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Bea Diaz period 2 whap 1.14.


Ch.16 Reading Notes

Chapter Title: The Transformation of the West (1450-1750) Chronology (time period & major events):

Significant Characteristics & Developments: Family structure: European-style family Social

Late marriage; nuclear families not extended Goals/reasons: limit birth/family size; husband/wife importance; linked family to property holdings-cant marry till own property Reformation- more emphasis on happy marriage; woman didnt have much of a choice but to marry Enlightenment- new attitudes towards children favored less harsh discipline


Rise of nation-states Common language/culture; loyalty linked by cultural/political bonds; citizens believed government should act for their interests Absolute monarchy; modeled after france; blew up castles; bureaucracy from merchants/lawyers; appointed representatives to provinces; professionalized army King Louis xiv: government has cultural role; mercantilism-protect economy of nation

Parliamentary monarchy: modeled after Britain/Netherlands; central state plus parliamentary; parliament sovereign over king Changing political theory-john locke-power form the people


Commercial revolution: Led to more jobs, prosperity benefitted merchants and peasants; led to new class of proletariats; great trading companies formed to take advantage of colonial markets; increased commerce stimulated manufacturing; specialized agricultural regions emerged; increased trades and new goods Causes: increased inflation- rising prices of gold and silver; increased purchasing power of ordinary peopl

Dominance of international trade Overseas expansion


Italian renaissance: wrote in latin. Focus- secularism Northern renaissance: wrote in vernacular. Focus- popular culture (i.e. Shakespeare) Renaissance characteristics: human centered/ rise of science and logic reasoning/ secular (nonreligious)/ realistic portrayals (human anatomy,etc) Reformation: protestant churches-> Lutheranism and Calvinism Only faith brings salvation-not church; sacraments unimportant; monasticism wrong; indulgences bad; translated bible to vernacular Reformation effects: people began doubting religion; limited acceptance of religious pluralism; shift of power; philosophical changes (less connection between God and nature, more focus on family life); more emphasis on happy marriage; growing literacy rate; translation of bible into various languages; religious wars and split of church. Scientific revolution: affected intellectual life; promoted change in popular outlook; science became new authority; scientific research can overrule existing theories

Bea Diaz period 2 whap 1.14.13

Galileo: conflict w/ church over laws of gravity William Harvey: circulatory system around heart Rene Descartes: human reason can develop laws- accept nothing Isaac newton; summarized theories/observations-laws of motion/gravity, rational hypothesis plus generalizations based on experiments, laws not blind faith Enlightenment: rise of logical reasoning; natural laws


-agriculture: New innovations- in swamp drainage, use of nitrogen-fixing crops. Improved stockbreeding, other cultivation techniques. Pulley/pumps for mining Printing press-movable type->helped expand renaissance; source for new thinking; literacy increased

Key People or Individuals (briefly identify): - Niccolo Machiavelli: author of The Prince; emphasized realistic discussions of how to seize and maintain power. -Johannes Gutenburg: introduced movable type to western Europe in the 15th century; greatly expanded the availability of printed materials. - Martin Luther: German Catholic monk who initiated the Protestant Reformation; emphasized the primacy of faith for gaining salvation in place of Catholic sacraments; rejected papal authority.

Comparison/Relations with Other Societies: -china/muslim had science for practical reasons; Europe more pure science, understanding world

Questions & Connections (What argument or point remains unclear? Any thought that comes to mind, triggered by the text? What historical, global, thematic, or even personal connections can you make?):

QUESTIONS: -How exactly did the proletariat group form? - What did people do in the uprisings? - What did the Levelers do with the 100,000 signatures? -Christianity makes them superior, but why do other civilizations have better cities/economies?

Bea Diaz period 2 whap 1.14.13

CONNECTIONS: -1750 Believed their rational thought better than superstitions of others -Changed views of Europe and others toward selves

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