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An Examination of My Learning

Learning Preferences

• Prefer to write stream-

of-consciousness style,
then edit extensively

• Acquire knowledge
best by reading aloud
and talking things
Ever since I was little,
I have learned best • Occasionally use trial
through reading,
writing, and listening.
and error, but usually
only as a last resort

• Need clear verbal

I learn best through hearing and seeing, then doing instructions before
completing a task
When I was a child, my mom said I I’d locate books on a variety of
reacted better to verbal instructions topics—everything from the • Prefer to learn theory
than to spankings, threats of no Babysitters’ Club series to biographies before practice
dessert, or promises of new toys. I about celebrities and historical
read constantly. I asked as many accounts of trains and bats. I was • See the trees before
questions as possible. And when I obsessed with books to the point that the forest
couldn’t find answers to problems, I I’d borrow them from teachers and
was upset. later “forget” to return them. In my
bedroom I would pretend to be a
librarian, referencing books
whenever someone asked me a
“You always seem to question. If I couldn’t locate an
answer within my book collection, I’d
comprehend things go searching for a new one.

better when you talk In school I always sat where I could

hear the teacher, even if I couldn’t
them through aloud, see her. It wasn’t important that I
saw notes on the chalkboard as long
even when you’re as I could hear what the teacher said
and write it down. I regularly
doing something participated in plays, learning how to
communicate effectively through
hands-on.” acting. Whenever I studied in
college, I would write and read my
class notes multiple times until they
According to my mother, I am and were engraved in my mind.
have always been a mostly auditory In terms of a classroom environment,
and verbal learner. When I was a kid, my mom says I learn best when
my parents would take me to the material is presented in an organized
library for hours every Saturday, where manner.
However, I also love to be printout with numbered directions
creative and learn through the without a picture, and I am good
design process. For example, this to go.
assignment is a perfect way for
As far as writing goes, my mom
me to learn since it involves
believes I write best when I
listening to my mother and then
conduct a lot of research and
synthesizing the information
draft outlines beforehand. Even
through writing, then figuring out
though I find my writing is typically
a way to present the information
“better” when I plan it prior to
visually and creatively.
sticking the pen to paper, this is
During our interview, my mom also not how it usually occurs. Most of
said I have always enjoyed visuals the time, I write stream-of-
for their aesthetic appeal but that consciousness style until I am hit
I don’t necessarily need them to with a “Eureka!” moment.
comprehend material. Even Typically I will write an eight-page
though I am great at math, I am paper in a short amount of time
often confused by graphs and and then spend a significant
charts, especially when they are amount of time editing it, moving
not accompanied with a verbal text about extensively, sometimes
explanation; I prefer step-by-step even changing my thesis (or lack
instructions to diagrams to thereof) completely. Assuming no
comprehend complex problems. one is nearby, I will usually talk
Even today, I experience difficulty myself through my ideas as they
reading maps without written are developing and listen for
directions. But give me a Google mistakes as I read aloud.

Characteristics of Auditory Learners

 Remember what they hear
 Talk while they write
 Need phonics
 Remember names but forget faces
 Eyes move down and to their right
when they are listening to others
 Remember by listening, especially
 Highly distracted by noise
 Games and pictures are annoying
and distracting
 Often, information written down will
have little meaning until it has also
been heard
 May seem to be listening to
something inside themselves, rather
than to the person they are
communicating with

An Examination of My Learning ● Volume 1, Issue 1 ● January 2009 ● Beth Wilkerson ● English 885
Things That Seem to Help Me Learn Best
Although I am primarily
an auditory learner, I can
learn in a variety of ways Explain the material I am trying to learn to a
if necessary. For study partner.
example, when I put a
bed together last
summer, I discovered Read explanations out loud. Be sure to go over
that reading directions all important facts out loud.
wasn’t working for me, so
I threw them aside and
figured the steps out by Make up songs to go along with subject matter.
trial and error. The crazier, the better.
Sometimes I tire of
reading and search for
visual examples that Record lectures and review these tapes while I
exemplify key concepts. drive.
Overall, though, I prefer
to learn first through
hearing, writing, and/or When learning new information, state the
reading; secondly problem out loud. Reason through solutions out
through visuals; and
thirdly by trial and error or
Say words in syllables, e.g. “Wed-nes-day.”
Understanding the ways I
learn best has helped me
immeasurably. It has also Make up and repeat rhymes to remember facts,
challenged me in dates, names, etc.
situations where learning
in those ways isn’t
possible, making me To learn a sequence of steps, write them out in
better appreciate the sentence form, then read them out loud.
learning styles of others—
something I hope will
help me as I teach others Use mnemonics and word links.
with differing learning

Beth Wilkerson
952 Georgetown St.
Clemson, SC 29361

Dr. Cynthia Haynes

806 Strode Tower
Clemson, SC, 29361

An Examination of My Learning ● Volume 1, Issue 1 ● January 2009 ● Beth Wilkerson ● English 885

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