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Table of Contents
FLUID GRIDS 2008 E-BOOK............................................................................................................1 Lord Kuthumi & Mary Magdalene.......................................................................................................3 8:8:8 Fluid Grid One ...............................................................................................................3 Mary Magdalene.................................................................................................................................12 Fluid Grid Two Channelling.....................................................................................................12 Lady Nada..........................................................................................................................................18 Fluid Grid Three Channelling...................................................................................................18 Lord Kuthumi.....................................................................................................................................23 Fluid Grid Four Channelling.....................................................................................................23 Mary Magdalene.................................................................................................................................28 Fluid Grid Five Channelling.....................................................................................................28 Copyright notice.................................................................................................................................33

Michelle Eloff

Lord Kuthumi & Mary Magdalene

8:8:8 Fluid Grid One
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in Mooi River, KZN, South Africa on 08 August 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of truth, abundance, harmony and trust. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Beloved ones it is truly a joyful celebration as we gather with you upon this auspicious day of the 8:8:8 celebration. Each of you are experiencing the qualities of light that you as a newly created soul experienced at the moment of the spark of light igniting within the core of your being. This particular light is one that directs you to the very core of Spirit, therefore the core of your divine spirit. This light is directing you in the direction of the manifestation of the authentic self; the part of you that knows exactly what your truth is. This particular day is showing all of you that everything that you have experienced up until this point has served a very important purpose in your life, and every thing that you will experience from this day forward will continue to be for a very important purpose. The difference is that you can walk away from this particular transmission with a deep inner knowing that what you are working towards is something far greater, far grander, more expanded than that which your human ego self considers important. You are moving into a greater level of self-importance beyond the lower ego. Humanity is being offered the opportunity to step into abundance consciousness in a way that has never been encountered by mass consciousness before. In the past there were certain groups of people, these groups were very small, which is why they were often considered to be elite groups. These groups mastered the process of alchemy, understanding the importance of alchemy consciousness and tapping into the realms of abundance through the fluid universes. It is vital that each of you find that level of cognisance within yourself relating to fluidity, understanding that living within a fluid universe is a completely different experience to that which you have experienced when you were bound to the fixed universe. The fixed universe is what bound you to what you came to know as your karma. The collective consciousness is now being offered that particular opportunity to move as a giant body of energy into the fluid universe. The world of fluidity allows you to move and grow with the flow of your life. Nothing is fixed in its creation. Understanding how to flow with life challenges many aspects of the lower ego; that is the part of you that needs to control, that needs to function within certain categories, within certain fixed parameters so that you feel safe. But what is it that truly results in your feeling of safety? Consider that sense of safety being the ability to sense the familiarity of your comfort zone, and many times your perceived comfort zone is in actual fact a very uncomfortable place to be, be it physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. These four areas of life are being challenged and it is the greatest scale yet that a collective body has ever experienced challenges such as this. This is not coming forth as punishment, it is coming forth as opportunities to break the patterns of poverty and victim consciousness and step fully into ones power as a co-creator by allowing the self to experience life through the fluid universe, allowing yourself the space to grow with the flow of your life relinquishing control to the higher aspects of you that see your life objectively rather than being bound by the dynamics of the discomfort of your comfort zone; that familiar space that gives you a false sense of security. Be aware of the fact that as a result of this many peoples comfort zones will be removed, not because we are saying this has to be done, this is happening because your higher self has indicated that it is time, therefore we observe the collective consciousness, we are able to perceive exactly what it is that your higher self is projecting in relation to what your true need is at this time and as a result we come forth ensuring that that which has been requested be granted. It is your lower ego, the part of

you that is in a fixed state of consciousness that resists the flow of your life, and that rejects the opportunities that are presented to you that offer you something different. How do you know this? You know it when you are coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why it cannot be done and this I have said before. I will not repeat myself, however for those who have not heard my words before it is vital that you understand that this is a time unlike ever before. What is being experienced by the collective consciousness has never been presented to a collective consciousness in Earths spiritual history, ever. It is the very first time. Therefore it is as exciting for us as it should be for you, and as each and every one of you take advantage of your opportunities to leave your baggage, to drop all of the old paradigm obsolete consciousness and step into the new world of creation more and more is born. Your choice to live an abundant life automatically pulls greater dimensions of abundance into your life, however it is your choice as to the quality of the abundance you attract. Again for those of you who have not heard these words before you can very easily experience an abundance of negativity as much as you can experience an abundance of positivity. What you choose to focus on determines the quality of the abundance you experience. There are one hundred and twenty-two thousand new portals of abundance that have been activated around the planet upon this day. These portals will remain active. They are projecting very fine elements of energy and each of these elements contain frequencies that communicate with your DNA. When these communication systems are flowing harmoniously between one another you are automatically lead in the direction of new opportunities, new ways of living, of thinking and co-creating. The only thing that blocks that communication is your fear and your assumption that your current comfort zone is in fact your truth. You will know very soon whether it is your truth or whether it is a false sense of security. It is vital that the moment you sense what the truth is that you act upon it. Each of you have personal guides, these guides have moved very close to you; their energy is in very close proximity to you at this time to ensure that every system of support that you require is in place, and to ensure a smooth transition into the fluid grids are with you, are in fact at one with you. The weaving of this energy began this morning and it will continue to do so until the 28th of August of this year 2008. Every twelve-hour cycle will bring a strengthening of that support mechanism for you. Those of you who have children this support mechanism will extend to your children. Those of you who are in committed relationships this will extend to your life partner, and to the rest of your family if it is their wish and their will to be included in these new energy grids. We are anchoring the very first phase of the first fluid grid for the collective consciousness. This is like rolling out a red carpet inviting humanity into the realms of light, the Kingdom of Heaven so to speak but this Kingdom of Heaven is unique unto you your personal piece of Heaven on Earth. You have been challenged from every angle imaginable. For some of you it has been a very physical process, many of you have experienced it emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and for the really brave ones who asked for it to be brought on at an accelerated rate you have had all of the above all at once. It is vital that you understand that where you are heading is a completely new world. It is very difficult for me to communicate this in such a way that you comprehend it intellectually, in fact it will be very difficult for you to comprehend it intellectually, rather try and absorb it and feel it and avoid the analytical, intellectual aspect of it. The reason why I say this is because you will experience the full activation of your Sun Chakra. This chakra was first brought into the human energy field in the year of 2003. From 2001 to 2002 the grids for this particular chakra were filtered into Mother Earths body, which brought about changes in humanities consciousness, which in itself opened new doorways for humanity to experience their own power in terms of creating new experiences for the self. Politically and economically the world underwent many shifts during that time. 9/11 was just one example of that and for those of you who did know it was Mother Earths 911 call to the greater realms of the Cosmos to step in and intervene and ensure that all of those beings who were ready to move into the light were now given the support to do exactly that, and that which had chosen and those who had chosen to draw the energies of humanity and that of the collective consciousness deeper into darkness be stopped. Therefore this has been a lengthy project, beloved ones, and every single word that I have uttered and every single transmission that has come through from the other beings of light has been preparation for this time. Every time we have said to you look into yourself, move forward, do everything that you can in your power to reclaim your energy has been for a purpose. It has been for now and what we are doing with you now is preparing you for the year of 2011. Everything is a journey, one step following the next. You will feel the effects of this particular days celebration and the energies filtering into your consciousness for the rest of your life on Earth. This is also filtering into your soul. Therefore your soul will carry it for eternity. You are unique. I assure you that there is no one else that carries the same vibration as you, no one else. Each of you hold a code inside of your heart chakra, which is linked directly to the Sun Chakra, and those codes act

as keys which open universal gateways. As each of these universal gateways are opened there is more light that comes to you, more and more opportunities to evolve therefore never think for one moment that you are unworthy of the life you are living or that you do not deserve to be loved or that your purpose on Earth has not been shown to you. Your purpose is to carry that code, to be the beacon, the energy, the grid, and the conduit through which those codes can be filtered. Every single one of you is a vital link in the chain of life and if any one of you is not there the chain is broken. The missing links lie within those beings who believe there is no purpose to their life; that their life is worthless, this is why these particular abundance grids are being delivered to humanity. This is another reason why these new five fluid grids must be created now in order to serve those lost souls in finding their truth. Not all of them will, but we will ensure that as many as possible find the passion for life to live again, to love again and to be reunited with the light of their soul. So I ask you now to close your eyes and as I speak my words try and experience what I am saying inside of you. You can think it, feel it, imagine it any which way you like. All of you agreed to be here this evening, right now. It was a collective contract between all of you, and every single soul around your globe who is tuning in and connecting with us right now are a part of that collective contract. This means you have not made a single mistake, you have not lost your way, not one foot was ever out of place and I know that because you are here, all of you. This is your confirmation that you are on the right path and always have been. You are the master alchemists who are awakening, remembering what the power is, the power inside of you that motivates and inspires you to live each day. The process of alchemy is about turning base metals into gold, being a master alchemist as you are is about turning base consciousness into golden consciousness, therefore I want you now to focus your attention on everything that you consider being base, insignificant, wounded, traumatised, anything and everything that you associate base consciousness with. Do not limit it to an emotion or an experience, or to yourself, extend it to friends, family, your career, everything. This has now pulled the wounded aspect in the astral world into this space and all the people that are a part of you life, connected to this base element comes in as well. These people are those who reflect your wounds. We draw all of this in. Now move your attention to a point between your base chakra and your navel chakra. That is where the Sun Chakra sits within your body. Some of you may have discomfort in your lower back, this is the energy coming forth from the Sun Chakra coming directly from the Sun Disk of Akhenaten, the light of Lord Ra, Soltec and Horus. The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet brings the golden energy of the lioness to each of you, which opens the flow of creativity between your base chakra, which roots you to Mother Earth and your sacral chakra or your navel chakra, which roots you to your creativity and your intuition. This particular chakra has lain dormant for over twenty thousand years. This is the first cycle in which human beings are being given conscious information regarding this particular chakra. It was the abuse of this chakra that led to the fall of many civilisations. There were times where only small groups knew of this energy yet still abused it and this damaged the greater good of the whole. All of you here have been processing the fears related to the power of the Sun Chakra over the last ten weeks. The Sun Chakra is also a powerful vortex of abundance energy connected to your sexual power. Your sexual power is the energy in your physical body that roots you to the Earth. It is a system, a mechanism in fact that opens your energy to be able to draw that which you need most into your physical reality. Being disconnected from those chakras means you are unable to fully experience and express your creativity, your unique and divine blueprint as a human being, and many other functions within the realms of third, fifth, sixth, eight and twelfth dimension are blocked. This means there are areas of your brain and your DNA that you are unable to access and will not be able to access until you are at peace with yourself and have accepted yourself as a sexual being. Now before any of you cringe into your shoes I want you to see the word sex linked to creativity and on the other side of the word sex is the word love. It is only through the mismanagement of power that the understanding of the word sex became distorted. It was separated from creativity. It was separated from love and it was taken and used as the most powerful weapon against you, and yes organised religion did a very good job of making you terrified of your greatest power, making you think it is a sin as such. Beloved ones I want you to concentrate on the heat of your Sun Chakra in your body and imagine this Sun Disk growing inside of you, melting the ice within your navel chakra, and allow that heat to move into your base chakra and all the way up your spine until you feel it in the crown of your head. This heat melts all the ice inside of you and as a result it very gently draws you out of your state of ice-o-lation. While you are doing this, the Sun Goddesses manifest their energy within your energy field. Akhenaten enters this space, Goddess Isis and the Unity Goddesses Jezebel, Mary Magdeline and Guinevierre step into this space.

