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El Chupacabra (A Spanish Fairytale)

by Mike Anthony Espinal on Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 11:11am I remember way back when as a young boy, I would always give my mother a hard time when it came to going to sleep at bedtime. You know what I mean; you did it too, don't deny it. My mother would chase after me all through the house yelling empty threats of punishments and of taking away my favorite toys. I would just skip away without a care in the world, "Na, na, nuh, naaaa, na!.", you know, being a brat; And every time my Abuela (Grand mother) would be smiling and chuckling to herself watching my mother go through the same headaches she once did when my mother was a child. Night after night at bedtime I was always disobedient as usual not wanting to go to bed. My mother, pursuing, tries to grab a hold of me to bring to bed. "Mira muchacho, ya es hora de dormir, ya es tarde!" ("Look boy, it's time for bed, it's late!'). But, like every other night I would avoid her attempts to bring me to my room. Of course my grandma was there chuckling contentedly. My mother, wiping the sweat from her brow, would roll hers eyes upset at my grandma because she found nothing comical about it. I loved my grandma very much. Grandma was raised on a finca (Farm) on the island of Puerto Rico. An enchanted place they say. A place full of old traditions with many stories handed down generation after generation. Grandma always tickled me and would make me laugh. She would comfort me when I'd cry after falling and scraping my knee or when she would pull a splinter out of my finger. When I got home from school there would be cookies and milk waiting for me. Grandma would help me with my homework sometimes and then let me go play outside when I was done. Grandma always had a smile for me and was my best friend. Some bedtimes I would run and hide behind my grandma's chair and I would always hear her chuckling as my mother frustratingly searched for me -under the dining table, in the closets and even down in the basement. Mother would come

into the room and ask grandma if she had seen where I ran off to. My grandma would shrug her shoulders denying that she had seen me, playing along. I would giggle from behind the chair and always get caught. My mother would snatch me out from behind the chair and ask, "Por qu le ayuda?" ("Why do you help him?") to this my grandma would reply, "Usted hizo lo mismo una vez, hija." ("You did the same once, daughter.") At those times as I'm being led away to my room, I would yank my hand away from my mothers grip and run over to my grandma. I'd reach out to her and get a hug goodnight. Grandma always gave hugs better than anyone. On one particular night I was being the demon child from hell at bedtime, I mean really acting out screaming and yelling, "I don't want to go bed!" I ran to hide behind grandma's chair with mother right on my heels saying, "Mi dios, este nio me pusieron en la tumba." ("My god, this child will put me in the grave.") My mother looked at my grandma as I hid behind the chair and threw her hands up in submission, "Por favor aydenme.'' ("Please help me,") mother pleaded to my grandma. Grandma looks up at mother and asks, "Qu puedo hacer?, El es tu hijo." (What can I do?, he's your child.") To this mother replied, "Le dicen que el cuento que me dijeron cuando yo era una nia." ("Tell him the story you told me when I was a little girl.") At hearing this I peeked out from behind the chair curiously. I looked at my mother and then at grandma. My grandma sat there staring at nothing really, looking like she was remembering something from a long time ago. Grandma looked at me then back at my mother and said, "Bien le voy a decir, pero estar preparados. Recuerden lo que sucedi cuando le cont esa historia." ("Alright I'll tell him, but be prepared. Remember what happened when I told you that story.") I came out from behind the chair. I looked at mother and then at my grandmother with a puzzled look on my face and I asked, "Qu cuento mi abuelita?" ("What story grandma?") Grandma reaches out and motions me to take her hand and I help her out of her chair. We start heading towards the steps that lead up to my room. It was a slow laboring walk up the creaking stairs and she says to me,"Yo te voy a contar un cuento de cuando yo era una nia." ("I'm going to tell you a story from when I was a little girl.") I look back down at my mother at the foot of the stairs, she had a smile on her face and a look of concern and I wondered why she looked scared and content both at the same time. Grandma tucked me nice and tight into my bed and then handed me my favorite GI-Joe. She walked around the room and picked the rest of my toys up off the floor and put them neatly back into the toy-box. She walked over to the window and peeked out of it. She then closed my closet door but not before inspecting the darkness inside of it first. She walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed and patted me on the head. The room was dim with just my small lamp that lit up only the corner of the room my bed was in. My grandma said a quick prayer and then began her story.

"When I was a little girl on the farm in Puerto Rico, I didn't like going to bed at night either." she said. "Just like me grandma?" I asked. "S, igual que tu nieto." ("Yes just like you, grandson.") "Bastante ahora y escuchar." ("Quiet now and listen.") She said she

would sneak out of the house when her parents were asleep and go scare the chickens and tease the goats by throwing small stones at them to see them buck and kick. Her parents would wake up from all the noise the animals were making and would chase my grandma through the rows of sugar cane then around the banana trees and the mango groves till they would catch her. They would scold her all the way back to the tin roof shack they lived in and reminded her that one night the Chupacabra would get her if she didn't stay in bed and sleep like a good little girl. "Chupacabra?" I asked out loud. My grandma hushed me with one finger to her lips and her eyes looking around the dim room. I looked too wondering what she was looking around for. "No diga el nombre es demasiado ruidoso." ("Don't say that name too loud.") She told me then that this Chupacabra can hear little children say his name from far away late at night. I laid very quite then and pulled my blanket up a little and held on to my GI-Joe tighter for comfort. Grandma continued telling her story... Night after night she would continue going out late scaring the chickens and teasing the goats. Every night her parents would have to chase her through the farm and bring her home and back to bed again warning her next time they were not gonna get out of bed and the Chupacabra will get her. She told me she got a spanking and had to do extra chores on the farm the next day, but she didn't care. At that I said, "Oooo, grandma, you were a naughty little girl." To this she replied,"S, yo era muy traviesa. ("Yes, I was very naughty.") explaining that she would always do it again and again. Then one night, very very late, she sneaked out again. She tip-toed towards the chicken coop and when she got close enough she ran towards it and kicked at it to scare the chickens. The chickens were all gone. All she could see was feathers everywhere and red stuff dripping out of the chicken coop. This was no fun she thought, where did they all go?, they were here last night. No matter she thought, the goats are much more fun to tease. So she started to skip along the dark path picking up small stones as she went along towards the goat pen. Once she got close to the goats she climbed up a small tree and sat on a branch that stretched out over the goat pen. They were there. Three goats, two laying down on their sides and one just standing there baying and shaking violently. She aimed and threw the first stone and hit one of the goats that was laying down. The goat did nothing. She aimed again and threw a second stone at the other goat laying down and it just laid there too. Nothing. This made my young grandmother upset. She aimed at the goat that was standing and threw a third stone. It hit the goat right between the horns, but the goat just stood there. It didn't buck or kick or anything. Grandma says she got angry and pounded her little fist against the branch she was sitting on. She then picked a bigger heavier rock that she had collected and threw it real hard. The rock hit the goat on its side, the rock bounced off and landed on the ground with a loud thud. She was just about to yell real loud to scare them when she heard a loud crunch and then a nasty slurping sound, like her Tio (Uncle) makes when he's eating his sancocho (stew) but it sounded much more disgusting. She then watched as the goat that was standing fell over on it's side like her doll falls when she tries to stand it up. That's when she said she saw it and her eyes went wide as an owls."What did you see grandma?" I asked in a frightened whisper. Grandma stood up and peeked out the window again, then she went and checked the closet door making sure it was closed.

Then she walked back over to me sat down and spoke so low I almost couldn't hear her. "El Chupacabra" she said. A cold shiver came over me and I covered my little head with the blanket. My grandma uncovered my head. I could see her lips trembling as she told me that It looked up at her. Goat blood was dripping from it's huge mouth. It had one large long sharp pointy fang in the front and a bunch of smaller sharp teeth lining its mouth . It had giant round red eyes that glowed in the dark, the skin was greenish black and leathery with black spots. It had wings like a bat. On its head and all along its spine it had long sharp bony spikes like an Iguana. It only had three long fingers on each hand with big sharp black claws. It had big giant feet like a rooster with sharp claws and viscous looking sharp spurs growing out of the back of each ankle. It made a very loud terrible piercing sound like a screeching owl only a lot scarier. It started to run, then it jumped and flew towards her. It grabbed for her but she moved to the side. Then the thing ripped her dress and scratched her arm as she lost her balance and fell out of the tree. She got up from the ground and looked up into the tree. The Chupacabra looked down at her licking it's lips with its long red snake like tongue. It jumped down from the branch she had been sitting on and landed right in front of her. The Chupacabra was no bigger than her she said but it looked mean and was very scary. It opened its mouth real wide and she could see it was full of blood and it's breath smelled real bad. That's when she turned and started running for her house screaming and yelling for her parents. She heard the Chupacabra running after her and then it flew up and over her head, landed in front of her and reached towards her with its claws. She ducked then dodged away heading for the sugar cane field. She was running in between the rows of sugar cane looking back yelling and screaming for her parents. She tripped and fell. Looking back she could see the Chupacabra coming at her really fast snapping its teeth at her. She then stood up and started running again. As she got to the the banana trees the Chupacabra caught up to her and knocked her down. Its was trying to grab her legs with its claws and was screeching at her horribly. She kicked at it and was able to and was able to get up. She tried to run around the trees but it would block every direction she tried to go. Grandma said she picked up a stick and started swinging it at the monster as it kept on trying to grab at her. The Chupacabra grabbed hold of the stick and my grandma let go of it and ran as fast as she could through the mango groves. She was so scared, she was yelling and crying for her parents but they were no where to be seen. She started wishing that she had listened to them and just went to bed like they asked her to do. The Chupacabra was right behind her and all she could do was to keep on running. She was breathing heavy and knew that it was going to catch her if she didn't make it to her home. Just then the Chupacabra flew up into the air and began to swoop down at her over and over again screeching loudly, grabbing at her hair and trying to lift her into the air. Grandma said she was crying and screaming waving her arms fighting it off of her. Then she looked up ahead and she finally seen her house through the tears in her eyes and ran as fast as she could towards it. She didn't look back or up but she could hear the Chupacabra's flapping wings very close. She could see her bedroom window that she would sneak out of all those nights before. The Chupacabra landed on the tin roof with loud bang and glared its teeth at her screeching fiercely. Grandma said she jumped up and

