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Emily Iffland & Erin Moorehead 7th Period 10-4-2012

Parts of the Brain Cerebral Cortex (9): The gray matter that is seen covering the majority of the components of the brain is the cerebral cortex. Consisting of many folds and furrows, the cerebral cortex increases the surface area of the brain and encompasses two-thirds of the brain mass. Hypothalamus (10): About the size of a pearl, the hypothalamus is the control center of many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system. Functions of the hypothalamus include regulating endocrine function control, homeostasis, motor function control, food and water intake regulation, and the sleep-wake cycle. Thalamus (11): Located underneath the cerebral cortex, the thalamus is a limbic system structure which is involved in motor control, auditory input, somatosensory and visual signals, and controlling the sleep and awake states. Reticular Formation (12): The reticular formation is a group of nerve fibers found in the brainstem which help control arousal, attention, cardiac reflexes, motor function, awareness, and relays nerve signals to the cerebral cortex. Medulla (13): The portion of the hindbrain that controls autonomic functions and acts as a passage way for motor and sensory neurons from the midbrain to the forebrain is the medulla. Also called the medulla oblongata, this part of the brain also coordinates body movement. Cerebellum (14): Meaning little brain in Latin, the cerebellum coordinates fine movements, balance of the body, and muscle tone. The cerebellum is located at the base of the skull. Pons (15): The pons serves as the coordination and communication center between the two hemispheres of the brain. Its functions include arousal, controlling autonomic functions relaying sensory information between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and sleep. Amygdala (16): Formed in the shape of an almond, the amygdala is responsible for processing emotional responses, hormone secretions, and some memory functions. Pituitary Gland (17): The pituitary gland is a small endocrine organ that is divided into three lobes: anterior lobe, intermediate lobe, and posterior lobe. Its main functions are to produce growth hormone and endocrine function regulation. Hippocampus (18): This horseshoe shaped structure is part of the limbic system. The hippocampus is involved in memory forming, organization, and long-term storage as well as connecting emotions and senses to memories.

Corpus Callosum (19): The think band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right sides of the brain is called the corpus callosum. These fibers are responsible for the communication between brain hemispheres, eye movement, and tactile localization. Frontal Lobe (1): The lobe that is positioned at the front region of the cerebral cortex. The frontal lobe is involved with motor functions, planning, impulse control, judgment, and reasoning Temporal Lobe (2): The temporal lobe contains structures of the limbic system such as the amygdala and the hippocampus. This lobe is used for auditory perception, memory, speech, emotional responses, and visual perception Parietal Lobe (3): Located above the occipital lobes, the parietal lobe functions with cognition, information processing, pain and touch sensation, spatial orientation, and speech. Occipital Lobe (4): The occipital lobe is the main center for visual processing, receiving visual input from the retina and interpreting these visual signals. Motor Cortex (5): The motor cortex is the region of the cerebral cortex which affects voluntary movements of the body. Somatosenory Cortex (6): The somatosenory cortex is the area of the brain which process touch input from various body parts. Auditory Cortex (7): While this part of the brain is not directly needed for hearing, it is required to process different sounds. Visual Cortex (8): Occupying the entire surface of the occipital lobe, the visual cortex is held responsible for processing visual information.

Emily bought clay; painted the skull, label the parts; formed brain ports Erin painted the skull; formed brain parts; wrote functions

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