As the warmth returns to your body and to your consciousness I ask you to extend that warmth out, extend it out to humanity and allow your warmth to work like an energy that can feel where all the isolated souls on your planet are. Seek them out with your warmth and allow the Sun Chakras light just to touch them. The moment it touches the isolated soul they are given the opportunity to choose what you have chosen. Breathe in deeply exhaling fully ensuring that your body remains oxygenated. While you do this, beloved ones, we work through the Sun Chakra to lay the foundation within Mother Earths body that will keep the warmth of love and creativity fully alive in its true power and in its true nature, which will be expressed through your sexual nature. Your sexual nature being your ability to create through love, this is where the art of Tantra becomes such an important part of your life. Tantra simply is the weaving of the light of love, therefore becoming a master Tantrica is to master the art of weaving the light of love. Breathe into your body. Akhenaten begins to now release a Sun Disk to each and every one of you. Your energy field draws it into the Sun Chakra, this links up with the Sun Goddesses and the energies required to remove the veils of your chakras. The unveiling of the seven chakras of your physical body is a very important part of your awakening, it is a process that you will undergo when you feel ready to do it. This particular journey is also a journey of facing your true self. It is where your light self challenges your dark self and in this case your dark self is the lower ego, the part of you that attaches itself to false identities and comfort zones. Your light self, which in this case we will say is your authentic self; the part of you that knows your truth that is your truth that has nothing to hide or fear. These two facing one another tears down the veils of illusion that block you from stepping fully into the fluid universe and into your power as a master alchemist and co-creator of an abundant life. Please continue breathing. When your hold your breath you stop the flow of energy moving through your body. Now concentrate on your heart chakra, the area in the centre of your chest. Try and remember a time where you felt the most loved and imagine every cell of your body tuning into that feeling of incredible love. When you feel love in that manner and when you are able to love you are tapping into the most powerful abundance energy that exists. Without love no one will ever find the true core essence of abundance, no one will ever find the true core essence of peace of mind or joy. This is why love is the answer to all your questions. When we speak of love we do not speak of that which you have experienced love as being. You have never experienced the full essence of love, but you are well on your way to tasting what it can feel like. With that feeling, that memory of love in your heart chakra now extend this energy out to the rest of humanity allowing that feeling of love to connect with every soul on your planet that feels unloved, unworthy, abandoned, rejected and disregarded. Now to the best of your ability imagine the energy of love coming from your heart chakra, and the warmth of your Sun Chakra combining into one powerful force of energy very much like that of an atom bomb. This powerful atom of energy is going to explode when you say so and it will extend to all the multi-dimensions that influence your life and that affect humanity. So take a deep breath in exhaling fully and when you are ready allow this atom to explode releasing the warmth of the sun and the power of that love. This energy moves through every molecule of everything organic, everything embodying consciousness within the realm that you live, and within all parallel and alternate universes and through every dimension within your world and within the parallel and alternate universes. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale allow the next atom to flow forth and allow it too to explode. This energy is mushrooming through all and every single dimension in existence. We will do this two more times. Take a deep breath in, exhale and when you are ready let it go. One last time. Deep breath in, exhale and allow that atom to come forth and let it explode. Precious Lightworkers what we have just done has opened every dimensional portal that has ever existed, that has ever been created or activated over the last forty-four thousand years. This means that clearing the energies through all of those dimensions for that period of time is bringing Mother Earth the greatest gift of

her entire lifetime. She has had more than one incarnation. This particular one is her final journey home and everyone who is a part of her has been granted the same opportunity. This is one of the greatest celebrations of all time. Time will now shift and you will see that over the next twenty-four to thirty-six weeks how the entire mechanism of time management changes in your life. Some of you will experience having more time on your hands. This will be as a result of your consciousness being aligned with harmony and with peace. Those of you who feel panic rise because time is running out look at where you are focusing your consciousness. Truth be told time does not exist but because of your linear reality you experience the illusion of time. Use it to your advantage, plan it in accordance with the abundance of life that you deserve. This first level fluid grid will prepare your energy so that you can create personal fluid grids for yourself, grids that allow you to manifest that which is in perfect alignment with the divine plan of the life that is being projected to you by your future authentic self. This means the part of you that has lived through all of this, that has mastered the journey of authenticity, and that now turns and looks back to where you are and shows you exactly what step to take. Your energy is being aligned with this frequency and it is the creation of grids utilising this new electromagnetic frequency that you will receive on the 13th of August that will reveal to you just how simple it is to create what you need in accordance with your divine plan. Let me say this - when your lower ego interferes you will find that, that which you are trying to create will not manifest, it will have no foundation, no roots and when what you are creating is motivated by fear it will collapse before it will even be able to take any form of root within your energy field. So beloved ones you have called forth an almighty initiation for yourself. You have called forth one of the greatest challenges of this particular cycle and that is the simple choice of living your life motivated by fear, doubt and insecurity or living your life motivated by love, trust and confidence love of self, the trust in life and the confidence in your ability to manifest all your needs as met in alignment with all of the energies that are there holding you, guiding you and helping you create your greatest life ever. Over the next thirty-six hours your Sun Chakra will add new dimensions to it(self). This means new dimensions of your personality as a human being, new dimensions of your soul qualities and your light as a master alchemist will begin to surface. You need to give all four lower bodies time to catch up - your four lower bodies being your physical body, your emotional, mental and your spirit bodies. Your intellect will be challenged to let go - remember over analysis leads to paralysis. When you find yourself trapped not knowing what to do you have over analysed your situation that is when you must let go and allow yourself to go with that flow. Humanity needs to understand that to break out of the old paradigm of victim and poverty consciousness requires of them to completely let go. This means all control mechanisms in your world will fall. You think there has been change politically and economically up until this point? You havent even seen the core of where this is going. There is much more to come, therefore it is vital that you have full confidence in your ability to create and to manifest everything that you need. It begins with you and ends with you. You are the sole creator in your life, you are the master designer, the master architect, whatever you want to call it. There is no other human being that has any power over what the design of your life is. There are others who have chosen to interact with you, to connect their design with yours but never ever is your design tampered with by anyone else unless of course you have given them permission to. So you as a group have come together. We are redesigning the entire grid for humanity. This is an upgrade of gargantuan proportions. You are our guinea pigs, our crash test dummies, whatever you would like to call it but then of course you signed up for this otherwise you wouldnt be here, but the reward at the end of the day will be the reclaiming of your power as a human, and your power as an individual to live your life confidently. This does not mean that you will never be challenged, I have said this many times before, what it means is that the level of your challenges change. It does not mean that you will constantly be challenged with a dysfunctional romantic relationship or disobedient children or any other part of your life dead-end jobs, a constant bank account of emptiness, a constant heart of emptiness all of that has changed. Its different already. It is just waiting for you to catch up to it, to see it, to embrace it, to allow it and then beloved ones all of you move up the rungs of the ladders where your challenges are different. It is a greater initiation where your ability to tap into realms that you have as yet never tapped into are presented to you. This means breaking the boundaries of your mind, moving beyond the limitation of societys projections onto you in terms of what you are able to do, what you are able to experience, and what exists beyond the third dimension. That is a completely new world of experience, so get out of the mindset that your challenges are limited to relationships, to finance, to career and to struggling with your health, with your mind and with your body that is so yesterday! So if you want to be trendy, what do you call it hip and happening? Get with the new programme, please. (peals of laughter) I have told you many times before that your excuses limit you. Every time you say no to yourself the only person you are inhibiting is yourself. Allow everyone around you, and most important yourself the space to

grow. Fluid energy is the energy of growth. You are all now being taken through the Sixth Universe and the Eight Universe so that you can experience the dynamic power of fluid love, and where we are gathered at this particular time is in the centre of the most powerful fluid love portal on planet Earth. The energy of this vortex will increase as each month passes therefore the sixth day of every month draws in a higher quotient of the fluid love vibration until this particular portal is feeding the entire planet with the fluid love vibration. The physical creatures that are called Alpacas that live upon this sacred land hold the physical manifestation of that love in their fleece. The muscles, the flesh and the skeletal system of their bodies represent the same process that the muscles, the flesh and the skeletal system of your body will undergo. There will be changes chemically for you, for Mother Earth and for every other creature on the planet as a result of this. The power of love has yet to be experienced in its new facet and that is not even close to an iota of what the full capacity of love in its true essence contains, and what it can do. Your experience of love is limited to that of a romantic encounter or the love between a parent and a child or between friends. There are only a few who have truly experienced that power of love in the moment of an epiphany or in a moment of connecting with the spirit of self and do you know what? You were created to experience that level of profound love in every moment of your life, with every beat of your heart. Now doesnt that tell you that something seriously went wrong and that now it is time that some of you on Earth draw that line and be the ones that step into no mans land and do the deed that no one else has been willing to do and that is reclaim your power, and this leg of the journey requires that you fully reclaim your sexual power bearing in mind that sexual energy is creative energy and it is love energy. Love that flows from the heart that feeds everything around it, like the atoms you shared with the Earth earlier on. These waves of energy, beloved ones, are extending through many dimensions. Each of them hold a signature linked to you, which means you are never separate from that which you have created. Humanity has a window of opportunity and I have to say this again, unlike ever before, and I mean it, unlike anything ever before. Now this brings another challenge because it means that there is absolutely nothing coded into you on a cellular level that can relate to where you are going, which means your fears are unfounded because there is no association with where you are going. The only thing that you can associate that with is the fear of the unknown, but there is no record in your current structure that can disconnect you from what lies ahead of you, again because there is nothing you can associate it with, do you all understand this? So you are stepping into a completely new design. As we redesign the grids of the Earth over the next couple of weeks you will see just how quickly fluid energy works. Watch, and this is not often that I will say this, watch the news, read your newspapers, observe what is happening in your world because now, beloved ones, is when the biggest change will be most visible and you will see that everything that insists on being contained in a fixed realm will be shattered by the fluid love energies. The heat of the Sun Chakra will melt all of the isolated aspects of consciousness so that those who are willing to ride on a river of true love into a realm of life will move with the flow. There will come the time where the rest will be released into another realm of experiencing another cycle of what is considered a fixed cycle. So beloved ones with all of the information we have presented, with the energies that you have drawn into your body, with that which has been activated within your DNA you are now experiencing the flow of fluid love. That is now being drawn up through the chakras of your feet into all the systems of your body clearing the wounds of those parts of you that you called in earlier on. This energy filters into the energy field of all of those people who have mirrored your wounds. There is no reason for you to hold onto anything or anyone any more for whatever is truly meant to be with you, in your space, journeying with you will be there because when you live in a fluid universe, in fluid consciousness nothing can separate you from that which is one with your path, because all of those energies will flow together to meet, to become one like many streams and rivers that meet and become one with the great ocean. Remember, whatever is fixed blocks your pathway, and whatever is fluid flows with grace. If there is any particular area of your life right now that you desperately want these energies to work through so that you can experience the physical release and healing then please set this intention now. Take a few minutes to put this into perspective for your self and release it into the sacred vortex of the fluid love. Now take a moment to choose what you wish to replace the old with - that which you have asked to release what will take its place? Give thanks that this has been acknowledged by the beings of light present and that all will manifest in accordance with the divine plan of your soul, and the healing that you have asked for will extend into the collective consciousness and begin the process of healing all similar wounds, because in fact the wounds

