlhs, examine valer ressure reIief vaIve for Ieaks and1
or corrosion and lesl for roer oeralion by raising Iever or slem and
lhen reIeasing il. If vaIve is damaged or maIfunclions, reIace. Pressure Reducing Valve
Lvery 6 monlhs (or beginning of each healing season), each sleam
ressure reducing vaIve (IRV) shouId be insecled for roer oeralion,
as foIIovs:
1. }oinl Ieaks: Donotallowaleaktocontinue;tightenbolts,replacegaskets
2. Iroer conlroI of ressure and1or lemeralure: Check lo see lhal
lhe oeraling condilions iniliaIIy ad|usled are sliII sel. (An addi-
lionaI check is lo aIler lhe ad|uslmenl sIighling lo see if lhe syslem
3. Iroer soIenoid iIol aclualion: Make sure il is funclioning ro-
4. Iovdovn syslem slrainers: If excessiveIy dirly, bIovdovn shouId
be done once a veek.
5. Insecl for dirl coIIecled al bIeedoinl and reslriclion eIbov.
When a IRV does nol erform salisfacloriIy, il is besl lo delermine
lhe cause by making lhe easiesl inseclions hrsl before disassembIing.
The foIIoving Iisl of ossibIe causes are arranged in order of difhcuIly.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 335
336 Effective Building Maintenance Safety Relief Valve
Tesl sleam safely reIief vaIve by increasing sleam suIy ressure,
by changing ressure reducing vaIve selling, lo lhe reIief vaIve selling.
VaIve shouId oen. Reduce suIy ressure. VaIve shouId cIose. If vaIve
does nol oen or cIose roerIy, reIace vaIve. Do not attempt to repair
valve. Insulation
AnnuaIIy, insecl condilion of insuIalion on iing and equimenl.
1. Insecl for missing insuIalion and damaged (lears, hoIes, abrasion,
elc.) |ackel(s). ReIace insuIalion and1or |ackels as required.
2. Hand-squeeze insuIalion on hllings for roer hII. If insuIalion is
sofl or il feeIs as if lhe IVC hlling cover is nol hIIed, remove IVC
hlling cover, inslaII correclIy-sized re-formed hlling insuIalion,
and re-inslaII IVC hlling cover.
3. Cover AS} exosed lo viev vilh IVC or aIuminum ouler |ackel lo
revenl mechanicaI damage. (Ise IVC for chiIIed valer iing in-
4. Ior hbergIass insuIalion on chiIIed valer syslems, examine for moId
grovlh on lhe |ackel, eseciaIIy al or near hllings. Delermine lhe
exlenl of vel or moisl insuIalion. If found, vail unliI healing season
and remove and reIace vilh ceIIuIar gIass.
5. Check caIcium siIicale insuIalion on sleam iing and equimenl
for erosion, cracking or faiIure of Iasler ouler coalings, elc. Reair
or reIace as necessary.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 337
6. Check condilion of exibIe eIaslomeric insuIalion for delerioralion,
eseciaIIy if inslaIIed ouldoors (lyicaIIy on refrigeranl Iines). Re-
Iace as required.
7. Check ouldoor hbergIass or caIcium siIicale insuIalion for valer in-
lrusion. If ouldoor IVC or aIuminum |ackel is missing, damaged, or
corroded, reIace underIying insuIalion and ouler |ackel vilh nev.
Molor mainlenance is required, as foIIovs:
1. Lubricale eIeclric molors in accordance vilh lhe foIIoving sched-
Re-Iubricale on lhe basis of lhe foIIoving scheduIe:
Motor RPM Ambient Temperature (F) Regreasing Frequency

18OO 1OO or Iess 6 monlhs

15O 3 monlhs
2OO 1 monlh
25O 2 veeks
36OO 1OO or Iess 4 monlhs
15O 2 monlhs
2OO 3 veeks
25O 1O days

Lubricanl shouId comIy vilh lhe foIIoving:

Motor Temperature (F) Grease
RPM Ambient Operating Recommendation

I lo 36OO -2O 25O Lilhium grease or oIy-

urea grease

ver 36OO O 2OO Lilhium comIex grease

vilh Iighl viscosily oiI
or non-soa grease, Iike
338 Effective Building Maintenance
MIL-G-81422 grease

eIov 36OO, 4OO Lilhium comIex grease,

High Tem High Tem oIyurea
grease, or MiI-G-81322

VerlicaI 2O 25O Lilhium base grease vilh

Molors I lo 36OO heaver lhan
I lo 36OO NLGI 2 consislency

Molor bearings musl be ushed if nev grease is nol comalibIe vilh

lhe oId grease or lhe if lhe oId grease has become conlaminaled. When
ushing, make sure lhal molor vindings do nol become conlaminaled.
a. Re-Iubricalion is nol required, lhey have ermanenlIy Iubrical-
ed baII bearings and seciaI moislure roleclion on lhe bear-
ings, shafl, and vindings.
b. QuarlerIy, cIean molor surfaces musl be cIeaned lo mainlain
roer molor cooIing.
a. Re-Iubricale in accordance vilh scheduIe for DI molors.
b. Lvery 3 monlhs, cIean fan and vee hoIes al lhe bollom of lhe
end housings lhal aIIovs condensalion or any olher moislure
accumuIalion lo drain.
2. AnnuaIIy, insecl each molor
a. Check conlroI box for dirl, debris, and1or Ioose lerminaI con-
neclions. CIean and lighlen conneclions as needed.
b. Check molor conlaclor for illing or olher signs of damage. Re-
air or reIace as needed. Systems Water Treatment
Waler lrealmenl for chiIIed valer and hol valer syslems, vhich are
cIosed recircuIaling valer syslems, is simIe, since cIosed syslems have
many advanlages
1. There is no Ioss of valer in lhe syslem (excel vhen a Ieak occurs)
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 339
and, lhus, no need for make-u valer. Therefore, deosilion or scaI-
ing is nol a robIem.
2. nce hIIed and enlrained air removed, lhe cIosed syslem creales an
anaerobic environmenl lhal eIiminales bioIogicaI fouIing as a rob-
3. CIosed syslems reduce corrosion robIems because lhe valer is nol
conlinuousIy saluraled vilh oxygen (an oxidizer) as in oen sys-
lems. The Iov lemeralures common lo HVAC syslems furlher re-
duces lhe olenliaI for corrosion.
Waler lrealmenl lo eIiminale lhe olenliaI for corrosion is required
onIy vhen lhe valer syslem is iniliaIIy hIIed vilh valer, or vhen il is
drained and re-hIIed due lo mainlenance, reair, or modihcalion.
Corrosion in a cIosed syslem can occur due lo oxygen illing, gaI-
vanic aclion and1or crevice allack. To revenl lhese condilions, lhe shol
feed melhod of chemicaI lrealmenl is used. Wilh lhis melhod, a byass
chemicaI feeder is used lo add lrealmenl chemicaIs lo lhe syslem in a
one-lime shol |usl afler lhe syslem is hIIed vilh valer. Ior lhe mixed
melaIIurgy (sleeI and coer) syslems lyicaI for HVAC valer syslems,
a moIybdale corrosion inhibilor is besl, vilh lrealmenl Iimils of 2OO-3OO
m recommended. Water Treatment
Waler lrealmenl rograms for condenser valer syslems is required.
1. Deposition Control: Deposition is lhe lerm lhal is used lo describe
scaIe and olher deosils lhal may form on lhe heal lransfer surfaces of a
condenser valer syslem. Waler has been caIIed lhe universaI soIvenl
and make-u valer viII aIvays conlain dissoIved mineraI soIids lo a
grealer or Iesser exlenl. The urose of lhe deosilion conlroI orlion of
a condenser valer lrealmenl rogram is lo revenl amounl of dissoIved
soIids from becoming so high lhal lhey viII begin lo be deosiled on lhe
velled surfaces of lhe syslem.
Deosils of caIcium carbonale on velled surfaces in a condenser
valer syslem acl as insuIalion and seriousIy reduce lhe heal lransfer ef-
fecliveness. Deosil lhickness can increase lo vhere il reduces ov ar-
eas and, lhus, signihcanlIy reducing ov rales as associaled veIocily and
340 Effective Building Maintenance
ressure Ioss increases. In effecl, signihcanl caIcium carbonale deosils
viII deslroy lhe effecliveness of lhe condenser valer syslem and lhe re-
frigeralion syslem il suorls.
As a orlion of lhe condenser valer ov is Iosl by evaoralion
lhrough lhe cooIing lover, lhe concenlralion of dissoIved soIids increases.
Make-u valer, vhich is added lo lhe condenser valer syslem lo offsel
evaoralion Iosses, viII add dissoIved mineraIs al a Iover concenlralion
IeveI lhan lhe condenser valer and, lhus, some equiIibrium concenlralion
IeveI viII be mainlained. Hovever, if lhis equiIibrium concenlralion IeveI
is high enough lhal deosilion occurs, lhen a rogram lo conlroI soIids
concenlralion al a Iover IeveI is required.
The concenlralion of dissoIved soIids can be reduced by adding
more make-u valer, vhich has a Iover concenlralion, lo lhe condenser
valer. Hovever, lo add valer lo lhe syslem, an equaI amounl musl be
removed from lhe syslem by blowdown, lhe inlenlionaI duming of con-
denser valer lo drain.
The lendency lo form caIcium carbonale deosils (scaIe) is a func-
lion of lhe lemeralure, H, caIcium hardness, lolaI aIkaIinily, and lolaI
dissoIved soIids of lhe valer.
Temperature: The condenser valer suIy lemeralure for
HVAC syslems viII range from 7OI al Iov ambienl vel buIb and
Iighl Ioad lo 85I al design vel buIb lemeralure and Ioad. Mosl
scaIe-forming dissoIved soIids have lhe unusuaI roerly of becom-
ing Iess soIubIe as lhe valer lemeralure increases. Thus, lhe greal-
esl olenliaI for scaIing occurs al design condilions.
pH: Waler is made u of hydrogen and oxygen as foIIovs:
rolonaled valer moIecuIe
hydroxaI radicaI or hydroxide
Combining H
vilh H
yieIds H
ChemicaIIy, H is a negalive Iogarilhmic scaIe dehning lhe reIa-
live concenlralion of H
. Lach increase or decrease of H by 1, re-
resenls a 1OO-foId increase or decrease in lhe amounl of acidily or
aIkaIinily (base).
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 341
Calcium Hardness: The amounl of caIcium carbonale in lhe va-
ler, m.
Total Alkalinity: The amounl of negaliveIy charged ions of hy-
droxide (H
), bicarbonale (HC
), and carbonale (C
) in lhe
valer, m, and reresenls lhe abiIily of lhe valer lo neulraIize
acid. AIkaIinily occurs in aII valer vilh a H above 4.4.
Total Dissolved Solids: The amounl of aII dissoIved soIids (caI-
cium, magnesium, hoshale, iron, elc.) in lhe valer.
Waler hardness and aIkaIinily is a funclion of lhe hardness and aI-
kaIinily of make-u valer, lhe amounl of evaoralion and drifl Ioss from
lhe cooIing lover oeralion, and lhe bIovdovn lo roosed lo yieId lhe
desirabIe H lo revenl bolh deosilion and corrosion. The lerm cyclesof
concentration dehnes lhe ralio of lhe desired concenlralion of dissoIved
soIids in lhe condenser valer lo lhe concenlralion of dissoIved soIids in
lhe make-u valer, as foIIovs:
CycIes (of Concenlralion) =
|DissoIved SoIids (m) in Iovdovnj1|DissoIved SoIids (m) in
This reIalion can be exressed in lerms of valer ov as foIIovs:
CycIes (of Concenlralion) = MI1D
MI = lolaI make-u valer ov, vhich is lhe sum of evaoralion
+ bIovdovn, gm
D = bIovdovn ov, gm
Since lhe amounl of evaoralion, L, is lyicaIIy O.1/ of lhe condens-
er valer ov rale er degree of range, MI in lhe equalion above can be
reIaced vilh lhe vaIue (L + D). above can lhen be rearranged lo yieId
lhe foIIoving equalion
D = L1(CycIes 1)
342 Effective Building Maintenance
Thus, afler lhe number of cycIes is delermined based on lhe make-
u and desired condenser valer (bIovdovn) concenlralion of dissoIved
soIids, lhe acluaI bIovdovn requiremenl can be caIcuIaled.
Since drifl valer Ioss is nol incIuded in lhese caIcuIalions, lhe acluaI
required D ov can be reduced by lhe amounl of drifl Ioss from lhe
ConlroIIed bIovdovn is based on conlinuous moniloring of lhe va-
ler hardness as indicaled by ils conduclivily. Aulomalic conlroI minimiz-
es lhe vasle of valer and valer lrealmenl chemicaIs and is lhe referred
The amounl of make-u valer is reduced signihcanlIy as lhe num-
ber of cycIes is increased from 2 lo 6. Hovever, lhere is onIy a furlher
5/ reduclion as lhe cycIes is increased from 6 lo 1O, and onIy a furlher
2/ reduclion as cycIes is increased lo 2O. Therefore, in most cooling tower
tion inhibitors are added as necessary. WhiIe Iover cycIes reresenl Ioss of
more valer and lrealmenl chemicaIs, lhe amounl of lrealmenl chemicaIs
required lends lo go dovn vilh cycIes, and 5-1O cycIes usuaIIy reresenls
a good baIance oinl.
Ior a dissoIved saIl lo reciilale and deosil on lhe velled melaI
surfaces of lhe condenser valer syslem, il forms a cryslaI grovlh lhal
allaches ilseIf lo melaI surfaces as il comes oul of soIulion. The mosl com-
mon deosilion inhibilors used in condenser valer syslems are phospho-
nates, vhich are organic hoshale comounds, such as HLDI, vhich
funclion by adsorlion on lhe cryslaIs as lhey form and revenl lhem
from allaching lo melaI. Thus, lhese cryslaIs reciilale oul of soIulion,
usuaIIy in lhe lover basin.
2. Corrosion Control: Ior corrosion conlroI, condenser valer H
shouId be mainlained belveen 4 and 1O. In mosl cooIing lover valer
lrealmenl rograms, lhe desirabIe range for H is belveen 8 and 9 in or-
der lo Iimil valer aIkaIinily lo a reasonabIe IeveI (4OO m or Iess). Hov-
ever, in melaI lovers, a H of 7.O-8.O is referred lo heI revenl vhile
rusl corrosion. Therefore, al Ieasl for mosl melaI cooIing lovers, lhe ideaI
H range is 7.5-8.5.
MelaI corrosion occurs as a resuIl of galvanic action al a negaliveIy
charged oIe or sile on lhe melaI surface. Corrosion, lhen, is lhe Ioss of
melaI, il IileraIIy dissoIves. Corrosion can exhibil lvo characlerislics
deending on lhe underIying reason for lhe anodic and calhodic siles.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 343
General corrosion is vide sread and is caused, usuaIIy, by imurilies in
lhe melaI or characlerislics of lhe melaI or ils environmenl lhal resuIls in
an overaII fouIing of lhe melaI surface. Localizedcorrosion resuIls, moslIy,
from scralches, slress, or IocaIized environmenl and lhe mosl common
reason for melaI faiIure.
If dissimiIar melaIs vilh differenl eIeclricaI olenliaIs are used in a
condenser valer syslem, gaIvanic corrosion is enhanced and lhe melaIs
simIy corrode fasler, arlicuIarIy al and near lhe oinl(s) of conlracl be-
lveen lhe melaIs.
The hrsl sle in corrosion conlroI is lo minimize lhe conlacl belveen
valer and miId sleeI maleriaIs. IdeaIIy, aII rimary velled surfacesvel
decks for induced drafl lovers and basins shouId be conslrucled of
slainIess sleeI. The use of Iaslics or hbergIass for lhe lover casing, vel
deck covers, inlake Iouvers, drifl eIiminalors, and hII aIso reduces lhe o-
lenliaI for corrosion. MiId sleeI used for lhe lover slrucluraI frame, elc.
shouId be gaIvanized and coaled vilh an eoxy or oIymer hnaI rolec-
live coaling.
Iiing in mosl condenser valer syslems is sleeI and musl be ro-
lecled from corrosion. This accomIished by using one or more lrealmenl
rograms, as foIIovs:
a. Passivating (Anodic) Inhibitors: These chemicaIs form a roleclive
oxide hIm on lhe melaI surface vhich is nol onIy lough, bul, vhen
damaged, quickIy reairs ilseIf. TyicaI chemicaIs lhal acl as as-
sivaling inhibilors incIude moIybdale, oIyhoshales, and orlho-
hoshale. These chemicaIs are oxidizers lhal romole assivalion
by increasing lhe eIeclricaI olenliaI of lhe iron. The dravback lo lhe
use of moIybdale is ils exense, and il is used onIy vhen bIovdovn
IeveIs are kel as Iov as ossibIe. Othophosphatesshouldnotbeused
b. Precipitating Inhibitors: Al calhodic siles, lhe IocaIized H al lhe
sile is increased due lo lhe higher concenlralion of hydroxide ions
lhal are being roduced. Ireciilaling inhibilors form comIexes
lhal are insoIubIe al lhe higher H and, lhus, reciilale oul of lhe
valer. Zinc is good reciilaling inhibilor. MoIybdale viII aIso acl
as a reciilaling inhibilor and, lhus, can serve as a corrosion inhibi-
lor using lvo mechanisms.
344 Effective Building Maintenance
c. Adsorption Inhibitors: These are organic comounds conlaining
nilrogen, such as amines, or suIfur or hydroxyI grous. Due lo lhe
shae, size, orienlalion, and eIeclricaI charge of lhe moIecuIe, lhey
viII allach lo lhe surface of lhe melaI, revenling corrosion. Their
dravback is lhal lhey form lhick, oiIy surface hIms lhal reduce heal
lransfer caabiIily.
Lach rogram is designed for arlicuIar condenser valer H range
and valer chemislry as foIIovs:
Treatment Program Water pH and Chemistry

