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Sample Letter to Congress/Senate Dear Representative, I'm writing to express my concern regarding issues related to the porn industry.

Pornography is an abhorrent cancer in our society. It is doing incalculable damage to our nation. This cancer is metastasizing at an alarming rate due to the availability and of porn. Porn is harmful for the actors and actresses involved. They are exposed to the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Porn performers have higher rates of drug use and suicide than the rest of society. After a porn career, it becomes nearly impossible to have normal healthy relationships. Porn affects our families. It puts untold stress on marriages. Children are exposed and learn all the wrong things about sex. Porn is harmful for the men and women who view it. It Warps their view of reality. People become nothing more than objects which are to be used for pleasure. It can become a harmful addiction. The viewing of ever increasing intensity of porn can lead to acting out in criminal activities such as prostitution and voyeurism. I'm not necessarily asking for any new legislation. What I am pleading for, is that existing laws which are already on the books be enforced. Prostitution is illegal: Prostitution is defined as the exchange of sexual services for money. It shouldn't matter if the act is being filmed. If I murdered a person on camera, for the purpose of making a movie, I would still be convicted of murder. Why is having sex for money on camera not considered prostitution? Anti-obscenity laws: There are Anti-obscenity laws on the books. Pornographers seem to get around these by appealing to their free speech rights and denying that what they do is obscene. I love free speech. I am a supporter of free speech. But, Just as it is illegal to yell fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire, porn should be eliminated because of the harm that it does to people and society. I want hard core pornography officially defined as "obscene". I want the anti-obscenity laws enforced. OSHA rules for safe work environments: OSHA has all kinds of rules regarding safe handling of bodily fluids. Section 1910.1030(b) of OSHA regulations specifically define semen and vaginal secretions as potentially infectious materials. Why is the porn industry exempt from following OSHA laws?

Simply enforcing prostitution anti-obscenity laws would virtually eliminate the production and distribution of all hardcore porn in our country. At the very least, enforcing OSHA laws would help to protect porn actors and actresses from disease. Thank you for your attention in this matter, Thank you for standing up for families and the values that made our country great. John Q Public.

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