that you carry are in fact a collective wound that many others carry. You think that your heartache is yours alone? Your heartache exists within many other people. You are mirrors for one another. You have mirrored the collective wound - the collective wound of the rape, the invasion and the complete and utter destruction of the pure spirit and inner sense-ability of the soul in a human form, and that is the quality of the energy of abundance that is being returned to Earth and to those who choose specifically to live within the fluid world, within the fluid universe creating, intending and flowing through fluid consciousness. As the energy of Akhenaten is grounded at this particular place the Sun Disk of new light, which is brought forth through the Sun Chakras full activation will continue to shine out for the next twelve months. Therefore humanities journey of being re-birthed or reborn into a new system of understanding love will take place during that time. There will be another flood of the endings of interactions where love in its truth is not present. Dont fear that step go with it. Every aspect of your life will change if it is not embodying the fluid consciousness of fluid love. Now beloved ones concentrate on your third eye chakra. Breathing in deeply exhaling fully. The Sun Goddesses now encode a sacred geometric form, a shape, into your third eye chakra. The frequency emitted by the rotation of this form in your third eye chakra adds another level of clearing of the old paradigm patterns that you project into your life through your third eye, through the subconscious and through the mental programming that you have received, as well as that which the intellect considers to be right in order to make logical sense. This geometric shape will continue to rotate within your third eye chakra and will never be removed because it holds the new frequency of fluid consciousness for you. Therefore what you project through your inner vision; through your third eye, will no longer hold the template of the old patterns of your past life. As all the frequencies join together from your third eyes, you assist in the creation of that new divine fluid grid of re-patterning in accordance with the authentic blueprint of Mother Earth, therefore the origin of authentic living. This is another blessing that we bring you, a blessing that you can share with everyone else the choice to step fully into the origin of authentic living. Your authentic self tolerates no illusion. Your authentic self will not settle for an excuse. Your authentic self will only allow you to be within that which is authentic, that which is the mirror of your empowered, confident, loving self therefore, loving yourself, trusting yourself. Being at peace with yourself allows the mirror that can experience that love to be one with you, to trust you, to love you, to be at one with you in a harmonious frequency. The words that we have delivered are speaking to many levels of your consciousness. Each of you will need to work through our words again therefore, ensure that you will receive a copy of the words of what we have spoken tonight. I want you to feel the strength of your heart, your courage and your light inside and I want you to allow that to be the energy that is projected through your third eye when you view your future. When you look into your future with fear you are projecting that fear into the grids of your future and that is why your past becomes your future. All of that has changed. Please remember this. Let us now take a moment to give thanks to all of the beings of light who are present. Every single one of you have received healing, every single one of you have received a recalibration of your chakras, there has been a complete rearranging of the systems of light in your body and how they flow to ensure that the grids within your body and within your energy field are 100% aligned with the new fluid grids that have come through the 8:8:8 portals. All the new vortices of abundance are linked to you through your major and your minor charkas, now it is up to you to create the future you choose. The energy is there. Abundance is in your space. All the tools are there. All you have to do is choose and act, love and create and get back into your body by embracing yourself as a sexual being. Take a deep breath in exhaling fully drawing your consciousness back into your physical body. The Alpaca energy is still present, each of them are connecting with one of you. As each of these creatures connect with you they will hold the gateway of fluid love open within the heart of your heart chakra. We also suggest that within the next twenty-four hours that you take some time to sit quietly with yourself and to write down everything that you are now willing to do in order to ensure that the best life you have ever lived becomes the reality that you experience on a daily basis. Write as much down as you can and if fear comes up or an excuse or a judgement comes up push it aside and allow the new day to begin. Every single pulsation of light that comes through your body with every single beat of your heart will affirm what you

choose. It is vital that you understand the intensity and the intricacy of these new energies because as your body lives and breathes that which you are holding in your mind, in your thoughts, in your heart is what is being emanated out into the collective conscious, into the collective grids, which is why we say you are solely responsible for the life that you experience. And now to end this energy activation with you as a group let me tell you that everything that you create can never be dismantled by anything or anyone outside of you. No person has the power to jinx you, to put black magic on you, all that non-sense, none of it has any power over you and there are some of you in this room who need to know that. Your attachment to that particular way of thinking will inhibit your flow forward. This does not mean to say that it has not existed in the past. It does not mean to say that it does not exist for certain people but for those of you who are here, who are listening to (or reading) these words, who have chosen this experience it is no longer a part of your reality. There is no entity that can possess you. There is no negative energy that can take you over in any way or form unless you consciously give permission and make the choice for that to be a part of your reality. Do you all understand the difference? (Yes) Very well then my work here is done. Beloved ones please hold that in the forefront of your mind and when you hear individuals speaking of such fearful things do not take it on into your own energy field. Listen to where they are coming from and if you can offer assistance do so but do not pull that into your own reality. There are going to many experiences of the different worlds dovetailing one another but you know how to manage it and you will understand what I am saying when you find yourself in that position. So we ask you now to go forth, to continue celebrating the energies of this very auspicious time and to allow yourself to live your life abundantly, to allow all the great abundance of life in all its glorious facets to grace your life and most important get out of your own way and live. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold each of you, the voices that guide you. Be aware over this time that lies before you that your guides will communicate with you. Some of you may experience this as thoughts impressed on your mind, ideas, sudden inner knowings, your dreams, look to life, feel and acknowledge that there are many ways that you receive the blessings of the Universe. Know that you are never alone for we are all one. May the light of your truth and your authentic self be the light that guides you in the direction that leads you home, and above all else may all always be well in your world. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai. 0oooo0oooo0 I am Mary Magdalene. I have been asked to present a short transmission to each of you this evening and to also announce to humanity that as a result of this glorious time of celebration that the Unity Goddesses have been granted permission to anchor the new feminine pillars of light in the form of the Magdalene Roses, the lotus energies of Lady Kwan Yin, the magenta roses of Guinevierre and the blood red roses of Jezebel on this particular sacred land. What this means for each of you is that you are being granted a reprieve. This is something that is very, very seldom done. In exchange for your patience, your perseverance and your courage in the face of many challenges the Grand Council of Light from the fluid universes are lifting twelve years of your astral karma out of your DNA. This will be cleared within the next fourteen days. It is beyond my ability to explain to you what that will mean for you because it is unique unto each of you. What I can tell you is that it is a lifting of burdens in a manner of speaking, and because it is drawn out of the astral body it means it is wounds that you will no longer be affected by through the collective consciousness. It is also wounds that will not be passed onto future generations if you are to give birth to, or sire children in the future. All of those who are connected to you through your bloodline will also experience the lightness as a result of this lifting, but it is you as a soul who will experience the greatest reward. I, Mary Magdalene, have also been granted a new level of service to humanity. I lead the project of light in returning the true teachings of the Sun Goddess to Mother Earth. This means that women and feminine consciousness will be able to root itself within the collective consciousness at an accelerated rate allowing the creative power of the feminine within both males and females to create vast changes in the areas of government, medicine, education and the utilisation of power in the form of finance. All of these areas will

undergo a restructuring, which will bring more of the feminine energy into power, not necessarily only in the form of women but in the form of men who have their feminine nature in perfect balance with their masculine. It is a great honour for me to be working with humanity in such a close and intimate manner. I will remain in the energy field of Mother Earth for the next three years bringing that which each of you require. There will be times where Ill interact with you individually. The way that you will recognise that I, Mary Magdalene, am working with you, be it in the form of support or healing or guidance will be either through the scent of the rose or the vision of the white rose. My most favourite is iceberg roses and this is how you will know me. So beloved ones may you all be at peace in this time of celebration and may all the blessings you require to bring harmony and happiness to your life come to you now. Au revoir.

Mary Magdalene
Fluid Grid Two Channelling
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 05 August 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Mary Magdalene and I welcome to each of you into the presence of divine light and divine love. Greetings. The journey into the collective consciousness is at this time an incredibly beautiful journey of reclaiming the self and experiencing the power that lies within the journey of individual self-empowerment. Many might disagree with the fact that journeying into the collective consciousness as being a beautiful journey. What I mean by this is that the journey into the realms of working with the collective consciousness in relation to bringing about the current changes is a beautiful journey. It brings each of you unique opportunities to reclaim the aspects of yourself that have been rejected, the parts of you that you consider less valuable than aspects that play out in your external world. This particular project of building the fluid grids for the collective consciousness is a very important one because it is preparing the energies for 2011. We have been given permission to create these fluid grids simply because there are enough of you who have reclaimed sufficient of your own light in order to hold these very powerful points in place. The grids are fluid, which means that the energy is in a state of constant rearrangement. The rearranging patterns have been programmed in unison with the divine light and power that is emitted from the collective system of chakras held by the Cosmic Mother and the Cosmic Father and Goddess Gaia. These three units of energy create a very powerful electromagnetic current of energy, which each of you will now learn to draw into your charkas, and by mastering the utilisation of that current of energy you learn how to create individual grids for yourself as well as holding the grids that we create with each of you. Building your own divine grid is a very, very personal process. We suggest that when you create your personal grid that you keep the information that you are programming into the fluid grid to yourself, it is not something that you are to discuss with others. I say this because the frequencies that you are now utilising are perhaps the highest vibration any of you have ever utilised on a conscious level in the process of creation, by this I mean, in the process of creating something very powerful and something very new. The energies of the 8:8:8 were very important in preparing you for what you are about to experience for the duration of the building of these fields. Learning how to use a current of energy such as these new frequencies must come through the vibrational grid of the Sixth and the Eighth Universes respectively. Fluid energies are held within the core of the Fluid Universe and more specifically the Sixth Universe of Fluid Love. Everything that is created needs to embody the energies of fluid love, if it does not embody that it will not be able to take root and it will not have any long lasting effect. The collective consciousness has to undergo this time of change and these are five initiations specifically being presented to every human being on the planet at this time regardless of where they are at in their spiritual, their emotional or their mental development. The fluid grids are weaving a new tapestry of light, which results in creating a bridge of light between the old world and the new world. Every time there are new quotients of light being presented to Mother Earth and sufficient Lightworkers integrate that energy it affords the whole of humanity new and greater opportunities such as what is now being conducted. Therefore what we are doing now is altering the frequencies of electromagnetic energy that you are able to bring into your base chakra and into your crown chakra at any one given moment. This means the grids that you will now be able to begin creating for yourself individually embodies the process of bringing from the ethers of Heaven into your physical life that which your most advanced and authentic self is ready to reveal to you right now.

You are developing a relationship with this part of yourself in a new way, and it is a relationship you have never had with the authentic self in this manner ever before. The grids that we are activating today are specifically being firmly anchored within the heart centre of Namibia, the heart centre of Egypt, the heart centre of Dubai, the heart centre of Cape Town and the heart centre of Vietnam. This first phase of rooting the base and the crown chakra energies in these locations is building a very intricate system of electromagnetic frequencies. Each pulsation of energy that is emitted through the heart chakras of these locations is linked up to the base chakra and the crown chakra of the Lightworkers who are participating at this time. The collective energy that comes from the collective chakras of the Cosmic Father and the Cosmic Mother and that of Goddess Gaia is the underlying receptacle of energy that holds the energy of that which is below, and that which is above. This creates what could be considered a matrix, however it is not a fixed matrix, it is a fluid grid. It is very important that you visualise or think, or imagine that the grids that we speak of are in no way or form fixed. They are not rooted to a system that is inflexible. This is a process of movement, flexibility, and fluidity. This allows you to move with the currents of change, therefore resulting in your ability to adapt to situations a lot easier. So let us begin with this activation of new light by you taking a deep breath into your body and as you exhale extend your energy out to the Cosmic Mother and to the Cosmic Father, and imagine the seven chakras of your body connecting with what could be considered the seven chakras of their bodys. Take another deep breath in and when you exhale allow your chakras to connect with that of Goddess Gaia, and these three bodies of love combine their energy of their chakras in one powerful divine fluid energy and they extend this combined power to the seven chakras of your body. Breathe it in and as you exhale relax your body. For the next thirty minutes every in breath will bring a new kind of energy into your charkas, and every time you exhale your body will relax and draw that new energy all the way into the DNA of your body. This begins creating another very important change. This is the change that brings fluidity to your DNA. Now precious ones this is the onset of the greatest change in consciousness for humanity simply because when the energy of the DNA enters fluidity - fluid consciousness, fluid creation and co-creation there are new universal portals that are then able to be opened, to be accessed resulting in a new flood of energy entering the realms of Mother Earths consciousness, automatically seeping out for each of you to absorb, and then the next level of change is presented to you. At this time it is impossible for us to describe what these changes consist of because it is energy and experiences you have not ever encountered before, so it would be meaningless to you at this stage. There are approximately fourteen star-gates that we are able to see in your energy field. These star-gates tell us that those of you whom we are addressing at this time and those of you who are participating in this at this time are ready to enter a very important stage in your stellar consciousness development. This means that you are reconnecting with your star family in a new way and star consciousness, which is the White Flame energy, is penetrating the realms of your unused DNA and the unused parts of your brain in an accelerated rate and in a completely new fashion. These energies are bypassing the subconscious, therefore it is creating a short cut that will override the negative programmes of your subconscious that often influence your conscious behaviour resulting in self-sabotage. This energy is bringing your base chakra and your crown chakras into a whole new frequency of communication with those very advanced aspects of yourself. I ask you now to imagine or to think of your base chakra and your crown chakra extending beautiful energies toward one another, and they connect with each other in your heart chakra. Now imagine that these two energies extend forward through your heart chakra reaching out through your energy field and extending out into the collective consciousness, and everything that you touch within the collective consciousness has a taste of these powerful new energies. Now take a deep breath in, exhaling relaxing your body. Now extend another two energies from your crown and your base meeting one another in the heart chakra and imagine this energy extending inside of you to a place very deep, a place that you have never encountered before, very powerful. Allow this energy to touch all the parts of you that you have not encountered being blessed by this beautiful energy that is being sent to you, extended to you by the Divine Mother, Divine Father and Goddess Gaia. This activates what is known as your hidden template on another level. Your hidden template has been activated, now you are ready for the next level. This next level of your hidden template has four hundred and forty-four chakras connected to it. These four hundred and forty-four chakras communicate with your world