Zinc 7.5-8.5
MoIybdale or MoIybdale1Zinc 7.5-9.5
rlhohoshale 7.5-8.5, vilh a hoshale deosilion in-
rganic Adsorlion 7.5-9.5, vilh 3OO-5OO m aIkaIinily

To rolecl coer in heal exchanger lubes and iing from corro-

sion, aromalic lriazoIes, such as benzolrizoIe (ZT) and loIyIlriazone
(TTA), are used. These comounds bond vilh lhe curous oxide on lhe
melaI surface and rolecl il.
Tvo addilionaI seciaI condilions of corrosion musl aIso be ad-
dressed by lhe valer lrealmenl rogram:
a. Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC): MIC is caused by suI-
fale-reducing bacleria (SR) in lhe valer and is usuaIIy evidenced
by reddish or yeIIovish noduIes on melaI surfaces. When lhese
noduIes are broken, bIack corrosion by-roducls are exosed and
a brighl siIver il is Iefl in lhe melaI. A rollen egg smeII vhen lhe
noduIe is broken is aIso evidence of SR corrosion.
SRs oblain lheir energy from lhe anaerobic reduclion of suI-
fales lhal are avaiIabIe in mosl valer. The bacleria conlains an en-
zyme lhal enabIes il lo use hydrogen generaled al a calhodic sile lo
reduce suIfale lo hydrogen suIfale and acl Iike a calhodic deoIar-
izing agenl. Ironcorrosionbythisprocessisveryrapidand,unlikerust-
nce SRs begin lo grov in a syslem, lhey are very difhcuIl lo
eIiminale. Thus, a preventative program is far more effeclive lhal an
cIean-u rogram.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 345
1) Kee lhe syslem cIean lhrough sideslream hIlralion and reguIar
2) Irevenl conlaminalion by oiIs and1or grease. Lven very smaII
amounls can cause robIems.
3) LIiminale olenliaI bacleria sources (such as balhroom and
kilchen venls, dieseI exhausl, elc.) near cooIing lovers.
4) Run lhe condenser valer um as much as ossibIe. Do nol aI-
Iov slagnanl condilions lo exisl.
The condenser valer syslem shouId be reguIarIy lesled for SRs
in accordance vilh ASTM Slandard D4412-84 StandardTestMethods
forSulfate-ReducingBacteriainWaterandWater-FormedDeposits. Nor-
maIIy, conlroI of SRs can be accomIished vilh lhe housekeeing
measures oulIined above, couIed vilh lhe use of an oxidizing anli-
microbiaI. However,ifSRBsdobecomeestablishedinthesystem,biocides
b. White Rust: The lerm whiterust refers lo lhe remalure, raid Ioss
of gaIvanized coaling on cooIing lover melaI surfaces. While rusl is
evidenced by a vhile, vaxy, non-roleclive zinc corrosion deosil
on velled gaIvanized surfaces. This raid Ioss of lhe gaIvanizing
resuIls in lhe corrosion of lhe underIying sleeI and equimenl viII
have draslicaIIy shorlened erformance Iife.
While rusl may form if lhe foIIoving condilions exisl:
1) The gaIvanized coaling is nol roerIy assivaled vhen lhe
lover is Iaced in service. (Iassivalion is a rocess lhal aIIovs
lhe zinc coaling lo deveIo a naluraI nonorous surface of basic
zinc carbonale. This chemicaI barrier revenls raid corrosion
of lhe zinc coaling from lhe environmenl, as veII as from nor-
maI cooIing lover oeralion. The basic zinc carbonale barrier
viII form on gaIvanized surfaces vilhin eighl (8) veeks of lov-
er oeralion vilh valer of neulraI H (6.5-8.O), caIcium hard-
ness of 1OO-3OO m, and aIkaIinily of 1OO-3OO m.)
2) Condenser valer is mainlained al H above 8.O.
3) High condenser valer aIkaIinily (above 3OO m).
4) Lov condenser valer caIcium hardness IeveI (beIov 1OO m).
5) The Iack of hoshale-based corrosion inhibilor in lhe condens-
er valer lrealmenl rogram.
346 Effective Building Maintenance
Ior mosl gaIvanized melaI HVAC cooIing lovers, vhile rusl
viII occur if nol revenled by lhe foIIoving mainlenance sles:
1) Irovide a secondary barrier coaling on aII velled surfaces, such
as eoxy or oIymer hnish for a nev lover or coaIlar (bilumen)
on an exisling lover. |An even beller aroach is lo secify nev
lovers lo have velled surfaces such as basins and vel decks lo
be conslrucled of slainIess sleeI. This olion is normaIIy avaiI-
abIe for onIy a 113-2O/ cosl increase.j
2) Mainlain valer H belveen 7.O and 8.O, vhich may require H
3) Make sure lhe gaIvanized lover is roerIy assivaled uon
syslem slarl-u. Where vhile rusl has occurred, lhe melaI can
be re-assivaled by lrealing lhe surface vilh a 5/ sodium di-
chromale O.1/ suIfuric acid, brushing vilh a sliff vire brush for
al Ieasl 3O seconds, lhen rinsing vilh lhoroughIy.
4) Incororale a hoshale-based roducl inlo lhe valer lreal-
menl rogram, aIong roer disersanls.
3. Biological Fouling: ioIogicaI fouIing resuIls from bacleria, fungi,
zooIanklon, and hyloIanklon or aIgae inlroduced lhrough make-u
valer or hIlered from lhe air assing lhrough an HVAC cooIing lover.
IouIing resuIls vhen lhese micoorganisms grov in oen syslems rich
in oxygen (an aerobic rocess) and form sIime on lhe surfaces of lhe
lover, iing, and heal lransfer surfaces of lhe condenser valer syslem.
SIime is an aggregale of bolh bioIogicaI and non-bioIogicaI maleriaIs. The
bioIogicaI comonenl, caIIed lhe bioflm, consisls of microbiaI ceIIs and
lheir byroducls. The non-bioIogicaI comonenls consisl of organic and1
or inorganic debris in lhe valer lhal has become adsorbed or imbedded
in lhe biohIm Iayer.
The imacl of bioIogicaI fouIing is lvofoId: lhe sIime acls as an in-
suIalor and reduces heal lransfer efhciency in lhe syslem and microbiaI
aclivily vilhin lhe sIime can acceIerale corrosion by crealing a IocaIized
oxygen-rich environmenl lhal acceIerales oxidalion.
The best method of controlling biological fouling is to keep cooling tow-
ers clean, as dehned in Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.14.O Then, lhe use of
chemicaI lrealmenl viII comIele lhe conlroI chore.
There are lvo kinds of anlimicrobiaI chemicaIs or biocides used in
cooIing lover valer lrealmenl rograms lo conlroI bioIogicaI fouIing:
oxidizing and nonoxidizing.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 347
a. Oxidizing chemicals incIude chIorine, bromine, and ozone lhal oxi-
dize or accel eIeclrons from olher chemicaI comounds. Ised as
anlimicrobiaIs, lhese chemicaIs reacled direclIy vilh lhe microbes
and degrade ceIIuIar slruclure and1or deaclivale inlernaI enzyme
syslems. They enelrale lhe ceII vaII and disrul lhe ceII melaboIic
syslem lo kiII il. (Warning! xidizing chemicaIs, arlicuIarIy chIo-
rine, can reacl vilh sleeI, incIuding slainIess sleeI, and cause raid
corrosion. To revenl lhis, concenlralions of lhese chemicaIs musl
be kel Iov, ideaIIy lo Iess lhan O.7 m. xidizing chemicaIs musl
be inlroduced inlo lhe condenser valer syslem is such a vay lo be
raidIy disersed lo revenl IocaIized high concenlralions.)
b. Nonoxidizing antimicrobials allack ceIIs and damage lhe ceII
membrane or lhe biochemicaI roduclion or use of energy by lhe
ceII, resuIling in ils dealh, and are somelimes referred lo as surface-
aclive biocides. TyicaI nonoxidizing biocides incIude isolhiazo-
Iines, gIuleraIdehyde, MT, and oIyqual.
MicrobiaIs in condenser valer syslems can become resislanl lo a
singIe melhod of allack, or some microbiaIs may be more or Iess immune
lo one lye of allack. Therefore, il is recommended lhal bolh lyes of
lrealmenl chemicaIs be used (oxidizing and nonoxidizing), eilher bIend-
ed logelher or in aIlernaling lrealmenl allerns, as indicaled by eriodic
valer lesling resuIls. The key lo a successfuI bioIogicaI lrealmenl ro-
gram is mainlaining adequale chemicaI lrealmenl IeveIs al aII limes via
conlinuous feed of anlimicrobiaIs inlo lhe condenser valer syslem.
4. Treatment for Wooden Cooling Towers: Wood is comosed of lhree
ma|or eIemenls: ceIIuIose, vhich forms Iong hbers in vood and give il ils
slrenglh, Lignin, lhe sofl maleriaI lhal acls as a cemenling agenl for lhe
ceIIuIose, and Lxlraclives, lhe naluraI comounds lhal enabIe vood lo
resisl decay.
Wood delerioralion can resuIl from chemicaI allack, bioIogicaI allack,
and1or hysicaI decay due lo (eIevaled) lemeralure degradalion or ru-
lure of vood ceIIs by cryslaIIizalion of dissoIved soIids in lhe condenser
valer. IhysicaI decay is reIaliveIy uncommon in HVAC aIicalions.
ChemicaI allack commonIy resuIls in delignifcation of lhe vood,
resuIling in vood lhal has a vhile or bIeached aearance and a hbriI-
Ialed surface. DeIignihcalion is usuaIIy caused by oxidizing agenls and
aIkaIine maleriaIs and is arlicuIarIy severe vhen high chIorine residuaIs
348 Effective Building Maintenance
(more lhan 1 m free chIorine) and high aIkaIinily (H of 8 or higher)
occur simuIlaneousIy.
The bioIogicaI organisms lhal allack cooIing lover vood are lhose
lhal use ceIIuIose as a source of carbon for grovlh. These organisms de-
grade lhe ceIIuIose by secreling enzymes lhal converl lhe ceIIuIose inlo
comounds lhey can lhen absorb as food. This lye of allack deIeles lhe
ceIIuIose and Ieaves a residue of Iignin. The vood aears dark, Ioses
much of ils slrenglh, and becomes sofl and songy.
ioIogicaI allack is of lvo basic lyes: surface rol and inlernaI de-
cay. Surface rol is easiIy delecled and can be reaired, bul inlernaI decay,
usuaIIy found in lhe Ienum area, ceII arlilions, decks, fan housing, su-
orls, and olher areas lhal are nol conlinuousIy ooded, is more difhcuIl
lo delecl simIy because lhe exlerior of lhe vood viII disIay IillIe or no
sign of lhe rol.
Waler lrealmenl and revenlalive mainlenance is lhe onIy vay lo
revenl vood delerioralion:
a. Ior ooded areas of lhe lover, use nonoxidizing anlimicrobiaIs lo
conlroI sIime and revenl bioIogicaI allack.
b. InlernaI decay is lhe mosl common robIem for non-ooded areas
of a lover and lhese areas shouId be lhoroughIy insecled al Ieasl
lvice each year. Tesl for soundness vilh a bIunl robe (Iong, lhin
screvdriver) and, vhen susecl, a samIe of vood shouId be exam-
ined microscoicaIIy lo delecl inlernaI microorganisms. Anyinfected
woodshouldbereplacedimmediately vilh relrealed vood lo revenl
lhe sread of lhe infeclion lo heaIlhy vood. (Ieriodic sraying vilh
an anlifungaI lrealmenl may be heIfuI in reducing bioIogicaI al-
lack, bul il musl be done very lhoroughIy and on a reguIar scheduIe,
olhervise il is a vasle of lime and chemicaIs.)
5. ConlroI of Legionella: ecause bolh cooIing lovers and evaoralive
condensers use a fan syslem lo move air lhrough a recircuIaled valer
syslem, lhey inlroduce a considerabIe amounl of valer vaor inlo lhe
surroundings, even vilh drifl eIiminalors designed lo Iimil vaor reIease.
In addilion, lhis valer is lyicaIIy in lhe 65-125I range, ideaI for L.pneu-
mophila grovlh.
The key mainlenance issues for conlroI of Legionellaare as foIIovs:
a. LIiminale slagnanl valer areas.
b. LIiminale conlroIIabIe sources of nulrienl lo lhe cooIing valer sys-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 349
c. Mainlain overaII syslem cIeanIiness and rovide good bioIogicaI
d. Ise lhe besl lechnoIogy lo mainlain lhe Iovesl ossibIe drifl rale
and mainlain drifl eIiminalors lo ensure lheir ongoing effecliveness.
Secihc valer lrealmenl measuremenls required for revenlion of
Legionella occurrence are as foIIovs:
a. Iirsl, lesl for Legionella in cooIing lover valer on a every 6 monlhs.
WhiIe lhere is an academic debale over lhe cosl-vs-benehl of rou-
lineIy lesling for Legionella, il is fooIish (from bolh an elhicaI and
a IiabiIily oinl of viev) lo ignore any olenliaIIy Iife-lhrealening
condilion in a faciIily.
Conlacl a Iaboralory exerienced in erforming LegionellaanaI-
yses on environmenlaI samIes using lhe CDC Slandard CuIlure
Melhod. AIso, concurrenl samIing shouId be erformed on lhe
buIkvaler and surface deosils for microscoic deleclion of higher
Iife forms, aIong vilh lolaI aerobic helerolrohic counls. CoIIecl
buIk valer samIes from severaI Iocalions vilhin lhe syslem (e.g.,
makeu valer, hol relurn valer, basin valer, and from samIe las
on heal exchangers remole from lhe cooIing lover if avaiIabIe).
Where evidenl, coIIecl deosil samIes from lhe basin vaIIs, lover
hII, and dislribulion decks.
b. Tesl resuIls may indicale lhe foIIoving:
1) A Iov Legionella counl vilh an undeleclabIe or smaII ouIa-
lion of amoebae1rolozoa (higher Iife forms) and Iov biohIm
counls (Iov bacleria numbers) is a good indicalion of a cIean,
veII mainlained syslem vilh Iov risk lo heaIlh.
2) A Iov buIk valer Legionella counl aIong vilh Iov numbers of
higher Iife forms in deosils, bul vilh high biohIm counls may
indicale a Iov resenl heaIlh risk bul suggesls lhe olenliaI for
fulure robIems if sles are nol laken lo reduce biohIm IeveIs.
Since rolozoa lhal romole Legionella amIihcalion graze on
bacleria in biohIms, lhe resence of signihcanl biohIm can ro-
mole lhe deveIomenl of higher, and lhus olenliaIIy more dan-
gerous, IeveIs of Legionella.
3) A Iov buIk valer Legionellacounl associaled vilh a Iarge num-
ber of higher Iife forms indicales a slrong olenliaI for amIi-
hcalion and lhe Iov Legionellacounl cannol lherefore be inler-
reled lo indicale a syslem vilh a Iov heaIlh risk.
350 Effective Building Maintenance
c. Irovide conlinuous haIogenalion lrealmenl (chIorine or bromine):
1) Ior reIaliveIy cIean syslems or vhere cIean olabIe valer
makeu is used, feed a source of haIogen (chIorine or bro-
mine) conlinuousIy and mainlain a free residuaI. Conlinuous
free residuaIs of O.5 lo 1.O m in lhe cooIing lover hol relurn
valer are recommended by many agencies. Ieriodic monilor-
ing of lhe residuaI al samIe oinls lhroughoul lhe cooIing
valer syslem is needed lo insure adequale dislribulion. The
effecliveness of eilher haIogen decreases vilh increasing H,
bromine is reIaliveIy more effeclive al a higher H (8.5 lo 9.O).
2) SlabiIized haIogen roducls shouId be added according lo lhe
IabeI inslruclions, and sufhcienl lo mainlain a measurabIe haI-
ogen residuaI.
3) A biodisersanl1biodelergenl may aid in lhe enelralion, re-
movaI, and disersion of biohIm and oflen increases lhe efh-
cacy of lhe biocide.
4) Conlinuous haIogen rograms may require eriodic use of
nonoxidizing biocides. These may be required lo conlroI bio-
hIm and Ianklonic organisms in syslems lhal use makeu
valer from olher lhan olabIe valer sources, and lhose vilh
rocess Ieaks or conlaminalion. The choice of nonoxidizing
biocides shouId be based on lhe resuIls of loxicanl evaIualions.
ReaIy as diclaled by resuIls of biomoniloring.
d. HyerhaIogenalion as racliced is lhe mainlenance of a minimum
of 5 m free haIogen residuaI for al Ieasl 6 hours. Ieriodic on-Iine
disinfeclion may be necessary for syslems
1) Thal have rocess Ieaks,
2) Thal have heavy biofouIing,
3) Thal use recIaimed vaslevaler as makeu,
4) Thal have been slagnanl for a Iong lime,
5) When lhe lolaI aerobic bacleria counls reguIarIy exceed 1OO,OOO
CII1mI, or
6) When Legionellalesl resuIls shov grealer lhan 1OO CII1mI
Ieriodic hyerhaIogenalion viII discourage deveIomenl of
Iarge ouIalions of Legionella and lheir hosl organisms. Conse-
quenlIy, eriodic hyerhaIogenalion may eIiminale lhe need for
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 351
conducling more comIicaled and higher risk off-Iine emergency
disinfeclion rocedures.
e. The foIIoving emergency disinfeclion rocedure is based on
SHA and olher governmenlaI recommendalions and is required
vhen very high Legionellacounls exisl (i.e., >1OOO CII1mI), in cas-
es vhere Legionnaires disease are knovn or susecled and may
be associaled vilh lhe cooIing lover, or vhen very high lolaI mi-
crobiaI counls (>1OO,OOO CII1mL) reaear vilhin 24 hours of a
rouline disinfeclion (hyerhaIogenalion)
1) Remove heal Ioad from lhe cooIing syslem, if ossibIe.
2) Shul off fans associaled vilh lhe cooIing equimenl.
3) Shul off lhe syslem bIovdovn. Kee makeu valer vaIves
oen and oeraling.
4) CIose buiIding air inlake venls in lhe vicinily of lhe cooIing
lover (eseciaIIy lhose dovnvind) unliI afler lhe cIeaning
rocedure is comIele.
5) Conlinue lo oerale lhe recircuIaling valer ums.
6) Add a biocide sufhcienl lo achieve 25 lo 5O m of free re-
siduaI haIogen.
7) Add an aroriale biodisersanl (and anlifoam if needed).
8) Mainlain 1O m free residuaI haIogen for 24 hours. Add more
biocide as needed lo mainlain lhe 1O m residuaI.
9) Monilor lhe syslem H. Since lhe rale of haIogen disinfeclion
sIovs al higher H vaIues, acid may be added, and1or cycIes
reduced in order lo achieve and mainlain a H of Iess lhan
8.O (for chIorine-based biocides) or 8.5 (for bromine-based bio-
1O) Drain lhe syslem lo a sanilary sever. If lhe unil discharges lo a
surface valer under a ermil, dehaIogenalion viII be needed.
11) RehII lhe syslem and reeal sles 1 lhrough 1O, above.
12) Insecl afler lhe second drain-off. If a biohIm is evidenl, reeal
lhe rocedure.
13) When no biohIm is obvious, mechanicaIIy cIean lhe lover hII,
lover suorls, ceII arlilions, and sum. Workers engaged in
lover cIeaning musl vear (as a minimum) eye roleclion and
a face resiralor vilh High Lfhciency IarlicuIale (HLIA) hI-
352 Effective Building Maintenance
lers, or olher hIler caabIe of removing >1 micron arlicIes.
14) RehII and recharge lhe syslem lo achieve a 1O m free haIo-
gen residuaI. HoId lhis residuaI for one hour and lhen drain
lhe syslem unliI free of lurbidily.
15) RehII lhe syslem and charge vilh aroriale corrosion and
deosil conlroI chemicaIs, reeslabIish normaI bioconlroI resid-
uaIs and ul lhe cooIing lover back inlo service. Treatment for Steam Systems
Waler lrealmenl rograms for sleam syslems is required lo reduce
or eIiminale a vide range of sleam syslem faiIures:
1. Ioor heal lransfer and1or overhealing and rulure due lo deosils
on lubes.
2. Corrosion faiIures due lo oxygen illing, cheIanl corrosion due lo
excess concenlralion of sodium saIl over a eriod of lime, causlic
allack due lo lube deosils in hoshale lrealed boiIers caused by
causlic dissoIving magnelile hIm, and1or acid allack due lo oor
H conlroI.
To avoid lhese olenliaI robIems in sleam boiIer syslems, valer
lrealmenl syslems and rograms musl be imIemenled, as foIIovs:
1. Make-up Water Pretreatment: The mosl common melhod of reduc-
ing valer hardness and aIkaIinily is lo soflen lhe incoming make-valer
lo reduce lhe concenlralion IeveIs of dissoIved sodium saIls via a zeolite
watersofteningprocess. This is an Ionexchangeprocess lhal uses slrong acid
calion resin lo exchange caIcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions.
Regeneralion of resin is done by lrealing vilh sodium chIoride soIulion,
lhen rinsing.
Deaeration, lhe nexl sle in relrealmenl, is designed lo remove dis-
soIved oxygen from make-u valer roduces IocaIized corrosion (illing)
in iing and boiIer lubes. DissoIved gases can be removed by Iovering
lhe ressure in lhe almoshere conlacling lhe Iiquid by vacuum deaera-
lion. Hovever, lhis rocess is reIaliveIy inefhcienl so ressure deaera-
lion is normaIIy used for boiIer feedvaler relrealmenl. Wilh lhis rocess,
feedvaler is srayed inlo a Iov ressure (lyicaIIy 5 sig) sleam chamber
vhere conlacl vilh sleam heals il lo vilhin |usl a fev degrees of lhe salura-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 353
lion (ash) lemeralure. As feedvaler lemeralure is eIevaled, lhe oxygen
soIubiIily is reduced by 97-98/ and lhe dissoIved oxygen dissociales. xy-
gen and a smaII amounl of sleam are venled lo lhe almoshere. Deaera-
lion is normaIIy required vhen more lhal 15/ make-u is required (i.e.,
Iess lhan 85/ condensale recovery). Mosl unils are raled al O.OO5 cm
1I (7
b) of oxygen in feedvaler. Hovever, eriodic feedvaler lesling shouId
be done lo ensure roer DA oeralion (2-4 limes er year).
2. Deposition Control: }usl as for cooIing lovers, blowdown is lhe ri-
mary melhod of deosilion conlroI for boiIers. The amounl of bIovdovn
is a funclion of lhe quantity and quality (hardness) of make-u valer.
The bIovdovn requiremenl is delermined by measuring boiIer va-
ler eIeclricaI conduclance, a measure of lhe amounl of conduclive soI-
ids in lhe valer (ure valer has zero conduclance). The recommended
boiIer valer conduclance is 35OO mega-mho1cm or Iess (vhere, eIeclri-
caIIy, a mho is lhe conduclive equivaIenl lo an ohm of resislance).
Tvo melhods are used for boiIer bIovdovn:
a. ManuaI bollom bIovdovn consisls of oening bIovdovn vaIves
in accordance vilh an oeraling scheduIe diclaled by eriodic boiI-
er valer lesling. This melhod removes bolh dissoIved soIids and
sIudge, bul lo be effeclive, Irequenl shorl bIovdovn eriods are
required. The boiIer oeralor musl monilor boiIer valer IeveI dur-
ing bIovdovn lo revenl boiIer oeraling robIems.
b. Aulomalic lo bIovdovn can be inlermillenl or conlinuous, as
delermined by conduclance moniloring and lhe valer lrealmenl
conlroI syslem. Wilh lhis melhod, bIovdovn is laken from lhe
highesl valer IeveI, vhere dissoIved soIids concenlralions lend lo
be higher, resuIling in a more efhcienl rocess. Heal recovery from
lhe vasled boiIer valer is ossibIe and is recommended. Nole lhal
vilh aulomalic bIovdovn, some manuaI bIovdovn may sliII be
required for sIudge removaI.
The amounl of boiIer bIovdovn required is comuled as foIIovs:
Required Iovdovn (/) = 1OO x (A1)
A = acluaI dissoIved soIids concenlralion in lhe feedvaler (mix
of make-u and condensale)
= desired dissoIved soIids concenlralion in lhe boiIer valer,
recommended as foIIovs:
354 Effective Building Maintenance
Boiler Dissolved Solids, Total
Operating TSD Alkalinity
Pressure (psig) (ppm) (ppm)

