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Coaching Model Assessment Name: Date: Student ID: Email: Anja Serfontein 22. October 2012 265798 360analyse@gmail.


My Coaching Model - 360analyse

360analyse1 the name of my Coaching practice. The name was chosen as I take my clients on a journey to examine their entire current life. It is crucial to have a clear understanding from which point the coachee operates before he/she chooses the direction of their desire.

The model I use as a starting point of the Coaching journey is by taking a 'Helicopter View' and examining the personal Wheel-of-Life 2 with my Client.

1 360analyse the name has also been chosen as the word 'analyse' exists in an English as well as German language setting. In English it is a Verb, whereas in German it is known as the noun like 'Analysis'. 2 'Wheel-of-life' developed by the Coaches Training Institute

The Wheel-of-Life has previously existed in many forms and for many years, yet it proves to be a simple and effective way as an entry point into a successful Coaching journey. The Wheel-of-Life forms the central 'heart' of my Coaching model. What makes this tool MY COACHING MODEL is the manner in which I take this Snapshot of my client and turn it into an Ongoing Coaching experience. The central question for my Coaching Model is: In what ways can you improve?

At present my clients and I do this exercise using paper and pen written method. The future development and outlook will be as follow: A Mobile Coaching App (MCA) will be provided to each client and will on a daily basis serve as a compass, where the valued individual navigates their life in their desired direction.

The founding idea this is based on is: one of the most common reason why people are looking for Coaches is because far too often people neglect one area in their life for far too long, until a person has a problem or hits the iceberg.

The Mobile Coaching App will remind the client on a daily basis to think up a small action step in each area of their life. For example the 8 action steps that I thought off today form the following to-do-list for myself:

Work/Career: Money/Wealth: Family&Friends: Love/Romance: Contribution: Personal Growth: Health & Wellness:

Send out email to potential client File expenses on Mobile App Call my grandma Make my partner a sandwich with love note Find 1 person today who I can genuinely help Mandarin class My morning run

Physical Environment:Change pot plants

(The Mobile Coaching Application may include an Inspire Me button for each category to provide a creative helpful thought when the client is unable to immediately identify an action step on their own.)

Trying this tool in a non-technology environment has made all the difference in my life and those of my clients as they repeatedly reported it was the difference between feeling overwhelm and having focus or clarity!

The success behind this idea: This apparently simply idea works as it follows the Kaizen principle: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Kaizen is the art of making great and lasting change through small, steady increments. One might not be able to achieve every day all eight tasks but that is not the objective. As long as each category is consciously touched at least once a week the client will experience tremendous improvements in the way he/she perceives the world.

Starting Point

Newly created reality

According to the idea of Dr Jane McGonigal, the Coachee will furthermore learn that his/her daily activities are helping him/her to build and develop crucial resilience. Resilience is the capacity of a system to continually change and adapt. Traumatized people are called to build up this inner growth, however this is not exclusive to a traumatic situation or event. In life everyone is presented with the call for resilience on a daily basis. Through self-awareness and exercising the resilience-muscle we can

also create a resilient self by ensuring the daily activities (8 small action steps) that we are doing fall into one of the following 4 categories:

Intellectual Resilience:

Moving from the mental model one is comfortable with and trying different viewpoints and new ways of thinking. In other words broadening one's perspective.

Physical Resilience:

This resilience is two-fold: First one is one's ability to improve well-being in response to illness, accidents or age-related changes. Secondly is an improved well-being based on external circumstances like a physical house move.

Emotional Resilience:

Building a strong foundation to handle stress and turmoil that is a result of a negative relationship interaction.

Social Resilience:

Core to social resilience is an inclusion of diverse others, an attentive acceptance of others and mutual caring respect for others by being responsive.

In these 4 areas it means facing life's difficulties with courage and patience; refusing to give up.

These 4 areas paired with a continuous small-change effort TOGETHER with a solid personal and trusting Coaching relationship is the foundation to my client's success. My Formula: 8 daily small action steps + resilience(s) check + trusting Coaching relationship = My Client's success

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