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Harmonizationwith BioGeometry

Themediationauthorityinitiatesthe BioGeometryasanexperimentalproject. Reportsofaffectedresidentsduringtheperiod from2002till2004 Questionnaireresultsoftheaffectedresidents PhysicsofQuality:Dr.IbrahimKarim,founder ofBioGeometry



The mediation authority (OMK) initi ates the BioGeometry experimental project. Reports of affected residents during theperiodfrom2002till2004 Questionnaire results of the affected residents PhysicsofQuality:Dr.IbrahimKarim, founderofBioGeometry

Inordertopreservethescienticaccuracytheliteraltranslation fromtheGermanoriginalhasnotundergonefurtherEnglishediting


Publisher Dr.IbrahimKarim BioGeometryEnergySystems AG. WitikonerStreet427 8053Zurich Publishing ChiefEditorBoscoBeler EditorPeterItem GIBB InformationOrganizationforBuildingBiology St.GallerStreet28 CH9230Flawil Tel.0713932252 Fax.0713933256 Copyrights Copyright2004, GIBBInformationOrganizationforBuildingBiology St.Gallerstrasse28,CH9230Flawil

Thispublicationisprotectedinitsentiretyandallitsparts Anyusewithoutwrittenpermissionfromtheauthorislegallyprohibited ISBN3033003915


ShortlyIntroduction Phenomenaaretheprecursorsofscience

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IntialSituation:PressconferenceoftheMediationAuthorityforMobileCommunication&Enviroment (OMK)onAugust28,2003Hemberg, TheOMKintroducesBioGeometryasanexperimentalproject 6 Thishasbeenexperiencedbytheaffectedresidents: Onsomedayswelefttheathastily 8 Ineverwouldhavethought,thattheantennainthetowerisaffectingmetothatextent11 Igotbackmyjoyforlife 14 Exactmeasurementsattheaffectedresidents TheemissionsofthemobileradiationGSMinthevillageofHemberg QuestionnaireamongtheaffectedResidentsDr.medYvonneGilli Questionnairerevealed:Thecomplaintshavebeenreducedenormously Interview/discussionwithDr.IbrahimKarim Itisimportanttounderstandthetotalityofalldisturbancesources




PressConferenceonOctober22,2003 TheMediationAuthorityforMobileCommunicationandEnvironment(OMK)assesment.28 PoliticalQuestionstheGreen/EVPfractiondemandsStrictness. Interpellationandmotioninthec0antonstateadvisorycommitteeofSt.Gallen TheNISDecreeoftheFederalAuthorityforEnvironment,Forestandscenerary/countryside Howtoprotecttheresidentsfromelectrosmog ThemobileantennasinstallationsinHembergSGPressreport BasicPrinciplesofBioGeometrypresentedby Dr.IbrahimKarim:ThePhysicsofQuatity A nnex LiteratureIndex


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ImHerbst2002wurdeimKirch Enautomne 2002,uneantenne de turm von Hemberg (CH) eine tlphonie mobile a t installe Mobilfunkantenne in Betrieb ge dans le clocher de lglise Hem nommen. Eigentlich nichts be berg(CH).Enprinciperiendebien sonderes, knnte man meinen. particulier, mais avec cette installa Aber damit nahm eine einzigar tion commence toute une histoire. tigeGeschichteihrenAnfang. Les habitants concerns, malgr Betroffene Einwohner hatten den la conformit de linstallation de MutunddieKraft,sichnichtmit lantenne ont dcid avec cour derAntenneabzunden,obwohl age et force de nepas senaccom sie rechtens installiert worden moder. Le service responsable au war. Die Ombudstelle Mobilkom sein de la Division de la protec munikation und Umwelt in Bern tionde lair et RNI de lOfce F konnte die Swisscom berzeugen, dral de lEnvironnement a russi im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes convaincre Swisscom de lancer die Mglichkeiten der BioGeom un projet pilote dharmonisation etrie fr die Harmonisierung in avec les moyens de la BioGom Hemberg kennenzulernen. Und trie. Ainsi sest prsent pour le fr Dr. Ibrahim Karim, den Be Dr. Ibrahim Karim, le fondateur grnder der biogeometrischen de la mthode de la Bio Gomt Methode, bot sich eine Mglich rie, la possibilit de dmontrer son keit,inderPraxisdieTauglichkeit savoirfaire et ces connaissances seiner neuen Wissenschaft zu laide dun cas pratique. Son his demonstrieren. toireestrelate danscettebrochure In dieser Broschre wird diese danslaquelle le Dr. Karimexprime ganze Geschichte erzhlt. Auch les principes de sa mthode. Cette Dr. Karim kommt zu Wort und exprience est un dbut prometteur erlutert Grundstzliches. Die sur lhamonisation des immission BioGeometrie kann eine Mglich hautes frquences. La BioGomt keit sein, mit der modernen Mo rie offre aux personnes concernes bilkommunikation auf gesndere la possibilit de vivre plus saine Weise zu leben. Ein Anfang ist ment,malgrlaprsenceaccruedes gemacht. Ein vielversprechender nuisances de la tlphonie mobile. Toutefoissilnyapasdmissions sogar. Trotzdem: Was nichtabgestrahlt de hautes frquences rien ne doit wird, brauchtauchnichtharmon treharmonis. isiertzuwerden.

In Autumn2002,amobilephone aerial was put into operation in a church towerinHemberg,Switzer land.Thissoundslikenothing new, butin factitwasthe beginning of a veryspecialchronicle. The local inhabitants had the strength and courage to oppose theaerialeventhoughithadbeen correctly installed. The mediation ofce for Mobile Communication and the Environment inBernwas then,aspart ofa pilotproject,able toconvinceSwisscom to consider the possibilities of using BioGeom etry for harmonisation in Hemberg. For Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the founder of the biogeometric method, here was a practical opportunity to dem onstrate the efciency of his new science.This brochure tells the whole storyand also includesa descriptionbyDr.Karimofhis basicmethods.Biogeometry can provide a waytolivemore healthily withmodern telecommunications. A promising beginninghasbeenmade. However, without telecommuni cation emissions, there would be noneedforthisharmonisation.


Phenomena arethePrecursors ofScience

widerandmore open withhisproj ectsinmanycountries. I rst heard about BioGeometry when I met Dr. Ibrahim Karim for the rsttimein1998inUSA. We organized together a work shop at the International Institute forBuildingBiologyinClearwa ter,Florida.Itseemed forme,that Karims idea ofBioGeometrywill haveanenormousfuturepotential. Then each of us went along, and we justkeptwrittencontacts.A surprising telephone call from Dr. Ibrahim Karim in the summer of 2003 led to a renewed contact. He has been asked, whether he could carry out an examination/investiga tion in Hemberg SG. Some of the residents were at the end of their strength and energy, after a new mobile phoneantenna was installed onthe towerofthecatholicchurch. In a few weeks time, Dr. Ibrahim Karimwasabletoimprovethesitu ationtosuchanextent,thatmostof the affected persons were able to liveagain,anddotilltoday. The sensitivity of humans varies fromonepersontoanother.(Elec trosensitivepersonsreactstronger. The reaction of animals is always interesting as well. They hardly sufferfrom imagineddisturbanc es.HeretheBioGeometryeffected a surprising change:, for example birds and bats returned back to their grounds after elimination of the dis turbance.Based on the mobile phone antenna example in Hemberg, the prelimi naryresults are evident enough to support the spread of this way of harmonization. Based on this rst pilotpracticalproject,themodeof effectiveness and inuences are to bescienticallyprovedinafurther researchproject. The earth is denitely not com pletely explored.Wehavetogiveit a chance, to studythese new phe nomena! We would like to express to all, who assisted and supported us in the project of Hemberg our grati tude and thank. Their engagement was for the wellbeing of humans, nature and environment. Further researchesshould aim nowtocure otheraffectedpersons.

Since ages phenomena accompa nies humanity. Decades ago the naturalradioactiveradiationwas challenging the spirit of research todaythe technical emissions, elec trical currents and elds are the challenges. Have we reached with that the end of development? I think this is not the case. The creator of this world and the universe has thought about alotofthings,andwediscovercon stantlynewaspects. Dr. Ibrahim Karim has discovered with the BioGeometry an interest ing new way. Many unfavorable inuences could be changed to biological neutral or favorable in uences through harmonization of forms, shapes and mathematical relations.The basis ofapplications possibilities are always getting

BoscoBeler, Architect,BuildingBiologistSIB ManagingDirectorGIBB,FlawilSG


TheMediationAuthority(OMK) IntiatestheBioGeometry ExperimentalProject

WhathappenedinHemberg? On November 3rd, 2002, the mediation Authority for mobile communication and environment (OMK) was informedbya resident of Hemberg, that he suffers from sleeping disorders, headache and concentration deciencies since the mobile phone antenna was put into operation. Furthermore all brood ing songbirds have left. An ap pointment onsiteonDecember18, 2002, was agreed upon with this resident. Ten other persons, who suffered from similar complaints, participatedatthismeeting. Following this meeting, the OMK madeinquiries,collectinginforma tion fromthemunicipality of Hem berg, Swisscom, the parish of Hem berg and from the state physician ofSt.Gallen,whohasdealtaswell with this problem.The investigation revealed that the process of antenna instillation was correctly performed andthatthevalueswereclearlybe low the limits for nonionising ra diation. Furthermore, Swisscom hasonlyinstalledantennasof900 frequency, whereby it would have beenallowed toput into operation a1800frequency,accordingtothe constructionlicenseand thenorms ofthepermissiblesetvalues. Despite that OMK carried outdif ferentinvestigationsandevaluated possibilitiesfor solutions, the situ ation was very tense between the affectedsickpersonsinthedistrict and the Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication. The situ ation was in everyaspect verydif cult. At this point the contact with Dr. Ibrahim Karim was established, through a recommendation from a responsible in the Swiss Economy sector. Karim explained, that he is able to eliminate the peoples prob lems through his personally devel opedBioGeometry. During the rst long session with OMK,Dr.IbrahimKarimexplained BioGeometry and the successes he achieved in the different universi ties andstateauthorities.Heagreed todemonstratehismethodprecisely andwithoutchargeduringhisvaca tioninSwitzerland. At the request of OMK, Swisscom announced its participation in this research project, as they are in supportstoallthatcouldrelease the tense situation in Hemberg. On August 6, 2003, the affected per sons and the district were directly informed through Dr. Karim about his plans. The residents explained their willingness to participate at the project as well. On the same day Dr. Karim started his work in Hemberg. Here the OMK carried out a pilot project in agreement with all par ticipants. The OMK solely holding the responsibility. We decided to startthisproject,afterwehave rec ognized,thatitwas verydifcultto ndasolutionforthiscase. Wehadtorealizeononehandthat the life quality was very bad for severalpersons.Ontheother hand itwasclearthattheconstructionof the antenna was carried out com pletely legally and the set value lim itswerekept. At this pointwe came to the conclusion, that we will not achieveanythingwithoutventuring anything. At the same time the risk was not that high, as we were convinced, that we will benet in any case. Weareoftheopinionthatthemain objectiveofOMKis,tooffertrans parency.Accordinglyweareofthe opinion, to inform the residents as well, ifthemethod,whichwasof feredforthe inuenceof nonioniz ingemissions,wasnotsuccessful. WhatisBioGeometry? BioGeometryis a relativelynew science,whichhadbeen developed throughDr.Ibrahimduringthelast 30years. Aimof BioGeometry isto createaharmonicenergy qualityin the surroundingsof humanbeings, animalsandplants. Because the natural energy elds are more and more disturbed through the many new construc tions and installations on earth, an increasednegativeinuenceonhu man beings, animals and plants is theresult,according toDr.Karims statement.

Special designed geometric forms and beams, which spread energy quality, producing a balance of en ergy function were used. Accord ing to Dr. Karim, this will lead to the strengthening of the immune system and at the same time will reduce the disturbances. The appli cation possibilities of BioGeometry are many. The Mobile Communi cation Network, electrical cables, high tension installations, all kinds of electromagnetic waves and wa tercouldbeusedastransmittersfor theharmonizationofenergiesinthe surroundings. Whatisgainedthroughthis method? The ndings and knowledge of BioGeometry were applied in dif ferent projects, as stated by Dr. Karim. This was done in coopera tionwithUniversitiesoftheMiddle East, USA and in the Netherlands. Thus,andforexample,theBioGeo metric treatment of agricultural ar eas as apple trees and potato elds led toareductionofparasites, a better harvest and a longer shelf life ofproductsincomparisontothose productsofnontreatedparcels. Architecture is an important eld for the application of BioGeom etry. According to the statements of Dr. Karim, constructions which have been built under consideration of the BioGeometryndings from the very beginning, do have already harmonized energyelds inside the building.Dr. Karim emphasized, thatBioGe ometryshouldnotbe understoodas Alternative Medicine, even ifthe resulting balance of biologicalfunctions and strengthening of theimmune system lead to an improvementof wellbeingandforinstancepositive achieved results in HepatitisC researches.BioGeometryasa mean for the qualitative energyexchange withthesurroundingcanonly support a medical treatment,but couldneverreplaceit.

WhoistheMediation Authorityfor MobileCommunicationandEnvironment(OMK)? TheMediation AuthorityforMobileCommunicationandEnvironmentintermediatesbetweenthe popultionandthemobilecommunicationenterprises.Everypersonmayaskforassistancefreeof charge.Inprincipal, TheOMKcandothefollowing:Providinginformationmaterialor webaddressesconcerningthetopicofelectrosmog providingdocumentsaboutprotectionofroomsagainstmobilecommunicationemissions Presentationoflegalsituationinregardtoprocessesandestimationofchances Presentationofthesituationinregardtoemissionaffectioningeneralandforconcretecases Mediationonsitebetweenauthority,mobilecommunicationsuppliersandprivatepersons,if planedlocationsofmobilecommunicationantennasaremetwithresistance Assistanceinexplainingauthoritydecisions Investigationofsituationonsite,ifproblemsariseaftertakingamobilecommunicationantenna intooperation Collectionofinformationaboutproblemcasesaimingconclusionsforimprovement Creationofanincreased transparency HowcanyoureachOMK? Mediation AuthorityforMobileCommunicationandEnvironment,Monbijoustreet22,Postalbox, 3001Bern Tel.:0313808594,Fax:0313808586,,

Whathasbeendonein Hemberg? Quiet obviously a lot of environ mental problems existed in Hem berg. A lot of earth emissions, many electrical installations in the lowfrequency level were found. According to Dr. Karims opinion, with this multitude of stress affec tion, it is not possible to nd the reason for disturbances of the well being. Through the different stress affec tions, qualitative resonance features are developed between the different types of electromagnetic waves. According to Dr.Karim,the trigger ofsuchphenomenaisnotnecessar ilythe last stress, which had been added. Thus, the project aim was not to nd the reason. Main empha siswasputtohelpthepeople.After situationanalysisanddiscussions with the affected residents,Dr. Karim installed on the electrical cablesoftheantenna as wellas at thehousesoftheaffectedpersons, geometrical forms. The antenna has beenchosenas the mainbearerof the BioGeometric energy, as a great effect could be achieved with it. The works accomplished in the houses underconsiderationoftheindivid ualsituationimprovedtheresultof the antenna furthermore. The works requiredaneffortofabout6days.

