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Geometra Jorge Haddock Luis Machn 10-08

absolute value(valor absoluto)=the distance from a number to zero. acute angle(ngulo agudo)=an angle whose measure is between 0 and 90. adjacent angle(ngulo adyacente)=are two coplanar angles that have a common side and a common vertex but no common interior point. alternate interior or exterior angle(ngulo interior o exterior alterno)=interior or exterior are nonadjacent that lie on opposite sides of the transversal. angle(ngulo)=is formed by two rays with the same endpoint. angle bisector(ngulo bisector)=a ray that divides an angle into two congruent segments.

base(base)=the third side of an isosceles triangle. base angle(ngulo base)=the other two angles in addition to the vertex angle in a triangle. bisector of a segment(bisector de un segmento)=a line, segment, ray, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint.

colineal points(puntos colineales)=three or more points that are in the same line. complementary angles(ngulo complementario)=two angles are complementary if the sum of their measure is 90. congruent angles(ngulos congruentes)=angles that have the same measure. congruent segments(segmentos congruentes)=segments that have the same

lenght. congruent polygons(polgonos congruentes)=polygons that have congruent and corresponding sides and angles. concave polygons(polgonos cncava)=has at least one diagonal with points outside the polygon. convex polygons(polgonos convexo)=has no diagonal with points outside the polygon. coplanar points(puntos coplanares)=four or more points that are found in the same plane. corollary(corolario)=a statement that follows immediatley from a theorem. corresponding angles(ngulos correspondientes)=lie on the same side of the transversal and in corresponding positions. counter example(contra ejemplo)=an example that proves that a statement is false. CPCTC(PCTCC)=Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.

diagonal(diagonal)=a segment whose endpoints are two non-consecutive vertex of a polygon.

exterior angle of a polygon(ngulo exterior de un polgono)=is an angle formed by a side and an extension of an adjacent side.

geometry(geometra)=is the study of the figures and the relations between them.

hypotenuse(hipotenusa)=is the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle.

intersection(interseccin)=where one point interferes with another.

legs(piernas)=the congruent sides of an isosceles triangle. line(lnea)=the set of points that has one dimension.

midpoint(punto medio)=the point that divides a segment into two congruent segments.

obtuse angle(ngulo obtuso)=angle whose measure is between 90 and 180. opposite angles by the vertex(ngulos opuestos por el vrtice)=two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays. opposite rays(rayos opuestos)=two colineal rays with the same endpoint.

origin(origen)=the point where two axes intersect.

paralell lines(lneas paralelas)=coplanar lines that do not intercept. paralellogram(paralelograma)=a quadrilateral with two pairs of paralell sides. paralell planes(planos paralelos)=planes that do not intercept. perpendicular lines(lneas perpendiculares)=lines that intersect and form four right angles. plane(plano)=a set of points that has two dimensions. point(punto)=the period with no dimension and is labeled with capital letter. postulate(postulado)=an accepted statement of fact. polygon(polgono)=a closed figure that its sides are segments that intersect only at their endpoints. Pythagorean Theorem(Teorema de Pitgoras)=in a right tringle, the sum of the square of the lenghts of the legs is equal to the square of the lenght of the hypotenuse.

quadrilateral(cuadriltero)=polygon with four sides.

ray(rayo)=part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one diection. rectangle(rectngulo)=a paralellogram with four right angles.

rhombus(rombo)=a paralellogram with four congruent sides. right angle(ngulo recto)=an angle whose measure is 90. regular polygons(polgonos regulares)=a polygon that its sides and angles are congruent. remote interior angles(ngulos remotos interiores)=for each exterior angle of a triangle, the two non-adjacent interior angles are its remote interior angles.

same-side interior or exterior angles(ngulos interiores o exteriores del mismo lado)=same-side interior or exterior angles lie in the same side of the transversal. segment(segmento)=part of a line between two endpoints, and named by their endpoints. Sides of a Triangle Inequality Theorem(Teorema de la Desigualdad de los Lados de un Tringulo)=the sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side. skew lines(lneas alabeadas)=non-coplanar lines. space(espacio)=the set of all points. square(cuadrado)=paralellogram with four congruent sides and four right angles. straight angle(ngulo llano)=angle whose measure is 180. supplementary angles(ngulos suplementarios)=two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180.

theorem(teorema)=a rule or law, especially one expressed by an equation or formula. transversal lines(lneas transversales)=a line that intersects two coplanar lines in two points. trigonometry(trigonometra)=studies triangles and the relationship between their sides and the angles between these sides.

vertex angle(ngulo vrtice)=is the angle between the legs of a triangle. vertex of an angle(vrtice de un ngulo)=the point where the rays meet. vertical angles(ngulos verticales)=two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays.

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