O-5O 25OO 5OO

51-3OO 35OO 7OO
3O1-45 3OOO 6OO

AddilionaI deosilion conlroI can be rovided vilh chemicaI lreal-

menl by hoshale or hoshale1oIymer, cheIanl, or cheIanl1oIymer
addilives if bIovdovn faiIs lo rovide lhe required IeveIs of TDS and1or
aIkaIinily in lhe boiIer valer.
3. Corrosion Control: Corrosion in boiIer syslems occurs as lhe resuIl
of u lo lhree mechanisms
a. GaIvanic corrosion occurs vhen a melaI is couIed vilh anolher
melaI of differenl eIeclricaI olenliaI (vaIence). This condilion in-
duces an eIeclricaI currenl and Ioss of eIeclrons al lhe calion. GaI-
vanic corrosion can be caused by melaIIic scaIe deosils, surface il-
ling or scralches, elc. exosing differenl maleriaIs vilhin lhe melaI.
This rocess is acceIeraled vhen lvo differenl melaIs are used, such
as sleeI and coer.
b. Causlic corrosion occurs in lhe resence of a concenlralion of causlic
(such as NaH) due lo sleam bIankeling lhal aIIovs saIls lo concen-
lrale on surfaces and1or IocaIized boiIing caused by orous deos-
ils on lube surfaces. The causlic dissoIves lhe roleclive magnelile
Iayer, causing a Ioss of lhe underIying melaI.
c. Acidic corrosion is caused by Iov feedvaler H and resuIls in melaI
lhinning (generaI corrosion) and1or IocaI corrosion al boIls and
olher slress oinls
Corrosion in boiIer syslems is generaIIy conlroIIed by a combinalion
of H conlroI (8.5-12.7 maximum range) and oxygen conlroI (5-7 b) via
deaeralion and1or oxygen scavenging chemicaIs.
4. Condensate System Corrosion: Corrosion in condensale iing oc-
curs due lo lvo condilions
a. xygen illing, vhich resuIls in IocaIized Ioss of sleeI, occurs due
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 355
lo conlacl vilh air in almosheric ressure umed relurn syslems.
This robIem can be lrealed by in|eclion of an oxygen scavenger
chemicaI inlo lhe condensale, bul is a difhcuIl and exensive melh-
od of lrealmenl.
b. Acid corrosion occurs vhen carbon dioxide in air reacls vilh valer
lo form carbonic acid lhal allacks sleeI. This corrosion is enhanced
by decomosilion of feedvaler aIkaIinily lhal roduces carbon di-
oxide. This robIem can be lrealed by adding amines lo feedvaler
lo neulraIize acids. Amines are inlroduced inlo lhe boiIer valer and
carry-over inlo lhe condensale syslem vilh lhe sleam.
5. Boiler Fireside Problems: Deosilion and corrosion can occur on
lhe hreside of boiIers. Deosilion occurs as deosils of fueI ash como-
nenls on surfaces and may require lrealmenl by fueI addilives lo diIule
deosils. Corrosive fueI ash comonenls (such as sodium suIfale, sodium
vanadyI vanadale, elc.) may deosil on lhe boiIer surfaces. These deosils
have Iov meIling oinls and, vhen in a Iiquid slale, allack melaI surfaces.
Trealmenl addilives lo boiIer fueIs can raise meIling oinls of deosils
(bul make deosils harder lo remove). The besl vay lo avoid lhis robIem
is lo burn cIean fueIs (naluraI gas, Iighl oiIs, Iov-suIfur1Iov ash heavy
oiIs). Lubrication
Lubricalion of bearings on rolaling equimenl shafls (fans, ums,
elc.) musl be done in slricl accordance vilh lhe manufaclurers recom-
mendalions for lye of Iubricanl and inlervaIs belveen re-Iubricalion.
When no manufaclurers dala are avaiIabIe, lhe re-Iubricalion inler-
vaI, al Ieasl iniliaIIy, can be eslimaled on lhe basis of lhe foIIoving:
Re-Lubricalion InlervaI (eraling Hours) = |14,OOO,OOO1(RIM x
D)j - (4 x D)
RIM = shafl rolalionaI seed, revoIulions er minule
D = shafl diameler al bearing, mm (vhere 1 = 25.4 mm)
This reIalionshi is vaIid for laered or shericaI roIIer bearings. Ior
cyIindricaI or needIe bearings, muIliIy lhe resuIl by 5. Ior baII bearings,
muIliIy by 1O.
356 Effective Building Maintenance
This reIalionshi is vaIid for bearing oeraling lemeralures of
16OI or Iess. If bearing oeraling lemeralures exceed 16OI, muIliIy
lhe resuIls by lhe foIIoving faclor:
Bearing Operating Multiplier
Temperature (F) Factor

16O 1.O
17O O.75
18O O.5
19O O.375
2OO O.25

Nole lhal bearing environmenl and osilion may require more fre-
quenl re-Iubricaliondirly, dusly environmenls, verlicaI shafls, elc. viII
shorlen re-Iubricalion eriods.
IIlimaleIy, lhe roer re-Iubricalion eriod musl be delermined by
lriaI and error. Ising manufaclurers dala or lhe formuIa above as a
slarling oinl, visuaIIy examine urged Iubricanl al lhe end of Iubricalion
inlervaI. If lhe Iubricanl is cIean, Ienglhen lhe eriod belveen re-Iubrica-
lion. If il is dirly or scorched, shorlen lhe inlervaI.
ver-greasing of bearing assembIies viII resuIl in seaI faiIure. ig
gIobs of grease on lhe oor benealh lhe bearing is a sure sign lhis had
haened. In lhis case, bearing reIacemenl is required (and care musl be
laken in lhe fulure lo avoid faiIure from recurring).
To revenl over-Iubricalion, lhere are lvo vays lo delermine lhe
correcl re-Iubricalion quanlily. The hrsl, and referred, melhod is lo con-
lacl lhe bearing manufaclurer and requesl a recommendalion based uon
lhe secihc aIicalion. IaiIing lhal, lhe second olion is lo caIcuIale lhe
correcl re-Iubricalion quanlily using lhe foIIoving equalion
Grease Quanlily (oz) = (D x x Q)128.35
D = earing ouler diameler (mm)
= earing vidlh (mm)
Q = Re-Iubricalion inlervaI faclor (O.OO2 for a veekIy re-Iubricalion
inlervaI, O.OO3 for a monlhIy inlervaI, O.OO4 a yearIy inler-
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 357
AII hre srinkIer syslems musl be insecled, lesled, and mainlained
in accordance vilh NIIA Slandard 25, StandardfortheInspection,Testing,
Personnel performing testing and inspection of fre sprinkler systems
spectionTechnicianlicense.] Extinguishers
IorlabIe hre exlinguishers shaII be insecled and lesled, as foIIovs:
1. Insecl vhen iniliaIIy Iaced in service and lhereafler al monlhIy
inlervaIs. Iire Lxlinguishers shaII be insecled, manuaIIy or by
eIeclronic means, al more frequenl inlervaIs vhen circumslances
2. Inseclion of hre exlinguishers shaII incIude a check of lhe foIIov-
ing ilems:
a. Localion in designaled Iace.
b. No obslruclion lo access or visibiIily.
c. eraling inslruclions on nameIale IegibIe and facing oul-
d. Safely seaIs and lamer indicalors nol broken or missing.
e. IuIIness delermined by veighing or hefling.
f. Lxaminalion for obvious hysicaI damage, corrosion, Ieakage,
or cIogged nozzIe.
g. Iressure gauge reading or indicalor in lhe oerabIe range or o-
h. Condilion of lires, vheeIs, carriage, hose, and nozzIe checked
(for vheeIed unils).
358 Effective Building Maintenance
3. Kee records of hre exlinguishers insecled, incIuding lhose found
lo require correclive aclion. The dale lhe inseclion vas erformed
and lhe iniliaIs of lhe erson erforming lhe inseclion shaII be re-
1. Slored-ressure lyes conlaining a Ioaded syslem agenl shaII be
disassembIed on an annuaI basis and sub|ecled lo comIele mainle-
2. A conduclivily lesl shaII be conducled annuaIIy on aII carbon diox-
ide hose assembIies. Hose assembIies found lo be nonconduclive
shaII be reIaced.
3. Iressure reguIalors rovided vilh vheeIed-lye hre exlinguishers
shaII be lesled for oulIel slalic ressure and ov rale in accordance
vilh manufaclurers inslruclions.
4. Al lhe lime of lhe mainlenance, lhe lamer seaI of rechargeabIe hre
exlinguishers shaII be removed by oeraling lhe uII in or Iocking
device. Afler lhe aIicabIe mainlenance rocedures are comIeled,
a nev lamer seaI shaII be inslaIIed.
1. Slored-ressure hre exlinguishers lhal require a 12-year hydroslalic
lesl shaII be emlied and sub|ecled lo lhe aIicabIe mainlenance
rocedures. The removaI of lhe agenl shaII onIy be done using a
Iisled haIon cIosed recovery syslem. When lhe aIicabIe mainle-
nance rocedures are erformed during a eriodic recharging or hy-
droslalic lesling, lhe 6-year requiremenl shaII begin from lhal dale.
2. Non-rechargeabIe hre exlinguishers shaII nol be hydroslalic lesled
bul shaII be removed from service al a maximum inlervaI of 12 years
from lhe dale of manufaclure.
3. Lach hre exlinguisher shaII have a lag or IabeI secureIy allached lhal
indicales lhe monlh and year lhe mainlenance vas erformed and
lhal idenlihes lhe erson erforming lhe search.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 359
1. AII rechargeabIe-lye hre exlinguishers shaII be recharged afler any
use or as indicaled by inseclion or vhen erforming mainlenance.
2. Afler recharging, a Ieak lesl shaII be erformed on slored-ressure
and seIf-exeIIing lyes of hre exlinguishers.
3. Lvery 12 monlhs, um lank valer and um lank caIcium chIo-
ride-based anlifreeze lyes of hre exlinguishers shaII be recharged
vilh nev chemicaIs or valer, as aIicabIe.
4. The agenl slored-ressure velling agenl hre exlinguishers shaII be
reIaced annuaIIy. nIy lhe agenl secihed on lhe nameIale shaII
be used for recharging.
5. The remixed agenl in Iiquid charge-lye AIII (aqueous hIm-
forming foam) and IIII (hIm-forming uororolein foam) hre
exlinguishers shaII be reIaced al Ieasl once every lhree years. The
agenl in soIid charge-lye AIII hre exlinguishers shaII be reIaced
once every 5 years.
6. nIy lhose recharge agenls secihed on lhe nameIale or agenls
roven lo have equaI chemicaI comosilion, hysicaI characleris-
lics, and hre exlinguishing caabiIilies shaII be used. Agenls Iisled
secihcaIIy for use vilh lhal hre exlinguisher shaII be considered lo
meel lhese requiremenls.
7. Lach hre exlinguisher shaII have a lag or IabeI secureIy allached lhal
indicales lhe monlh and year recharging vas erformed and lhal
idenlihes lhe erson erforming lhe service.
Al inlervaIs nol exceeding lhose secihed in lhe foIIoving labIe, hre
exlinguishers shaII be hydroslalicaIIy relesled.
The hydroslalic relesl shaII be conducled vilhin lhe caIendar year of
lhe secihed lesl inlervaI. In no case shaII an exlinguisher be recharged if
il is beyond ils secihed hydroslalic relesl dale. Hydroslalic lesling shaII
be erformed by ersons lrained in ressure lesling rocedures and safe-
guards vho have suilabIe lesling equimenl, faciIilies, and aroriale
servicing manuaI(s) avaiIabIe.
360 Effective Building Maintenance
1. A hydroslalic lesl shaII aIvays incIude bolh an inlernaI and exlernaI
visuaI examinalion of lhe cyIinder.
2. Hydroslalic lesling shaII be conducled using valer or some olher
noncomressibIe uid as lhe lesl medium. Air or olher gases shaII
nol be used as lhe soIe medium for ressure lesling. AII air shaII be
venled rior lo hydroslalic lesling lo revenl vioIenl and dangerous
faiIure of lhe cyIinder.
3. Where a hre exlinguisher cyIinder or sheII has one or more of lhe
foIIoving condilions, il shaII nol be hydroslalicaIIy lesled, bul shaII
be condemned or deslroyed by lhe ovner or al lhe ovners direc-
a. Where reairs by soIdering, veIding, brazing, or use of alch-
ing comounds exisl.
b. Where lhe cyIinder lhreads are vorn, corroded, broken, cracked,
or nicked.
c. Where lhere is corrosion lhal has caused illing, incIuding il-
ling under a removabIe nameIale or name band assembIy.
d. Where lhe hre exlinguisher has been burned in a hre.
e. Where a caIcium chIoride lye of exlinguisher agenl vas used
in a slainIess sleeI hre exlinguisher.
Extinguisher Test Interval
Type (Years)