First results were according to the affected persons positive: they sleep better, have less headache, areless aggressive and have more energy again.Theaffectedresidentsfound the birds and bats coming back again, after theirdisappearancefor overayear. These are rst results. Now we havetoobservetheeffectivity over a longer periodof time.Dr. Ibrahim Karim will follow up the project withinthe next 3 months, to guar antee the efciency during differ ent climate situations through ne tuning. He will later install spe cially designed gures as well for Hemberg, hoping to improve the situation furthermore, or at least to achieve a simplication of the present installations. The Media tion AuthorityforMobileCommu nicationwillinfuturereport again abouttheresults.

Mediation Authority for Mobile Com munication and Environment, August 28, 2003

MoreinformationaboutBioGeometryand aCVofDr.Karimarefoundunder


Onsomedayswe left theathastily

Wearea familyofvemembers with3childrenintheageof14,12 and9years.Since14andhalfyears weliveinHembergalittlevillage inToggenburgwithapproximately 900 residents. My husband and myself, together with 2 employees and a trainee, lead a workshop for the repair of agricultural machines andcars.During ourtimeoff ween joy the nature with walking during the summer time and skiing during the winter. For the childrenand for us this living in the countryside is something very beautiful. We can not imagine ourselves to live in a city. But late summer 2002 our peace wasmassivelydisturbed. Wealmost had forgottenabout theNatelantennaAt this time we accidently learnedabout the Natel antenna of Swisscom, which was going to be installedonthe towerofthecatholicchurch whichwas indistance of 100metertoourhouse.Thisledus to give it pensive thoughts because of the emissions. We consulted the electrobiologist Urs Hafner from Degersheim SG and wanted to know from him, to what extend such an antenna could be harmful forus. Urs Hafner informed us im mediately, that the location could nothavebeenbetterforus.Thean gelpositionoftheantennaisharm less for us. Nevertheless, Swisscom could change the angel position in such a way, that the electromag netic elds would be directed over our house roofs and thus being ab solutelyproblemfreeforus. We discussed this issue togeth er with the district president, the Swisscom and Urs Hafner. After several weeks, we were informed, thattheangelposition couldnot be changed and that the construction licensehasbeengiventhroughthe municipality.What could we do? We have to livewith it we told ourselves. Perhapseverything is going ne and our fearandconcern abouthealthproblemswerein vain. Andwewereok and almostforgotthewholesubject. Suddenlymyhusbandgotpneu monia After 3 months myhusband felt exhausted, as if he would get a cold. He was hardly getting through daily work.At the same time I had fre quent headache, dizziness and se vereneckmusclepaindowntothe shoulders.

ThissleepingareaoftheKellerFreifamilyinHembergSGisprotectedeffectivelywithashield ingclothfromelectrosmog

9 As we had a lot todo inthework shop, we thought, that our com plaints are the result of this work stress. But the condition of myhusband got worse. He became hoarse and nally his voice failed completely. He got an appointment at the phy sician, who immediately examined his lungs. Further investigations and moments of fear were follow ing this rst visit. Finally we got theresults.Hewassufferingfroma hidden pneumonia. Only after sev eralweeksof medication with anti bioticshestartedtofeelbetter. Meanwhile I felt more and more sick. The muscles became tenser. At some days I had to interrupt the ofce work, had to lay down and massaged my neck. I needed always alonger time to beable to get backtowork. Inthe eveningI wassoexhaustedthatIwashappy whenthechildren wereinbed,and I was able to go tobed too.More and more we had the suspicion, that the reasonforourcomplaintsisthe Natelantennaonthechurchtower. We discussed the issue with my parentsinlaw,wholiveoppositeto us. I was informed by my mother in law, that she was suffering at thistimefromhealthproblems,but thought,that thiswasduetoher age.Wewenttogethertothedistrict president and talked to him about our healthproblems. We expressed our wishto transfer the antenna to another location. I mean,an antenna does not belong toa church tower in themiddleofavillage.Helistened to us, and promised us to discuss the matterwiththemunicipality.

Afterawhileourseconddaugh tercouldnotsleepaswell,shehad never before sufferedfrom sleeping problems, she used to stand up in the room crying at 22:30 because she could simply not sleep, andthe next morningshehadtoskipschool.In thebeginningI usedtosuggestthat she reads a few pages so that shecan get tired but that did not help,we were also wondering whethershe had problemsinschoolorelse wherebutthatprovednottobethe case.Then she switched sleeping places with my husband and Sara foundsleepinhisbadwithinafew minutes,ontheotherhandmy hus band could never found sleep in Saras bed and next morning he said Iwillneversleepinthatbedagain. It was amazing what a bad night thatwasforhim,hiseyelidswhere swollenandhiseyestired.Next night I tried my luck in Sarasbed. I was aswell restless. All nightIwas cold,thenitwastoohotandIwoke upeveryfewminutes. It was obvious that we had to nd another solution. We have noticed, that we do not feel unwell to the same degree in all places of the house. It was extremelybad in the kitchen. We were onlyableto stay thereforashortperiodoftime.

Thefamilyescapedtothebasement,becausethispartofthehousewaslessexposedtoemissions. Herethebasement,whichwasalmostcosy.

ExperiencereportedbyRegulaKellerFrei We felt headpressure, tense mus culature and our energy was really driftingaway. In the ground oor, where our workshop is positioned, we felt sometimes better. And in the base ment our complaints were reduced obviously. So my husband moved to thebasement forseveralmonths. Sarah slept with me in the parents bedroom. Thus our sleeping con dition had improved nally a little bit. But then my eldest daughter and my son started to have sleeping problems too. My daughter woke up every night and sat in the mid dle of her room on the oor. My son woke up sweated every night. We found a sleeping place for my daughterinthebathroom.Sheslept on a mattress a mostlywas able to sleepthroughallnight.
Withexpensivefoils wetriedtopro tect ourselves against the electro smog


Onlyherein thebasementthehusbandwasndingsomesleep.Tomovetoanotherplace wasnot possibleduetothebusinesssituation.

After a certain while we heard aboutanenterprise,whichproduces constructionfoils for shielding pur poses and who deals with shield ing material. We covered the ceils with construction foils in different rooms, and with special shielding materialwemadeakindoftent aroundeachbed,inordertobepro tectedagainsttheemissions. This was costingusa lot. But at least we were able to sleep again inourusualbedswiththe excep tion of my husband. During sum mer time it was too hot for him underthistent.Buttheaggressions among each other, initiatedthrough themassivelossoflifequalityand theenergylossduringtheday,they all remained and we needed a lot of strengthandnerves.We often asked ourselves the question,whetherto searchforanotherliving place. But due to businessand nancial reasons it was notpossible.Sowe justhadthe chance

toavoidourhouseasoftenaspos sible.Somedayswefeltbetter.On otherdays,especially on weekends we left our house hastily, because wecouldntstanditanymore. Especially bad was Christmas. Wehopedforgoodsnowy weather conditions, so that we could ski a lot. Unfortunatelythis was not the case. We will never forget Christ mas2002.Our family lifewasvery disturbed and difcult. Everybody triedtokeepby himself,andtoact the best way possible under the giv encircumstances.Alldaywewere in a bad mood, rarely that some body laughed.Weallweretortured by thefear,howeverythingwillgo on. Additionally we were suffering, because only very few persons understood our problems. We be came outsiders. The issue of Mo bile Communication antenna was not appreciated by our community. Thesumofallstressesandburdens were hardly to be beard. And we just wanted one thing: to get our previouslifeback. A scientistfromEgypthelped During the summer vacation we travelledfor2weekstotheCarib bean.Therewehad no complaints andwereableto gain backsome of our strength. Back home we slept the rst night well, and were all

very happy about it. But already the next daycomplaints and problems startedalloveragain.Then a few dayslaterwewereinformed that the OMK would interfere. Dr. IbrahimKarim, anEgyptian scientist, would try to bring our suffering through BioGeometric elements to an end. We were await ing this daydesperately, on which hewillstartinthisvillagewithhis pilotproject.About 4 monthshave passedsincethat time. Dr. Ibrahim Karim hashelped us through his work andthrough the use of BioGeometryto get backa worthwhile life. Ourfamily is intact again. For this wewould like to express our deepest gratitude.

Hemberg,November2003 RegulaKellerFrei



I never would have thought, thattheantennaonthetower wouldaffectmetothatextent

My living room window gives a beautiful view out on Hemberg. Hembergisanidyllic village inthe mountains. It lies between Toggen burgandNeckertal.Inadistanceof about1kilometreIcanseethecath olic church with its onion dome. The building was built on an old sacral place, and is under protec tion of historical monuments. This place of peace invites you literally to visit it and stay inside for medi tation.Butthisholyplaceiscon nected to a story of our present time and the following report of ex perience is dealingwiththat story.
Iwasabletosleepallnightthrough for thersttimeinHembergI lived

Thehealthdamaging antennaisinstalled onekmawayfrom RuthSchads at. Thathercomplaints couldbeinrelation totheinstallationon thechurchtowerwas onlyrealized,whenshe foundandexchanged informationwithother affectedresidents.

for almost 40 years in Toesstalin achalet30mawayfromarailway pathway. As I am one of thesensitive persons,Ihadallmylifesleeping problems,which weredueto the electrical network of the train. Fifteen years ago, I found in Baechli, next to Hemberg a at, and was able for the rst time of my lifetosleepallnightthrough.I havenottotellyou,thatIwasnot verypleased when inJune 2002 a Natelantennawas installed onthe catholicchurchtower. Iloved and neededtostaythereinthechurch, butafterthe installationofthean tenna I couldnt full my need.

the mobile communication anten na. At this time my 75 years old mother was sleeping once a week in my at. But mid of 2002 we werenotconsideringthisanymore.

Inthelivingroomshecomplained regularlyofmassivedrowsiness. I myself was walking like a sailor on see. I was taking at this time a study course, which I couldnt complete,asIwasnotableto learn and to memorize the subjects. On myway from Baechli to Hem Ialmostfellunderthehightension bergahigh tensioncableiscrossing cables thestreet.Each timewhenIpassed Iliveontheothersideoftheval this street with my bicycle I felt ley,andquiteadistanceawayfrom massive consciousness disturbanc es. Only under absolute concen

trationIwas able to avoid falling. Noway tothinkofwork,andthis wentonformonths.Ijustwasnot able to recover. The worst symp toms were inmylivingroom. My generalhealthwassoreduced,that Ihadtostaybymyselfalone. Normally I do have a very good balance and almost a phenomenal memory and a very good abil ity forconcentration.Exactly those strengths were clearly reduced. The worst and most dangerous aspects during daily routine life were the consciousnessdisturbancesandthe vertigo attacks. June 2003 I had a discussion with Rosemarie Keller

ItwasclearforRuth Schaad,thatthe knowledgeofcosmic rules theBioGeom etryhadbeenapplied alreadyinchurches. Usingconcretebio geometricelements,the negativeaffectionand inuenceofthemobile communication antenna washarmonized.

12 A lettercamefromtheOMK,who got permission from Swisscom to harmonize the harmful electro magneticeldsofthemobilecom munication antenna. Dr. Ibrahim Karim wouldcome for this purpose toHembergduringthe1stweekof August2003,and wouldtrytoap plyhisknowledgeofBioGeometry to accomplishthis work.This was statedintheletter. RosmarieKellerasked me,wheth er I would have heard about this method?Myanswerwas,thatIdo not have the slightest idea about thetermBioGeometry,butIcould imagine a lot under this term. But Iwould rathercallitholyGeom etry. Herewearedealingwiththean cientknowledge,oftheimportance of the cosmic system. These rules are the bases of creation, and are found through to the smallest details oftheliving theatom.Theuse and application of this knowledge I had already seen in many sacral constructionsofoldcultures. I was just able to tell Rosmarie Keller,thatthismethodishopeful ly agoodthingtotry.ButIdidnot know,whetherDr.Karimwouldbe able to harmonise the mobile an tenna. This issue interested me enor mously and I wanted to be intro duced to Dr. Karim. Thats why I felt sorry, that I would not bein Hembergat this time. Iwas at my mothersplacein Toesstal. I felt much better there than in HembergBaechli, despite the rail ways. I already thought about to leave my at in the Neckertal. If I would not be able to feel well there,then thereasonforthisatis obsolete. During the second week ofAugust I returned to myat in Baechli.

fromHemberg.This was the rst time I heard aboutthe tremendous and multiple com plaints of the inhabitants in Hemberg.The complaintsofthisfamilywere similartothoseofmy motherand mine. All complained about disturbances in the head, the sen sory functionsandthenervoussys tem.OnlythenIthoughtaboutthe connection between ourcomplaints and the antenna on the church tower. Isitpossible,thattheelectromag netic elds of a mobile communica tion antennadocauseevenovera distance of 1 km such health prob lemsforelectrosensiblepersons?I wasalarmedandstartedtoobserve myselfandwhatwashappeningto me. In my weakened and oversen sitizedsituationIrealizedimme diately any change of the energy eld.I noticed clearly, that during walkingoverahillinnearerorfarer distanceto theantennawascausing consciousness disturbances for me. It was not the samestrengthevery where, but generally spoken I felt betterinthevalleythanonhills.

As the mobile communication an tennaisinstalledforareacoverage, Iwas able to understood, whymy complaints were not restricted to the locationofHembergandBaechli. For me is BioGeometry Holy Geometry During a whole year, Rosmarie Keller, another affected person in Hemberg, fought tireless, wrote uncountable letters and made tele phone calls. All this was without anysuccesstillJuly2003.

The method was applied as well in Ruth Schaadsbedroom.

The vertigo was less after the rst restructuringchanges

One day I noticed very happily, thatIfeelmuchbetter.Thevertigo attacks became less severe, as it was the case during the last months. When I was taking my bicycle to Hemberg,someconsciousnessdis turbancesappearedatcertainloca tions. But again, less severe. Finally Iwasabletocontinuemy studies afterayearofforcedinterruption.I was informed by Rosmarie Keller, that exactlyon the day where my complaints started to be less, Dr. Karimhascarriedouta provisional solutionattheNatelantenna.Asthe work for the harmonisationof the Natelantenna atthe different houses took longer than expected by Dr.Karim,Ihadthechancetobe introduced to him, his wife and to one ofhissons.An intensive coop eration began between Dr. Karim, the residents of Hemberg, who were participating in the project, andmyself. Only after the Hembergs mobile communication antenna was not radiating disturbing electromag neticeldsanymore,wewereable

RuthandRosaSchaadareelectrosensitive. AfterBioGeometricimprovementstheyareabletobe activeagain.

todetect other sources, which were inuencing our wellfeeling. These are the strong antennas of Saentis, Hochhamm and Schoenengrund. The high tension cables were in resonance with the electromag netic elds of the antennas and in creased their inuence furthermore. Finally, geopathic disturbance zoneswhichareduetoearthchar acteristic features and stress due to electrosmog in the house had to be harmonised as well through BioGeometry. I found Dr. Karim a person, who goes into depth. If he starts a job, hewouldworkuntilhendtheop timalsolution.AsSaentis,Hochalp, Neckertal and the upper part of Toggenburg are areas of increased military exercises, disturbing inu ences were and are caused by the mobilecommunications.

Baechli to a much better life qual ity. For his devoted work during the last three months, we are grateful, andthankhimandhisfamily,who supported him all the time, from our heartsfor theworkwhichwas done.