and all the other worlds through the fourteen star-gates in your energy field. These fourteen star-gates will begin activating over the next twelve weeks and automatically bring the consciousness of the four hundred and forty-four chakras of your hidden template into another level of communication with your subconscious. When these chakras are communicating with your subconscious it brings an opportunity for many of the programs from your ancestors, and the programs from other levels of this lifetime into a place where a deep flush can take place. These flushes some of you have already experienced and this subconscious flush, if we can call it that, will allow you to understand the depths of your own torment experienced from time to time. Not too long ago Kuthumi and many of the other Masters worked together to protect your energy from the influence of the collective consciousness. What we are doing with these five new grids is strengthening your protection. One of the areas of weakness or vulnerability with Lightworkers is their susceptibility to the negativity of the collective consciousness. You have all stepped into a dimension of greater self-awareness and this particular grid is helping you to have a more conscious sense of when you are having to deal with your own personal process, and when the collective consciousness is drawing on your energy for healing. When you are able to see the difference you will find it a lot easier to contain yourself and maintain your centre. As the energies of your base and your crown chakra extend out into the collective consciousness and move deeper and deeper into the depths of yourself, this fluid grid begins to emerge from the different worlds of light. Because it is fluid it can penetrate every world of darkness as well. Using your imagination or your mind, which ever is easiest for you (and) see these fluid energies penetrating the astral plane where the density and darkness of the collective consciousness is held, and all you need do is just picture the fluid grids weaving through all of those realms connected specifically through the heart chakras of the geographical locations I mentioned earlier on. This means that the human beings and all parts of nature inhabiting those locations are the areas of the collective consciousness that will undergo change for this particular grid creation. The people in those locations will have their healing highlighted, those countries and the cities within those countries will experience this fluid rush of new light and the collective force of the bodies of energy coming from the Cosmic Mother and Father and Goddess Gaia, and every single one of you who have joined together to create this grid. Do not put any intention into this grid right now just allow it to flow through your charkas, because now we are beginning to increase the amount of electromagnetic energy entering the field of your body. This goes deeper and deeper into your DNA and we are now extending the energies of this magnetic light as far as thirteen generations prior to your current incarnation. This includes thirteen generations for every human being currently incarnated. Continue to breathe in deeply exhaling fully. As the base chakra and the crown chakra of the collective consciousness is now being penetrated by this electromagnetic energy it is bringing light, bringing new designs so that every persons birthright to experience love in its most profound and purest forms can be rooted within the base chakra and the crown chakra respectively. Just surrender your body, surrender your energy as the Sixth Universe projects its energy like a blanket around you enfolding you, and its energy seeping into the pores of your skin until it unites in the core of your being within yourself. This energy unites within the core of the being of Goddess Gaia. The fourteen star-gates within your energy field take the very first step in their activation and one key is activated, in other words one turn of the dial is now happening. As this dial turns a level of your new life clicks into place upon this day. As a result direction in your life will now turn leading you to the point of your greatest and most profound experience of your destiny. All the remaining grids will contribute to doing this. By the end of the creation of these grids you will be well on your way to this new life that you called forth for yourself, and how do we know this? Because you are here, you are participating and it is only those of you who are ready for a complete life makeover, a complete change, who are able to participate in this. You are the mechanisms of fluid love that have come into human form serving as activators, serving as anchors and wherever you go you imprint those energies. You bring the light of the Cosmic Parents back to life through the expression of your light and living your very best life. The twelve strands of your DNA are experiencing a higher frequency vibration. We suggest that you use sound for the next three to five days to balance your energies and to assist and support yourself with the integration of this very powerful new electromagnetic energy. This energy is also drawing your new life to you at a more accelerated rate. You are ready for this. Simply breathe it in and relax as you witness the changes

taking place in your life preparing for the doors that will open in your life. These doors will begin opening for you once we have completed the building of these grids, and for the sixteen weeks after the completion of these grids you will see just how quickly and how miraculously your life turns around, especially when you reach the moment or the point where you think what you most desire, what you most need from the depths of your heart is not going to happen. It is in that moment that the Universe will open and this magnificent flower will burst to life in front of you and you will be faced with the beauty of your new life, your hopes, your dreams and your wishes greeting you. Will you open your heart to receive it? Will you fearlessly step into that new realm and walk the path of your greatest destiny? As the restructuring of your base chakra and your crown chakra continue your Sun Chakra will continue to feed all the other chakras. Your Sun Chakra is the doorway to the core of the creative life-force of all the almighty presences in existence. It is where the almighty presence of your source of creativity exists, and that is where you are accessing this light from. Breathe in deeply exhaling fully. Now we integrate the energies of the geographic locations I mentioned. The Devic presences of those places also connect with you giving thanks to you for your contribution, and over the next six months they will provide you with the blessings and the support you require to manifest your very best life. For the next few hours we will continue altering the energy through the fields of light connected to the thirteen generations prior to your current incarnation. This is clearing the collective consciousness specifically. We are working with the grids of the old matrix of the collective consciousness of thirteen generations prior to this incarnation, it is important that you understand that. Now the next thing that will take place as a result of these new fluid grids beloved ones is a new level of merging heart and mind, intellect and intuition. This is one of the reasons why the subconscious is having to be dealt with in a different way. These new electromagnetic energies will provide a kind of shock therapy to your subconscious. You will be completely safe in this process. It is because of your level of self-awareness that you can safely undergo these processes. The shock therapy means that these electromagnetic energies will send currents through your brain resulting in the accelerated collapse of the old neural pathways that are being held in place by your subconscious specifically. As they collapse, within twelve hours a new neural pathway will have replaced it. That new neural pathway embodies the information that is held within your fluid DNA; the DNA that is fully active within your most advanced self; the part of you that has undergone everything you have to date, the part of you that successfully manifested your best life ever. That part of you has agreed to work with this part of you that has achieved the level of self-awareness and empowerment that you have. So embrace this opportunity and be fluid. Trust that this time of great power and manifestation is bringing you the gifts of what you have asked for, the intentions that you have set forward, it is all coming to you now. Breathe it in deeply exhaling fully. For the next five days you have the opportunity to build your own personal grid through the base chakra and the crown chakra respectively and specifically. This part of your grid is focusing on the foundations of your new life. It is important that what you put into this fluid grid does not limit you in anyway what so ever, so perhaps it would be best that you do not focus on specific names of places or people. Focus on the quality of that which you are choosing to create. By doing that you open all of the dimensions of possibility and the quantum world can work with you in a beautiful fluid fashion, and you will be very pleasantly surprised to see what comes your way, and what meets you halfway. For the next five days some of you may experience physical sensations of the energy in your base and crown chakras. This new frequency of electromagnetic energy has caused the cranial plates to shift. Some of you may have been experiencing very intense pain in your head leading up to this. That discomfort will settle now because your brain has been readjusted so that this energy can be comfortably contained within you. Relax and just feel your body. The changes in your base chakra for some of you might be experienced in the form of new life coming into your base chakra. You may find this manifesting in your physical energy levels increasing. Some of you must be cautious that it does not result in an over activity; a hyperactivity. Some of you may find that areas around anger and frustration may become highlighted if you have not been dealing with that. The main thing for you to remember is these energies are activating those chakras in a new way, so whatever has caused limitation, fear and numbness will be activated in order to be dealt with and released, and because we are also clearing through the collective consciousness it will be a great support to your healing energy because it is a clearing on many, many subtle levels. I suggest that you write down everything that you are intending to create with this new fluid grid. Your intentions will be carried along an electromagnetic field. You will also at times perhaps imagine what looks

like currents of electricity shooting out of your chakras into your energy field connecting with a cosmic grid, which has been created specifically for you, uniting with those energies becoming this beautiful new grid that you are creating for yourself, which is very different to a morphogenetic field. These fluid grids alter in accordance with the intention of your most advanced self. Now it is not a case of your lower ego influencing these fluid grids, your most advanced self will be doing this. This means that the lower ego cannot inhibit the progress that you are making now. What may happen is that there is a clash between what your lower ego wants to do and what your most advanced self is presenting you with and ensuring you do, do keep that in mind. When you feel that you are clashing with energies then you know your lower ego is resisting what your highest good is showing you. Step back, ask yourself what is it that you are afraid of? What is it that you feel you need to control? Why do you feel you need to control the situation? What are you afraid the outcome will or will not be and then let it go, but ask yourself those questions first so that your lower ego feels acknowledged, so that the inner child that is learning these new ways of co-creating can also feel safe as you trans-parent that part of you, and your most advanced self will be trans-parenting you as the adult you are now. Please note that this process is as yet not complete and will only be completed once we have sealed the process of the fifth grid. So your energy is wide open at this time. However, we insert sacred geometric symbols, which protect your energy from the negativity of the collective consciousness. Every sacred geometric shape vibrates to a sound and to a colour and to a frequency that will maintain the energies in your chakras. This will keep the flow of this fluid grid moving ensuring that every aspect of your life is moving with it, which is why it is so important now for the foundation of your physical life to be altered and adjusted through the base chakra and that which you prepared for yourself cosmically prior to your incarnation, meeting with the foundation of your physical life so that, that which is above you can merge and manifest in the world that is considered below Heaven - Earth. You are that which is between Heaven and Earth - a mechanism through which this is grounded, which is why your base chakra must experience these frequencies of light. Your Sun Chakra is already fully active doing everything it needs to do, and all of the portals of abundance that are open to humanity at this time are drawing you closer and closer. Be clear about what it is you wish to put into your grids, for as the fourteen star-gates continue to open more and more, as the keys unlock and the dial turns even more, there will be an even more powerful energy pulling you into that new light, pulling you away from the old. There will be no way for you to hold onto the old once you have this process in motion. Be clear and above all have faith that where you are heading is indeed in the direction of your very best life. If people choose to stay behind do not inhibit your journey as a result of their choice. There will be something better waiting for you, that which is your equal in power, in love and in light. The days of you having to sacrifice and compromise are over. The journey of martyrdom is complete. No longer do you have to sacrifice anything for the sake of anyone. Your movement forward is how you help everyone else move forward. Never forget that. Beloved Lightworkers I, Mary Magdalene, place a beautiful Citrine star tetrahedron crystal in the area of your Thymus Gland. This tetrahedron links you with my light and it will spin there keeping your energy flowing, ensuring that all these new frequencies are gracefully, miraculously and harmoniously integrated. Pay attention to your dreams because you will be given glimpses of your new life, visions will come, strong feelings will be felt inside of you, all of these are the beacons leading you to this great truth you are ready now to become one with. You may be very surprised to find where it is takes you, who it is it unites you with and how you go about doing it, and there is only one way to do this harmoniously and that is through trusting and having faith even when your lower ego tries to convince you otherwise. This is a true test of your metal in terms of trust and faith. Who will have the power? Your lower ego or you, the part of you who has chosen this new life, the part of you who has chosen to be the fluid mechanism of this light and love? My presence is always with you. The light and love of our Cosmic Parents and Goddess Gaia is constantly with you. Take advantage of this time of creation and co-create with your most advanced self. Co-create with Mother/Father God and embrace the master alchemist that you are and let us all rejoice together in this powerful time of rebirth.

Continue to breathe bringing your energy back into your physical body, relaxing and calming. Perhaps sit for a minute or two just reconnecting with your body as I take my leave blessing each of you, holding you and always loving you. I am Mary Magdalene. Au revoir.

