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has ever worked in an office remembers giant filing cabinets filled to the brim with paper documents. Modern companies are taking steps to eliminate this mess. With our daily and office lives becoming more and more digitized, the natural next step for these clusters of paper lies in the computer. Document scanning makes all your important records just a click away. The right option What should you look for when choosing a computer company? Customer Service - if possible, talk to someone at the company to analyze the level of help they are willing to give in set up, etc Ease of Use - find out if the scanned documents are software specific or nonproprietary format Options - determine which document storage routine is best for you. While online access will work for some, others might prefer in-house storage Maintenance - how involved is the company willing to be with repairs and upgrades in the future Where to keep your documents There are several types of document storage one can take advantage of. Its important to research each one and determine which is best for you, so you can get the most out of your document storage experience. Different methods are going to work for different companies. There are several options out there for paperless filing, such as compact disc storage, web-accessible document storage, jukebox raid storage devices, COLD (Computer Output to Laser Disk) / ERM (Enterprise Report Management) applications, and microfilm. Below, we'll take a closer look at the first two types, their benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which method is best for your needs. Compact disc storage The most simple, and usually least expensive, method is document conversion to compact disc. Depending on where you go, you'll find different types of compact discs offered. Make sure to get a compact disc that is compatible with all CD-Rom drives. Compact discs are perishable and easily misplaced. Its a good idea to copy all the files directly into a hard drive or two, so you can be sure to have back up.






Prof. Carlos Augusto

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO Web-accessible document storage 35 Imagine simply logging into a secure website and instantly having access to all your company's files. Generally, the online document storage company will so provide you with all sorts of grouping, search and filing options. Take a look at the available web options offered by your document scanning service. Its important to feel secure (and to be secure) when accessing your documents, 40 so do your research on this one before you commit. (By Taylor Hartley)- (with slight adaptations) // [BNDES / TEC ARQUIVO-2008]

1. The main purpose of the text is to (A) convince companies to eliminate paper documents and store them digitally. (B) justify why some document scanning services are not trustable. (C) describe in detail all types of document storage available in the market. (D) present the best method of storing documents in the office. (E) criticize organizations that still keep paper documents in messy filing cabinets. 2. "Taking steps" in "Modern companies are taking steps to eliminate this mess"(L-2/3) can be correctly replaced by (A) hurrying up. (B) adopting drastic solutions. (C) rejecting alternatives. (D) proceeding with caution. (E) beginning to act. 3. According to the text, choosing a computer company to digitize documents involves all the actions below, EXCEPT one. Mark it. (A) Defining the most appropriate document storage routine for the office. (B) Evaluating how efficient and helpful the customer service of the company is. (C) Confirming that the digitized documents can be easily used by all employees. (D) Investigating if the scanned documents demand the use of specific software or not. (E) Analyzing the sort of maintenance support the company is willing to provide.

Prof. Carlos Augusto

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 4. Mark the item in which the word "records" is used in the same sense as in this fragment of the text Document scanning makes all your important records just a click away (L-5). (A) Brazilian tennis players broke world records in the last championship. (B) Researchers may request specific records by contacting the secretary. (C) All the company's lawyers have excellent performance records. (D) We were playing jazz records as we studied for the exam. (E) There is a camera in the room that records everything. 5. According to the sentence "Compact discs are perishable and easily misplaced." (L-31/32), compact discs (A) can be broken and frequently forgotten. (B) cannot be easily destroyed and substituted. (C) are durable but not easy to find. (D) are fragile and difficult to store. (E) are not indestructible and can be easily lost. 6. Mark the correct option concerning reference. (A) "This one" (L-40) refers to "document scanning service" (L-38). (B) "It's" (L-32) refers to "compact discs" (L-30). (C) "Their" (L-25) refers to "applications" (L-24). (D) "Each one" (L-18) refers to "document" (L-17). (E) "Others" (L-13) refers to "options" (L-12). 7. Check the item in which the word in bold type introduces a contrast. (A) "its important to feel secure ... when accessing your documents, so do your research on this one before you commit." (L-39/40) (B) "its a good idea to copy all the files directly into a hard drive or two, so you can be sure to have back up." (L-32/33) (C) "Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which method is best for your needs." (L-25/26) (D) "While online access will work for some, others might prefer in-house storage." (L-12/13) (E) "if possible, talk to someone at the company to analyze the level of help..." (L-8/ 9) 8. Check the only correct option according to the text. (A) Compact disk storage is the only method of document storage available. (B) Only larger work environments will be able to have paper-free offices. (C) Web-accessible document storage is not a reliable method of storing data. (D) Different companies have different needs of document storage methods. (E) Document scanning is not a good way of creating paper-free companies. Prof. Carlos Augusto 3

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO TEXT 1: UPGRADE TO A PAPER-FREE OFFICE 1. A - O objetivo principal do texto convencer as empresas a eliminarem a papelada e arquivar tudo digitalmente. Em (B), justificar porque os servios de scanning de alguns documentos no confivel; em (C), descrever em detalhe todos os tipos de arquivamento de documentos disponveis no mercado; em (D), apresentar o melhor mtodo de arquivamento de documentos em um escritrio; em (e), criticar as organizaes que ainda mantm documentos em papel em arquivos bagunados. 2. E - Taking steps (tomando providncias) corresponde a beginning to act (comeando a agir). Em (a), hurrying up (apressando-se); em (b) adopting drastic solutions (adotando solues drsticas); em (c), rejecting alternatives (rejeitando alternativas); em (d) proceeding with caution (prosseguindo com cautela). 3. C - No se pode afirmar que escolher uma firma de informtica para digitalizar todos os documentos implique em confirmar que todos os empregados podero facilmente usar os documentos digitalizados. Nas demais opes tem-se: em (a), Defining the most appropriate document storage routine for the office (definir a melhor rotina de arquivamento de documentos para um escritrio); em (b), Evaluating how efficient and helpful the costumer service of the company is (avaliar quo eficiente e til um servio ao cliente da companhia); em (d), Investigating if the scanned documents demand the use of specific software or not (investigar se os documentos escaneados requerem o uso de programa ou no); em (e), Analyzing the sort of maintenance support the company is willing to provide (analisar que tipo de suporte de manuteno a companhia est querendo fornecer). 4. B - A palavra records usada no texto Document scanning makes all your important records just a click away (o scanning de documento faz com que todos os seus registros estejam a um clique de distncia). Em (b), Researchers may request specific records by contacting the secretary (pesquisadores podem requerer registros especficos contactando a secretria). Nas demais: em (a), Brazilian tennis players broke world records in the last championship (jogadores de tnis brasileiros bateram recordes mundiais no ltimo campeonato); em (c) All the company's lawyers have excellent performance records (Todos os advogados da firma tem excelentes histricos de atuao); em (d), We were playing jazz records as we studied for the exam (Estvamos tocando discos de jazz quando estudvamos para o exame); em (e), There is a camera in the room that records everything (H uma cmera na sala que grava tudo). Prof. Carlos Augusto 4