Baechli,endofOctober2003, RuthSchaad

Todaywecanhelpourselveswith themethod

Dr.Karimusessuchbiosignaturestogether withBioGeometricelements

The realisation of the work took 3 months.Duetoourcooperationand jointworkwithDr.Karimwelearnt alotabout BioGeometry.Todaywe are able to help ourselves using this method. Dr. Karim has helped us theresidentsofHembergand

14 Theexperiencesoftheaffectedperson:RosmarieKeller

Ihavebackmy joyforlife
InHembergaconstructiontender wasannouncedonMarch26,2001 for a Natelantenna on the church tower of the catholic church. Six opponents, among them ourselves raised up, and made an appeal. I have to admit, that it was a half heartedappeal. Atthistimewehad barely any knowledge about the dangerofsuchemissions.We applied for the appeal after the adviseofateacher. Obviouslyshe knew what she was talking about. We were of the opinion, that no antennas would be installed inthe middle ofa village, if it wouldbe thatdangerousforhumanbeings. My husband had a mobile phone for hisbusiness,butheuseditrarely.I was the proudownerofa harm fulDECTradiotelephonewhich was so easyto handle. We were a very active couple and we were interestedinalotofthingsonthis world. Weare70and64yearsold and werebothingoodhealth.The mobile communication antenna was put into operation in June 2002. Thisantennacausedusno problem atrst. I felt likea tigerin the cage in myownhouse Threemonthslater, itwasinSeptember,Igoteach eveningafeverish head, and a pulsating roaring,whichIhardly bared.Iwassuffer ingandIwas afraid.Somethinginmyhead was not o.k. at all. I didnotfeelwellin my houseanymore. I suffered from cardiac rhythm dis turbances. I complained frequently ofvertigo attacksallday. I lost my energyforwork,whichdidnttto my character at all. My ability of concentration was massively dis turbed. One has to experience this healthsituationtobelieveit. I felt like a tiger in the cage in my own house and I searched for a place, where I fell better, but in vane.Duringwalksorotheractivi ties outside I got back the energy whichwastakenawayfrommeat home.The phases of recoveryun fortunatelydidntlastlong.My husbandenjoyedhisretirementand was frequently outside. I was happy for him, as he was not able to concentrate inside the house, which scaredme.Tinnitusattackslethim leavethehousefrequently.
We planed the ght with the au thoritiesinthemountains

Beginning of February 2002 I suf fered fromacompletebreakdown and was hospitalized. After 1 day ofobservationIfeltwellagainand told the physician about the expe riences with the mobile communi cation antenna. He advised me, to lookfor theless emissionaffected room in my house,and stay there in caseofacute complaints.

Theenergyshewasableto gainoutside,wastaken awayimmediatelyagainat home.HereDr.Karim explainshismethodto RosmarieKeller.His knowledgeandthe nd ingsdoconvinceher.

15 health problems, were foreseen for the project of Dr. Karim. First those six houses were ex amined by Dr. Karim and his son in regard to geomantic disturbance zones, electro smog and antenna emissions, then they harmonized theseeffects.Inthechurchonlythe electricalpowersupply totheanten na was allowed to be harmonized. Butthisdidntledtoarealsuccess. Thehouseofmyson is located op posite to the church, so provisional BioGeometric elements were in stalled on my sons balcony. We were already so hypersensitive, that we felt immediately when the elements were correctly placed. At thistimewe felt betterbutnotwell yet. On MondayAugust 18, I was happyto notice that thebirds came back to my garden. But our well feelingwas notstable,onetimewe felt very well andanothertime bad.

TheHouseoftheKellerFamilyliesabout 100mawayfromthechurchtower

From this time on, my favourite place was on a chair in the basement. Moreand more Ihad to stayinthe cellar.Ourharmfulradiotelephone has been removed from our house. We rented a house in the moun tains for the summer months, to prepare ourselves for the ght with the authorities. It was not our style to give up. Thus I was really per sistent while contacting the Media tionAuthority for Mobile Commu nicationandEnvironmentinBern.
After a short while, birds were seen in the garden again

TheBioGeometricelementsaredirectedex actlytowardthedisturbancesources

Whetherenergyisharmfulornotthisis determinedbythefromandshape,notbythe material

OnJuly25 we wereinformedby a letter from the Mediation Author ity for Mobile Communication that Dr. Karim would interfere with his methodofBioGeometry. Iaskedall affectedpersons,whethertheywould participate. We didnt hear any thing of BioGeometry tillthis time. But who could have helped us? Neither the municipality, nor the church or Swisscom or the Media tion authority for Mobile Commu nication knew what to do with us. Weallwereafraidtogothroughan other winterlike wehadtheyear be fore. So wedidnt understood, how Dr .Karim would help us with his BioGeometry. But we wanted to take this chance.Wewere hopingagain. OnAugust 6, 2003, Dr. Karim be ganhisworkinHemberg.Sixfami lies, who lived in the surrounding ofthecatholicchurchinHemberg, and who suffered from massive
Dr.Karimusesforhisworkthetechniqueofthephysicalpendulum,nottobemixedupwiththe knownmentalpendulum


16 speciallydesignedelementsforthe Natelantennas.Dr.Karimhadto getbacktothechurchtower,toin stallneartotheantennaastronger element.OnSeptember19,hegot thepermissionforinstallation.

Wehadtoprotectourselvesas wellagainstthemilitaryradio transmissions

Nowwehadagoodtime.We heardinthevillage,thatpeople weresleepingbetter.Butattheend ofOctoberwefacedanewprob lem.Wefrequentlyexperienced badtimes actuallyonlyforsome hours,butverysevereineffect. Whenwesearchedforthereason, wefoundout,thateachtimeof ourillfeeling,themilitaryhad positionedtheradiotransmission stationsintheareaofSaentis. Itwasdifculttohandle,asthe militaryradiotransmissionsta tionswerealwaysrepositionedin anotherlocation,sothatwealways hadtochangethedirectionofour elements.UponDr.Karimswish, myhusbandpreparedaspecial Electrosensitivepersonsfeeltheemissionsofelectrosmogandmobilecommunicationantennas holdingdevice.Onthisdevicewe veryclear.Dr.Karimcoordinateswithprecisionhisprotectingelementsinthewintergardenof mountedBioGeometricelements thefamily. pointingtoall directions.Thuswe werearmedagainstallemis Dr.KarimhadtoinstallBioGeo this newproblem. He installed im sions. metricelementsinthechurchtow mediately provisional BioGeomet TheprojectHembergwasa er.Finallytheacesswasarranged ricelements.Wefeltbetterandthe fruitfultimeforus,welearntalot August20. Theeffectofthese birdscameback. andwevaluedtheclosecoopera elementswaslikearelief. Wewere Dr.KArimsenthissonbackto tionwithDr.Karim,hiswifeand abletobreathandourheadswereat Egypt,fortheproductionofthe theirson.Dr.Karimhadforeseen lastclearagain.Thesamenightand 1week workfortheNatelantenna aswellonthefollowingdayswe project,butitwasextendedto4 observedbatscomingbackagain. months. Weareallverythankful 4dayslaterweexperiencedamajor forhisefforts. Wefeltallthetime, dropbackandwestartedtosearch. thathewastakingusseriousand Wefeltthatsomethingwas thatwewereingoodhands. comingtowardusfromanother side.Wenoticed thattheantennas onSaentis,Hochhammand Schoenegrundwereinuencingus Hemberg,November2003,Rosmarie negatively. Keller NowDr.Karimhadtodealwith
Withthis holdingdeviceitwaspossible,to harmonisemobiledisturbancesources.



The Emission from GSM Mobile CommunicationRadiationinthe VillageofHemberg

1.Thetransmitter The only transmitter of major in uence is the Swisscom transmitter on the church tower of the catholic church. GSM900: Equivalentemissionstrength Azimuth0:900 WattAzimuth 120:450 WattAzimuth240: 700 Watt (accordingtothelocationdata sheet) strongeremissionduetothe GSM:bedroomsofthedaughters AnjaandSarainthe2ndoor strongeremissionduetothe DECT:thecomplete1stoor The limit value of the installation according to the regulation of NIS isforGSM9004V/m,forGSM 1800 (here not yet in operation) togetherwithGSM9005V/m.In the Kellers house the air pol lution due to the GSM 900 (see table)wasabout0,05upto0,7 V/m.Startingfrom0,06 V/mand underlongerexposition,itispos sibletoinitiateorpromoteserious diseases.Startingfrom0,4 V/m acutehealthproblemscouldappear atpersons,whoaremoresensitive. Ithastobeputintoconsideration, thatthegovernmentofSalzburg hasrecommended,nottoexceed 0,02V/m(!)intheinnerareaofa house. This is about 1/250 of the Swisslimitingvaluefortheinstal lation.

GSM1800: Equivalentemissionstrength Azimuth0:1200 Watt MobileCommunicationGSM900 Azimuth120:200 Watt (MeasurementresultsfromSeptember2nd,2002) Azimuth240:800 Watt GSM900 Airpollutionvaluein(V/m) (accordingtothelocationdata Onlysteering Valuesof Relation, sheet) channelsMinimum themoment minimum StartofoperationfortheGSM900 2.9.2002 accordingtotheinformationon site:July13,2002. GarageKeller AGBalcony 0,52 0,69 1,33 The antennas for GSM 1800 were Anja,bed 0,360,421,17 0,42 1,24 notinoperationonthedayofmea Sara,bed0,34 Livingroom,sofa0,26 0,31 1,20 suring,September2nd,2002. 2.Measurementresults: Theattachedtableisrevealing thesummaryofthemeasurement resultstakenonSeptember2nd, 2002 3.Evaluationofthemeasured air pollution InthehouseoftheKellerGarage AGtheemissionstressdueto theGSM900andduetoaDECT wirelesstelephonewhichwas installedinthelivingroom was aboutinthesamerange:
Kitchen,table Parents,bed Simon,bed Ofce,oor 0,12*1,00 0,059 *1,00 0,042*1,00 0,0560,068 1,21

Stableforcows, (Buildingno.952) EwaldKeller,wintergarden

0,180,24 0,0650,069

1,33 1,06

Bedroomupperoor 0,0180,021 1,17 Ofceundertheroof** 0,420,55 1,30 Mr.Grob,bedroom 0,090,10 1,11 Roomundertheroof,south 0,190,25 1,32 GeorgReich,Mrs.Reich,bed0,058 *1,00 G.Reich,bed 0,042*1,00 Outsidethewindow 0,0660,082 1,24 *nochanelinoperationatthetimeofmeasurement **measurementonOctober22,2003



DECT wirelesstelephone
nd (measuringresultsfromSeptember2 ,2002)

DECT wirelesstelephone Emissionvaluein(V/m)

GarageKeller Ag
Livingroom,sofa Simon,bed Anja,be Parents,bed kitchen Sara,bed 1,27 0,65 0,24 0,13 0,13 0,02

does not guarantee a successful cattle breeding or production. This is duetoanincreased abortion,im mune system weakness (udder in fection, infection and abscesses of inner organs) or decreasing milk production. The decision taken by the farmer GeorgReich, to transfer hiscattle fromthisstablewas justi ed.

In the house of Ewald Keller 0,02 to 0,07V/mweremeasuredintheliv ing room andthe bedroom (there is nodirectsighttothechurch tower). Ithasbeenobserved,thatsensitive persons do sufferfromacute com plaints as nervousness, sleeping disorders,tinnitusandheadache.


The stress of the DECT wireless telephoneinthehouse offamily Kellerhadtobeconsideredaswell. Most probably this telephone was the reason for the sensitization of the Keller Family, which led from the beginning to the acute symp toms after putting the Swisscom transmitterintooperation. Avalue of 0,2 V/m has been mea sured in the adjacent stable (Build ing No. 952). According to expe rience especially from Bavaria, where already a lot of farmhouses hadbeenmeasuredtherangehere onsite begins witha value,which

Measuringpoint:FamilyKellersenior,Ofceintheroofoor Sightcontactwiththeantenna,20 fromthemainemissiondirection GSMmobilecommunication EmissionShareofthe totaloutput uW/m2 * 811,2 71,3 8,9 3,5 894,6 90,6% 8,0% 1,0% 0,4% 100%


V/m GSMmobilecommunication UKW radio Television Others(police,eurocallservice, LW,MW,KW,etc. 0,533 0,164 0,058 0,035 0,581

lowfrequencypulsatedemission=higherhealthriskasincaseofnonpulsatedemissions. Sometimesitisclaimed,thattheradioemissionsarestrongerthanthoseofthemobilecommunicati onemissions.Theoppositeiscorrect.InHembergaroundthechurchtowerthistransmitterhasashare ofabout90%ofthetotalhighfrequencyemissioneffect.FurthermoreisthelowfrequencypulsatedGSM obilecommunicationemissionmorehealthdamagingaccordingtoexperiencethanthenonpulsatedor incaseoftheTV onlythemildpulsatedradioemission.


19 As Rosmarie and Ewald Keller did not possess a DECT telephone, the complaints appeared some time af ter putting the antenna into opera tion.Anadditionalmeasurementon October 22, 2003 revealed a value of0,55V/mintheroofarea,where theofceis. In the house of Georg Reich, the farmer,whichisingreaterdistance tothetransmitter(270)theairpol lution is of the same value (direct sight to the church tower) as the nearerpositioned(100m)houseof Ewald Keller, which is shielded (the livingandsleepingarea)bythead jacenthouse.Thisvalueis0,06V/ matthesoutheasthousefaade. Hereitwasrecommendedtotrans fer the bedrooms to the less exposed northwest part of the house. In thestablewe have aboutthe same emission level. In the sleepstable it clearly less. After putting the Swiss comtransmitter into operation, the birds left for the rst time the farm.Thisisanobservationwhich hasbeenmadeEuropewideonall farms, if a mobile communication antennawasinstallednearby. In general the air pollution and emis sions from the Swisscomtransmit ter are at day and night about the same, as the use is not that exten siveyet.Duringdaytimeitissome times found, that 20 30% more emissions (in V7m) are present thanduringtimesoflessuse,asfor example during the nights before workingdays. 4.Recommendation For the shortterm the bedrooms should be transferred and eventual emergency shields are indicated. A shield,especially ontheroof oorat its southernside,isstronglyrecom mended for the house of the Keller Family. Shields should be installed through experts and control mea surementsshouldbedone.Perhaps
Measuringunit:Thestrengthofelectromagnetichighfrequencyemissionisdetermined inSwitzerlandaselectrical eldstrengthin Voltpermeter(V/m). Theelectrical eld strengthisreducedreversalproportionaltothedistanceoftheemissionsource. Measuringmethod:Ateverymeasuringpointtheemissionintensityisseparatelymea suredforeachchannel. Measuringvalues:Eachmeasuredmaximumvalueoftheelectricaleld strength(V/m)is separatelynotedinthemeasurementprotocolforallmeasurablefrequencychannelsatthe timeofmeasurement.Inthecaseofmobilecommunicationservicestheyareeithersteer ingchannelsortalkchannels. SteeringChannels:SteeringchannelsarecalledinabbreviationBCCH(BroadcastCon trolChannel).Theylocalisetheswitchedonmobiletelephonesandtheyconnectthecalls. A limitednumberofcallscouldbeheldon themtoo.Thesteeringchannelstransmit24 hoursaday,withoutinterruption. Talkchannels:Talkchannelsonlytransmit,whentheyareusedduetoacall.Incaseof minimalcalls,theyaresilent. Momentaryemissionpollution:Itisthetotalemissionpollution(electricaleld strength) attherelevantmeasurementpointatthemomentofmeasurement.Itsvaluecompliesonly tothepossiblemaximumvalue,ifallmeasuredtransmittersarefullyinoperationandare sendingwiththeirallowedmaximumperformance. Minimumemissionpollution:Totalemissionpollutionatthesamemeasuringpointdur ingtimesoflessfrequentuse,e.g.atnightduringworkingdays.Itiscalculatedbythesum oftheemissionvaluesofallmeasuredsteeringchannels(withoutthetalkchannels).Itis thepollutionvalue,which(duringthenormaloperationofthetransmissioninstallation)is neverbeyondthisminimum. Ofcialevaluationvalueoftheemissionpollution:Thisisdoneaccordingtothepresent transmitterintensityofmeasuredemissionvaluesincomparisontothecalculatedemis sionvaluesortothelegallypresetgivenvalues. Thisevaluationvalueiscalculatedfor instanceforofcialcontrolmeasurements. WirelessDECTtelephoneinstallationsathomeandatwork:Thebasisstationandthe repeaterwirelessDECTtelephonesend24hoursadaywithoutinterruption,evenifnocall isdone. Appliedmeasurementtechnique:Spectrumanalysis ADVANTEST R3131 A (Rhode andSchwarz),logarithmicperiodichighfrequencymeasuringantenna TypeUSPL 9143 (Schwarzbeck)Frequencyscope0,3to5GigaHertz

negotiations with Swisscom con cerningareductionofthetransmis sionstrengthandanelevationofthe antenna angulation could be held. Nevertheless the relief would be only relatively. The general health condition in regard to longterm healthaffectionwouldnotbereally changed. A real solution would be only the removal of the installed Swiss comtransmitter, to gain back the original situation in Hemberg. This removal will be realized sooner or later under the pressure of further

health problems and for maintain ingthereputationofHembergasa recovery area.Iftheremovalisnot achievable, we should count with moves, diseases which will appear ofthose who willstay, and lossof realestatevalues.