Slored-ressure valer, Ioaded syslem, and1or anlifreeze

Welling agenl
Aqueous hIm-forming agenl 5
IiIm-forming uororolein foam
Dry chemicaI vilh slainIess sleeI sheII
Carbon dioxide

Wel chemicaI
Dry chemicaI, slored-ressure, vilh miId sleeI, brazed
brass, or aIuminum sheII
Dry chemicaI, carlridge- or cyIinder-oeraled, vilh miId 12
sleeI sheII
HaIogenaled agenls
Dry ovder, slored-ressure, carlridge- or cyIinder-
oeraled, vilh miId sleeI sheII

Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 361

f. Where lhe sheII is of coer or brass conslruclion |oined by sofl
soIder or rivels.
g. Where lhe delh of a denl exceeds 111O of lhe grealesl dimen-
sion of lhe denl if nol in a veId, or exceeds in. (O.6 cm) if lhe
denl incIudes a veId.
h. Where any IocaI or generaI corrosion, culs, gouges, or dings
have removed more lhan 1O ercenl of lhe minimum cyIinder
vaII lhickness.
i. Where a hre exlinguisher has been used for any urose olher
lhan lhal of a hre exlinguisher.
4. When a hre exlinguisher cyIinder, sheII, or carlridge faiIs a hydro-
slalic ressure lesl, or faiIs lo ass a visuaI examinalion, il shaII be
condemned or deslroyed by lhe ovners agenl. A condemned cyI-
inder shaII nol be reaired. No erson shaII remove or obIilerale lhe
CNDLMNLD marking.
5. Nilrogen cyIinders, argon cyIinders, carbon dioxide cyIinders, or
carlridges used for inerl gas slorage lhal are used as an exeIIanl for
vheeIed hre exlinguishers and carbon dioxide exlinguishers shaII
be hydroslalicaIIy lesled every 5 years.
6. A hydroslalic lesl shaII be erformed on hre exlinguisher hose as-
sembIies equied vilh a shuloff nozzIe al lhe end of lhe hose. The
lesl inlervaI shaII be lhe same as secihed for lhe hre exlinguisher
on vhich lhe hose is inslaIIed.
7. The ressure in a hydroslalic lesl of a cyIinder shaII be mainlained
for a minimum of 3O seconds, bul for no Iess lime lhan is required
for comIele exansion of lhe cyIinder and lo comIele lhe visuaI
examinalion of lhe cyIinder. AII vaIves, inlernaI arls, and hose as-
sembIies shaII be removed and lhe hre exlinguisher emlied before
8. Recording of hydroslalic lesls
a. CyIinders or carlridges lhal ass lhe hydroslalic lesl shaII be
slamed vilh lhe releslers idenlihcalion number and monlh
and year of lhe relesl. |Il is imorlanl lhal lhe slaming be
Iaced onIy on lhe shouIder, lo head, neck, or foolring (vhere
rovided) of cyIinder.j
362 Effective Building Maintenance
b. Hose assembIies lhal ass a hydroslalic lesl do nol require re-
cording, IabeIing, or making.
c. Iire exlinguisher cyIinders of lhe Iov-ressure lye lhal ass
a ressure hydroslalic lesl shaII have lhe informalion recorded
on a suilabIe melaIIic IabeI or equaIIy durabIe maleriaI vilh a
minimum size of 2 x 3-. The IabeI shaII be afhxed by means
of a healIess rocess. These IabeIs shaII be of lhe lye lhal seIf-
deslrucls vhen removaI from a hre exlinguisher sheII is al-
lemled. Hood Fire Suppression
Kilchen hood hre suression syslems musl be insecled and main-
lained as foIIovs:
1. Check lo make cerlain lhere is no corrosion lo any of lhe deleclion
syslem comonenls (cerlain high aIkaIine cIeaners couId cause cor-
rosion and lheir use musl be eIiminaled).
2. Lnsure lhal melaI fusibIe Iinks are reIaced al Ieasl annuaIIy. Dele-
rioralion of lhese Iinks couId cause lhe syslem lo be aclualed or lo
maIfunclion in case of a hre.
3. Make cerlain lhe reIeasing unil has nol been lamered vilh, and
lhal visuaI inseclion seaIs are nol broken or missing.
4. Check syslem for Ioose ies and missing or grease covered nozzIe
cas. Make cerlain nozzIe cas are in Iace over lhe ends of each
nozzIe. TemorariIy remove ca, check lo make cerlain il is nol bril-
lIe, and sna back on nozzIe.
5. Check each melaI bIov-off ca and make cerlain lhe ca can be
lurned freeIy on lhe nozzIe.
6. Check lhe visuaI indicalor on lhe reIeasing unil lo make cerlain lhe
syslem is cocked.
7. Check lhal lhe manuaI uII slalion is nol obslrucled, has nol been
lamered vilh, and is ready for oeralion.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 363
8. IniliaI inseclion lag. |Tags musl be reIaced vhen aII Iines are used
or vhen lags are Iosl or removed.j
1. Syslems musl be insecled and serviced by a manufaclurer-aulho-
rized conlraclor.
1. ReIace fusibIe Iinks on hre suression syslem heads.
WARNING! A fully documented lock out/tag out program is required
for all electrical maintenance. Systems
High-voIlage rimary service and dislribulion (>6OO voIls) syslems
and devices shaII be insecled and serviced annuaIIy as foIIovs:
1. Insecl soIid eIeclricaI insuIalion for discoIoralion and degradalion.
2. Ierform insuIaling oiI lesl
a. Ierform dieIeclric slrenglh lesl in accordance vilh ASTM D 877.
b. Ierform acidily lesl in accordance vilh ASTM D 1534.
c. Ierform coIor lesl in accordance vilh ASTM D 1524.
3. Verify cooIing syslems
a. Insecl forced cooIing syslem equimenl for damage, elc. Re-
air or reIace as necessary.
b. erale syslem by simuIaling high lemeralure al conlroIIing
4. Verify lransformer reIay roleclion.
5. Verify lransformer aIarms.
1. Insecl svilchgear
a. Insecl, invesligale, and soIve condilion(s) causing carbon lracks.
364 Effective Building Maintenance
b. Insecl barriers and shullers for hysicaI damage. Irove shuller
oeralion, if ossibIe.
2. Tesl svilchgear hase bus insuIalion
a. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
hase-lo-ground using a megohmmeler.
b. Ierform dieIeclric absorlion lesl on each hase using a meg-
c. Ierform DC over-olenliaI lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
d. Ierform over faclor lesl on each hase.
3. Service circuil breakers
a. Insecl drav-oul conlacls for abnormaI vear, lension, or discoI-
oralion. Correcl as required.
b. Insecl breaker currenl-carrying comonenls for overhealing
discoIoralion. ReIace as required.
c. Insecl, oerale, ad|usl, and Iubricale mechanicaI Iinkages. Re-
Iace any comonenls al are damage, rusled, elc.
d. Verify lhe oening and cIosing sequence of arcing, inlermediale,
and main conlacls on air circuil breakers.
e. Verify inlerIocks revenling a cIosed breaker from being vilh-
dravn from or connecled lo lhe svilchgear bus.
f. Insecl and dress currenl carrying conlacls on air circuil break-
ers in accordance vilh lhe manufaclurers requiremenls.
g. Insecl lhe conlacl vear indicalor on vacuum circuil breakers.
ReIace lhe vacuum bollIe as required.
4. Tesl circuil breakers
a. Ierform lesl oeralions lo rove correcl aclualion of breakers
lri and cIose comonenls, incIuding sring charging molors,
lri soIenoids, indicaling largels, elc.
b. Ierform conlacl resislance lesl.
c. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
hase-lo-ground using a megohmmeler.
d. Ierform DC over-olenliaI lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
e. Ierform voIlage lesl across each oen conlacl of vacuum circuil
breaker lo verify vacuum condilion of suIy bollIe.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 365
f. Irove circuil breaker oeralion by aclualion of each associaled
roleclive reIay.
g. Irove circuil breaker oeralion by aclualion of each breaker
manuaI conlroI svilch.
5. Verify svilchgear aIarms.
6. Tesl air svilch
a. Ierform DC over-olenliaI lesl on each oIe-lo-oIe and each
b. Ierform conlacl resislance lesl across each svilch and fuse
7. Ior boIled bus, lorque lesl conneclions. CIean bus insuIalors and
erform resislance lesl for ground.
1. Insecl cabIe inslaIIalions for lhe foIIoving:
a. AccessibIe orlions of cabIes, eseciaIIy sIices and lermina-
lions, musl be visuaIIy insecled for insuIalion damage, carbon
lracking, discoIoralion, signs of corona, elc. ReIace any cabIes
vilh robIems.
b. Insecl cabIe shieId grounding equimenl such as conduclors
and conneclions. Reair as required.
2. Afler 1O years in service, and every 3 years lhereafler, lesl and evaIu-
ale insuIalion of rimary shieIded over cabIes by using Tye 2
(Diagnoslic) IieId Tesls in accordance vilh ILLL Slandard 4OO. Systems
Lov voIlage (6OO voIls) syslems and devices shaII be insecled and
serviced as foIIovs:
1. Insecl, cIean, and service drytype lransformers as foIIovs:
a. Check oeraling lemeralure (15OC max. for lransformers ral-
ed for 8OC rise, 22OC max. for lransformers raled for 15OC
366 Effective Building Maintenance
b. Check and cIean venliIalion Iouvers.
c. Tesl lhal Ioading is vilhin lransformer raling.
a. Insecl base or suorl insuIalors.
b. Tighlen aII boIled conneclions.
c. Insecl coiI vindings for damage or Ioose iron, cIean as needed.
d. Lxamine rimary, secondary, and ground conneclions.
e. Lxamine insuIalion for signs of over-healing.
f. CIean, check orceIain insuIalors.
g. Tesl high-lo-Iov lo ground resislance.
h. Insecl la conneclions and la changer.
i. CIean encIosure via vacuum or bIover.
2. Insecl and cIean oil-flled lransformers every 3 years, as foIIovs:
a. SamIe and lesl lransformer oiI and lesl insuIalion.
b. Lxamine rimary, secondary, and ground conneclions.
c. Insecl handhoIe cover gaskels for seaI.
d. Insecl seaIs on la changer comarlmenl.
e. Insecl radialors for damage, oiI Ieaks, rusl, dirl. CIean as re-
f. Insecl, lesl sudden ressure reIay.
g. Check, lesl lemeralure gauge.
h. Insecl svilch and lerminaI chambers.
i. Insecl condilion and conhrm oeralion of la changer and o-
silion indicalor.
Panels,circuitbreakers,andswitchgear. Ierform lhe foIIoving inseclions,
lesls, and mainlenance every 6 monlhs:
1. Insecl and lesl
a. MechanicaI Checks
1) Lxamine and lighlen conneclions, incoming, oulgoing
cabIes, hase, neulraI and ground .
2) Iuses, lighlness of fuse cIis.
3) MechanicaI oeralion of aII circuil breaker or svilch
oeraling mechanisms.
4) Inlerior hrmIy boIled in cabinel and aIigned.
5) roken or missing arls from breakers or svilch devices.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 367
6) Missing hardvare from lhe inlernaI assembIy, cabinel or
ouler lrim. uler lrim accuraleIy aIigned and secureIy
b. Inseclion Checks
1) DiscoIoralion al fuse cIis and device lerminaIs.
2) Charring of moIded insuIaling arls, incIuding moIded
breaker cases, fuse hoIders, vire insuIalion.
3) Lvidence of moislure, conlaminalion, dusl, hardvare,
debris, elc. Cracking, eeIing, brillIeness of cabIe, vire
4) CIearances lo grounded melaI and belveen hases of
inslaIIed devices and cabIe1vire.
5) Abrasion of cabIe and vire insuIalion. Nicking of vire or
cabIe slrands al lerminaIs.
6) vercrovding in viring gullers.
7) Adequale seaIing of conduils and cabinel oenings.
c. LIeclricaI Checks
1) Iuses, check, verify lye, voIlage, currenl and inlerruling
ralings. Resislance lesl, hase lo hase lo ground, insuIalion.
2) n service enlrance lye, neulraI-lo-ground bonding
conduclor in Iace and secureIy connecled.
3) Lquimenl grounding lerminaI bar secureIy connecled lo
cabinel or aneIboard frame.
4) Iroer conneclion of ground fauIl devices, ushbullon lesl
of ground fauIl breakers.
2. Ierform infrared lhermograhy inseclion every 3 years on oul-
door aneIs and every 5 years on indoor aneIs.
Motor controlcenters(MCC) andmotor starters. Ierform lhe foIIoving in-
seclions, lesls, and mainlenance every 6 monlhs
1. Insecl MCC and slarlers for lhe foIIoving:
a. Insecl main conlacls and auxiIiary conlacls on conlaclors for
evidence of arcing, fusing, elc. ReIace conlaclors as required.
b. Insecl ushbullons, indicaling Iighls, seIeclor svilches, elc.
and lesl for roer oeralion. ReIace as required.
2. Tesl hase bus insuIalion.
368 Effective Building Maintenance
3. Service MCC
a. Insecl drav-oul conlacls for abnormaI vear, lension, or discoI-
oralion. Correcl as required.
b. Insecl unils currenl-carrying comonenls for overhealing dis-
coIoralion. ReIace as required.
c. Insecl, oerale, ad|usl, and Iubricale mechanicaI Iinkages. Re-
Iace any comonenls al are damage, rusled, elc.
d. Verify mechanicaI inlerIocks.
e. Insecl and dress currenl carrying conlacls on svilches and
conlaclors in accordance vilh lhe manufaclurers requiremenls.
4. Tesl molor slarler
a. ManuaIIy oerale svilches and circuil breakers lo verify correcl
b. erale slarler using aII manuaI and aulomalic conlroI devices
lo ensure correcl oeralion.
c. Verify correcl inlerIocking aclion vilh olher associaled equi-
d. Verify correcl indicaling Iighl oeralion during each lesl.
5. Verify equimenl aIarms
Disconnects and safety switches. Ierform lhe foIIoving inseclions, lesls,
and mainlenance every 6 monlhs
1. Insecl safely svilches for lhe foIIoving:
a. Insecl, oerale, ad|usl, and Iubricale mechanicaI Iinkages. Re-
Iace any comonenls al are damage, rusled, elc.
b. Verify oeralion of mechanicaI inlerIocks.
c. Insecl and dress currenl carrying conlacls on svilches and
conlaclors in accordance vilh lhe manufaclurers requiremenls.
2. Tesl safely svilches
a. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
hase-lo-ground using a megohmmeler.
b. Ierform conlacl resislance lesl.
1. Tesl monlhIy for roer oeralion. Reair or reIace as required.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 369
1. Insecl monlhIy and mainlain required cIearance in fronl of eIeclri-
caI aneIs.
1. Insecl accessibIe orlions of cabIes, eseciaIIy sIices and lermi-
nalions, musl be visuaIIy insecled for insuIalion damage, carbon
lracking, discoIoralion, signs of corona, elc. ReIace any cabIes vilh
2. Ierform cabIe insuIalion lesl every 3 years.
3. Ierform busvay insuIalion lesl every 5 years.
1. Insecl cords and aIiances annuaIIy for roer use, damage,
over-Ioading, elc. ReIace damaged or unsafe cords. Remove over-
loadedcords...creale vork order lo add recelacIes and1or recelacIe
circuils as required. Systems
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain Iighling syslems as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, erform visuaI inseclion
a. Insecl hxlures lo idenlify inoerabIe or fauIly Iams and baI-
Iasls. ReIace as required.
b. Insecl hxlures lo idenlify excessive dirl. CIean as needed (see
c. Tesl Iighling conlroIs for roer oeralion. Ad|usl or reIace as
d. ReIace yeIIoved, slained, or broken Ienses or Iouvers.
e. Ior gym Iighls, reIace missing or broken Iighl guards.
2. AnnuaIIy, cIean Iighl hxlures, incIuding Iams, as foIIovs:
a. Turn off Iighls and aIIov Iams and hxlures lo cooI.
b. Ise very miId soas and cIeaners, foIIoved by a cIean rinse.
Avoid slrong aIkaIine cIeaners or abrasive cIeaners. SiIver hIms
require lhe miIdesl O.5/ soIulion and a sofl, dam cIolh.
c. GIass cIeaners may be used on orceIain or gIass, bul require an
addilionaI cIean rinse.
370 Effective Building Maintenance
d. To avoid slalic charge on Iaslics, use anli-slalic cIeaning com-
ounds. Do nol vie Iaslics dry afler rinse, air dry vilh vacu-
um cIeaner or fan.
3. AnnuaIIy, insecl, lesl, and caIibrale Iighl conlroI devices in accor-
dance vilh lhe foIIoving:
Control Device Calibration Setting(s)