Lady Nada
Fluid Grid Three Channelling
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 11 August 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Lady Nada, welcome to each of you into the presence of light and divine truth. I have been asked to come forward and to present this transmission today for a very important purpose. This third fluid grid is linked to a number of key dates over the next seven months. Each of these activations linked to this particular fluid creation is helping humanity to understand the fluidity of the mind, to understand the true essence of unconditional love and how vital it is to allow endings and beginnings to flow through ones life. I, Lady Nada, will be very active in my work with humanity from 2009 up until 2013. During this time it is my role to ensure that humanity embraces the deeper understanding of the fluidity of the mind united with the fluidity of ones heart. This enables the subconscious and the conscious minds to work together in a new system, a fluid system. The sacral chakra and the third eye chakra are two chakras that often clash with one another. The clashes lead to the manifestation of repetitive cycles. These cycles are not meant to paralyse the individual, they are in fact meant to remind the individual of past lessons learnt however, because of the emotional immaturity of the majority of society, psychologically society is not equipped to recognise the pattern resurfacing. Many times when individuals do recognise a pattern resurfacing they are ill equipped to do anything about it in order to change it therefore, this particular grid brings forth the energies that support one psychologically, physically and mentally to bring about the events that will support the changes one has chosen. Before this can happen it is important that humanity first grasp the idea of changing ones life pattern. Many Lightworkers already understand this concept however, there are many people that live their day from one to the next never really knowing that it is within their power to change the pattern of their life. Many have bought into the belief that they are doomed to live the reality they experience therefore I, Lady Nada, bring forth the twelve pillars of magenta consciousness. These pillars emanate pulsations of energy that assist in breaking down all of the crystallised links to the life patterns of victim and poverty consciousness, conditional love and lust consciousness. It has been many years that we have been working with the matrices of these four debilitating levels of consciousness. There has been an immense amount of growth within humanity as a result, but there is still much more to be done, and even those of you who are actively on your path you are still having to deal with the residual energies of those four debilitating levels of consciousness. It wont be too much longer before you find yourself being able to easily and harmoniously rise above the elements of the old paradigms patterns that often lead to self-sabotage or the manifestation of obstacles projected through others, which are reflecting any of your own insecurities or unresolved wounds. I must however say that those are few at this time in comparison to what many of you have dealt with in the past. If however you find yourself in a position where your obstacles and challenges are increasing, this is not because you are doing anything wrong, it is simply because you are ready to face the unresolved residual energies that have been attracting the destructive or paralysing patterns into your life. These patterns impact on your sacral and third eye chakras. When the patterns encoded within your third eye are linked through the subconscious to the old paradigm of inhibition and limitation your creativity is blocked, your feminine energy does not have sufficient avenues of expression to sustain the levels of light that she contains, which are needed within the creation of your new life patterns therefore, I am here to activate that energy within each of you now and to assist you in creating the fluid grids for the collective consciousness to bring about the flow of that particular project for the next few weeks.

The activation of this fluid grid will affect humanity over the next eighteen weeks bringing about many opportunities to change the patterns of ones life. Many will have to address their own mental patterns, their thought processes and the attachments to drama, to insecurity and in fact the attachment to the discomfort of their comfort zone. Many people are having to wake up to the fact that they are being motivated by their sad lot in life. People are clinging onto the familiarity of their unpleasant circumstances, but if you want something badly enough then I am sure that you will be willing to let go, even if it is that your fingers are having to be pried away from that which you are clutching onto, it will be done. I, Lady Nada, bring forth the frequencies of unconditional love through the magenta pillars. I also bring forth the sacred keys to the dimensions that lie beyond the limiting patterns of your current life creation. Wherever you find my presence you will know that the promise of new life is within your midst. All that is required of you is to let go and trust. That said let us begin with the energy work, therefore please close your eyes if you have not already. Imagine your body filled with an exquisite magenta light. The magenta frequency brings the keys of unconditional love into your body, cellularly your body responds because it recognises the code. I want you to concentrate on breathing in deeply and exhaling fully and at the same time imagining the magenta light penetrating the cells of your body moving all the way into your DNA until it is at one with the atoms within your body. The magenta frequency adds a new dimension of light to the life-force contained within you and in fact brings about a very subtle alteration within the structure of the cells within your bloodstream. Now concentrate on your sacral chakra and your third eye chakra and direct the magenta energy to these two chakras. Allow the magenta light to do whatever it needs to in order to bypass the life patterns of your past life linked to your current incarnation and past paradigms considered to be past lifetimes. Imagine a tube extending from your sacral and third eye charkas. This extends out into the Cosmos. Imagine it extending within you into the core of the cosmology that exists within you too. These tubes are fluid and are able to penetrate any level of density in order to reach the furthest realms of the programming that has created any patterns that still inhibit your ability to fully anchor your new life pattern as a liberated soul and master alchemist within the physical world. The tubes extending from these two chakras will continue on their journey of seeking the debilitating patterns out and encoding them with the new energy frequency that will assist you in bringing about the manifestation of your new life pattern. For now I would like you to concentrate on the energy of the Cosmic Mother and the Cosmic Father and think of tubes extending from their third eye and sacral chakras. They extend out to you penetrating your third eye and sacral chakras. The connection to the Cosmic parents open up dormant dimensions within these charkas. These dormant dimensions are ones that have fallen asleep if we can call it that, as a result of the fixed universe in which you incarnated into. Now that you are moving into the fluid universe these energies can be revived. This will bring about a deeper understanding of the qualities that exist within you that make you unique, energies and information that strengthen and enhance your creative abilities linked to problem solving, manifestation, the creation of anything new; anything that enhances and supports your new life pattern. While these energies are filtering into the make-up of your chakras it flows out and penetrates the make-up of the collective consciousness, flowing into every sacral and third eye chakra point on Mother Earths body. The energies of magenta and gold are the two frequencies we are using to create this particular fluid grid extending through the sacral and third eye chakras of our Cosmic parents. I, Lady Nada, extend the magenta frequency through my heart chakra to each of you, to Mother Earth and to the collective consciousness. The Unconditional Love Grid of Liberation will be woven into the collective grid over the next eighteen weeks. The reason for this is to help humanity gain firsthand experience in relation to experiencing support, love and guidance in the throes of great change. One of the reasons why humanity has lost themselves in the fear of the unknown is because so many people have not experienced the support, the love and the assistance that they have needed at times of immense change and challenge. That was most certainly part of the lessons of the old paradigm. Now the lesson for humanity is to bridge that which was lacking into something that contains an abundance of all that is required physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This fluid grid begins to establish a new foundation within the sacral and third eye chakras of Mother Earths body and your physical and mental bodies. This energy will extend into your emotional body to support the release of those aspects of you that have been in an arrested state of development for most of this

incarnation. This means the inner child of the collective consciousness is going to rise and demand attention, demand the healing it deserves therefore, it is important that each of you understand that the collective consciousness is now to be faced with one of its most challenging challenges, and that is to bridge the feminine creative/intuitive flowing energy of the sacral chakra with the more logical/structured energies of the third eye. This in a manner of speaking is bringing the masculine and the feminine characteristics to the fore, and where they usually challenge one another it is now important to find how they can harmonise with one another. In so doing you bring about the manifestation of the harmonious patterns that allow male and female to co-create simultaneously, as well as bridging the intuition of the creative feminine with the instinct of the survival mechanism often considered to be more masculine. This is where right brain and left-brain undergo a complete new transition into a world of much greater opportunity. Imagine a highway extending from your third eye chakra. See this highway as a route into every area and dimension of your life. It is upon this particular freeway that you travel and meet up with patterns of your life. When one undergoes a change such as what is currently taking place, the direction of that particular means of reaching your destination changes. That change is already set in place. It is part of your hidden grid. Now as more levels of your hidden grid emerges you will begin to see how it slots into place with every other area of your life where you have been experiencing harmony or clarity, the clarity bringing you the opportunity and the confidence to initiate the changes you desire. This energy will allow not only you but the collective consciousness to experience a mild transition into understanding the power of your hidden grid. The understanding may come in the sense of a feeling or the clarity inside of you regarding the choices you need to make, seeing with the greater depth of clarity how important it is for you to perhaps change a way of thinking or to leave behind that which has in truth become obsolete and no longer serving your journey. Many people will see that what they are leaving behind has not served them already for a very long time and may in fact come as a welcome relief even though it may be a fearful step forward. Fear is an illusion. This most of you are already aware of yet it still hounds you. Putting your fear into perspective will help you to understand whether your reaction is a resistance based on the programming of your past patterns, therefore the fear of experiencing the same pain and trauma, or if it is just the resistance of the unknown. The unknown still has within it immense potential for the new and you will experience that knowing inside of you. This is a lesson for each of you to tune into the senses of your sacral and third eye chakras in a new way. Now it is time for the grid to flow between your third eye and your sacral chakra. Continue to breathe using the magenta and gold energy. These fluid grids are creating a communication system between your sacral and third eye chakras as well as that for the collective consciousness and for Mother Earths body. This system of communication has been designed to bypass many of the old paradigm patterns and predictable reactions to suggested change. It will help your body and your inner child to feel more comfortable and be able to put that fear into perspective as I said earlier on, in relation to understanding what your resistance is. The development of the understanding between these chakras will greatly enhance your ability to move forward confidently. It will also enhance your ability to trust in the creative aspect of your female self and the problem solving aspect of your masculine self, bringing about a harmonious reunion between the left and right brains as well between the sacral and third eye chakras. These chakras have been estranged for many, many cycles, as have the heart and the third eye and crown chakras. The fluid grids we create at this time are bringing about the opportunities to heal all of the rifts amongst the chakras in order to reunite Heaven and Earth - the lower chakras with the upper chakras. The heart is the central chakra. You as a human are represented by the heart because you are the centre point between Heaven and Earth, by you being able to filter the old aspects of yourself with confidence and clarity helps you to bring into your reality that which you truly need much quicker. During this period of the next eighteen weeks I, Lady Nada, assisted by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Kuthumi and the Unity Goddesses will be releasing crystalline vibrations from a geographic location known as the Brandberg Mountains in Namibia. Namibia is a very powerful sacral chakra point and it embodies the harmonious energies of the heart chakra. It is in Namibia specifically that we are rooting the Cosmic Program for this third level of the fluid grids for the collective consciousness. The energy in Namibia is of a very high quality, a very pure energy that has not been as tainted by the collective consciousness as other places on the globe however, the history of Namibia still holds a lot of trauma very similar to the trauma of Vietnam and

Cambodia, which is why there is so much work being done at this time with those particular locations, very much the same as Dubai with the sacral chakra of the Goddess, and the Grand Canyon, which held many of the very hard energies of the masculine. As this accelerated healing takes place the collective wound of war and battle, struggle and strife, deprivation and abandonment and desperation will be addressed. Therefore eighteen weeks of addressing this through the collective consciousness. Over the next seven months we will ensure that all of the fluid DNA linked to those particular wounds have found their secure place within the collective consciousness as well as within Mother Earths body and your own. The energies have created an avenue of opportunity for you to create the next level of your personal fluid grid. This can be done through the projection of the fluid tubes extending from your Cosmic Parents through your third eye and sacral chakra and visualising your life as a stage that you are watching. You can project these fluid energies onto the stage, onto a screen or a blank canvas and by tuning into your heart chakra you can begin accessing the truth, in other words the authentic needs that you have in your life right now. Begin by focusing on a key area of your life be it career, relationships, be it health or any other aspect. The reason why I ask you to focus on something specifically is so that you can see the changes that will take place. When working with the fluid energy you are working beyond time and the linear structures of time, you work beyond a fixed basis. You work through the quantum world of fluidity therefore everything comes to you and manifests a lot quicker. Keep a journal of that which you are projecting through the fluid energies, which are to become your fluid grids. Each level of the grid is being created in what is perceived as a separate fashion however this is not entirely true. They are all one grid, just different dimensions of the grid. Upon the fifth one all of it is woven together and a grander picture is left in its place. Over the next four days you have the opportunity to put forth the intentions for this third grid that you are now ready to create. This will be drawn into the collective heart space of our Cosmic Parents and that of Mother Earth. This cosmic heart space fuels the energies of the magenta and gold enabling each person to have compassion and unconditional love for self, at least throughout this phase of change. Each choice that you make is honoured. Know that the authentic self is the driving force behind many of your choices and decisions at this time. You have relinquished control to this part of yourself and it is this aspect of you, the all-knowing claircognizant aspect of you that is ensuring by your request that you reach your authentic destination and that all that can be released so that you are completely free to live your life abundantly, harmoniously, divinely and creatively. As the density of the collective consciousness begins to fall away you will witness what is perceived as different paradigms manifesting in so called parallel realities. By this I mean the experiences will seem as if they are parallel, so what falls away automatically brings in something new, but it is the higher aspect of that which is being brought in. Many of you will see that you are undergoing similar changes and this is true and an opportunity for you to support one another, it is not an isolated time of healing it is a collective time of healing. On the 1st of September I open the twelfth dimensional gateways for the collective consciousness to step into a realm of pure and divine creative love. On that day many new systems will be born within the consciousness of humanity. It will take some months for that to filter into the conscious consciousness, however the subtleties of the change will not be missed and will be active from the moment it is activated within Mother Earths body, your body and the collective consciousness. Over the next four days it is required that you visualise yourself held within the centre of a star tetrahedron, three dimensional in its form, while you do the creation of your fluid grid. The star tetrahedron has a very powerful amplification energy, and that is what you want to tap into right now in the creation of those grids. Each of you will also experience the anchoring of the twelve magenta pillars, which will accelerate your own journey of forgiveness of self, of others, the release of guilt and the embracing of unconditional love of self and the unconditional acceptance of the changes that you have chosen to bring into your life. Everything will happen rapidly simply because you are ready for it. Before I end my transmission I ask that you focus your concentration through your heart chakra now linking up with the devic energies of Namibia, Vietnam and Cambodia, Dubai and the great Grand Canyon. The devas of every other sacral and third eye chakra point on Mother Earths body link up through your heart chakra as well. They offer their support in exchange for the choices you have made for your own healing,