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 5. E - Traduzindo: "Compact discs are perishable and easily misplaced." (CDs so perecveis e facilmente guardados em lugar errado); o que nos permite dizer que compact discs are not indestructible and can be easily lost (no so indestrutvei e podem se perder facilmente). Nas outras opes l-se: em (a) can be broken and frequently forgotten (podem ser quebrados e frequentemente esquecidos); em (b) cannot be easily destroyed and substituted (no podem ser facilmente destrudos e substitudos); em (c) are durable but not easy to find (so durveis mas no so fceis de achar); em (d) are fragile and difficult to store (so frgeis e difceis de armazenar). 6. A Est certo afirmar-se que this one (L-42) se refere document scanning service (L-41). Nas demais: em (B), It's (L-34) se refere a copiar todos os arquivos; em (C) Their (L-27) se refere a dois primeiros tipos; em (D), Each one (L-20) se refere a type of document storage; em (E), Others (L-14) se refere a outros que precisem determinar qual a melhor rotina de armazenamento de documentos. 7. D - A nica palavra que funciona como discourse marker indicando contraste while em "While online access will work for some, others might prefer in-house storage." (Enquanto o acesso na Internet ir funcionar para alguns, outros poderiam preferir o armazenamento in-house). Nas demais opes em (a), before (antes) indica passagem de tempo; em b) so (de modo que) est introduindo uma orao adverbial modal, em (c), ultimately (adv) (em ltima anlise); em (e), if indica condio. 8. D - Pela leitura do texto podemos dizer que Different companies have different needs of document storage methods (empresas diferentes tm necessidades diferentes por mtodos de arquivamento de documentos). Nas outras opes: em a), Compact disk storage is the only method of document storage available (arquivamento em CDs o unico mtodo de arquivamento de documentos disponvel); em (b), Only larger work environments will be able to have paper- free offices (somente grantes ambientes de trabalho sero capazes de ter escritrios livres de papelada); em (c), Web-accessible document storage is not a reliable method of storing data (arquivamento de documentos acessveis na rede no um mtodo confivel de aquivamento de dados); em (e), Document scanning is not a good way of creating paper-free companies (scanning de documentos no uma boa maneira de criar empresas livres de papelada).

Prof. Carlos Augusto

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO ANALYSIS OF TEXT 1 1. How can you translate the title of text 1: UPGRADE TO A PAPER-FREE OFFICE? ____________________________________________________ 2. In the fragment: the natural next step for these clusters of paper lies in the computer (L-5) the verb to lie is used in the sense of mentir. True or False? - ___________________________________________________ 3. In the fragment What should you look for when choosing a computer company? (L-7), what does the phrasal verb look for mean? ____________________________________________________ 4. In the fragment: find out if the scanned documents are software specific (L-10), what does the phrasal verb find out mean? ____________________________________________________ 5. In the fragment: others might prefer in-house storage (L-13), what does the modal verb might express? ____________________________________________________ 6. In the fragment: so you can get the most out of your document storage experience (L-18/19), what does the expression get the most out of mean? ____________________________________________________ 7. In the fragment: Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which method is best for your needs (L-25/26), what does the expression its up to you mean? - _______________________________________________ 8. In the fragment: most simple, and usually least expensive, method is document conversion to compact disc (L-28/29), the adjectives in bold are in the comparative form. True or False? - _____________________ 9. In the fragment: Take a look at the available web options offered by your document scanning service (L-37/38), the adjective in bold corresponds to avalivel in Portuguese? True or False? - ______________ 10. In the collocation: do your research (L-40), the verb to do could be replaced by the verb to make without changing the meaning intended by the author? True or False? - ________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 6

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO GRAMMAR TIPS IF CLAUSES From text 1: if possible, talk to someone at the company to analyze the level of help..." (L-8/ 9) Se possvel fale com algum da empresa para analisar o nvel de assistncia Uma das palavras funcionais de maior relevncia no seu estudo de ingls a conjuno if (se). No raras vezes ela aparece em textos como no exemplo acima, ou em oraes padronizadas que a meu ver voc deve ser capaz de reconhecer. Study the following patterns:
(Verb tense in main clause: future/Verb tense in if-clause: Present simple)

I. What will you do if sby does this or that?

If you decide to buy that car, it will cost you a fortune. Se voc decidir comprar aquele carro vai-lhe custar uma fortuna. II. What would you do if sby did this or that?
(Verb tense in main clause: conditional / Verb tense in if-clause: past simple)

If you bought that car, you would pay a fortune. Se voc comprasse aquele carro pagaria uma fortuna.
(Verb tense in main clause: conditional perfect/verb in if-clause: past perfect)

III. What would you have done if sby. had done this or that?

If you had bought that car, it would have cost you a fortune. Se voc tivesse comprado aquele carro, teria custado uma fortuna. Ateno! Algumas vezes pode ocorrer a omisso da conjuno if: Had you invited me to the party, I would have been there to see you. Tivesse voc me convidado para a festa e eu teria ido v-la. Had she been smarter, she wouldnt have phoned him again. Tivesse a Laura sido mais esperta e ela no lhe teria telefonado de novo. Porm, essas no so as nicas formas de if-clauses existentes: IV- Use of Unless (if ... not) I wont go to that nightclub unless Gilda goes with us. No irei boate a no ser que a Gilda v. Prof. Carlos Augusto 7