October10,2002 Thesemeasurementsweretakenby an independent specialist. The GIBB co operativehashisname. YvonneGilli


QuestionnaireRevealed: ComplaintsHaveBeen MassivelyReduced

Conditionsfor thesubsequent questionnaire On October 6 and 12, 2004 a de tailed questionnaire was distrib uted among the residents of Hem berg, concerning their complaints. According to a scale, which in cluded 4 intensity grades, the par ticipating residents marked the presentcomplaintsandcompared them with the condition before putting the antenna into opera tion and after the BioGeometric installations done by Dr. Karim. The asked persons were a group, who were positive about Dr. Karims pilot project. The num ber of persons who were asked is statistically not signicant. Thesubjectivelymentionedcom plaints were structured accord ing to a headfeet scheme. Com plaints, which were not tting into to this scheme, were noted down under a column other com plaints. Under this column dis ease diagnosis were noted, which were subjectively inuenced by the mobile communication antenna. able to remember exactly, which complaints alreadyexisted prior to putting the antenna into operation. In theheadtofeetscheme,thehead complaints were clearly dominant. Underthesecomplaintsinturn,the psychologicalstatusandthecogni tive performance were of main com plaint.Thepsychologicalcomplaints could be categorized in a wider HeadandConcentrationsuf sense under depressive symptoms. The cognitive complaints concern feredthemostIn general an increase of complaintswas revealed especially theconcentration ability. in regard to numberand intensity after putting the antennainto Rheumatic complaints increased operation.Thiswasfollowed with Organic wise, the affected persons an obvious improvementafter the in Hemberg complained mainlyof biogeometric installa headache,nexttoeyeandearprob tions through Dr. Karim. Some of lems. the persons questioned were not

ComplaintsScale Automn2002(withantenna)
90 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



Complaintgroup: mental/psychic (autumn2002,with antenna)

25 25 20 20

Complaintgroup:mental/psychic (autumn2004,withantennaafter biogeometricinstallations)








Next to the head complaints an increase of rheumatic complaints and temperature sensitivity was re vealed.

scaleofcomplaintsandtheobvi ousdifferentindividualreactionto theemission.Nottoforgetthein dividualvariableexposition,even forpersonsinthesamehousehold. Notallreactsimilar toelectrosmog Ithasbeennoticedincaseofa Despiteofthelownumberofcases family,whohasbeenasked,that andthesubjectivestatements,the thecomplaintswereintensied questionnaireisofinterest.Itre afterputtingtheantennainto ectstheknownsymptoms,which operation,despitethatthefamily werealreadydescribedinother memberswereexposedtoa10 studiesunder theterm biological or timesstrongerhousemadeelec nonthermaleffectofGSMmobile trosmog(throughamicrowave communicationemissions. Asmost device,awirelesstelephone,as ofthefeltcomplaintsaremedi callynotobjective,itisdifcultto wellasotherequipmentinstand byposition.Oneofthefamily recordthemscientically. membersfeltespeciallyunwellina Furthermoreitisdifculttorecord certainroom,whichwasprovento besubjectedtomoreelectro thecases,becauseofthelarge magneticemissions. Complaintgroup:Head (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25

Larger scaleexaminationswould beofoutmostnecessity Forfuturequestionnairestheques tionsshouldbeadaptedtonew ndings.Tobeenabledtoargue scientically,thefollowingcriteria shouldbeconsidered: A largernumberofpersons(100 persons)shouldbeasked wholiveinaquantitativeknown geographicsector,whichisex posedheavilytomobilecommu nication emissions.Noselection shouldbecarriedout. Thepersons shouldbechosenpriortothein stallationoftheantenna. Measurementsofthelocations aretobedonerst.Inatsthe differentmeasurementsaretobe carriedoutaswellinregardto

Complaintgroup:Head(autumn2004,with antennaafter biogeometricinstallations)









Complaintgroup:Back/Rheumatology (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25 20 20

Complaintgroup:Back/Rheumatology 22 (autumn2004,withantennaafter biogeometricinstallations)





freemildmoderate severe


longerstaysintherelevantroom, e.g.bedroom. Theadditional electrosmogmustbeknownand quantiedaswell. A minimum of 4 different phas es of questionnaires should take place: beforeputtingtheantenna into operation, 4 months after put ting the antenna into operation, 1 month after the installation of BioGeometricdevicesand 1 yearaf ter the installationofthese devices. Neither the persons who areasked northepersonswhoputthequestion should know the actual situation of the antenna whether in operation or not.

UMTSsupplyincreasesthe healthemergencysituation It is hoped, that epidemiological studies are nanced in future. Due to the present study situation and the results of this minimal number of questioned affected persons, we mayspeakofanactualhealthemer gency situation, contrary to the so called installation emergency, given by the Federal Advisory Council priortotheenactmentofthe NISV decree.Thisisnowincreaseddueto the present provision with UMTS.

Wil, Automn2004 YvonneGilli

Complaintgroup:Chest (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25

Complaintgroup:Chest(autumn2004,with antennaafter biogeometricinstallations)











Complaintgroup:abdomen (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25 20 20

Complaintgroup:abdomen(autumn2004 withantennaafterbioeometricinstallation)








Complaintgroup:renal&urinarybladder (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25 20

Complaintgroup:renal&urinarybladder (autumn2004,withantennaafter biogeometricinstallation










Complaintgroup:Others (autumn2002,withantenna)
25 25 20 20

Complaintgroup:Others (autumn2004,withantennaafter biogeometricinstallation









Oct02,antenna& biogeom.Installa tions

About60%(58,6%)ofallcomplaintsaredistributed amongthebelowlisted15terms:

1.Nervousness 2.Sleepingdisorders 3.Difcultytogettosleep 4.Exhaustion,Lossofperformance 5. Weaknessofmemory 6.Irritability 7.Headache,migraine, 8. Allergies(againstmedications,food,rhinitis) 9.Heat ushingandsensation 10.Skinproblems(eczema) 11.Neck&shoulderpain,tenseness 12.Backpain 13. Visiondisturbances,eyepain 14.Sexualproblems 15.Hyperactivity,concentrationproblems Totalcomplaints

4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 19

2 4 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 25

4 4 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 48

2 5 3 5 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 35

4 2 4 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 35

4 1

2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 14

1 12


MentalandPsychicComplaints 1.Nervousness 2.Memoryweakness 3.Hyperactivity,concentrationproblems 4.Depression 5.Irritability 6.Moodiness,lossofenergy 7.Nutritionaldisturbances,lossofappetite 8.Exhaustion,performanceweakness Totalcomplaints

4 1 1

1 2 9

2 2 2 2 3 1 2 14

4 4 3 1 4 3 5 24

2 4 2 3 3 3 2 5 24

4 1 1 2 1 2 11

4 1 2 1 8 4 94 2 1 1

Head 1. Visiondisturbances,eyepain 2.Cataract 3.Headache,migraine 4.Earproblems(Tinnitus) 5.Lossofhairs 6. Vertigo,nausea 7.Headbrowsing Totalcomplaints

2 2 1 1 2 6

2 3 1

1 1 2 3 2 3 1 5 13

1 1 1 2 2 3 1 5 11

3 3 1 1

1 3 1

2 8


Back,Rheumatology 1.Neck&shoulderpain,tenseness 2.Backpain 3.Jointproblems 4.Rheumaticcomplaints Totalcomplaints

1 3 2 1 1 5 1 2

4 2 2 2 10

1 1 3 1 6

2 3 1 1 7

2 1 1 1




Itisimportanttounderstandthetotal interactionofallsourcesofdisturbances
GIBB:Howdidyoureact,when theMediation Authorityfor Mo bileCommunicationaddressed you,toapplyyour methodof BioGeometryinHemberg? Dr. Karim:A friend ofmine from the bankingbranch, who is well informed about my projects in theMiddleEast,read about the problems of Hemberg in the newspapers. After a discussion with me, he contacted the Mediation Author ity for Mobile Communication and explained to them my pro posal. This included the demon stration of my method in Hem berg, to show its possibilities free of charge as the BioGeom etry is still not very much known. Thus a contact was established. Later, I met Mr. Rolf Luethi from the Mediation Authority for Mo bile Communication. He contact ed Swisscom and I was surprised, when they approved to accept my method for this project. The at titude of the Mediation Authority and Swisscom was very positive. GIBB: Wereyousure,thatthe BioGeometricmethodwouldbe successfulinHemberg? Dr. Karim: I was convinced of my possibilities with BioGeometry. Hemberg was relatively simple for me, from the technical aspect, in comparisonto myotherprojects.In regard to the method, I was certain thatI willbe able toharmonisequite quickly the environmental stresses. Nevertheless if there are stresses, which had been developed since qui et a time, political interests and oth qualitative information as well. Thats why all electromagnetic waves are suitable to spread the harmonizing effect. The electro magnetic waves produce electro smog, which is harmonized too. Butthe pointis not to search forev erysingle disturbance source. It is ofimportancetounderstandthein teractionofalldisturbancesources andtheresultingresonance. This means, that not the single cause is ofdamagingeffect,butwehaveto improve the situation in general. HarmonizedelectrosmogofradioandTV. DR.IbrahimKarim With BioGeometry this resonance could be inuenced qualitatively. er intentions could appear. So, you Thuswehaveaverygood method can never tell whether you would to spread harmonizing energies. be able to do the work smoothly. GIBB: Were you able to harmo nize the consequences of electro smog or mobile communication antennasinthepast? Dr. Karim: I alreadywork on Boe ingairplanes and have applied my method in many projects with ma jor electrosmog. But this was not due to mobile communication an tennas.InEgyptandintheUSA we useTV and Radiobroad castsas carrier waves, to achieve a harmo nizing effect with area coverage. GIBB:Howhaveyoufoundout, thatBioGeometricelementscan harmonizemobilecommunica tionemissionstoo? Dr. Karim: Mobile communica tion emissions are electromag netic emissions and thus carrying waves, which transport informa tion. These waves have quantita tive aspects,but theycan transport GIBB:Whichconcreteworks were necessary to be done in Hemberg? Dr. Karim: First we examined six houses, which were chosen for thepilot project, inregard toearth emissions and electromagnetic disturbance sources. We noted down the complaints of the affected persons. Then we installed BioGeo metric shapes at electrical cables and water pipes in the houses. Weinstalledsomeshapesatthe windowsinadirectiontowardthe outerdisturbancesources.Some othershapeswereputonearth radiationgridlines. ThehouseoftheKellerFamily seniorwe xedBioGeometric transmitterwithaspecialcarrier, whichhadbeenpreparedbyEwald Keller. Theseweredirectedtoward theremotedistancedanddifferent antennas.

InterviewwithDr.IbrahimKarim ingsystemrevealsadisturbance,it isnotinbalance.Theobservationof eitherhyperfunctionorhypo functionismade.Weallknowthe solutionforthis.Eitherwetrywith medicationandtherapytoreduce thehyperfunctionorincreasethe hypofunction.Thedosageorthe quantityisessentialforthisap proach.Hereweaddressthepos sibilityofmedicineandalternative therapy,whichtrytobringthe energysystemsintobalanceagain.I wasabletodevelopaphysi calsystem,inwhichtheenergy qualityofsacralplacesisbrought intoeffect. A languageofshapes, gures,coloursandmovement developedtheBioGeometry. IcreatedthetermBioGeometry30 yearsagoandIhaditregistered asatermformynewlydeveloped GIBB: How has yourattention science. Thiswasnecessaryas be drawn to the possibilities of wellforthepatentregistration.It isnotlongerallowed,tousethe BioGeometry? termBioGeometryinconnection Dr.Karim: Thestudiesofarchi tothestudiesofbiologicalforms tectureattheETHinZurichwere andshapesasanameforanother verysuccinctforme. Wehadto method. transferforinstanceapianocon Thus,anotherpossibility exist,to certfromBachtoformalaspects bringenergysystemsintobal ofarchitecture.Ourtaskwasthe anceagainandtocentralizethem. resonancebetweenmusicaland Herewithitismeant,torecon formalexpression.Toharmonize structthebalanceofanenergy bycreatingabalance:thiswas systemthroughtimeorspace alwaystheaimofarchitecture. relatedconnections. Thisisnot Alreadyagesago,mankindfelt, anorganicormaterialtask,buta thattherearepowerfulplaces, qualitativeenergeticwork. When whichhadharmonizingeffects weunderstandthismethodandare onhumans,animalsandplants. abletouseit,wecanstrengthenand Theyrecognizedandmarkedthese increasethisenergyquality,store places.Humansusedtheseplaces andtransmititdependingtoour fortheirconnectiontothedevine. needsandbenet. Thuswedohave Latertheybuiltontheseplacesof anenergyqualityathand,whichis powertheirtemplesandchurches. athousandtimesstrongerthan ata Themainissueofsacralplaceswas placeofpower. Thisqualityis centralizingineffectonanyenergy alwaystheresonancewith proportions,spacedimensions,g system. Thisenergysystemcould uresandangles.Thisistheworldof beofhuman,animalorplant source. architecture. LaterIexaminedandstudiedin moredetailtheconnectionsofthe GIBB:Duringyour workyou biologicalenergysystems.Ifaliv IncooperationwithSwisscom Mobileweinstalledonthechurch towerBioGeometricshapesatthe cables,whichleadfromtheelec tricalboxtotheantenna.Specially programmedCDswereinstalledat thislocationtoo. TheBioGeometrictransmitters werexedinsuchaway,thatthey weredirectedtotheantennabody. Thedistancebetweenthetransmit tersand theantennabody is30cm. TheBioGeometrictransmitters werefurtherdevelopedseveral times,toavoidtheproblemsofhu midityandtheshortterminuence ofmilitarymanoeuvres.Thesolu tion wasrenedmoreandmore. Presentlysomewideareacover agetransmittersarebeingtestedin anewresearch.