and for participating in the creation of these fluid grids for the collective consciousness to bring about the healing that humanity is now ready to experience. Imagine yourself within the centre of the three dimensional star tetrahedron now. Think of the twelve pillars of magenta light surrounding you, protecting you, certainly not inhibiting or limiting you in any way whatsoever, and acknowledge that all the fluid energies can reach you through twelve pillars and through the star tetrahedron manifesting the change you authentically desire. And so as Heaven and Earth meet through another level so the Heaven and Earth inside of you connect. Your heart and your mind, your intuition and your instinct, your creativity and your logic merge together in a sacred dance of co-operation, co-creation and harmonious communication offering you a new creative lease on your life. Give thanks for this and remind yourself to take advantage of this time of fluid grid creation and this tool will serve you in the future. May the magenta and gold energies hold you safely and securely within the truth of your fluid life template; the grid that holds all the authentic codes of your purpose from this moment forward. May that become the grid that determines your future experiences. May peace, harmony and wholeness share its joy with you every moment of every day and every night. I am Lady Nada. Be well and be at peace, goodbye.

Lord Kuthumi
Fluid Grid Four Channelling
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 18 August 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of trust, synchronicity, harmony and foresight. Greetings beloved one. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. The creation of this fourth fluid grid is one that brings into the conscious consciousness of humanity the idea and the concept of being a master architect. Each of you are learning about remembering your power as a master alchemist but knowing what to create, what to build and how to go about it is very important and these energies are being activated through and cleared through the solar plexus and the throat chakras specifically. The solar plexus holds within itself a vast amount of cosmic consciousness, more so than what is held within its structure within the other chakras. The cosmic consciousness held within the structure of the solar plexus is what fuels ones will, ones power and ability to interact from a point of power within the external world. Now what has happened is that as a result of the abuse of power many aspects, in other words many dimensions of that consciousness has been disconnected in a manner of speaking, and you are unable to fully hear it, fully sense it and work with it in a constructive creative manner. Being empowered and using ones will or ones power is a vital part of the process of creation in all its forms. Your power, your will or your desire is kind of like a compass, which leads you in the direction of your truth and when one is disconnected from the will or from the power inside of oneself one often finds oneself heading in directions that are not necessarily the best. Now let me ensure that all of you understand that when I say not necessarily the best I mean that there are alternatives available, but because you are not connected with that consciousness you are unaware of the alternatives therefore todays energy reconnects you with the cosmic consciousness and the driving force of the truth that is held within the solar plexus. This fuels the power of your will, the power of your divine instinct to know exactly the direction you are heading in as well as being consciously aware of your alternatives. The way that you become aware of these alternatives are often through an intuition perhaps to consider something different, to research an alternative, perhaps events unfold that reveal to you circumstances and in that process you are able to make informed choices and decisions that are more suitable to your personal journey. At this point I must add how important it is for people to own the fact, to own the realisation of the fact that you are no longer doomed to have to always take the most difficult pathway to reach a destination or to feel that you are worthy of what you receive, manifest or experience once you reach your destination. Therefore this particular grid is clearing that level of victim consciousness out of the collective consciousness and bringing forth the fluid energies of cosmic consciousness. As the cosmic consciousness flows into your solar plexus it automatically links up with the same energies within the throat chakra, which opens new avenues of expression. You could also call it new dimensions of your authentic voice. These changes are very important because it helps you to create the ability to express exactly what it is that you need to express - the will of your soul; the power that lies within your ability to know what is right for you. This therefore includes the journey of stepping into the depths of your power as a master alchemist and a master architect. This, beloved ones, results in a number of changes within the structure of your life. Your solar plexus determines the quality of the structures within your life in terms of the quality of the experiences you are

having within your structure, and in this case let me say the structures that we are referring to are structures like home, career, relationships, finances, anything that requires some kind of linear/logical involvement. These structures are now becoming more fluid. This means that the changes that come about are not ones that deprive you of anything. These are systems that allow you to penetrate the many levels of an experience. In other words being able to be aware of all of options, all alternatives and this reveals to you as well as teaches you of the power that exists within ones quantum consciousness, which I would like to ask you to imagine as also being your quantum power; the power to know what you can change, and if you realise that what you are experiencing cannot be changed you are still within a position of power to experience the fluidity of that experience and not get bogged down or trapped by the logistics of what has happened. Many times people will attach them self to an experience and freeze their energy in time because of regret, guilt, shame, fear and a number of other emotions and belief systems. Now I bring in another level of clearing that will take place combined with the clearing of victim consciousness. Now we are doing a cultural clearing of the collective consciousness. This means debilitating negative superstition will be cleared from the collective consciousness where certain rites of passage and ceremonial practices have been miscommunicated and completely changed from their original context will be cleared. It is vital that this be done so that the authentic nature of all processes, acts, ceremonies, rituals and rites of power are held within their authentic source. This helps you to reconnect with your own authentic origin and every single culture that you have incarnated into that you are still attached to on a subconscious or unconscious level, or attached to through the collective consciousness is to be cleared. This is a very, very important, profound and deeply powerful planetary healing. With it being the fourth grid it adds to the dimension of structure bearing in mind it is a fluid structure. This takes the mind, the fluid mind, that has been spoken of in the previous grids and asks you to apply the fluid mental process to the ability to create something new remaining within that fluidity. Some while ago those of you who have been following the teachings for a while will recall one of my transmissions where I have spoken of not being attached to outcomes. The reason why I gave that teaching was because of all this fluid energy that is now being presented to all of you. When you attach yourself to any kind of outcome you create a fixed reality. The moment you attach yourself to anything you fix it, you freeze it and that is why, precious ones, for as long as you can remember you have heard how important it is to be in the moment. That has been taught for eons of time and any guru, master or teacher worthy of what it is they know in their hearts will tell you one of the greatest keys to soul liberation is living in the moment. Why is it so important to be in the moment? Because that is the most fluid point of existence - you are not attached to outcomes in the future and you are not attached to the events of your past, you are the master architect creating within the moment utilising fluid energy as a master alchemist. So now all of those teachings are culminating in one powerful grid so that you can truly understand the essence of being in the moment. This does not mean to say that you are not in a position to plan for your future or reminisce about the past. Hear my words, I said when you are attached to a future outcome or harping on past negative issues that is when you lose yourself and you find yourself back in fixed consciousness. Live in the moment, plan, set your goals but allow your plans to be fluid, an example would be: perhaps you are planning a vacation sometime in the future and you go to the same destination every vacation, it is the same time of year, same people and then suddenly the plans change. Let us the venue is flooded and needs to be renovated and will not be ready by the time your vacation comes ups. Suddenly your ego is faced with change, it is shook out of its comfort zone and believe me there are many people that become very anxious when their plans need to be changed. So there is a part of the consciousness that is attached to the environment that you are most comfortable with, in other words that you are familiar with. So what does it do to the person emotionally, mentally, psychologically, physically etc, etc when they fight the process? It fixes them within that reality. So now you know you plan to go on vacation at this specific period of time and you have made your reservation at the place you usually go to, then you get the phone call unfortunately Mr or Mrs so and so the venue will not be available. You say to yourself No problem there is obviously somewhere else we need to visit that will be far more exciting and for our greater good, I wonder where that will be? Universe where do we need to go? Do you understand the difference? Therefore being fluid eliminates all of the energies impacting on your psychology, your physiology and everything when you remain attached to that fixed structure that you believe needs to happen because that is how it always happens. So be aware of the fact, beloved ones, that those are the kinds of things that you will be challenged with as a result of this grid over and above the clearing of the victim consciousness I spoke of earlier on and the cultural conditionings, programmes, superstitions and all misinformation associated with cultural traditions, ceremonies, rites of passage etc, etc.

This will penetrate through six levels of consciousness for humanity as a collective body. The six levels are linked to the physical body, the emotional body, the mind, the intellect, spirit and the astral body. The astral body is the part of you that attaches to the drama of your wounds and all wounding as such. This is not only disconnecting that energy from your solar plexus and throat chakra but from all the major and minor chakras, so I believe there is a word that some of you like to use this is a humdinger of note this particular clearing. All you need do is remind yourself to be in the moment. Reminisce about the past and I have said this many times before but not lose your self there. Plan your future but do not attach yourself to those outcomes because the only person you are doing any kind of harm to so to speak is yourself, and then everyone else that has to deal with your bad mood because things are not going according to your plan. There is a greater plan and that is the plan that you ought to trust. That plan is greater than your ego, greater than your mind, greater than everything that you have consciously created, planned to do or attached yourself to doing. These energies will sweep through all areas of your life that are based within a false structure and I elaborated on this earlier on so be prepared and be fluid. Thats a good slogan be prepared and be fluid! Good bumper stickers, yes? Very well. Now as far as the throat is concerned there will be just as much opening, clearing and changing within the throat, this will extend to the Thymus Gland. Your Thymus Gland is responsible for maintaining your soul immune system and it is through the Thymus Gland that you experience the pulsations of consciousness that are fed to your soul by the Cosmic Parents, cosmic consciousness and every other higher level of intelligence and consciousness that exists beyond the universe in which Planet Earth is contained. So if you think of it there are vast amounts of consciousness that you have not even begun to consider, in fact to even consider it would be absolutely ridiculous right now. The point I am trying to make is that the realisations, the insights, the changes, the shifts, the movement, the re-creation of your life will be filled with so much wisdom, rewards and surprises if you would just let go of all of your fixed aspects, and in this particular case the only way that it can be experienced is by cutting the cord and actually doing it. Feel the fear and do it anyway. When the Thymus Gland is not within any kind of restricted, limited or fixed base of consciousness a new chakra is then able to form within your energy system. The chakra exists, however it is so distant from the make-up of what is considered your physicality that you are unable to utilise it for the greater good of your life. I assure you, you will know when that chakra has connected with you. It is like a flower, a combination of a lotus flower, a rose and a sunflower. In its ability to open and shed light, it smells like the combination of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and rose but its none of those. This is a chakra filled with such pure love, such fluid creativity that it will feel at times as if your chest is swelling the size of a hot air balloon and that your heart chakra may explode with it. The reason for that is because then the heart chakra merges with the Thymus and that new chakra, if we can call it this, bridges the throat and steps into the consciousness of mind and intellect, and when those avenues are all combined you will then have a taste of what it means to merge heart and mind, to merge the creative mind with the active mind and experience life being birthed before your eyes in ways you never even dreamt of and that, beloved ones, is the gift of not having any expectation in terms of demanding a particular outcome. You do not know what that outcome actually contains because at this time you do not have the ability to see into your future in that way. You do not see what is going on behind the scenes so be careful what you wish for because you might just get it and more, and is that what you truly want, the and more part, especially if you have no idea what the and more part is? Therefore trust that the greater plan that is greater than you that knows much more than you do as a human being is leading you in the right direction. Be in the moment, trust the process, do everything in your power that you need to as a creative and active being. Dont limit yourself by demanding certain outcomes because that is a negative expectation. Perhaps it is important now that I also explain that an expectation is something that can either inhibit you or motivate you. When you are expecting perhaps a healing to take place or you are expecting any kind of outcome that you believe in your heart is a good one so to speak, then focus on the intention of the manifestation of the outcome that best supports you and everyone else connected and that, that outcome contains the essence of healing or success, completion, attainment, realisation. Do you understand the difference? Very well. When you are placing an expectation on an outcome and you are demanding that a certain person or event give you a A, B or C then you are placing an expectation not on just the idea but you are placing that expectation on people, on places, on circumstances and this is where pain results because you have no idea what the healer or your partner or your child needs to experience. So when you place an expectation on them many times you are disappointed because you have not considered what their plan is, what their journey is therefore, no one has a right to expect anything from another. All you can expect is that the essence of what you have intended for manifests according to the highest plan of all concerned, but not