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO V. Verb tense in ifclause: present simple / verb tense in main clause: imperative If you happen to buy that car, drive carefully. Se acontecer de voc comprar aquele carro dirija com cuidado. Dont eat so much chocolate if you want to lose weight. No coma chocolate demais se quiser perder peso. VI. Should in ifclause/imperative in main clause If you should need help, give me a call. Se precisar de ajuda ligue para mim. NB: If is often omitted in this case: Should you need help, give me a call. VII. Present simple in both ifclause and main clause. If you heat water, it boils. Se voc esquentar a gua ela ferve. VIII. Palavras e expresses que funcionam como If equivalents Supposing you had five minutes to spare, would you talk to me? (i.e. If you had ....) Supondo que voc tenha cinco minutos livres, voc falaria comigo? (Se voc tivesse ...) Provided (= On condition that) you follow my instructions, you may pass the test. (i.e. If you follow ...) Com a condio que voc siga as minhas instrues voc poder passar na prova. (Se voc seguir ...) So long as we have Barbara baby-sitting for our son, we can go to the theater. (i.e. If we have ....) Desde que tenhamos a Brbara tomando conta do nosso filho, podemos ir teatro. (Se tivermos...)

Prof. Carlos Augusto

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO VOCABULARY BUILD UP Complete the text with each o f the words below: Mini text 1: The BNDES borders trade partner country experiences

Today, the Bank has offices in London, one of the most important financial centers on the planet, and in Montevideo, considered the capital of the MERCOSUR _________ (1) bloc and head office for several regional organizations. The BNDES also finances the expansion of national companies 5 far beyond the _________ (2) of the country and seeks to diversify the sources of its resources on the international market. In addition, the BNDES has strengthened its efforts that are already traditionally conducted, such as financing exports of Brazilian goods and services in projects carried out overseas and institutional fundraising through multilateral organizations, 10 sharing _________ (3) and promotion opportunities. Therefore, with its extensive knowledge, stemming from its vast experience allied with the technical capacity of its workforce, the BNDES is an important _________ (4) for investors to be able to understand and access opportunities offered by the Brazilian economy. And, after intensively 15 supporting Brazilian growth since it was created, financing important investments for the country, the BNDES reaches a new operational level, also on a world scale, where it consolidates its role as financing agent to the economic and social development of our _________ (5). Visit: BRIEF ANALYSIS OF MINI TEXT 1 1. Escreva o que esto indicando, as a discourse marker, os itens abaixo: a) such as - ___________________________________________________ b) therefore - _________________________________________________ 2. The phrase, in addition, (L-6) as a discourse marker pode ser substituda por besides, sem prejuzo do sentido no texto. True or False? 3. In the fragment in projects carried out overseas (L-8/9), o que significa o phrasal verb to carry out? - ____________________________________ 4. In the fragment stemming from its vast experience (L-6), o que significa a palavra in bold? - _______________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 9

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO JUST FOR FUN No h s estudo na vida de um concursando. Take it easy. Responda este teste de gravura, com a ilustrao genial do meu amigo Adail. PICTURE TEST

I guess you will agree with me that this guy is [a) holding / b) carrying] friendship a little too far. REMINDER Lembrete Espero que nossas poucas aulas tenham servido para despertar em voc o gosto pelo estudo do Ingls para Concursos. Tivesse eu mais 5 aulas para disponibilizar, e elas teriam o mesmo tipo das aulas anteriores. A nfase recairia, one more time, sobre verb tenses, modal verbs, discourse markers, phrasal verbs, collocations & idioms, affixes, etc Voc deve, em minha opinio, continuar a ler outros textos de past exams da Banca CESGRANRIO, cujo estilo de formulao de questes de concursos bem definido. Procure elaborar os seus prprios exerccios de aplicao, semelhana dos que vimos utilizando, ou no. Obviuously, o que voc no deve fazer parar de ler agora. Este o grande segredo: read, read, and read! So, keep on studying. Never give up. Good luck to you all! Prof. Carlos Augusto 10

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO EXERCISES I. Choose the better alternative in brackets and then translate the sentences: 1. [a) Despite / b) Yet] his perfectly normal appearance, there was something weird about him. _________________________________________________________ 2. As Robert was short of money, his sister [a) lent / b) borrowed] him some. _________________________________________________________ 3. As [a) yet / b) though] they havent chosen their new president. _________________________________________________________ 4. Last year I paid tax in excess, but I still havent received my income tax [a) return / b) refund] yet. _________________________________________________________ 5. Only couples who file a joint [a) return / b) refund] are supposed to use this form. _________________________________________________________ 6. You may have to offer the bank where youre asking for a loan something as [a) mortgage / b) collateral]. _________________________________________________________ 7. Most banks offer their clients checking accounts with [a) overdraft / b) overdrawn] protection so that a check wont bounce. _________________________________________________________ 8. Theres been a [a) rebound / b) reshuffle] in oil prices recently. Yesterday it went past $to a barrel. _________________________________________________________ 9. Although AKG stocks plummeted in yesterdays session, they [a) eased / b) rallied] today. _________________________________________________________ 10. Money laundering permits criminals to legitimize the [a) procedures / b) proceeds] of their illegal activity. _________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 11

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO II. Use the particles from the box so as to form a phrasal verb with TURN. OUT DOWN ON/ OFF INTO OVER

1. My colleagues and I just raved about our new project, but our boss eventually turned it __________. (= reject) _______________________________________________________ 2. Its Ivan who runs the family business now. His father turned it ______ to him (= transfer) _______________________________________________________ 3. We all thought it was going to rain, but the weather turned ______ just fine. __________________________________________________________ 4. Turn ______ that radio. Its time to turn ______ the TV, theyre broadcasting the soccer game live from Maracan. __________________________________________________________ 5. After the girl kissed the frog, she naively hoped it would turn ________ a charming prince. (= change) __________________________________________________________ III. FALSE COGNATES Choose the better word to complete the sentences: 1. For the position of assistant manager I decided to promote Johnson, a loyal [a) dependable / b) dependent] person, one we can rely on. __________________________________________________________ 2. How can they reach an agreement? Neither side wants to [a) convene / b) compromise]. Both factions at war will have to make concessions. __________________________________________________________ 3. Mr. Lawrence had [a) appointed / b) indicted] Norman for the post prior to the meeting with the Board. __________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 12

