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How To Write a Bill

Always provide an identifier and a title that summarizes the resolution for easy reference. The title should include language like A Resolution to Support followed by the issue. After the title comes the language of the bill itself. There are two sections to every resolution the WHEREAS and the RESOLVED. See the sample resolutions for formatting (Resolution ID, Bill Author, Bill Sponsor, etc.) The WHEREAS section should include a summary of the existing situation as well as a reflection of student feedback on the issue. For instance, if one was to write a bill on supporting the expansion of the menu at Rudys, the author would want to include what the situation is now: students dont have enough choices, more choices of food would make students happier, and the students have expressed interest in more items on the menu. Reference the sample resolutions for examples. Every resolutions body should begin with WHEREAS the Smith Undergraduate Student Association (SUSA) Assembly is the undergraduate student government at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, and WHEREAS the SUSA Assembly advocates on behalf of undergraduate students after understanding what their needs, feelings, and opinions are from student feedback meetings The RESOLVED section should include a summary of what the bill is suggesting, supporting, advocating, or what not. This is where the title usually is repeated in some form. In the same Rudys example as above, one could resolve that the SUSA Assembly recommends to the Rudys Management that they consider expanding the menu because theres student interest for it. Similarly, the author should resolve to make available any resources necessary to help the management understand students needs. Note: In cases involving possible financial repercussions over an advocated issue, this is the area to note what SUSA supports (e.g. a report to the SUSA Assembly of options, etc.). Reference the sample resolutions for examples. Here is how a RESOLVED section could start THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SUSA Assembly formally support and advocate the implementation of something students care about, and Then it could read THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that more details on this subject here, and And could end with BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the SUSA Assembly make itself available via focus-group or survey to provide greater insight to the administration should they choose to act upon the recommendation of the SUSA Assembly

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