expecting anyone to make that happen for you. You are trusting that the greater plan will unfold and that the greater plan knows what your greatest desires are and those desires will be honoured, and sometimes and you will see it will become more and more, so then sometimes becomes most of the time you will get what you asked for and more, but in a surprising way, in a better way because you did not place an inhibiting limited expectation on the outcome, you trusted and you were rewarded. So now the energy of this fluid grid has already been activated as I have been speaking to you. The Unity Goddesses are creating the fluid systems of light between the solar plexus, the throat and thymus chakras. The activation for the clearing of the collective consciousness of victim consciousness and the cultural trappings of the past will be active on a very powerful level over the next four days, and then it will ease off for four days and then four days of clearing again. We are working with structure hence the number four. This cycle will continue for the next approximately four to eight weeks depending on how deep the programmes are and that is for you specifically as a Lightworker working with these fluid grids. For the collective consciousness this clearing will continue for the next forty-four weeks. Now the reason why it is for such a long period of time is because much of the collective consciousness is fuelled or created through the unconscious and will rebuild certain aspects of the astral plane where that negativity is contained. Therefore, all the clearings like this will result in the assurance that that which has been reconnected with is re-healed. This repetitive flow of fluid energy will then result in electrical energies flowing into the chakras of the collective consciousness and ensure that the alteration of the projections through the thought forms and the emotional body are altered, and it will need this amount of time because of the density of the collective consciousness and the power that lies within its ability to refuel the astral grids. Now the astral grids are held within a fixed base and the fluid energies are able to penetrate the fixed base. It is able to penetrate anything in fact. So at any time you can rest assured that the energies will become softer, the alterations within systems will take place, are taking place and have taken place. As more of your energy opens as result of your fluid consciousness strengthening, you will be rewarded with the realisation of just how much is at your disposal within the fluid worlds. The realisation of how imprisoned one is within fixed consciousness will astound you, and these are the points that we wish you to reach because in that moment when you have that realisation, when the foresight is there, when the epiphany manifests you will never turn back again, ever, regardless of what you face because you will have firsthand experience, but only you can reach that point and experience it through your effort. No being can make you experience it because that is the nature of the energy of your solar plexus and throat chakras. Those are your two strongest free-will chakras and I say that for lack of a better description. So free-will is the ability to flow graciously through the fluid worlds freely utilising your will, your power, your wisdom and your light for the greater purpose of creating and co-creating in accordance with the greater plan of light, and it is at that point that you understand that your role of service is to serve self and in so doing serving the greater plan. This is the time where humanity will come to see that there is in fact more than one plan for humanity as a whole. There is the plan of the fixed world and the greater plan of the fluid world, and it is your free will as to which of the two plans become one with your master plan. During this time you will feel how important it is to verbalise your truth. You will find it very difficult to keep quiet within anything that is forcing or enforcing its power on you to perhaps conform with any kind of fixed structure. You are not obligated, bound by any kind of contract in anyway whatsoever, destined or doomed to remain within anything that is fixed. Here is something else for you to bear in mind if your body was fixed and in this case associate anything that is fixed as being something that is inflexible, frozen, just like a cube of ice or a block of concrete, what if your body had no joints, the blood that flows through your veins was solid, what would you be? Probably a pillar of concrete, yes? That is how you are living your life when you insist on remaining attached to the fixed world. Nothing evolves within a fixed world, the only thing that happens is everything within that fixed state runs around in circles chasing its own tail. So it becomes just a revolution like the revolving door. You are moving into a different level, a kind of evolution and that is where you will find many of your soul-utions. Let me refresh your memory about something that was said by a great and wise man: you cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. So if you have created problems within a fixed world and you remain within that fixed consciousness, again chasing the tail, when you move above it moving out of it everything changes. So remind yourself in every moment that you are fluid, growing with the flow of life, fixed may be fine for some of you but to flow is to fly.

Take a chance, beloved ones, and allow yourself to taste the sweetness of the fluid worlds. The fluid universe, in fact all fluid universes are made up of the essence of fluid love. Nothing is sweeter than the taste of authentic love, which very few people have ever, ever tasted before. So now you are ready to use another level of your power to build your own personal fluid grid from the point of consciousness that I have discussed throughout this transmission. Therefore, creating without any attached expectation to an outcome that you stubbornly believe is for your highest good when you do know what lies on the other side. This is an important time for you to see how powerful the energy is when you create through the fluid universe of thought, feeling, sensing, imaging, visualising all of your creative abilities merged as one, and that precious ones is how the fluid master architect creates utilising the energies inherent as the master alchemist. This grid is setting a new precedent in relation to creation, manifestation and actually most important your intention setting, what you put out there, because it is what everyone puts out there that creates the collective consciousness. Are you going to feed the astral world or are you going to feed the fluid world creating a different frequency of collective consciousness? The collective consciousness that you have been exposed to for the duration of your lifetime has kept the fixed world in place. It is has kept all fear-based systems thriving. Just look around you, look at your world, look at everything that you understand to be as a fixed consciousness, a fixed level of anything and now imagine that same focus, that same power concentrated on something that is fluid and on everything that is fluid, it will be exquisite not so? And that you can contribute to creating because it is within your grasp, and that is most certainly part of your destiny. So beloved ones even though we have not taken you through a visualisation as such for this particular grid activation the energies are already active. The Unity Goddesses are working within your energy field for a reason. We are bypassing all the subconscious programming that may inhibit this particular collective grid, which means the astral parts of you do not know what is coming its way and it needs to be like that for now. All you need do is be in the moment, work with your intentions without an outcome and remember by all means reminisce in your past, think about your past if you must but do not bring it into now and do not push it into your future. Why does history repeat itself? Because people put it there, people take the past and put it in the future because the expectation that it will happen again is placed there and because one expects it, it happens. That is why the grid relating to the clearing of the patternings through the third eye is so important, and all of these grids working together form a very powerful very much needed and liberating change. Utilise the next four days to create this fluid grid from your solar plexus and your throat changing the structures, setting the intentions in terms of which fixed structures you are ready to release from and adding that those which you are not ready to release from be revealed to you so that you can gracefully begin the process of letting go. I, Kuthumi, remain ever present overseeing everything that is being done. The Unity Goddesses know exactly what they are doing and will ensure that your plan is honoured, as are all. May the light, the power, the strength, will and courage of your fluid self reveal to you the journey of joy that you are now privy to experiencing. Move forth and fly. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

Mary Magdalene
Fluid Grid Five Channelling
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 20 August 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Mary Magdalene greetings and welcome. The time has arrived for us to weave the thread of creative love through the grids of light that have been created for the collective consciousness. These fluid grids are in fact the foundation for a number of events that will take place during the month of September, October and November. These three months are vital in preparing every soul who is willing and ready to embrace the White Fire Element and assist them in opening the field of light around them so that they can fully merge with the love that is being offered to them at this time through the portals of light, the windows of abundance and the creative spark of their origin. This too is preparation for the mighty portal of light that shall be anchored upon your planet on the 21st of December 2008, which Kuthumi calls the Second Ascension Wave. This particular ascension wave is a passage way through which all souls who are ready will pass through and truly anchor the consciousness of your body within the higher dimensions of intelligence, creation, inspiration and manifestation. Every time we present humanity with an opportunity to bring the new energies into their environment we monitor how this energy is integrated, how it is received and how it is utilised. These fluid grids have been easily integrated into the energy bodies of all souls ready to receive this, now we can begin the next phase. Let me however inform you that each phase brings another level of intensity with it. When I use the word intensity it in fact means that the energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, therefore less density must be present if I can put it in that way. So the lighter you are, or the less dense you are, the easier it is for you to integrate these energies; and this is one of the reasons why many of you are feeling pushed or inspired to lighten the loads of your physical body. Your physical body cannot tolerate the density of the toxins that are present within the physical environment. Your emotional body has also had difficulty processing the toxins of the collective consciousness emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This was one of the reasons why these five fluid grids were created in order to support and clear the collective consciousness and the wounding on an astral level, the lower astral to be specific so that those of you who are working towards a lighter sense of self and a lighter sense of being can feel that you are being supported in lightening your load. Therefore this final grid is one that draws another level of your cosmic consciousness into your being through the heart chakra. This grid will prepare you to move through the dimensions so that you can access the, let us call it the Androgynous Grid of Fluid Love, which is held within the Sixty-sixth Dimension. It is very important that people understand that the more dense you are in body, heart, mind, consciousness, and spirit, the more difficult it is for you to access the higher dimensions. The more expanded the energy is the faster it is, this is why it is in fact impossible to access the greater universes of powerful wisdom and knowledge simply because density cannot withstand that vibration, it incinerates the density that comes toward it. There are very specific combinations of energy that must be in place in order for anyone to be able to access that. Those of you who are working with these energies specifically; you have either consciously or unconsciously through the request of your most high self asked that this now be a part of your reality. Therefore you will see that the more toxic your environment is the less tolerant you are of the environment. For the next three months the clearing of the toxins within the foundation of your life will be cleared at more than an accelerated rate (please forgive me I have not the word to use for more than accelerated if you would like to suggest a word then please free to do so) however this dramatic clearing is for the greater good of all the dimensions of you. This particular grid is linked to the key date activation of the 28th of August and this particular key is opening the realms of Mother Earths body that holds the receptacle of the cosmic consciousness that

Lightworkers need in order to move to the next level now, and we need Lightworkers to work together with Mother Earth to make this possible. I, Mary Magdalene, accompanied by Lady Nada, Goddess Jezebel and Guinevierre will be ensuring that all the events over the next three months are properly anchored through the heart chakra to begin with. On the 1st of September there will be a Twelfth Dimensional portal that is activated by Lady Nada. This draws all the lower aspects of the foundation of your heart chakra into Twelfth Dimension. In that dimension you will be met by twelve of the Grand Masters of the collective universe. These beings will encode your system with twelve keys that prepare your body for the 21st of December; the Second Ascension Wave. Melchizedek is asking me to also mention at this time that even people who are working with this energy after 21st of December 2008 will still benefit from this because there are more Ascension Waves to come. Those of you working with this specifically are the forerunners of this. Therefore you do have added responsibility to maintain these high levels so that what is cleared from your body, from your own lower astral imprint does not reattach itself to the system of your chakras or to any aspect of your light bodies as a result of falling back into a pattern of limitation, fear or restriction. The grids that we have created have been woven through your chakras for a very important reason. They have also been fed to you through the chakras of the Cosmic Mother and the Cosmic Father, as well as Goddess Gaia to ensure that what you are drawing in through the powerful new electromagnetic energies keeps you connected to Heaven and Earth through the Cosmic Parents and through Goddess Gaia. You are the centre of all of this. This means that it is you serving very much like a double terminated crystal would serve you are receiving and you are transmitting energy, therefore the moment cosmic energy is brought into your body you are transmitting it into the consciousness of Mother Earth and into the collective consciousness of humanity physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As each of these dimensions of awareness and consciousness are penetrated by this cosmic energy and the accelerated frequencies of electromagnetic energy, everything shifts on every level that exists. It is like turning the dial of the combination of a safe, the moment you hear it connect everything shifts and then the next combination must be put in place for the next level to activate. There will be another sixteen activations that will bring humanity; those who are willing, into a new way of expressing the cosmic consciousness as a conscious human being co-creating within a world in which you express your light, and you are able to co-create utilising that light. This will help you to understand what it means to be a part of the Earth world but not of it. You will be living like advanced beings helping those who have not yet awoken in the same fashion that we are assisting you, the only difference is not all of you can see us with your physical eyes but that too is changing. Our connections are becoming stronger not because we are moving closer, it is because you are dropping your densities, your baggage, the toxins that have clouded your vision and often inhibited your ability to make progress. These combinations that I speak of are also being placed in specific centres around your world and we have been asked to do a lot more work with the Middle East energy. Obviously you know Dubai is the central portal through which we work, and there are another six major activations that will be conducted through Dubai specifically. At Niagara Falls we are opening a Twelfth Dimensional gateway, which will be held permanently at that location. This allows anybody who is of pure heart, pure mind and pure spirit access to enter that dimensional portal. Once you have entered there you are shown many of the original cosmic codes that release you from the limiting aspects of being in a human form. When that level of new intelligence is integrated into your being you will have within your body physically manifested another four strands of DNA. This means for people Science will be able to physically observe six strands of active DNA. The children that are to be born within the next twenty-four to thirty-six months will then carry those six active strands. They are the Master Guardians of the Sixty-sixth Dimension. They are encoded with the cosmic codes of fluid love, therefore these particular souls will not ever be bound by the fixed universe. You all however are having to straddle the worlds of fixed and fluid consciousness. Therefore there will be times where you will be within the fixed world interacting with people of fixed ideas, and fixed concepts regarding their belief systems; people who do not see any way around what is in their life. You will then be required to open a Sixth Dimensional portal within their environment offering them the opportunity to tap into it. There will also be a group who will be required to hold the energy at Victoria Falls when we are doing the activation at Niagara Falls. Those of you who are contracted in service to do this will feel this within the next approximately three to five weeks. Your energy will then be prepared to be able to serve in activating the same Twelfth Dimensional portal at Victoria Falls. This means the energy that comes in through that Twelfth