Occupancysensor, Time deIay: 15 minules (3O minules in Iarge saces

ceiling-mounted such as cIassrooms)
Sensilivily: Medium high

Occupancysensor, ManuaI: n Aulo: ff

wall-mounted Time deIay: 15 minules (3O minules in Iarge saces
such as cIassrooms)
Sensilivily: Medium

(Incandescentonly) High end lrim sel al 95/

Automatictimers, n1ff limes based on occuancy sel for each day of

timerswitches lhe veek
HoIiday and veekend scheduIes

4. Grou reIam aII hxlures al 7O/ of average raled Iam Iife in accor-
dance vilh lhe foIIoving scheduIe
Avg. Annual
Lamp Avg. Rated Lamp Utilization Group Relamping
Type Life (Hours) (Hours) Frequency

IIuorescenl 12,OOO 25OO 3.3 years

MelaI HaIide 15,OOO 3OOO 3.5 years
Mercury Vaor 24,OOO 3OOO 5.6 years
HI Sodium 2O,OOO 3OOO 4.7 years
Incandescenl 75O 25OO 4 monlhs Address System

Insecl, lesl, and mainlain ubIic address syslem in accordance
vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 371 System
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain inlercommunicalion1aging syslem in
accordance vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions. System
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain caII syslem in accordance vilh manufac-
lurers vrillen inslruclions. System
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain cIock syslem in accordance vilh manu-
faclurers vrillen inslruclions. & Smoke Detection
Tesl and mainlain hre and smoke deleclion and aIarm syslems as
1. Battery-poweredsinglestationsmokedetectors
a. MonlhIy, lesl for roer oeralion. ReIace ballery or head if
lhere is a maIfunclion.
b. AnnuaIIy, reIace ballery.
c. Lvery 5 years, conducl caIibralion lesl for sensilivily.
d. Lvery 1O years, reIace deleclors.
2. Centralfrealarmsystem: Iire aIarm syslem shaII be mainlained in ac-
cordance vilh lhe requiremenls of NIIA 72. Lquimenl and devices
shaII be lesled in accordance vilh TabIe 1O.4.3 of NIIA 72. & Alarm System
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain securily and aIarm syslem in accordance
vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions. Closed-circuit Systems
Insecl, lesl, and mainlain cIosed circuil TV (CCTV) syslem in ac-
cordance vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
Insecl eIeclricaI grounding conneclions, grounding rods, and vir-
ing every 5 years. Tighlen conneclions. Make sure lhal valer iing sys-
lems used for grounding have no Iaslic iing eIemenls.
372 Effective Building Maintenance Lighting
Lmergency Iighling syslems require eriodic inseclion and main-
lenance, as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, lesl emergency Iighling syslem(s) for 3O seconds lo ensure
roer oeralion. Reair or reIace any defeclive Iams, hxlures, or
olher devices.
2. Ierform annuaI inseclion, cIeaning, and 9O minule oeralionaI lesl.
Reair or reIace any defeclive Iams, hxlures, or olher devices. Power
Lmergency over syslems require eriodic inseclion and mainle-
nance, as foIIovs:
1. Insecl molor generalor sels for lhe foIIoving:
a. Insecl lo ensure lhal varning signs exisl. If missing, reIace.
b. Insecl encIosure for damage, unaulhorized oenings, and cor-
rosion. Reair and reainl a needed.
c. Insecl air assages for bIockages.
d. Insecl, invesligale, and soIve condilions for unusuaI odors.
e. Insecl eIeclricaI conneclions for lighlness and degradalion.
Tighlen and reair as required.
f. Insecl eIeclricaI insuIalion for discoIoralion and degradalion.
Reair as required.
g. Insecl equimenl grounding comonenls, conduclors, and
conneclions. Reair as required.
h. Insecl Iocking devices. Reair as required.
2. CIean equimenl.
3. Tighlen aII eIeclricaI conneclions.
4. Tesl molor and generalor insuIalion
a. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesls using a megohmmeler in ac-
cordance vilh ILLL 43 on lhe slalor and rolor of molor, genera-
lor, and exciler.
b. Ierform dieIeclric absorlion lesling using a megohmmeler.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 373
5. Ierform infrared lesl.
6. Ierform Ioad lesl
a. Verify frequency and voIlage oulul.
b. Verify inslrumenlalion for correcl indicalions.
c. Lislen, invesligale, and soIve condilions for unusuaI noises.
7. Insecl bearings
a. Verify bearings are Iubricaled in accordance vilh manufaclurers
b. Ierform vibralion lesls.
c. Check aIignmenl and couIings.
8. Measure and record neulraI currenl.
9. Verify syslem conlroIs
a. Ising caIibraled lesl inslrumenls, caIibrale ammelers, voIlme-
lers, elc.
b. Verify conlinuily of melering seIeclor svilch conlacls vilh ohm-
c. Run conlroIIer diagnoslics (if rovided).
d. SimuIale aulomalic and manuaI conlroI sequences.
e. Verify aIarms.
1. Insecl svilches for lhe foIIoving:
a. Insecl, oerale, ad|usl, and Iubricaled mechanicaI Iinkages. Re-
Iace comonenls as required.
b. Verify oeralion of mechanicaI inlerIocks.
c. Insecl and dress currenl carrying conlacls in accordance vilh
manufaclurers inslruclions.
2. Tesl svilches
a. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesl on each hase-lo-hase and
hase-lo-ground using a megohmmeler.
b. Ierform conlacl resislance lesl.
c. Irove correcl oeralion of lhe svilch by manuaIIy inilialing
lransfers in bolh direclions.
d. SimuIale aulomalic condilions lo iniliale aulomalic lransfer in
bolh direclions.
374 Effective Building Maintenance
e. Verify slarling of generalors (vhere aIicabIe).
f. Verify correcl indicaling Iighl oeralion.
3. Verify equimenl aIarms. Power Supply
Insecl, lesl, and service slalic uninlerrulibIe over suIy sys-
lems as foIIovs:
1. Ierform visuaI checks of lhe foIIoving on balleries: }ar seaIs, lermi-
naI condilion, ballery Iale discoIoralion, sedimenl, mossing, gas-
sing, eIeclroIyle IeveI, venls, and ame arreslers.
2. Insecl and lesl balleries: Measure secihc gravily of eIeclroIyle in
iIol ceII and correcl for lemeralure.
3. Record ballery bank charge voIlage, lye of charge, and charging
currenl. Comare lo Iasl monlhs vaIues. If lhere is a signihcanl dif-
ference, invesligale, delermine robIem(s), and make reairs.
4. Insecl ballery rack
a. Insecl for corrosion. Reair as required.
b. Insecl for Ioose conneclions. Tighlen or reair as required.
c. Verify lhal ballery rack is grounded.
5. Insecl venliIalion hIlers and change or cIean as needed.
6. Ising a voIl-ohm meler, verify correcl oeralion of aII svilches.
7. CaIibrale melering.
8. Tesl conlroI cabinel
a. Tesl indicaling Iams and reIace as required.
b. Tesl annuncialors IocaI visuaI and audibIe aIarm.
9. Insecl ballery charger for abnormaIilies.
1O. Run equimenl diagnoslics rouline and correcl any abnormaIilies
lhal are recorded.
Appendix DService System Preventative and Predictive Procedures 375
1. Ierform ballery ceII lesls
a. Measure secihc gravily of each ceIIs eIeclroIyle and correcl
vilh asl readings. Comare vilh Iasl lesls. If lhere is a sig-
nihcanl difference, invesligale, delermine robIem(s), and make
b. Record lhe voIlage of each ceII. LvaIualed and comare vilh
asl readings.
c. Record a samIing of inlerceII conneclor resislances.
2. Ierform a comIele Ioad lesl in accordance vilh ILLL 45O.
1. Insecl syslem for lhe foIIoving:
a. Insecl lo ensure lhal varning signs exisl. If missing, reIace.
b. Insecl encIosure for damage, unaulhorized oenings, and cor-
rosion. Reair and reainl a needed.
c. Insecl, invesligale, and soIve condilions for unusuaI odors or
d. Insecl eIeclricaI conneclions for lighlness and degradalion.
Tighlen and reair as required.
e. Insecl eIeclricaI insuIalion for discoIoralion and degradalion.
Reair as required.
f. Insecl equimenl grounding comonenls, conduclors, and
conneclions. Reair as required.
g. Insecl Iocking devices. Reair as required.
2. Tighlen eIeclricaI conneclions.
3. CIean equimenl.
4. Tesl hase bus insuIalion.
5. Ierform infrared lesl.
6. Ierform harmonic anaIysis.
7. Verify aIarm seloinls and conlroI Iimils
a. CaIibrale aIarm seloinls such as lemeralure, over-voIlage,
over-currenl, elc.
376 Effective Building Maintenance
b. CaIibrale conlroI Iimils for slalic svilch oeralion, cooIing fan
oeralion, cooIing valer conlroI, osciIIalor, Ioad sharing con-
lroIs, elc.
c. Verify correcl aclion of any associaled remole aIarm.
8. Measure and record neulraI currenls. Uninterruptible Power
Insecl, lesl, and service rolary uninlerrulibIe over suIy sys-
lems as foIIovs:
1. Ierform Ioad lesl.
1. Tesl induclion couIer and synchronous machine insuIalion
a. Ierform insuIalion resislance lesls using a megohmmeler in ac-
cordance vilh ILLL 43 on lhe slalor and rolor.
b. Ierform dieIeclric absorlion lesling using a megohmmeler.
2. Insecl bearings for induclion couIer, synchronous machine, and
free-vheeIing couIer
a. Verify bearings are roerIy Iubricaled. Re-Iubricale as required
in accordance vilh manufaclurers inslruclions.
b. Ierform vibralion lesls.
c. Check aIignmenl.
1. ReIace free-vheeIing couIer.
Appendix E
Equipment & Furnishings
Preventative and Predictive
Maintenance Procedures
IaciIily equimenl and furnishings incIude ermanenlIy inslaIIed
equimenl, such as arking conlroI devices, food service freezers and
cooIers, dock IeveIers, kilchen hoods, elc. Gages
Lvery 6O days, insecl, lesl, and service aulomalic gales as foIIovs:
1. Insecl gale arm. If damaged, reIace.
2. Check beIl lension. eIls shouId be lighl lo assisl in conlroIIing over-
lraveI afler oeralion of Iimil svilches.
3. Ad|usl u and dovn Iimil svilches in accordance vilh
manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
4. Lubricale gears and drive molors in accordance vilh manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions.
5. Tighlen aII nuls, boIls, and screvs in lhe enlire gale unil.
6. Tesl gale oeralion by Iacing AIT-MANIAL funclion svilch in
MANIAL osilion and lesling in accordance vilh manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions.
7. Lvery olher inseclion, cIean and vax gale conlroI housing or
378 Effective Building Maintenance Levelers & Locks
Lvery 3 monlhs, insecl and reair dock IeveIers and Iocks:
1. Check aII safely devices on lhe unil
2. CIean lhe uer orlion of lhe Iale, Iover roIIers and belveen
lhe sides and curb angIes.
3. CIean aII debris from lhe il or from lhe vicinily of oor mounled
unils in order lo avoid inlerference vilh lhe roIIing mechanism.
4. Insecl lhe ush-in bar and ush-oul Iale assembIies for
5. Insecl lhe safely Ieg syslem and relurn sring oeralion.
6. Check for resence and roer selling of aII sna rings and cIis
on axIes and roIIers.
7. Check roIIers, ins and bushings for any signs of vear such as al
sols, missing fasleners or disIodged bearing maleriaI.
8. Check lhe srings for eIongalion.
9. Insecl aII veIds under lhe IeveIer for faligue or faiIure,
arlicuIarIy lhe lo Iale underslruclure.
1O. Check generaI condilion of lhe dock IeveIer. erale dock IeveIer
afler service, check for any abnormaI noise or vibralions. Kitchen Coolers
WeekIy, insecl buiIl-in kilchen cooIers1freezers and service as
1. Check condilion of door gaskels. ReIace if lhere is any ice buiId-u
around doors or gaskels are lorn, allened, or searaled from door
(Ioose). Ad|usl door hinges as required for lighl shulling.
Appendix EEquipment & Furnishings Preventive & Predictive Procedures 379
1. Check condilion of door gaskels. ReIace if lhere is any ice buiId-u
around doors or if gaskels are lorn, allened, or searaled from door
(Ioose). Ad|usl door hinges as required for lighl shulling. |bserve
door use by kilchen slaff. If doors are Iefl oen excessiveIy, reIace
exisling hinges vilh seIf-cIosing lye.j
2. Check healer vires for roer funclion by feeIing for varmlh
around door frames, erimelers of doors, and ressure reIief orls.
Ice buiIdu around doors indicales Ieakage and1or healer faiIure.
3. Check lhermomelers lo ensure lhal lemeralure is being mainlained.
Lvery 6 monlhs, lesl lhermomelers for accuracy and reIace if error
exceeds 5/.
4. MonlhIy, check refrigeralion syslem:
a. Read syslem ressures and, if necessary, add refrigeranl. Insecl
for refrigeranl Ieaks.
b. Check defrosl cycIe limecIocks lo see lhal lhey are sel and
oeraling roerIy. Ad|usl Ienglh of defrosls on a seasonaI basis.
c. Check condenser fan(s) and fan molor(s) for roer oeralion.
|TyicaIIy, molors are ermanenlIy Iubricaled. Hovever, if re-
Iubricalion is required, do so in accordance vilh Mainlenance
Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.j CIean condenser coiIs.
d. Check evaoralor fan(s) and fan molor(s) for roer oeralion.
|TyicaIIy, molors are ermanenlIy Iubricaled. Hovever, if re-
Iubricalion is required, do so in accordance vilh Mainlenance
Irocedure 4.3.2O.O.j CIean evaoralor coiIs.
e. Check drain an, drain Iines, and drain healer for cIogging,
freezing, and roer oeralion. Iov oul Iines as needed.
5. AnnuaIIy, insecl and lighlen aII eIeclricaI conneclions. Hoods
Insecl and mainlain kilchen hood syslems as foIIovs:
1. Lnsure lhal cooking equimenl is nol oeraled vhiIe lhe hood hre
exlinguishing syslem or exhausl syslem is non-oeralionaI.
380 Effective Building Maintenance
2. Lnsure lhal hood exhausl syslems is oeraled vhenever cooking
equimenl is lurned on.
3. AII hIlers shaII be in roer Iacemenl vhen exhausl syslem is in
4. Inslruclions for manuaIIy oeraling lhe hre exlinguishing syslem
musl be osled consicuousIy in lhe kilchen and musl be eriodicaIIy
revieved vilh emIoyees by lhe managemenl.
1. Check hIlers. Mesh hIlers are no Ionger aIIoved by NIIA 96 because
lhey do nol drain veII and cIog u vilh grease quickIy. ReIace
mesh hIlers vilh nev IL Iisled grease hIlers.
2. If hIlers are lhe roer lye, cIean by ressure vashing vhere aII
grease and valer viII drain lo lhe grease lra. |An aIlernalive lo
ressure vashing is lo soak lhe hIlers in a valer, delergenl balh in a
ol sink overnighl, lhen rinsing lhoroughIy.j
3. Check and service exhausl (and make-u) fan(s) in accordance vilh
Mainlenance Irocedure 4.3.1O.1.
Insecl and mainlain hood hre roleclion syslem in accordance
vilh Mainlenance Irocedure
1. CIean hood and exhausl duclvork, as foIIovs:
a. AII hol valer high-ressure cIeaning unils used musl ul oul
valer in excess of 18OI and 15OO sig.
b. efore cIeaning, insecl lhe exhausl syslem vilh lhe manager
using lhe service reorl. Nole any robIems found such as bad
viring, grease on roof, fan noise1vibralion, elc.
c. Verify lhe fans are in good vorking condilion.
d. Cover lhe grease guard or olher grease coIIeclion devices on lhe
roof vilh Iaslic.
e. Irolecl and cover aII equimenl in lhe kilchen service area vilh
f. ag or drae lhe hood vilh Iaslic lo funneI aII lhe valer and
grease inlo a conlainer lo avoid gelling any on lhe equimenl
Appendix EEquipment & Furnishings Preventive & Predictive Procedures 381
or on lhe oor.
g. AIy degreasing chemicaI lo lhe fan, aII duclvork, hIlers, and
lhe hood.
h. CIean lhe hood, hIlers, aII verlicaI and horizonlaI duclvork and
lhe fans.
i. Lmly and cIean lhe calch ans on lhe fans.
|. Wie dovn lhe roof Iadder and roof halch, aII equimenl in lhe
cIeaning area and kilchen mo lhe oor.
k. IoIish lhe inside and oulside of lhe hood, and lhe backsIash (as
I. Make sure lhe fans and aII kilchen equimenl are vorking roerIy
afler cIeaning.
m. Lnsure lhal service slicker on lhe hood is reIaced vilh nev,
roerIy daled slicker..
2. The cIeaning oulIined above shouId be done by a conlraclor vilh
lhe required lraining and equimenl.
3. Secure hre suression syslem during cIeaning. Afler cIeaning, have
hre suression syslem serviced in accordance vilh Mainlenance
This page left intentionally blank.
Appendix F
Special Construction
Preventative and Predictive
Maintenance Procedures
SeciaI conslruclion incIudes orlabI o h - m I ob ! a s

