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World History Mid Term Study Guide Renaissance Stagnant and corrupt middle ages, people want to bring

ing back classics How do we get back to old times (Rome and Greece) More appreciation for humans

Humanism Trying to gain virtue as people by studying classics Not trying to change world Better people = better ideas Goal was to become well rounded

Why Italy? Art Became bright, full of energy, color and 3D Communicated emotion, observations of natural world New techniques o Linear perspective things disappeared into distance o Foreshortening correct size and length o Chiaroscuro shading o Sfumato background haze, distance is hazy o Symmetry Closer to origins of the past Mediterranean Sea source of more trade and ideas flowing o Trade led to prosperity and strong economy which led to more time to think and hence new ideas Everyone famous wanted to be in Italy because of wealth Plague left first

Renaissance Man Ultimate Humanist Leonardo DaVinci best example o Scientist Anatomy Aerodynamics Created scientific method o Artist Mastered perspective Used chiaroscuro and sfumato Painted Mona Lisa

o Inventor Architect Engineer Famous People of Italian Renaissance Machiavelli o Diplomat for Medici family o Wrote The Prince How to gain/maintain power How to be best leader Michelangelo o Like sculpture more o Terrible temper o Painted Last Judgement Raphael DaVinci (see above) Botticelli o Painted Primavera Massacio o First to use linear perspective Donatello o Sculptor of Florence o First bronze statue

Northern Renaissance 100 years after Italian Renaissance Humanism focused on the outside rather than inward, believed they could create social, moral or religious reform

Northern Artists Drer o Compared to DaVinci o Very egotistical but cared about society Van Eyck o Developed oil paints Brugel o Painted normal life o Showed that humanism had taken hold

Random Note: Gutenberg Printing Press is very important! Allowed more people to read and faster spread of information!

Other Important People Erasmus o Translated Bible to Latin o Wrote Praise of Folly Sir Thomas Moore o Wrote Utopia characterizing a peaceful society Rabelias o Wrote about religious ideas using fiction Shakespeare o Wrote about many emotions and difficult social issues Cervantes o Wrote Don Quixote

Reformation Change for the better At time church provided guidance for people of Europe Began to sell indulgences = way to pay for forgiveness/sins Indulgences not in bible = legitimacy questioned Martin Luther fed up with indulgences and corruption o Writes 95 theses Luther believes: o Faith = Salvation o Bible is sole authority o People could interpret bible themselves Church excommunicates him for heresy o People consider him a hero

More Reformation 1524 rioting wide spread of religious views Emperor believes that: Emperor catholic, Princes catholic, so people catholic Princes stand up to Emperor and most of Northern Europe becomes Lutheran w/ south being mostly Catholic

Council of Trent (1545) Council that basically says nothing we do is wrong o Reaffirms beliefs o Creates penalties for corrupt clergy o New teaching to try and stop Luthers movement Real Church reforms o Inquistion

Killed heretics and burned controversial books o Jesuit Order In charge of converting people to Catholicism, especially in New World Scientific Revolution Copernicus o Argued for Heliocentric universe, Earth around sun not everything about Earth o Wrote On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres Vesalius o Dissected bodies of criminals o Wrote accurate book on human anatomy The structure of the Human Body Par o Prosthetic limbs o First to tie arteries in wounds Kepler o Believed Copernican theory o Believed God created everything o Worked w/ Tyco Brahe o Also believed tides caused by moon Harvey o Worked in medicine o Correctly figured out circulation of blood Descartes o I think therefore I am o wrote several books on math and astronomy Newton o 3 laws of motion object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force F = ma Every action, equal and opposite reaction Galileo o Improved microscope o Supported Coperican theory o Put on house arrest for beliefs Leeuwenhook o Invented microscope Lavoisier o Father of Modern Chemistry o Named Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur o Came up with Law of Conservation of Mass

Age of Exploration Spices popular in Europe but long trade route Tech improved o Compass o Astrolabe o Mercator Projection o Sexant o Triangle sails o Caravel Ships Rudder, more durable First Explorers = Portuguese o Set up vast trading empire in Indian Ocean o Prince Henry Explored coast of Africa o Bartholomeow Diaz Discovered Cape of Good Hope o Vasco de Gama Sailed to India and set up a trade route Spain enters exploration o Christopher Columbus Reaches New World (West Indies) Amerigo Vespucci discovers America Magellan finds tip of South America All this exploring brings, Dutch, English and French into exploring for NW Passage