grabbed the window sill and pulling herself up dived through the window falling into her room. Then she jumped into bed covering herself with the blankets. The Chupacabra was still on the roof screeching noisily and scratching at the roof with its claws while my grandma laid scared in her bed with her eyes closed real tight, and her ears covered trying to block out the sound. She stayed that way until the monster finally flew away when the sun came up. Grandma said she never sneaked out again and always went to bed when she was told after that night. I was so scared and shaking when she finally finished the story. Grandma started rubbing my head and calmed me down telling me its was alright and not to be afraid. I asked, "Did it hurt Grandma?" She looked at me and asked, "Hizo lo que duele?" ("Did what hurt?") I pointed at her arm, "Where the Chupacabra scratched you?" My grandma thought for a second and then realized what I was asking. She rolled up her sleeve and showed me three dark lines on the skin of her arm and said, "S nieto, duele mucho." ("Yes grandson, it hurt very much.") I stared at the scars on her arm wide eyed as grandma then told me that I should really start going to bed when I'm told. Sooner or later El Chupacabra will come in the middle of the night and try to get me when I'm running away from my mother at bedtime. I sat up and hugged my grandma real tight and she hugged me back. I told her I was happy the Chupacabra didn't fly away with her and promised I would go to bed when I'm told from now on like a good boy. Grandma started rocking me and rubbing my head quieting me down saying "That's a good boy." I laid back down and grandma covered me with the blanket kissed me on the forehead and patted me on the head. "Ir a dormir como un buen chico y usted no tendr que preocuparse de nada, si? ("Go to sleep now like a good boy and you won't have to worry about anything, yes?) I replied, "S abuelita, ir derecho a dormir.Buenas noches" ("Yes grandma, I'll go right to sleep. Good night.") I hear my grandma leave the room and go down the creaky steps. I wait till she's all the way downstairs till I throw the blankets off and jump out of bed. As my feet hit the floor I hear a rap and a tap on my window. I walk over pull the curtain aside and peer out into the darkness. There just outside the window were two giant red round eyes staring at me glowing in the dark. Suddenly I hear a long blood curdling shriek. I closed the curtains and ran/jumped back into my bed and threw the covers over my head and fell right to sleep from fright. It's been many years since I heard that story and after that night I would go to bed without my mother having to chase after me. My grandma passed away a while ago and I still miss her very very much. I've had children of my own and when they gave me a hard time at bedtime I told them my grandmas story and I guess they saw the Chupacabra at some point too because soon after I didn't have any problems at bedtime. Now I'm a grandpa and once in a while my grown up children who now have children of their own come and visit me. I sit in my rocking chair watching the grand kids being chased after at bedtime and I just chuckle contentedly like my grandma used to. Soon it'll be my turn to tell the cute little brats the Chupacabra fairytale.

A Cosmic Muse
by Mike Anthony Espinal on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 8:21am

I was born with the uncanny ability to see details in all forms of art. I've used every method available to enhance my creative talents. Be it on paper or canvas and mosaics; with pencils, inks, chalks, charcoal and paints. I'm sure you've seen my type, yes I'm the artist; A recluse, withdrawn, psychologically secluded from the world, finding any and all reasons to be alone with just my art to give me solace. I have tried to keep up with my prescribed medications in an attempt to live a healthy social lifestyle. But to no avail. Anyway I won't bore you with my insignificant personal problems. As of late I have been using photographic stills as motivation for my artwork. I've taken photos of all types and have painted or drawn what my minds eye finds in the details within the prints. Yet nothing captures my imagination more then the stars in the night sky. I find the stars so intriguing, like are they pin pricks of light in a veil of black satin cloth? So I started photographing the night sky. That's when I found a most amazing...Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain how these events all came to be and changed my perspective of life and art for the better. First let me ask you readers this; Have you ever been so tired of the noise and social nuances of every day life that you just want to escape it all?, well that's what I did. My talents earned me enough to purchase a meek little cabin high in the California Sierra Mountains that I converted into an art studio. It's so very desolate and peaceful up here. In the evenings all you hear are the nocturnal critters rustling thru the bushes, nightingales singing and some times coyotes out in the distance yelping happily while dining on a fresh kill. Very few street lights illuminate the landscape up here and once in a while you can hear a lone traveler driving along the highway a few miles down the road from my cabin, its very dark after the sun goes down. Perfect for starlight photography, my new obsession. I usually go for a walk after having a late dinner, you know, to burn off those bad calories. I take my camera along to take photos of different parts of the night sky on a hilltop clearing not too far away. I set up my tripod and mount the camera like I have many times before. I can see a zodiac of constellations on any given night, depending on how clear the atmosphere will be and also what month or time of year it is. Some stars and planets are positioned in a manner that supposedly can foretell a persons future. My horoscope told me a woman of my dreams will join me tonight. Yea right, whatever. On this particular night I had my camera focused and zoomed in on the constellation of Orion. The famous three stars within the belt lined up as usual except for one minuscule multi-colored blinking star I've never noticed before just under the center star. I peered at it through the camera's view port and realized that the blinking light darted towards the left of the belt and then again towards the right of it. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, wondering if I took all my medications that day. I gazed up again to look with my own eyes, squinting to focus them better and impossibly the blinking light seemed to be closer and frighteningly a little bit bigger. That's when I realized what I was witnessing. Yet it couldn't be I kept saying to myself. I wanted to run away but I was rooted to the ground. Then suddenly in a millisecond it streaked from way on high in the upper stratosphere to about thirty yards above me. Like if it knew I spotted it and was about to vaporize me with a laser or something on the spot. The craft was pretty big the metal on it looked transparent and at the same time not. Glittery like a metallic paint job with kaleidoscope

flecks in the texture. I stood there mouth wide open. I kept staring at it, as it glowed faintly. Shimmering a rosy color with pinkish blends streaking through its surface, tiny lights, like weird Christmas lights made up of all different hues and color tones were located at different junctions here and there blinking wildly giving it a glowing aura. Just as my eyes were focusing on the engineering design of the craft with all those amazing colorful details; A bright blinding beam of lavender light lit the ground all around me, and then...Nothing, I blacked the hell out. I awoke groggy and disorientated. I couldn't see, my vision was blurred like my eyes were glazed over with a thin film of wax. I laid on a bed made of a warm foamy bubble like material that felt extremely soft yet firm enough to hold up my weight, good thing too because there was no frame that I could sense holding up anything, there was a wondrous sweet fragrance in the air that I was breathing, It was like Incense, I could taste a sweet succulent flavor with every breath like the anesthesia you get right before surgery. I tried to focus my sight on the walls and the space around me, I noticed the kaleidoscopic flecks in the texture everywhere. Then it hit me. I began to panic, All I could think at that moment was...Crap!, I've been abfucking-ducted!. I sat up slowly and forced my eyes to focus, looking around to see if anyone or anything was in the room with me, the room was empty. Ok, alright...I thought to myself, so far so good; it could be worse buddy, you could have awaken to some little green guys sadistically anal probing your un-happy ass. I stood up noticing an open doorway to the left of me. I moved a little closer and peered into it. It was dark in there except for the stars shining through what was a I think glass to see out into space, a huge extravagantly decorated looking lounge chair was in the center surrounded by faint lights twinkling on and off and I could see strange display panels with indescribable writings on the screens. On one of the displays I could see what looked like earth on the screen. I figured it was the flight control room. I whispered to myself, "Yup; you're up shits creek without a frikkin paddle my friend". I felt my surroundings vibrating slightly, kind of soothing, not scary or anything, just the sensation of silent propulsion at work. I was looking around the room, at all the weird writing and designs, admiring the technology and stuff when all of a sudden... I felt a presence enter the room behind me and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. This is it, I thought. Let the butt plugging commence. I've been taking meds, keeping myself away from social activities all this time and now I'm about to get violated by little god damned aliens who won't so much as cuddle with me afterwards. No! I silently yelled at myself, I won't allow it. I'll fight to the end, no bug-eyed little space butt-pirates are going to take my dignity from me! I spin around ready to kill the first probe carrying extraterrestrial I see and...Holy Mary mother of god!

