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Nexwave FS - Java/J2EE Stream Training


Level -1: Programming Foundation (80 hrs) This Level focuses on building a strong programming foundation. As part of this level, participant would acquire knowledge and skills in the following areas: - Build static web pages - Understand the basics of HTTP protocol and the mechanics of a markup language - Use javascript to enhance functionality - Understand Software Development Life Cycle - To understand database concepts and Use SQL commands to execute simple queries. - Use SQL compound statements to query efficiently. - Write queries getting data from multiple tables - Work with DML statements like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE - Brush-up on C Programming Language - Object Oriented Programming using C++ - Data Structures & Algorithms 1 Internet Essentials - HTML& JS Overview of HTML & Java Script 2 SDLC Overview of SDLC, SDLC (Phases, Models), Quality Standards (ISO, CMM, 6Sigma, Software Types, Testing (Intro & Types) 3 Introduction to RDBMS, ER Model of the Database, Design Techniques, Introduction to SQL, DDL, DML, SQL Essentials 4 DCL, Constraints, Functions, Joins, Sub queries, Views 5 Unix Essentials Overview of Unix, Architecture, Basic Commands, VI Editor, Shell Scripting 6 Introduction, Constants, Variable Types, Expressions, Operators, Statements, Arrays, Pointers, Functions Programming in C 7 Structures and Unions, Command Line arguments, Storage Class specifiers, Preprocessors, Built-in functions Introduction, Overview of OOPs concepts, cout and cin, Classes and Objects, Constructors and Destructors, Overloading, Virtual Base 8 OOPS with C++ Classesfunctions and Classes, Using Pointers in C++, Function Pointers, Virtual functions and Polymorphism, Templates, Exception Friend 9 Handling 10 Data Structures & Algorithms Fundamentals of Algorithm, Flowcharts and Testing, Programming life cycle, Best practices and Concepts of sorting and searching.

1.1. HTML 1.2. JavaScript 1.3. Oracle 10g Architecture 1.4. SQL 1.5. Unix 1.6. C Language 1.7. C++ 1.8. Data Structures 1.9. Algorithms & FlowCharts 1.10. Sorting Techniques

Level -2: Core Java 1.5 (96 hrs) At the end of this module, the successful participants will be able to: - Understand the Java software architecture, and the design decisions which make Java software portable, efficient, secure and robust. - Learn how to configure a simple Java development environment. - Know the grammar, data types and flow control constructs of the Java language for simple procedural programming - Create Java technology applications that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism - Execute a Java technology application from the command line - Use Java technology data types and expressions - Use Java technology flow control constructs - Use arrays and other data collections - Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling - Implement input/output (I/O) functionality to read from and write to data and text files and understand advanced I/O streams - Create multithreaded programs Introduction & Basics Introduction, History of Java, Java Editions, Buzzwords/Keywords, Architecture, Hello Java Program, Compiling & Interpreting Applications, JDK API, Java Keywords, Variables, Data Types, Type Conversion (Implicit & Explicit), Expressions, Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Increment & Decrement), Operator Precedence, Casting(Implict & Explicit), Control Flow Statements (if, if else, switch, while, do-while Loops, for Loops), Primitive Arrays, Methods (Declaration, Calling, Parameter passing, Object Passing) Introduction to OOPS Concepts, Objects and Classes and Constructors, Inheritance and types, OOPS vs PL, Objects, Object Communication, Adv& Disadv of OOPS, Classes & Instances, Instance & Class Variables, UML Introduction, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Classes, Constructors, this, super, Garbage Collection, Methods (Signature, Parameters, Returning, Invoking, Overloading, Overriding, main) Access Modifiers, Static & NonStatic, final, Abstract classes & methods, Specialization & Generalization, Overriding, Interfaces, Types of Inheritance, Composition IS-A, HAS-A Relationships, Overloading vs Overriding, Binding (Early, Late and Dynamic), Initializers & Order of Execution, Packages, Defining Packages, Importing, Package Scope Inner classes, classes within methods, Anonymous, Static Nested Classes, Object class, Finalization with Finalize method, Wrappers, System Classes, Assertions, Auto-Boxing, Auto-Unboxing, Strings (String, String Buffer, String Builder), Annotations Introduction to Exception Handling, Throwable class, Checked and Unchecked Exceptions, Try, catch, throw, throws and finally, User defined Exceptions, Chained Exceptions Introduction to Multitasking and Multithreading, Concurrency, Thread states, Creating threads, Multiple Threads, Priorities, sleep, join, yield, Deadlock, Synchronization, wait, notify and notifyAll Binary and Character Streams, Input Streams, Output Streams, Readers, Writers, Buffers, File Class etc., Serialization, Writing & Reading an Object, Externalizable, Introduction to NIO Legacy collections, Introduction to Collection Framework, List, Set and Map & Various implementations List, Set and Map & Various implementations, Arrays, Iterator, Enumerations, Comparable and Comparator, Util classes, StringTokenizer Protocols (UDP, IP,TCP) URI, URL Connection, Network Socket Programming (Socket, ServerSocket) Introduction to Swing, Component Hierarchy, Menus, Layout Managers, Events Event Handling, Generic Types, Auto-boxing/unboxing, Enhanced For Loop, Enumerations, Variable Arguments, Static Import, Meta-data, Formatted I/O, Concurrency Utilities, Management Utilities, Class Data Sharing


