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Bea Diaz Period 1.20.


Ch.19 Reading Notes

Chapter Title: Early Latin America Chronology (time period & major events):

Significant Characteristics & Developments: Social hierarchy Social

-Europe: Social status based on power and money -America: Social status based off the color of your skin-> whites were always on top, some mixed races in the middles, and colored were always on the bottom. Patriarchal structure Males were dominant Peninsulares vs. creoles those born in Europe vs. their descendants born in Latin America multiracial societies the society of castas (people of mixed origin): miscegenation: few European women available sexual exploitation of women or marriage=meztizos mulattoes-half African/half European meztizos-half Indian/half spanish America: Professional bureaucracy Theocracy-religion and church influenced politics Brazil govt: Royal officials trained in law ruled by governor



American colonies: Indian encomiendas, self-sufficent, agricultural, mining-silver, haciendas Agrarian society-80% worked on farms Precious metals-mining efforts/booty of conquest essential activity The first plantation economy: Brazil Sugar and slavery Labor intensive Required large amounts of capital for machinery Single crop produced by slave labor Mining labor and methods: American Indian slaves-early encomienda system Changed to large number of wage labors eventually Used European method of amalgamation with mercury Mining and economy: government profited 1/5 of total profit plus controlled mercury Service industries develop around mining towns Industry and commerce: Types of tradeSheep raising and textile manufacturing Mercantilism-only Spaniards allowed to trade with america

Bea Diaz Period 1.20.13

Role of merchants: Trading posts in Africa, but estates in atlantic islands Trade factories turned into plantations-brazil European reaction to supply of American silver: 1/2 of silver remained in spain Paid for Spanish wars Bought manufactured goods from elsewhere than shipped Sharp rise in inflation Wealth of spain still depended on taxation Bankers lended more money than they should have Gold discovery: 1695 gold discovered in interior areas Impact- opened interior to settlement, hurt indigenous population Trade imbalance-gold went from Portugal to England, brazil became economically dependent on europe Silver production in Americas dropped to the loss of labor workers (i.e. Indians) -the great exchange or aka Columbian exchange led to many plants species and animals to be spread throughout the world eventually becoming a part of these new cultures. New America: cocoa beans, maize, potato became essential in Europe; tapioca in mostly asian countries -new world: culture borrowed from Iberian society Urban cities surrounded by American Indians Conquerors as nobles with Indians as serfs Precedent of controlling African slaves Male dominance-encomiendas Bureaucracy Merchants and trade -role of the church: Set up missions in frontier areas Established churches in towns/villages Recording and analysis on indian culture-for conversion purposes Later, state appointed arch bishops Impact of the church: Stimulated architects with church/cathedral building Printing press higher percentage of religious books Schools run by clergy, universities-law and theology Tribunal of inquisition to judge heretics -ferdinand and Isabella: Unified and destroyed religious unity Jews were expelled Religious contributed to acceptance of columbus idea -conquest and morality; Reasons why treatment of natives justified: Aristotle argument-freeing Indians from unjust lord, Indians not fully humans, born to serve Reasons why treatment of natives not justified: rational people, never did any harm like the muslims, admirable customs and accomplishments, conversion should took place peacefully-indians are like our brothers


-exploitation of the Indians: Native American life preserved Nobility kept in place to facilitate tax collction,labor demands Resiliency to exploitation: some adapted and learned to use the language, legal system, law courts.but were selective to their adaptation


-A massive decrease of Population of Indians Due to carried diseases(measles, smallpox, influenza), mistreatment as slaves/labor workers -while the population of Indians was dropping the population of cattle, sheep, and goats increased. -native plants of America were dying at one point, but then later gathered immunity and thrived. -the great exchange or aka Columbian exchange led to many plants species and animals to be spread throughout the world. The plants from new world to Europe enabled to support the population and grow. Europe exchange to new world brought disease-affected the American popualtion -carribean population almost disappears- slavery, mistreatment, disease -fleet system: convoy sent two fleets annually; galleons protected; ports created to guard treasure

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Key People or Individuals (briefly identify): - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile: monarchs of Christian kingdoms; their marriage created the kingdom of Spain; initiated exploration of New World. - Hernn Corts: led expedition to Mexico in 1519; defeated Aztec Empire and established Spanish colonial rule - Moctezuma II: last independent Aztec ruler; killed during Corts's conquest - Peninsulares: Spanish-born residents of the New World - Creoles: people of European ancestry born in Spanish New World colonies; dominated local economies; ranked socially below peninsulares - Charles III:Spanish enlightened monarch (1759-1788); instituted fiscal, administrative, andmilitary reforms in Spain and its empire

Comparison/Relations with Other Societies: -russia/west: development of coerced labor; impact of gunpowder; western forms imposed on populations, with resistance-russia more selective -Iberian/ new world: transferred their culture, government, which recreated society Questions & Connections (What argument or point remains unclear? Any thought that comes to mind, triggered by the text? What historical, global, thematic, or even personal connections can you make?):

QUESTIONS: - How did American Indians culture remain intact despite their population nearly wiping out? Why were the social hierarchies of America and Europe different?

CONNECTIONS: -diverse societies: some indigenous cultures survived (peru, Mexico); racial hierarchies; culture dependent on demographic breakdown-more slaves, Europeans, or natives -demand for latin American products: world economic position as dependant and based on coerced labor -

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