She was exquisitely beautiful beyond belief. Like a goddess in a dream. All the greatest artists of the world working together couldn't ever create a masterpiece to artistically capture the creature standing before me in any medium. A vision of loveliness, Her hair was Indian ink black, done in braids, no wait...more like dread-locks, with all the colors

of a neon rainbow swirling and highlighting it like the advertisements that light up Time Square. Her lips luscious and inviting were the perfect shade of sky-blue. Her smooth flawless skin was a ashy grey/white, like the tightly clustered stars that make up the Milky Way. Her body was genetically enhanced Amazonian perfection. What I thought were tattoos was incredible to see, one second a design or pattern would appear in one place and the next it would travel along her perfect curves to a different part of her body like a living thing dancing within her skin decorating at will. Then there were her amazing eyes, the color of violet they were. Faceted and catching every ray of light in the room like two priceless amethysts. Her clothes or lack there of was made of a clinging sheer silvery material, heavy and metallic looking yet flowing like silk as she circled around me smiling and giggling. I could only stand there mesmerized, taking in every detail of her. She was a walking, breathing work of art. She pointed towards the other side of the room and I turned to look at what she wanted me to see. It was my camera. I looked back at her, a confused look on my face. She looked at me comically, Like she was thinking what a dumb Neanderthal I am. Then I almost melted into a puddle as I watched her walk gracefully across the room and bend over to pick the camera up. She walked back and handed it to me and gave me a sly wink. She spun away from me and manipulated a set of instruments on one wall and proceeded to dance around the room with her immaculate perfect physique. As though by instinct, I brought the camera to my eye. I start to take photos. I don't know how, but really cool techno type sounds began playing and then the room kept changing back-grounds, like a slide show. The lighting in the room changed as well to fit the theme. A menagerie of galactic views and locales was all around us, strange planets, extraordinary nebulas and exploding stars. The images continued, all the while syncing with the music in the room as though on cue. Hungry worm holes, comets and colliding asteroids. The colors and details were outstanding and all this was happening from inside the craft. Just incredible detail to my mind and my eyes. I watched through the view port of the camera as she continued to pose for me. All the while blending into every scene and giving experienced hair whips and multiple facial expressions towards the lens like a professional model would but much more intense and erotic than any model I have ever seen on earth. She didn't need coaxing, she knew what to do. Like she's done this for a millennium. I couldn't and didn't want to stop the shutter from capturing every angle of her existence. No attempt at words were exchanged, there was no need, she was reading my mind I think. Like she understood my talents and my attention to detail telepathically. Maybe she did something to me while I was out cold and found that place in my human brain that stores my knowledge and love of artistic details. I was still snapping away as she was approaching me. She posed one last time with a close up that filled the view port of the camera with just her face and that one shot truly captures the essence of my experience. Finally, the perfect celestial beauty I was hoping to capture on film all these many past nights from the starry skies. I have never seen anything like her and now I have to find a way to express it in my artwork. She was so

close now and I must admit I got excited. I think she knew this because right there and then she kissed me and with our arms around each other the room began to spin, slowly at first then faster and faster till it was spinning out of control. I felt my self flying amongst the stars and I started getting dizzy, We were flipping and turning like in vertigo as we made love. the G-forces over whelming me as I kept asking her with my mind over and over again, Wait. tell me your name, please tell me your name, I need to know and then... I heard birds singing in the distance and then a jet breaking the sound barrier woke me up. I sat up startled realizing I was on the hilltop near the cabin and it was day break, my camera on its tripod still pointing up. I look up to the sky blinking from the bright morning sun and see just plain old blue sky. Like yesterday and the day before. I laugh at myself thinking man you are a crazed weirdo, you must've fell asleep during the night and had one hell of a freaky wet dream. Maybe all this star-gazing is getting to me. I grab all my stuff and head down the trail back towards my cabin. I go through my usual routine, turn the news on (Same shit, different day), have some coffee and a quick breakfast. I jump in the shower and shave then put on some fresh clothes. I collect the camera and go into the dark room. I set up my film stock and fill the trays with developing solution. I get the roll of film out of the camera and begin to develop the film. I add the print stock into the liquid and watch as the first image emerges expecting just stars that I photographed. I practically hit the ceiling as the image on the print sharpens and I see her eyes looking at me through the ripples of the liquid in the tray. I wonder what happened though after we kissed and had great intergalactic sex, how did I end up back on the hilltop with out me noticing?. Who knows?, Who cares?. I know now that it really happened and The pictures tell the story. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I smile and collect the prints and include them to my portfolio. I go to the medicine cabinet and reach for my meds. I stop myself in mid reach, change my mind then close the cabinet. I look at my reflection in the mirror. Wondering what her name could've been and if I'll ever see her again. And also admitting to myself that my horoscope was dead on last night. I turn to walk out of the bathroom and I notice something moving on the back of my hand as I turn the door knob. Small and faint but noticeable, a black dot the size of a freckle. I look closer and I watch it moving up along my wrist, towards my forearm then around my bicep I rip off my shirt to see it go up and over my shoulder then around my neck a couple of times scaring the heck outta of me. I felt no pain but it was definitely in my skin moving. Suddenly it settled over my heart. I freak out a little as I watch one black dot split into two then into three the dots changed shape and became stars in line just like on Orion's belt. Under the three stars a thin line spreads out and begins to curve and wiggle expanding and retracting like a radio frequency as it formed into letters. I look in the mirror at my chest and I sound out the letters as they form on my chest. I smile from ear to ear as I repeat the name. Artus-Amak. I liked it; she gave me a tattooed piece of herself. It sounded strange but then again consider the source. I go into my studio and find my mediums and begin my creativity with renewed vigor. Soon I'll socialize and go out into the world displaying

what the stars gave me for inspiration. She's my muse and will be seen in every medium I use. Oh and screw the meds, I don't need them anymore. I'm in a happier place now and every night I go to that hilltop with my camera ready... just in case.

Darkness and the Ninja (A love story).

by Mike Anthony Espinal on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 1:08am My given name is Michael. I am one with the night. Darkness; Darkness is my mistress. Her age is timeless and her beauty is intoxicating and flawless. As I prepare for my mission the sun is setting over the western horizon. I can sense her drawing near. A memory of our last encounter flashes through my minds eye. Then at last Darkness has arrived so I extinguish the lights and step out into the night. Darkness greets and kisses me passionately and I am happy to see her. She takes my hand as I venture on to complete my mission of servitude within her domain. I faintly hear her whispers of encouragements and of how she has missed me terribly. I must stay focused though; I must remember my training and be strong in this endeavor for she has watched me grow to become what men have feared for ages. Death from the shadows,

dread in the night. a living breathing form of myth called Ninja. For this reason alone our chance encounter occurred and our hearts have been joined ever since . I am one of her favorite obsessions, masked and garbed in armor the color of blackness, becoming as one with her. Darkness and I are a match made by fate; And this is what intrigues her the most I'm sure, the fact that with Darkness I find solace within her gaze, comfort from her icy touch, and that I find her erotic when most men shiver when they know she's approaching. Her arms envelop me lovingly as we dart to and fro within the shadow that is her body and my comfort zone both at the same time. Through my training and experience I've learned every aspect of Darkness and she relished this over the years. Tread softly, Darkness says to me; you are the shadow that all fear; Prowl within the evening mist and the moonless night, move swiftly and use me to your advantage, I am yours for as long as you desire. She instructs me, even though she knows I am not new to her most private recesses, her whims or her suggestive ways. I patiently follow my instincts. Timing is key. Darkness dances all around me, Arching her back, whipping her hair, hips sensually swaying back and forth as she camouflages me from sight , I find that with her help she has led me to my target objective tonight. Such a perfect union I must say; Perfected stealth of the ninja and Darkness. A faint metallic sliding sound solemnly announces my sword being drawn from its sheath. The hair on the back of my targets neck prickle and stand on end as I silently move forward; My concentration prepared for what's imminent. My senses tell me that now is the time to strike; Now while my presence is felt but not yet known. The element of surprise, an ambush of precise form and precision. In an instant a shadowy blur, then a flash of light glints off hardened steel. Darkness watches as my weapon arcs through the air and squeals with orgasmic delight as it slices through flesh and bone. The target drops to the floor lifeless. It's over in a blink of an eye, my blade reflects a pair of eyes expressing terrified acknowledgement, those dead eyes stare blindly admitting the truth that they have been owing a debt and now it's been paid in full. With a flick of the wrist the crimson droplets of blood fall away cleaning that memento which is my sword, my life and my soul. I slowly return the sword back to it's sheath, I have no qualms for what I do or feel pity for the lives that I've quenched out of existence. I am a tool, my skills earn my keep. There's a price on all manner of evil men and I use Darkness to collect. I look away to the distance and can see the faint light of dawn approaching in the eastern night sky. I stand over my now dead objective, the sun will be rising soon and people will find the evidence of my deeds and be mystified at how it was accomplished. My mission is done. The time has come to take my leave. Darkness, she still lingers though. I look at her standing not too far off, Wickedly smiling, looking slightly aroused and frightened of me simultaneously . Perhaps secretly she feels deep down inside that our relationship is stronger than she ever anticipated and it excites her to know that none of this could be done without her.

Darkness looks toward the coming dawn calling to me and hurries me along gleefully like a school girl who's enjoying going against her parents wishes and trying hard not to get caught. She skips and shuffles alongside me, her sheer robes clinging tightly around her delicate Venus like frame as we race and evade through the night air towards safety. Her long silky jet black hair, flowing in the wind makes her look irresistible to me. Pride in her coal black eyes sadistically express joy of the fact that justice, well deserved has befallen the unjust by her lovers hand. My sweet Darkness; She feeds on souls that is given her on nights such as these and gets drunk on the drink called Fright when there is nothing else. Morbid yes but a necessity I'm sure. Darkness finally leads me back to the spot where she first found me. With a hurried breath and all the while looking over her shoulder at the coming dawn, she kisses me softly and seductively moans in my ear that she yearns for our next chance meeting. Promising to be there, willing and ready when that next time arrives. Then as if in a dream, Darkness gently caresses my face as she slowly backs away from me and with a sly smile on her moist ebony lips, she whispers, "You are ninja, and I Darkness loves you". Her opaque soft skin blends into the first rays of the morning sun and then she's gone. I stand there with my eyes closed in deep contemplation, alone. The sensation of her kiss still fresh on my lips. Minutes pass by. The sun rises higher and I open my eyes to witness the celestial dawn. I allow myself a half-hearted smile as the birds begin to sing and the world awakens. None the wiser at what Darkness and I have been up to during the night. As I turn and begin to walk to my haven, I wonder to myself when this next chance meeting she spoke of will take place. When Darkness and I can meet again and exploit each others needs and wants. I'm already anxious to see her again; Perhaps today someone will make that fateful mistake to be unjust and give me a new mission to have the chance to see her again soon. My name is Michael. I am a myth called ninja, and Darkness loves me.