More Explorers John Cabot o Explored North part of North America Hernando Cortez o Explored Central/South America o Fall of Aztecs o Wanted gold Henry Hudson o Hudson Bay (Canada) o Hudson River (NY) o Searched above Arctic Circle for NW Passage George Vancouver o Charted west coast of America o Explored Puget Sound Pedro Cabral o Resailed Gamas route

Cartier o Searched East Canada for NW Passage, later just riches James Cooke o Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands o Also explored Australia and New Zealand

Change in Americas Mercantilism wealth = power Spain takes land from California to S. America, spreading religion just as in important as land to Spanish Forms monopoly on Spanish colonies Encomiandas established using slaves for labor New Laws of the Indies 1542 outlaws use of natives as laborers Portugal receives Brazil France claims New France or Canada Jamestown set up by British o Struggles to survive but learn how to farm tobacco Pilgrims land 1620 looking for religious freedom North = more religion, South = more farming

Enlightenment Monarchies worked towards centralizing power = society did not like idea of absolute power New movement arrives from Sci Rev and discontent, Enlightenment! Natural Laws laws that govern human nature/how we behave Thought reason could be used to solve every problem Utopia was possible Important Enlightenment Philosophies o Universe rational and can be explained through reason o Truth can be arrived at through, observation, use of reason and systematic doubt o Human experience is foundation of understanding; authority shouldnt be preferred over experience o Religious doctrines have no place in understanding world o Human history is largely progression o Human beings can be improved with education o Social and individual lives can be manipulated and engineered once they are understood

Important Enlightenment People John Locke

o Blank Slate people born with no opinions or ideas, ideas formed through observation and experiences o Government can be overthrown if it does not protect natural rights o Most influential in US Constitution Ben Franklin o More of a social commentator, major role in US Rev but no major philosophical ideas Montesquieu o Separation of Powers = wrote Spirit of Laws outlining three branch govt o Man should think of self before society o Most influential in US Constitution Voltaire o Wrote Candide criticizing nobility and church o Spoke out against Monarchies and French govt Rousseau o Wrote Social Contract outlining how people should give up some rights/freedoms for protection by the govt o Believed all people were born good o Govt should have consent of people Wollstonecraft o Womens rights advocate o Women on appear inferior because of lack of education Thomas Paine o Wrote Common Sense about how govt should be o Thought govt was necessary evil o Wrote Right of Man all people created equal o Wrote Age of Reason people in Bible immortal therefore doesnt follow laws of science Hobbes o Wrote Leviathan o Humans naturally evil o Strongly believed in monarchy because of fear of no govt o Also believed social contract Diderot o First comprehensive encyclopedia o Free will Thomas Jefferson o Wrote Declaration of Independence o Believed separation of church and state o Happiness is root of stability

Enlightenment impacts in America 13 colonies by 1750s

o Controlled by England Imperialism Economy based on Mercantilism policies o England has monopoly on Colonies French/Indian war means more money more taxes more tension for colonists because of no taxation without representation War declared in 1775, Locke, Jefferson influence Dec of Ind European powers help US win war = 1781 Treaty of Paris Constitution shows many Enlightenment ideas

French Revolution Old Regime o First Estate 1% of population Church officials and clergy No taxes o Second Estate 1-2% of population Nobility Little power No taxes o Third Estate About 98% of population Bourgeseise (Lawyers, Doctors, etc.) Peasants Paid taxes Reasons for Revolution o Extremely large war debts from French/Indian War, American Revolution = had to increase taxes and decrease social programs o Uneven representation of population in government o 3rd estate wanted tax equality Lead up to Revolution o Estates General called by King Louis XVI to receive approval on increasing taxes o Estates General backfires causing more animosity about uneven representation o Third Estate forms National Assembly to represent majority of French people o Oath of the Tennis Court = National Assembly meets at a tennis court and vows to not disband until a new govt is formed o Tensions built to Storming of Bastille = Bastille was a prison where political prisoners and arms were being held, symbol of oppression of govt to civilians in the area