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 4. In the end the [a) defender / b) defendant] was convicted of the crime he had been accused of. _________________________________________________________ 5. I did that only because I was [a) enforced / b) forced] to. I had no way out, believe me. _________________________________________________________ 6. Jules spent 8 hours working at the [a) fabric / b) factory] _________________________________________________________ 7. Visitors from Japan came to see our new [a) facilities / b) installments]. They were amazed at how modern they are. _________________________________________________________ 8. Sonia got [a) fined / b) ticked] for speeding on the highway. _________________________________________________________ 9. Patricias father is a well-known [a) industrious / b) industrialist] from S. Paulo. _________________________________________________________ 10. Ive got [a) terrific / b) terrible] news to give you. Youve got the job. _________________________________________________________ IV. Complete the sentence with the correct past form of the irregular verbs in parentheses: 1. Digital systems ______ (BRING) together 2 formerly separate worlds. _________________________________________________________ 2. Technology and market forces ________ (DRIVE) the communications revolution. _________________________________________________________ 3. The European Union ________ (SET) the pace for opening markets. _________________________________________________________ 4. 90 % of schools and businesses in the EU _______ (BE) online then. _________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 13

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 5. The old publicly-owned telephone monopolies that once ________ (RUN) protected national markets have been transfigured. _________________________________________________________ 6. Aggressive and innovative newcomers ________ (HAVE) imaginative new services, attractively packaged, to offer. _________________________________________________________ 7. This revolution in information technology ________ (MAKE) it possible for the information society to be created. _________________________________________________________ 8. Demand for mobile telephones and internet access _______ (RISE) sharply. _________________________________________________________ 9. The author ________ (WRITE) this text a few years ago. _________________________________________________________ 10. The author _______ (SEEK) to present a few facts about the revolution in information technology which occurred in the world. _________________________________________________________ V. DISCOURSE MARKERS ENSEMBLE -Choose the best option: 1. __________ the deep snow and biting cold, the climbers kept going, determined to reach the peak. A) In Spite B) Despite C) However D) Regardless _________________________________________________________ 2. It was a beautiful sailboat, with clean lines; _______ it was too heavy to reach competitive speeds. a) meanwhile b) therefore c) however d) in short _________________________________________________________

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 3. His mother was American and he was born on American soil; _________ he must be American. a) thus b) though c) nonetheless d) besides _________________________________________________________ 4. Shes easily the best applicant. She speaks both English and German, and she has lots of experience; _________ she has good contacts in this area. a) furthermore b) whereas c) as well as d) on the other hand _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. __________ the fact that he had a headache, he declined the invitation. a) Because b) Due to c) Hence d) As a result _________________________________________________________ 6. __________ he had a headache, he declined the invitation. a) Because b) Due to c) Hence d) As a result _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. She needed some cash, __________ she went to the bank. a) so b) next c) then d) likewise _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 8. Yes, I know George Wilson quite well; __________, I happened to see him at the club the other day. a) likewise b) meanwhile c) in fact d) that is _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 15

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 9. There is one factor that outweighs all the others; __________, the location is perfect. a) namely b) e.g. c) accordingly d) even though _________________________________________________________ 10. _________ the show as a whole was interesting, we felt that the dancing could have been better. a) Since b) Moreover c) However d) While _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 11. Well buy the house ___________ we can get financing at decent interest rates. a) unless b) provided c) nevertheless d) thus _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 12. He appeared perfectly normal, ______________ there was something in his speech that made us suspicious. a) moreover b) therefore c) despite d) yet _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ VI. FLASHBACK Heres the first paragraph of text 1 Upgrade to a Paper-Free Office for you to complete from memory. Anyone who has ever worked in an _______ remembers giant filing cabinets filled to the _______ with paper documents. Modern companies are taking steps to eliminate this ______. With our daily and office lives becoming more and more ________, the natural next step for these ________ of paper lies in the computer. Document scanning makes all your important records just a ______ away. Prof. Carlos Augusto 16

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO VII. Choose the phrase which best completes the statement. 1. If he comes, a) we will go to lunch. b) we would go to lunch. c) we went to lunch. 2. I would buy a new house a) if I have a lot of money. b) if I win the lottery. c) if I inherited a million dollars. 3. If she misses the bus, a) I take her to school by car. b) I would take her to school by car. c) she have to walk. 4. If I had known you were in town, a) I would buy you some flowers. b) I would have bought you some flowers. c) I will buy you some flowers. 5. If he studies a lot, a) he might pass the exam. b) he would pass the exam. c) he is going to pass the exam. 6. I would get a new job a) if I was you. b) if I am you. c) if I were you. 7. He will surely fail his exams a) if he not work harder. b) unless he begins to study. c) if he weren't serious. 8. They would have bought that new car a) if they had had the money. b) if they had the money. c) if they were having the money. Visit: Prof. Carlos Augusto 17

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO ANSWERS ANALYSIS OF TEXT 1 1. Translation of the title of text 1: Upgrade to a paper-free office Melhorias para se chagar a um escritrio livre de papelada 2. False - In the fragment: the natural next step for these clusters of paper lies in the computer (o prximo passo natural para este amontoado de papel est com o computador) the verb to lie is NOT used in the sense of mentir. Here it is the irregular verb to lie (lay lain) that is being used. 3. In the fragment What should you look for when choosing a computer company?, the phrasal verb look for means procurar. 4. In the fragment: find out if the scanned documents are software specific (L-10), the phrasal verb find out means descobrir. 5. In the fragment: others might prefer in-house storage (outros poderiam preferir o armazenamento in-house), the modal verb might expresses possibility. 6. In the fragment: so you can get the most out of your document storage experience, the expression get the most out of means obter o mximo de. 7. In the fragment: Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which method is best for your needs (Em ltima anlise, cabe a voc decidir que mtodo mais convm as suas necessidades), portanto, a expresso its up to you quer dizer que a deciso sua. 8. False - In the fragment: most simple, and usually least expensive, method is document conversion to compact disc, the adjectives in bold are in the superlative form. 9. False - In the fragment: Take a look at the available web options offered by your document scanning service, the adjective in bold corresponds to disponvel in Portuguese. 10. False - In the collocation: do your research (faa sua pesquisa), the verb to do could NOT be replaced by the verb to make without changing the meaning intended by the author. Prof. Carlos Augusto 18

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO VOCABULARY BUILD UP Mini text 1: BNDES 1. trade / 2. Borders / 3. Experiences / 4. Partner / 5. country BRIEF ANALYSIS OF MINI TEXT 1 1. As a discourse markers: a) such as introduz exemplificao b) therefore indica consequncia ou resultado 2. True - The phrase, in addition, as a discourse marker pode ser substituda por besides (alm disso), sem prejuzo do sentido no texto. 3. In the fragment in projects carried out overseas (L-8/9), o phrasal verb to carry out significa executar, implementar. 4. Translation of the fragment stemming from its vast experience (derivado de sua vasta experincia). PICTURE TEST I guess you will agree with me that this guy is (b) carrying friendship a little too far. Voc h de concordar comigo que este cara est levando a amizade um tanto longe demais.