A Trappers Love
by Mike Anthony Espinal on Monday, July 4, 2011 at 1:53am Names are not important, only a story can tell how life can change a man. I will tell you my story; you can accept it as whatever you wish. The elders of my home village tell of a tale from ages past. They say a long time ago when the lands shook and the waters had risen and fell, the world was changed to what

we see today. Once all the land masses were bound together. Man and beast lived as one, harmoniously across a giant continent. The elders also say that once every so often a select few of very lucky humans and beasts would have such a strong special bond of love with one another that some men or beasts would transform themselves magically. The beast would become human or human to beast. This allowed them to be able to spend one conjugal night a month with the one they loved. Then after the great catastrophe everything changed. Beast ate man, man ate beast. The land masses separated forever. Harmony between man and beast had vanished forever, or so they thought. The powers that be, allowed me no wife or children. I never found that emotion you would call love as I grew into manhood. I have lived my life as a trapper since I could remember and traveled my world alone. My work consists of assisting farmers and businesses to rid their properties of vermin and/or wild animals and such. On occasion it could be a very lucrative means. Selling pelts and hides has allowed me time to enjoy a meek simple life. I would stop at taverns and inns as I traveled. I often sit quietly and contemplate my lonely life over many flagons of ale. I bed the occasional wench to satisfy my animalistic needs but have not yet found the privilege of being with a significant other. On visiting one of these denizens of drink and debauchery, I over heard a conversation of a farmer whose livestock had been ravaged by wolves. Seems this whole wooded area has had troubles with the four legged predators. Fortune might find me yet. I have nothing against the animals I trap; theyre just trying to survive as I am. For this reason I only try to trap those that need trapping but never root them all out. Beasts need space to roam like any other living thing. I made arrangements to pay this farmer a visit. The small farm clearing was located within a wooded glen. All around it there were hills thick with trees. The canopy darkened out the woods here and there and made certain areas shadowy and forbidding. I arrived around dusk and a thick evening mist was forming among the base of the trees. At seeing this I remembered the old tales the elders spoke of in my childhood. Magical places within the world where beast and man walked hand in hand. The farmer walked out to greet me with a look of misery on his old worn face yet he was forcing a smile. I spoke business with him briefly after he invited me in for a pint of his bitter homemade ale. He explained his relief that I happened to be in the area and that perhaps his dilemma might soon be at an end. At my request, he mapped out the parts of his property that have seen the most attacks from the wolves. I explained to him that I will need him to keep all of his livestock hidden for two or three days except for a few as a lure in a location I marked out on his property. I headed out after thanking him for his hospitality and told him I would be back after a few days. As I rode off the old farmer called out and said to be wary, that the woods have seemed strange as of late with all the mist and shadows within them. I looked back and saw a look of both dread and hope in his eyes. I spent the first night making camp near a rocky hillside where my fire would not disturb the natural routine of the woods. I tracked around finding the paths that the wolves were using to and from the old mans farm. I set my traps at key locations close to the farm and along a game trail near my camp. Later that first night I could hear the wolves howling in

the far distance. I checked my traps at first light and found my traps empty. I re-baited them with fresh meat. I then rode by the farm and saw that the old man had left three of his livestock roaming loose on his land. Good. That will tempt the wolves to move in and inspect for the hunt. I returned to my camp and waited for nightfall. As night fell I was perched high in a tree, scanning the woods for any sign of the wolves. The waiting for my traps to spring always gave me time to think of what else I would be doing if I had found a woman to call my own. Perhaps I wouldve been a farmer like the old man Im assisting, raising a family and living off the land alongside nature. I wave the idea out of my mind thinking that it wasnt fated to be. Just then I hear the familiar sound of one the traps and a loud pain filled yelp. I climb out of the tree and stealthily approached the direction it came from. As I walked in the clearing where I set my trap, I looked and saw a most enchanting wondrous animal. The wolf was snow white in color except for a black ring around its neck that ended into a peculiar intricate design. On its chest was what looked like an ornate pendant beautifully etched into its pristine coat, the only blemish on this animal was of my own doing, the steel trap around the paw that sprung it had made a deep gash which was painfully oozing blood. Its coat shimmered and glowed magically in the darkness. It was radiating and twinkling with light. Its eyes were a captivating light pinkish rose color. I could see intellect in them along with the suffering it was enduring at the moment. I raised my crossbow to put it out of its misery but found that I couldnt. This creature was one of the beasts the village elders spoke of. I knew in my heart that to kill this wolf was wrong no matter what it has done. I lowered my weapon and set it down on the ground next to me and slowly walked towards the wolf. I realized it was a female as I got closer. She was growling at me, baring her fangs viciously, hair on the back of her neck bristling and ears lay back flat against her head. Even with this menacing appearance she was so beautiful to behold. She possessed the power of beasts yet had the aura of mythical beauty. I spoke as softly as I could to her. I apologized for setting the trap and that it wasnt meant for her, I repeatedly kept telling her how beautiful she was, to let me help her. I wasnt sure but she seemed to understand my intentions as she listened to me and watched me come closer. That cant be I thought, its a beast and couldnt understand me. Perhaps it sensed my regret and knew that way. I was about a step away from her and she tried to back away from me but the trap only hurt her more and she whimpered in pain. I spoke so softly and lovingly to her, I couldnt help it she was that beautiful and I felt compassion and caring for this animal. The she-wolf snarled less and watched me cautiously as I held my hands open and slowly began reaching for the trap. She sniffed at my hands but never stopped from looking me straight in my eyes. She was growling softer but still snarling slightly as if to let me know Im being trusted but to still beware. I pulled the trap open freeing her paw and she leaped back and away limping a few paces. I then slowly stood up and backed away from her. She stood there looking at me with those pink eyes unsure while licking at her wound. I continued backing away speaking softly to her and reassuring her that she was free and again that I was sorry for setting the trap and hurting her. I pleaded for her to stay away from the farmers livestock, less someone else come and hurt her fatally. The she-wolf limped over to the edge of the clearing looking back at me. She wagged her tail ever so slightly and then barked at me softly as though giving thanks then limped into the darkness her glowing fur faintly dimming and fading

as she disappeared into the woods. I stood there watching her go, amazed at this chance encounter and wondered if I would ever see such beauty ever again. After the encounter with the she-wolf I did trap many wolves and thankfully none of them were the beautiful white wolf. I continued looking for signs of her but never found any. There were many wolves in these woods and I hoped that at least I thinned some of their numbers and granted the old man back at the farm some peace of mind. The old man couldnt believe how many pelts I collected along his property and I accepted his gratitude and thankful payment. I traded some of the pelts back in the town. I got some new supplies and of course I stopped in the local tavern and drank some of my earnings away. I couldnt get the white she-wolf out of my minds eye; the symmetry of her beauty was majestic. I paid my dept at the Inn and left my favorite willing wench yearning for my return business. Leaving the town and going on with my travels as a rogue trapper, I promised myself Ill pass this way again on my return trip through this area. A long time passed before I was able to return to this wooded area again. I stopped in at the tavern as I did the year before. Again I drank ale and of course the tavern wench was there and willing as ever for a chance at my shiny coins. No news of wolves was on any subject of conversation in the locale. Good for the farmers, bad for my livelihood. I rode out to visit the old man that had the wolf problem a year before. He was happy to tell me that his livestock has been thriving and can safely graze without any incident since I assisted with the wolves. He invited me in for a pint of his ale and he told me that soon after I left a year ago he spotted a white wolf not too far from the edge of his property. I asked if the wolf attacked his livestock. The old man then said that he couldnt understand it but he noticed that the white wolf seemed to be keeping the other wolves away from his livestock. I asked if hed seen it recently. He said that the wolf is always near the farthest edge of his property where the trees are at their thickest. I asked the old man if he would allow me to scout that area for wolf dens, free of charge.. He happily agreed. We drank another pint and then shook hands and parted company. I rode out to where Id seen the white wolf a year before and found no wolf tracks but someone had been in the area recently. Perhaps the old farmer, he was small in stature and the foot prints were small about his size. I made camp at the same spot I had before and bedded down for the night, my back to the rocky hillside for security. As I lay there with my head propped up and drifting off to sleep staring up at the moon, I thought about the white wolf and if Ill see it again. A snapping twig woke me out of my slumber, and my horse was nervously pulling at its reins, whinnying nervously. It was very late, my campfire had burned low and the only light available was the moonlight. I cursed at my horse as it broke from its tether and bolted away towards the old mans farm, my crossbow strapped to the saddle along with it. I reached for my hunting knife and drew it out slowly. I gripped it tightly and remained absolutely still scanning the dim woods. The evening mist was thick and low on the ground obscuring anything lower than four feet or so along the tree line. Again a snapping twig made a sound roughly twenty yards or so to my left. It was too dark in that direction and I couldnt see anything. I could hear more sounds now, circling my camp. Now the sounds were coming from directly in front of me. There was a small game trail in that direction and I peered down it. The faint moonlight and the mist were making it

hard to make out any shapes or anything moving but I knew something or someone was there. I continued scanning the tree line half hoping it was just a nocturnal animal, at the same time I knew that it wasnt. I stood up at the ready calling out warnings that I could hear whoever or whatever was out there. I asked out loud if it was the old farmer checking on me but heard no answer. I started frantically putting more wood on the fire. I desperately wanted more immediate light and as it flared back to life illuminating my surroundings

