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Meniers Disease Idiopathic disease an abnormal inner ear fluid balancecaused by a mal-absorption of fluid inthe endolymphatic sac a blockage

kage in the endolymphatic duct regardless what cause it,endolymphatic hydrops develops.

OVERVIEW more common in adults an average age of onset in the 40s with symptoms usually beginningbetween the ages of 20 and 60 years common in both genders the right and left ears are affected withequal frequency CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS fluctuating, progressive sensorineuralhearing loss tinnitus or a roaring sound a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear episodic, incapacitating vertigo, oftenaccompanied by nausea and vomiting

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Risk Factors 1.Age 2.Gender 3.Congenital 4.High-sodium diet 5.Conditions: a.Syphilis b.Autoimmune Disease c.Herpes Virus Infection

Fluid imbalance in the endolymphatic sac

Accumulation of fluid in the endolymphatic sac

Membranes becomes dilated

Burst into other ductchannels

Cochlear duct



Compression of Organ of Corti Vertigo

Flactuating, progressive sensorineural hearing loss

Nausea and vomiting

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