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO ANSWERS / EXERCISES I. Better alternatives: 1. (a) Despite his perfectly normal appearance, there was something weird about him. Apesar de sua aparncia perfeitamente normal, havia algo de estranho nele. 2. As Robert was short of money, his sister (a) lent him some. Como o Robert estava sem dinheiro, sua irm lhe emprestou algum. 3. As (a) yet they havent chosen their new president. At agora no escolheram seu novo presidente. 4. Last year I paid tax in excess, but I still havent received my income tax (b) refund yet. No ano passado paguei imposto demais, mas no recebi minha restituio ainda. 5. Only couples who file a joint (a) return are supposed to use this form. Somente casais que declaram em conjunto devem usar este formulrio. 6. You may have to offer the bank where youre asking for a loan something as (b) collateral. Voc talvez tenha que oferecer ao banco onde est solicitando seu emprstimo alguma coisa como garantia. 7. Most banks offer their clients checking accounts with (a) overdraft protection so that a check wont bounce. A maioria dos bancos oferece aos seus clientes contas correntes com margem de crdito extra para que suas contas no estourem. 8. Theres been a (a) rebound in oil prices recently. Yesterday it went past $70 a barrel. Houve uma retomada dos preos do petrleo recentemente. Ontem ultrapassou os $70 o barril. 9. Although AKG stocks plummeted in yesterdays session, they (b) rallied today. Embora as aes da AKG despencassem no prego de ontem hoje elas se recuperaram. Prof. Carlos Augusto 20

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 10. Money laundering permits criminals to legitimize the (b) proceeds of their illegal activity. A lavagem de dinheiro permite aos criminosos legitimarem o produto arrecadado com sua atividade ilegal. II. PHRASAL VERBS WITH TURN. 1. My colleagues and I just raved about our new project, but our boss eventually turned it down. Meus companheiros e eu simplesmente exultvamos com o novo projeto, mas o chefe o rejeitou. 2. Its Ivan who runs the family business now. His father turned it over to him. o Ivan que dirige a empresa da famlia agora. Seu pai a transferiu para ele. 3. We all thought it was going to rain, but the weather turned out just fine. Todos pensvamos que iria chover, mas o tempo ficou legal. 4. Turn off that radio. Its time to turn on the TV. Theyre broadcasting the soccer game live from Maracan. Desligue o radio. hora de ligar a TV. Esto transmitindo o jogo de futebol ao vivo do Maracan. 5. After the girl kissed the frog, she naively hoped it would turn into a charming prince. Aps beijar o sapo, a menina ingenuamente, esperava que ele se transformasse em um charmoso prncipe. III. FALSE COGNATES 1. For the position of assistant manager I decided to promote Johnson, a loyal (a) dependable person, one we can rely on. Para o cargo de sub-gerente decidi promover o Johnson uma pessoa leal, confivel, algum em quem podemos confiar. 2. How can they reach an agreement? Neither side wants to (b) compromise. Both factions at war will have to make concessions. Como podero chegar a um acordo? Nenhuma das partes quer ceder. Ambas as faces tero de fazer concesses. 3. Mr. Lawrence had (a) appointed Norman for the post prior to the meeting with the Board. O Sr. Lawrence havia indicado o Norman para o cargo antes da reunio da diretoria. Prof. Carlos Augusto 21

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 4. In the end the (b) defendant was convicted of the crime he had been accused of. No final o ru foi condenado pelo crime de que estava sendo acusado. 5. I did that only because I was (b) forced to. I had no way out, believe me. Fiz aquilo porque fui forado. No tinha sada, acredite-me. 6. Jules spent 8 hours working at the (b) factory. O Jules passa 8 horas trabalhando na fbrica. 7. Visitors from Japan came to see our new (a) facilities. They were amazed at how modern they are. Visitantes do Japo vieram para ver nossas novas instalaes. Ficaram maravilhados como so modernas. 8. Sonia got (a) fined for speeding on the highway. Sonia foi multado por excesso de velocidade na auto-estrada. 9. Patricias father is a well-known (b) industrialist from S. Paulo. O pai da Patrcia um industrial renomado de S. Paulo. 10. Ive got (a) terrific news to give you. Youve got the job. Tenho notcias fabulosas para voc. Voc conseguiu o emprego. IV. IRREGULAR VERBS 1. Digital systems BROUGHT together 2 formerly separate worlds. Os sistemas digitais uniram dois mundos antes separados. 2. Technology and market forces DROVE the communications revolution. A tecnologia e foras de mercado impulsionaram a revoluo comunicaes. 3. The European Union SET the pace for opening markets. A Unio Europia estabeleceu o ritmo para abertura dos mercados. 4. 90 % of schools and businesses in the EU WERE online then. 90% das escolas e empresas na Unio Europia estavam conectadas na grande rede ento. Prof. Carlos Augusto 22 nas