26 usesocalledBioGeometricsig natures.Whatismeantbythis term? Dr.Karim: The2dimensional drawingsarebasedon3dimen sionalequivalentsandonthe connectionbetweenenergyand shape.In Acupuncturethemerid iansreecttheshapeofabody. Observingthisenergystructure wend,thatanorganhasdifferent owlineseachlinewithadif ferentfrequency. Tobeexact,the shapeadaptsitselftotheenergetic structuresandnotviceversa.Thus 20to30suchenergy owsare observedinoneorgan. Thesumof theseenergy owsresultsinthe formandshapeoftheorganinthe energeticsense. Nowimaginethatyoushapeawire exactlyinthewayofsuchaow lineandbringthewirenexttothe body.Throughthissameshapea resonanceandthuscommunication betweentheoutsideandtheinside isachieved. Thissynergyincreases theowofpowerwithintheorgan andarstharmonizingeffectisthe result. GIBB:Whichconnectionex istsbetweenBioGeometryand BioSignature? Dr.Karim:BioGeometryal waysharmonisesorcentralises anenergysystem.Ifweusethe BioSignaturetogetherwiththe BioGeometrywecaninducethe resonanceoftheBioSignatureinto thecentralisingqualityofBioGe ometry. Thusaclearlystronger harmonizationisachieved,than wouldbepossiblewiththereso nanceofBioSignaturesalone. GIBB: Why have you put Bio Signaturesonthetransmittersin Hemberg? Dr.Karim: Weaimed,thatallin

habitants benet from the positive effectsoftheBioSignatures.Ourin tentionwastoeliminatetheelectro sensibility of the affected persons. Thats why we used BioSignatures for the thyroid gland, the heart and the kidneys. We put all signatures of those organs, which react elec trosensible, onthe transmitter. The aimwastoachieveadesensibiliza tionwithtime. GIBB: How could a shape be a biogeometricshape? Dr. Karim: BioGeometry is a de sign language and has certain cri teria. Principally it is about simple energyqualitycomponents, which are to be considered.This shape language is in principle applicable for the design. I organise courses, in which I lecture this science and knowledge. GIBB: You have used in Hemberg socalledtransmitterstoo? Dr. Karim: If we would like to transmit an energy quality. We have theoptiontogetbacktoknownas pects. There are forms,which bring thequality of BioGeometry intoef fectiveness,evenoverdistances. ThusitwaspossibleinHembergto direct a small transmitter toward the Saentis antenna and to achieve there the harmonizing effect. BioGeom etryhas always a harmonizing ef fect and cannot achieve any other effects. Transmitters serve onlyas transporters.Meanwhilewe developednewbiogeometrical shapes,which transmittheir energy quality in area coveragefrom a central point.It is notlonger necessarytodirectthetransmitters individually towardthe disturbance sources. All disturbance sources withintheeffectiveradiusarethus harmonized. With this method we achievedin plane areasan effective radiusof almost 120 km in diam eter.Nowwecontinueourresearch forfurtherdevelopment,aimingan effective radius of at least 250 km in

diameterandto achievea smoother effect next to the transmitting bio geometrical shape. This new devel opment will save a lot of time and costs.
PersonalInformationaboutDr.IbrahimKarim BornonFebruary1st,1942,inCairo,EgyptianNationality Education: OxfordandCambridgematriculation,VictoriaCollege,Cairo(1958)


Dipl.Arch/Eng.(1967)andDoctorofSciences(1975),FedralInstituteOf Technology(ETH) Zurich Mentoringactivities Professorforarchitecture,HelwanUniversity,Cairo(1972,1978) ProfessorforPhDstudies,CairoUniversity(2004 ) Ofcial Advisory/Consultancytasks ConsultantoftheMinisterofHealth,Egypt(19691980) ConsultantoftheMinisterofCulture,Egypt(19691980) ConsultantoftheMinisterofTourism,Egypt(19851988) ConsultantoftheMinisterforScienticResearch,Egypt(1990 1994) Leadershipactivities ChairmanofthecommitteeImpactofgeometricshapesonthevitalbiologicalfunctions, NationalResearchCentre,Cairo,(19931995) FounderofImhotep,scienticsociety,Egypt(1985) PresidentandownerofBioGeometryEnergySystemsLtd. PatentholderofBioGeometryShapes AwardoftheInternationalConferenceforInventorsofthe20thCentury,Cairo,December 1998 BioGeometrySeminarsattheInternationalBuildingBiologyandEcologyInstituteinthe UnitedStatesof America(1997) BioGeometrySeminarsintheNetherlandsandEgypt(19962000) BioGeometricarchitecturalProjects OldVicTouristProject,Hurghada,RedSea(the rstphaseincludes22BioGeometricalats) (1985) Portrait(Sokna TouristProject),GulfofSuez(includes120BioGeometricalunits)(1992) BioGeometricharmonyofenergyqualityinairplanes,shipsandcarsetc. ResearchProjectswiththeuseofBioGeometry Appleandotherhorticultureresearchprojectattheinstituteforparasiteresearch, Agricultural Universityof Wageningen,Netherlands Potatoresearchproject,organisationintheNetherlands(organicagriculture) Poultryproject,SuezCanalUniversity,Suez,Egypt HepatitisCResearchProject,Pharmacologicaldepartment,El AzharUniversityCairo,Egypt ResearchProjectswiththeEgyptianGovernmentand American Aid EcologyplanningoftheMahmoudiyaCanal, Alexandria,incooperationwiththeministryof ScienticResearchandUSAID Urbanhealthdevelopmentprojects,14ClinicsathigherlevelsinCairoincooperationwiththe MinistryofHealthandUSAID 20clinicsincooperationwiththe WorldBankandtheMinistryofHealthinGizaandQuena ArchitecturalandPlanningObjects Severalmajorclinics,seismicresearchandobservationcentresaswellasseveraltourismvil lagesattheRedSea BioGeometricalproducts InventoranddesignerofseveralBioGeometricproductsfortheharmonization oftheenviron ment(electrosmog,EMW,microwaves,radioactivityetc)

PressConferencefromOctober22,2003inHemberg ChristophZweili


TheMediationAuthorityforMobile CommunicationandEnvironment


Karimfrom Wonderland? In Hemberg the electrosmog was tackled in an unconven tional manner. Critics speak of swindle and hocuspocus. Hemberg: For critics the BioGe ometryismereswindle.Electro sensitive persons call the method of the Egyptian Ibrahim Karim a blessing. The Mediation Author ity for Mobile Communication and Environment summed it up after a three months eldproject. In spring the young birds returned from the warmer south, but mi grated after three days again. Par ents of swallows abandoned their brood, which starved to death miserably. Wagtails did noot like it either in Hemberg anymore. That was in June 2002, when Swisscom put their new 710Watt mobile communication antenna intooperation.Allatonce,afarmer had badluckinthecowshed.There wereadeformedcalfandtwoabor tions. Two dozen electrosensitive people complained of headache, vertigo, exhaustion, sleeping disor ders, fear and depression, down to inexplicable aggressive conditions. They felt that neither the family doctor nor the community authori ties took them seriously. A dispute between the residents, authori ties and Swisscom blazed up and stayedonformonthstheoperators

refused to switch off the legitimate examinations and documentation antenna, which broadcasts under throughauniversityor laboratory. the set maximum limiting value. Hembergisnoindividualcase Allswellthatendswell The Swisscom representatives at This was the case until 3 months the Mediaconference seem sat ago.Nowweenjoy lifeagainsays ised. We have an interest that the 64 years old Rosmarie Keller, our installations areacceptablefor spokesperson of the residents, on mankind and environment says Wednesday in front of the media. Claude Georges, Swisscom leader She and the President of the com for Mobile Communication and En munity, Walter Fischbacher, could vironment. Hans Ulrich Jacob ex look into each others eye again. A presseshimselfextremely critically blessing, that the Mediation Au against theMediationAuthorityof thority for Mobile Communication Mobile Communication providers, and Environment, established by representedbyErikaForster.Jacob Mobile communication providers acts in the name of the Mediation Swisscom, Orange and Sunrise had mobileCommunicationandHealth the Egyptian Ibrahim Karim, grad of the Swiss community of inter uated ETH architect and Doctor ests of electrosmog affected per of Sciences own inbyair?Karim sons who suffer. He speaks of the installed his created BioGeometric plotofHembergandcallsKarim shapesandguresmadefromwood acharlatan,whoworkswithcheap plexiglass shapes which are and plexiglass, which remind one availableinevery orientalbazaar. ofwellturnedchairlegs,at6fami liesaswellasinsideandoutsidethe church. The Egyptian, who super vises worldwide serious research programs, that can be looked up on his homepage, ordered further production of area covering shape components for Hemberg, which were to be produced in Egypt Morearticlesaboutthissubjectin Tagblatt: and to be sent to Switzerland. Karim transformed twelve differ July14,2004: ent sources of interferences out Nomiraculousremedy,scientically side of Hemberg and seven in the implausible June24,2004: church tower into positive energy. IstheprojectBioGeometrygoingon? Enough to nalise the project.And June11,2004: hope for a continuation at another KarimcontraSwisscom place with a budget to male it August29,2004: possible for medical accompanying A villageresortstoselfhelp

Theonesparticipatingintheexper iment contested vehemently during the press conference of any foul play. The transmission power has notbeenloweredduringtheexperi ment, as it has been claimed says Claude Georges. To prove that, the dataprovidedbySwisscomhave beenscrutinizedbytheFederalAu thorityforCommunication.The su pervising authoritysaw both, trans mission power as well as limiting valuescompliedwith. Hemberg is no individual case, Erika Forster says and refers to the antennaatHirschberg.Herealsothe MediationAuthority searches for solutions. Is she herself convinced of Karims method? When I see the results, then something has to be behind it she admits diplomati cally. I stand up for further eld experiments to be accompanied by scienticresearch. CatchwordElectroSmog Mobile phones and basisstations transmit and receive electromag netic radiation in the range of high frequency radiation between 900 and 1800 MHz. The installation in Hemberg has been approved for 1800 MHztransmitted sofarwas only 900MHz.Thespectrum offre quenciesoftheelectromagneticra diationissubdividedinionizing and nonionizing radiation (heat, UV radiation, light and electrosmog). There are only a few scientic se cure perceptions about the impacts and effects of mobile communica tion installations. According to the FederalAuthority for Health, some impactshavebeenproved:Thusthe mobile telephone radiation can dis turb sensitive appliances, as hear ing aids, instruments in the inten sive care in hospitals or electronic devices in airplanes. Persons who frequently telephone with a handy, complaint more of headache, than thosewhousesthetelephoneless.


Mrs.ErikaForsterhadinvitedthepressconfer ence in herposition as Mediation Authority rep resentative. Manyresidents of Hemberg made useofthischance toexchange information.

Dr. Ibrahim, left, explained the details of the BioGeometriceffectsofhismethod.

Clear upStatementoftheMediation Authority Thereproaches,accordingtowhichbeforeDr.Karimsintervention thetransmissionpowerwasincreasedandafterwardslowered,has causedtheMediation Authoritytocheckthisclaim. TheFederal AuthorityforCommunicationhasattestedinwritingon October16,2003,thatduringtheexperimentinHembergthetrans missionpowerhasnotbeenraisedrstandthenafterwardslowered again. SignedbyMr.PhilippeHorisberger,Chiefofthesectionfrequency planning. Mediation AuthorityforMobileCommunicationandEnvironment, November25,2004,R.Lthi.

CouncilofSt.GallenGreen/EVP demandtightups


InterpellationandMotioninthe LocalParliamentofSt.Gallen
Maytheaffectedpersons,livingnextto mobile communication antennas hope for explanationsoon?

Inspring 2003 fortunatelythe gov ernment intervened at the Federa tion concerning missing results of researchwithregard tohealthharm oftheresidentsduetomobilecom municationantennas. At a pilot project in Hemberg the mobile communication operators requested a foreign specialist to analyse the impacts and inuences of mobile communication antennas emission. Complaints from the population were submitted to the operators, although the actual limiting val ues complywith the set values as proven.The specialist was able to locate thenegative inuences and emissions (rather 90 %fromthe mobilecom munication antenna in Hemberg) and neutralized it with BioGeomet ric shapes to such an extend, that a considerable number of affected persons were able to ascertain a tremendous improvement in their wellbeing. Escaped animals, such as bats, swallows and martens re turned to Hemberg as well. Media intensively reported about it. In connection with their occurance, somefactsappeardifferentnow. I request the government to reply followingquestions: 1. How were the reactions to the abovementionedletterto theFed

eral Ofces? Have research results been presented or held out a pros pectof? 2. May the Canton, protecting the population,takeinuenceonreduc ingtheactuallimitingvalues inac cordancewiththeNISregulation? 3. Isthecompliancewiththeactual limitingvalues supervised and con trolled by the Canton? If so, how is the experience with possible ex ceeding? 4. How many antennas are planed forthenew UMTSoperation?How can cantons respectively communi ties convince the mobile communi cation providers to coordinate the locationsandusejointly,inorderto reducetheForestofantennas? 5. How are locations judged out sideoftheconstructionzonesofthe Cantonand under whichconditions aretheyapproved? 6. Would the government agree to participate in a research project for claricationofhealthimpactson people? In which kind and form would this happenin regard to aim concrete aid for peoplein our Can ton? November25,2003

themobilecommunication.The government replies to the ques tionsasfollows: 1. In November 2002 the Federal OfceforEnvironment,Forestand urban areas (BUWAL) has sug gestedtoenterthelongtermeffect of radiation into the National Re search Program(NFP).With aletter from March 17, 2003to theFederal DepartmentforEnvironment,Traf c, Energy and Communication, the government has expressed the urge towards this research project. From all together 44 NFPpropos als however, only three intentions canberealized.TheFederalCoun cilprobablywillpassthedecreein spring2004. Fast answers towards the open questionsarenotexpected accordingto the complexityofthe subject. Longterm results cant be investigated at short notice. If the BUWAL proposal will be ap proved, the research results wont beinhandbefore2010. 2. The determination of limiting values in the Federal decree about theprotectionagainst nonionizing radiation (SR 814.710 abbrevi atedNISV) is subject of the Federal Council. An intensication of the limiting values for mobile communication installations had been demanded severaltimesonfederallevel.

Writtenanswer by theGovernment, January20,2004 Bosco Bueehler, Flawil asks in an interpellation, which he submitted intheNovembersession2003,sev eral questions in connection with

31 The Federal council has turned down areducingofthelimitingval ues under convocationofthe situa tion of the research as well as the jurisdiction of the Federal Court, but simultaneously recorded, that they would come back to this de creeiftechnicalprogressoperations of the mobile communication net works with low emission exposure would allow that.Achange can be expected too, when the position of researchabout theeffectsonhealth call for aggravation. Foreign coun tries also deal with the question of aggravation of limiting values. The governmentoftheFederalRepublic ofGermanyhas decided in2003 to stand away from an aggravation of the regulations. In Germany how ever only the emissions limiting values is valid, which is 10times higherthanthelimitingvalueofthe installationsaccordingtoNISV. 3.TheexecutionofNISVisthere sponsibilityofthepoliticalcommu nities and with it also the supervi sionofcompliancewiththelimiting values(article12NISV).Duetothe very sophisticated matter, the com munitiesare indeedoftenovertaxed from the technical aspect. This re fers in particular to the supervision of the approved installations. The department of the Authority for Pollution Control offers therefore thenecessarysupport. The Federal Council foresees, that the Canton departments and not the communities should receive access to the operational data base, which was worked out bythe Fed eral Authority of Communication and presumably will start operating in mid 2004. Thus supervision will be substantially facilitated. The ex perience of single cantons or com munities, which have carried out careful follow up measurements, reveals indeed that the actual load is substantiallybeyond the values, which are registered in the data sheetofthelocation. This iseasilyexplained, as the cal culation has to be based upon the highest possible exposure. The highest possible exposure appears only, when all talkchannels are simultaneously in use and all par Interpellation:Members or a fraction of the Cantons council askthe governmentabout a topic. The governmentis obliged to reply. Interpellationcould mostlybesubmittedonlyduring the advisory council sessions. ticipating mobile phones are in an unfavourablepositiontothemobile communicationbasestation. (Authority for space planning and development) for the assessment ofsuchcases.The situationis dif ferent in the case of antennas on high frequency installations. Such construction applications are han dled by the Inspectorate for High FrequencyPower.Ifaconstruction projectintendsthechangeof an ex isting installation e.g. electricity pylons,broadcastantennasorother antenna installations, then the pre conditions for getting an approval are normally easier fullled, than while achieving a complete new approval. In thelatercasetheloca tionrelatedinstallationmustbeex plained and proved. Ifanapproval for construction is given, then the communities follow the environ mental regulations. The Authority forspacedevelopmentpossesspre conditions and regulations as the regulationforcolour,material,and the possible obligation to approve the application of other providers for the same installation or to re movesuchaninstallationwhenthe aimofconstructionisnotvalidany longer.

