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Bea Diaz Period 2 WHAP 1.23.13 A.

Conceptual Identifications Chapter 21- Africa and the Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1) Polygyny (pg 485)- practice of marrying more than one woman simultaneously Context: Some historians believe that the excess of women led to polygyny (having more than one wife at a time) and the creation of large harems by rulers and merchants, whose power was increased by this process, and the position of women was lowered in some societies. Significance: Woman slaves didnt have a choice in their lives and actions. Themes: social-slaves inferior; ted-excess of women slaves; culture-poygyny became a social norm at the time. 2) Centralization (pg 485)- the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, become concentrated within a particular location and/or group.

Context: Although increasing centralization and hierarchy could be seen in the enslaving African societies, a contrary trend of self-sufficiency and antiauthoritarian ideas developed among the peoples who bore the brunt of the slaving attacks.

Significance: Despite being held as slaves, they became more unified.

Themes: social-africans were coming together as one


Self-sufficiency (pg 485)- personal independence; self satisfaction

Context: A contrary trend of self-sufficiency and antiauthoritarian ideas developed among the peoples who bore the brunt of the slaving attacks.

Significance: The people that started the slaving attacks felt independent.

Themes: social- independent


Islamization (pg 489)- act of converting to Islam; act of making Islamic; act of causing to conform to Islamic law Context: Across the continent in the northern savanna at the end of the 18th century, the process of Islamization, which had been important in the days of the Mali and Songhay empires, entered a new and violent stage that not only linked Islamization to the external slave trade and the growth of slavery in Africa but also produced other long-term effects in the region. Significance: Islamization affected Africa socially, politically, economically, and culturally. Themes: culture-religion; ted-led to many developments


Diaspora (pg 477)- the movement, migration, or scattering of people away from an established or ancestral homeland Context: After 1450, the growing and often bitter contacts between Europeans and African, primarily through the slave trade, linked the destiny of Africa to broader external trends and resulted in a diaspora of millions of Africans to the Middle East, Europe, and especially the Americas. Significance: Due to the slave trade, many Africans left Africa. Themes: ted- migration of Africans to other countries

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