My heart froze; the orange yellow glow from the fire lit up to the tree line. Red glowing eyes, reflected from the firelight were staring at me from the edge of the woods. They were all occasionally blinking at me like evil fireflies from some hellish dominion. The sound of low growls and heavy panting was in the air and a chill went up the middle of my back. I could hear them walking through the brush and among the trees all along the perimeter of my camp. The moon was big and low in the night sky, brightly shining through the trees and down through the game trail. The evening mist was still there but the eyes were glowing through it when they looked in the direction of the fire. I counted eight maybe ten sets of eyes all circling my camp. Looking down the game trail I spotted something, the moon silhouetting its shadowed features. Then I sucked in my breath and my heart skipped a beat. I looked left and right than back at the shadow readying myself for an attack. It looked like some heinous cloaked evil walking on all fours but I knew it was not a beast. What crazed manner of person was this? Like an animal, crawling along the ground. The shadowy figure used its slender arms and hands to hold itself up off the ground as it crawled out from the side of the game trail. It then turned directly at me its eyes glowing red never letting me out of its sight. It stopped and squatted in the middle of the game trail. Behind it gathered the other red glowing eyes. Wolves I was sure of it now; and the squatting figure had to of been some kind of alpha of the pack because the other wolves wouldnt walk in front of it. I thought to myself, Wolves obeying something other than another wolf? It could not be, its not natural. Suddenly the figure started crawling again, approaching me slowly, and cloaked body hunched over but still looking at me from under its cowl with those fierce pinkish glowing eyes. The figure got closer, the wolves staying where they were watching intently, menacingly growling and eyes glowing. I recited a small prayer from my childhood and prepared to fight for my life. I warned whoever it was to stay back, but the person continued advancing and still crawling towards me. I started to see faint features on the figure in the dim light where the game trail entered the clearing. The shadowed figure stopped at the edge of the tree line and just stared. I still couldnt make out who or what it was. Then the person spokeHave you any meat? I shivered at the asking voice, which was melodic yet sinisterly guttural. I could tell it was a woman. But what sort of woman. Who goes there at this ungodly hour? I asked in the bravest voice I could muster, trying and failing to hide the fear. A lonely lady, walking in the woods. she said. Reveal yourself so I may judge what you say. I demanded. Im only asking for my friends, they are hungry. Reveal yourself or Ill end your life where you stand! an empty threat but a threat never the less. I heard her laugh softly amused and unafraid, she lifted her hands and pulled the cowl of her cloak off her head. I stood there dumbfounded, Ive seen many a woman in

my travels and yes some more attractive than the next. Yet this woman that stood in front of me was like a vision from a dream. The moonlight mustve been playing tricks with my eyes and I rubbed them to help focus my vision. Her hair was pure white like fresh fallen snow and it was radiating a soft white glow. Her skin was white as well, soft looking and smooth except for a faint discolored scar on her wrist... Her eyes were a strange, captivating pinkish color with a mesmerizing sparkle dancing within them from the firelight. She was wearing a revealing and sheer low cut white tunic, which clung to her large breasts and draped her petite yet strong frame tightly, making it impossible not to look at the curves of her body. She was strange and unworldly beautiful. Around her neck she wore an elaborate pendant; the design looked familiar to me somehow. I remember a more compassionate man the last time we met. her reply puzzled me. Ive never seen her before in any of my travels; I would remember such strange beauty. She gracefully walked over to the fire and sat next to it and warmed her hands, eyes closed enjoying the warmth as if for the first time. I stayed my ground defensively looking at the tree line expecting the wolves in them to rush out at me. They will not harm you young trapper. She said smiling. Be at ease, they only wish to be fed. I looked at her sitting next to the fire smiling devilishly at me. What is your name woman and how is it you walk among them so, without fear of attack? I asked. My name is Lunaloba, and they and I have a common bond. I looked at her, her strange eyes looking back at me, reflecting the fire brightly. Have you any meat? she asked again. I have kept my friends away from the farm like you asked and for this they have become very hungry. In my supply bag youll find what you ask for. I directed confused even more at her statement. She stood up and walked over to my bag and acquired the rations I had purchased back at the town. She then gracefully walked to the tree line near the game trail and proceeded to feed the wolves. They gathered around her like young pups waiting their turn to eat. I watched in disbelief as they acted like a pack with her hierarchy unavoidably present. What manner of sorcery is this? I thought to myself. I watched her as she made low growling noises at them and glared at them baring her teeth viscously at those who could not wait their turn. She wrinkled her nose at them snarling like an animal, every wolf seeming to understand and follow her commands. I must be in a crazed dream. I whispered softly. This is no dream young trapper. It is your fate to be a witness to this. she said softly and confidently as she turned and faced me. At that moment, looking at her beauty I felt a sense of dreadful calming fear, like how men in battle get right before realizing all hope is lost. Why have you chosen me for this fate, I have done nothing to deserve this witchery. I nervously asked. She approached me. Grabbing hold of my hand, she led me to my bedding close to the fire. Be at ease and sit beside me. she requested as she reached for my wine skin and drank eagerly and then passed it to me. Ive been alone for many, many years up until this past year when we first met. I drank deeply of the wine as well, my apprehensions escaping me as I listen. I looked into her eyes as she spoke in a low hypnotic voice; she was caressing my hair as she laid me down by the firelight and continued I have been wandering these woods in search of my fate as well young trapper, foretold to my kind ages ago for many generations. We continued drinking the wine drunkenly and I watched as she removed her clothing and then proceeded to remove mine. I did not understand and she could see this in the expression on my face yet I

couldnt for the life of me stop what was unfolding. When was this meeting you speak of? I do not remember you from my travels. I stated as she straddled me bare in the campfires glow. But you have young trapper, you chose to save me from an untimely demise a year ago and now I am here to repay my debt to you. was her response. Forgive me lady, but I would remember such a chance rescue if it occurred. I do not recall what you speak of. I said. At this she smiled and showed me the scar on her wrist, I looked at it and imagined the pain she mustve suffered at receiving it. Your courageous kindness released me from my misery not too far from this camp a year ago. She said, misty eyed as if remembering the pain she suffered and the love she received. She then rested her head on my chest; I felt her listening to my heart beating there. I never heard such kindness and compassion from any man like that before. I sensed your apologetic love for me and the feeling of sadness in your heart when I sprung your trap. I searched through my memories and thats when it dawned on me. The white she-wolf! My lady; how could that be? I released an animal; magical and strange as it was but still an animal of the woods, yet here you are saying it was you in my trap? She didnt answer. She looked into my eyes then and I could see the truth in them. Looking back at her I cared not how at this point, she was so innocent and invitingly beautiful. I gave into her embrace drunkenly as she kissed me wetly with a coppery wine taste on her tongue; all fear and curiosity was lost to me now. I felt bewitched but did not care anymore; I pulled her closer to me and kissed her back with fervor in my loins. I rolled her over and she laid beneath me bare breasted, hair radiating and the pendant around her neck glowing softly. She scratched at my back as her heavy breathing assured me no resistance to my advancements. As we made bestial love, her pendant continually glowed magically against her pale white skin. It was growing brighter and brighter adding a magical luminescence to our love making as it became more passionate; I could hear the wolves among the hills, howling at the moonlight in approval off in the distance. We relished each others bodies as the animals do in the wild woods. I felt as if I was one of them; uninhibited and part of the natural order of life. Her love for me was evident and there was no question that this woman was what Ive been searching for my whole solitary life. The night went on and we stayed there in each others arms making love multiple times by the camp fire. As dawn approached, my new love explained to me that what the elders spoke of in my younger years was true, that we may only be with each other one night a month and that we could never be otherwise. That those were the conditions made long ago for her to love; should she ever choose to find it. I pleaded to her that there must be another way but she silenced me with a soft kiss and said there was not. As the sun began to rise on the horizon I watched her walk naked to the woods edge, she looked back with tears streaming down her angelic face. There was a slight satisfied grin on her lips. Ill leave my clothing as a keepsake, I promise to meet you here and love you on every full moon if you so choose. was all she said. I watched at the horror of her transformation. Before my very eyes I watched as she painfully and magically turned back into a shewolf. She screamed in agony and began growling hatefully at this fate she has had to endure all of her life. Tears welled in my eyes as fur began to grow out of her supple skin, her perfect human form began to snap, sounding painful and horrible as she shape shifted into wolf form. Her back arched and became hunched over as she fell down on all fours, the hands and feet changing into familiar paws. Her beautiful facial features then stretched and elongated into a snout and her teeth enlarged and became menacing fangs. I

stood there till she had finally changed completely. The she-wolf stood there panting looking at me with those piercing pink eyes, her white fur sparkling and shimmering brightly the mark of the pendant contrasting vividly against it. Ill await your return. was all I could say to the wolf. The animal then wagged its tail briskly and softly growled, turned and ran into the woods. I kept watching until the radiance of its shiny coat melted away among the trees in the coming daylight. Afterwards I collected my lovers clothing and packed them neatly into my bag. The campfire had died down to embers and the woods were silent except for the birds announcing the new dawn. I made my way down the trail towards the old mans farm, occasionally looking back for a glimpse of the she-wolf but saw nothing. My emotions confused and in disbelief as I found my horse grazing near the farm, the old farmer walked up to me asking if all was right with my stay in the woods. I told him all was well and right among the trees. I visited that place every month afterwards along my travels. Month after month I would make sure to visit my nocturnal lover on the night of the full moon. Our bond became stronger and stronger as the months turned into years. One day as I rode into town and stopped at the local tavern, I was drinking my ale, (Less ale than I used to drink as a matter fact.) and of course listened intently to the rumors and conversations about what happened to all the wolves in the area. That no more attacks were ever recorded after my initial visit to the old mans farm. At this the patrons would look over to me and lift their ales at me with gratitude. I lift mine as well and just grin knowing the reasons the wolves are at bay. I no longer live as a trapper. I purchased a small patch of land on the old mans property close to the hills near where I first camped and have been living happily as a farmer. I sell grains and vegetables off my land along my old trapping route. This morning as I was riding past the old mans farm on the way to mine, he waved for me to come in for pint of his homemade brew. We talked about farming and of how life has been better since the wolves stay within the confines of the woods now. The old man then told me that he must be getting too old and that his eyes must be failing him. I asked him why to which he replied that the night before while I was away. He couldve sworn he saw two snow white wolf pups, fur glowing faintly in the night while they were playing happily along the woods edge near your farm. At this I grin and laugh loudly as I pour him another pint of ale and remarked to the old man that the woods at night plays tricks on us all, tricks on us all.

