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Chronic Arterial vs Chronic Venous

Symptom Pain Chronic Arterial Insufficiency Intermittent claudication (progresses to rest pain) Decreased or maybe absent Chronic Venous Insufficiency None to aching pain depending on dependency of area Normal (may be difficult to palpate due to edema) Normal (may see petechiae or brown pigmentation with chronic condition) Normal Present Brown pigmentation around ankles, possible thickening of skin, scarring may develop If present will be on sides of ankles Does not develop Used



Pale when elevated, red with lowering of leg

Temperature Edema Skin Changes

Cool Absent or mild Thin, shiny, loss of hair over foot/toes, nail thickening


If present will involve toes or areas of trauma on feet (painful) May develop Not used

Gangrene Compression

We ELEVATE veins We DANGLE arteries


Hurst Review Services

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