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 5. The old publicly-owned telephone monopolies that once RAN protected national markets have been transfigured. Os antigos monoplios de empresas pblicas de telefonia, que certa vez dirigiam os mercados nacionais, se transfiguraram. 6. Aggressive and innovative newcomers HAD imaginative new services, attractively packaged, to offer. Recm-chegados dinmicos e criativos tinham novos servios imaginativos e atraentemente embalados para oferecer. 7. This revolution in information technology MADE it possible for the information society to be created. Esta revoluo na tecnologia da informao tornou possvel que fosse criada a sociedade da informao. 8. Demand for mobile telephones and internet access ROSE sharply. A procura por telefones celulares e por acesso Internet cresceram acentuadamente. 9. The author WROTE this text a few years ago. O autor escreveu este texto h alguns anos. 10. The author SOUGHT to present a few facts about the revolution in information technology which occurred in the world. O autor procurou apresentar alguns fatos relativamente revoluo da TI que ocorreu no mundo. V. DISCOURSE MARKERS ENSEMBLE 1. Despite (*) the deep snow and biting cold, the climbers kept going, determined to reach the peak. Apesar da neve espessa e do frio cortante, os alpinistas continuaram sua escalada, determinados a atingir o topo. (*) Ateno: Despite no seguida da preposio of, mas existe outra locuo prepositiva: in spite of (ambas significam apesar de). 2. It was a beautiful sailboat, with clean lines; however, it was too heavy to reach competitive speeds. Era um belo barco vela, com linhas definidas; contudo, era pesado demais para atingir velocidades competitivas. Prof. Carlos Augusto 23

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 3. His mother was American and he was born on American soil; thus he must be American. A me dele era norte-americana e ele havia nascido em solo dos EUA, portanto ele tem de ser norte-americano. 4. Shes easily the best applicant. She speaks both English and German, and she has lots of experience; furthermore she has good contacts in this area. Ela de longe a melhor candidata. Fala ingls e alemo, tem muita experincia e, alm do mais, tem bons contatos na rea. 5. Due to the fact that he had a headache, he declined the invitation. Devido ao fato de que estava com dor de cabea, ele recusou o convite. 6. Because he had a headache, he declined the invitation. Porque estava com dor de cabea, ele recusou o convite. 7. She needed some cash, so she went to the bank. Precisava de algum dinheiro, portanto ela foi ao banco. 8. Yes, I know George Wilson quite well; in fact, I happened to see him at the club the other day. Sim, eu conheo o George Wilson muito bem. Na verdade, eu o vi no clube outro dia mesmo. 9. There is one factor that outweighs all the others; namely, the location is perfect. H um fator que suplanta todos os outros; a saber, a localizao perfeita. 10. While the show as a whole was interesting, we felt that the dancing could have been better. Enquanto o show como um todo foi interessante, pensamos que os nmeros de dana poderiam ter sido melhores. 11. Well buy the house provided we can get financing at decent interest rates. Compraremos a casa com a condio que consigamos financiamento a taxas de juros razoveis. 12. He appeared perfectly normal, yet there was something in his speech that made us suspicious. Ele parecia perfeitamente normal, contudo havia algo no seu discurso que nos fez suspeitar. Prof. Carlos Augusto 24

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO VI. FLASHBACK Heres the first paragraph from text 1 again. Anyone who has ever worked in an office remembers giant filing cabinets filled to the brim with paper documents. Modern companies are taking steps to eliminate this mess. With our daily and office lives becoming more and more digitized, the natural next step for these clusters of paper lies in the computer. Document scanning makes all your important records just a click away. VII. Choose the phrase which best completes the statement. 1. If he comes, we will go to lunch. (a) Se ele vier, iremos almoar. 2. I would buy a new house if I inherited a million dollars. (c) Eu compraria uma casa nova se eu herdasse 1 milho de dlares. 3. If she misses the bus, I take her to school by car. (a) Se ela perde o nibus eu a levo para o colgio de carro. 4. If I had known you were in town, I would have bought you some flowers. (b) Se eu tivesse sabido que voc estava na cidade eu lhe teria comprado algumas flores. 5. If he studies a lot, he is going to pass the exam. (c) Se ele estudar muito, passar na prova. 6. I would get a new job if I were you. (c) Eu arranjaria um novo emprego se eu fosse voc. 7. He will surely fail his exams unless he begins to study. (b) Ele certamente fracassar nas suas provas a menos que comece a estudar. 8. They would have bought that new car if they had had the money. (a) Eles teriam comprado aquele carro novo se tivessem tido o dinheiro.

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO FINAL QUIZ TRY YOUR HAND AT THIS QUIZ; AFTER ALL ITS FIFTY-FIFTY! 1. The [a) current / b) actual] inflation rate is much lower than that we had 10 years ago, the finance minister added. ________________________________________________________ 2. I still meet my friends from college [a) eventually / b) now and then]. ________________________________________________________ 3. The exam was not so difficult this time. If I had studied harder, I [a) would / b) will] have passed. ________________________________________________________ 4. She has been living in Ipanema for years; [a) however / b) therefore] she should know where that street is. ________________________________________________________ 5. Listen! Somebody [a) plays / b) is playing] the violin now. ________________________________________________________ 6. Joseph had tried to get his drivers license three times before; [a) actually / b) eventually] he got it. ________________________________________________________ 7. Are you sure youre making a [a) sensitive / b) sensible] decision. I mean, is it clearly the best solution for you? ________________________________________________________ 8. After the bird [a) spread / b) spreaded] its wings it flew away. ________________________________________________________ 9. You havent pronounced my name correctly. Youve [a) mis- / b) dis] pronounced it. ________________________________________________________ 10. Joanne speaks English [a) better / b) best] than her sister. ________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 26

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 11. Its not that I have to work such long hours; actually, I [a) must not / b) dont have to], but I just enjoy it. _________________________________________________________ 12. [a) Can / b) May] you read Chinese? I dont understand a word. _________________________________________________________ 13. Mr. Blair is on the other line now. Could you [a) hold on /b) wait on] just a second, sir? _________________________________________________________ 14. Helen is late. I simply dont know why she hasnt got here yet. Maybe the directions you gave her were [a) distracting / b) misleading]. _________________________________________________________ 15. Im sure you can find [a) much better/ b) very good] fruit than these downtown. _________________________________________________________ 16. I live in Rio de Janeiro but I have a lot of [a) relatives / b) parents] in Belm. _________________________________________________________ 17. [a) Should / b) If] my niece call again, tell her Im gone. _________________________________________________________ 18. Sylvia has changed a lot since she got married [a) with / b) to] Peter. _________________________________________________________ 19. Mr. Reeve is in a meeting. He [a) may not have been / b) should not be] disturbed now. _________________________________________________________ 20. What do you think I should do, Marian? If I [a) were / b) was] you, Id call Harry up. _________________________________________________________ 21. That classroom was so stuffy we [a) could not / b) could] hardly breathe. _________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 27