Suicide Hotline from Hell

by Mike Anthony Espinal on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 8:18pm The empty bottle of Jack Daniels made a loud crashing sound as it broke into a hundred pieces when it hit the bathroom tiles. The whole bottle of sleeping pills I had swallowed two hours earlier fatally making me lose my grip on things. On the rim of the tub were stainless steel razors, their sharp edges faintly glowing from the single light bulb that flickered cheaply over the cracked mirror. I stepped barefooted onto the broken glass as I exit the bathroom barely feeling the jagged pieces embedding themselves into the bottom of my feet. I look around at the sleaziness of the motel room with disgust. The cheapish . 38 special I purchased at the pawn shop a week ago was on the nightstand, loaded, silent and alluring. Sitting on the edge of the whore stained bed I look up and stare at the noose I fashioned a little while ago, swaying gently tied to the broken ceiling fan. Under the noose was the single motel room desk chair, (Decisions, decisions)

Youre probably wondering what has driven me to such extreme measures. Well I did try calling the suicide hotline for help, Im depressed not stupid. They asked me all sorts of questions like Is there anyone we can call for you?, No one Id want around Id say. Theyd also ask, Where are you at, what are you thinking of at this very moment?

like I would fall for that one and tell them, then theyd just send the cops. Yea right, like I want to be on suicide watch right now or worse yet my mother might call I mean like are you people frikkin really serious? Oh and then there was my personal favorite questionDont you know that only Jesus truly loves you?, What are you a bunch of idiots? Id yell back. Of course I know only Jesus truly loves me as well as the angels, Buddha and probably Mohammad too which is why Im contemplating being with them you stupid jerks! Anyway I tried that route and it was all bullshit. Why then you still ask? Well its not complicated or anything like that. Its just the same old run of mill, end of my rope story, (No pun intended). The bottom rung of the ladder and nowhere to go but up story, not one person to shed a single tear for me and no one around to watch me go six feet under; Bla bla bla, that about cover it for you kind of? Well before I lose my nerve, its been real nice talking to whoever you are; Time to get this crap over with, for real this time.

I get up from the bed and stumbled to the chair knocking it over trying to stand up on it. Jeez this is going to be a chore I can tell already, sorry folks technical difficulties give me a second here. I try again and, Fuck! stupid chair falls out from under me again and I end up hitting my head on the wooden desk! Son of a Figures, the screws on the chair are very loose, isnt this a bitch and just my luck too, damn. After a few more tries I finally balance myself on the rickety, creaking thing. I can feel it jerking back and forth precariously from my weight as I halo the noose over my head then place and pull it tight around my neck. The booze I drank and the sleeping pills I took, (Really doing a number on me by now.) were making everything around the room seem stupidly serene. This might not be so bad after all I think out loud as I feel my eye lids get heavy and my body starting to go limp and my knees beginning to give out. The last thing I feel are my feet slipping off the chair as it falls over from under me, the bones in my neck snapping loudly with a not so painful quick jerk, (Obviously numbed by the drugs and alcohol I consumed, Halleluiah.) Man! I didnt even try gasping for air. How bad ass is that? I was in a vertigo spinning uncontrollably, my foot twitching a little bit as I started feeling my life slipping away... Hold up, what the..!? I could've sworn I heard someone calling up to me from a long distance below saying something like," Please dont do it!" sounding a little like it was a woman. I tried to focus on the smelly, stained floor of the motel room but was really dizzy spinning on the end of that rope. Then, "Oh man, you got to be fucking kidding me." I tried to say it but couldn't because of the rope choking the shit out of me. I was looking down at the floor and it was caving in, dropping away from underneath me in giant pieces, everything in the room falling along with it. I was like all stoned out thinking, No fucking way dude!!!

The heat was unbelievably hot and barely bearable as it rushed up and hit my face and body making me sweat profusely. I was free falling towards a glowing orange yellow spot far below. Fuck,Thats Fire Man! I screamed out and then I just kept on screaming some more all the while tightening up my butt cheeks trying very hard to not crap in my

pants! All around me it was void of anything to grab hold of, I was reaching out through empty air hoping to find something to slow my fall but nada, absolutely nothing. I turned my head and peeked behind me to see a white light slowly getting smaller the further I fell. Man! This is sucking big time! I yelled, because all I could do was to keep falling, arms and legs spread out like a parachutist. Below I could see that hot glowing area getting closer and closer, the light from it beginning to illuminate my surroundings an oven red baked color. I was in some kind of huge cavern; I could see sharp jagged cracks and cliff faces formed along the walls whizzing past as I was still plummeting down. Worse yet I could also see stalactites pointing dangerously up towards me from far below. Oh man I really done it this time, haven't I? was all I could ask myself as I fell like a stone inside what looked like a volcano. I braced for the inevitable impact, getting myself ready to be skewered upon those many spears of stone and then burned to the bone by the searing hot flames. Good sky...I'm leaving you today! was the only tune that came to mind at that moment, (That Pink Floyd song from "The Wall" album) as I closed my eyes for the lastwait no, the second time tonight. Killing yourself can get really messy and confusing man. Just when I thought it was finally going to be all over and I was just waiting to become a human shish-kabob on the devils barbecue grill, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my chest tightly and I heard large wings flapping in the air over me. I was suddenly being lifted up then flown towards the cavern side wall. I tried to look at what had grabbed hold of me but couldnt turn my head around far enough to see, (And by the way my eyes were too watery anyway.) I was then dropped on a stone ledge unceremoniously like a sack of potatoes and hit my head on a rock. Damn, did you have to just drop me like that?! I asked loudly all mad while rubbing my head where it hurt. Oh I'm sorry honey, would you have rather fallen into the fire down there? I heard a cute female voice ask. Well yea maybe, if I would've known you were going to smash my head on a god damned rock. Shit! I said turning to face my savior/abuser. My eyes opened wide in amazement and then I was pissed no more. I sat there hand on my head looking stupid with my mouth open.

She was sitting in front of me, (In what looked like an uncomfortable position I would think.) head cocked sideways and staring right at me. Her arms were crossed between her thighs, knees together feet wide apart. Like she was in some funky yoga position with her palms down on the rocky ledge we were sitting on. She was hot, not in that way no; Well wait, yea that way too, I mean she was literally really hot with steam billowing off of her as she sweated in the hot air. She was also exquisitely naked as a Jay bird, with smooth angelic skin the color of gold shiny satin. She was very fit like she worked out hardcore with perfect curves everywhere. Bo Derek's movie "10", (If you've ever seen it.) had nothing remotely comparable to this ravishing winged thing looking at me. She sported a straight shoulder length jet black hair style and had dark luscious lips. Her eyes were totally dark, I mean completely black with no pupils and sinister looking yet; well shit you know she was a damned hottie with a body. I mean if youre into chicks with giant fucking bat wings growing out from their backs and all that, then this was your girl! Look, Im a guy and Im not a pervert or anything but this female or whatever it was that saved me, had a pornographic/demonic/Gothic attractiveness to her and was giving me a

major hard Alright wait, I wont go there but you get the picture, (Hey I'm scared shitless of this thing here and I'm ranting, OK!?) What I'm trying to say is I was aroused and speechless at the same time right there and then.

Looking into those black eyes I couldnt help but notice her curiosity towards me and Im sure she could see the same in mine towards her. Why did you save me? I asked finally, breaking the ice, (Ha, that's funny right there, in this smoldering place.). I dont know I felt like I had to after seeing you have so much trouble trying to kill yourself. she answered. Then I asked. Where am I? You really dont know or can't guess? she asked me back wickedly smiling. At that I asked herAm I dead, is this hell? to this she replied, Depends on what you mean by dead and yes this is a part of hell. I looked at her oddly and was trying to figure out what her intentions for me were with her answers. Is she going to torment me forever, perhaps rip me to shreds with those menacing long black nails of hers? Or maybe shell just frikkin eat me for eternity, slowly roasting me over those nice hot coals down below. i read hte bible, I know that people who commit suicide go straight to hell and stuff. Either way there had to be a reason for all of this; you just dont commit suicide, die then end up in hell and meet a scorching hot babe. Do you? I thought I'd try a different tactic to be coy and asked, Whats your name? Ive never been given a name. she stated. With that statement I was like okay whoa Nellie! What in the hell, (Literally I might add.) is going on here? What do you mean you have no name? Everyone and everything has a name I said as a matter of fact Would you like to give me a name? it doesnt really matter down here. she asked and said giggling playfully now as she unfolded from her weird position,still squatting and inching her way closer to me wings flapping slightly. Now Im like really freaking out and damn confused, about to for sure shit my pants. I back off away from her/it a little bit, keeping my distance. I kept on with the questions, hoping I could just keep her busy talking so she wouldn't suck the blood out of me or something, Arent you suppose to be giving me eternal torment or something right about now. I took my own life, isnt this hell like you said?

I flinched a little as she threw her head back laughing loudly and she quickly stood up with her hands on her hips all sexy like. She spread out her leathery wings displaying them majestically. She winked at me saying in a most erotic voice, Sure sweetie, if you want me to. Im game if you are, after all this is hell. Is torment what you want? She started dancing around me, teasing me as I sat there nervously watching her circling me. The reddish glow glistening off the droplets of sweat on her body made her look hellishly beautiful. She made cute evil faces at me while taking non- threatening swipes at my chest with her long nails, shed come up from behind me growling and purring softly while nibbling at my ears with her small fangs. Scary in a way, (Considering where I was.) but not really all out run for your life scarey, it was definitely turning me on though in a sick twisted way. Then with a powerful flap of her wings she flew up a few

feet above me and started doing sexy flips and spins in the air like a pole dancer in a night club. Except this was way better than any strip club Ive ever been to, there was no money needed here and she was doing it without a brass pole, (Awesomeness!)