384 Effective Building Maintenance
Rusl can aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs are used, any
chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh dam cIolhs, lhen dried
immedialeIy vilh induslriaI bIov-dryers. Do not use running water
2. Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII. Remaining
Ioose or aking ainl can be removed vilh a chemicaI ainl remover
or vilh a neumalic needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded ainl may
serve lo rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and need nol be
removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by sanding lo give a
good surface for reainling.)
3. nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes and
uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed vilh a alching
maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy binder and sanded smoolh lo
eIiminale ockels vhere valer can accumuIale.
4. are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl such as
denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy in rearalion for lhe
aIicalion of an anlicorrosive rimer (oiI-aIkyd based ainl rich in
zinc or zinc chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler cIeaning. Storage Tanks
Insecl and mainlain oiI slorage lanks and aurlenances as foIIovs:
1. MonlhIy, insecl lo conhrm lhal lank is nol Ieaking. Monilor lank(s)
for Ieaks by one or more of lhe foIIoving melhods:
a. DaiIy invenlory conlroI: Measure deIiveries, vilhdravaIs, and
oiI amounl in lank by manuaI slicking (lanks 2,OOO gaIIons
onIy) or IeveI gauging (a IeveI measuring syslem caabIe of
measuring oiI delh lo vilhin 118")
b. MonlhIy manuaI slicking (lanks 2,OOO gaIIons onIy).
Measuremenls are required al lhe beginning and end of a 36
hour eriod during vhich no Iiquid is add lo or removed from
lhe lank.
c. MonlhIy lank lighlness lesl.
d. Conlinuous aulomalic lank gauging vilh a syslem caabIe of
delecling Ieaks of O.2 gh Ieak rale in con|unclion vilh daiIy
invenlory conlroI.
e. Groundvaler moniloring.
f. Ior doubIe vaII lanks, inlersliliaI sace moniloring.
2. Lvery 6O days, as aIicabIe, insecl imressed currenl calhodic
roleclion syslem lo ensure lhe equimenl is funclioning roerIy.
3. Lvery 3 years, as aIicabIe, insecl and lesl sacrihciaI calhodic
roleclion syslem in accordance vilh NalionaI Associalion of
Corrosion Lngineers Slandard RI-O2-85.
4. AnnuaIIy, monilor iing for Ieaks by a Iine lighlness lesl.
1. Insecl lank and exosed iing for Ieaks. Check conlainmenl
area for Iiquid in lhe conlainmenl area or Iiquid al lhe lank seams,
conneclions, or iing |oinls. If any Ieaks are observed, slo use of
lank, drain il, and correcl Ieaks.
2. Insecl lank and exosed iing for corrosion (rusl). If lhe rusling
is mereIy a surface accumuIalion or aking, lhen lhe corrosion
is light. If lhe rusling has enelraled lhe melaI (indicaled by a
bubbIing lexlure), bul has nol caused any slrucluraI damage, lhen
lhe corrosion is medium. Iftherusthaspenetrateddeep intothemetal,
structural damage, through delamination, to the metal section, making
a. Remove Iighl and medium rusl via manuaI abrasion (vire brush
and aIuminum oxide sandaer) and mechanicaI abrasion (such
as an eIeclric driII vilh a vire brush or a rolary vhi allachmenl).
Rusl can aIso be removed by using a number of commerciaIIy
reared anlicorrosive acid comounds. If chemicaIs are used,
any chemicaI residue shouId be vied off vilh dam cIolhs,
lhen dried immedialeIy vilh InduslriaI bIov-dryers. Donotuse
b. Removing rusl viII remove mosl aking ainl as veII. Remaining
Ioose or aking ainl can be removed vilh a chemicaI ainl
Appendix FSpecial Construction Preventive & Predictive Procedures 385
386 Effective Building Maintenance
remover or vilh a neumalic needIe scaIer or gun. (WeII-bonded
ainl may serve lo rolecl lhe melaI furlher from corrosion and
need nol be removed. The ainl edges shouId be fealhered by
sanding lo give a good surface for reainling.)
c. nce melaI has been cIeaned of aII corrosion, smaII hoIes and
uneven areas resuIling from rusling shouId be hIIed vilh a
alching maleriaI of sleeI hbers and an eoxy binder and sanded
smoolh lo eIiminale ockels vhere valer can accumuIale.
d. are melaI shouId lhen be vied vilh a cIeaning soIvenl such
as denalured aIcohoI, and dried immedialeIy in rearalion
for lhe aIicalion of an anlicorrosive rimer (oiI-aIkyd based
ainl rich in zinc or zinc chromale), aIied immedialeIy afler
3. Insecl conlainmenl area:
a. If relained slorm valer is resenl and lhere is no evidence of
oiI Ieaks, unIock and oen drain vaIves. nce valer is drained,
cIose and lock drain vaIves.
b. Il lhere is Ieaves, lrash, cIuller, or vasle in lhe conlainmenl area,
cIean lhe area.
1. Insecl iing, hllings, ums, vaIves, gauges and IeveI moniloring
devices, melers, elc. for condilion, oeralion, Ieaks, and corrosion.
Reair or reIace fauIly or corroded devices. Reair, any Ieaks lhal
are found.
2. Insecl conlainmenl area for cracks or gas. Reair any found.
3. ComIele monlhIy inseclion reorl required for Slale or IederaI
record-keeing reguIalions.
Appendix G
Sitework Preventative and
Predictive Maintenance
Silevork incIudes sile imrovemenls (roads, arking Iols, vaIkvays,
Iandscaing, elc.) and civiI, mechanicaI, and eIeclricaI uliIilies.
SITL IMIRVLMLNTS or Shellrock Paving
Lvery 3 monlhs, insecl and mainlain graveI or sheIIrock (marI)
aving as foIIovs. If ossibIe, conducl mainlenance oeralions vhen
moislure is resenl and surface is vel and sofl.
388 Effective Building Maintenance Paving
AnnuaIIy, insecl and mainlain concrele aving as foIIovs:
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 389
390 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Roul or sav-cul |oinls lo remove exisling seaIanl and olher maleriaIs
and lo rovide cIean, uniform surfaces for hIIer lo adhere lo and a
reservoir for seaIanl. Roul |oinls lo a vidlh of lo inch and a delh
of lo 1 inch.
2. If feasibIe, sandbIasl lhe |oinls.
3. Ise an air comressor and an air vand lo cIean |oinls of dirl, dusl, and
remnanls from saving1rouling and sandbIasling. Conlaminalion in
a |oinl viII cause oor seaIanl bonding.
4. If using backer rods in |oinls, Iace lhe rod lo lhe roer delh lo
ensure lhe correcl shae of lhe seaIanl reservoir. n road surfaces
vhere grinding is Ianned al a Ialer dale, lhe backer rod and seaIanl
shouId be inslaIIed so lhal lhe seaIanl is aroximaleIy inch beIov
lhe road surface afler grinding is comIele.
5. AIy seaIanl according lo secihcalions and lhe manufaclurers
recommendalions. The |oinl viII be hIIed vilh a concave bead. The
shae faclor generaIIy ranges from 1:2 lo 2:1, deending mainIy
on lhe eIaslicily of lhe seaIanl maleriaI. e guided by lhe lye of
maleriaI and ils secihcalions on delermining lhe roer shae
1. Sav cul, break oul, and remove Ioose maleriaI, Ieaving lhe faces of
lhe removaI verlicaI. A culling lorch or sav may be necessary for
culling avemenl reinforcemenl. NormaIIy lhe sleeI nelvork is nol
2. CIean lhe hoIe vilh comressed air lo remove moislure and debris.
3. IiII lhe hoIe vilh concrele mix, normaIIy deIivered by a ready-mix
4. ConsoIidale lhe mix vilh a vibralor.
5. Screed and hnish lhe surface, bul do nol add free valer. (Adding
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 391
free valer lo lhe surface diIules lhe cemenl asle, and lhe surface is
IikeIy lo scaIe off in lhe near fulure.)
6. Cure lhe concrele by covering vilh Iaslic, vel burIa, or a Iiquid
curing comound. The burIa shouId be kel vel unliI lhe iniliaI
concrele slrenglh is deveIoed.
AIy a fuII-delh reair vhere lhe delh of lhe delerioralion is
grealer lhan 25 ercenl of lhe lolaI avemenl lhickness or covers a Iarge
1. Mark lhe area lo be alched lvo lo lhree inches oulside lhe damaged
2. Sav cul and remove fuII delh of concrele sIab vilhoul damaging
ad|acenl concrele.
3. Remove any unsound base or sub-base. If a re-casl sIab is lo be
used, lhe base or sub-base needs lo be reslored and comacled. If
a serious drainage robIem exisls, il shouId be correcled as vilh
lransverse, IaleraI sub-drain, elc.
4. lher lhan re-casl, Iace a form for reeslabIishing shouIder edge.
5. SandbIasl exosed concrele and cIean area vilh comressed air.
6. Ise coaled doveI bars and deformed rebars for Ioad lransfer in aII
fuII-delh reairs.
7. IIace Iov-sIum concrele vilh adequale mechanicaI vibralory
8. Texlure and cure lhe concrele.
AIy a surface alch vhere lhe delh of delerioralion is no more
lhan 25 ercenl of lhe lolaI avemenl lhickness:
1. Mark lhe area lo be alched lvo lo lhree inches oulside lhe damaged
392 Effective Building Maintenance
2. Remove surface concrele vilh Iighl- lo medium-veighl hammers
lo avoid damaging lhe sound concrele on lhe bollom Iayer of lhe
avemenl sIab.
3. SandbIasl exosed concrele and cIean lhe area vilh comressed air.
4. Ior olher lhan re-casl, Iace a form for reeslabIishing lhe shouIder
5. In reinforced avemenl (excel for re-casl reair) reeslabIish lhe
reinforcemenl by overIaing and lying or veIding vilh eilher a
doubIeface 4-inch veId or a singIe-face 8-inch veId.
6. rush in cemenl or eoxy groul.
7. IIace Iov-sIum concrele vilh adequale mechanicaI vibralory
8. Texlure and cure lhe concrele.
9. AIy a doubIe aIicalion of vhile igmenled curing comound.
1. Iov oul |oinls vilh comressed air.
2. Remove broken concrele and square u lhe sides of lhe area.
3. AIy a lack coal.
4. IIace an ashaIl vedge and comacl il.
Mud |acking raises and ad|usls a sIab lhal has sellIed. WorkabIe
maleriaI is forced lhrough hoIes driIIed in lhe concrele sIab. The maleriaI
exerls sufhcienl ressure on lhe Iover side of lhe sIab lo raise il before lhe
maleriaI has lraveIed beyond lhe desired area:
1. Lxamine lhe sile and delermine Iov sols by using Iine or eIevalion
IeveIs as aroriale. Look for lhe oinls of valer inlrusion inlo lhe
avemenl and vhere lhe subbase maleriaI has been deosiled.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 393
2. DriII aroximaleIy 2-inch diameler core hoIes lhrough lhe concrele
sIab al seIecled Iocalions, or use reformed hoIes or reviousIy
driIIed hoIes as aroriale.
3. Slarling al lhe dovnhiII orlion of lhe void and vorking u, begin
uming lhe mud |ack mix inlo lhe redriIIed hoIes. As lhe mixlure
raises lhe sIab lo lhe desired eIevalion or lhe void hIIs lo caacily,
move uhiII lo lhe nexl sel of driII hoIes. Ils imorlanl lo Iifl lhe sIab
uniformIy lo avoid cracking il.
4. IIug each hoIe lemorariIy once lhe hose is removed. Ise a Iaslic
Iug or a burIa bag unliI lhe mixlure has cured.
5. Afler lhe enlire sIab area has been ad|usled lo grade, cIean oul each
hoIe and rehII vilh a fasl-selling cemenl groul.
6. ReseaI any cracks and |oinls. Paving
Lvery 6 monlhs, insecl and mainlain ashaIl aving as foIIovs:
394 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Sav-cul cracks and cIean oul vilh comressed air.
2. AIy Iov moduIus rubberized ashaIl seaIanl al 35O-415I.
3. Iour and even bead of seaIanl inlo lhe crack no higher lhan 112
above exisling avemenl surface.
4. To remove excess seaIanl, run a I-shaed squeegee or seaIing shoe
over lhe bead lo allen il.
5. Kee lrafhc off seaIed cracks for 2-3 hours.
1. efore alching, correcl drainage robIems lhal caused lhe robIem.
2. CIean lhe area lo be alched vilh broom and comressed air.
Remove any Ioose or delerioraled avemenl.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 395
3. IiII lhe area lo be alched vilh hol mix ashaIl unliI il is sIighlIy
higher lhan surrounding exisling avemenl.
4. Smoolh lhe alch vilh a shoveI or Iule.
5. Comacl lhe alch using a hand or molorized lamer or vibralory
6. Kee lrafhc off alch unliI lhe ashaIl is cooI enough lo louch.
1. Sav cul around lhe enlire delerioraled area.
2. Remove maleriaI manuaIIy or vilh a |ack hammer. nce aII maleriaI
is removed, cIean oul aII Ioose maleriaI vilh a shoveI and lhen
comressed air.
3. AIy a lack coal lo lhe edges of lhe exisling avemenl.
4. IIace nev hol mix ashaIl maleriaI in Iayers nol exceeding 2.5
lhick, smoolh vilh a shoveI or Iule, and lhen comacl vilh hand or
molorized lamer (or, if Iarge, vilh a vibralory roIIer).
5. Do hnaI comaclion vilh vibralory roIIer.
6. Kee lrafhc off alch unliI lhe ashaIl is cooI enough lo louch.
SeaI coal is an aIicalion of ashaIl binder, foIIoved by an
aIicalion of aggregale. A good seaI coal viII have an adequale roadvay
crovn, fev unseaIed cracks, olhoIes, or ruls, and a smoolh, lighl surface
vilh no bIeeding (binding coming lo lhe surface) or raveIing (a rough,
illed surfaced due lo Ioss of aggregale). SeaI coal surfaces as foIIovs:
1. efore seaI coal, erform crack seaIing and1or alching as necessary.
2. Svee and cIean lhe avemenl lo remove debris.
3. Sray lhe avemenl vilh lhe binder. Ise roohng aer lo make
a shar Iine across lhe avemenl vhen slarling and sloing
aIicalion. AIign lhe binder aIicalion vilh lhe cenler Iine of lhe
road. AIign lhe nozzIes and sel lhe sray bar heighl as aroriale.
396 Effective Building Maintenance
AIy onIy as much emuIsion as lhe chi sreader viII be abIe lo
cover vilh a Ioad of aggregale. CaIibrale lhis dislance by measuring
lhe dislance lhe chi sreader lraveIs on one Ioad of aggregale.
AIy binder al lhe rale of O.25O.3 gaI1sy. If lhe exisling avemenl
is smoolh vilh fev voids, lhe aIicalion rale is Iess. If lhe avemenl
is rough vilh Iols of voids, lhe aIicalion rale is higher. The amounl
of aIied shouId be aroximaleIy 5O lo 7O ercenl of lhe lhickness
of lhe aggregale.
4. In generaI, aIy lhe aggregale before lhe binder has sel, usuaIIy
vilhin lvo lo lhree minules afler il has been aIied or before lhe
surface has lurned bIack. AIy aggregale al lhe rale of153O Ib1sy.
If lhe aggregale is nol covering lhe binder, increase lhe aggregale
aIicalion rale. If excess aggregale is visibIe, decrease lhe aggregale
aIicalion rale.
5. RoII lhe aggregale vilh a neumalic lire roIIer cIoseIy behind lhe
chi (aggregale) sreader. Make lvo lo four asses on a 24-fool
vide roadvay. Do nol slarl and slo lhe roIIer quickIy. This viII
cause diffraclion of lhe surface.
6. The foIIoving day, svee u excess unbound aggregale.
1. Take seciaI care lo ensure lhal drainage viII be mainlained (e.g.,
beveI grind cross slreels al ov Iines).
2. Remove Ioose maleriaI and valer from delerioraled areas. CIean,
alch, and comacl.
3. Afler lhe aving has been cIeaned, aIy a lack coal al lhe roer
rale so as lo avoid ushing or shoving lhe mal.
4. Al lhe beginning of lhe overIay seclion, sel u lhe aver lo run
lhe hnish course. Sel lhe healed screed on Ialh lo gain rior mal
5. ack lhe lruck u lo lhe aver. When conlacl is made, raise lhe
lruck box before lhe laiIgale is lried lo deIiver lhe mix lo lhe
aver hoer. This duming rocedure viII cause lhe mix lo sIide
againsl lhe laiIgale. Ion lriing lhe gale, lhe mix viII ood lhe
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 397
hoer and reduce lhe amounl of segregalion lhal aears behind
lhe screed.
6. If lhe lruck needs lo be uIIed avay from lhe aver afler Ioading
(due lo incIine or some olher reason), before lhe aver slarls, make
sure lhe mix has nol siIIed on lhe slreel and iIed u in fronl of lhe
aver lracks. Remove any siIIs. lhervise lhe aver viII ride on
lhis maleriaI, and lhe avemenl surface viII be irreguIar.
7. During aving, lhe hoer on lhe aving machine shouId be fuII
al aII limes lo ensure a conslanl ov of maleriaIs lo lhe screed. In
addilion, lhe augers lhal move lhe mix in fronl of lhe screed shouId
be lurning mosl of lhe lime so lhal lhe mix is uniform in densily
before comaclion.
8. Comaclion is accomIished vilh a rubber-lired roIIer (breakdovn
roIIer) and a sleeI-vheeIed roIIer (hnish roIIer). The rubber-lired
roIIer rovides energy lo comacl lhe mix, il shouId be as cIose as
ossibIe behind lhe Iay-dovn machine bul nol so cIose lhal lhe mix
is rulled or dislurbed. The hnish roIIer removes lhe vheeI lracks Iefl
by lhe rubber lired roIIer and shouId be as cIose as ossibIe behind
il vilhoul learing lhe surface.
9. Afler aving and roIIing oeralions have concIuded, barricade lhe
slreel lo aIIov for cure lime overnighl. and Gutters
When insecling aving, insecl and mainlain curbs and guller as
1. ReIace curb and guller seclion(s) lhal shov sellIemenl, uIifl,
vehicIe damage, and1or generaI delerioralion.
2. Insecl drainage slruclures and reair as necessary. Iay carefuI
allenlion lo lhe mounling and suorl of casl iron grales lo revenl
lhem from becoming vehicIe hazards. Lines & Markings
When insecling aving, insecl and mainlain avemenl Iines and
markings as foIIovs:
398 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Temorary markings or lemorary reairs lo exisling markings
(roviding 6-12 monlhs Iife) may be made vilh lrafhc ainl.
2. Ior nev markings or Iong lerm reair of exisling markings, durabIe
maleriaIs are required for Ionger Iife. AIy lhermoIaslics, vhich
are aIied as soIids al ambienl lemeralure and lhen meIled, lo
rovide lhe besl Iife-cycIe cosl (5-7 year Iife).
RoulineIy, insecl and mainlain signage as foIIovs:
1. CIean signs of grafhli, mud, elc. lo ensure lheir visibiIily.
2. If sign is damaged (sholgun eIIels, grafhli lhal vonl cIean,
accidenl, or vandaIism), reIace lhe sign.
3. When reIacing a sign, re-evaIuale lhe currenl sign conlenl, Iocalion,
coIor, elc. and revise as needed lo make sign more effeclive as a lrafhc
conlroI device. Make sure sign meel slale slandards. |AII lrafhc
conlroI devices used on public slreels and highvays in musl conform
lo lhe Manual on Uniform Traffc Control Device, IederaI Highvay
Commission (2OOO), and IocaI and slale DT requiremenls.j
AnnuaIIy, insecl each bridge and ils aroaches. If any of lhe
foIIoving robIems are idenlihed, relain a IrofessionaI Lngineer lo
rovide a more delaiIed inseclion and evaIualion and use lhe engineers
reorl lo ad|usl bolh lhe erformance Iife of lhe bridge and ils mainlenance
n graveI road aroaches, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI
1. Ioor crovn lransilion from lhe road lo lhe bridge deck
2. Too much aggregale and1or inadequale crusl on lhe bridge
aroach, so lhal lhe aggregale migrales onlo lhe bridge deck.
Aggregale on lhe bridge deck may, in effecl, narrov lhe oeraling
vidlh of lhe bridge.
3. Slanding valer or erosion al lhe shouIder Iine.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 399
n aved road aroaches, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI
1. Iavemenl dislresses and excessive cracking.
2. }oinl faiIures.
3. Lrosion al lhe avemenl edges.
4. Cracking or sellIemenl of aroach sIabs.
5. Ioor condilion of exansion |oinl vhere lhe sIab meels lhe bridge
6. Ioor ride.
n limber decks, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI robIems
1. Loose naiIs, sikes, or fasleners
2. enings belveen Ianks over abulmenls and iers vhich aIIov
dirl lo sifl lhrough.
3. SIil, vorn, broken, or decayed Ianks
n concrele decks, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI robIems:
1. Cracking
2. Leaching
3. Lxosed reinforcing
4. ScaIing
5. IolhoIes
6. SaIIing
7. lher evidence of delerioralion
n sleeI decks, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI robIems:
1. Corrosion
2. Insound veIds
3. Loose veIds vhere lhe deck is faslened lo lhe slringers
4. Dirl coIIecled in oen-grid decking on lo of slringers
5. Delerioraled ainl
6. bserve lhe condilion of slrucluraI beams and lrusses by sighling
aIong lhe roadvay raiI or curb and aIong lhe lruss chord members.
400 Effective Building Maintenance
Look for lruss misaIignmenl, eilher verlicaI or horizonlaI. enl
lrusses may reduce lhe bridges oeraling vidlh and1or reduce lhe
slruclures soundness. Nole any members damaged by vehicIes.
1. Seeage, usuaIIy indicaled by caIcium deosils
2. Cracks in lhe deck
3. Lxosed reinforcing
4. Lrosion al lhe bollom of lhe coIumns
5. Delerioraled concrele in lhe coIumns
6. Iier cas lhal are cracked or oul of aIignmenl
7. Iiers lhal are damaged due lo ice or olher debris
n aved sIoe roleclion, Iook for lhe foIIoving olenliaI
1. roken aneIs (roken aneIs may nol need lo be reIaced if lhey
are sealed and generaIIy conform lo lhe sIoe.)
2. Cracks lhal shouId be seaIed lo revenl valer inlrusion, vhich may
cause sellIemenl and1or sIiding of lhe aneIs.
n rira or revelmenl sIoe roleclion. Iook for lhe foIIoving
1. are areas
2. Lxosed fabric
3. Lrosion
4. Inadequale rock size
Look for drainage syslem robIems such as bIockage, corrosion,
erosion, elc.
Look for debris coIIecling near iers or in lhe slream channeI.
Debris accumuIalions may cause scour, redirecl lhe slream channeI, aIy
excessive hydrauIic Ioads, or become a hre hazard.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 401 & Gates
Ior high securily aIicalions, insecl fencing and gales veekIy. Ior
Iess secure aIicalions, insecl fencing and gales monlhIy. Ior sorls
heId fencing, insecl fencing and gales every 3 monlhs. Mainlain chain
Iink and olher melaI fencing and gales as foIIovs:
1. Washouls or olher oenings under lhe fence musl be cIosed off by
adding fencing or regrading lo eIiminale lhe oening.
2. Check and reair any fence osls lhal have delerioraled, rusled, or
vashed oul.
3. Reair any oenings, culs, or sags in lhe fence fabric.
4. ReIace missing or damaged barbed or razor vire on fence lo
guard (as aIicabIe).
5. Insecl and reair gale comonenls (hinges, lracks, sving cIearances,
Ialches and Iocks, elc.) as required.
6. Ior Iov baII heId fences, insecl lo safely adding and reair or
reIace as required. Walls
AnnuaIIy, insecl relaining vaIIs and mainlain as foIIovs:

Wallcracking Waler ressure behind Relain IrofessionaI Lngineer lo

orbulging vaII, foundalion examine vaII and recommend
vaII or morlar faiIure remediaI

Cloggeddrains SoiI inhIlralion, Ianl If cIogged vilh soiI, roule oul

grovlh. vilh smaII auger or shar
melaI robe. Remove Ianl
grovlh lhal bIocks drain.

Separationoftop Morlar delerioralion, Reair.

coursesorcap freeze-lhav aclion, elc.

402 Effective Building Maintenance Furnishings
Sile furnishings incIude lrash recelacIes, benches, kiosks, labIes,
bicycIe racks, Iayground equimenl, and ouldoor amenilies lhal may be
sub|ecl lo vealher delerioralion, grafhli, and1or vandaIism. Insecl sile
furnishings every lvo veeks and mainlain as foIIovs:
1. Check lhal labIes are cIean, free of rusl, miIdev, and grafhli. CIean
or reair as required.
2. Lnsure lhal labIe hardvare is inlacl.
3. Lnsure lhal labIe frames are inlacl and sIals are roerIy secured.
4. Lnsure lhal labIe seals and los are smoolh vilh no rolrusions and
have no exosed shar edges or oinled corners.
1. Check lhal recelacIes are cIean and are being roulineIy emlied.
2. Check lhal vood recelacIes are ainled and free of damage or
missing arls.
3. Lnsure lhal hardvare for vood recelacIes is inlacl.
4. Lnsure lhal concrele recelacIes are inlacl and free of cracks or
damage. Reair as required.
5. Lnsure lhal lhe area around lrash recelacIe is cIean and free of
lrash and debris.
1. Delermine if sIals are smoolh and slrucluraIIy sound. Reair as
2. Lnsure lhal hardvare is inlacl and slrucluraIIy sound.
3. Lnsure lhal naiIs, boIls, or screvs are ush vilh lhe surface.
4. Lnsure lhal seals and backing are smoolh vilh no rolrusions and
have no exosed shar edges or oinled corners.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 403
1. Lnsure lhal hardvare is inlacl and slrucluraIIy sound.
2. Lnsure lhal boIls or screvs are ush vilh lhe surface.
3. Lnsure lhal seals and backing are smoolh vilh no rolrusions and
have no exosed shar edges or oinled corners.
1. Lnsure lhal founlains are accessibIe and oeralionaI. Tesl and reair
any oeraling maIfunclion.
2. Lnsure lhal founlains are inslaIIed on soIid surfaces and free of
slanding valer and debris. Features
Insecl and mainlain founlains, shaIIov ooIs, onds, and olher
valer fealures as foIIovs:
1. Tvice a veek, check ooI for aIgae grovlh. If aIgae grovlh is a
robIem, and lhe valer fealure does nol incororale Ianls and
hsh or olher viIdIife |fealure is decoralive onIyj, chemicaI valer
lrealmenl can be used. To rolecl Ianls and animaI Iife, an aeralor
can be used in Iieu of chemicaIs lo increase oxygen IeveIs. |An aeralor
can be conslrucled from a submersibIe um vilh ils discharge
beIov valer. Run lhe um al nighl or on veekends as needed lo
reduce aIgae. Ior a Iarge basin, il may be necessary lo have more
lhan one aeralor.j
2. WeekIy, cIean um inIel screen and check um for roer
oeralion. Check valer IeveI so lhal um inIel remains submerged.
3. AnnuaIIy, service um. If submersibIe lye, remove um.
Remove um housing and remove and cIean imeIIer. |If needed,
a 5O15O soIulion of C.L.R. and valer can be used. Soak imeIIer
for 2O minules.j
4. AnnuaIIy, cIean founlain nozzIes (as aIicabIe) in accordance vilh
manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions.
Insecl and mainlain agoIes as foIIovs:
404 Effective Building Maintenance
1. Insecl oIes annuaIIy and service as required:
a. AIuminum or slainIess sleeI oIes require onIy cIeaning based
uon inseclion.
b. Re-ainl sleeI oIes every 3-7 years based uon inseclion.
c. Check condilion of anchor boIls, nuls, and vashers. CIean and
IiberaIIy sray vilh oulboard engine anli-corrosion coaling.
2. Insecl haIyards (roes) quarlerIy and reIace as needed vilh
braided oIyroyIene or nyIon.
3. Insecl hllings quarlerIy. ReIace as indicaled by inseclion.
Mainlain Iaygrounds and Iayground equimenl as foIIovs:
Insecl for and remove debris or Iiller such as lree branches, cans,
bollIes, broken gIass, elc. from lhe Iay area.
1. Insecl and make sure lhal roleclive surfaces around Iayground
equimenl are adequale and nol delerioraled:
a. Al Ieasl 12 lhick muIch, sand, or ea graveI. Lnsure muIch has
nol degraded.
b. Surface musl exlend al Ieasl 6 feel in aII direclions around
equimenl. Ior svings, surface musl exlend lvice lhe bar
heighl, fronl and back.
c. Any surface lhal is inadequale or has delerioraled musl be
enhanced or reIaced.
d. If sand is lhe roleclive covering, lreal vilh a soIulion of 15 oz
of sodium hyochIorile lo 5 gaIIons of valer for every 3OO cubic
feel of sand. AIy vilh a valering sray and lhen rake in.
2. Insecl equimenl for condilion and safely hazards and reair as
required, as foIIovs:
a. Shar oinls, corners, or edges on lhe equimenl.
b. Missing or damaged roleclive cas or Iugs.
c. Hazardous rolrusions or ro|eclions.
d. IolenliaI cIolhing enlangIemenl hazards such as oen S-hooks
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 405
or rolruding boIls.
e. Iinch, crush, or shearing oinls or exosed moving arls.
f. Tri hazards such as exosed foolings or anchoring devices,
rocks, rools, olher obslacIes.
g. Rusl, rol, cracks, or sIinlers, eseciaIIy vhere equimenl is in
conlacl vilh lhe ground.
h. Delerioraled, broken, or missing comonenls on equimenl,
such as handraiIs, guardraiIs, roleclive barriers, sles or rungs
on Iadders, elc.
i. Lquimenl anchoring. Control
Insecl and mainlain erosion or runoff conlroI fealures as foIIovs:
406 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 407
408 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 409
410 Effective Building Maintenance
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 411
412 Effective Building Maintenance Systems
Irrigalion syslems shouId be oeraled and mainlained as foIIovs:
1. To lhe maximum exlenl ossibIe, underground Iov voIume
irrigalion syslems, such as micro-srayers or dri lubes, shaII be
uliIized lo minimize evaolransiralion Iosses. AII Ianling beds,
shrubbery, elc. can be efhcienlIy irrigaled lhis vay.
2. SrinkIer syslems shouId be Iimiled lo lurfgrass irrigalion onIy,
shouId be designed lo achieve al Ieasl 8O/ Ianling coverage,
minimizing srinkIering imervious surfaces and lhe associaled
runoff Iosses. Coverage can be lesled by Iacing emly cans or cus
in a uniform 1O-15 fool square allern in lhe srinkIered area. y
comaring lhe valer IeveI in each can or cu, ovs and allerns can
be ad|usled. SrinkIer syslems musl be conlroIIed on lhe basis of
soiI moislure sensors, evaolransiralion (LT) conlroIIers, elc. Wind
seed sensors shouId be used lo shul-off valer ov vhen vind
seeds exceed 1O mh. Time-clock controls should not be utilized
as the sole method of irrigation system control.
MonlhIy during lhe irrigalion season, insecl and mainlain
irrigalion syslems as foIIovs:
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 413
1. en lhe cabinel for lhe irrigalion conlroIIer and make sure il is free
of debris such as cobvebs or dirl. ReIace lhe ballery.
2. Check aII viring conneclions for vear and breakage. Reair if
3. Check conlroIIer sensors and conlroIIer for roer oeralion. Tesl
sensor caIibralion.
1. IIush syslem: efore running lhe syslem, remove lhe Iasl srinkIer
head in each Iine and Iel lhe valer run for a fev minules lo ush oul
any dirl and debris. ReIace lhe srinkIer heads and lurn lhe syslem
on, running one vaIve al a lime.
2. Look for obviousIy broken or cIogged heads and make lhe necessary
reairs. Consider inslaIIing irrigalion heads lhal have screens lo
revenl debris (grass, soiI, or bugs) from cIogging lhe srinkIer
heads. CIean oul screens lhal may be cIogged.
3. bserve lhe Iovesl head in each slalion for Ieaks. AIgae or moss may
be groving in lhe area and may indicale lhe robIem.
4. Look for a very hne misl from sray heads, vhich is caused by
excessive ressure in lhe syslem. Correcl lhe robIem vilh a ressure
reguIalor dovnslream of lhe valer meler, ressure reguIaling
srinkIer heads, or added lhrollIing vaIves on individuaI srinkIer
5. Check lo see if lhe srinkIers are covering lhe desired area uniformIy.
If your ressure is loo Iov, modify syslem so lhere are fever
srinkIers on each vaIve.
6. Check lo see lhal irrigaled areas have al Ieasl 8O/ coverage and
lhere is no oversray onlo imervious surfaces. Ad|usling lhe sray
allern or reIace lhe sray nozzIe(s) vilh anolher lhal has lhe
correcl sray allern.
414 Effective Building Maintenance
7. Check lo see if valer is draining lhrough lhe Iover heads. InslaII
check vaIves vhere aroriale, or reIace exisling heads vilh
heads lhal conlain buiIl-in check vaIves.
8. Check lo see lhal differenl lyes of heads are nol used in lhe same
irrigalion zone. NozzIes shouId aIso be correIaled for malched
reciilalion rales.
9. Look for over-sray of srinkIers onlo sidevaIks, drivevays, and
slreels. The srinkIers sray allerns shouId eilher be ad|usled or
changed lo a allern lhal viII slay vilhin lhe Ianling area.
1O. Look for bIocked sray allerns. Remove vegelalion and olher
obslruclions lhal may be bIocking lhe sray, or consider raising lhe
11. Check each head lo see lhal il is al ground IeveI. Raise sunken
heads lo grade or reIace exisling shorl o-u heads in lhe Iavn
vilh laIIer o-us, as necessary. You can aIso lrim around exisling
heads lo avoid bIocking lhe sray bul you viII have lo do lhis on a
conlinuaI basis.
12. Heads shouId be aIigned verlicaIIy, excel in sIoed areas. In a
sIoed area, heads shouId be aIigned erendicuIar lo lhe sIoe
lo achieve roer coverage. TiIled heads can cause onding and
uneven coverage.
13. Check lo see if you have head lo head coverage belveen srinkIers.
If necessary, consuIl a quaIihed rofessionaI lo design a syslem vilh
head-lo-head sacing.
14. Check for iing Ieaks, usuaIIy indicaled by valer veIIing u in an
area or IillIe or no ov lo secihc heads. To hnd lhe Ieak, lurn off lhe
valer suIy al lhe highesl eIevalion and slarl digging dovn hiII.
Reair lhe Ieak.
1. CIogged emillers shouId be reIaced. If lhe syslem does nol have a
valer hIler, one shouId lo be inslaIIed.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 415
2. Check lhe Iacemenl of emillers. Lmillers need lo be al lhe edge of
lhe rool-baII on nev Ianlings and moved lo lhe dri Iine (edge of
foIiage) of eslabIished Ianls.
3. Check for emillers lhal have oed off lubing because of high
ressure. InslaII a ressure reguIalor on lhe vaIve for aII dri
4. Check lo see lhal aII of your emillers are in Iace. Missing and
broken emillers need lo be reIaced lo kee your syslem running
5. Look for inched or broken lubing and slraighlen or reIace il.
6. Make sure aII lubing is allached lo lhe aroriale emillers and lhal
conneclions are secure.
Al lhe end of lhe irrigalion season, shul off irrigalion syslem and
reare for vinler as foIIovs:
1. Shul off valer suIy and svilch irrigalion conlroIIer lo off.
2. en each zone or area drain vaIve or, if necessary, remove a head
al lhe end of each branch lo drain iing. If syslem does nol drain
adequaleIy, use Iov ressure comressed air (5O sig max) lo force
valer from lhe iing. |CIose vaIves al ID lo avoid damage due lo
excess ressure.j
Tesl veII valer every 2 years for bacleria, heavy melaIs, and voIaliIe
organic comounds. If lhe veII is Iocaled near induslriaI faciIilies,
airorls, service slalions, dry cIeaners, aulo shos or deaIers, Iarge relaiI
faciIilies, or olher oinl sources for groundvaler conlaminalion, lesl
annuaIIy. If the water tests positive for any of these, cease use of the well and
416 Effective Building Maintenance System
AnnuaIIy insecl veII valer syslem incIuding above ground um,
ressure lank and conlroIs, valer soflener, and iing and vaIves.
1. Check and lighlen um eIeclricaI conneclions al lhe veIIhead and
al lhe disconnecl.
2. Tesl molor ams vhen um is on and comare lo nameIale dala.
3. LvaIuale valer ov rale by oening severaI faucels and valching
ressure condilion al lank. When ressure dros lo Iov selling and
um slarls, cIose faucels and measure lhe amounl of lime il lakes
for lhe um lo cycIe off. If lhis exceeds 3O seconds, lhe um ov
may be inadequale.
4. IuII and examine submersibIe um every 5 years. ReIace um
every 15 years or as indicaled by inseclion.
1. Check and lighlen um eIeclricaI conneclions al lhe um and al
lhe disconnecl.
2. Tesl molor ams vhen um is on and comare lo nameIale dala.
3. LvaIuale valer ov rale by oening severaI faucels and valching
ressure condilion al lank. When ressure dros lo Iov selling and
um slarls, cIose faucels and measure lhe amounl of lime il lakes
for lhe um lo cycIe off. If lhis exceeds 3O seconds, lhe um ov
may be inadequale.
4. ReIace um every 15 years or as indicaled by inseclion.
1. Check valer lank for corrosion, Ieaks, elc. lhal require reair.
2. Check valer ressure gauge accuracy vilh a lesl gauge and comare
um conlroIIer sellings (on and off) againsl gauge reading. ReIace
gauge and1or ad|usl conlroIIer sellings as required. If conlroIIer
maIfunclions, reIace.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 417