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 22. Dont you have any [a) reading / b) lecture] to do tonight, Jane? _________________________________________________________ 23. [a) Despite / b) In spite] the rumors about the politicians involvement in the scandal no official statement was released. _________________________________________________________ 24. If your instructions had been less [a) undirecting / b) misdirecting] and I would have got here earlier. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 25. I [a) might visit / b) might have visited] your brother in the hospital yesterday if you had told me about his operation. _________________________________________________________ 26. Youve made a big mistake. You should not [a) have / b) had] woken up the dog. Now hes going to bark all night. _________________________________________________________ 27. When I was a teenager I [a) used to / b) would] collect stamps, but now I collect coins. _________________________________________________________ 28. This classroom is [a) more wider / b) narrower] than the other one. _________________________________________________________ 29. Mr. Wilkins was [a) choice / b) chosen] president of the Committee. _________________________________________________________ 30. Shirley has had splitting headaches for weeks. [Therefore / b) Moreover] she should see a doctor. _________________________________________________________ 31. We saw a [a) terrible / b) terrific] movie last Sunday. We loved it. _________________________________________________________ 32. How many people [a) attended / b) assisted] the mass on Sunday? _________________________________________________________

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 33. BNDES disbursements for the industry have [a) grown / b) grower] 8% in the last 12 months _________________________________________________________ 34. Maybe all you need right now is taking [a) up / b) out] a hobby. _________________________________________________________ 35. Robert distributed a copy of his poems [a) among / b) between] his many co-workers. _________________________________________________________ 36. Nowadays scientists are worried about many environmental [a) hazards / b) blocks]. _________________________________________________________ 37. His wallet was [a) robbed / b) stolen] during his visit to the Museum of Modern Art. _________________________________________________________ 38. My doctor told me to cut [a) down / b) out] on caffeine drinks. _________________________________________________________ 39. In the U.S, only 1000 people die from the cold each year, [a) while / b) whether] twice that many die from the heat. _________________________________________________________ 40. Of the ten states with the [a) greater / b) greatest] number of coldrelated deaths, Alaska and Illinois are the only northern states. _________________________________________________________ 41. Mr. Newman is an executive who really knows how to get his moneys [a) worth / b) value]. _________________________________________________________ 42. Im broke! Could you [a) lend / b) borrow] me some money? _________________________________________________________ 43. When the discussion about patents reaches the [a) rally / b) realm] of science, commercial value should not be the only consideration. _________________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Augusto 29

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 44. Science cannot be [a) gripped / b) held] hostage to the economic interests of big pharmaceutical companies. _________________________________________________________ 45. In fact, a bank will have on hand only enough to pay those customers who want to [a) withhold / b) withdraw] their money on a given day. _________________________________________________________ 46. [a) Before long / b) Indeed], banks do not keep most of the money they receive. _________________________________________________________ 47. Dont worry! English is [a) spoke / b) spoken] in that store. _________________________________________________________ 48. You know Joyce loves to invent stories. I didnt believe a word about her story. I think she made the whole thing [a) out / b) up]. _________________________________________________________ 49. Youre telling me the board meeting was [a) held / b) taken] in such a tiny room? _________________________________________________________ 50. Many citizens were [a) surprised / b) surprising] with the results of the referendum announced on TV. _________________________________________________________

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO FINAL QUIZ ANSWERS & COMMENTS 1. The (a) current inflation rate is much lower than that we had 10 years ago, the finance minister added. O atual ndice de inflao bem mais baixo do que aquele que tnhamos h dez anos, acrescentou o ministro da Fazenda. 2. I still meet my friends from college (b) now and then. Ainda me encontro com meus companheiros de faculdade de vez em quando. 3. The exam was not so difficult this time. If I had studied harder, I (a) would have passed. A prova no estava to difcil desta vez. Se tivesse estudado mais arduamente, teria passado. 4. She has been living in Ipanema for years; (b) therefore she should know where that street is. Ela tem vivido em Ipanema h anos; portanto deve saber onde fica essa rua. 5. Listen! Somebody (b) is playing the violin now. Escute, algum est tocando violino agora. 6. Joseph had tried to get his drivers license three times before; (b) eventually he got it. Joseph tinha tentado obter sua carteira de motorista trs vezes antes e, finalmente, conseguiu. 7. Are you sure youre making a (b) sensible decision. I mean, is it clearly the best solution for you? Tem certeza de que est tomando a deciso mais sensata. Quero dizer, essa a melhor soluo para voc? 8. After the bird (a) spread its wings it flew away. Depois, o pssaro abriu suas asas e voou para longe. 9. You havent pronounced my name correctly. Youve (a) mispronounced it. Voc no pronunciou o meu nome corretamente. Voc o pronunciou erradamente. 10. Joanne speaks English (a) better than her sister. Joanne gosta mais de ingls o que a irm dela. Prof. Carlos Augusto 31

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 11. Its not that I have to work such long hours; actually, I (b) dont have to, but I just enjoy it. No que eu tenha de trabalhar tantas horas a fio; no tenho que faz-lo, simplesmente gosto disso. 12. (a) Can you read Chinese? I dont understand a word. Voc saber ler em chins? Eu no entendo uma palavra. 13. Mr. Blair is on the other line now. Could you (a) hold on just a second, sir? O Sr. Blair est numa outra ligao. Poderia aguardar um segundo, Senhor? 14. Helen is late. I simply dont know why she hasnt got here yet. Maybe the directions you gave her were (b) misleading. A Helena est atrasada. Simplesmente no sei porque no chegou aqui ainda. As orientaes que voc deu a ela talvez tenham sido confusas. 15. Im sure you can find (a) much better fruit than these downtown. Tenho certeza de que voc pode encontrar frutos muito melhores do que estes no centro da cidade. 16. I live in Rio de Janeiro but I have a lot of (a) relatives in Belm. Moro no Rio de Janeiro mas tenho muitos parentes em Belm. 17. (a) Should my niece call again, tell her Im gone. Se minha sobrinha ligar diga-lhe que sa. 18. Sylvia has changed a lot since she got married (b) to Peter. Sylvia mudou muito desde que se casou com o Peter. 19. Mr. Reeve is in a meeting. He (b) should not be disturbed now. O Sr. Reeve est em reunio. No deve ser perturbado agora. 20. What do you think I should do, Marian? If I (a) were you, Id call Harry up. - O que voc acha que eu deveria fazer, Marian? - Se eu fosse voc, telefonaria para o Harry. 21. That classroom was so stuffy we (b) could hardly breathe. Aquela sala de aula to abafada que mal podamos respirar ali. Prof. Carlos Augusto 32