4. The network planning is the re sponsibility of providers. If the complywiththeregulationofNISV and the localconstructionrules,the approval for the construction is given(article87,paragraph1ofthe construction law [sGS 731.1]).The experience reveals, that the pos sibility of common use is increas ingly realized. Due to this fact we have now veryhigh masts (pylons) and a frequently fullyreached lim iting value. To keep the emission exposure low, several location with relevant transmission power would beofadvantage.

6. The Government has a high in terest in the research of the health impactthrough mobile communica tionemissionexposureonhumans. Nevertheless,itisnotpossiblenow to participate in nancing these projects, due to the tight nancial 5. for the assessment of installa situation of the cantons, and not tions, which are to be built outside necessarydue to the foreseen pro the construction zone, the political gramonfederallevel. community isresponsiblein therst line.Onlythequestion,whetherthe antenna iszoneconformorthere is January20,2004 a situation allowing the construc tion on exceptional basis, is in the responsibilityofthe spaceplanning law (SR 700) and thats why there isabranchinthedifferentcantons

MotionGreen/EVP fraction:Measurestoregu latelocationsofmobilecommunication antennas

Presently several applications for installations of mobile communi cation antennas are pending in the administrations. The mobile com munication providers already offer a supply according to actual con cessionconditions. Theproviders intend to increase the capacity by these applications and, at the same time, introduce UMTS and WLL. Next to the foreseen external sup ply as stated in the concession, a supply of increased eld strength is built up in the houses. The large number of opponents reveals that there is no public interestregarding the increase of the capacity. They do not expose their supply targets and plansand do nottrytond the best locations. The criteria for the location determination are just to

Intermsofconstructionpermitamobileantennaisregardedasanlageandnotabaute.Conse quentlyrequiredinformationareontheanstosser. Thus,novisualisation,nopersonalfeedbackinformations,noproblem?

nd a land owner, who agrees to rentthelocation. The limitingvalues as stated in the NIS regulations are only for the thermal effect of the high frequen cyemissions.These limiting values arethus guaranteeingonly, that no body is affected to a nonallowed degree with the heat of the micro waves. For the GSMmobile sys tems,inuseforalongertime, now, there are already a lot of studies, which prove a nonthermal effect beneath the NISlimiting values. In the report Environmental materi als No. 162 BUWAL 2003 (www. a safe marginof the emission inuence below the NIS limiting values is indicated as ab solute requirement. Residents next toanantennaconstructionprobably have a higher risk for leukaemia. Symptomsasheadache, exhaustion, vertigo and affectionofbrainows are mentioned in the report as pos sible affections accordingto the as sessed studies.Astudyinregard to the mobile system UMTS reveals, thatUMTSemissionsareclearly more dangerous than the emissions of the GMS network (Swiss physi cian magazine 2004, 85, Nr. 3, page 105). new studies and tests results arepublishedonaweeklybasis. If an authority for installation ap provalwouldliketokeeptheemis sionsandstressontheresidentsas

small as possible according to the precaution principle (environmen tal law SR 814.01Article 11 [2]), they need a plan of supply and a proofofneedfromtheapplicant. PresentlytheCantonAuthorityfor Environmental Protection (AFU)is oftheopinion,thatcomplyingwith the thermal NISlimiting values is sufcientandwaivestheprecau tious limiting ofthe emission stress beyond the NISlimiting values, which are demanded by BUWAL. Thus this precautious principle could only be realized by the op ponents or the districts with great effortintheCanton.Toavoidenor mous administrative processes for each approval of application, the districts should be allowed to de termineprotectionzones,inwhich the installation of antennas is pro hibited. The laws of area planning and public construction of the Canton St. Gallen (construction law, sGS 731.1) identiestheprohibitionof disgurement, asstipulatedforex amplein Article97prohibitingan tennainstallations forthepurposes of safety. We are of the opinion, that such prohibition possibilities should be formulated explicitly as well for themobile antenna instal lations.

According to Article 98 (construc tionlawsGS731.1)protectionlim its can be also applied for animals living areas.. Complying with the precaution principle we are of the opinion, that even urban areas with less emission exposure should be determined explicitly as protective areas. Thus the district municipali ties get an efcient possibility to control areas of very low emission exposures, as being areas of pub lic ownership, and can restrict the installations of mobile antennas if not wanted and required according to Article99(construction lawsGS 731.1). Many persons in the locations, where applications for approval of mobile antenna installations are submitted, are not informed or considerd about the applications and feelthat theyhavetherightto reject it,. They cannot imagine the extent lof the emission exposure. .Mobile communication antenna applicationsshouldbementioned explicitlyin the construction laws (sGS731.1). Especially the infor mation ow to the persons entitled to reject should be regulated. If the emission extend would be visu alised during determined visualisa tiontimes,theresidentswouldhave abetterunderstandingabouttheef fect of the antenna on their homes. The government is invited to adapt thelaws,sotoexcludeantennapro tectionzones from antenna installa tions according to the above men tionedregulations. February16,2004 Green/EVP Fraction Governmental law ofce, Canton, St.Gallen. a) Article 78 approval obligation, the mobile communication anten nas should be explicitly mentioned b) Article 80, construction applica tion, a supply plan and necessity proof should be requested among thedocuments to be submitted dur ingtheapplicationformobilecom municationantenna c) Article 81, , a visualisation of mobile communication antenna emissions usinglight should be de manded d)Article 82, written letters to per sons, who are entitled to reject the antenna installations, should be de mandedto guaranteethecorrectin formation ow 2.The Governmentalcouncilshould regulateintheconstructionlawand analogue to Article 97 (prohibition of antennas) a mobile communica tion antenna prohibition and deter mine in Article 98 urban areas of low emission exposure as protec tionzones. Replyofthegovernmenton April6,2004


Motion: TheGovernmentiscommitted bythe Local parliament to carry out for example an amendment of law. Upon the motion of the TheGovernmentalcouncil Green/EVP Fraction for a strict isrequestedto: 1. adaptand amend the law ofarea er regulation of approvals for planning and the public construc mobile communication anten tion law of the Canton St. Gallen nas, the Government of St. Gal (construction law sGS 731.1) as lendidnotact. follows:

Motions: Green/EVP fraction: measures to regulate locations of mobile com municationantennas: notapplicable Reason: According Article 65, paragraph1oftheFederalLawfor environment (SR 814.1, abbrevi ated USG) the cantons could re lease their own regulations in the frame ofenvironmentalprotection, after hearingsofthedepartmentof internalaffairs,aslongastheFed eralCouncildoesnotmakeexplicit use of its regulation competence. With the decree in regard to the protection of nonionizing waves (SR 814.710, abbreviated NISV), in force since February 1st, 2000, the Government Council has used his regulation competence so that cantons are not longer allowed to determine the limiting values by themselves(article65,paragraph2 USG). Accordingly cantonal decrees, which lead to a change of limit ing values, are against the Federal lawandhavenolegalenforcement (BGE126II403). Thisisvalidaswell,iftheCanton regulations do not aim a general strict of emission values, alarming aluesorplanningvalues,butwill


serveaconcretisationoftheprotec tive emission limit according to ar ticle11,paragraph2USG.Thecon ception of NISV provides after the legalprocedure,thatarticle4 NISV regulates the protective emission limiting and that the relevant of cial authorities are not allowed to determine other values. This regu lationserves namelythe legalsecu rity(BGE 126 II403).Forinstalla tions in construction zones neither a supplyplan nor a necessityproof be requested (compare URP 2000, Page267andfollowingpages). It is to benotedin general, that contrarytotheopinionofthemo tion applicant even nonthermal effects of nonionising emissions should be considered in the NSV. To keep theriskofharmfuleffects, especiallythoseofthenot yetcom pletely scientically proven non thermal effects, as low as possible, locations, where persons stay reg ularly for a longer period of time, shouldhavea10timeslessinstalla tionlimitvalueaccordingtoannex 1NISV. ThereexaminationoftheUMTS study mentioned in the Swiss physicianmagazine executedby

specialistsoftheFederal Authority forEnvironment, Forest andRural Area (BUWAL), revealed that this study contains errors of the method. Tobeconsidered,thestudyhad to be repeated. The actual results of the UMTSstudycouldnt be used accordinglyforanewlimitingval uedetermination. Thatswhythe Federal Council has refused a de creaseinthelimitingvalues,refer ring to the status of research as well as the legal statement of the Federal Court.ButtheCouncilstatedatthe sametime, that hewould getback to this decision, if the technological development would allow the op eration of mobile communication networks withless emissionexpo sure or if the results of researches woulddemand andrequire astrict limitingvalues.The connection to article 98 of theconstruction law (sGS 731.1) asproposed by the motion applicantwas cancelled. This request wouldacceleratethe environmentalpro tection, but not the emission protection.Withinthe constructionzonesmobile communication antennas,which comply with the limitingvalues ofNISV,areaccordinglyto

be approved, as long as there are no other areaplanning regulations stipulated.A visualisation of the waves usinglight is theoretically possible, butnotpractically at least not withoutexpenditures andalotofwork,asforexample reectors,coveringshields etc., which should be constructed in such a way, that the lightextension corresponds almost to theemission exposure.Thepreviouslyused visionrodscouldnotbeused anymore, as they are not suitable due to static reasons. This is not just valid forthe20metersand higher antenna masts but as well for the installationsontheroofs.Under theaspectoflegalequalitya specialtreatmentofNatelanten nascouldnotbejustiedinregard to the visualisation demand. Ad ditionally, there is no justication forthedifferenttreatmentofwave emissions in comparison to odour emissions or exhaust fumes emis sions. Finally it is to be pointed out, that the visualisation serves primarily to draw attention to the construction application, whereby the effectsof theconstruction itself couldbemainly extractedfromthe documents of the construction ap plication.

TheNISregulationoftheFederal AuthorityforEnvironment,ForestandUrban Area(BUWAL)


HowCouldthePopulationBe ProtectedAgainstElectroSmog?
Regulation for the protection against nonionisingemissions(NISV)

To protect he population from electrosmog, the Federal Council has released the regulation in re gard to the protection against non ionizing waves (NISV). This regu lation is in force since February 1st, 2000 and limits the nonion izing waves, which take its origin in xed installation locations (e.g. high frequency power cables, mo bile communication transmitters or broad cast transmitters). This NISV regulation does not extend in its validity to electrical devices, as mobile phones, wireless phones, micro waves stoves, TV devices or radios.To limittheseemissions, in ternational technical regulations are necessary, and Switzerland can not releasesuchlimitsonherown.
Emissionlimitingvalues:protection againstknownhealthrisks The

Federal council has taken overin the NISVinternationally applied limiting values, as the so called emission limiting values. These valuesprotectsufcientlyfromthe scientically acknowledged health impacts of nonionising waves. The emission limiting values limit the complete low frequency and the completehighfrequencyemission, which is existin a place. They have to be followed everywhere, where people even if on short term bases could stay. In Switzerland this is regularly possible without any problems.

InstallationLimiting Values: protective decrease of long term exposure Now we have indicators of bio logical impacts within the dosage limit beyond the emission limiting values. These impacts especially longterm impacts are scienti cally not completely clear yet. The researchisneededtondmorecon clusionsandknowledge. During the release of NISV the FederalCouncildidntwanttowait, until the scientic research comes up with the needed answers. The principle of previous protection of the environmental protection law demands, that the exposure should be principally low, as low as it is possible from the technical, opera tionaland economicalaspects.That is why the Federal Council has based upon the protective principle of the environmental protection law determined additionallythe more tight installation limiting values, through which especially the long termexposureiskeptlow. These installation limiting values are obviously beyond the emission limitingvalues: for mobile commu nication installations of about 10 times less, for new high frequency cables even 100 times less. These limits are valid for the emission of a single installation and have to be followed in the locations, where persons do stayfor a longer period of time (e.g. in ats, schools, hos pitals, ofces, playgrounds etc.) Switzerland thus has one of the worldwidetightestlegalregulation

inthisconcern. Due to theunclear riskin regard to health impacts, eventhose tight installation limiting values do not represent a save limit. Nobody cangivetodayorinfuturea100% statementofasavelimit.Thisdoes not onlyaffect emission problems, but numerous other technologies as well.The absence ofrisk is not possibletobeprovenscientically. The livingprocesses are too many and various, as each possible bio logicaleffectcouldbeexaminedin advance. But the installationlimit ingvaluesreducethelongtermex posure and risk forpossible health impacts,whicharetodaynotclear. Control The compliance with the limit ingvaluesofNISViscontrolledby therelevant authorities oftheFed eration, the cantons or the munici palities. The suppliers of a planed mobile communication installation are forexampleobliged, to submit together with the construction ap plication a so called location data sheet. Here information about the aerials, in regard to transmitter di rectionandtransmittercapacityfor example,isgiven.Theemissionof the installation into the environ mentiscalculated.


These data and calculations are controlled by the responsible au thority of the Canton. In certain casesandafter putting theantennas into operation, another measure mentoftheemissionsisdone. Informationaboutindividualmo bilecommunicationandbroadcast installations are given bythe spe cial ofces within the Canton or the municipalities. Addressesare in theattachedlist.Informationabout other installations (high frequency cables, mines, trains, transformer stations, ight security installa tions)aregivenbytherelevantre sponsible Federal Authorities. Their addressesarefoundonthehomep age trosmog undercontactsandinfo. Research Of course further studies concern ing the impact of emissions on hu man and animal health and well beinghavetobecarriedout.Expen sive research projects have started in and outside the country, and are supported by the Federal Council. BUWAL, as beingthe environmen tal special ofce of the Federation, follows closelythe researchresults. Accordinglytheypublishfromtime to timereportsabouttheactualsta tusofknowledge.

