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And because we lost the video, here's a little summary of last night's naseeha from Ustadz Bong after

the Open Light Taraweeh. With all the fitna and disobedience that we see today, the Muslim youth must play a big part in calling others to Islam, calling them to pray, to invite people to symposiums, to invite people to the Prayer room. But before that we must seek knowledge. And in this day and age we cannot deny that We have all the means and ways to seek it. We have madrasas, we have the internet, symposiums and many more. The road to knowledge are countless! Go to madrasas even on sundays only, despite the 6-day class, a day pf seeking knowledge in a madrasa is better than nothing. Seek knowledge through the internet. If you don't know it, google it. And after learning it, confirm it with a scholar. They're nearer than you think. Go to symposiums, grab a buddy, tell your mom and dad to go with you. Make it a family affair. The knowledge you gain is not only for this dunya but also for akhira. Let us take advantage of these. Seek Authentic Islamic knowledge. Invite people to islam, all of us have at least five friends right? Invite them to pray in the prayer room, remind them of Islam. Of course it's not always pleasant the first time you remind someone. But keep at it and inshaAllah they will accept it gradually. Seek knowledge about Islam, change yourself and invite/remind others of our real purpose in this dunya! InshaAllah. Allahu alam. This pretty much sums up last night's naseeha. Now to the Q&A part: Q:In praying tarawee alone at home with out jamaa, do you say it aloud or silently? A:Anything that works for you will do, it can be silent or loud enough for you to hear. You don't have to say it so loud as if you have jamaa. The point of saying it aloud is the benefit the jamaa. If there is no jamaa, you should not say it out loud. Q: What duwaa to say in Witr? A: You can say the Qunoot witr in the duwaa or if you don't know it, any arabic duwaa will do. Or you can just proceed to sujood if you don't jnow any duwaa. Q: If someone repents a sin, then does that sin again, then repents again. What is the ruling in this? Allah will accept the repentance, if made sincerely. But the sinner has an attribute of a hypocrite. The real danger is that the sinner might end doing the sin without having a chance to repent for it ie dying in disobedience. These are the questions that I can remember fully. If there are corrections please tell me. InshaAllah. --------------InshaAllah next week we will again have a lecture after the Tarawee.

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