Dimensional portal brings in a golden band of light and forty-four Master Beings from what we will call the Golden Universe. This particular universe has not interacted with humanities development and Mother Earths development for more than a hundred thousand years. They have now agreed to work with humanity because of the state of Zimbabwe specifically. Harare was always encoded to be one of the very first light cities on your planet, Darkness has consumed it and it is time to take action literally like never before. As this sweep of change comes through that particular country there will be immense upheaval, for the darkness will try to hold on with all its might. At this point I must add that one of the reasons why many are having such difficulty being challenged by petty distractions, unnecessary delays and so on and so forth is because the Dark is trying to disrupt every effort to keep these fluid grids in place and they target the ones who are most actively a part of maintaining those energies. Therefore it is important that you be aware of this because they will try to drive you to complete and utter distraction and destruction. Because of the lunar eclipse of the month of Leo they have had a field day with your fears. The moon is hidden concepts, hidden aspects and all the fears of the mother, the fears that you were subjected to within the womb, and the planetary wound of being separated from the mother has been amplified therefore separation is a very, very great wound for people at this current time. When the Dark, the unconscious, the ignorant or the unloving interfere like this it is important that you keep your body strong. The way that this is done is through either your physical activity, ensuring that your body is filled with that which does not contain toxins that would weaken the energy of your body. Some of you may remember that not too long ago Kuthumi, with the Unity Goddesses, created a specific grid around you to protect you from the collective consciousness and this was because we knew that this challenge was going to come. The Dark will try everything to throw you off your centre and I must warn you so that you can know that for the next three months they are not going to let up because we are bringing more and more of these very powerful templates into the collective consciousness. You will draw this into the chakras of your body because it changes the structures of your physical interaction with reality, your emotional projections into your reality, the mental concepts and perceptions regarding your reality and how your spiritual energy either supports or condemns what you are trying to create. The subconscious is being completely reconstructed retaining all the wisdom and all the positivity and all the valuable tools that you have mastered. That which has inhibited the flow of your authenticity is what we will assist you in removing, moving away from and disconnecting from. There may be times when those memories surface however you will notice it does not have the same impact on you that it used to. Circumstances may arise that normally would upset you to a great degree because of the association you have with that particular situation subconsciously, again you will notice that your reaction is different. During the month of September and October Mercury will be in retrograde again. We are however taking full advantage of this time and it is best that all of you do the same. During this time you will be supported in removing everything that has resulted in regression within your life. The perception of regression is the movement backwards like a retrograde. During the Mercury retrograde you are to focus on everything that begins with RE therefore relax, respond, research, revisit, do you understand? Now Mercurys retrograde is very powerful when you understand that it is a time where you can go back to where the core of an issue started and you can change it. That is the powerful gift of a Mercury Retrograde. During that time you are meant to rest, relax and to reassess your life, values, your priorities and so on so forth and once the retrograde is complete then you take action. The retrograde is a time of retreat, a time of going within, therefore you could see that Heaven is putting you in a space of retreat whether you like it or not. This particular grid opens up the consciousness within your cells and the energy within the DNA that is able to understand the language of this greater awareness from the Sixth and the Sixty-sixth Dimensions. This Twelfth Dimensional portal that I have spoken of will also begin to connect with your energy field. The five layers of these fluid grids have already prepared you for what is coming and within the next five days I, Mary Magdalene, will have given this vessel all of the dates that you need and all of the information that is required for you to know exactly what is coming your way. We are asking her to physically return to Dubai, she will physically travel to Niagara Falls and on her return from Niagara Falls she will anchor everything within Dubai again. You darling Samantha, you darling Lesley and brother Douglas you will be at Victoria Falls and there will be some other bandits that will accompany you.

I, Mary Magdalene will encode twelve crystals with my energy. Six of them will be given to you as a group to place within the Victoria Falls and another six will be given to this channel to leave at Niagara Falls. These twelve crystals link the two portals between Niagara Falls and between Victoria Falls and then we will watch what happens. One of the great blessings that emerges from the activation of these particular portals is that currently at Victoria and Niagara Falls there are Fifth Dimensional portals, I say this with caution, however it is the truth for those who are working at such an accelerated rate Fifth Dimension (forgive me I will use Kuthumis words) is so yesterday! There is so much that you have cleared that Fifth Dimension is not what you need to tap into in order to move forward. You were working with that energy back in 2005. You have moved beyond the imprints and the codes and the sequences of that particular dimension. Working with the Twelfth Dimension now is putting you within the realms of Master Consciousness and this is what the White Fire Element has been all about. It has pushed you really hard, shoved you into the face of your shadow so that you can embody the Master consciousness, the master alchemist, the master architect, the master manifestor, and now you experience the master blueprint of the time that is leading up to the acceleration of bringing in the new Earth. It is not the right time for me to go into detail about all of the activations, right now we need to complete the fifth grid through the heart chakra, which becomes the magnetic grid that draws in the fluid DNA of the other activations. So if you are willing to continue on this journey for the next three months you will undergo the teachings, the movement, the release, the integration and the achievement of the equivalent of six years of constant study. This is linked to the Golden Temple Teachings specifically through which we the Unity Goddesses present. The Goddess has energy inside of her that does not exist within the God and the same applies vice versa. However, the Goddess codes need to be reactivated so that both can merge - the a sacred marriage - and anchor the grids that exist beyond what we are currently working with, and that is something that we are planning on bringing in 2009. The codes of the Goddess are held within the energy signature of Dubai. They need to be retrieved, returned to the Goddesses and that is when you will experience the peace within yourself that you are safe within your femininity and your masculinity regardless of your gender. The sealing of this grid opens the doorway for those particular codes to be received, therefore we are already linking your energy to the heart grid of Dubai to prepare for this. Our sealing of this energy also completes the healing that has taken place between the energies of the Grand Canyon, our very important bridge building in Dubai and what is happening in Vietnam and Cambodia, and then it is the next rung of the ladder that you step onto. Everything is a stepping stone leading you to another point. The heart chakra will undergo, I am being guided to use the word recalibration for now, over the next seventy-two hours, which will clear three layers of filtering that has been impeding your vision regarding yourself as a being of light inhabiting a human body. The reason why this must be done is because it is vital that you understand that your humanness is an important part of the journey you agreed to take in service to humanity, and that your light is ever present. However, you are drawing that light into the conscious awareness of that human being and utilising the essence of its power to spread the powerful energy of Tantra; the weaving of the light of love. Understanding your heart is the key to the next level of your self awareness. When you were taken from your mothers womb the trauma of that separation closed this particular aspect of your heart; the part that allowed you to understand that being a human being requires of you to be able to weave the light of love. So I want you now to imagine your heart chakra as a universe filled with billions of galaxies and within those galaxies are billions and billions and billions of other forms of light, of life and consciousness, and you are connected to every form of consciousness in existence therefore, the heart is able to connect with everything because it is such a powerful world containing information, love and life that perhaps you in a million years will never consciously be able to intellectualise, but what is important is that you are aware that it exists. Your world is a speck of dust amongst everything else that is out there. You chose to come to Earth specifically for an important purpose. You are already serving your purpose, your entire life you have been doing this, everything a stepping stone to where you are now. Imagine the Cosmic Mother and Father opening their heart chakra and a very powerful field of electromagnetic energy reaches out to you and

connects through your heart chakra, and Mother Earth opens her heart to you and a powerful red energy comes up your feet all the way connecting with your heart chakra. The Cosmic Parents feed you with the truth of your origin. Mother Earth feeds you with the truth of your connection to her as well as the reminder of their promise to always love and support you. Imagining these collective energies in your heart it is time to extend this energy outward and inward to the greater parts of you regardless of where they are just extend it out, reach out to yourself. Now set the intention through this fluid grid that you choose to be completely reconnected to and reunited with the all empowered connected aspect of yourself that knows and trusts the power of your ability to give and to receive love. Affirm that you have chosen to serve as the conduit of love between Heaven and Earth and that your heart is the vessel that extends that energy outward to your external world, and the conduit that feeds the inner realms of your being and reclaim your divine right to love and to be loved. Reclaim the right on behalf of every soul on the planet that every one was created from the spark of love, therefore deserves to experience it and in truth cannot ever be separated from it because it is the essence from which you were created. Now imagine this energy creating a beautiful fluid tapestry flowing into everything on your planet. Set the intention that this energy merges with all the fluid grids that have been created, including your personal grids, and holding it within the heart of the Cosmic Mother and Father and Mother Earth ensuring that the divine plan of truth, the divine plan of light and the original grids of divinity be anchored within the heart of every willing soul and affirm that it is done. These grids have been encoded with devices of light that ensure that wherever there is an attempt to dislodge or disconnect the grids that it will automatically and immediately flow into that area and dissolve whatever negativity or darkness is being projected toward it. The fluid grids in truth cannot ever be dismantled, not by anything that is approaching it from a fixed consciousness. Anything approaching the fluid grids from fluid consciousness would have no desire to disconnect or dismantle them, all that would be done would be a continual co-creation, a reconnection and building upon that which has already been created, expanding within it, moving through it and allowing the origin of all life to be rooted within the consciousness of humanity. Precious Lightworkers your day has certainly come in relation to you being able to honour the fact that you have completed a level of your mission today. I say this because all five grids have been anchored. Three years ago (I would like to use some of the phrases that you use) there was a greater chance of hell freezing over than this grids being anchored, and look, voila, they are in place. So now we are acting quickly taking full advantage of this particular time-frame and everything will be coming and all of you will reap the benefits. As your heart chakra undergoes these changes just be aware of the fact that you are emotionally, spiritually and energetically very sensitive right now. Make it perhaps a habit to cloak yourself in gold, Amethyst, and white light and step into the centre of the White Flame to keep yourself protected during this time while the Dark is up to their shenanigans, you do not want to pay them too much attention but when you are wearing this cloak and you are in the centre of the White Flame believe me your energy will incinerate those projections. I wish to thank all of you who are participating for completing this task with us and I wish to thank you in advance for your participation in the completion of everything that is to come. We have our work cut out for us in a number of ways, but it is a journey well worth it. Many, many rewards will come from it and what we are doing with you now will benefit many generations to come. You are the catalysts in changing Earths spiritual history for all eternity. My wish for you is that your heart is always filled with love, that your mind is always filled with peace, that your body is filled with well being and that your spirit is vibrating with energy, vitality and joy. Thank you for your time and thank you for lending me your ears with this transmission! I am Mary Magdalene. Au revoir.

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None of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, deleted in part or whole or built upon in any form whatsoever. You may publish a short excerpt from these channellings on the condition that you include the authors name and copyright and add the link With a note explaining to people that they can obtain the full transcript on The Lightweaver website. The Lightweaver has assigned translators for the channellings and they may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another language or if you would like to translate this material into your language. This information remains the intellectual property of Michelle Eloff at all times.

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