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

OOPs-2 & Packages Inner & Utility classes Exceptions & Assertions Multi-Threading IO Streams Collections Framework Network & Socket Programming AWT/Swing EventHandling & JDK 1.5

2.1.Introduction 2.2.Language Basics 2.3.OOPS 2.4.Packages & Inner Classes 2.5.Utility Classes 2.6.Exception Handling 2.7.MultiThreading 2.8.IO 2.9.Collections 2.10.Network & Socket Programming 2.11.AWT/Swing/Event Handling 2.12.JDK_Features

Level - 3: Advanced Java (96 hrs) At the end of this module, the successful participants will be able to: - Understand the fundamentals of J2EE Architecture - Access databases with JDBC - Locate a data source, query for relational data, and parse result sets - build robust and maintainable web applications - Create dynamic HTML content with Servlets and JavaServer Pages, using the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) - Implement simple JSPs that use Java code in declarations, expressions and scriptlets. - Make Servlets and JSP work together cleanly - Use JSTL and other Custom Tag Libraries to separate Java and HTML code - Use JavaBeans effectively from Servlets and JSP - Manage complex conversations with HTTP clients using session attributes. - Implement filters to adapt existing servlets with new features, and to maximize the decomposition of logic between vertical business functions and horizontal facilities. - Implement an interactive Web application using HTML forms and JSP - Deploy a logical Web application to a Web server in a WAR file. - Understand Struts, Hibernate, Spring Frameworks Introduction to J2EE Architecture Overview, SQL(DDL, DML, Stored Procedures) 1 Introduction to ODBC/JDBC & Types of Drivers JDBC 2 Statement, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement ResultSets, RowSets, MetaData 3 Introduction to Servlets, Servlet life cycle, Servlet API, Inter Servlet Communication, Redirection, Servlets 4 Session Handling(Cookies, Session Object and URL Rewriting), Filters and Listeners 5 JSP Lifecycle, Elements of JSP, Implicit Objects, Standard Tags, JSP Lifecycle, Elements of JSP, JSP 6 Implicit Objects, Standard Tags, JavaBeans with JSP, JSTL 7 Introduction, MVC design pattern, AOP : DI & IC, Struts Configuration, Action and subclasses, Action classes & UI, Validator Framework Frameworks: Struts 8 Built-in Interceptors, Custom Interceptors, Struts Tag Libraries, OGNL, Using data tags 9 ORM, Introduction, Hibernate Mapping, Creating Persistent Classes, Hibernate Query Language Frameworks: Hibernate 10 HQL, Mapping Collections, Hibernate Caching 11 Introduction, Aspect-oriented programing (AOP), Spring Bean Wiring, Applying an Advice to a bean Frameworks: Spring 12 Spring and Databases, Transaction Management Level - 4: Case Study (16 hrs) 1 Case Study on Core Java 2 Case Study on J2EE Level - 5: Project (40 hrs) 1 2 Project 3 4 5

3.1.J2EE_Overview 3.2.JDBC 3.3.Servlets 3.4.JSP 3.5. Struts 3.6. Hibernate 3.7. Spring

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