She continued dancing, arching her back and spreading her long legs while upside down. She was keeping herself aloft by using her wings and the thermal up draft from the fire below. Expertly graceful and being sensual as all hell, (Crap forgot where I was for a second there, no wonder she was good at this.) I couldnt take my eyes off of her. She smiled sinfully at me every time she took a glance towards me from behind her wings. Obviously checking if I was watching and man did she have my undivided attention. I began to laugh inside as I sat there hypnotized, thinking that I could spend an eternity with this kind of tormented damnation, no frikkin problem. She finished with a perfect landing an arms length away from me, kneeling in front of me striking a final pose, her breasts exposed and heaving all out of breath. Her wings were gently flapping up and down slowly, cooling the sweat steaming off her body. Was that enough torment for you? she asked. Yes. was all I could say. I tried and failed to resist the urge to reach for her hand and pull her to me. She knew what I wanted and eagerly put her hand in mine so I could bring her close and kiss her passionately. She wrapped her wings around the both of us and then we made love. There was no waiting or hang on a minute bull crap and best of all, no fumbling for the condom. It was like it was just meant to be, (I was having hot burning sex in hell and it was feeling fantastic)

We laid there panting on the rock ledge when we were done, all fear gone from me and not caring that I was in hell anymore. She rolled over and rested her head on my chest gently raking her long nails against my skin with one of her wings draped over our naked bodies. I did not tell you the true reason why I saved you from falling. she softly whispered to me. What do you mean? I gently asked. You werent meant to be here with me in this part of hell. I slowly sat her up and she wouldnt look at me like she was in trouble or did something wrong. I gently caressed her cheek and turn her face towards mine. Tell me what the matter is. I asked worriedly. You were supposed to fall straight down to the furthest part of hell and be eternally damned. I looked into her eyes as she said this and saw sadness within those black eyes. She then spoke of how shes been watching me from down here, seeing me come and go in and out of that sleazy motel room, pacing back and forth on its dirty floor, knowing that I wanted to commit suicide. She also said that she fell in love with me as time went by and I was contemplating how to end my own life. "By divine law an angel was to appear before you to help you prevent this but I asked the powers that be to give me a chance to be with you just once. Both masters of heaven and hell decided to let this happen." she said to me. But wait, I didnt fall all the way plus Im already dead we can be together always. I corrected. No, youre only half dead, youre clinging to life by a thread on that rope still and youre only at the entrance to hell with a chance to still go back.I'm helping keep you alive. she said apologetically. No, I know I died, I heard my neck snap like a twig. I

said, not understanding. Easily healed by beings from either realm of heaven or hell, believe me you still have hope if you ask for it I couldnt believe what she was saying to me. Here I am on the edge of the abyss for committing suicide and then I get saved by this compassionate beauty from hell. My brain was reeling with all this new information. I kept going over it in my head and every time it just didnt make any sense at all. I love you and don't truly want to see you go but please ask for another chance at life, I do not want to see you burn for eternity. she said it so softly it hurt me deep inside my heart. I looked her straight in the eyes and told her I loved her too and that I didnt want to go back. I never thought I would see anyone or anything cry because of me, but here she was this creature with her head down, shedding tears for me. Looking up from that rocky ledge I could see the pin prick of light that is my life way up there like a star. I turned to face her again and gently I wiped the tears from her eyes and said, I dont want to leave you; youre the first of anything that has ever made me feel true love, if this is the only way I can make you smile then Ill ask for a second chance at life. Thank you, Ill be eternally watching you from here and know that I will always be smiling for you, perhaps on a not too distant night you'll find up there the love I gave to you down here. she said this while leaning against me to kiss me softly. Then like a rocket and without warning I was catapulted up away from her, she had her arms reaching out for me as she fell to her knees still crying and tormented watching me being brought back to the light above which was her wish. I watched her get smaller and smaller as I was being lifted up higher and faster now till she was lost in the darkness as the fire dimmed below. I entered the bright light and it blinded me, I couldnt see jack shit, then

I woke up on the dirty motel room floor, coughing and gasping taking in deep breaths as my vision cleared up. My head hurt and I reached to feel a sore blood encrusted bump on it. The noose I made from the rope was still around my neck and the fan that it was tied to had been ripped out off the ceiling, probably hitting my brain-pan when the chair fell out from under me Knocking me out cold. I got up and took off the rope that almost but failed to help me kill myself. I looked around the room, it was a wreck but still the same as I remembered it. There was glass all over the floor in the bathroom with bloody foot prints leading out of it, then broken drywall and Spackle from the ceiling all over the bedroom area. Shit Im gonna hear it from the manager if I dont leave fast. I said to myself feeling bad about what Ive done. I cleaned up everything the best I could, I threw away the razor blades, broken glass, wiped away the bloody foot prints and picked up all the debris that fell from the ceiling. I then took the bullets from the gun and flushed them down the toilet, (That took multiple flushes by the way.) I pulled out the broken glass and cleaned the painful cuts on the bottom of my feet. Soon after I took a quick shower then packed up my clothes, the empty gun as well as the rope. I left the motel room before the manager could ever see the mess I made, leaving my deposit behind. I walked down the street to a twenty-four hour pawn shop and got some cash for the unused gun. I then went to a nearby park, sat down on a bench and watched the sun come up. I sat there a while wondering if my near death experience was nothing more than a nutty dream made by the booze, sleeping pills and oh yea, the lack of oxygen to my stupid brain.

A year went by with no thoughts of suicide at all. I got a good job a nice apartment and made some friends along the way. One night I felt like treating myself and went to my local bar, (And yes it was a topless one of course.) I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. I usually enjoy my drinks at the bar but this time I sat on pervert row, right at the stage. The dancers came out one after the other stripping for my hard earned cash but none had the skills that I experienced at the gates of you know where a year ago. I dropped a ten dollar bill on the floor and as I bent down to pick it up I bumped my head on the hard wooden stage. Son of a I cursed out loud. I looked up laughing along with the guys on either side of me who were watching the dancers too. I turned and looked behind me all embarrassed to see who else had seen that when I didnt even notice her when I walked in; she was bar-tending and was most likely on break when I entered the club. She had the same jet black hair, cut exactly the same as the girl of my so called dream. She had an amazing golden tan, totally semi Gothic and was wearing a backless, plunging V-neck top with tight little shorts showing off her athletic figure. She was dolled up with black lipstick, dark eye-shadow and liner with big gorgeous coal black eyes. She also had long perfectly manicured nails painted that familiar black color. Most intriguing of all I thought was her back, as she turned and walked back and forth working the bar, I could see she had bat wings perfectly tattooed and beautifully inked into her soft looking skin. I had to go talk to her, I couldnt resist, (You could even say I was drawn to her somehow.) I walked up to the bar and waited my turn to order another drink. She took my order and as she was making it I asked, Is this your main job, bartending I mean? she answered me honestly saying, Oh not even honey, I volunteer part time for a suicide hotline when Im not here. I looked down at the floor wondering if someone was smiling up at me just then. Wanna hear about the suicide attempt that I had not too long ago? I asked her wishfully and hopeful as she handed me my drink. At that she leaned up against the bar, looked deep into my eyes curiously, questioning my intent. When she felt secure that I wasn't just some creep trying to hit on her she winked at me giggling and said, Sure sweetie, what the hell?

A Vicious Habit
by Mike Anthony Espinal on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 10:57pm . The Mother Superior hurried all the sisters along as the sun began to set in the west. The young sisters, all frantically gathered their gardening and farming tools as they shuffled

along nervously watching the shadows of the mountain convent grow darker around them. This night the full moon rises. Mother Superior was very old and all the sisters helped her along as her feebleness hindered the old nun to keep up with them. They briskly walked as fast as possible towards and through the convents entrance as the suns last rays disappeared. Once within the convent doors, all the sisters followed the Mother superiors instructions to the letter. They quickly locked the convent doors and windows with thick timber and strong chains and secured the ancient building. The young sisters finally get Mother Superiors nod of approval and they hastily run to their rooms to pray behind locked doors. The old nun makes her rounds on every floor of the convent to assure none of the sisters have strayed or slacked in their duties for the convents security. The last thing Mother Superior does before she locks herself in her own room to pray is walk to check Magdalenas room. The old nun takes out a ring of keys from under her habit; she systematically checks all the chains and locks on the door to make sure they are secured then barricades the door with a board of thick timber. When the Mother Superior is satisfied the door to the bedroom is secured, she then speaks through the door nervously, Magdalena? Are you all secured child? a young female voice softly answers back from inside the locked room, Yes Mother Superior, Ive been secured very tightly. Very well then, Ill check on you when the sun rises; May god watch over your soul my child. she says then makes the sign of the cross and hurries to her own room and locks herself in. As the full moon rises in the evening sky, Mother Superior and all the young sisters shiver and pray frantically in their rooms as the blood curdling screams of agony and torment begin to echo through the dark halls of the convent from Magdalenas room. Magdalena was a very young child when she was violently attacked and her family was killed. On that horrific night, she would never forget the brigands faces and the deep ugly scar their leader had on his evil grinning face. Her father, who was very strong, fought bravely and tried to defend his family but was out numbered and ended up hacked to pieces by the brigand leaders huge axe. The men held her down and violated her as she watched her mother, and older sister being brutally raped as well. Soon afterwards as the full moon rose in the sky, she watched in horror as the brigands shape shifted into terrifying beasts of unknown evil. She screamed as her mother and sister were sadistically ripped and torn apart then eaten right before her very eyes. The leader of the brigands now covered in blood, bit her on her tiny chest viciously with his sharp teeth and left her scarred for life. The young girl swore an oath of revenge before losing consciousness, that unknown to her would soon curse her life forever. The villagers found her bloody and barely alive on her familys farm the next morning; they thought she would surely die that day. Magdalena miraculously healed a few days after being found. The villagers sent her to the convent in the mountains claiming that she must be possessed. Magdalena was raised as a nun at the convent and worked very hard like all the other young sisters but never recited her vows as they did. When she reached puberty, and began to blossom, she would go into the village to sell vegetables and produce from the gardens with the other convent sisters. The young women in the village were very jealous of her, they would tease and spit at her, they scorned her calling her foul names because