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 22. Dont you have any (a) reading to do tonight, Jane? Voc no tem nenhuma leitura para fazer hoje noite, Jane? 23. (a) Despite the rumors about the politicians involvement in the scandal, no official statement was released. Apesar dos rumores sobre o envolvimento do poltico no escndalo, nenhuma declarao oficial foi liberada. 24. If your instructions had been less (b) misdirecting I would have got here earlier. Se suas orientaes tivessem sido menos confusas eu teria chegado aqui mais cedo. 25. I (b) might have visited your brother in the hospital yesterday if you had told me about his operation. Eu poderia ter ido visitar seu irmo no hospital ontem se voc tivesse me dito sobre a operao dele. 26. Youve made a big mistake. You should not (a) have woken up the dog. Now hes going to bark all night. Voc cometeu um grande erro. No deveria ter acordado o cachorro. Agora ele vai latir a noite toda. 27. When I was a teenager I (a) used to collect stamps, but now I collect coins. Quando era adolescente colecionava selos; mas hoje coleciono moedas. 28. This classroom is (b) narrower] than the other one. Esta sala de aula mais estreita do que a outra. 29. Mr. Wilkins was (b) chosen] president of the Committee. O Sr Williams foi escolhido para presidente do comit. 30. Shirley has had splitting headaches for weeks. (a) Therefore she should see a doctor. Shirley tem sentido dores de cabea de rachar h semanas. Portanto, deveria consultar um mdico. 31. We saw a (b) terrific] movie last Sunday. We loved it. Vimos um filme magnfico no ultimo domingo. Todo mundo gostou. 32. How many people (a) attended the mass on Sunday? Quantas pessoas assistiram missa no domingo? Prof. Carlos Augusto 33

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 33. BNDES disbursements for the industry have (a) grown 8% in the last 12 months Os desembolsos do BNDES para o setor industrial cresceram 8% nos ltimos 12 meses. 34. Maybe all you need right now is taking (a) up a hobby. Talvez tudo que voc precise agora seja dedicar-se a um hobby. 35. Robert distributed a copy of his poems (a) among his many co-workers. Robert distribuiu uma cpia de seus poemas entre seus muitos colegas de trabalho. 36. Nowadays scientists are worried about many environmental (a) hazards. Hoje em dia os cientistas esto preocupados com muitos perigos ambientais. 37. His wallet was (b) stolen during his visit to the Museum of Modern Art. A carteira dele foi furtada durante sua visita ao Museu de Arete Moderna. 38. My doctor told me to cut (a) down on caffeine drinks. Meu medico mandou-me reduzir as bebidas cafeinadas. 39. In the U.S, only 1000 people die from the cold each year, (a) while twice that many die from the heat. Nos EUA apenas 1000 pessoas morrem em virtude do frio intenso a cada ano, enquanto que o dobro desse nmero morre em virtude do calor. 40. Of the ten states with the (b) greatest] number of cold-related deaths, Alaska and Illinois are the only northern states. Dos dez estados com o maior nmero de bitos relacionados com o frio, o Alasca e Illinois ao os dois nicos ao norte. 41. Mr. Newman is an executive who really knows how to get his moneys [a) worth / b) value]. 42. Im broke! Could you (a) lend me some money? Estou duro. Podia me emprestar algum dinheiro? 43. When the discussion about patents reaches the (b) realm] of science, commercial value should not be the only consideration. Quando o debate sobre as patentes atinge o campo da cincia, o valor comercial no deve ser o nico item a considerar. Prof. Carlos Augusto 34

CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO 44. Science cannot be (b) held] hostage to the economic interests of big pharmaceutical companies. A cincia no pode ficar refm dos interesses econmicos das grandes empresas farmacuticas. 45. In fact, a bank will have on hand only enough to pay those customers who want to (b) withdraw their money on a given day. De fato um banco ter disponvel s o suficiente para pagar aqueles clientes que queiram retirar seu dinheiro num determinado dia. 46. (b) Indeed, banks do not keep most of the money they receive. Na verdade os bancos no mantm a maior parte do dinheiro que eles recebem. 47. Dont worry! English is (b) spoken in that store. No se preocupe, fala-se ingls naquela loja. 48. You know Joyce loves to invent stories. I didnt believe a word about her story. I think she made the whole thing (b) up. Voc sabe que a Joyce adora inventar histrias. No acredito numa palavra de sua histria. Acho que ela inventou tudo. 49. Youre telling me the board meeting was (a) held in such a tiny room? No me diga que a diretoria se reuniu numa sala to pequena? 50. Many citizens were (a) surprised with the results of the referendum announced on TV. Muitos cidados ficaram surpresos com o resultado do referendum anunciado pela TV.

Prof. Carlos Augusto


CURSOS ON-LINE - INGLS BNDES 2011 PROFESSOR CARLOS AUGUSTO Avalie se os seguintes objetivos da AULA 5 foram alcanados. OBJECTIVES OBJETIVOS Help you get familiar with CESGRANRIO questions Ajudar voc a se familiarizar com as questes estilo CESGRANRIO I. Text 1: Upgrade to a Paper-free Office - BNDES / 2008 Texto 1: Melhoria num escritorio livre de Papelada - BNDES / 2008 II. Reading Comprehension Questions Answers & Comments Questes sobre interpretao do texto Respostas & Comentrios III. Analysis of Text 1 Anlise do Texto 1 IV. Grammar Tips If-Clauses Dicas de Gramtica Oraes Condicionais V. Vocabulary Build up Mini Text 1 The BNDES Construo do vocabulrio mini texto 1 O BNDES VI. Just for Fun Picture Test S para divertir Teste de Gravuras VII. Exercise Section Seo de Exerccios VIII. Answers & Comments Respostas e Comentrios IX. Final Quiz Teste Final

Prof. Carlos Augusto


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