Mobilecommunicationinstallations: Themobilecommunicationsystems,whichareinoperationinSwitzerlandtoday, arereferredtoasGSMsystems.GSMnetworkssendintwofrequencies:900MHz and1800MHz.FortheplanedUMTSsystemsfrequenciesof2100MHzarefore seen. Hereafteritisexplained,whichrequirementsshouldbefullledforthetransmitter installationsformobilecommunicationandwirelesstelephoneconnectionsaccord ingtoNISV.Ononehandtheyhavetocomplywiththeemissionlimitingvalues andontheotherhandwiththesetprotectiveemissionlimitingvalues.Thecantons anddistrictsareresponsiblefortheapplicationofNISV inmobilecommunication antennainstallations. 1.Maintainingtheemissionlimitingvalues Theemissionlimitingvalueshavetobemaintainedinalllocationswherepersons mightstay evenonaatroof,onwhichtheantennamightbeinstalled,ifthereis anaccesstotheroof.Thetableunderneathliststheemissionlimitingvaluesforthe differentmobilecommunicationservices. Service GSM900,GSMRail GSM1800 UMTS WLL frequency 935MHz 1805MHz >2000MHz >2000MHz emissionlimitingvalue 42 V/m 58 V/m 61 V/m 61 V/m

Theseemissionlimitingvaluesarevalid,ifonlyoneemissionoftherelevantmobile communicationserviceisinoperation.Iftwoormoreservicesareatthislocation, thesumofemissionsisassessed. 2.Maintainingtheinstallationlimitingvalue Mobilecommunicationinstallations,whichhaveatotalequivalentofemissionex posureofminimumsix Watt,havetocomplywiththesetlimitingvalue,determined intheannex1no.6NISV,whentheyareinoperationinsocalledlocationsofsensi tiveuse.Therelevantlimitingvaluewhichis takenintoaccount,isthatmeasured valueduringwhichmaximalconnectionanddataowinmaximaltransmittingis performed. Whenwetalkaboutlocationsofsensitiveuse,wemean: roomsinbuildings,inwhichpersonsstayregularlyforalongertime.Thisises peciallyvalidforlivingrooms,schoolrooms,patientwaitingroomsinhospitalsand retirementhomes,workingplaceswhereworkersspendconsiderabletimes,etc. Openareasspeciallychildrenplaygroundsand emptyareas,whicharedeterminedandapprovedfortheabovementionedcon structions Thelimitingvaluesoftheinstallationsforthedifferentcommunicationservicesand theircombinationarelistedinthefollowingtable:



Limitingvalue ofinstallation



4 V/m 5 V/m 6 V/m

ThecompleteregulationsandfurtherinformationofBUWAL aboutelectrosmog

TheMobileCommunication AntennaInstallationinHemberg


more about headaches, than users The headache, the vertigo and the sleepingdisordersaregone. withlessuse.
EditionofOctober23,2003, ChristophZweili

Edition21/2003, VeraBueller EditionOctober23,2003, MariaLorenzetti Howitfunctionisdifculttosay. But an Egyptian claims to have released the Hemberger residents from harmful emissions through smallgeometricshapes. Karimsays I am not a radiation expert, I am an expert in shapes. Shapes inuence humans like the colours. His teaching is called BioGeometry. Here the issue is to change harmful emissions into harmless ones. Or: to arrange aroundhumansanemissionquality, which is acceptable for the organ ism. Since the installation of a Swiss com mobile communication an tenna onthe churchtower in Hem berg, residents complained. One of the affected persons did not stop to address the people in charge, until at least a try for improvement was carried out. Here Erika Forster, the council advisor of St. Gallen came in. As the contact person in the Mediation Authjority for Mobile Communication and Environment she was able to establish through a friend the contact with Ibrahim Karim. Six affected families were abso lutely sure, that the interference of Karim has improvedtheir situation. The mobile communication pro viders have recognized already, that their installations are harmful for humans and animals. A new smoothertechnologyisready tobe used. But now theyght about its application.Why Swisscom would like the testtobe successful?So toput everywhere plexiglass water pipes andchair legsagainst theevilrays ?The admitting of the existence ofharmful rays alone, should causesome headachetothemobilecom munication providers. They have recognized the danger for health, which is caused by their installa tions. All mobile communication providers begin to change their course: to a smoother technol ogy. Smart antennas could achieve nexttocapacityadvantagesforthe providersaswellamajorexposure decrease, Greger assumes. But these solutions will be developed properlyforthemarketandwillbe put into operation, when the pub licpressureandthepossiblehealth damagesisincreasedfurthermore, Gregerpredicts.

For critics BioGeometryis non sense . Electrosensitive persons call the method of the Egyptian IbrahimKarimablessing.That was in June 2002, when Swisscom put theirnew 710Watt mobile communication antenna on the churchtowerintooperation.Allat onceafarmerwasfacedwithprob lemsinthecowshed.Therewerea deformed calf and two abortions. Two dozen electrosensitive per sons complained about headache, vertigo,exhaustion,sleepingdisor ders,fear anddepression, downto inexplicableaggressiveconditions. The Swisscom representatives at the media conference seem sat ised. We have an interest, that ourinstallationsare acceptable for mankind and environment says Claude Georges, director for Swiss com mobile communication and environment. Thereare only afew scientic secure perceptions about the effects of mobile communica tioninstallations.Accordingtothe FederalAuthorityfor Healthsome impactions have been proved: So the radiation of the mobile tele phones can disturb sensitive elec tronicappliancesashearingaids, instrumentsintheintensivecareof hospitals or electronic devices in airplanes. Persons who frequently telephone with a handy, complain

Edition August31st,2003,Peter Traxler The immune system of electro sensitivepersons couldbestrength ened, Karim explains. This is not happening just by chance, but ac cording to the science of BioGe ometry,whichhas beendeveloped byKarimhimselfduringthelast30 years. He has been guided by the conclusion, that even the sun has goodandbadrays,butthatonlythe good raysreach the earth. This pro

38 tection is dueto naturalgeometric forms and colours, which are a kind ofGodsdesignlanguage.Among his research works there areprojects fortheprotectionoffruitsand vegetables against parasites.His eldofworkisextendedfrom Cairo and the Middle East to half of EuropeandUSA.Karim,who studiedin Zurich,didthe work in Hemberg free of charge. Switzerland gave me a lot, now it is time for payingback, the father of4childrensaid.

EditionJune10,2004, AndreasSchmid Theshapes and glassbodiespro duced miracles in Hemberg SG. With his BioGeometric method the Egyptian Ibrahim Karim has harmonized the emissions of the mobile communication antenna of the church tower in the village in Toggenburg. Rosmarie Keller does not know, what happened to her. Karim changed with his shapes, which were directed to the transmitters, the harmful rays into harmless ones. Obviously with success. The result is unbelievable. The complaints aregone, herbodyhasregenerated continuously.Anobviousindicator supports her subjective sensation: Since Karim was here, we have martens again in our garden. And somany birdsasneverbefore.For Kellerthisistheproof,thatBioGe ometryisnoesoterichocuspocus. Animals do not imagine things. Keller does not want to leave it with her regain of wellbeing. She ghts on for electrosmog harmed persons and demands the applica tionoftheBioGeometry projectall overSwitzerland.Meanwhileinter estedpersonsfrom6otherdistricts askedforexplanationsoftheunex plainable.

FromaninterviewwithDr.IbrahimKarimissued01/2004,page 11 BioGeometryinHemberg: Mobilecommunicationisnottheonlycause! InBaubiologyBulletin, Aprilsissue,Dr.IbrahimKarimwasaskedabout thescienceofBioGeometrywhichhedevelopedanditspotentials. Readingthroughtheintroduction,youwillknowthatDr.Karimmanagedto relievetheinhabitantsofHembergSGfromtheharmfulsideeffectsofthe mobile communication antenna Moreover, the articledescribed BioGeom etryasatechniquetoharmonizethemobileradioradiationand tohelpvictimsofmobileradioradiation. ThereaderstendtobelievethatthemobilephoneantennainHembergis causinghealthproblems. Onthecontrary,Dr.Karimhasadifferentperspectiveregardingthesituation inHemberg.Moreover,hesuggestedfromthebeginningthattheelectrical appliancesandearthradiationscouldbethereasonandtheelectromagnetic eldsofthemobilephoneantennaasinthesayingthedropthatspilledout thewaterfromtheglass.ThispointofviewwasannouncedbyDr.Karimand repeatedineverymeeting. AndthroughhandlingtheproblemDr.Karim conrmedhisthesisthatelectricalappliancesandearthradiationsarethe causeofthedisturbancesinadditiontomobilephonecommunication. Dr.Karim Architectbyprofessiongraduateoftherenowned F.I.T.Zurich, Switzerlandannouncedthisinmostofhispressinterviewslike Toggen burger(issuedin29.August2003),LinthZeitung(issuedin28.October 2003)andalsoinpublicmeetings. WhatbringshappinessisthatbythehelpofDr.Karimthecomplaintsofthe affectedpersonslessened.Itisimportanttounderstandthatthereasonofthe disturbancesareduetoacombinationofvariousbadeffectsarisingfromdif ferentelectromagneticwaves.



There is a generalgrowingaware ness and concernabout thelimita tions of contemporary science to explainthemanyfacesofthephe nomena we observe in life. Our present way of thinking has pro ducedasplitinourworldview.We consider only what is objective, measurable, repeatable, and quan tiableas scientic.TheArts,Hu manities and Religion are all con sidered unscientic based on their qualitative subjective nature. This point of view is basedon the fact that todays traditional science does notdealwith alllevelsofenergy in nature.Onlywhatcanbequantita tively measured, categorized and labeledisconsideredscienticnot recognizing that what cannot be measured is a limitation in our mea surement instruments (the world was roundbeforewe were able to scienticallyverifyit!).Naturedoes notrecognizeourscientic units of measurement: thecentimeter, inch,mile,voltetc.,donot exist in nature, they are our wayof understanding nature by quan tifying it. When nature recognizes quantity, it does so by interacting with the qualitative aspect of quan tity. In nature for example every numberhasavibratory quality that canbetransmittedthroughinterac tion andcan produce certain effects

on other energysystems. Quality thisconversion.Tounderstandthe and quantityare actually two faces propertiesofthisqualitative scale, we look at the mu sicalnotesand ofthesamecoin. theirrelationshiptothe Pythagoras was the rst to in quantitativefrequencyofsoundor troducetothewesternworldthe thelengthofthemusicalchord. Ancient Egyptian way of correlat Thefactthatatcertainintervalsthe ing musical qualities with quan chords interact When one cord is tiable, numerical values. He struck others also start vibrating, used a simple monochord, which is in what we call resonance, these made of a musical chord strung on are labeled as the same musical a piece of wood, and showed that note,althoughtheyareatdifferent every quality of sound played on lengthsontheinstrument,orlevels the chord was based ona certain onthescale,becausetheyproduce length on the string, showing that the sameeffecton thenervesgoing we have ina simple monochord an from the ear to the brain, and there instrumentthat canactuallyconvert fore are perceived by the nervous qualityintoquantityandviceversa. system as the same quality hence Every musicalinstrumentperforms the same note. Anytrained musi cian has usually acquired enough sensitivity to perceive the quality or musical note of anyone of the sounds produced anywhere on the strings of an instrument even if they sound quite different to the layman. This repetitive or cyclic effect is the reason that we speak of oc taves on the piano because the rst, eighth, fteenth notes and so on,producethesamequalitative effect onus. From that perspective we can as sume that all senses produce simi lar patterns of nervous reaction to external stimuli. The problem lies

40 in the ability to measure, and mea surement mustbebasedona scale. If we had measurement scales for quality, then it would become ob jective, and even quantiable, whichwouldthenbecomescien tic. Do suchqualitative scales ex ist? They actually do exist within ourbrain: We havemusicalscales, colour scales, and ina less obvious way,alsoscentandtouchscales. There aretwo different laws apply ing to each type of scale, one spe cic to that scale withinits sensory range, and another of a transcen dentalnatureapplicabletoallvibra toryranges. It is the lattertypethat interests us, because it allows usto import someofthequalitative laws ofeachsensescaleintotheother.If we could build a set of universal laws of quality, we would imme diately open new dimensions and see new possibilities. As an exam plewecouldapply thelawsofreso nance,asfoundinsound,tocolour, and would understand that similar colours can enter into resonance thus amplifying their energyeffect. As inmusic we will nd that simi lar movements, shapes, feelings, thoughts etc. could also enter into resonance with each other amplify ingthevibratoryinteractionandin formation exchange that occurs in resonance. Eventhoughthesamelawsapply to all sense scales, we will leave oth er scales such as, touch, taste, and smell out for the moment, as they are not widely used byinstruments of qualitative measurements, and willrefertothemwhenrelevant,or when discussing instruments that usethem. In order to understand the differ ence between the perceived colour and the qualitative effect of colour on our systems If we show a sub ject a red coloured paper we will get reactions on two levels The rst obvious subjective effect is he sees a red coloured paper and reacts to it based on his conscious and subconscious associations. On anotherlevelwhichisobjective,his system reactstotheeffect of the quality of vibratory frequency on hisenergy eldaspartofthecolour effectonhim. Ifwehoweverplace the red paper out of his visionary eld(behind him) but close to his body (within his energyeld), we get the unperceived secondary ef fect only, which is purely objec tive. This second effect is not only inthe colour range, as it is beyond the senses, but in all other sensory and extrasensory vibratory ranges as well. As an example the red effect or red quality can also be found in the auditory sound range as the unperceived effect behind the note do or C. When using the scale of seven colour qualities we are actually dealing with seven abstract qualities existing through out the whole vibratory universe from thesmallest to the largest fre quency. When a person is deprived of one of the senses he still feels an effect through one of the other senses or in an extra sensory way asanexamplethecolourblind still feel the difference between colours and some verysensitivepeople can feel colours with their hands when blindfolded. We then have here seven abstract extrasensory qualities that manifest themselves in any sense scale and enableustotranslateanycolour into musical notes, smell fragrance, touch,tasteorshapequality!!!.This will become clear if we remember that colours can be perceived as a refraction of angles (of differ ent wave lengths) through a glass prism. Angles being the building blocks of shapes and so the trans lationofcolourintoshapebecomes evident.Fromthatwecanseethat aswithcoloursound,smell,touch and taste can be translated into shape (and from there the transla tioninto movement is just another step). In the qualitative worldview everything inthe universe is inter acting in a huge harmonious sym phony through the universal lan guageofquality. The laws of this new Physics of Quality seem very similar to the laws of Quantum Physics, but whereas quantum physics applies to subatomic levels, the physics ofqualityis universallyapplicable to the subtle energy interactions at all levels, even the ones within what we perceive as the physical level. When two energy systems (eg.Observerand observed)arein resonance, information exchange occurs,and afterwardsbothdo not return to their original state, they keeppartoftheinformationwhich changes both energy systems and keepsthemconnectedforever.This isvery much like what can has been observedinquantumphysics. I recall that in 1961 during my rstyearof study of Architectureat theFederalInstituteofTechnology (FIT) in Zurich, Switzerland, we hadartcourses with Professor Hans Ess, a prominent gure in the Swiss andGermanabstractartscene.We were assigned exercises where we wererequiredto transformmusical compositions into visual art. We wouldlistentoBachandtransform hisFuguesintoabstractartby transformingmusical relationships into colour, form, and mathemati cal ratios of composition. Only in lateryearsdidIunderstandtheim mense importance of these artistic exercises in the understanding and forming of my new concepts of interchangeability of qualitative scales. The difference between, Physical



Illustionof BioGeometry energysystem initsorigi nalstateasa shapewhichis balancedinthe center.

TheBioGeometryenergysystem changedthroughenviromentalef fectsdeciencyincentralization andbalance.

Medical intervention: Introducing oppsites. TheDosageisimpor tant. Healing:(centralization)Thecenterisaqualitativestate resultingfromresonancebetweendifferentthingswith thesamequality. Divineplaces, Architecture,Divinatory Arts,Ritual, QualitativeSciences,PhysicsofQuality,BioGeometry.

TraditionalMedicine AlternativeMedicine QuantitativeSciences...etc.