she wasnt truly a nun but lived as one. Magdalena was heavenly beautiful. The cropped haircut she wore out of respect for her convent sisters was honey blonde with silky short curls. A flawless face with captivating eyes a mesmerizing golden hazel color enhanced by long thick eyelashes. Her full deliciously inviting lips, naturally colored a soft rosy pink, would make any man kill another to taste just one kiss from them. Her body, very tall, voluptuous and strong from working the fields, had a sensual walk that was noticeably erotic even though she tried her best to hide it underneath her habit. The young men found her irresistibly attractive and knowing she wasnt a true nun would whistle at her and try to coax her into all kinds of carnal activities, offering her sweets, gifts and jewelry to see if she would just bed with any of them one time. Poor Magdalena always ignored and resisted the villagers abuse and temptations. She lived sheltered within the walls of the convent a long time. She ate, slept, prayed and lived the best she could as one of the sisters. She was satisfied with her life as it was, until her eighteenth birthday when everything she knew changed. The day of her birthday was a happy and meek one; all the sisters and Mother Superior celebrated her birth with cakes and pastries after morning prayer. The rest of the day was like any other at the convent, the sisters and Magdalena happily tilling the soil and weeding the gardens that were fruitful and well tended. As the day went on the sisters continued giving well wishes and blessings to her and she was constantly smiling never remembering being happier. At the end of the day when all the work in the fields and gardens was finished, Magdalena strolled over to the nearby stream thanking god for such a beautiful day. The cold water felt refreshing on her soft supple skin as Magdalena washed at the edge of the stream. The sun was setting fast on the horizon; she had a very long day in the fields and wanted to clean up quickly before evening prayer and dinner. She washed the dirt off her pretty face and neck, her enticing arms, legs and thighs. She stared at her reflection in the water as she was washing her full firm bosoms, when she noticed the bite mark on her left breast strangely radiating faintly. It lasted only a few seconds then fading back to normal. She thought that odd but thought of it as just the dimming light playing tricks on her vision. Magdalena looked around assuring herself no one was watching and covered her body within her habit and started to head towards the convent. The sun had already set and she carefully made her way along the darkened path. She stopped walking to look up and see the convent completely silhouetted and shadowed by the full moon rising up behind it, amazingly enormous and a pale yellow. Magdalena was staring at the celestial majesty of it wondering why it looked so much bigger this evening, when suddenly She was bathed in a ray of light; so bright and blinding that she couldnt see. She heard singing all around her and the vibrations from it began making her convulse and shake uncontrollably. She became engulfed in fire and she began to scream in agony; her habit burned off her young body and left her naked as she began to levitate off the ground. Her skin though not blistered or burned from the fire became marked with geometric designs and shapes as though something was drawing them on to her. The markings began to glow just under her skin giving off there own luminescence. Her whole body was marked except for her face, hands and feet. Her hair which was cropped short had grown to full length down to the small of her back, thick, beautiful and writhing with a life of its own.

The young body that was once just blossoming was now very tall, voluptuous and made stronger with a warriors physique. The fire that was spinning around her produced a revealing battle armor that showed off her new heavenly curves. Her eyes have now become a molten golden color and were aflame with righteous fire. She had become angelic with wings that had torn through the flesh on her back, like those of a dove and were made of silver feathers sharp as steel blades. A thundering voice began to speak, I have heard your oath from when you were a child and now I shall hold you to it. I have made you stronger as you wished, the mark you received that night long ago, will now be your source for seeking out evil injustices where ever it may be; you will forever transform henceforth into the being you are now on the night of every full moon and will seek out and combat evil that transforms as you now will. You will be barren and childless, you will never know a mans love or touch and you will never use your new powers wantonly. You will shed two types of tears when you pray one normal for your sadness and sacrifice and the other tears of blood for the martyred. During the daylight you will live by my word and carry a cross; at its center a skull of death. For you are a vicious angel now of my own making and will rain death down on all evil and sinners alike. For this reason you must be restrained, chained and locked away from eradicating meager injustices. I have sent a messenger this night to your Mother Superior with instructions on how to do this so that you may be controlled. This convent will forever be your haven. That is my decree, do you accept? Thy will be done father Magdalena agreed. Then go now and purge the unclean, seek out the evil and injustices that wronged you and the other faithful servants of this world! The meek little farm looked peaceful as the family that lived there sat down to enjoy their meager dinner. Within the trees across the field the brigands were frothing at the mouth smelling the air savoring the fresh kill ahead. The scarred leader had just transformed into the powerful and menacing evil form and was about to give the order to attack and then unexpectedly The trees the brigands were hiding among suddenly exploded into fire, ashes and embers leaving them in a burned out clearing and exposed. They all looked up as Magdalena streaked down from the night sky like a falling star and landed before them. She stood there defiantly, sharp silver wings outstretched and her eyes emblazoned with fury. The brigands shielding their eyes from the light she was emanating, were angered and began to encircle Magdalena The brigand leader enraged, growled loudly, Who is this fool wench, that intrudes on my dining? the other brigands snarled and growled, annoyed and with malicious intent within their evil black eyes. You and your band owe a lifetime of debts brigand leader, and Ive been sent to collect! Magdalena bared her breast and brandished the mark to jolt the brigand leaders memory. This cannot be, you bear my mark, you should be evil as we are on the night of the full moon! the brigand leader said confused. My Holy Father works mysteriously does he not, foolish whelp? You marked me as a child and expected my servitude, yet here I am a woman marked anew and empowered by one more powerful than you! Magdalena said this as she closed in on the brigand leader. The other brigands suddenly attacked her from behind; Magdalena whirled and danced among them slicing through them with her silver wings, she burned them to cinders with her fiery gaze as they jumped and snapped at her

throat, missing with their huge fangs and swiped at her with their sinister claws raking only her armor. She was faster and more powerful; she made short work of the band of brigands and then turned to focus her attention on the scarred face of their leader. Her power was formidable and heaven sent, she relished in it and felt no quarter, she was blood drunk. They were no match for Magdalena and she knew it, some fled from her rage the others were laying in pieces at her feet. The Leader of the brigands who was larger and stronger came at Magdalena swinging and hacking with his axe. Magdalena parried the huge weapon with her wings and dodged its sharp edge, the scarred face of the leader was baring his fangs, hungry for her flesh and charged at her knocking her down to the ground, he grabbed hold of her throat and as he held her down, drooled on her face as he prepared to cleave her skull in two. I can smell the fear you once had as a child, I should have fed on your flesh when I had the chance long ago. he growled as he opened his jaws wide, his dagger sized fangs about to plunge into her chest again as the axe came down towards her head. At that moment Magdalena remembered watching her father, mother and sister being killed, the memory filled her with a wrath she has never felt before. Since that night all she could think of was being helpless and weak at the time and not being able to help her family. The anger and pain welled within her, it gave her renewed strength. It was your undoing that was your mistake beast, I was just a girl then, tonight I am an instrument of god. Feel his wrath by my hand! Her right hand flared with white hot flame and she plunged it deep into the chest of the brigand leader on top of her and grabbed hold of his black heart. Extending her wings powerfully she lifted them both high into the air as she pulled back her hand and ripped out the black and evil thing, still beating and dripping filth within in her flaming hand. She let go of the brigand leaders corpse and watched it hit the ground with a loud bone crushing sound. With a bolt of golden flame from her eyes she incinerated the bodies of the brigands and then dug her nails deep into the heart she held and burned it out of existence. Magdalena frowned at the carnage she has caused after she purged the area but understood its necessity. She has become a powerful guardian of innocence and knew nothing will ever be the same again. Evil has a new enemy and she was now its worst nightmare. For you father, I forsake all earthly pleasures and do your bidding. She whispered this as she flew off into the night sky. Mother Superior, she is here! yelled one of the sisters. Magdalena was in the garden amongst the flowers, weak and naked. The markings on her skin still there but not glowing now, her hair short again and her body back to normal. She sat up dizzily shielding her eyes from the bright morning sun and saw the other sisters from the convent and Mother Superior hurrying to her. Mother Superior covered Magdalena with a cloak and carefully helped her to her feet. Come child, lets get you bathed and fed, I have asked the sisters to prepare a new room for you. Her voice was understanding and comforting. Yes Mother Superior, I know what we must do. Magdalena replied weakly. We love and admire you child, not everyone receives such a gift from god, perhaps now this world will be heaven on earth because evil and evildoers now have something to fear as well. Mother Superior said this tearfully, knowing the unselfish act Magdalena has

made for all of them and her god. An oath she made and will have to keep and a curse she will have to endure till the end of her days.

Just a thought
by Mike Anthony Espinal on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 3:29pm I once believed that I could help the world I knew by looking after it. Like a father, brother or maybe a good Samaritan, with force if need be, heartless, aggressive, cold, a vigilante to protect the way my world has bred me to protect my own. Maybe perhaps, try to lock it away safely from those who would harm my family and friends, like a warm blanket knitted with chains and barbed wire. Yet I've always known I am just one man. How could I shield mine and those other people and children who I hold dear to not ever see the hatred or the destruction, greed, deceit, hunger that today's world can teach a person or young child to survive in. Perhaps one day after the lies, the tears, the blood, the explosions and all the pain and death that us as peers and role models have left our children to witness and endure; Maybe, just maybe after all is said and done, It will be bliss for them, contentment, heaven in a perfect world; Maybe one day, we can all look down from above or up from below (You know what you've done in this life, I presume), when we're gone and they are left to fend for themselves; Perhaps we can testify to the generations after our denial and self destruction; That bright smiles and sparkling eyes and laughter are from knowing that they are at peace in the world. That they are in a better place in the future without us because of our/well their forefathers and foremothers histories and legacies. Try and remember our past joys and laughter, our wishes and prayers and above all our faiths. I think our children are the reason the Gods of all races live and the angels & protectors of all mankind cry here for us now..... {Just my opinion, disregard if it doesn't apply to you.}

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