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SIOP Lesson Plan

Topic: Conductors and Insulators Lesson #7 of 16 lessons on Electric Circuits Content Objectives: I will use a circuit tester to identify conductors and insulators. Class: 4th Grade Science Teacher: Kari Safieddine Language Objectives: I will share my predictions and record my data on a predictions/results chart. Date: November 15, 2012

Key Vocabulary: New insulator, conductor Review observations, predictions, circuit tester, data, scientific explanation claim and justification Higher-Order Questions:

Materials (including supplementary and adapted): Science notebooks Circuit tester- (battery, 2 wires, light bulb on tray with clips) 1 pack of assorted small objects per pair of students Could include paper clip, marble, nail, toothpick, copper wire, pencil, straw, golf tee, chalk, etc.

What is the difference between conductors and insulators in terms of how electric energy flows? Be sure to include evidence (justification) in your answer. Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): Time: 45 minutes Scaffolding: Grouping: Processes: Strategies: _x_ Modeling _x_ Guided _x_ Independent

_x_ Whole Class _x Small Group _x_ Partners _x_ Independent _x_ Reading _x_ Hands-on _x_ Writing _x_ Listening _x_ Independent

_x_ Meaningful

_x_ Links to Objectives

1. Have students read the following paragraph in a small group (3 or 4) each student reads at least one sentence. Some materials allow electrons to flow and are called conductors. They have a low resistance to the flow of electrons. Other materials have a very high resistance to the flow of electrons and are called insulators. Metals have low resistance to electricity flow and make good conductors. Explain to students that they are going to conduct an investigation to figure out which items in the bag are conductors and which are insulators. Review the items by reading them from a list that you will post for students to use for spelling the words. 2. Model the following steps twice before the pairs begin the assignment: Pick an item and write it on the chart. Use one example that is a conductor, and one that is not.

SIOP Lesson Plan

Tell your partner I predict that ______ will be a conductor because______________. Review old vocabulary word prediction. Remind them that predictions do not have to be correct. Have students practice using this model that is posted for them. Record your prediction on the chart. Test the item using the circuit tester. Ask the students What does it mean if the bulb lights or doesnt light when you tough the ends of the wires to the _______? Review the definitions of conductor and insulator. Record your answer on the chart. (You may have charts already made up with the items listed on them- this will save time for students who have a hard time copying. You should also have extra spaces on the chart available for students who finish early they can test other items they find in the classroom.) Teacher should model recording data on the chart by filling in the answers on the overhead or whiteboard. Explain that partners should take turns picking an item and saying the prediction, but both should record the data on the chart. Review old vocabulary word data. Chart Example Item Predictions Experiment Result Conductor or Insulator

Light on?

Light off?


While students are working, walk around the room to monitor, help and assess for participation. If students are not orally making their predictions, stop and have a pair model for the class. Teacher can also give feedback, answer questions, and ask more challenging questions. *** This is a lesson that should be done when support staff is in the room. They can help to model how the predictions should be said, data should be recorded and materials should be used.

Time: 15 minutes

Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): Individual_X_ Group_X_ Written_X_ Oral_X_

1. Review answers as a whole group. Students will probably have some different answers for example one part of a pencil is a conductor but the other is an insulator, so stop and discuss why. Ask the class whether they notice any patterns. Which materials made good conductors? (Metals) Which materials made good insulators? (Glass, rubber, wood,

SIOP Lesson Plan

plastic, and others) Why did some materials make the light bulb shine brighter than others? 2. Have students respond to this writing prompt in their science notebooks. It should be labeled: Scientific Explanation (Remind students that a scientific explanation includes a justification and a claim) What is the difference between conductors and insulators in terms of how electric energy flows? Be sure to include evidence (justification) in your answer. Give them a sentence starter like The difference between conductors and insulators in terms of how electric energy flows is that a conductor and an insulator. I believe this because 3. Homework (For tomorrows discussion) Think about how electricity is used and transmitted in your own homes. What parts are conductors and what parts are insulators?

Review Key Vocabulary: Have students add a picture to the 2 new vocabulary words in their science notebooks. Review Key Content Concepts: (With partners) One partner should read aloud the Content Objective and the other the Language Objective. Ask whole class if all objectives were met. Ask them to justify this claim with evidence.

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