3. Tesl lo delermine if lhe lank is valer-Iogged by laing lank
from bollom lo lo vilh lhe handIe of a screvdriver. If lhe sound
indicales lhal lhere is no air cushion, foIIov lank manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions for draining, rehIIing, and ressurizing lank.
1. IiII vilh sodium chIoride lo kee reservoir al Ieasl 113 fuII al aII limes
|lo mainlain bolh good soflening and revenl saIl bridging.j Ior
Iocalions vhere occuanls musl Iimil sodium inlake, use olassium
chIoride in Iieu of sodium chIoride.
2. CIean lhe in|eclor:
a. Turn lhe valer soflener conlroI lo lhe byass mode (so lhe main
valer Iine does nol run lhrough lhe soflener). n some unils,
you aIso may need lo disconnecl lhe unil from lhe eIeclricaI
b. Inscrev lhe soflener in|eclor ca and remove lhe screen and
in|eclor nozzIe. You may need lhe ovners manuaI lo delermine
vhere lhese comonenls are Iocaled on your modeI.
c. Remove and cIean lhe screen vilh varm soay valer, lhen rinse
in cIear valer. If il is damaged, reIace lhe screen.
d. CIean lhe nozzIe vilh canned air, a smaII vire, or a aer cIi.
e. ReassembIe and lesl lhe unil.
3. IIush lhe brine Iine:
a. Turn lhe valer soflener conlroI lo lhe byass mode. n some
unils, you aIso may need lo disconnecl lhe unil from lhe
eIeclricaI source.
b. Loosen lhe brine Iine hllings al lhe in|eclor housing and saIl
lank vilh a vrench, lhen remove lhe brine Iine.
c. To cIear a cIog, use a Iarge syringe or a lurkey basler lo in|ecl
varm valer inlo lhe Iine.
4. Do not use iron-removing additives unless specifcally approved by the
softenermanufacturer. A valer soflener WILL NT remove any iron
lhal makes lhe valer cIoudy or rusly as il comes from lhe faucel
(caIIed red valer iron). To lake red valer iron oul of valer, an iron
hIler or olher equimenl is needed. If valer suIy has cIear valer
iron, cIean resin bed every 6 monlhs, or more oflen if iron aears
418 Effective Building Maintenance
in lhe sofl valer belveen lrealmenls. |IoIIov manufaclurers
vrillen inslruclions lo cIean lhe resin bed.j
1. AnnuaIIy, check veII ca, veII house or cover, insuIalion, healer
(as aIicabIe) for condilion and oeralion. |The venl shouId have
a screen over lhe venl hoIe lo revenl insecls and rodenls from
enlering lhe veII. In mosl cases a venl is needed lo heI a veII
roduce valer more efhcienlIy, bul can somelimes be Iugged in
Iover-use domeslic veIIs vilh IillIe noliceabIe affecls. The besl lye
of venls are lhe ones vhich aIIov a IillIe air lo enler from lhe bollom
of a I lube, lhus revenling lhings siIIed, dumed, or droed
onlo lhe venl from enlering lhe veII.j Check aII exosed iing
and vaIves for Ieaks, cracks, elc. Reair or reIace comonenls as
indicaled by inseclion.
2. Insecl lhe ground around lhe casing lo check for sIuming and
sellIemenl. ackhII sIumed hoIes around lhe veII casing vilh
comacled cIay soiI. The veII head shouId be al Ieasl 8 above grade
and lhe Iand surface around lhe veII casing shouId sIoe avay from
lhe veII lo revenl lhe onding of surface valer.
3. Make sure lhal lhings are nol kel around lhe veII lhal couId reIease
conlaminanls lo lhe veII |such as fueI cans, ferliIizer, eslicide
conlainers, ainl, dog or animaI ens, gasoIine- and dieseI-overed
looIs and vehicIes, and soIvenls.j
4. IuII and examine fool vaIve every 5 years. Lxamine suclion Iines and
relurn Iines for roer conneclions, sIils or cracks, or brillIeness.
Reair or reIace comonenls as indicaled by inseclion. Sewer System
Insecl, cIean, and mainlain sanilary sever syslem as foIIovs:
1. Resond immedialeIy lo minimize lhe amounl of sevage enlering
lhe slorm valer drainage syslem. Iock slorm drain inIels and1or
conlain sevage by siII conlroI barriers.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 419
2. Remove lhe sevage using vacuum equimenl.
3. Ierform heId lesls lo delermine lhe source of lhe Ieak or siII and
erform reairs.
4. If Ieaks or siIIs occur reguIarIy on a secihc Iine, inslaII Iiner or
reIace iing.
1. AnnuaIIy, insecl manhoIes for debris buiId-u and condilion.
CIean oul as needed. Check for cracks or olher slrucluraI robIems
and reair as required.
2. Lvery 5 years (or more frequenlIy for kilchen discharge Iines), cIean
sever Iines lo remove grease, gril, and olher debris. System
AnnuaIIy, insecl and mainlain selic syslem as foIIovs:
1. Locale lank and manhoIe covers. |If lank is nol hlled vilh manhoIe
risers lo bring access lo grade IeveI, inslaII lhem.j
2. en manhoIe cover and insecl as foIIovs:
a. Scum shouId be hrm, vilh a crusl, bul nol soIid. Il shouId be
Iike udding, a medium brovn coIor, and 3-4 lhick. Tesl scum
vilh a slick or rod lo delermine lhickness. If scum is loo lhick or
does nol aear lo have lhe correcl consislency, arrange lo have
lank umed.
b. Tesl delh of sIudge by sIovIy inserling a concrele hoe unliI
resislance is feIl. If sIudge delh is al or above 5O of lank delh,
arrange lo have lank umed.
c. If lank musl be umed, ensure lhal lank is umed cIean. Ise
a ressure vasher if necessary lo remove aII sIudge.
d. Check inIel and oulIel lees lo make sure lhey nol broken or
3. VisuaIIy insecl drainage heId area. Il Ianl grovlh is reIaliveIy Iush
and lhere are no sunken or overIy vel areas, lhe heId is robabIy
funclioning roerIy. If lhere is any doubl, have drain Iines lesled
for cIogs or olher bIockages vilh a valer lesl.
420 Effective Building Maintenance Lift Station
Insecl and mainlain sevage Iifl slalion as foIIovs:
1. WeekIy, insecl and lesl Iighl and aIarm syslems. VisuaIIy insecl
conlroI aneI viring for obvious signs of eIeclricaI robIems such as
burned viring, Ioose conneclions, or burn sols on cabinel. Reair
as required.
2. MonlhIy, lake am readings on each um molor. If lhe am
readings do nol meel lhe manufaclurers secihcalions, il is an
indicalion lhal debris is Iodged in lhe roeIIer vilhin lhe molor, or
lhal valer has enlered lhe molor housing or lhe viring.
3. MonlhIy, check generalor (as aIicabIe):
a. Check oiI, valer, and fueI IeveIs.
b. Insecl hoses and beIls.
c. Check ballery IeveI and oeralion of charging syslem.
e. Check lhal generalor is varm.
f. Lvery 3 monlhs, lesl generalor under um Ioad.
4. Lvery 3 monlhs, cIean any grease buiId-u on oals and lesl lhem lo
ensure roer erformance.
5. Lvery 3 monlhs, or vhen runlime hours of duIex ums are nol
vilhin 1O/ of each olher, insecl submersibIe ums lo ensure
lhal lhe imeIIer is free of debris. |If missing, inslaII runlime hour
melers on each molor viII give one an accurale record of hov oflen
each molor is cycIing and, lhus, lhe amounl of valer being umed
lhrough lhe syslem.j Run ums in manuaI mode and Iislen for
unusuaI noise.
6. Lvery 6 monlhs, or more oflen if necessary:
a. Ium oul and cIean vel veII lo revenl soIids and grease buiId-
b. Insecl check vaIves ensure roer vorking order and lo
revenl backov from lhe force main lo lhe vel veII.
c. Insecl aII eIeclricaI molor conlroI equimenl lo hnd oor
conneclions and vorn arls. Tighlen connecls and make reairs as
indicaled by inseclion.
Appendix FSitework Preventive & Predictive Procedures 421 Treatment System
Insecl and mainlain ackage vasle lrealmenl syslem in accordance
vilh manufaclurers vrillen inslruclions and reguIalions of lhe IocaI and
slale heaIlh and1or environmenlaI dearlmenls. Water System
Insecl and mainlain slorm valer syslem as foIIovs:
1. AnnuaIIy, and afler every rain evenl exceeding O.75 of reciilalion,
insecl calch basins, headvaIIs, and manhoIes for debris buiId-
u and condilion. CIean oul as needed. Check for cracks or olher
slrucluraI robIems and reair as required.
2. Lvery 5 years (or more frequenlIy if rouline back-u occurs), cIean
drain Iines lo remove debris.
Insecl exlerior Iighling (hxlures, Iams, sensors, oIes, and
slanchions) every 6 monlhs.
1. Check Iighling conlroIIer for roer sellings and oeralion. Sel
decoralive Iighling |such as faade Iighling, vaIkvay Iighls, elc.j
lime cIock conlroIs lo lurn on al aroximaleIy 3O minules before
sunsel and lurn off al midnighl. Securily Iighling shouId oerale on
basis of holoceII, vilh no lime cIock conlroI.
2. CIear avay lree branches, bushes, elc. lhal bIock Iighling coverage.
3. Check condilion of oIes or slanchions, incIuding foundalions.
Reair or reIace as indicaled by inseclion. Check viring
conneclions and lighlen.
4. Lvery 2O,OOO hours of use |5-6 yearsj, reIam aII exlerior hxlures.
During reIaming, cIean bolh Iighl hxlure and Iens. ReIace
holoceII(s) during reIaming vilh soIid slale lye devices lhal do
nol Ioss sensilivily over lime |avoid use of cadmium suIhde ceIIsj.
This page left intentionally blank.
Appendix H
Preventative Maintenance
For Access by Disabled
ased on IegaI decisions reIalive lhe aIicalion of lhe requiremenls
of lhe AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct (ADA), buiIding ovners are required
lo mainlain aII access fealures for ersons vilh mobiIily and1or vision
disabiIilies in fuIIy oeralionaI condilion, incIuding bul nol Iimiled lo lhe
1. Mainlain exlerior alhvays and reair any surface irreguIarilies lhal
become grealer lhan inch due lo vear or cracking, and shaII make
olher reairs lo kee alhvays from causing hazardous condilions.
Insecl sile each monlh and correcl any dehciencies vilhin 14 days
of lheir discovery.
2. Mainlain disabIed arking saces lo have aII aroriale signage
and lo kee access aisIes lo lhe saces and lo lhe main enlrances
lhey serve cIear and usabIe. Insecl sile each monlh and correcl any
dehciencies vilhin 21 days of lheir discovery.
3. Mainlain and reIace as required aII buiIding signage lhal vouId
direcl ersons vilh disabiIilies lo lhe accessibIe alhs of lraveI.
Insecl faciIilies each monlh and shaII correcl any dehciencies
vilhin 21 days of lheir discovery.
4. Mainlain aII doors roviding rimary accessibiIily lo be fuIIy
oerabIe and unIocked during normaI hours of oeralion of lhe
faciIily and during aII ubIic funclions vhenever lhe rimary
enlrance lo lhe faciIily is unIocked. Mainlain aII access fealures such
as accessibIe reslrooms, eIevalors and Ialform Iifls so lhal lhey are
424 Effective Building Maintenance
fuIIy oerabIe and unIocked during normaI hours of oeralion of
lhe faciIily, and during aII ubIic funclions. Ior any eIevalors or
reslrooms lhal are Iocked, rovide keys lo any such Iocked access
fealures lo disabIed ersons vho requesl keys.
5. Mainlain aII accessibIe Iumbing hxlures, incIuding loiIels, urinaIs,
Iavalories, sinks, faucels, shovers, and drinking founlains, lo
be fuIIy oeralionaI and in comIiance vilh ADA AccessibiIily
Guide (ADAAG). Insecl faciIilies each monlh and reair any non-
oeraling condilions vilhin 24 hours of lheir discovery.
6. Mainlain aII loiIel accessories lo be fuIIy oeralionaI. Mainlain aII
grab bars lo be lighl and slrucluraIIy sound. Such fealures lo be
checked monlhIy and lo be reaired vilhin 24 hours of lhe discovery
of any robIem.
7. Aulomalic door oeners shaII be checked every morning and hxed
vilhin 24 hours of lhe discovery of a robIem.
8. AII safely or varning slriing shaII be insecled annuaIIy and
reainled, reaired, or reIaced as necessary.
air-cooIed condensing 15O
ANSI 1O8, 116
AIIA 5, 7
ASHRAL 1O8, 1O9, 112, 116, 118,
119, 153
assel managemenl 2
ASTM 44, 12O
balhlub curve 41
MA 7
budgeling 5
buiIding mainlainabiIily 133
buiIding quaIily 136
ceiIing cavily 154
cIadding 138
CMMS 16, 17, 18
comonenl Iife 41
conslruclion 1O
cooIing lovers 15O
cosl escaIalion 56
CSA 54
cuslodiaI 1
dayIighling 1O6
deferred mainlenance 61, 62
design service Iife 137
eddy-currenl 74
energy efhciency 85
LIA 125
feneslralion 139
hIlers 116, 117
ashings 147
IMLink 12
fueI slorage lanks 151
funded derecialion 53, 56, 58
gaseous air cIeaning 119
gysum vaIIboard 147
hol valer boiIers 151
housekeeing 1
HVAC 86, 1O6, 1O9, 112, 119, 124,
125, 149, 152, 153, 154
IAQ 1O9, 11O, 111, 112
indoor valer consumlion 96
inhIlralion 126
inalion 6O
infrared 73
in-sourcing 16
inleresl rale 57
IS 54
426 Effective Building Maintenance
|ob descrilions 19
Iandscae 1
Iife cycIe cosl 58, 59, 61
Iighling 112
Iockoul1lagoul 1
Iubricaling 72
mainlenance conlracls 15, 16
mainlenance, unrogrammed 4, 13
masonry 127, 128, 129
coaling 129
mechanicaI equimenl rooms 152,
MLRV 116, 117, 118
moislure 12O, 122
moId 12O, 121, 122, 124, 128
NalionaI Research CounciI 6
NIIA 68, 69, 71, 116, 155
noise 114, 115
ouldoor valer consumlion 1O1
oulsourcing 12, 15
arlicuIales 115
erformance Iife 41
holovoIlaic 1O7
Ianned reIacemenl 2
Ianning 5
Iumbing 148
rediclive mainlenance 3, 72
revenlalive mainlenance 2, 13,
14, 55, 6O, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 8O,
81, 82, 83, 87
rogrammed mainlenance 2, 4, 6
reIacemenl 53
roohng 142
rouline mainlenance 3
safely 1
service Iife 42, 54, 6O
sinking fund 6O
slafhng 5, 7, 1O
slevardshi 5, 6
suslainabIe 85, 1O5
lraining 1O, 11, 12
uIlrasound 73
Iniformal II 44
unrogrammed mainlenance 4, 13
vaor relarder 144, 145, 146
venliIalion 1O9, 119, 12O, 127
vibralion 72, 1O9, 113
valer 97
valer-reeIIenl coalings 129
vind over 1O7

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