Radiesthesiaand Mental Rade Germany the theories of Lecher in isthesia. Radio wavedoubleantennaswere used by Schneider to develop the If we take any of those scales, Lecher antenna, used for the de like the colour scale that we will tection of the wavelengths that our use from now on, because of my body energy elds are interacting greater familiarity with it through with. It can also be calibrated to a my training as an architect, and, colour scale for qualitative mea also because it is was used by the surements. The Lecher antenna is French scientists Leon de Chau now the main instrument used for mery and Antoine de Bellizal, the the qualitative detection of energy pioneersofthephysicsofdetection interaction among European prac of qualitative effects on the human titioners of the science of physical energy system, in the 19401950s Radiesthesia to be distinguished inthecalibration ofthependularin from the widely popularizedform of struments of Microvibratory Phys mental Radiesthesia (better known ics (as in the title of their book) in England and USA as Dowsing) or Physical Radiesthesia . Other wherependulumsareusedasatool great works were done at the time tointeractwithsubconsciouslevels by Engineer Louis Turrenne, using through a code that gives meaning polarityscales,andVoillaumeusing to the movement of the pendulum pendularlength scales.Lateron,in in a form of autohypnosis (often

referred to as automatism). This methodoflearningtouseapendu lumorthemovementofangerto indicate a reaction from the subcon sciousisaveryvaluablemethodto enterintoadialogwiththesubcon sciousorformappingitslevelsand possibilities, butit is unfortunately verysubjective and prone to auto suggestion.Ithasbeen widelyused inallancient cultures and has sur vived as aformofdivinationused mainly for water detection. How everdueto itssubjective nature, it has acquireda ippant reputation as hasbeen relegatedtothedivinatory arts.Thepopularityofthismethod of Radiesthesia however has made it necessaryto separateit fromthe scientic approach, whichuses the scalesofmeasurementon alevel of perception that precedes the subjec

42 tive meaning level as we shall see. Chaumeryand Bellizal named their science Microvibratory physics to differentiateitfromthementalpsy chic form of Radiesthesia .Others applied the term Physical Radies thesia or the physical method of Radiesthesiato the scientic form, and plain Radiesthesia, Mental Radiesthesia or more commonly Dowsing to the psychic form. This differentiation was also need ed because of the apparent similar ityinsomeinstruments.InPhysical Radiesthesia the instruments are calibrated for measurements and are not dependent on practitioners personal psychic abilities, which arepronetoautosuggestion. ergy in the universe. Even though we interact with the totality of the ranges of the absolute reality, we areonlyaware ofa minutefraction of it through the limitations set by our senses. There are no coloursor sounds in the absolute reality. This might sound like a bold statement, but it can be better understood us ingthe analogyof a simple experi ment: ifwe let light,whichhas no colour, pass through a glass prism, the light will be refracted at differ ent angles producing the colours of the spectrum. The components which are bent at different angles according to their wavelength are separated and become visible as different colours, each on its own. Ifwereversetheprocessandputall thecolourstogether,thatmeans ev ery colour and its opposite, which are also called complementary will be merged, and the original colour lesswholelight willbereproduced. Similarly ifweputallthe vibratory ranges of absolute reality together we get the coulourless, and sound less, everything and nothing, that the physicists call energy soup. The absolute reality is all energy, and every species of being inter actswithitthroughdifferent senses andsenserangestoproduceitsown perceived reality through which it can achieve optimal interaction in itsphysicalenvironment. In order to understand how this processworksandwherethediffer ent scales are, we will separate the sense processes into several levels ofinteraction. At the secondlevel theinformation fromtherstlevelofinteractionis converted and transferred as electri cal data along thenerveleading toa specicarea inthebrainrelatedto that specicorgan. At this second level,thenervous reaction to the in formationofthedifferentsenseor gansisthesameeitheranincrease or decrease in the different com ponents of the electrical nervous impulses. No colour, sound, smell, taste, or feelistransferred through the nerve.All nerves are the same theyalltransferelectrical impulses which can carry certain codes of in formation asaresultof thereaction totheenergyreceivedbythesense organ. The third level is where our ner vous reaction is evaluated accord ingto aqualitativescaleofcolour, sound, smell, taste, or touch. Thisis wherethesame typeof nervous im pulsfromthesecondlevelistrans lated intoa diversity of perceptions. Inthethird level,thetranslationis abstract,objectivetoallhumanbe ings, because they allhave a similar anatomy.Onthatlevelthesescales do not onlyindicate quantitatively the level of increase or decrease different aspects of the electrical nervous impulses, but also other nonquantitative aspects of quali tative nature. We actually do not perceive the quantitative aspect of thosescalesofperception.Weper ceive in the colour red, the sound note C or Do, the taste sweet, etc. certainqualitiesandnotquantities. That is whywe will refer to them as qualitative scales of measure ment. The measure of quantity is linear, and when applied to vibra tion it would be a measure of the speed of movement, that we call frequency, and measure in Hertz units. The possibilities of our sci enticinstrumentsputthelimitsto

Absoluteandperceivedreality Our senses, are the windows of per ceptionthroughwhich, we experi ence a range of frequencies thatour organs are sensitive to. Different species have different sensitivity ranges and perceptive possibilities thatbest servetheiradaptabilityto the environment and survival skills they experienceavery differentre ality depending on their sensory ranges. The range offrequencies thatweperceivethroughoursense organs produce nervousimpulses thataresenttocertainareasinthe brainandtheretheyarersttrans formedthroughsensoryscalesinto colour, sound, touch, smell, and taste. The data from the sense scales interacts with the content of the meaninglevelofthebrain(ourin dividualdatabanksofinformation) toform our perceivedreality which is based on the interpretation of a smallnumberofverysmallranges fromtheabsolutereality.

The rst level at the sense organ, where a specic range of vibration is selected from the total vibratory range of energy that exists within The absolute reality is the total theabsolutereality. Eachsenseor ity of all vibratory ranges of en ganisdesignedtoselectthelimited vibratoryrange,withwhichitinter acts.

what we canmeasure, at bothends of the scale: the very small or the verybig.Thepresent level oftech nology will therefore always limit our traditional scientic worldview. Thethird level ofsenseperception, is an abstract objective qualita tive measurement according to the scales of colour,sound, smell, taste and touch.There is no meaning yet on this level it is just the abstract transformation according to the scales. The Fourth Level of Perceptionis the meaning level of perception in the brain all the differenttypesof in formation from the different scales ofperceptionareagainputtogether and correlated with the memory contents of the brain, our ever ex panding personal data banks, to producethenalformofperceived reality as we know it. This is the meaning level that puts our space time awareness into the perceived reality.Itisactuallythroughthead dition of meaning to the results of the scales that the perceived reality isputtogether. In the fth level this perceived re ality is projected outside onto its respective areas of absolute reality. Thisalso appliesto time andspace, which is created by our reality, and differs from other time space congurations of other species, or other dimensions. In our dreams for example time seems to run at different speeds and space follows different laws than in our waking state. Timespace concepts of every organism differ accordingto its en vironment. In Physical Radiesthesia we are measuringthe qualityof interaction at the third level which is before the meaning level which is usu ally colored by our different data banks.Weapplythe colourorpo

larity scaletoalllevelsofvibration inside or outside the boundaries of our perception to become a univer sal scale of quality measurement. Theuniversalapplicationofthepo larityscaleto all vibratorylevels is more understandable, as everything is energy, and energy is vibration, and vibration is the interplay of positiveand negative polarities, but one caneasilysubstitute the colour redforpositivepolarityandblueor violet for the negative polarity, or red for increasing and blue for de creasingenergyfunctions.Byusing thosescales ina universalwayone canaccessrealmsbeyondthelimits of quantitative science, however in a qualitative way. The qualitative way makes possible the interaction with all existing levels of energy in nature, which include the physi cal, vitality, emotional, mental, and spirituallevels inanabstractobjec tive way. The linear character of quantitative measurement, which is bound by time and space, gives way to the nonlinear character of qualitative measurements that have notimeorspaceboundaries. In 1973 during my visit to Paris on a government mission, for the Egyptian Ministry of Health, to which I was a planning advisor to the Minister, I was lucky enough to obtain all the works on Physical Radiesthesia which were buried in oneoftheroomsinthecellarofthe Maison de la Radiesthesie in Rue St. Roche in Paris (which does not existanymoreandnottobemixed with the new bookshop with that name near the Madeleine). The owner Madame Lambert who was over eighty years old at the time, toldmethatMonsieurLambert,her husband and founder of the center, who was a famous radiesthesist at the time, knew Chaumery, Bellizal and Turrenne very well and were inconstant exchange of views be

43 tween the two types of Radiesthe sia, but the physical method never reallycaughton,duetoits lackof efciency as a psychic method of divination, which had made tradi tionalRadiesthesia verypopular at the time, and also because of the tragic accident that caused the death ofChaumerywho was a victimof oneofhisexperimentsonmummi cation using geometrical shapes to emit energy, which stopped re searchin the eld for many years. Shegavemealltheoldbooksand instrumentsofthescientistsofthat era.Thisstartedthebeginningofa journey that ended in the sorting out of thissciencebased on themodern concepts of physics and Pythago rean and AncientEgyptian theories. This is whatI have developed into a scienceofqualitativemeasurement that we todayrefer to as Egyptian Radiesthesia.Thisthenbecamethe research method that when com bined with Pythagorean harmonics and researchinto perceptionled to the development of the new qualita tivephysicsandopenedthewayto research into the realm of Earth sub tle energies at sacred power spots that sprouted the holistic universal science of BioGeometry, which is a design language of colour, form, motion, and sound to produce en ergybalanceinall livingand inert systemsoftheenvironment. BioGeometryandtheConceptof EnergyBalancing In a physics of quality the scales usedwhethercolour,musical notes, or other, are just one part of the assessment. An energy system, whether animate or inanimate, is alivingentitythathasapatternof arrangement in which the quali ties take their place, to produce thenal unityand harmonyofthe energysystem. Just like a pattern of arrangement is used in placing

44 musical notes in a sequence with specic intervals gives the nal composition that we perceive as music. Anotherexampleisthegeo metricalpatternofamoleculeinto whichtheatomsarearranged.Itis the pattern, which can be seen as the geometrical shape of arrange ment of the components, which gives the nal qualities, not found in the components,tothe molecule. This spatial arrangement, whether asmusicalintervals,orgeometrical conguration,iswhatachievesthe synergy where the nal qualities are much beyondwhatcan befoundin thecomponents.Thisisthepattern that we perceive as the quality of theenergysystemasawhole.There is a specic energy pattern of arrangement for everysystem that gives itits properties. Every energy patternorgridmustitselfcombine the qualities in a perfect balance for ittofunctionproperly.Thestateof perfectbalanceofthegridcanalso be detected through measurement using any of the quality scales. There seems to be a very specic energyqualitythatcanbedetected whensystemsareinperfectbal ance. The energy qualityis linked to asourcebeyond the timeapace frameofthesystemitself.Thebal ancingseemstocomefromatran scendentalsource.Thiscanbeun derstoodwhenwetaketheanalogy ofthegeometricalcirclewherethe balance of the shape comes from the centrepoint.Wheneverasystemis inperfectbalancewendthethree basic quality components of BioGe ometry: A higherharmonicofGold quality, a higher harmonic of the ul travioletquality,andageometrical carrierwavereferredtoasnegative greeninPhysicalRadiesthesia.Any distortion of the energy pattern causesanimbalance inthecombi nation of the qualities in thesystem resulting in a disturbance of the functionsofthesystem.Itis thereforevery importantinthe physicsofquality toworkwiththe individual qualities according to any ofthequality scales(colour,sound, touch,smell,ortaste)ononelevel asinPhysicalRadiesthesia,andon thebalancingofthepatternonan otherlevelasinBioGeometry.

A nnex


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Antennatower Hirschberg/SceinticResearchProject InhabitantsintheareaoftheantennainstallationinHirschberghaverecentlycomplainedaboutproblemsthey attributetotheradiationstresscausedbythisinstallation. TheStandescommission,TheMediation AuthorityforMobilecommunicationandEnvironment(OMK)as wellasSwisscom,theowneroftheplant,dealtimmediatelywiththissituation.Inameetingonthe20th.Of April2005,therepresentantsoftheabovementionedinstitutionshavethoroughlydiscussedtheproblemand tookthefollowingdecisions: 1. TheKanton AppenzellI.Rh.aswellastheOMKwillundertakeascienticresearchprojecttouseBioGe ometrytoharmonisetheradiationstressaroundtheantennaplant. Thepreparationsforthisexperimentwillbe doneimmediatelybyOMKwhowillalsoundertakethemanagementoftheproject. 2.ThemediaandtheinhabitantswillbeinformedindetailbyOMKbeforethestartoftheproject.Morein formationwillbegiven,solelybyOMKuponhavingestablishedintermediateresultsandatthenalresults. Otherthanthoseofcialinformationsneitherthekantonof AppenzellI.Rh.ortheOMKwillgiveanyfurther information. Thisisinordertoinsureanuninterruptedpreparation,execution,andevaluationoftheproject.

TheMediation Authorityfor MobilecommunicationandEnvironment,Bern Standescommissionof AppenzellI.Rh.



Used,RecommendedLitrature andResearchStudies
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[KundiM04] Prof.Dr.MichaelKundi,Erste [BerzR04] ErgebnissederStudieber,Mobil AuswirkungenvonMobilfunk funkundGesundheitzwischen BasisstationenaufGesundheit EvidenzundEmotionen,EMHSch und Wohlbenden,2004 [UGEI03] weizerischerrzteverlag AG,Basel B.Beler,Knnenbetroffene Schweiz.rztezeitungCH85/04S. [LindnerS04] MobilfunkAnwohnerbaldauf Aufklrunghoffen?Interpellation 443447,2004, 51.03.72,KantonsratSG,2003,Wie [Cherry00] geometrischeZeichenam Dr.NeilCherry,Kritikder [UGEM04] Menschenwirken, Teil1:Studien Einschtzungender Auswirkungen zumKrblerStatus,EhlersVerlag Grne/EVPFraktion,Mass nahmenzurStandortregelungvon aufdieGesundheit,Bezugzuden GmbH,Wolfratshausen,raum& ICNIRPRichtlinien,Brgerwelle zeit,132/2004S.5057,2004 Mobilfunkantennen,Motion 42.04.07.BD,KantonsratSG,2004 e.V.DachverbandderBrger, Tirschenreuth,2000 [Maes W 3/98]


[DemsiaG04] G.Demsia,D. Vlastos,DP. [AdlkoferF04] Matthopoulos,Effekteeines Adlkofer, 910 MHz Elektromagnetischen MobilfunkundGesundheit,1. Feldes auf Rattenknochenmark, TeilGesundheitsrisikoelektro NeueStudie,2004

W.Maes,GepulsteStrahlung nonstopSchnurlose Telefonenach DECTStandard,IBNInstitutfr Baubiologie+Oekologie, Neubeuern,W+G Wohnung + Gesundheit,3/98S.3738,1998 [MeierK04] K.Meier, Mobilkonikt, BegleitstudiezumDialogber einennachhaltigenMobilfunk inderSchweiz,2004 [SailerR2/04] Sailer ReginaDr.,EMF: Reduzieren,abschirmen, Abstand halten,ElektromagnetischeFelder, EHSLife10/03,2004

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[DrrenbergerG04] Dr.Gregor Drrenberger, KurzkommentarzurNailaStudie, [AdlkoferF12/04] Adlkofer, ForschungsstiftungMobil FinalReportREFLEXproject, kommunikation,Zrich,2004

[Elsawy04] Dr.MohammedSamir Elsawy, thedocumentlocationisrelatedto BioGeometryin Architecture, UniversittKairo,2004 GIBBlibraryin9230FlawilSG

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