First Stage (moderate) 1789-1791 o National Assembly o Extreme famine o Declaration of the Rights of Man written o Constitution of 1791 written creating Limited Monarchy and Legislative Assembly (National Assembly) Second Stage (radical) 1792-1794 o Legislative Assembly taken over by radicals o King Louis and Marie Antoinette executed o Robespierre leads Reign of Terror with Committee of Public Safety Ends up killing 40,000 people during 2 year period and is eventually arrested and executed Third Stage (moderate) 1795-1799 o Moderate Constitution of 1795 written o 5 man Directory formed o Riots are suppressed by Napoleon Bonaparte o Directory is corrupt o Napoleon eventually outwits Directory and claims France for himself Fourth Stage (Age of Napoleon) 1800-1815 o 3 man Consulate set up o Napoleon named Consul and names himself Consol for life o Names himself Emperor of France o Napoleonic Code established, new law o Tries to invade Russia, loses 500,000 men to Russian winter o France severely weakened Napoleon abdicates throne, exiled to Elba o Escapes exile and goes back to France with a large number of men, King Louis XVII flees and Napoleon is again Emperor o Victory short lived = battle of Waterloo, defeated by English Duke of Wellington forced into exile again to Saint Helena Napoleon Reforms o Took away womens rights o Increased censorship o Promoted government controlled education o Regulated economy o Created merit based society o Protected France during Revolution

Industrial Revolution Hands on, rural lifestyle urban, mechanized lifestyle

England first to have railroads and mass produce steel, soon challenged by US and Germany Overall standard of live improves o Middle class flourishes o Working class impoverished Rights still fought for 1900 US = Industrial Giant Competition for resources leads to WWI

Cities During Revolution Cities grow with farmers moving in for jobs and exciting new city Population doubles from 1800-1900 Why? o People ate healthier and better Afford more food because cheaper Easier transportation/distribution of food o Medical advances Discovery of germs Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization killing germs in milk Robert Koch cure for tuberculosis Joseph Lister antiseptic People bathed and changed more Better hygiene City sanitation improvements o Better sewers o New grid system for designing cities Suburbs = wealthy to outskirts Paved roads Expanded police and fire depts. Skyscrapers w/ steel, cities went up


City life tough for working class Lived in tenements, small and overcrowded Illness spread fast Crime and alcoholism rampant Working class struggles o Low wages o Long hours o Unsafe working conditions o Threat of unemployment Unions illegal in early 1800s Late 1800s unions legal and laws on working conditions passed o Pensions plans established

o Disability insurance Women still paid only half of men Govt sets up public education o 3 Rs o Believed education would create a literate workforce

Important Ind Rev People John D Rockefeller o Oil mogul o Used monopoly to advantage o Anti trust laws created because of him o Standard Oil eventually split up into several different companies Thomas Edison o Invented light bulb o Allowed factories to work more o Safety on streets at night, cities became faster and more efficient Samuel Morse o Invented telegraph o Faster communication o Famous line What did God bring? Alfred Nobel o Invented dynamite and blasting cap o Reduced construction and mining costs o Created Nobel Prize award for scientists Henry Ford o Started Ford Motor Company o Brought cars to the masses w/ Model-T, relatively cheap o Used assembly line and interchangeable parts o Improved workers lives and paid more with $5/hr and 8 hour days Wright Brothers o Invented flying machine o Eventually led to more transportation globally o Also owned bicycle company William Morton o Invented anesthesia o Letheon Inhaler with Ether soaked sponges Guglielmo Marconi o Invented radio o Faster communication Eli Whitney o Invented Cotton Gin o Separated cotton faster, more production o Inadvertently increased slave industry massively Alexander Graham Bell o Invented telephone

o Faster communication Volta o Voltage named after him o Invented battery (voltaic pile) o Discovered methane Henry Bessemer o Created process for cheaper steel o Created safer public (instead of using cast iron) and cheaper production in industry Nikolaus Otto o Invented internal combustion engine o Allowed for creation of cars faster transportation Gottlieb Daimler o Invented automobile o Worked closely with Otto on making engine o Sold first car in 1892 Alfred Krupp o Family created steel mill, Alfred expanded company o Sold steel for weapons, created diving vessels for going under ocean


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